Write a method swapArrayEnds() that swaps the first and last elements of its array parameter. Ex: sortArray


Answer 1

I understand you want a function that swaps the first and last element of an array so that the first element takes the last one's value and vice versa.

Answer and Explanation:

Using Javascript programming language:

function swapArrayEnds(sortArray){

var newArray= sortArray.values();

var firstElement=newArray[0];



return newArray;


var exampleArray=[2, 5, 6, 8];


In the function above we defined the swapArray function by passing an array parameter that is sorted by swapping its first and last element. We first get the elements of the arrayvusing the array values method. We then store the value of the first element in the variable firstElement so that we are able to retain the value and then switch the values of the first element before using the firstElement to switch value of the last element. We then return newArray and call the function.

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The importance of the 8 functions of an operating system​




Important functions of an operating System:  


Security –  

The operating system uses password protection to protect user data and similar other techniques. it also prevents unauthorized access to programs and user data.  


Control over system performance –  

Monitors overall system health to help improve performance. records the response time between service requests and system response to have a complete view of the system health. This can help improve performance by providing important information needed to troubleshoot problems.  


Job accounting –  

Operating system Keeps track of time and resources used by various tasks and users, this information can be used to track resource usage for a particular user or group of user.  


Error detecting aids –  

Operating system constantly monitors the system to detect errors and avoid the malfunctioning of computer system.  


Coordination between other software and users –  

Operating systems also coordinate and assign interpreters, compilers, assemblers and other software to the various users of the computer systems.  


Memory Management –  

The operating system manages the Primary Memory or Main Memory. Main memory is made up of a large array of bytes or words where each byte or word is assigned a certain address. Main memory is a fast storage and it can be accessed directly by the CPU. For a program to be executed, it should be first loaded in the main memory. An Operating System performs the following activities for memory management:  

It keeps tracks of primary memory, i.e., which bytes of memory are used by which user program. The memory addresses that have already been allocated and the memory addresses of the memory that has not yet been used. In multi programming, the OS decides the order in which process are granted access to memory, and for how long. It Allocates the memory to a process when the process requests it and deallocates the memory when the process has terminated or is performing an I/O operation.  


Processor Management –  

In a multi programming environment, the OS decides the order in which processes have access to the processor, and how much processing time each process has. This function of OS is called process scheduling. An Operating System performs the following activities for processor management.  

Keeps tracks of the status of processes. The program which perform this task is known as traffic controller. Allocates the CPU that is processor to a process. De-allocates processor when a process is no more required.  


Device Management –  

An OS manages device communication via their respective drivers. It performs the following activities for device management. Keeps tracks of all devices connected to system. designates a program responsible for every device known as the Input/Output controller. Decides which process gets access to a certain device and for how long. Allocates devices in an effective and efficient way. Deallocates devices when they are no longer required.  


File Management –  

A file system is organized into directories for efficient or easy navigation and usage. These directories may contain other directories and other files. An Operating System carries out the following file management activities. It keeps track of where information is stored, user access settings and status of every file and more… These facilities are collectively known as the file system.  

Which of the following financial functions can you use to calculate the payments to repay your loan



PMT function. PMT, one of the financial functions, calculates the payment for a loan based on constant payments and a constant interest rate. Use the Excel Formula Coach to figure out a monthly loan payment.


Dynamic addressing: __________.
a. assigns a permanent network layer address to a client computer in a network
b. makes network management more complicated in dial-up networks
c. has only one standard, bootp
d. is always performed for servers only
e. can solve many updating headaches for network managers who have large, growing, changing networks




E. can solve many updating headaches for network managers who have large, growing, changing networks

The part of the computer that provides access to the Internet is the





We have removed
balls from a box that contained
balls and then put
new balls into that box. How many balls does the box contain now?
All values in input are integers.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format: n a b
Print the answer as an integer.


There were [tex]N[/tex] balls but we took [tex]A[/tex] balls out, so there are now [tex]N-A[/tex] balls. We add [tex]B[/tex] balls and now we have [tex]N-A+B[/tex] balls.

The program that computes this (I will use python as language has not been specified is the following):

n, a, b = int(input()), int(input()), int(input())

print(f"There are {n-a+b} balls in the box")

# Hope this helps

What is the future of marketing automation?



give me number I will explain fast I am free now reply bro I am waiting


To put it into simple words: the future of marketing automation is customers centric.  

From data collection to lead generation, marketing automation will stay B2B marketers’ favorite in the future.  Based on the current analytics, let’s have a look at how automation is driving lead generation today as well as what’s to come.

It’s going to be all about customersPersonalization will become even more importantMore Jobs and Activities Will Require Marketing AutomationGeneric Content Will Become Almost Non-ExistentMarketers Should Stay Current With Marketing Automation for Maximum ROI

Marketing automation is a dynamic field and it will continue to evolve and transform processes in the future. If you in the marketing frontier, and looking to transform your lead generation processes, don’t be afraid to give marketing automation a shot.

Given two character strings s1 and s2. Write a Pthread program to find out the number of substrings, in string s1, that is exactly the same as s2




#include <stdlib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#define MAX 1024

int total = 0 ;

int n1, n2;

char s1, s2;

FILE fp;

int readf(FILE fp)


 if((fp=fopen("strings.txt", "r"))==NULL) {

   printf("ERROR: can’t open string.txt!\n");

   return 0;



 if(s1==NULL) {

   printf("ERROR: Out of memory!\n");

   return 1;



 if(s1==NULL) {

   printf("ERROR: Out of memory!\n");

   return 1;


 /* read s1 s2 from the file */

 s1=fgets(s1, MAX, fp);

 s2=fgets(s2, MAX, fp);

 n1=strlen(s1); /* length of s1 */

 n2=strlen(s2)-1; /* length of s2 */

 if(s1==NULL || s2==NULL || n1<n2) /* when error exit */

   return 1;


int num_substring(void)


 int i, j, k;

 int count;

 for(i=0; i<=(n1-n2); i++) {


   for(j=i, k=0; k<n2; j++, k++){ /* search for the next string of size of n2 */

   if((s1+j)!=(s2+k)) {






     total++; /* find a substring in this step */



 return total;


int main(int argc, char argv[])


 int count;



 printf("The number of substrings is: %d\n", count);

 return 1;


Write the code to replace only the first two occurrences of the word second by a new word in a sentence. Your code should not exceed 4 lines. Example output Enter sentence: The first second was alright, but the second second was long.
Enter word: minute Result: The first minute was alright, but the minute second was long.




The following code was written in Python. It asks the user to input a sentence and a word, then it replaces the first two occurrences in the sentence with the word using the Python replace() method. Finally, it prints the new sentence. The code is only 4 lines long and a test output can be seen in the attached image below.

sentence = input("Enter a sentence: ")

word = input("Enter a word: ")

replaced_sentence = sentence.replace('second', word, 2);


Write a program that reads a list of integers, and outputs those integers in reverse. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow. For coding simplicity, follow each output integer by a comma, including the last one.Ex: If the input is:5 2 4 6 8 10the output is:10,8,6,4,2,To achieve the above, first read the integers into a vector. Then output the vector in reverse.



The program in C++ is as follows:

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main(){

   vector<int> intVect;

   int n;


int intInp;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

 cin >> intInp;

 intVect.push_back(intInp); }

for (int i = n-1; i >=0; i--) {  cout << intVect[i] << " "; }

 return 0;



This declares the vector

   vector<int> intVect;

This declares n as integer; which represents the number of inputs

   int n;

This gets input for n


This declares intInp as integer; it is used to get input to the vector

int intInp;

This iterates from 0 to n-1

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

This gets each input

 cin >> intInp;

This passes the input to the vector

 intVect.push_back(intInp); }

This iterates from n - 1 to 0; i.e. in reverse and printe the vector elements in reverse

for (int i = n-1; i >=0; i--) {  cout << intVect[i] << " "; }

discuss the first three phases of program development cycle​



Known as software development life cycle, these steps include planning, analysis, design, development & implementation, testing and maintenance.

Can we update App Store in any apple device. (because my device is kinda old and if want to download the recent apps it aint showing them). So is it possible to update???
Please help



For me yes i guess you can update an app store in any deviceI'm not sure

×_× mello ×_×

The valid call to the function installApplication is

void main(  )
 // call the function installApplication

void installApplication(char appInitial, int appVersion)
  // rest of function not important
Select one:

int x =installApplication(‘A’, 1);

installApplication(‘A’, 1);

int x= installApplication(  );

installApplication(2 , 1);



B. installApplication(‘A’, 1);



The above code segment


The correct call to installApplication

The function installApplication is declared as void, meaning that it is not expected to return anything.

Also, it receives a character and an integer argument.

So, the call to this function must include a character and an integer argument, in that order.

Option D is incorrect because both arguments are integer

Option C is incorrect because it passes no argument to the function.

Option A is incorrect because it receives an integer value from the function (and the function is not meant not to have a return value).

Option B is correct

For each of the following memory accesses indicate if it will be a cache hit or miss when carried out in sequence as listed. Also, give the value of a read if it can be inferred from the information in the cache.

Operation Address Hit? Read value (or unknown)
Read 0x834
Write 0x 836
Read 0xFFD




Operation Address Hit? Read Value

Read 0x834 No Unknown

Write 0x836 Yes (not applicable)

Read 0xFFD Yes CO

It is common for people to name directories as dir1, dir2, and so on. When there are ten or more directories, the operating system displays them in dictionary order, as dir1, dir10, dir11, dir12, dir2, dir3, and so on. That is irritating, and it is easy to fix. Provide a comparator that compares strings that end in digit sequences in a way that makes sense to a human. First compare the part before the digit as strings, and then compare the numeric values of the digits.
Your program should work with the provided test program
Call the class you write DirectoryComparator.java.
Submit the two files in your submission.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.collections;
public class DirectorySortDemo
public static void main (String [] args)
String dirNames ("dir12", "dir5", "dir9", "dirl", "dir4",
"lab10", "1ab2", "lab7", "lab17", "lab8",
"quiz8", "quiz10", "quiz11", "quiz12",
"dirll", "dir8", "dir7", "dir15", "dir3");
ArrayList directories = new
ArrayList<> (Arrays.asList (dirNames));
System.out.println ("Unsorted List:");
System.out.println (directories);
Collections.sort (directories, new DirectoryComparator ());
System.out.println ():
System.out-println ("Sorted List: ");
System.out.-println (directories);



Here the code is given as follows,


What is machine learning



machine learning is the ability for computers to develop new skills and algorithms without specific instructions to do so.

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science which focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy.

Write a program that launches 1,000 threads. Each thread adds 1 to a variable sum that initially is 0. You need to pass sum by reference to each thread. In order to pass it by reference, define an Integer wrapper object to hold sum. Run the program with and without synchronization to see its effect. Submit the code of the program and your comments on the execution of the program.



Following are the code to the given question:

import java.util.concurrent.*; //import package

public class Threads //defining a class Threads


private Integer s = new Integer(0);//defining Integer class object

public synchronized static void main(String[] args)//defining main method  


Threads t = new Threads();//defining threads class object

System.out.println("What is sum ?" + t.s);//print value with message


Threads()//defining default constructor


ExecutorService exe = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1000);//defining ExecutorService class object

System.out.println("With SYNCHRONIZATION........");//print message

for(int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++)//defining a for loop


exe.execute(new SumTask2());//calling execute method

System.out.println("At Thread " + i +" Sum= " + s + " , ");//print message with value


exe.shutdown();//calling shutdown method

while(!exe.isTerminated())//defining while loop that calls isTerminated method




class SumTask2 implements Runnable//calling SumTask2 that inherits Runnable class


public synchronized void run()//defining method run


int value = s.intValue() + 1;//defining variable value that calls intvalue which is increment by 1

s = new Integer(value);//use s to hold value





Please find the attached file.


In this code, a Threads class is defined in which an integer class object and the main method is declared that creates the Threads class object and calls its values.

Outside the method, the default constructor is declared that creates the "ExecutorService" and prints its message, and use a for loop that calls execute method which prints its value with the message.

In the class, a while loop is declared that calls "isTerminated" method, and outside the class "SumTask2" that inherits Runnable class and defined the run method and define a variable "value" that calls "intvalue" method which is increment by 1 and define s variable that holds method value.

Transformative Software develops apps that help disabled people to complete everyday tasks. Its software projects are divided into phases in which progress takes place in one direction. The planning, delivery dates, and implementation of the software under development are emphasized. Which software development methodology is the company most likely using:_________.


Answer: Cascading


The software development methodology that the company is most likely using is Cascading.

Cascading model is a sequential design process, that is used in software development, whereby progress flows downward from the conception phase, initiation phase, till it gets to the maintenance phase.

Write the name of test for the given scenario. Justify your answer.

The input values are entered according to the output values. If the results are ok then software is also fine but if results does not matched the input values then means any bugs are found which results the software is not ok. The whole software is checked against one input.

A-Assume you are being hired as a Scrum project Manager. Write down the list of responsibilities you are going to perform.
B-What are the qualifications required to conduct a glass box testing.
C-Write the main reasons of project failure and success according to the 1994 Standish group survey study.
D- Discuss your semester project.



Cevap b okey xx



what is the characteristics of computer?dicuss any 5 of them​









speed: a computer works with more higher speed compared to humans when performing mathematical calculations

accuracy: computer perform calculations with 100% accuracy

dilligence:a computer can perform calculations with the same consistentcy and accuracy

versatility:refers to the capability of a computer to perform different kind of works with same accuracy and efficiencies







storage and communication

Consists of forging the return address on an email so that the message appears to come from someone other than the actual sender:_____.
A. Malicious code.
B. Hoaxes.
C. Spoofing.
D. Sniffer.



C. Spoofing.


Cyber security can be defined as preventive practice of protecting computers, software programs, electronic devices, networks, servers and data from potential theft, attack, damage, or unauthorized access by using a body of technology, frameworks, processes and network engineers.

Some examples of cyber attacks are phishing, zero-day exploits, denial of service, man in the middle, cryptojacking, malware, SQL injection, spoofing etc.

Spoofing can be defined as a type of cyber attack which typically involves the deceptive creation of packets from an unknown or false source (IP address), as though it is from a known and trusted source. Thus, spoofing is mainly used for the impersonation of computer systems on a network.

Basically, the computer of an attacker or a hacker assumes false internet address during a spoofing attack so as to gain an unauthorized access to a network.

Database multiple-choice question don't bs pls
Which of the following is not a common factor for database management system selection?
a. Cost
b. Features and tools
c. Software requirements
d. Hardware requirements
e. All of the above
f. None of the above
(D and F are wrong)



f. None of the above


Considering the available options, the right answer is option F "None of the above."

Common factors for database management system selection are the following:

1. Cost: various DBMS vendors have different pricing, hence, interested buyers will consider the price before selections

2. Features and Tools: different types of DBMS have varied features and tools in carrying out the work.

3. Software requirements: there are various software requirements in various DBMS, such as encryption support, scalability, application-level data recovery, etc.

4. Hardware requirement: various DBMS vendors have different hardware requirements to consider, such as sizeable RAM, CPU value, etc.

Hence, in this case, the correct answer is option F.

A(n) _____ is a network connection device that can build tables that identify addresses on each network.



Dynamic Router


A dynamic router is a network connection device that can build tables that identify addresses on each network.

What is Dynamic network?

Dynamic networks are networks that vary over time; their vertices are often not binary and instead represent a probability for having a link between two nodes.

Statistical approaches or computer simulations are often necessary to explore how such networks evolve, adapt or respond to external intervention.

DNA statistical tools are generally optimized for large-scale networks and admit the analysis of multiple networks simultaneously in which, there are multiple types of nodes (multi-node) and multiple types of links (multi-plex).

Therefore, A dynamic router is a network connection device that can build tables that identify addresses on each network.

To learn more about dynamic router, refer to the link:



In the backward chaining technique, used by the inference engine component of an expert system, the expert system starts with the goal, which is the _____ part, and backtracks to find the right solution.



In the backward chaining technique, used by the inference engine component of an expert system, the expert system starts with the goal, which is the then part,

Backward chaining is the process of working backward from the goal. It is used s an artificial intelligence application and proof application. The backward chaining can be implemented in logic programming.

The expert system starts with a goal and then parts and backtracks. to find the right solution. Hence is a problem-solving technique. in order to find the right solution.

Hence the then part is the correct answer.

Learn more about the backward chaining technique,


Describe the operation of IPv6 Neighbor Discovery. ​


can you give me the link to an article about this so i may help?

let's have a class named Distance having two private data members such as feet(integer), inches(float), one input function to input values to the data members, one Display function to show the distance. The distance 5 feet and 6.4 inches should be displayed as 5’- 6.4”. Then add the two objects of Distance class and then display the result (the + operator should be overloaded). You should also take care of inches if it's more than 12 then the inches should be decremented by 12 and feet to be incremented by 1.




Ser justo (Fair Play)

Vencer independente

What type of device is a computer? Where does it use​


Answer:A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. You may already know that you can use a computer to type documents, send email, play games, and browse the Web.

Write a function that takes six arguments of floating type (four input arguments and two output arguments). This function will calculate sum and average of the input arguments and storethem in output arguments respectively. Take input arguments from the user in the main function.



Answer:Functions in C+

The integer variable n is the input to the function and it is also called the parameter of the function. If a function is defined after the main() .....

Which key should you press to leave the cell as it originally was?





Cancel Button you should press to leave the cell as it originally was. Cancel Button you should press to leave the cell as it originally was. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Backspace is press to leave the cell as it originally was.

What is Backspace key?

The Backspace key is situated in the top-right corner of the character keys part of the keyboard.

Backspace is replaced by a "delete" key on Apple computers, although it serves the same purpose.

There are no "backspace" keys on an Android or Apple iPhone smartphone or iPad tablet, but there is a key that serves the same purpose. Look for a key that resembles an arrow with a "X" or an arrow pointing left, as illustrated in the image.

Therefore, Backspace is press to leave the cell as it originally was.

To learn more about backspace, refer to the link:



Ranges of up addresses that anyone can use for their internal networks are known as


D. Nonroutable Address Space

The__________is an HTML tag that provides information on the keywords that represent the contents of a Web page.



Meta tag


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