What was the impact of Furman v. Georgia 1972 )?


Answer 1

In 1972, the death sentence was abolished in the United States thanks to the LDF's groundbreaking argument in Georgia. The U.S. Supreme Court sided with LDF and determined that the death penalty as it was being applied violated the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments .

What does the Fourteenth Amendment state in plain English?

The Fourteenth Amendment, which was passed by the Senate on June 8, 1866, and ratified two years later on July 9, 1868, extended the provisions by granting citizenship to all people "born or naturalized in the United States," including formerly enslaved people. It also guaranteed all citizens "equal protection under the laws." After the Civil War, several southern states actively passed legislation restricting the rights of former slaves. In response, Congress passed the 14th Amendment, which was intended to put restrictions on state power and safeguard civil rights.

To know more about Amendment visit:



Related Questions


1. What was Washington's response to the war between France and England?
2. What did Pinckney's Treaty accomplish?
3. How did George Washington respond to the Whiskey Rebellion?
4. What was a part of George Washington's Farewell Address?
5. What idea was part of George Washington's Farewell Address?
6. What is included in George Washington's Farewell Address?
7. Why were the Alien and Sedition Acts controversial?
8. How did Adams respond to the French seizing American ships?
9. How did Adams respond to bribery letters from the French?
10. What belief did Alexander Hamilton have?
11. What belief did Thomas Jefferson have?
12. What was the result of Hamilton and Jefferson's differing views?
13. What is important about Thomas Jefferson's 1801 inaugural address?
14. Why was the ruling of Marbury v. Madison significant?
15. Why was the ruling of McCulloch v. Maryland significant?
16. Why was the ruling of Cohens v. Virginia significant?
17. What was important about the creation of Daniel Boone's Wilderness Road?
18. What was important about the Louisiana Purchase?
19. What was important about the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
20. Why did Native Americans move to the Indian Territory?


1. George Washington's administration maintained a policy of neutrality during the war between France and England.

2. Pinckney's Treaty, also known as the Treaty of San Lorenzo or the Treaty of Madrid, established boundaries between the United States and Spanish Florida and allowed for the free navigation of the Mississippi River.

3. George Washington responded to the Whiskey Rebellion with a show of force, leading an army of 13,000 men to put down the rebellion and reassert federal authority.

4. In his Farewell Address, George Washington warned against the dangers of political parties and foreign entanglements.

5. One idea in George Washington's Farewell Address was the importance of unity and national interest.

6. George Washington's Farewell Address included warnings against political parties, foreign entanglements, and the dangers of debt and inflation.

7. The Alien and Sedition Acts were controversial because they gave the government greater power to deport non-citizens and to silence political opposition through prosecution for sedition.

8. Adams responded to the French seizing American ships by sending a delegation, led by John Marshall, to negotiate with the French government. He also prepared for war, but ultimately the delegation was able to negotiate a peace treaty known as the Convention of 1800.

9. Adams responded to bribery letters from the French by making them public and using them as evidence of French attempts to interfere in American politics, which became a major factor in the XYZ Affair.

10. Alexander Hamilton believed in a strong central government and a national bank.

11. Thomas Jefferson believed in states' rights and a limited central government.

12. The differing views of Hamilton and Jefferson led to the formation of the first political parties in the United States, with Hamilton leading the Federalists and Jefferson leading the Democratic-Republicans.

13. Thomas Jefferson's 1801 inaugural address emphasized the importance of unity and the peaceful transfer of power.

14. The ruling in Marbury v. Madison established the principle of judicial review, giving the Supreme Court the power to declare federal laws unconstitutional.

15. The ruling in McCulloch v. Maryland established the principle of implied powers, giving the federal government the power to pass laws necessary and proper for the execution of its enumerated powers.

16. The ruling in Cohens v. Virginia established the principle of judicial review for state courts, allowing them to declare state laws unconstitutional.

17. The creation of Daniel Boone's Wilderness Road opened the western frontier for settlement and played an important role in westward expansion.

18. The Louisiana Purchase more than doubled the size of the United States and opened new land for settlement and economic opportunities.

19. The Lewis and Clark Expedition explored the newly acquired Louisiana Territory and opened up the American West for further exploration, trade, and settlement.

20. Native Americans were moved to Indian Territory in the 19th century as part of government policies aimed at forcibly relocating Indigenous peoples from their ancestral lands to make way for European-American settlement.

What was Washington's response to France and England war?

The response that the former president of the United States had to the war at the time that it took place was that of neutrality. He did not want the nation which was still struggling to find its feet to start engaging in foreign wars.

Read more on George Washington here:https://brainly.com/question/815647


What are the 4 Changes in Russia after Russian Revolution?


Industries and banks were nationalized. The nobility could no longer hold onto land because it was made social property, enabling peasants to do so. According to the needs of the family, dwellings were divided in urban areas. New uniforms were created for the army and the bureaucrats, and old aristocratic titles were outlawed.

What is Lenin's contribution?

In the 1917 Russian Revolution, he was a crucial figure. implementing extensive land changes. Lenin was credited with the Bolsheviks' triumph during the Russian Civil War, which lasted from 1917 to 1922.

                     The New Economic Policy, which he introduced, was a synthesis of many economic systems with the state playing a decisive role.

What is the abbreviation for Russian Revolution?

When the Russian working class and peasants rose up in 1917 to overthrow Tsar Nicholas II's administration, it is known as the Russian Revolution.

                    Vladimir Lenin, along with a group of revolutionaries known as the Bolsheviks, served as their leader. The Soviet Union was a nation founded by the new communist regime.

Learn more about Russian Revolution



The consumer experience has changed immensely since 1962. For example, people
today frequently shop online, and producers have many new methods of advertising
their products. What new consumer protection laws might be necessary today that
were not necessary in 1962? pls i need ideas



1. Laws requiring online retailers to provide accurate, detailed product descriptions.

2. Laws requiring online retailers to clearly display return, refund and exchange policies.

3. Laws prohibiting online retailers from using deceptive or high-pressure sales tactics.

4. Laws requiring online retailers to protect customer data with secure encryption.

5. Laws prohibiting businesses from making false or misleading claims about their products.

6. Laws requiring businesses to accurately disclose pricing and fees for products and services.

7. Laws prohibiting businesses from collecting or using personal information without consent.

8. Laws requiring businesses to provide customers with clear and accurate invoices and statements.

9. Laws requiring businesses to clearly display all terms and conditions of a purchase before completing the transaction.

10. Laws requiring businesses to timely resolve customer complaints and disputes.

Make one comparison between Dutch/English colonization efforts and Iberian
colonization efforts.


One comparison between Dutch/English colonization efforts and Iberian colonization efforts is the focus on trade and economic expansion. Both the Dutch and English focused on establishing trade routes and establishing colonies as sources of raw materials and markets for their goods. In contrast, the Iberians (Spanish and Portuguese) had a more holistic approach to colonization, focusing not only on economic expansion but also on religious conversion and cultural assimilation of the native populations. This is exemplified in the Spanish colonization of Latin America and the Portuguese colonization of Brazil.

how did European colonization affect political structure in Sub Saharan Africa?



European colonization severely disrupted the natural nation-state development process in Africa and imposed artificial borders corresponding to colonial conquests. Strong nation-states evolve organically through conflict because a shared struggle gives people a sense of shared purpose and identity


Describe two changes in women’s roles in the work


Women's contributions to society were restricted and regulated many years ago by men. Women are taking the lead and contributing significantly in many crucial fields. Women now play an increasingly important role in fields like politics, business, law, professional training, and medicine.

In what ways did World War I affect women's employment roles?

The proportion of women in the workforce rose after America joined the Great War.

Women were now employed in clerical jobs, sales, and textile and apparel industries, expanding the range of traditional women's occupations like teaching and household work that they could choose from.

Learn more about women's employment roles, from:



Why do the graphics titled “The End of Weimar” and “The Brown Flood” show about the popularity of the Nazi Party in the early 1930’s?



Expl: The character limit is to high to put the answer to your question in the comments, hope this will suffice.

During the rise of the Nazi party, many Germans turned in their Jewish neighbors for a variety of reasons. Some may have done so out of a genuine belief in the Nazi party's anti-Semitic ideology and a desire to further its goals. Others may have been motivated by a desire for personal gain or to avoid punishment themselves. Some Germans may have also turned in their Jewish neighbors out of fear or a desire to protect their own families.

It is difficult to justify or excuse the actions of those who turned in their Jewish neighbors during this time. The persecution and extermination of Jews by the Nazi party was a grave injustice and a horrific crime against humanity. Those who participated in this persecution, either actively or passively, bear some responsibility for the suffering of millions of people.

The graphics titled "The End of Weimar" and "The Brown Flood" likely depict the increasing popularity of the Nazi Party in Germany during the early 1930s. The Nazi Party, also known as the National Socialist German Workers' Party, was a far-right political party in Germany that was active during the interwar period. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, the party rose to power in the late 1920s and early 1930s, and played a central role in the history of Germany during this time. The Nazi Party's popularity grew significantly during the early 1930s, and it was able to gain a large number of seats in the Reichstag, the German parliament. This is likely what is depicted in the graphics "The End of Weimar" and "The Brown Flood."

Was ww2 rationing healthy?


Dieticians have long maintained that the nation's health dramatically improved after the war because of the healthiest diet the British people have ever consumed during times of rationing.

How did rationing affect nutritional health during WWII?

People had to change their eating habits as a result of the food shortages during the war. The majority of Americans consumed less meat, fat, eggs, and sweets than they had in the past. However, because they received the same amount as everyone else, persons who previously had a poor diet were able to boost their consumption of protein and vitamins.

When did WWII started?

The Second World War, generally known as World War II, was a global battle that lasted from 1939 to 1945 and touched almost every region of the globe. The Axis powers—Germany, Italy, and Japan—as well as the Allies—France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China—were the main belligerents. It had lasted almost six years and was the largest conflict in history. A total of 50 million people (or around 3% of the world's population) have been killed and almost 100 million have been militarized. World War II had a wide range of primary causes.

To know more about WWII visit:                    brainly.com/question/14247518


Some people actually had better access to food during wartime than before the war.

During the Second World War (1939-1945)WW2, the British government had to implement food rationing to ensure that no one could have a disadvantage in the share of the limited available food.  The rationing system began in 1940 and lasted until 1954, with additional food items being added over time. Various allowances were given to certain groups, and each person was provided with a ration book.

Additionally, an unrationed food point scheme was introduced, where individuals were assigned several points to allocate towards a selected range of foods. This allowed citizens to make their own choices on how to spend their points.

To learn more about WW2


Rooawevelt's speech, and write an essay on whether you agree or disagree with Roosevelt's argument for his decision to enter World War II.



Since this is YOUR essay, you should at least include whether YOU disagree or agree.

What happened in the Supreme Court case Korematsu vs United States the Court decided that the Fourteenth Amendment ?


The U.S. Court of Appeals upheld the trial court's ruling that Korematsu had disobeyed military directives after being challenged by Korematsu's legal representatives. In order to have his case heard, Korematsu petitioned the US Supreme Court.

On December 18, 1944, a split Supreme Court decided (6-3) that the imprisonment was a "military necessity" and not racially motivated.

Fred Korematsu, a 23-year-old Japanese-American citizen, refused to leave his house and employment despite the fact that his parents had already given up their home and flower nursery company in order to report to a camp.

The FBI detained Korematsu for failing to report to a relocation centre on May 30, 1942, which was around six months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. After being detained following his arrest, he made the decision to hire the American Civil Liberties Union to represent him and use his case as a test case to contest the legality of the government's order.

To learn more about Korematsu vs United States, refer



3. For each category in the first column, two options are given in the second column. In the third column, write which one you think best describes that category when Empress Suiko and Prince Shotoku began their rule.


1. Rice was the main crop when Empress Suiko and Prince Shotoku began their rule.

2. Family life was centered around the mother  when Empress Suiko and Prince Shotoku began their rule.

3. The government when Empress Suiko and Prince Shotoku began their rule was around one powerful emperor.

What was the leadership of Empress Suiko and Prince Shotoku ?

Shotoku assumed the role of her regent after Empress Suiko became Japan's first female emperor in 592 and ascended to the throne. He drafted the Seventeen-Article Constitution, Japan's first constitution, which set guidelines for those in charge of conducting political activities.

From 592 until his passing in 622 CE, Prince Shotoku Taishi, a ruthless Japanese regent, controlled Japan. This occurred during the Asuka Period. Shotoku and his aunt, Empress Suiko, gained power as a result of several imperial demises and battles between the Soga dynasty—of which they were a part—and the squabbling Mononobe clan.

Read more on Empress Suiko here: https://brainly.com/question/22801957


How did the titanic changed history?


Answer: Titanic sparked a lawmaking frenzy resonating throughout the international community. From this fervor emerged the adoption of the first International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) in 1914. We increased training, and appropriate personal protection, to standardizing requirements for emergency procedures.


what were the ideals associated with the Enlightenment how did these ideals pave the way for revolutions


Individualism, liberty, and autonomy challenged the roles of church leaders and monarchs. In Europe in the 18th century, a philosophical movement known as the Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Enlightenment, dominated the world of ideas.

It planted the seeds of revolution in the United States, France, and elsewhere. Liberty, progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government, and the separation of church and state were among its guiding principles. The idea that reason is the most important source of authority and legitimacy was at the center of it. The Enlightenment was characterized by an emphasis on the scientific method and reductionism, in addition to raising more questions about religious orthodoxy. The ideas of the Enlightenment made the monarchy and the church less powerful and made it easier for political revolutions in the 18th and 19th centuries. French historians claim that the Enlightenment typically took place between 1789, when the French Revolution began, and 1715, when Louis XIV died. Recent historians claim that the Scientific Revolution began in 1620. However, numerous national variations of the movement flourished between the first decades of the 18th century and the first decades of the 19th century.

To know more about Scientific Revolution visit



Which of the following movements most directly led to the Enlightenment?

Protest Reformation
Catholic Reformation
Scientific Revolution


Answer: the correct answer is Scientific Revolution

Explanation: I put the reformation protest answer and got it wrong, the i put scientific revolution and got it right

Answer: D. Scientific Revolution

Explanation: The Enlightenment was a significant philosophical movement that took place in Europe during the 18th century.  It was characterized by a focus on reason, individualism, and skepticism towards traditional authority.

The Scientific Revolution, which occurred in the 17th century, was a key precursor to the Enlightenment.  During this period, there were groundbreaking advancements in the field of science, challenging the prevailing ideas and beliefs of the time.  Prominent figures such as Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, and Isaac Newton revolutionized the way people understood the natural world.

The Scientific Revolution marked a shift from the reliance on religious and philosophical theories to the use of observation, experimentation, and empirical evidence to explain natural phenomena.  This new approach to science directly influenced the thinkers of the Enlightenment.

Enlightenment thinkers, also known as philosophers, believed that reason and logic should be the foundation for understanding and improving the world.  They sought to apply the principles of the Scientific Revolution to other areas of society, such as politics, religion, and economics.

By emphasizing reason, the Enlightenment thinkers challenged traditional authority and advocated for individual rights, religious tolerance, freedom of speech, and the separation of powers in government.  They believed in progress and human perfectibility through the application of rationality and the acquisition of knowledge.

Learn more about the Scientific Revolution here: https://brainly.com/question/35070422.

Why did the US government use propaganda during the war?


In times of war, propaganda must aim to lower enemy spirits. To undermine the will to fight is one of propaganda's main goals when it is directed at hostile nations. It makes many attempts to weaken the enemy's resolve to resist.

The US administration used propaganda for what reason?

Issues Affecting American Politics and Society as Shown in Propaganda For more than a century, America has used propaganda through the arts to sway the public opinion in its favor. The government frequently bases its arguments on a sense of Americanism or superiority for the nation over others.

To know more about  propaganda visit:



You describe and explain
goverment's role in building out
the railroads?"



Government's role in building out the railroads was significant. Governments provided large amounts of money to finance the construction of the railroads, with some of the largest investments coming from the federal government in the United States. Governments also provided land grants to railroad companies, which allowed them to build the railroads on land that was owned or controlled by the government. Government officials were also involved in the decision-making process for the construction of the railroads, helping to determine which routes the railroads should take and what services they should offer. Finally, governments provided protection for the railroads, ensuring that they could operate safely and securely.

Please help in 3-5 sentences


He should be the one apologizing on his behalf.He’s making people aware he doesn’t want to make the same mistake as his ancestors.He can’t change what happened but he can prevent the same thing from happening he wants to be different

What are two reasons that farmers were able to make
more money growing wheat?



1: wheat has been the principal cereal crop since the 18th century

2: wheat production leads to all crops including rice and maize.

How many years did the
Homestead Act require
settlers to stay before the
land officially belonged to
A. 1 Year
B. 10 Years
C. 5 years
D. 7 Years


The Homestead Act required settlers to stay on the land and cultivate it for a minimum of five years before they could file an application to receive the deed to the land officially.

What is homestead?

Homestead is a type of residential landholding in which a family makes its home. It typically includes a house, outbuildings, and associated land for agricultural or other activities. Homesteading is a form of self-sufficiency and is often practiced in rural or semi-rural areas. Homesteaders usually own and manage their own land, but may also lease land from a local government or other landowner.

After that, settlers had to prove they had made improvements to the land, such as building a home or planting crops, before they could receive the deed. The Homestead Act of 1862 was instrumental in the development of the American West and opened up millions of acres of land for settlement.

To know more about homestead click-

Find a saint who lived a Eucharistic way of life. This might include the
Truth of their teaching (others) about the Eucharist, the Beauty of their worship, and the Goodness of their accompaniment of persons in poverty and those who are vulnerable. Research their life and write an essay or video presentation about how they lived all or some of these in a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. In your essay, incorporate at least three of the following themes:
● Grace
● Real Presence
● Sacrament
● Mystery
● Communion - with Christ or with others
● Teaching
● Worship
● Church
● Prayer
● Commitment to the poor
● Sacrifice
● Meal
Your typed explanation must be at least 3 paragraphs long


Saint Teresa of Avila is one example of a saint who led a Eucharistic lifestyle. She was a mystic, author, and Catholic Church reformer who lived in Spain in the sixteenth century. She is renowned for her fervent love of the Eucharist and emphasis on the importance of living an inward life of prayer and reflection.

Who was Saint Teresa of Avila?The grace that is present in the Eucharist was something that Saint Teresa really understood. She was aware that the consecrated bread and wine represent the actual presence of Jesus Christ, not just a symbol. She held that the Eucharist served as both the beginning and the culmination of the Christian life, and that it was only by participating in the Eucharist that one could truly come to know and love Jesus Christ. She also highlighted the Eucharist as a sacrament that enacts the mystery of God's love and results in personal development.

To know more about Saint Teresa of Avila, refer:



The Americans held a __________ view towards the war.


The americans held an opposing view towards the war.

Why does one of the British soldiers inside Coleman's Inn reject the idea that Will might have brought the horses with him


The British Soldier at Coleman's Inn disputes the claim that Will brought the horses because he doesn't believe anyone would entrust a little lad with such precious horses.

American volunteer Will Clark transports horses to nations in Europe. Unexpectedly, the journey began early in the morning. The boys were hired to deliver the horses to the bar and then hand them off to the owner of the establishment.

The British soldiers intimidated the lad because they believed he knew nothing about horses. Will informs Mr. Coleman that he has the horses for Coleman's son to deliver when the soldiers have left.

To learn more about why soldiers rejected Will's idea,



Why do many Asian scholars advocated the creation of nation states in the week of European imperialism


Many Asian scholars and intellectuals felt that the rise of European imperialism was rooted in its concerted political and social organization. They believed that through this unified organization strong nation-states were created in Europe .

About imperialism

The definition of Imperialism is a policy system taken by a large country to hold control or government over other areas so that the country can develop.

The term imperialism itself comes from the Latin, namely Imperare or Imperium, which means area of residence or power. the notion of imperialism is an expansion of territory or territory/colonies.

Expansion of the territory can be done in a subtle and mutually beneficial way, such as economic, cultural, ideological, or by using coercion (armed force). This is done on the basis of self-interest.

The notion of Imperialism itself has existed since the 19th century which was first coined by the British Prime Minister at the time, namely Benjamin Disraeli. The desire to rule over other countries and territories has existed since the fall of Constantinople. Constantinople was a strategic area for trade which eventually fell and the Ottoman Turks controlled it.

The fall of Constantinople prevented traders and buyers from entering the region carelessly, so that Europeans became confused about where to look for their spice needs.

In the end, Europeans began to carry out ocean expeditions with the aim of discovering various areas on the Asian continent and its surroundings which were then used as territories.

Learn more about European Imperialism at https://brainly.com/question/9339152.


2. TAKING NOTES In a two-column chart, list the economic changes that occurred in the North and South as a result of the Civil War. Explain how these changes affected the two regions


The debate over slavery had split the North and the South for years prior to the conflict. The problem had not been resolved by measures like the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850.

African American slaves performed the majority of the plantation labour, which was the foundation of the Southern economy. On the other hand, manufacturing played a bigger role in the Northern economy.

The North's growing abolitionism in the 1850s led the Southern states to worry that the federal government would try to abolish slavery.

The Southern states held that the federal government lacked the authority to determine whether slavery should be legal in a particular state.

To know more about Government, click here:



Which Canadian province (Quebec) was designated by the British government for French speakers in 1791


In 1791, the British administration established Quebec as the province for French-speaking people.

The old French colony of Canada was a part of the British North American colony known as Quebec. After the British soldiers in the Seven Years' War conquered New France, it was founded by the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1763. France renounced its claim to the colony as part of the Treaty of Paris, although it negotiated to maintain the small, lucrative island of Guadeloupe.

Canada was designated the Province of Quebec after the Royal Proclamation of 1763, and it expanded from Labrador's coast on the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes and beyond to the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers in the southwest to the Saint Lawrence River Valley. The British kept a military presence there until 1796, although portions of its southwest, those regions south of the Great Lakes, were later surrendered to the newly founded United States in the Treaty of Paris (1783) at the end of the American Revolution. Lower Canada and Upper Canada were created in 1791 after the region north of the Great Lakes was reorganized.

To know more about Province of Quebec



What was germany’s role in the discussions that ended with the treaty of versailles?
a. germany participated in the discussions.
b. germany was excluded from the discussions.
c. germany refused to attend the discussions.
d. germany walked out of the discussions.


(B) Germany’s role in the discussions that ended with the treaty of Versailles was Germany was excluded from the discussions.

The lack of other significant states also hindered treaty discussions. Up until December 1917, when the new Bolshevik Government withdrew from the war, Russia had participated as an ally. The Bolshevik decision to reveal the wording of covert agreements with the Allies regarding the postwar period and to repudiate Russia's outstanding financial debts to the Allies infuriated the Allies. The new Bolshevik Government was not invited to the Peace Conference because the Allied Powers refused to recognize it. The defeated Central Powers were likewise left out by the Allies (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria).

The Treaty of Versailles exposed Germany to severe punitive measures as per French and British wishes. The Treaty mandated that the new German Government give up all of its overseas territories and about 10% of its prewar territory in Europe. It gave the League of Nations control over the coal-rich Saarland and the port city of Danzig (now Gdansk), and it gave France permission to use the Saarland's economic resources up to 1935. It restricted the strength of the German Army and Navy and made it possible for Kaiser Wilhelm II and several other senior German officials to be tried as war criminals.The Germans accepted responsibility for the war and the obligation to provide financial restitution to the Allies under the requirements of Article 231 of the Treaty. In 1921, the Inter-Allied Commission calculated the sum and submitted its results. In addition to the initial $5 billion payment required by the Treaty, they calculated an additional value of 132 billion gold Reichmarks, or 32 billion US dollars. The strict constraints set by the Treaty of Versailles began to be disliked by the German people.

To know more about Treaty of Versailles:




B- Germany was excluded from the discussions.


People who supported the 1996 welfare reform claim that the earlier system ________ and critics of reforms claim the new system ________


People who supported the 1996 welfare reform claim that the earlier system encouraged welfare dependency and critics of reforms claim the new system has done little to reduce poverty in the United States.

The federal government's approach to helping impoverished families has changed significantly as a result of the welfare reform law from 1996. Prior to 1996, low-income families had access to a range of welfare services, including cash payments, food stamps, and Medicaid. The American public grew to feel that this entitlement benefit system was a factor in the reduction of poor parents' ability to work and the even more dramatic decrease in the proportion of poor children growing up in two-parent households. The 1996 changes, among other things, mandated work for nearly every adult who joined the assistance rolls. A five-year restriction on the receiving of monetary welfare by particular families was also imposed, with some exceptions.

A federal assistance program in the US is called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). It started on July 1, 1997, and it replaced the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program. Through the US Department of Health and Human Services, it provided financial aid to impoverished American families. The term welfare is frequently used to describe TANF.

Numerous of these regulations are in response to criticisms that the welfare law of 1996 placed too much focus on caseload reduction and not enough on poverty reduction.

To know more about welfare reform law



What is the theme of Just Ask by Sonia Sotomayor?


It can be challenging to feel different, particularly as a child. But just as diverse kinds of plants and flowers enhance the beauty and enjoyment of a garden, so too do many kinds of people make the world a more colorful and delightful place.

What's just ask's major point?

When a reader notices a difference, the book Just Ask encourages them to speak up and engage others in conversation rather than hiding it as something to be embarrassed of. Children do ask these questions because they are, of course, inherently curious. Adults are the ones that keep the kids quiet and instruct them to avoid disrespectful gestures, comments, and pointing.

To know more about Sonia Sotomayor visit:



Should Elgin Marbles be returned?


Lord Elgin's legitimate relocation of the marble from their original location prevented their destruction, hence they ought to stay there. They are more widely accessible than they would be in Athens, and their repatriation to Greece would create a precedent that would result in the emptying of many illustrious museums of their holdings.

The speaker of "On Seeing the Elgin Marbles" muses on their own impending mortality in response to the stunning sight of ancient Greek statues. They serve as a reminder of the speaker's relative scale even though they are only shadows of the sculptures' actual forms. Despite their injuries, they are nonetheless capable of performing their duties. The Elgin Marbles, a collection of ancient Greek sculptures that were removed from the Parthenon and other structures on the Acropolis of Athens, are currently on display in the British Museum. The marble would be returned to Greece in the first quarter of 2023 and displayed with other Parthenon relics in the Acropolis Museum if a deal were to be achieved.

To know more about Elgin marbles here



Which of the following is a physical characteristic?
O Population
O Minerals
O Language
O Religion


Population  is a physical characteristic.

What are the four qualities of the population?

Making decisions based on population characteristics such as size, regional distribution, age structure, or birth and death rates can be aided by understanding how these characteristics vary over time.

What are the physical geography's five defining traits?

Landforms, waterways, climatic conditions, soil types, indigenous plants, terrain, and animal life are examples of physical characteristics.

Which of the following does not describe a population?

Phenotypes themselves do not fully characterize the population as a whole. It is a group of quantifiable traits that are unique to each individual and result from the interaction between the genotype and the environment.

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A certain psychological test measures empathy and emotional intelligence. The score, S, of a randomly selected senior student at a large university has a mean of 123 and a standard deviation of 29. The score, F, of a randomly selected first-year student at a large university has a mean of 104 and a standard deviation of 34. Suppose we randomly select one senior student and one first-year student. We can consider Sand F to be independent random variables. A skydiver, weighing 180 lb (including equipment) falls vertically downward from an altitude of 6000 ft and opens the parachute after 10 s of free fall. Assume that the force of air resistance, which is directed opposite to the velocity, is of magnitude 0. 75|v| when the parachute is closed and is of magnitude 12|v| when the parachute is open, where the velocity v is measured in ft/s. (A computer algebra system is recommended. Use g = 32 ft/s^2 for the acceleration due to gravity. Round your answers to two decimal places. ) (a) Find the speed of the skydiver when the parachute opens. Ft/s (b) Find the distance fallen before the parachute opens. Ft (c) What is the limiting velocity v_L after the parachute opens? v_L = ft/s (d) Determine how long the sky diver is in the air after the parachute opens What are values? im going need help with this one! this is sociology whats the names of all the wars british won 3 Select the correct answer. Which value of x makes this equation true? -5(x-20)=35 A. -11 B. 13 C.27 D.-3 What major events happened in the Roaring Twenties? Which egg is better in Great Gatsby? Can the U.S. citizenship be taken away? Make meaurement and calculation to predict where the puck will land and whether the puck will land on Eintein or not. Upload or decribe all the tep you took to anwer thi. Include the meaurement you made from thi video, the equation you ued and the final reult Which of the following is NOT one of the punishments for speeding? By ____________ Germany had conquered almost the entire Europe except for Germany.It about the world war II What is the importance and purpose of interpretation of artwork? How many total lines of symmetry may be found in the image?O 16 8 12 4 Please help me Ill mark you brainly The distance your vehicle travels from the time the eyes see a hazard to the time the brain knows it's a hazard is called: How do you factorise -b The probability that a carton of eggs taken from the cooler at a store will have at least one cracked egg is 2.5%.What are the odds that a carton of eggs will have at least one cracked egg? "Security Flaw Could Expose Credit Card Data"(NBC News, 2017)Propaganda technique: How to solve and answer? Step 3: Testing Jeromes sisters approachJeromes sister told him to multiply both the amount of water and the amount of drink mix by the same number to keep the ratio of water to drink mix the same and still increase the total amount of energy drink.Complete the table below. Is Jeromes sister correct? Explain why or why not, using examples from the ratio table to support your argument.