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Objective *Identify terms that focus on speeches. Name speeches to persuade their audience.Period ENG108B Unit 1 Arguments and *Determine the methods that people use within Speeches Date Fundamental Question Think about these questions as you work through the lesson. Can we listen to and read important speeches and other historical documents and analyze these documents for the use of persuasive devices and determine authors point of view and purpose? Questions / Clues Notes Write down all relevant notes and possible answers using the RACES writing strategy when appropriate. Lesson 1.01 Identify the following terms: 1. Argument 2. Claim 3. Fallacious Reasoning 4. Relevant 5. Credible How does figurative language enhance the meaning of a text? What do you look for when evaluating an argument? What makes evidence relevant What makes it sufficient? What strategy can you use for identifying fallacious reasoning? Lesson 1.02 Describe how you recognized fallacious reasoning in the text The American Promise. Can evidence be relevant but not sufficient? Explain your answer. Read On: Achievement Gap Which article did you choose to read on NEWSELA? Was there fallacious reasoning in the article you read? Explain and provide an example of why or why not. Lesson 1.03 Who was Sojourner Truth? Did Sojourner Truth use valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence? Were you convinced? Use examples from the text to explain. Lesson 1.04 Define the following terms: 1. Charged Language 2. Viewpoint 3. Evidence 4. Reason 5. Sufficient 6. Critical Listening What does a speaker need to include in a speech to create valid reasoning? Lesson 1.05 What was Reagans viewpoint in his speech Remarks on East-West Relations?Is his reasoning valid? Why or why not? What evidence does he provide and is it relevant and/or sufficient? Why would a speaker use fallacious reasoning or distorted evidence? Lesson 1.08 Identify the term parallel structure. List at least three types of compound elements that should use parallel structure. Identify all coordinating conjunctions using the acronym of FANBOYS. Lesson 1.09 Identify the following terms and give examples: 1. hypophora 2. ethos 3. pathos 4. logos 5. parallelism 6. Repetition 7. Appeals Live Class Notes: How did the excerpt from the Emancipation Proclamation use ethos, pathos, logos?1. 2. 3. F A N B O Y S Lesson 1.10 How effective is the use of rhetorical devices such as hypophora, parallelism, and repetition in Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death? Give at least two examples to support your evaluation. Choose a line or two from the passage that you found to be especially moving or effective. Why was it effective or moving? Lesson 1.11 Vocabulary: What terms from the text were new or unknown to you? Define them. Who was Frederick Douglass? What rhetorical devices does Douglass use in his speech? Share an example from the text. Choose a line or two from the passage that you found to be especially moving or effective. Why was it effective or moving?