Read each of the excerpts from The Awakening.

The youngsters came tumbling up the steps, the quadroon following at the respectful distance which they required her to observe. Mrs. Pontellier made them carry her paints and things into the house. She sought to detain them for a little talk and some pleasantry. But they were greatly in earnest. They had only come to investigate the contents of the bonbon box.

[Mrs. Pontellier] stood watching the fair woman walk down the long line of galleries with the grace and majesty which queens are sometimes supposed to possess. Her little ones ran to meet her. Two of them clung about her white skirts, the third she took from its nurse and with a thousand endearments bore it along in her own fond, encircling arms.

Which statement most accurately describes the effect these two scenes have on the plot structure of the novel?
They contribute to the falling action by providing further details about Mrs. Pontellier and Madame Ratignolle and the women’s relationships with their children.
They contribute to the rising action by providing further details about Mrs. Pontellier and Madame Ratignolle and the women’s relationships with their children.
They contribute to the resolution by providing further details about Mrs. Pontellier and Madame Ratignolle and the women’s relationships with their children.
They contribute to the exposition by providing further details about Mrs. Pontellier and Madame Ratignolle and the women’s relationships with their children.


Answer 1
Let me preface by saying “I am not sure” but my thoughts lead me towards the exposition.
Reasoning: exposition is meaning or purpose, this seems to be providing the fair woman with a foundation of her character’s meaning and role in the story.

Related Questions




西瓜 = watermelon

苹果 = apple

香蕉 = banana


西瓜 = 哇特么冷

苹果 = 啊破

香蕉 = 吧那那





西瓜 = watermelon (wa-ter-me-lon)

苹果 = apple (ap-ple)

香蕉 = banana (ba-na-na)



Pls Help me write a story on The second topic



I felt cold shivers all over my body. the wind was howling, the leaves from the tree were rustling.i saw myself in this storm. nobody else was outside.they went inside to cover up from the storm.i heard the whoosh from the waves as they crash towards the shore. I knew it was going to be a long night.

I held myself the distance I could see the storm coming. I could even hear the pitter and patter of the hail. it was coming. the sky started to rumble loud. sky was lighting. I got really scared by this.

so I got up and took a long breath and started running to my house. I stopped silently as the wind died down a bit but not for so long. I couldn't see a thing the sky was very dark I even couldn't see where I was going. as the sky cleared a bit I smelt a familiar smell.the rain was pitter pattering loudly. I was completely soaked in the rain water . as I looked in front of me I saw my home. I was finally safe and sound

hopes this helps you unnie/ hyun ;)

In these paragraphs, Kant says that it is possible for societies to exist where no one uses his talents or where no one has compassion for another person, but that no person could “possibly will that this should be a universal law of nature or be implanted in us as such by a natural instinct.” Why does he feel he can make assumptions about this? Do you think he’s accurate in doing so?




I will tell you tomorrow

plz plz help me asap
i will give more points and brainliest



Lara, I think your best shot would be to wear contacts.


Contacts are subtle but effective; no one can make fun of you if there is nothing to make fun of! You will have to invest in contact solution to maintain them and if you do not follow the rules properly, you could get seriously hurt. If this sounds too difficult, look into purchasing aesthetically pleasing glasses! Plenty of students have poor eyesight-- feeling like an outsider can be avoided by using your glasses as a fashionable and useful accessory rather than just a tool. Hope this helps!

Dear Lara,

With the poor eyesight do not worry I will help you cover this all. we will do it by our own and I will help let the grades promoted we will study before the exam , we will ask question and I will stop let to bully my friend you are my best friend I will say to the teacher that we did the best on the exam then teacher will not disappoint you. you cannot be hate this school you will like if you learn and study with me and your friends also helps you. cone on do not worry it is ok we both can handle ourselves together we can pass the exam and of course your bullies will go away at least stay on your classroom if they ask you to come out do not go out. Do not look at the negative things look at the positive things and you can think what can you can do in the future


If you will become a principal or a manager of a certain establishment what leadership style do like to implement? Why?




I would like to eradicate illiteracy

a story that ends with indeed it is terrible to befriend a bad person.



I'm an open minded person who doesn't believe in judging people by their appearance or the good ol' judging s book by its cover.

Perhaps, this would have saved me a whole lot of trouble if I could have taken Alex at face value the first time I saw him, but not me. I made friends with a gang member with tats and guns, and over time, we got so close and hung out frequently on weekends.

Soon, I began to become uncomfortable and wanted to end the friendship before I got into serious trouble as a result of Alex's debauchery.

Trouble soon found me one evening out together as a rival gang member did a drive by on Alex as we were exiting a bar one evening. Alex escaped, but I caught a bullet on my leg and my leg was amputated and I regretted for the rest of my life.

Indeed it is terrible to befriend a bad person.

_____ gave Timmy that cookie?
Who or whom





it is because who can be used for she or he eg who is the best in the class? quote unquote he is the best in the class

whom is used for him or her eg whom gave Timmy that cookie she gave Timmy that cookie

Why is economics sometimes referred to as the dismal science?
A. Because it is predictable
B. Because it is unrelated to everyday life
C. Because of some of the predictions made about food production
and population.
D. Because gold has no value


I think the answer is A .

The tone of a poem is the

emotions a poem creates.
author’s attitude about a subject.
poem’s deeper meaning.
structure of the stanzas.


authors attitude about a subject

is pineapple good to eat yes or no???​



YES its good to eat cuz ite healthy for u and its part of the six food groups


hope that helps>3

Pineapple is good for you

Pineapple and its compounds have been linked to many health benefits, including aiding digestion, boosting immunity and speeding up recovery from surgery, among others.

It’s has nutrients, contains disease fighting antioxidants, eases digestion, may help reduce the risk of cancer, boost immunity, ease arthritis, speedy recovery,

write a letter to ur father friend expressing ur wish and requesting him to appeal to ur father to let u study the subject of ur choice​



my father has been robbed and left very serious please come and help me it is urgent

I could let my father study the subject of your choice so that he can do something.


Stating that "7,000 people watched the night Frankie Nelson set her 18-hour record” most develops the central idea that

the introduction of the bicycle brought with it many changes.
indoor track racing was more popular than outdoor racing.
female cyclists were more competitive than male cyclists.
bicycle racing was a popular sport in the 1880s and 1890s.



bicycle racing was a popular sport in the 1880s and 1890s.


As a result of stating that "7,000 people watched the night Frankie Nelson set her 18-hour record”, the writer is trying to make it known that a lot of people were interested in watching the event.

Therefore, the thing that most develops the central idea is that bicycle racing was a popular sport in the 1880s and 1890s


I have SS XD


Which three important events in the story should be included in its summary?

adapted from The Glass Axe
by Andrew Lang

There was once upon a time a King and Queen who had everything they could possibly wish for in this world except a child.At last, after twelve years, the Queen gave birth to a son; but she did not live long to enjoy her happiness, for on the following day she died. But before her death she called her husband to her and said, "Never let the child put his feet on the ground, for as soon as he does so he will fall into the power of a wicked Fairy, who will do him much harm." And these were the last words the poor Queen spoke.
The boy throve and grew big, and when he was too heavy for his nurse to carry, a chair was made for him on little wheels, in which he could wander through the palace gardens without help; at other times he was carried about on a litter, and he was always carefully watched and guarded for fear he should at any time put his feet to the ground.
But as this sort of life was bad for his health, the doctors ordered him horse exercise, and he soon became a first-rate rider, and used to go out for long excursions on horseback, accompanied always by his father's stud-groom and a numerous retinue.
Every day he rode through the neighboring fields and woods, and always returned home in the evening safe and well. In this way many years passed, and the Prince grew to manhood, and hardly anyone remembered the Queen's warning, though precautions were still taken, more from use and wont than for any other reason. One day the Prince and his suite went out for a ride in a wood where his father sometimes held a hunt. Their way led through a stream whose banks were overgrown with thick brushwood.Just as the horsemen were about to ford the river, a hare, startled by the sound of the horses' hoofs, started up from the grass and ran towards the thicket.The young Prince pursued the little creature, and had almost overtaken it, when the girth of his saddle suddenly broke in two and he fell heavily to the ground.No sooner had his foot touched the earth than he disappeared before the eyes of the horrified courtiers.They sought for him far and near, but all in vain, and they were forced to recognize the power of the evil Fairy. . . .
Hardly had the Prince touched the ground than he felt himself violently seized by an unseen power, and hurried away he knew not whither. A whole new world stretched out before him, quite unlike the one he had left. A splendid castle surrounded by a huge lake was the abode of the Fairy, and the only approach to it was over a bridge of clouds.On the other side of the lake high mountains rose up, and dark woods stretched along the banks; over all hung a thick mist, and deep silence reigned everywhere.No sooner had the Fairy reached her own domain than she made herself visible, and turning to the Prince she told him that unless he obeyed all her commands down to the minutest detail he would be severely punished.Then she gave him an axe made of glass, and bade him cross the bridge of clouds and go into the wood beyond and cut down all the trees there before sunset.At the same time she cautioned him with many angry words against speaking to a girl he would most likely meet in the wood. The Prince listened to her words meekly, and when she had finished took up the glass axe and set out for the forest. At every step he seemed to sink into the clouds, but fear gave wings to his feet, and he crossed the lake in safety and set to work at once.



A. There was once upon a time a King and Queen who had everything they could possibly wish for in this world except a child.

B. "Never let the child put his feet on the ground, for as soon as he does so he will fall into the power of a wicked Fairy, who will do him much harm."

D. No sooner had his foot touched the earth than he disappeared before the eyes of the horrified courtiers.


A summary is a recap of the high points in a story. In this story, three important events that should be included in its summary are;

1. The introduction that laid the basis for the story. This will help readers to have a knowledge of the genesis of the problem.

2. The instruction given by the Queen is also important as failure to keep to it will have dire consequences.

3. The point where the Princes' foot touched the ground is another high point in the story. The readers will now be interested in knowing what happened eventually.

is Catholic Schools bad?​



Well it depends.


Catholic schools are regular schools that mix learning and religion into somewhat of a mix. If you aren't catholic you might see this as bad. But if you are, then it'll be the right place for you.

Choose the correct option.​





Read the passage below from "Marigolds" and answer the question.

I had Indeed lost my mind, for all the smoldering emotions of that summer swelled In me and burst-the great
need for my mother who was never there, the hopelessness of our poverty and degradation, the
bewilderment of being neither child nor woman and yet both at once, the fear unleashed by my father's tears.
And these feelings combined in one great Impulse toward destruction.

Based on the passage above, which of the following themes are evident in the story?

loss of innocence

good overcomes evil

value of family

love and sacrifice



C. Value of family







Write an argumentative essay making a new historical or modern connection to the allegories within Animal Farm. You will connect the allegory between the novel and the Russian Revolution to this new historic or modern topic/event.



Learning Task 3: Relating the Truth

Read the news articles below. In a pad paper, take note of the important details to be able to fill out the table that follows

Is single language is better than multiple language? why​


No cuz you can communicate with more people if you know multiple languages you can get more job opportunities

Describing Work Styles for Actors
Click this link to view OʻNET's Work Styles section for Actors.
Note that common work styles are listed toward the top, and less common work styles are listed toward the botto
According to O'NET, what are common work styles needed by Actors? Select four options.
O concern for others


Answer: adaptability/flexibility



concern for others


An actor refers to an individual who portrays a character in a performance. The job of an actor is to represent the character that they are playing as well as convince the audience that the character being portrayed is real.

According to O'NET, the common work styles needed by Actors include adaptability/flexibility, cooperation, dependability and concern for others.

Actors should be flexible and must be able to act in different roles. They should be dependable and show concern for others.




Paragraph on "Computer is the need of hour "



Computer training is to provide a tool to our children and young adults with special needs to express themselves, portray their skills and updating them with latest work environment.Training is aimed to start from very basics and to take them at higher levels as per the interest of children and prevailing industry needs and norms.

Techniques :

We are using PRAYAS and AIMS Media program to train.

How will benefit a child :

Computer is the need of hour, now a days almost every work depends on computer it also opens a new horizon to explore the interest and talents of our children.

The Article says all of the following except
how many Operation Pedro Pan children were eventually reunited with their Cuban
how many Cuban children Operation Pedro Pan brought to the U.S. between 1960 and
why some children did not learn they were part of Operation Pedro Pan until they were
why thousands of Operation Pedro Pan children ended up in orphanages or boarding



The answer is option no. B

True paraphrasing requires:

Select the best answer choice.
A. Changing two words in the sentences being used
B. Using different sentence structure and vocabulary
C. Using the exact way it is written from the source it is being taken from
D. Citing the source where the information came from



B: Using different sentence structure and vocabulary


A: Would be plagarism

C: Would be quoting

D: Would be citing

Which revision is the most logical for karishma to make her prediction as she continues to read

A: The narrator would carry out the murder plot undetected

B: The narrator will be seen but not heard as the murder is committed

C: the old man becomes aware of a frightening presence in the room

D: the old man prepares for his own murder





Answer: B



Help for the 4 questions please



What's the passage???









Write about events from your own life using a simple plot Your true story should try to achieve some kind of purpose, such as moving the reader emotionally or showing what's wrong with society Your assignment should also have a narrow enough focus that you can tell the entire story in under 1.000 words



So, one day me and my family were sitting together getting ready to eat dinner, my mom was preparing the food and I went to serve the food to everyone, but then my brother was not eating the food, then to create some good atmosphere around us, I told a joke, that why are u feeling shy, then his response was hilarious, he said that it's the girls who shy, not me and me being a girl was humiliated, I started an argument with him and my mom herself being a girl, was supporting my brother and. or me, and that day I cried soo much seeing this worse thing about our society that it thinks about girls

and it will take a lot more time to change the way people think about girls.

P.S:- these are not my words, it's my friend's story that I narrated to you

have a great day

Answer: Well, think about this, do you want to tell someone else’s story and hold it close to pretend it’s your own... or have a personal story that I can help you write? What’s something that’s been bothering you lately about the way people around you act, what’s a realization about yourself you came to and made you realize you needed to change, maybe you watched someone close to you suffer through something and you can elaborate on how that might’ve changed you. This assignment is asking, scratch that, practically begging to be dramatic and heartfelt. So put your strongest experience into it. It’s also gotta b under 1000 words so focus on a moment or the time when it really hit you, briefly explain the situation and go in depth into the moment your world just went boom n how it changed you. That’s all I can really help with without more details, hope it helps !

Which best states the effect of the imagery in the excerpt?



if you  want an answer, be specific and say where u are reading from. And the answer options:)


[Rewrite the following sentences using the Causative Form]

1.The travel agent is organising our trip to Asia
We _________________​



Several options may work:

We are having our trip to Asia organised by the travel agent.

We're having the travel agent organise our trip to Asia.


These are just two ways you can formulate the sentence using the Causative Form. Hope it helps :)

Your cousin has been selected to be a member of the Student Council in her school. Write a letter to your cousin, congratulating him/her and giving him/her advice on how he/she could perform his/her duties well and live up to the expectations of his /her teachers



Dear *name*

               I am so glad to hear of your success in in your class 10th final board examination. I felt so pleased that I wished I were there to congratulate you personally.

The result has proved that hard work brings good result. You were so much laborious. My parents always gave me your example. My parents already confident that you would come up with good result. They were very much pleased to hear about your progress.

Please be encouraged and continue you hard work so we get happiness news always. Your future is very bright. My father has sent you a lot of love and hearty congratulations on your bright performance.

With lots of love and best wishes again.

Yours lovey *name*

2 Select the correct answer. Which rhyme scheme is used in this excerpt from Richard Lovelace's "To Lucasta, Going to the Wars"? Tell me not, Sweet, I am unkind, That from the nunnery Of thy chaste breast, and quiet mind To war and arms I fly.
A. abcd B. aabb C. abab D. abbb ​





Write an informative essay on a Greek mythical character





Hercules is a mythical character in Greek mythology. He is seen as the divine god, the son of Zeus -the god of thunder and King of the gods on Mount Olympus. Hercules was half man, half god and was the embodiment of masculinity, greatest of all Greek heroes, he also defeated Hector, the bravest and strongest warrior in the battle of Troy.

Hercules was a person of great physical strength and incredible sexual prowess with both men and women. He was also blessed with wisdom as he was not always a brute but employed his intellect when he found himself in situations his great strength couldn't save him.

Hercule was hated by the goddess Hera -wife of Zeus because Zeus made love to a mortal woman Alcmene by disgusting himself as her husband. Hera's hatred of Heracles was so much that she plotted to kill him at birth with the help of Ilithiya, goddess of childbirth but her plan failed.

Heracles was named Alcides by his earth parents but he later became known as Hercules. He was renamed to try and pacify Hera after she sent two giant snakes to kill Hercules and his twin brother when they were eight months old.

Hera eventually succeeded in making Heracles mad much later and he ended up killing his children.

In his quest to expatiate the murders, he was sent to perform twelve tasks by his archenemy Eurystheus. Even though Hercules performed all ten tasks, Eurystheus wouldn't accept two of the tasks and asked him to accomplish another two, which Hercules did with ease. He was expunged of his crimes and granted immortality.

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