Complete the sentence with the pronoun that agrees with the antecedent.

If students would like to be part of the class play,

we should come to the drama room this afternoon.
you should come to the drama room this afternoon.
they should come to the drama room this afternoon.
he or she should come to the drama room this afternoon.


Answer 1


they should come to the drama room this afternoon.

Answer 2

The pronoun that agrees with the antecedent is they should come to the drama room this afternoon.

If students would like to be part of the class play,

they should come to the drama room this afternoon.

What is pronoun?

Pronoun can be used in describing a person, It can be personal pronoun where an individual is described by another person example is they and you.

The sentence will be completed by a personal pronoun because they reader is describing a group of people.

Therefore, If students would like to be part of the class play, they should come to the drama room this afternoon.

Learn more on pronoun below


Related Questions

I need to help ...........



I don't know Spanish well so I'll give you some obvious ones (for and English speaker). #1 Ex.1 leaves

#1 (the other) Ex.1 any

#1 Ex.3 takes

#2 Ex.1) are taking

#2 Ex.2) am driving

#2 Ex 3) are playing

#3 Ex. 1) painted

#3 Ex. 3) have not solved

#3 Ex. 4) finish

#3 Ex. 5) have made

#4 Ex.1) are attending

#4 Ex2.) am driving

#4 Ex.3) are playing

Which is NOT a language widely spoken in Canada?


i dont think french is one


Either spanish or tlingit, probably tlingit


french and english are the official languages of canada

only 175 ppl speak tlingit according to wiki

What are the nouns and verbs for the sentence.
“I listened to the fall of coins.”


coins and fall are nouns. listen is a verb


I think the nouns are just 'coins' and the verbs 'listened' and 'fall'


Review: In Death of a Salesman,' Arthur Miller words take on a new edge
'Early in "Death of a Salesman" it is late at night and an exhausted Willy Loman arrives
home having not made it to even one of his sales calls that day The end is nigh for Willy, that's clear
from the moment we see him shuffle in. Upstairs are his two sons, Biff and Happy, smoking
cigarettes together in the darkness of their shared childhood home, contemplating their lives They
are young men but not that young. Biff is 34. Happy, 32 - old enough to have shaken off any
residual arrested development that might have followed them out of their teens.
But here they si, in Biffs old bedroom, a couple of 30-something, middle class straight
white guys who have the privilege to look around and scoff at a world they think hasn't given them
enough opportunities - or rather, the night sort of opportunities, fulfilling opportunities. (It makes you
think this production might not be a bad pairing with "Straight White Men" by Young Jean Lee,
currently in a run at Steppenwolf.)
Sit's not that Biff and Happy arent allowed a measure of discontent in the privacy of this
moment. But as men, they are their own worst enemies. And only Biff ultimately comes to see this.
"In this 1949 drama, Arthur Miller managed to evoke both a compassion and a piercing
judgmental stare for these men, Willy included (played here by Brian Parry), and it might be one of
the most important reasons the play works such magic.
The lies in the Loman house - the delusions and exaggerations -- are many Linda (Jan
Ellen Graves), the all-seeing matriarch, is the key enabler, but make no mistake, she has come to
understand all too clearly. She just had the bad luck of hitching herself to the wrong guy (not that she
sees it that way Linda has her own delusions as well). She is surrounded by inward-looking men
who are never ever satisfied, searching for extemal validation and quick to lash out when
confronted with the reality of their mediocrity.
Sit's a funny thing, hearing the way some of Miller's dialogue is phrased. Willy has a way of
talking, a cadence there's no missing it, a certain boastful, outer-borough New York
distinctiveness to it that sounds very familiar to the news cycle these days, and I wasnt expecting it:
Toy got important contacts!" Willy says to his frenemy and next-door neighbor Charley
(Charley with a priceless, sarcastic response: "Glad to hear it, Willy ") 17 go to Hartford, I'm very
well-liked in Hartfordre or of his son, Biff: "He's got loads of personality, loads of it!"
The Loman men are con artists. Their primary mark? Themselves. Under the direction of
Steve Scott, Matt Edmonds' foundering Biff and Zach De Nardi's phony-baloney Happy really do
look and feel like restless brothers raised together in that home. (De Nardi is so good, you would
never know he was filling in for Benjamin Kirberger, who has been having some health issues but is
hoping to return to the production)
Something about the actual production design, though, doesn't quite work. It wisely avaids
momentum-killing set changes, but the physical world of the play feels like a whole lot of nothing.
which is a step down considering Redtwist has experimented with some incredible set designs in the
Director Scott's production is really about the performances - small things. Ike the way
Parry's Willy, on his way to work, distractedly says, "Eh, goodbye, I'm late - and Scott also has a
couple of aces up his sleeve in the smaller roles of Charley (played by Adam Bitterman) and
Charley's son, Bernard, the bookworm-turned-hotshot lawyer (played by Devon J. Nimerfroh). The
way Nimerfroh finesses that late pivotal scene with Willy, when he delicately tries to get to the
bottom of the Loman family neurosis - it's just terrific, a wonderful bit of hesitancy and confidence
all of it coming through in his body language
But let's talk about Bitterman, because he is giving such a delicious scene-stealing
perfomance, with a perfect roughshod New York accent that I wanted to follow him off stage and
watch whatever play Charley should have been starring in When Wily finds out Bemard is arguing a
case before the Supreme Court, he says to Chaney, somewhat surprised "He didn't mention!
Charley's beautiful throwaway reply "He didn't hatta"
PAnd therein lies the difference A Loman would have been bragging about it all day.

Independent Assessment 2

L-KNOW-LYSIS: Refer to the play misiewe out he death of a Salesman on Independent Activity 2. Evaluate it using the given checklist below.

*Your Reason/s

*Points to consider
Your Response

1. is the sample play review interesting to
2. Does the review include a brief summary
of the play?
2. Does it give clear idea of what the play is
3. Does the play review talk about the
acting of the cast?
4. Does the play review mention the
technical aspects (props, music,
production) of the play?​



family cousins great grandparents


our extended family includes greats grandparents and second cousins

In Romeo and Juliet, the character of Juliet has a dilemma. She loves Romeo and has no conflict with him as a person. However, she has fallen in love with the son of her father’s enemy. At first, she does not know how to solve this problem.

What is the nature of Juliet’s conflict?


The wording is a little weird.
But I believe that her conflict was that she is in love with the enemies son

Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets.



1) Has the need been told ( by you )?
2) Why is this being done by him?
3) Let an umbrella be bought.
4) Will she drink milk?
5) Let your book be taken, please.
6) Whom can be chess played by?
7) Let him be called at your home.
8) Did your homework be finished by you?
9)Where am I being waited by him?
10) Has he found my purse?
11) Who was the chair broken by?
12) Let the lesson be selected by her.
13) Is the criminal caught by him?
14) Throw the rubbish into the dustbin.
15) Did a car hit you?
16) It is said that he is not honest.

Hope it helps you!

It's actually a media ​



it differs in that the former serves to transform information into resources

Read this statement:
Four out of five doctors agree that honey and cinnamon
tablets are effective against the common cold.
Which type of audience appeal does the statement show?
A. Rational
B. Ethos
C. Pathos
D. Logical





The underlined part of the sentence is a

restrictive phrase.
nonrestrictive phrase.
restrictive clause.
nonrestrictive clause.





The underlined part of the sentence is a restrictive clause. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is a restrictive clause?

A restrictive clause is a type of subordinate clause that provides essential information to the sentence, without which the meaning of the sentence would be unclear or incomplete. It is also known as an essential clause.

A restrictive clause is usually introduced by a relative pronoun, such as "who," "whom," "that," "which," or "whose," and it modifies the noun or pronoun that immediately precedes it in the sentence.

It is important to note that a restrictive clause is not set off by commas, as it is an essential part of the sentence. In contrast, a non-restrictive clause, which provides additional, non-essential information to the sentence, is set off by commas.

Learn more about restrictive clause, here


write a post card to your brother standing how are you feeling in abroad country​


Dearest brother,

Having moved to Korea has been an intriguing experience for I can finally fondle my darkest ideals. In my hands, I have the endless possibilities to indulge in the art of making money through my gift of speaking to the dead. And, if you could see brother I already have many clients who are after me begging to communicate with their beloved friends and family members who have crossed the line and are now roaming through the land of the living as spirits. Individuals come and go, in and out my dark apartment. They come for hope, with the faith that they shall communicate with their loved one’s. You have no idea how it pities my heart my brother to see them in such situation, the pain they have of them loosing a loved one. Still, it’s a relief that I help them. Yet, sometimes I feel like the spirits are not the original people that died, but instead demons. Could it be brother? I am puzzled by this, and I’m not sure if what I’m doing is the correct thing anymore. Do reply back as fast as you can. Thank you brother for your time and patience. I dearly care about you.


     — (Name)

v. She wished a happy birthday to me. (into direct speech)​



happy birthday


i needed to answer something to get points

damdamin ang namamayani sa mong salaysay


do you need this translated?

Directions: Read the given questions carefully. Choose the letter of your answer and write it on the space before the number.

1. With varying success, many women around the world today struggle for equal rights. Historically, women have achieved greater equality with men during periods of social adversity. What feature of academic writing is evident in this statement?
A. Clear and Limited Focus
B. Logical Structure
C. Evidence - Based Arguments
D. Impersonal Tone

2. Social studies classes focus on the complexity of our social environment. The subject combines the study of history and the social sciences and promotes skills in citizenship. What feature of academic writing is manifested in the paragraph?
А. Clear and Limited Focus
B. Logical Structure
C. Evidence - Based Arguments
D. Impersonal Tone

3. Infant studies indicate that humans are born with an innate love of sweets. Based on statistics, a lot of people in Great Britain must be smiling because on average, every man, woman and child in that country consumes 95 pounds of sugar each year. What feature of academic writing is manifested in the paragraph?
А. Clear and Limited Focus
B. Logical Structure
C. Evidence - Based Arguments
D. Impersonal Tone

4. What feature of academic text states that each sentence and paragraph must logically connects to the next in order to present a clear argument?
A. Clear and Limited Focus
B. Logical Structure
C. Evidence - Based Arguments
D. Impersonal Tone

5. While most people think of dogs as pets, some dogs are bred and trained specifically for certain types of work. The bloodhound's acute sense of smell and willing personality make it ideal for tracking people missing in the woods. What does the second sentence do?
А. It makes a contrast
В. It states an effect
C. It draws a conclusion
D. It restate the idea found in the first​


In my opinion, it's:






It will be interesting to see the answers of others! Pardon me if anything is wrong.

1. D. Impersonal Tone: The feature of academic writing evident in this statement is the use of an impersonal tone. Academic writing aims to present information objectively and without personal bias.

What is Infant studies ?

Infant studies, also known as developmental psychology or child development research, refers to the scientific investigation of the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of infants and young children.

2. A. Clear and Limited Focus: The feature of academic writing manifested in this paragraph is a clear and limited focus. Academic writing often emphasizes the importance of presenting information in a focused and concise manner.

3. C. Evidence-Based Arguments: The feature of academic writing manifested in this paragraph is evidence-based arguments. Academic writing relies on supporting claims and statements with evidence from credible sources.

4. B. Logical Structure: The feature of academic text stated in this question is the requirement for logical structure. Academic writing emphasizes the need for coherence and logical flow in presenting arguments and ideas.

5. B. It states an effect: The second sentence in the given statement states an effect. It highlights the result or consequence of the bloodhound's acute sense of smell and willing personality.

Learn more about Infant studies at:


A computer programmer speaks about new software.



Computer programmers design, develop and test software and ensure software adheres to best practices in performance, reliability and security. Computer programmers can work developing mobile applications, coding video games, programming websites and much more.


Explain What A Public Service Announcement (PSA) Is
(Please Write About 7 - 10 Sentences About PSA)

Free Brainliest If Written in 7 - 10 Sentences and Written Correctly Of Its' Meaning



PSAs or public service announcements are the announcements made for the benefit of the public without any cost. They can be disseminated through the use of social media like news, radio, or the signs and displays etc.


Public Service Announcements are information shared to the public for their general awareness. This means that the information that is disseminated for the interest of the public and without any charge or expectation is known as a Public service announcement.

In general, Public Service Announcements are a means to spread awareness or share any information with the general public. Such information is given or shared using multimedia, placards, radio, television, newspaper ads, or signs and roadside informational displays. These media help share and spread the issues that will help the public be familiar and be aware of it. And through these announcements, awareness such as underage drinking, speed driving, using cellphones while driving, etc. are shared for the public interest. These announcements are used to help the public be aware of social issues that will help improve society and the community.

c. Independent Activity 2

Write FACT if the statement is correct,write MYTH if the statement is false.
______1. The sun heats up the surface of the Earth.
______ 2. Warm air rises and cold air freezes.
______3. The wind blows in straight direction.
______4. During the day, land heats up faster than water.
______5. At night, the land and sea will both cool down.
______6. Amihan is also called northeast monsoon.
______7. Habagat is also called the southwest monsoon.
______8. Cold air is dense and sinks.
______9. The place where warm air rises is where pressure is high.
______10. Moisture from the rising warm air can form clouds.​

pls answer


10) FACT

plsssssssssssss helpppppppppp meeeeeeeeee wiiiiiithhhhhhhhhhhh thisssssssssssssss

How does the text and illustrations work together to make meaning?



As the text is explaining what happened to the guy in the story, the illustration shows and explains what it looked like as if it was happening right now. in other words, it helps the reader visualize how the scene what've looked like.

Hope this helps, if it did lmk.

Everyone who met Luiza was delighted by her bubbly enthusiasm.

What kind of characterization does the passage contain?

both direct and indirect
neither direct nor indirect



i would say it would be direct

4. What's a cause and effect essay? How to write a cause and effect essay and make an outline. How to identify a cause and effect topic.



The Answer is down below in the Explanation Section v


Cause and Effect Essay outline

Section 1 - Introduction

A hook statement that grabs the audience’s attention

Basic historical information about the topic

A strong thesis statement that indicates what the essay is about: its causes, effects, or both

Section 2 - Main Body

Body Paragraph I

Topic sentence (indicates causes, effects, or both)

Cause 1/effect 1 (detailed explanation with examples)  

Body Paragraph II

Topic sentence (indicates causes, effects, or both)  

Cause 2/effect 2 (detailed explanation with examples)

Body Paragraph III

Topic sentence (indicates causes, effects, or both)

Cause 3/effect 3 (detailed explanation with examples)

Antithesis Paragraph

Discuss the opposing side of the argument

Section 3 - Conclusion

Restate the thesis statement Remind the reader of the main points  

Concluding sentence

How to identify a cause and effect topic?

Cause and effect topics are basically talking about How something happened(Cause) and What happening after this event happened(Effect)

Here is an example.

If I were to not tie my shoe and I fell. The effect would be is that I fell. The cause of me falling would be that I did not tie my shoe.

What is a cause and effect essay?

A cause and effect essay is explaining what and why stuff happened.

A cause-effect essay tells how one event (the cause) leads to another event (the effect). A cause-effect essay can do one of two things: • It can analyze the ways in which one or more effects result from a particular cause.

Hopefully, this helps. If in some way this is incorrect, feel free to comment on my answer and correct me. :)

Three different from the tale of Rhodopis

1. different.

2. different

3. different.



different tails I don't know it's answer

In the Egyptian version, Cinderella is known as Rhodopis. Rhodopis does not have a mother or father, but rather is kidnapped by pirates and then teased by fellow house-girl servants. Similar to Grimm's and Disney's version, Rhodopis finds friendships with animals.

Brainliest If you give a correct answer
Which of the following is NOT a precaution to consider when it comes to physical activity?
A. Consult your doctor before starting a new fitness routine
B. Use correct form when learning new moves
C. Wait until you are thirsty to drink during exercise
D. Wear comfortable clothing that is appropriate for the weather



C. Wait until you are thirsty to drink during exercise

d) wear comfortable clothing that is suitable for the weather stands as a good precaution to bear when it reaches to physical activity.

What are forms of physical activity?

Types of physical sports contain aerobic, muscle-strengthening, bone-strengthening, balance, and flexibility sports. Exercising exists a bodily interest that exists prepared and dependent, along with lifting weights, taking an aerobics class, or playing in a sports activities group.

Examples encompass brisk taking walks, strolling, swimming, and cycling. electricity, or resistance schooling, exercises make your muscle tissues stronger. a few examples stand lifting weights and the use of a resistance band. Balance physical games could create it less difficult to stroll on choppy feelings and assist save you from falls.

Regular bodily pastime stands as one of the maximum fundamental matters you could do in your fitness. Being bodily active can enhance your brain health, help manage weight, decrease the threat of ailment, toughen bones and muscles, and enhance your ability to do normal sports.

Hence, d) wear comfortable clothing that is suitable for the weather stands as a good precaution to bear when it reaches to physical activity.

To learn more about physical activity refer to:


What to respond to “Omg no way your literally the first person to say happy birthday to me”


Say that’s sad, nah I’m kidding say “really?! Well happy birthday I hope you have the best day ever!!!”

Answer: Everyone should be nice and talk nice to another

Explanation: Everyone is unique everyone needs to learn to get alone with eatchother and that inclues saying things in a nicer way.

Once upon a time, there was a weak little man, lived with his (a) ________ (noun) in a (b) __________ (adjective) house on the edge of a dark wood. Although he seemed very weak, he(c) ______________ (verb) all day, every day, and he did it (d) ____________ (Adverb). After a long day of work, he would fix his supper and eat it with his (e) _____________(noun). Although you would think that he would grow tired of doing this, he always seemed (f)___________ (Adjective) However, one day, after a full day of (g) ______________ (noun with an -ing ending), he (h)______________ (adverb) walked to the dark wood and disappeared. He has never been seen since.



a) Wife

b) Isolated

c) Work

d) Happily

e) Wife

f) Sturdy

g) Working

h) Mysteriously/Strangely

if u have any word please comment

English b please help​


Answer: 11. b

12. d


14. a



Read the excerpt from "Sea Fever" by John Masefield. And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.





Assonance is a literary device that refers to the repetition of the vowel sounds in a line of poetry. In other words, it also refers to the repetition of the vowel sounds but not the consonant sounds, in close proximity.

The given line of poetry from John Masefield's "Sea Fever" uses the sound device of assonance. This is found in the repetition of the /i/ and /e/ sounds in the given line.

Thus, the correct answer is assonance.

Select the correct text in the passage,
Which of these sentences gives the best description of the American identity



I think you didn't show the passage please

which of the following forms of online publishing would be best platform for a tax professional looking for advice and answers from other experts in the field?

A: Blog B: Wiki article
C: Forum D: Op-ed



A blog b wiki article


in what way do you think overseas commitment " influence the rise and fall of nations in Europe​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The way I think overseas commitment influenced the rise and fall of nations in Europe is the following.

Powerful European nations started to navigate the oceans since the so-called Age of Exploration. Prince Henry of Portugal was one of the first to build a powerful navy to explore and conquer in the name of his nation. Other European monarchies followed through, as was the case of Spain, France, and Great Britain.

They got inspiration from the "Three Gs" that are often used to summarize the motivation for European exploration are Gold, God, and Glory.

The age of exploration had European nations more power due to the discovery of new territories and the colonization of those territories. They discovered new lands where raw materials and natural resources abounded. So the three "G's" that motivated that explorations were Gold, the monarchy knew that many territories had plenty of gold and the crowns wanted that god to increase their wealthiness. God, they tough that they had to evangelize the natives Indians of that far lands to make them Christians. Ang Glory, to get supremacy over other European nations that were also competing for new territories.

Which of the following shows correct pronoun usage?

Sentence 1: The players themselves prepared for the match.

Sentence 2: The players prepared themselves for the match.

A. Sentence 1 is reflexive.
B. Sentence 2 is reflexive.
C. Both sentences are reflexive.
D. Both sentences are intensive.



Sentence 2 shows correct pronoun usage

C. Both sentences are reflexive.


From the following sentences given below, Sentence 2 shows correct pronoun usage.

This is because the relxeive pronoun is written after the verb "prepared" instead of after the noun "players".

Sentence 1: The players themselves prepared for the match.

Sentence 2: The players prepared themselves for the match.

Both sentences are reflexive

The poor and needy in my country have been adequately provided for. Write a letter to the head of your social welfare department describing their plight and suggest four ways of improving the situation.



Number 16, Hillpew Rd


9th July, 2021.

To the Head,

Social Welfare Department,



Dear Sir,

It is no secret that the city if Detroit had one of the highest numbers of poor, homeless and unemployed population in America and the number keeps increasing everyday.

I've met with a few of these people and they live in shelters, park benches, anywhere they can lay their head and anywhere they can find food, at great personal risk of bodily harm and assault.

I believe that one of the ways of solving this problem is to build more shelters and encourage the poor and needy to learn a skill that can be self sufficient to them.

Another way of solving this problem is to educate them on the need for family planning, risk assessment and management and other important life skills that would enable them not to fall into the same problem when their skills starts to help pay the bills.

Thank you for your time and anticipated response.

You're faithfully,

John Kent.

Other Questions
Help me with this problem A company's strategy consists of Group of answer choices actions to develop a more appealing business model than rivals. offensive and defensive moves to generate revenues and increase profit margins. plans involving alignment of organizational activities and strategic objectives. competitive moves and approaches that managers have developed to grow the business, attract and please customers, conduct operations, and achieve targeted objectives. A 1996 bill reforming the federal government's antipoverty programs limited many welfare recipients to only two years of benefits. This change gives people the incentives to find a job ________ quickly than if welfare benefits lasted forever. The loss of benefits after two years will result in the distribution of income becoming _______ equal. (Q006) Hot, solid rock in the Earth's crust Group of answer choices is cooler than surface lava because of the pressure of overlying rock. melts at a higher temperature if volatiles such as water and carbon dioxide are added. may melt if heat is transferred to it from hot mantle rock rising up into the crust. maintains uniform composition as it melts and becomes magma. A line includes the points (0,2) and (1,6).What is the equation of the line in slope-intercept form? A town recently dismissed 5 employees in order to meet their new budget reductions. The town had 4 employees over 50 years of age and 16 under 50. If the dismissed employees were selected at random, what is the probability that no more than 1 employee was over 50 which of the following is a geometric sequence -3,3,-3,3... 11,16,21,26, ... 6, 13, 19, 24, ... -2,6,14,22, ... A bag contains 6 black tiles, 5 white tiles, and 4 blue tiles. Event A is defined as drawing a white tile from the bag on the first draw, and event B is defined as drawing a black tile on the second draw. If two tiles are drawn from the bag, one after the other without replacement, what is P(A and B) expressed in simplest form? A. 4/45 B. 1/7 C. 4/15 D. 5/14 why sara not interested in learning french language ? Why should minimum wage be raised to a livable $15+? Help please guysss will mark as brainliest! Jason has been working on losing weight. He has increased his physical activity and has been changing his diet. He finds that he really enjoys the taste of fresh fruit and vegetables, and a farmers'market near him sells locally grown produce at affordable prices. However, commercials for fast-food restaurants continue to tempt him, and sometimes he cheats on his diet.Which factors are most likely to help Jason stick to a healthy-eating plan? Select three costtaste budsfood availabilityadvertisementsdietary guidelines what is the best college in texas for cyber security 1)Quais So as caractersticas principais do discurso direto 2)escreva um pequeno exemplo de discurso direto HELP i need help on part bWilson is thinking about buying a house for $249,000. The table below shows the projected value of two different houses for three years.Number of years 1 2 3House 1 (value in dollars) 253,980 259,059.60 264,240.79House 2 (value in dollars) 256,000 263,000 270,000Part A: What type of function, linear or exponential, can be used to describe the value of each of the houses after a fixed number of years? Explain your answer. (2 points)Part B: Write one function for each house to describe the value of the house f(x), in dollars, after x years. (4 points)Part C: Wilson wants to purchase a house that would have the greatest value in 45 years. Will there be any significant difference in the value of either house after 45 years? Explain your answer, and show the value of each house after 45 years. (4 points) An older woman is transported to the hospital on Thanksgiving Day. While visiting with family for the holiday, the woman fell out of her chair and was unresponsive to her family. Upon arrival to the emergency department, the family reports that the woman lives independently. Before her current state, she recognized family members and was speaking normally. She begins to arouse, and her family notes that she seems unaware of her surroundings and does not respond to questions.A defect of recognition may be tactile, visual, or auditory. These are known as:___________ For a project in his Geometry class, Tyler uses a mirror on the ground to measure the height of his school building. He walks a distance of 14.65 meters from his school, then places a mirror on flat on the ground, marked with an X at the center. He then steps 0.8 meters to the other side of the mirror, until he can see the top of the school clearly marked in the X. His partner measures the distance from his eyes to the ground to be 1.15 meters. How tall is the school? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a meter. answer please Im dying from math Lines 242252: What past events are alluded to in the language the author uses to describe the mother and daughters descent from the window? I WILL MARK BRAINLIEST:)) Please translate this expression into a verbal expression 4(5j+2+j). (5 points)