TRUE OR FALSE: themes can be applied to the general population


Answer 1


i would say true but im not 100% sure

Answer 2

Themes can be applied to the general population, but it is important to recognize that not everyone will share the same experiences or perspectives on a particular theme. Hence, the statement is true.

What are themes applied in population ?

Themes often emerge from patterns or commonalities found across different individuals, groups, or contexts, and can provide a useful framework for understanding and interpreting social phenomena.

However, themes should be used as a starting point for further investigation and analysis, and should not be assumed to apply uniformly to all members of a population without further exploration and validation. So, the statement is true but with some caveats.

Themes often emerge from patterns or commonalities found across different individuals, groups, or contexts, and can provide a useful framework for understanding and interpreting social phenomena.

Find more on themes in population :


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One person, place or thing is a singular noun. Having more than one things, or having multiple people or places, that's referring to plural nouns.

For example,

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We simply add s to the end of the noun for a lot of cases to make it a plural form. Though sometimes you'll have something like this

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A. by putting the point at the beginning of the speech so the audience hears it first l
B. by providing as many details as possible so that facts stay in listeners minds
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A i think


Answer:By putting the point at the end of the speech so the point remains in the audience’s minds


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In my opinion, I believe everybody has a different definition of an American Dream. Some families come to America for jobs, some for educations, and some for a chance at freedom. For me personally my parents' American Dream started when they were about 7 or 8. They migrated here from Mexico with my grandparents and they built a life here.

What would be the best topic sentence for the following paragraph?"
At the end of the
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nothing. The Cowboys defense prevented The Eagles from making any progress. However
something changed in the second half. The Eagles started with some luck early in the third quarter
when they recovered a fumble for a touchdown. This gave the underdogs the confidence to rally
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A. The Cowboys lose another game.
B. Football games are very unpredictable.

C. The Eagles upset The Cowboys in a close game.
D. The Eagles are clearly a playoff team.


The Cowboys–Eagles rivalry

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How do you feel people should respond when they hear perspectives that are hurtful to themselves or to others? Should they ignore them? Get angry? Or should they find a way to argue against the harmful perspectives? Write a paragraph or two in response.


Answer and Explanation:

This question is asking for a personal opinion. Consider the following answer an example, and feel free to change and adapt it to your own point of view:

When people hear perspectives that are hurtful to themselves or to others, they have, in my opinion, two options. They can either choose to ignore them or to argue against them. Some things must be taken into consideration when deciding which way to go, though. The person who is thinking of arguing may ask him/herself whether this discussion is worth the time and effort. They may consider their audience - perhaps the person who voiced the hurtful perspectives in the first place is rude, aggressive, even violent. In that case, it may very well be better to just let go, to just find a better place - and a better audience - to comment and discuss that matter.

If, however, he or she decides to argue - if the audience is open to it, if he or she feels it is worth their time and effort- , he or she must do so with confidence and patience. No hurtful perspective is worth getting angry over. As a matter of fact, once someone displays anger, he or she loses face.

from chapter 5 of Animal Farm. Which figure from Russian history does Napoleon most likely represent? ealer explained privately to the other leon had never in reality been opposed in the contrary, it was he who had beginning, and the plan which vn on the floor of the incubator shed stolen from among Napoleon's nill was, in fact, Napoleon's own n, asked somebody, had he spoken so 2 Here Squealer looked very sly. That, rade Napoleon's cunning. He had e the windmill, simply as a maneuver Dall, who was a dangerous character e. Now that Snowball was out of the d go forward without his interference. er, was something called tactics. He er of times, "Tactics, comrades, Cound and whiskina his tail with a O Lenin, who led the rebellion against the tsar in the name of communism O Marx, who outlined a new social philosophy in the Communist Manifesto O Stalin, who built a dictatorship under the guise of communism O Trotsky, who was ultimately banished from the Communist Party​





I've read the book


When it comes to the character Napoleon from "Animal Farm," we can say he most likely represents:

C. Stalin, who built a dictatorship under the guise of communism.

What is "Animal Farm"?

"Animal Farm" is an allegorical novella by George Orwell in which the animals and the events represent real-life people and historical events of the Russian revolution.

The purpose of the novel is to criticize the way communist leaders treated the Russian people after the Soviets began to govern the country.

Who is Napoleon in "Animal Farm"?

Napoleon is one of the pigs, which were chosen to be the leaders of the farm because they were the most intelligent among the animals.

At first, Napoleon shares the power with Snowball. However, he becomes a dictator, kicks out Snowball, and begins to exploit the other animals.

Who does Napoleon represent in Russian history?

Napoleon's actions are consistent with what Stalin did in Russia. Both built a dictatorship under the guise of communism. Like Stalin, Napoleon only pretended to care about the well-being of others.


What’s the answer to the question on the screen?



I think it's the second one .

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Creative Nina/ShutterstockWorking remotely can seem like a dream come true for many employees sick of their morning commutes — but it can present its own set of challenges

Answer: nursing

Explanation: you need to be most of the time with your patient to get a better understanding on what they’re feeling

explain how native advertisements might represent a conflict of interest in some cases



Following are the response to the given question:


In social media, websites, or app systems, domestic marketing is growing rapidly today. Such ads are paid ads, that look and function just like any other media content that view while surfing.

Interests issues arise when one's values are aroused by another. Television advertisements could in some situations represent a potential conflict of interest because some users/browsers need not distinguish the primary contents from the ad. As the ads appear quite similar to the material in their format, consumers may also be distracted while navigating.

This may cause fewer visits of the main contents and decrease the people's interest on some other platforms, and in some cases, native marketing may constitute a conflict of interest, as some users/browsers may well not distinguish between the principal material or marketing.

write and essay that analyzes one work of literature that you have read from the perspective of a quotation. In your essay, interpret the quotation and explain whether it applies to a work of literature you have read. Support your opinion using literary terms and elements as well as details from the text
lens quotation : “character is what you are in the dark”- dwight lyman moody
plz put da answer in da comments so i won’t get plagiarism!


Have you every heard of the book: “The betrayed” by Margret Haddix? It’s a well written book with many plots and twist. And, one quote that comes to mind when I read that book is found in chapter 13, it states: “I have keys. I have food. I have 24 hours. I need a plan.” This quote is very interesting, it’s the very foundation of the story itself. Nina who is a “shadow child” also know as an illegal “third born child” is fighting to survive the era she lives in. She knows that if she doesn’t focus enough to plot a plan to runaway from the police she will die along with three more children. So, this quote is a perfect demonstration of her circumstance.

Also, the quote: “I have keys. I have food. I have 24 hours. I need a plan.” Presents Nina speaking, it shows Nina desperation to runaway. In a way she is saying in a very subtle tone to herself: “Hurry Nina hurry!”. She has no time to spare, the clock is ticking and time moves fast. She knows that there are no do overs to her plan, if she fails she will suffer terrible consequences. But, if she succeeds then she will a free child away from the prison she is forced to be in. But, not only that she will be able to free the three other children trapped with her. So, it’s not only herself she is concerned about. She is concerned about the well-being of the three other children as well. The book says their names are Alia, Percy and Matthias.

Some literary terms inside the book are characterization, dialogue, genre, imagery, plot, etc. Let’s begin with genre, the book is a psychological thriller that keeps you hooked till the very last chapter. Every word and every quote is valuable to the foundation of the plot of the story. The characterization is also very important; the main protagonist in the story is Nina. She is a pretty, brave, and courageous girl who wants to escape from the custody of the police. The reasons are obvious, she is treated poorly in very unsanitary conditions. She is also given unappealing meals to eat, meals that only a pig would eat. And, she knows if she stays there she has to betray Alia, Percy and Matthias to save her own skin, or she would probably be used for the dirty work and later be murdered.

Based on the book Nina is absolutely sickened by the conditions she is living in. She doesn’t stand the cell she sleeps in day in and day out, and the food is awful. She is treated like a captive and not a human being, as if her being born had been a mistake. Page 1,2 of “Among the Betrayed” Nina thinks that being detained by the police is a dream so she tries to wake up. However, it’s not a dream; everything that’s happening to her is real. It’s possible that she suffered an episode of solipsism syndrome, where the person thinks that the reality they live in is not real. Chapter 1, page 1, states: “You were suppose to wake up from nightmares. That’s what Nina kept telling herself as she cowered on the floor of her concrete cell”. Here Nina is being hard on herself, she thinks that what she’s going through is a dream. Now, page 2 states: “Nina banged her head against the cement wall beside her”. Here, she is trying to wake herself up. However, to no avail she is still trapped in hell.

As you read more in Chapter 1 you can see the tormented conditions Nina is going through. She is physically and psychologically suffering, page 2 states: “Nina’s wrists and ankles were rubbed raw from the handcuffs and ankle cuffs that chained her to the wall. The skin had been whipped from her back; even the slightest touch of her skirt against her spine sent pain shrieking through her body. One of her eyes seemed to be swollen shut from the beating. Everything hurt.” Here you can see Nina has been beaten by the police and she suffers in the prison cell alone. Her body is in a tremendous pain and it’s hard for her to keep her stance as described in Chapter 1, page 4: “How hard it was to to keep her feet moving”. On Chapter 2, page 9 you can read how badly she detested the police: “Nina opened her eyes, angry enough to face the hating man without flinching”.

There are more passages that state the horrid situation Nina was facing while she was captured by the police. Chapter 3, page 10 states: “If morning came, Nina had no way of knowing it. She sat for hours, stiff and sore and heartbroken, huddled underneath the the harsh light of the one bare bulb”. Nina was completely in the dark, she couldn’t see daylight even if she wanted to. She only had one lightbulb to light her entire cell. Can you imagine the lack of illumination in her cell? Next, the food was in poor condition. Chapter 4, page 17 states: “Two thick crusts of black bread… and a wormy apple” you can tell the people having her captive doesn’t care about her having a proper diet or nutrition. With this kind of diet she can have serious health problems if she continues to eat this every day. With all these horrible conditions she was bound to yearn escaping and want her freedom.

By Hugh Lofting

Chapter 1: The Cobbler's Son
My name was Tommy Stubbins, son of Jacob Stubbins, the cobbler of Puddleby-on-the-Marsh; and I was nine and a half years old. At that time Puddleby was only quite a small town. A river ran through the middle of it; and over this river there was a very old stone bridge, called Kingsbridge, which led you from the market-place on one side to the churchyard on the other.

Sailing-ships came up this river from the sea and anchored near the bridge. I used to go down and watch the sailors unloading the ships upon the river-wall. The sailors sang strange songs as they pulled upon the ropes; and I learned these songs by heart. And I would sit on the river-wall with my feet dangling over the water and sing with the men, pretending to myself that I too was a sailor.

For I longed always to sail away with those brave ships when they turned their backs on Puddleby Church and went creeping down the river again, across the wide lonely marshes to the sea. I longed to go with them out into the world to seek my fortune in foreign lands—Africa, India, China and Peru! When they got round the bend in the river and the water was hidden from view, you could still see their huge brown sails towering over the roofs of the town, moving onward slowly—like some gentle giants that walked among the houses without noise. What strange things would they have seen, I wondered, when next they came back to anchor at Kingsbridge! And, dreaming of the lands I had never seen, I'd sit on there, watching till they were out of sight.

Which of the following best summarizes the main point of the plot as presented in the excerpt of "The Cobbler's Son"? (6 points)

Tommy had little hope of escaping his quiet life.
Tommy learned strange songs from sailors in his youth.
Tommy hoped to live a life of adventure in his youth.
Tommy lived in a quaint, small village in his youth.



Tommy hoped to live a life of adventure in his youth.

Which audience lends itself best to an informal style?

Your boss's boss

Your best friend

Your congressional representative

An older relative you don't know very well



Your best friend.


The general rule of thumb with informality is that you use it with people you know well. You probably don't know your boss's boss, and even then, respect is still expected, or your congressional representative, and it's even in the description with your older relative.

Most people would agree that you probably know your best friend pretty well, so they will be the best audience for an informal style.

Who are all the characters in The Burgess Boys?



The novel tells the story of the Burgess family — twins Susan and Bob and older brother Jim, who grew up in Shirley Falls, Maine, coping with a family accident from their childhood. Guilt wracks each of them, especially Bob, over the mishap that left their father dead


Please Mark me brainliest

Use the abstract noun forms of the word given in the bracket to fill in the blanks:
1. There is no______ in your writing. (clear)
2. Teacher said that there is no ________about the board exams. (inform)
3. We have to work hard to fulfill our parent's _________. (expect)
4. It's great to take ________ in our hard work. (proud)
5. ________ is the greatest curse. (blind)










hope that helps

Read the excerpt from chapter 6 of Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy.

Lizzie looked at him for a long time, tilting her head to one side as if trying to figure him out—which was what she was doing. "You're a strange person, you know that, Turner Buckminster? I wonder if you can see anything straight. What do you think your daddy would say if he saw us two standing out here right now? Or knew that I would be coming up to Mrs. Cobb's house just to hear you play?"

"He'd say hell and d*mnation. So you going to come?"

"I'll come. At high tide, when I can't be clamming anyway."

"Then I'll see you tomorrow at high tide, Lizzie Bright."

"Yes, you will," she said, and whistling softly, she turned toward the back of the yard. The sea breeze came down from the leaves and followed at her heels, jumping up now and again and frisking all around.

Turner snuck back inside, as quiet as could be, thinking of high tide.

In the excerpt, which most reveals Turner’s excitement about seeing Lizzie the following day?

A: Turner’s words: “He’d say h*ll and d*mnation.”
B: Turner’s act of sneaking quietly back inside the house.
C: Turner’s thoughts about high tide the following day.
D: Turner’s decision to meet with Lizzie the next day.



C: Turner’s thoughts about high tide the following day.


"Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy" tells the story of friendship, charm and fascination between Lizzie and Turner, two people from a completely different social class, but who find support and love in each other, despite the prohibition of their families and everything. prejudice and intolerance in society.

In the text presented in the question above, we can see that Lizzie and Turner are making arrangements to meet the next day, even though their parents do not allow it. Although Turner is very happy to meet Lizzie, what excites him most is the fact that the next day the tide is likely to be high and sailing at high tide is one of his favorite activities.


c, d, e


6. How would you describe Laika's
character? Are there points in the
story where she seems more like a
person than a dog? Explain your



Laila, the second female protagonist, is the youngest child and only daughter of Hakim and Fariba. ... Laila's idealism and independence are challenged when she decides to marry Rasheed in order to give her unborn child by Tariq a father.

Mark me as brainliest ❤️

Identify the proper noun in the following sentence. During class, Professor Dominquez lectured about insect life cycles



Professor Dominquez..

cause the first letter of a proper noun should always be a capital

All narratives ______, but they may use different elements to do so.


All narratives [tex]\sf\purple{tell \:a \:story}[/tex], but they may use different elements to do so.

[tex]\bold{ \green{ \star{ \orange{Mystique35}}}}⋆[/tex]

Which word has the most negative connotation?





it identifies the most negative connotation. it grasps on an unpleasant feeling.

What characteristics would you most associate with Lady Macbeth after
reading this speech?



D- Ambition and cruelty

Plz help
For there lay The Combs-the set of combs, side and back, that Della had worshipped long in a Broadway
window. Beautiful combs, pure tortoise shell, with Jewelled rims-Just the shade to wear in the beautiful
vanished hair. They were expensive combs, she knew, and her heart had simply craved and yearned over
them without the least hope of possession. And now, they were hers, but the tresses that should have
adomed the coveted adornments were gone.
But she hugged them to her bosom, and at length she was able to look up with dim eyes and a smile and say.
"My hair grows so fast, Jimi And them Della leaped up like a little singed cat and cried, 'Oh, ohr" Jim had not
yet seen his beautiful present. She held it out to him eagerly upon her open palm. The dull precious metal
seemed to flash with a reflection of her bright and ardent spirit."Isn't it a dandy, Jim? I hunted all over town to
find it You'll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now. Give me your watch. I want to see how it
looks on it
Instead of obeying, Jim tumbled down on the couch and put his hands under the back of his head and
smiled. Delia,' said he, "let's put our Christmas presents away and keep'em a while. They're too nice to use
Jest at present. I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs. And now suppose you put the chops
The magi, as you know, were wise men-wonderfully wise men-who brought gifts to the Babe in the manger.
They invented the art of giving Christmas presents. Being wise, thelr gifts were no doubt wise ones, possibly
bearing the privilege of exchange in case of duplication. And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful
chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of
their house. But in a last word to the wise of these days let it be said that of all who give gifts these two were
the wisest. O all who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest. Everywhere they are wisest. They are the

What character traits reveal about Della in
the passage above

She feels that it’s important to dress modestly

She has the ability to be unselfish and loving

She is prone to fits of passion

She has the ability to look over wrongs in order to preserve relationships



She has the ability to be unselfish and loving


trust me

what are the danger that teenagers must steer clear of it in their youth. ( mother Tears) class-9​


Teenagers are volatile. They tend to go where the wind blows. Proper guidance should be provided to them to help them grow into successful individuals when they grow up. They are very easily attracted to media and its contents which many a times lead them to indulgence in socially unacceptable acts. Parents must play an active role in imparting the importance of media and at the same time the disadvantages of the same by limiting access to media. Media influences a person to getting indulged in drinking and immoral acts which will prevent growth in a teenager mentally and emotionally.


teenagers are volatile

does she have to call him( into passive)​



Is he has to be called by her?


Active voice is when the subject acts upon the verb. In other words, active voice is when the subject is at the front of the sentence.

On the other hand, passive voice is when the subject is the receiver of the verb. This means that the subject is placed after the verb in the sentence.

The given sentence "does she have to call him?" can be changed into the passive voice as

Is he has to be called by her?

Here, the "does" in the active voice becomes nonexistent in the passive voice, being replaced by the helping verbs "is/am/are" in the new sentence.

5. Which statement is INCORRECT about water cycle? A. Water cycle provides the earth with the constant supply of fresh water. B. Water cycle has nothing to do on the growth of animals and plants. C. Water cycle provides abundant supply of water. D. Water cycle helps livings things become healthy.





The water cycle does have to do with the growth of animals and plants. It is very important and they need it to aurvive.


B .


what type of clause is the following? if you follow these guidelines independant clause, dependent clause, primary clause, and main clause



Dependent clause.


A dependent clause is a clause or group of words that cannot stand on its own as a sentence. They need to be part of another clause, an independent clause, to be in a sentence. They contain a subject and a verb but cannot function as a complete sentence or thought.

In the given clause "if you follow these guidelines", the presence of the conditional adverb "if" makes it a dependent clause.

Thus, the correct answer is a dependent clause.

Which key details does Orwell include to support the central idea that Snowball uses his language skills to manipulate the other animals



B). "After much thought Snowball declared that the Seven Commandments could in effect be reduced to a single maxim, namely: 'Four legs good, two legs bad.'"

C). "A bird's wing, comrades,' he said, 'is an organ of propulsion and not of manipulation. It should therefore be regarded as a leg.'"

D). "The birds did not understand Snowball's long words, but they accepted his explanation, and all the humbler animals set to work to learn the new maxim by heart."

E). "When they had once got it by heart, the sheep developed a great liking for this maxim, and often as they lay in the field they would all start bleating 'Four legs good, two legs bad!'"


In the context of the novel 'Animal Farm' authored by George Orwell, the above statement reflects Snowball's use of his linguistic skills to influence other animals at the farm.

As the novel aims to satirize the Russian Revolution and comment upon the brutality, exploitation, and incompetence of the Stalin government. Orwell establishes Snowball as the representative of a white man('Leon Trotsky who was an intellectual theorist, leader, and revolutionary') in opposition to Stalin. The above excerpts show how he uses his communications skills to influence other animals at the farm in order to establish a separate authority of their own. Hence, options B, C, D, and E are the correct options.  

Which of the following is the best example of one-way listening?

A) a dialog between a woman and her dog
B) a classroom conversation
C)a political speech
D) a dialog between a husband and wife



The correct answer is C. A political speech is the best example of one-way listening.


It is called "one-way listening" to communicational situations in which there is a clearly defined sender and receiver, but in which the sender (who is speaking) and the receiver (who is listening) never exchange their roles. That is, where there is no conversation, but a single speech by the sender, while the receiver only functions as a listener. Thus, a political discourse, in which there is only one speaker and the listeners never participate in the message, is a clear example of one-way listening.

Which propaganda technique is being used in the following statement? "My opponent is much younger than I, and has not learned to be responsible enough to do this job."



Ad hominem.


Propaganda techniques are the devices or techniques used to attack one's opponents. Such techniques are used to influence the readers or listeners, in the hope of appealing to their desires and support.

The given statement is an example of ad hominem because it makes a personal attack on the opponent rather than the argument. The speaker talks of the young age of his opponent, which he states, makes him unsuitable for the job. This argument is based on the capability of the opponent and a personal attack, which makes the whole statement invalid.

Thus, the correct answer is ad hominem.




its obvious

I tried to finish the meal, but the burned meat was as tough as leather, and I began to wonder whether I was eating someone’s old sneakers. Which type of figurative language does the sentence contain? idiom metaphor personification simile





A figures of speech is also referred to as figurative language and it can be defined as a deliberate and specific construction or use of language by writers, authors or speakers to create a special effect in their speech or literary work (write-ups).

In English literature, the main purpose of the figures of speech (figurative language) is to convey more information and enable the readers or listeners have a deeper understanding of a literary work. Some examples of the figures of speech (figurative language) used in literature are simile, paradox, metaphor, apostrophe, hyperbole, personification, etc.

Metaphor is an implied comparison without the use of the word as or like. It involves creating a direct similarity between two words or things.

Idioms are phrases that may be impossible to interpret or difficult to understand based on a loose translation of the words contained therein. Therefore, idioms are everyday language that shouldn't be interpreted literally but in a figurative sense.

Personification involves intentionally attributing life, human characteristics (qualities) or feelings and emotions to inanimate objects i.e non-living things.

Simile has to do with comparison of two things using as or like.

Hence, the type of figurative language used in the above sentence is simile because the burned meat was compared with leather (old sneakers) using as.


D) simile


Paraphrase this text from the Ellis Island site.
“Ellis Island doctors were particularly watching for signs of contagious diseases. Incurable diseases included trachoma and tuberculosis and guaranteed a return trip to where the immigrant came from.”


jis isit la yo ka resevwa kék pwen


It was important for doctors at Ellis Island to spot people with contagious diseases. If immigrants had a serious illness that could not be treated, they were not permitted and had to go home.


This is not exactly the text's words, so paraphrasing means putting it in your own words.

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To appeal to a population who voted for the abolition of slavery C. To appeal to members of the audience who are former slave owners D. To appeal to women in the audience who support women's suffrage An unconditional acceptance into a graduate program at a university will be given to students whose GMAT score plus 100 times the undergraduate grade point average is at least 1075. Robbin's GMAT score was 800. What must her grade point average be in order to be unconditionally accepted into the program?Robbin's grade point average must be at least ___ in order to be unconditionally accepted into the program. A structural model of retinol is shown below. How many carbon atoms are inretinol?. 14. 28. 20D. 5 what is the measure of 4? When a constant force acts upon an object, the acceleration of the object varies inversely with its mass. When a certain constant force acts upon an object withmass 7 kg, the acceleration of the object is 4 m/s?. If the same force acts upon another object whose mass is 2 kg, what is this object's acceleration? Suppose that the price of labor (PL) is $7 while the price of capital (PK) is $10. Also, suppose that the marginal product of labor (MPL) is 20 while the marginal product of capital (MPK) is 30. What is the best advice for a profit-maximizing firm ? I. Complete the dialogue below by following the directions in parentheses. (20 points; 4 points each)Camarero: Buenas tardes y bienvenidos al restaurante!Cliente: (Thank and greet the server.)Camarero: Qu le puedo servir?Cliente: (As a main dish, you want a spinach salad and ham.)Camarero: Muy bien. Quiere algo para beber?Cliente: (To drink, you want mineral water.)Camarero: Le traigo algo ms?Cliente: (For dessert, you want a fruit salad.)Camarero: Le traigo la cuenta?Cliente: (Respond using a double object pronoun.)II. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate indirect object pronouns. (10 points; 2 points each)1. Qu vas a regalar a tu hermana por su cumpleaos?2. Mis padres mandaron un pastel a mis hermanos y a m.3. Pedro llam a m antes de llamarte a ti.4. Yo voy a invitar a Mario y a ti.5. Por favor, camarero, triga sal a los chicos.III. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate direct object pronouns. (10 points; 2 points each)1. Me trae el caf. Me trae.2. Le recomiendo la langosta. Se recomiendo.3. Voy a pedir las patatas fritas. Voy a pedir .4. Los estudiantes quieren los nuevos uniformes. Los estudiantes quieren.5. El perro quiere tu zapato. El perro quiere.IV. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate indirect object and direct object pronouns. (20 points; 2 points each)1. El camarero me trae la ensalada. El camarero trae.2. La maestra nos da la tarea. La maestra da.3. Antonio me mand la carta. Antonio mand.4. Yo te doy el libro de matemticas. Yo doy.5. Juana le dio la pelota al perro. Juana dio.6. Yo te traigo la torta. Yo 7. Juan le pasa la pimienta a su hermana. Juan pasa.8. El profesor les reparte los exmenes a los estudiantes. El profesor reparte.9. Raquel os da las entradas. Raquel da.10. Mi madre compr los zapatos para m. Mi madre compr.ANSWER ALL PLS Why are the largest craters we find on the Moon and Mercury so much larger than the largest craters we find on the Earth write a couple of paragraph about your plans after see1 paragraph should have 50 words Would US intervention be considered ethnocentric? Why or why not ?