Why do you think that Bradstreet chose to write about her emotions as well as her


Answer 1

Why would anyone want to let out their emotions and beliefs?


I have no idea who Bradstreet is but any human being would let out their beliefs and write about their feelings in order to feel free,be understood, motivate and support the one's in a similar situation to them.

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discuss cybersecurity in today's current situation​



Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It's also known as information technology security or electronic information security. ... Application security focuses on keeping software and devices free of threats.
i’m not exactly sure but what was written above me sounds correct

"The Nose" after nose dissappears biggest worry



won't be able to breath and live again

what are the challenges you have faced in communicating with others?​



the faces that i challengedcin communicating with other are having some tennis challenges and others sports challenges..


let me explain you.

you have to just write your challenges you have facee with others..

Please help me need to pass



Is there paragraph for this questions

Less Homework, Please! Carley Mims Students today are overwhelmed. Stress comes at students from many different directions: extra-curricular activities, sports, family expectations, jobs, and--of course--homework. Studies have shown that current students have more homework per week than students ever have before. Some classes may require homework--for example, reading assignments in an English or history class, computation and calculation practice in math, and making or doing projects for science. But surely we have reached a point at which the homework pendulum has swung too far and to an extreme that is unhealthy and even harmful to students. Teachers assign homework as if their classes were the only ones that existed.

1) The main idea of this passage is
A) that students today have too much homework to do.
B) that teachers are not using their time efficiently.
C) that homework is a very productive activity for students to do.
D) that schools need to integrate more technology into the classroom.

2) Which would be the best concluding sentence for this paragraph?
A) Students need to work harder in order to get all their homework done more efficiently.
B) Homework needs better implementation in order to be truly effective for teachers' purposes.
C) The biggest problem facing students today is not homework, but absenteeism and excessive tardies.
D) Teachers, administrators, and parents need to seriously reconsider the level of homework students have each week.


Answer: 1. A. that students today have too much homework to do.

2. B. Homework needs better implementation in order to be truly effective for teachers' purposes.


The main idea of this passage is that students today have too much homework to do. Studies have shown that current students have more homework per week than students ever have before.

The best concluding sentence for this paragraph is that homework needs better implementation in order to be truly effective for teachers' purposes.

Isaac shuddered to think of it. (begin Isaac shuddered at......)​


Isaac shuddered at thinking about it.


Can anyone give me the secret to getting a high score in the TOEIC test?
How to learn vocabulary most effectively?



1. Set a goal

So, you've decided to take the TOEIC test. Congratulations! The first thing you should do is set a goal. If you are taking the test in order to apply for a job, find out what proficiency level is required.

Choose a goal that is achievable. If you aim too high, you will be disappointed. Remember, you can take the test as often as you want if you don't mind paying the fee.

2. Understand the test

Before you start studying for the test, make sure you understand the format of each section. You will be tested on your listening and reading comprehension skills. By doing model or practice tests, you will become very familiar with the TOEIC. The test should become "second nature" to you before you attempt the real thing.

3. Make a study plan

Procrastination is one of the key reasons students fail the TOEIC test. You may book your TOEIC test months in advance. However, the day you decide to take the TOEIC test should be the day you start to study.

You will have to decide whether or not you are going to teach yourself the TOEIC with reliable resources or whether you are going to take a TOEIC preparation class. In order to get the best results, you should do both. If you cannot afford to take a TOEIC class, make sure to choose a TOEIC textbook that has explanatory answers. You will also want to have a teacher or tutor that you can go to from time to time with questions.

If you choose a TOEIC class, make sure that you trust your teacher and feel comfortable in his or her class. Take a class with a friend and make a commitment to study together in and outside of class.

Studying at the same time every day is a great way to improve your score. Write down your study plan and sign it!

4. Divide study time appropriately

Each section is worth a certain amount of points. Don't spend too much time studying one section. Many students make the mistake of studying the section that they enjoy the most. This is the section you should spend the least amount of time on.

You might want to divide your study week by focusing on a certain section each day. Remember, if Sunday is your day to practice Part VII (40 questions on the test), you might have to study twice as long as you would on Monday when you focus on Part I (20 questions on the test).

5. Build a strong vocabulary

Another reason students fail the TOEIC test is that they have a very limited vocabulary. The day you decide to take the TOEIC test you should make yourself a blank dictionary. Use a notebook (an address book works great because it is divided into letters) and keep track of all of the new words you learn along the way. It is not useful to study vocabulary lists. You will only remember words that you have seen in context. For each entry, write the word and use it in a sentence. At the end of each week you should write a short letter or composition using as many of the words as you can.

This might also be the time to stop using your translation dictionary. Electric dictionaries make things too simple! You will not remember the word if it doesn't take any effort to understand it.

Keep in mind that the TOEIC test has a business theme. You should study vocabulary from topics such as travel, banking, health, restaurants, offices, etc. You will also want to learn everyday idiomatic expressions.

6. Isolate your weak points

After you have been studying the TOEIC for a while, you will find out which parts give you the most trouble. You might want to change how you divide your time. There are certain grammar points that many students have trouble with. If you are taking a TOEIC class, ask your teacher to bring in extra homework help on problems like these. If you are studying by yourself, find a good reference book in the library and look up your question. There may also be help on the Internet. For example, type "gerunds" into a search engine and you will probably find a useful exercise.

7. Eliminate distractors

In every TOEIC question, there are at least two distractors (wrong answers that the test writer uses to trick you). It is much easier to choose the correct answer when you have only two to choose from. (The third choice is often impossible and easy to spot.) There are many types of distractors such as, similar sounds, homonyms, repeated words, etc. As you study, make yourself a list of distractors. When you come across them you will be able to eliminate them more easily.


Read the articles assigned for this topic and conduct additional research on the Internet or through the GCU Library. Use your knowledge to write a one-act play about a small group of friends.
Through the dialogue, the children should exhibit evidence of being in the concrete-operational period of cognitive development.
Be as creative in the dialogue of your scene as you can, remembering that at this stage children, according to the textbook, become "less egocentric, rarely confuse appearances with reality, and are able to reverse their thinking."
Set the scene and include acting and stage direction, if necessary and appropriate.
Your creative work should be between 500-750 words.
Give your play a name.



The name of the play is "I am a Warrior" . There are 3 friends whose names are Mak, Jamie and Steven.


Door knocks

Mak : who's there?

No replies..

Asks again who's there??

No one replies.

He goes and sees from window but he is unable to find anyone. He opens the door and looks around but no one was there.

He comes back and sits with his one of friend Jamie for group studies.

Again door knocks..

Now Mak is angry and asks in more loud tone, Who is disturbing us..

Jamie : Leave it Mak, lets concentrate on studies.

Door knocks again..

Jamie: Mak let me check now who is at the door, may be I find the culprit.

Door keeps knocking.

Jamie stands up from the sofa and went to the door to find who is there.

When Jamie opens up the door, she shouts loudly..

Mak comes to see what has made Jamie shout so loudly, he is also surprised to see their friend Steven lying at the corner of the door with blood coming from his mouth, covering his shirt and face.

Jamie immediately brings up the first aid box and Mak tries to bring Steven into his house to make him relax. Jamie cleans him up and then gives him water to relax.

Steven: Thanks Jamie, I would have been dead, if you had not helped me.

Jamie: Don't say that, please tell us what happened to you?

Steven shivering his hand and glass of water falls and break..

Mak : Jamie let him relax for sometime and he will tell us once he gets normal.

Steven : Yes I had hurt my head and now my head is paining.

Jamie takes Steven to the bedroom, he relaxes there..

When Steven wakes up he finds himself in hospital.

Steven : Where are Jamie and Mak, asks the doctor.

They are waiting outside doctor replies.

Steven: Why I am here?

Doctor: Its sad to let you know that you have been diagnosed with blood cancer.

Steven shouts loudly, what.. why I.. you must have some misunderstanding...

Steven cries loudly..

Mak and Jamie arrives to help him condole..

Jamie: Its deadly disease but its not incurable..

Mak : Yes, Jamie is right, you are a warrior, you always help us whenever we quarrel with someone. Now its your time to prove yourself to fight for your own selves.

Steven gradually tries to accept the reality and asks the doctor to start chemotherapy..

<p>Many countries have compulsory military service for men after they leave school. It would be a good idea to adopt this system, for men and possibly women. With increasing job opportunities and career options in various fields people are reluctant to join military. This is becoming a major concern for various countries. There are a few countries where men have to serve military necessarily after completing their education. In my opinion this rule should be there in every country both for men and women. This will not only strengthen armed forces of the country but will also improve health and security of people. Although countries have started using machines more than men during wars, still the importance of human soldiers cannot be neglected. With the growth of finance, marketing and education sectors, people are getting more job opportunities. most importantly the risk of life is not there in these sectors. This is the main reason of people becoming reluctant to join armed forces. If military service is made mandatory, people will not have any option other than joining military for a few years. This will help in strengthening of military. Health is another area where people will be benefitted by joining military. Rigorous exercises and activities help in strengthening both mind and body. Increasing fat in people can be dealt with only by physical exercise. Crime is growing at an alarming rate in every country. More than half of these crimes are against women. Most of these crimes are committed because women are not confident enough to oppose the crime. Military training can help in improving their confidenceto stand against crime and raise their voice. To conclude, military service after schooling should be made compulsory both for males as swell as females. This improve country's security as well as the health of its citizens</p>​


Answerletter. where he question

In Adrienne Green's evaluation article of "The Boldness of Roxane Gay's Hunger", what was Adrienne's thesis statement?​



Green's evaluation article of "The Boldness of Roxane Gay's Hunger

The expression was that of agony—the agony of intense bodily pain; but a menace scowled upon the brow, and a few sprinklings of blood added to its ghastliness. Yet it was not all these characteristics—it was some horror of the mind, some inscrutable antipathy awakened by this picture, which harrowed up my feelings.
What technique does Irving use to build suspense in the excerpt?


What technique does Irving use to build suspense in the excerpt?

1The pace of the story quickens.

2The word choice darkens the tone.

3Odd characters are introduced.

4The setting details are intentionally omitted.


2. The word choice darkens the tone.


According to the excerpt by Irving, he describes a horrific scene, where there is agony, extreme bodily pain, along with blood to make the scene more ghastly and he also talks about the most horrific thing being a "horror of the mind"

The technique that Irving uses to build suspense in the excerpt is his use of words that darken the tone as it never explains the cause of the pain but vividly describes it.






one of the functions of auditors in the risk management process is to



During the risk assessment process, Internal Auditing identifies and assesses both the likelihood and potential impact of various risks to the organization. Internal controls are then identified and evaluated to determine how adequate they are in reducing risk to ensure that residual risk is at manageable levels.

wiu dot edu 

The functions of auditors in the risk management process is to:

assess and monitor risksprovide recommendations for risk mitigation

Who is an Internal auditor?

This is an auditor that is independent and provides an objective assurance and consulting activity for a company.

The main role of the Internal auditor is to provide objective assurance to the board on the effectiveness of risk management.

Read more about Internal auditor



Saran Biar
In conclusion, I am sure you
understand now why I love Christmas,
the overflowing love of the Lord
manifests within our actions.
In addition, during the Christmas
season, families are closer. It doesn't
matter how extravagant the festivity
is or how much food is on someone's
plate, what matters the most is the
presence of our loved ones. Knowing
that this season can bring people
together is one of the biggest
blessings we could ever receive.
To begin with, the spirit of Christmas
brings a different feeling to everyone;
young or old, rich or poor. The
excitement that sparkles in the
children's eyes upon receiving the
long-awaited gift from
their ninang and ninong is truly
something remarkable
"It is the season to be jolly!" This might
have been a buzzword but I strongly
believe that Christmas is the finest
celebration there is. It is the season of



5bxw6ydb udw7n organiza 9t7v9t7v7yv

What do you think Americans want to read now? What kind of books would entertain us?


What do you think Americans want to read now?

Well, it depends on the individual. Some people are inclined to read things all creature related or supernatural and may be inclined to read things on horror, perhaps they like serial killers and psychopaths and decide that’s what they want. Also, horror is a very entertaining genre to read, they are usually psychological thrillers like IT. Others are purely entertained by fantasy such as science fiction like “Star Trek“ or elves like “Lord of the Rings”. This genre makes you immerse yourself into another planet, another realm, another place that unimaginable. An incredible atmosphere where only you reside. You understand the characters, there is usually drama and a plot that needs to be resolved.

What kind of books would entertain us?

There are many books that would entertain us. There are many genres to choose from, from horror to fantasy to science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thriller, drama, etc. It all depends on the individuals personal taste when it comes to reading.

Which sentence is an example of a claim that should be revised to make it
more defensible?
O A. Many people find meditation to be helpful.
B. The Earth is the best planet in the universe.
C. The American Civil War was a destructive event.
D. Nutrition is important to a child's development.



B is the correct answer because there are many planet which we haven't discovered yet so we can't exactly say earth is the one who is best.

Identify each sentence as simple or compound.

1)Mary and Ellen completed their assignments and left for the day.

2)Caroline is coming to my house for the weekend, and we will go hiking.

3)Yesterday my parents bought a new car; it is a two-door blue hardtop.







Example 2 is a garbled sentence, confusingly written. Which two revisions below would clarify its meaning? (Remember to choose two.)
A) I tried to stop before the red light, but drove when it did.
B) I tried to drive before the red light, but drove when it did.
C) I tried to brake before the red light, but stopped when it did.
D) I tried to drive before the light turned red, but stopped when it did.
E) I tried to drive when the light was still yellow, but stopped when it turned red.



D) I tried to drive before the light turned red, but stopped when it did

E) I tried to drive when the light was still yellow, but stopped when it turned red.


Given the fact that the question is incomplete and example 2 (which is said to be a garbled sentence, confusingly written) was not given, we can assume that it was talking about a person trying to beat the red light.

With this in mind, the two revisions below that would clarify its meaning are options D and E because they make the most sense.

the following conversation, which discussion technique does Anna most clearly show ? RAMONA Anna, where does the theme seem to change? ANNA: According the article: "The fault lies with the FDA's inability to release enough information in order to regain the public's trust. But perhaps Japan is to blame as well. Although there are plans to remove the spent nuclear fuel rods and build a permafrost wall around the four damaged reactors, is this really enough to recover damaged trust?" And then Sato goes on to explain this statement . A. Asking clarifying questions B. Using evidence to support your conclusions C. Synthesizing claims into a single conclusion D. Challenging established ideas





what is full form Of IS??​



The full form of IS is Indian Standard.


The Full form of I S is Indian Standard, or I S stands for Indian Standard, or the full name of given abbreviation is Indian Standard.

He has always _________ to help other people with a large amount of money he makes.



ready I think it will be correct

Match the definitions with the vocabulary words omnipotent, ascribe


Answer: Ascribe : reference, attribute or credit to

Omnipotent : having unlimited power


Answer: look at image

Explanation: Edmentum, I got the answer wrong this is provided correct answer

what is the affix for the word objective



object, target


srry thats all i can think of

Identify whether the following sentence is complete or a fragment. To ride a bicycle.
1. complete
2. fragment





The sentence is not complete and doesnt make sense.

Fragment think of it like this who is riding the bicycle what are they riding it to? There’s just not enough information to build a sentence. Also you cannot start a sentence with to.

Question 1 of 5
Which of the following is a concern that two or more characters in String
most clearly have in common?
A. Old age
B. Education
C. War
D. Voting rights


The answer is A. Old age

Which of the following sentences indicates that something is happening right now? b. o i jo I run very fast. I am running very fast. I can run very fast. all of the above​


The answer is :

I am running very fast



I am running very fast

Can anybody help me make this sound more professional…

“Hello my name is Felipe Frauches i am 17 years old and I’m a senior at centennial highschool I have recently broke one my friends windshields by exploding a confetti gun inside of her car I hope to make quick buck by helping around your house! I can provide power washing moving heavy objects or even landscaping if needed please contact my at this number”



Hi my name is Felipe Frauches I am 17 years old, I am a senior at Centennial High School. I recently broke my friends windshield by exploding a confetti gun inside of her car. I hope to make some quick bucks by helping around your house! I can provide Power Washing, Moving heavy objects, or even Landscaping if needed. If in need of any of these following things, Please feel free to contact me at this number.


This way sound much professional and a polite way to get you getting money fast. I hope this helps you!

The 3 adjectives that refer to one specific thing is an



'A' and 'an' are used to refer to an unspecific noun, and 'the' is used to refer to a specific noun.


sorry if this isnt right. i dont really understand the question but hope this helps.




i think a. is the correct answer. I'm not fully sure tho

A is the correct answer.

Who told you a story? into passive voice​



someone told me a story,when i was just 6 year old

the story was "The big bad wolf and the three little pigs"


i think?

what type of Bachelor's degree do you need to become a pharmacist​


In order to get a bachelors degree to become a pharmacist you need a pharmD, program generally takes 3 to 4 years to complete in order to get one we need to get into the school and earn their PharmD, students must earn a black bachelor degree and complete prerequisite course work in chemistry, biology,physics,psychology,microbiology,calculus,statistics,organic, chemistry, and biochemistry. :)
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