When writing a work cited citation for a website what to date do you need


Answer 1
You typically need the date you visited the website, as well as the date the website/ article was published (this is at least for the most common type of citation, MLA; it is also helpful for many other citations)

Hope this helps!

(If you have any questions about how I got my answer, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, if you found my answer helpful please consider awarding me brainliest, Thanks!!)

Related Questions

02.Read and complete sentences with verbs in the paretheses. Use the present continuous tense.(1,5)

b) The teacher _____________________________ in a class. ( to teach)


d) They _____________________________________ to music. ( to listen)

e) I _________________________________________ music. ( to learn)

f) He _______________________________________English very well. ( to speak)



a) are playing
b) is teaching
c) watching
d) are listening
e) am learning
f) is speaking



1 have to teach

2 have to teach

3 have to listen

4have to learn

5 have to speak

Thought about Mary had a little lamb???



not good


very short

I would like to think that it is very very interesting

Which of the following is not an example of theme



The last one Tom swam in the sea


because "Tom swam in the sea"  is as if just came straight out of an article.

i think honesty is the best policy

"Therefore I shall speak to you of love. Speak in the night. Speak before both night and love are gone—and the eye of day looks upon my sorrow and my shame; upon my blackened face; upon my burnt-up heart." In "The Lagoon" by Joseph Conrad, what theme does the story within a story help to convey?


Answer: See explanation


Your question doesn't have any options attached. I searched online and I got the same question in two separate places but got different options for those two similar question. The correct answers to the both questions are given below. Kindly, choose one of the options which your question is about.

The correct options are:

1. Love is the greatest driving force in human decisions.

2. There is tremendous pain in losing something precious

Kindly, choose the option that's similar to what you've.

Help, please!

What is the correct way to write this:

I grabbed my phone and wrote "goodbye". Once again, I held back. I had an uneasy feeling that tells me this person is not my father! But I ignored the feelings and sent the text.



I grabbed my phone and wrote "goodbye". Once again, I held back. I had an uneasy feeling that tells me this person is not my father! But I ignored the feelings and sent the text.


You actually wrote it correct

Which verb form is used to indicate the perfect progressive tense?

verb + -ed
be + verb + -ing
have + been + verb + -ing
have + verb + -ed


The second one is used in the indicate

The verb form that is used to indicate the perfect progressive tense is be + verb + -ing. The correct option is b.

What is the perfect progressive tense?

The perfect progressive tense is a category of verb tense used to mark the end of an ongoing action. It covers the past perfect progressive tense, the present prefect progressive tense, and the future perfect progressive tense.

It is also called the perfect continuous tense and then is used to say that an event or action is, was, or will be continually occurring but that it is, was, or will be completed at a later time, or that it relates to a later time. The perfect progressive has a present, a past, and a future, just like other verb tenses. To form the perfect progressive, use the appropriate tense of the verb have with been and the progressive (-ing) tense of the main verb.

The present perfect progressive says that a continuous action started in the past and relates to the present.

Learn more about tense, here:



Questions 14-19
Last weekend, it (example) __was__ (be) our grandmother's 90th birthday. We (14) _________ (decide) to have a large family dinner as a celebration. Everyone was there except my uncle because he works overseas. Besides cooking fantastic dishes for grandma, we also (15) _________ (plan) a surprise for her.

While everyone (16) _________ (get) ready to have cake, my mother and I (17) _________ (pull) out a large gift box. It was as huge as a refrigerator! My grandma opened the box and she was really surprised because my uncle was inside the box! She was in tears because she (18) _________ (not see) him for so long. Everybody also (19) _________ (feel) as emotional as she did.



14) decided
15) planed
16) was getting
17) pulled
18) had not seen
19) felt

Hope it helps you

Complete the passage by changing the words in brackets to fill in the gaps.

Last weekend, it was our grandmother's 90th birthday. We decided to have a large family dinner as a celebration. Everyone was there except my uncle because he works overseas. Besides cooking fantastic dishes for grandma, we also planned a surprise for her.

While everyone was getting ready to have cake, my mother and I pulled out a large gift box. It was as huge as a refrigerator! My grandma opened the box and she was really surprised because my uncle was inside the box! She was in tears because she had not seen him for so long. Everybody also felt as emotional as she did.

14. Decided

15. Planned

16. was getting

17. pulled

18. had not seen

19. Felt

Read more:


Steve job contends that u need to love what you do in odder to be great at it .Do you agree or disagree? why? (how to live before you die?)


Answer: I totally agree


 We can only succedd when we put our passion and enthusiasm into the job and at that time, you can stick with that job. The best way to live before you die is to cherish the time and never let it past without the value.

EDUCATION IS A KEY TO SUCCESS . why ? ( for a speech )



Some ideas for your speech could be

It gives you the skills required for employmentEducation sharpens your financial intelligenceEducation is a mind-expanding gift that can broaden your horizons and enrich your life. Learning a new skill or subject can help you feel more energetic, purposeful and positive about life in general.

I hope this helps!

A thesaurus can help you discover synonyms and antonyms for words used frequently in your writing.



Put your hands up » Ariana Grande.


It was released in December of 2011.

The answer is True just look in a thesaurus

Imagine that you are the narrator of the story. You enter the house and after waiting a few minutes,
other people begin to arrive. It is now the afternoon of the following day...
Write a letter to your older brother or sister describing your impressions of the house and your
experiences since you discovered it.
In your letter you should:
describe how you first discovered the house
describe your thoughts and feelings when you met the man leaving the house
explain what you discovered after you entered the house.
Base your letter on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it. Be careful to use
your own words. Address each of the three bullet points.
Begin your letter, 'Dear...'
Write about 200 to 300 words.
Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the quality
of your writing.



nah man we're not here to do your homework

How does the main character in Don Quixote experience both internal and external conflict? Provide specific examples from the text of both types of conflict. Make sure to explain why each conflict is either internal or external.


Answer and Explanation:

The internal conflict that Don Quixote experiences is established by his refusal to accept reality as it is. That's because Don Quizote, was so focused on the books of chivalry he read, that he started to apply those unreal stories in reality. He started acting like the world was like in the books and that created a lot of problems for him. Don Quixote is trapped in his own world of illusions and refuses to attend to the realistic part of him, which needs to get back to reasoning correctly and take care of his problems. This is an example of internal conflict, because it shows the character's struggle with himself. This happens when two contrary thoughts fight within the same mind.

The external conflict in which he finds himself is established with society's repulsion on the way he behaves. This is a conflict called person versus society and it is established in history, because Don Quixote includes society in his daydreams and this society does not accept this and fights him so much, calling him crazy and fighting with him. This is an external conflict because it takes place outside the character and includes elements that don't belong to him.

"Don Quixote" was written by Miguel de Servantes and is the most important book in the Spanish language. In this story, we know how Don Quixote gave himself up to his love for stories of chivalry and abandoned everything to live as a knight errant.

Which details should be included in an objective summary of the passage Going to Japan


To stomp about the world ignoring cultural differences is arrogant, to be sure, but perhaps there is another kind of arrogance in the presumption that we may ever really build a faultless bridge from one shore to another, or even know where the mist has ceded to landfall. When I finally arrived at Ground Zero in Hiroshima, I stood speechless. What I found there was a vast and exquisitely silent monument to forgiveness. I was moved beyond words, even beyond tears, to think of all that can be lost or gained in the gulf between any act of will and its consequences. In the course of every failure of understanding, we have so much to learn.


what made you feel when Elsa aimed the hand full of ice at ana and made her unconscious in the movie frozen?



read the explanation


When Elsa shot ice at Anna's heart in Frozen I, I felt as if Elsa was evil and had to be in solitary confinement or else she would harm other citizens.

(This should do since I feel like this question comes from a kindergartener, just add some typos)

The Henderson family moved into an apartment on the 14th floor where is the complete subject and complete predicate



Subject = The Henderson family

Predicate = moved into an apartment on the 14th floor


Subject is the word referred to in a sentence. Subject, more simply, is the word that indicates in a sentence who is acting; who is receiving an action; who is in a situation.

In turn, the predicate is a basic sentence member attributing to a subject or independently expressing an activity, state, or property. It is usually a verb in a certain form or an auxiliary verb with a noun or adverbial form.

The mountain sat upon the plain
In his eternal chair,
His observation omnifold,
His inquest everywhere.

The seasons prayed around his knees,
Like children round a sire:
Grandfather of the days is he,
Of dawn the ancestor.

Which statement best explains the central idea of this poem?



Mountains are tall and powerful objects in nature

The mountain is powerful, all knowing and wise.

Let’s break down the poem;

The first line ‘the mountain sat upon the plain in his eternal chair’ invokes a feeling of infinite power. By saying he sits upon the plain it makes the plain seem smaller, and by calling his chair eternal it invokes the feeling that time will pass and the world around it will change but the mountain it’s self will not.

The second line, ‘his observation omnifold’ is saying that he sees all. This line invokes a feeling of a mountain that knows all.

The third line says, ‘his inquest everywhere’ saying he asks all the questions, once again invoking feelings of great knowledge and godlike wisdom.

The forth line, ‘the seasons prayed around his knees’ saying that something as powerful as seasons themselves now pray to the mountain.

The fifth line continues off the fourth line saying, ‘like children round a sire:’ this once again invokes feelings of how something as powerful as seasons are like children to the great mountain.

The sixth and seventh line, ‘grandfather of days is he, of dawn the ancestor’ shows how once again time is nothing to the mountain, as it is more powerful.

All this together invokes feelings of power, knowledge, and wisdom.

I hope this helps you! Please consider marking me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but very much appreciated as I always put time and effort into each answer. Stay healthy and stay safe! :)

As the newly elected senior prefect of your school write a speech that you would deliver at the swearing in ceremony on at least three things that you would do to improve upon the academic performance of the school



Good day everyone, it is an honor to stand before you guys and make this speech as your newly elected senior prefect of this great school.

Without much ado, I want to thank everyone for believing in me and for the votes and would like to waste no time in laying out my plans as the senior prefect to improve on the academic performance of the school.

First, my administration would work hard to improve reading culture amongst the students by publicly acknowledging the people that make use of the library resources and encouraging them to keep it up

Next, we would try to form study groups among the students so that they could ask themselves questions and improve on their class work.

Finally, we aim to bring in suggestion boxes in and around the school where the students can put in their suggestions on ways to improve their academic performance.

Thank you all for your time and belief in me. God bless you.

Tell me what kinds of books you like to read



Cosmic Horror, also known as Lovecraftian Horror


I love to read:)



The answer is b c a c

Rearrange the incomplete sentences below and rewrite the complete short message in the space provided Furthermore, you have play it before in primary school It's nice to hear from you, little sister You are fairly active and fit, but you rarely I think that you should choose netball Football can be rough and I'm not sure you will like that. play it However, So, You are tall and you like being part of team Badminton is good too Take care and bye. it will be much easier for you to simply catch up on your skills. so any one of sports would be great for you. I have to pen off now.​




Martin Luther King Jr. Often spoke of a day in the future when he hoped that his children would be judged not by their skin color



This is true! And the structure of the sentence is grammatically correct.


Title: Breaking the Mold: A Journey of Misjudgment and Redemption


In the echoes of Martin Luther King Jr.'s resounding dream, I embarked on a personal odyssey that would test the boundaries of prejudice and challenge the limits of character judgment.

Inspired by King's vision of equality, this narrative essay delves into a pivotal moment in my life when I was unfairly judged based on factors that had no bearing on the content of my character. Through vivid storytelling, I aim to illustrate the transformative power of self-discovery and the resilience of the human spirit.

Body:1. Setting the Stage:

Transport the reader to the time and place of my encounter, painting a backdrop that reflects the societal context and the individuals involved. Create an atmosphere that embodies the complexities of diversity and preconceived notions.

2. The Incident:

Recount the specific event that became the catalyst for my misjudgment. Detail the circumstances, introducing the key characters involved and their initial perceptions of me. Emphasize the striking disparity between their assumptions and who I truly am.

3. The Sting of Misjudgment:

Convey the emotional impact of being unfairly judged, exploring the hurt, frustration, and confusion that surged within me. Share the inner turmoil that arose as I grappled with the disparity between their perception and my authentic self.

4. A Journey of Self-Reflection:

Describe how the incident ignited a process of self-reflection, prompting me to examine my own beliefs, biases, and assumptions. Highlight the introspective moments that led me to question the notion of character judgment and the value of authenticity.

5. Unveiling the Layers:

Introduce a character who saw beyond the surface and recognized the essence of my character. Explore the evolving relationship and delve into the conversations, shared experiences, and moments of vulnerability that unraveled the layers of misunderstanding.

6. Transformation and Redemption:

Showcase the transformative power of connection and understanding. Illustrate the gradual evolution of perceptions, as barriers crumble and prejudices dissipate. Highlight the redemptive nature of the journey, where growth and empathy prevail.

7. Embracing the Dream:

Reflect on the significance of this experience in relation to Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream. Discuss the impact it had on my personal growth and the broader implications for fostering a society that judges based on character rather than superficial attributes.


In conclusion, this narrative essay encapsulates the profound journey of being misjudged and ultimately redeemed. Through storytelling, it illuminates the complexities of prejudice, the strength of character, and the transformative power of understanding. As I emerged from this experience, I carried with me the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr., forever striving to transcend the limitations of societal expectations and embrace the intrinsic worth of every individual. May this narrative serve as a reminder that the true measure of a person lies not in appearances but in the depths of their character.

Learn more about Martin Luther King Jr.  here:



Probably the full question is:

Martin Luther King Jr. often spoke of a day in the future when he hoped that his children would be judged not by their skin color but instead by their character. Write a narrative essay about a moment in your life when you were judged by something other than the content of your character. Use narrative techniques to develop experiences, events, and characters.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, first published in 1884. Multiple editions available, including e-texts. The raucous sequel to Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn is the story of a boy's adventures with Jim, a runaway slave, while rafting down the Mississippi River. Considered Mark Twain's masterpiece, the story contrasts the trusting friendship between Huck and Jim to the cruelty of the men and women they meet along the way. The book celebrates freedom in showing Huck's inner conflict as he places himself at personal risk in helping Jim escape Paragraph 1: This paragraph gives information about the book you read. Use the questions below as a guide. Title: How is the title a description of the story? Author: When did the author write the book? What major historical events marked the time? Setting: If the setting is real, what period in history? Main Characters: Are the characters real or imagined? Why is the story an example of fiction? Paragraph 2: Use these questions to help you retell the most important parts of the story in your own words. What is the situation as it stands at beginning of story? What happens to get the story moving? What situation creates the conflict? What problems need to be solved? What things happen to lead you up to the most exciting part of the story? What is the most exciting or tense part of the story? How does the story end? (What is the situation as it stands at the end of the story? How are the problems or conflicts resolved? Who is the main character and how does he or she change throughout the story? Paragraph 3: In the third part of your report, tell what you thought about the book. Imagine that your friends have asked you if they should read the book. What will you tell them? Why? Give good reasons for your choice. What makes the story believable? (Consider conflict, character, setting, plot, and theme.) What makes the story enjoyable? What point does the story seem to be making? (story's theme; author's purpose) What is the author's view of



Commonly named among the Great American Novels, the work is among the first in major American literature to be written throughout in vernacular English, characterized by local color regionalism. It is told in the first person by Huckleberry "Huck" Finn, the narrator of two other Twain novels (Tom Sawyer Abroad and Tom Sawyer, Detective) and a friend of Tom Sawyer. It is a direct sequel to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

The book is noted for its colorful description of people and places along the Mississippi River. Set in a Southern antebellum society that had ceased to exist over 20 years before the work was published, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an often scathing satire on entrenched attitudes, particularly racism.

Perennially popular with readers, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has also been the continued object of study by literary critics since its publication. The book was widely criticized upon release because of its extensive use of coarse language. Throughout the 20th century, and despite arguments that the protagonist and the tenor of the book are anti-racist,[2][3] criticism of the book continued due to both its perceived use of racial stereotypes and its frequent use of the racial slur

Read the excerpt from the final paragraph of "Wilson's War Message to Congress."

But the right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts—for democracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own governments. . .

The most likely purpose of including this in the last paragraph is to



Establish a sense of patriotism and support for the war.


What transitional tags can you use to show chronological order? in other words, according to unless, under, when, while however, therefore, instead first, next, then, finally please help its timed



first, next, then, finally


These signal order.

ie: First, crack the eggs in a bowl. Next, beat the eggs until smooth. Then, pour oil into pan and wait for it to heat up. Finally, scramble the eggs.


first, next, then, finally


How do the settings of "Because I Could Not Stop for Death" and "Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church" differ?


Traveling in the former represents a journey toward death, while the setting of the latter shows that the speaker is well grounded.

Look the phto
in the reply need 4 paragraphs
in prg 1 : outline lara’s problem
2:ask lara to think more carefully about the situation
3: offer advice to make the friendship work
4: tell him to speak to others about his problem
plz plz helpp mee asap i will give more points and brainliest


dear Lara put on faith on youb the world is full of crowd you should not follow the crowd as you and i have studied the chapter of Lincoln's letter so you should not to follow the crowd always keep faith and confidence in you it takes you to the depression rather listening you should not be irritated by those names but you should try to ignore them and you should also try to share your problems with teachers and you should also try to communicate with your friends as they call you with many types of names that you have to ignore them you should also try to share our problems with your nearby or your parents Guardians

please don't be depressed people of faith on you and be confident and improve their studies and eat healthy food and stay safe take care take care of their family for today this much only will write to you later on

What inference can be made about Marcus based on the excerpt?

He is a bit shy.
He fidgets a lot.
He is easily excited.
He is fond of animals.


A) He is a bit shy.

hope this helps ;)

Drag each tile to the correct box.
Put the steps in order to show how an author introduces and develops a thesis in a text.

The author supports the thesis.
The author states the thesis.
The author restates the thesis.


Answer: Assuming ur on plato/edmentum

The author states the thesis


The author supports the thesis


The author restates the thesis


got it right

The author states the thesis. The author supports the thesis. The author restates the thesis. This is the correct order.

What is a thesis?

A thesis is a statement or a central idea that is put forward as the main argument or point of a written work. It is often presented in the introduction or the conclusion of a research paper, essay, or academic document.

The thesis statement is usually concise and specific, and it should provide a clear indication of what the reader can expect to learn from the document. It may also include a brief summary of the main points or arguments that will be presented in support of the thesis.

A thesis statement is an important aspect of any research paper or academic document because it helps to guide the writer's thinking and focus the reader's attention on the main argument or point.

Learn more about thesis, here



We visited the new planetarium in the city. When we got there, a man showed (1)………where to leave(2) ……. Coats and backpacks. A special guide explained the tour to (3)…... I learned many new things. For example, I didn't know (4)…. Solar system was so big. We counted many moons around some of the planets. Toward the end of the tour, the guide invited (5)….. To visit the planetarium again. I will definitely come back someday. We collected (6)….. Things and went back to school. I asked friends to name a favorite planet. (7)……. Is Saturn because of its many rings. The teacher wants(8) ……. To do reports on the planets. I want to report on the planet Saturn, but so does Aquil. We decided to work together on the report. We want to talk about Titan, one of Saturn's biggest moons. We were interested in this moon, because Titan is the biggest moon, bigger than the planet Mercury! PREGUNTA 1 *



1. us

2. our

3. us

4. our

5. us

6. our

7. mine

8. us


In this exercise, you are required to fill in the blanks with the most appropriate pronoun.

A pronoun is one of the parts of speech in English language and it can be defined as a word that replaces a noun in a sentence. Some examples of a pronoun are he, she, you, I, who, it, them, ours, us, theirs, yours, mine, its, hers, his, our, etc.

Us is a pronoun used to describe a group of people.Our is simply used to state that a thing belongs to a group of people.Mine is a possessive pronoun that suggest the ownership of a thing by an individual.

Which of the following is typically present in Gothic literature?

elements of the supernatural
wild animals and nature
characters who are apathetic or don't care about much
big, fancy mansions


Answer: elements of the supernatural


The mood of Gothic literature is almost

gloomy. It should be noted that in In Gothic novels, the conflict is usually between the person versus the supernatural.

The setting of novels in Gothic Literature usually revolves around a mansion or a castle. In gothic literature, there are elements of the supernatural

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