Walt Whitman is known for his imagery.


Answer 1

Whitman's use of imagery shows his imaginative power, the depth of his sensory perceptions, and his capacity to capture reality instantaneously. He expresses his impressions of the world in language which mirrors the present. He makes the past come alive in his images and makes the future seem immediate.


Related Questions

Read this passage I am mindful that only yesterday in Birmingham, Alabama, our children, crying out for brotherhood, were answered with fire hoses, snarling dogs and even death. I am mindful that only yesterday in Philadelphia, Mississippi, young people seeking to secure the right to vote were brutalized and murdered. And only yesterday more than 40 houses of worship in the State of Mississippi alone were bombed or burned because they offered a sanctuary to those who would not accept segregation. I am mindful that debilitating and grinding poverty afflicts my people and chains them to the lowest rung of the economic ladder. -Martin Luther King Jr., Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1964 How does King show that the struggle for freedom and equality is not over?

A. By asking the committee to help thestop the violence

B. By refusing the award because peace has not been achieved

C. By giving examples of violent events that recently took place

D. By explaining that he is not an expert in the field of civil rights​


C I’m pretty sure yeh yeh

King show that the struggle for freedom and equality is not over by giving examples of violent events that recently took place. Hence, option D is correct.

What events are shared by Martin Luther King in his Noble acceptance speech?

In the passage, Martin Luther King Jr. provides examples of violent events that had taken place in Birmingham, Alabama, Philadelphia, Mississippi, and the State of Mississippi, to show that the struggle for freedom and equality was not over.

He emphasizes that even though he was accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, there were still many issues that needed to be addressed, such as the brutal treatment of young people seeking to secure the right to vote, the bombing and burning of houses of worship, and the poverty that afflicted his people.

By highlighting these ongoing issues, King underscores the need to continue the struggle for civil rights and social justice. Hence, option C is correct.

Find more on Martin Luther King:



PLEASE (look at the picture) 100 points



hope this helps


1. what did you do when you got home after school yesterday?

2. Were you watching TV at 9 o'clock last night?

3. What were you parents doing yesterday at 10 am?

4. Where did you go last summer?

5. Were you listening to music while you were doing your homework yesterday?

6. What did you do last Saturday?

7. What are you doing at 6 o'clock this morning?



1. What did you do when you got home yesterday?

2. Were you watching TV at 9 o'clock?

3. Where were your parents yesterday at 10pm?

4. Where did you go last summer?

5. Were you listening to music while doing homework?

6.What did you do last saturday?

7. What were you doing at 6 o'clock this morning?

Think of a time when you found
yourself in an embarrassing situation.
Narrate how you got into that situation,
how you dealt with it and the lesson you
learnt from it. short story​



hope it helps plz mark me brainliest


An Embarrassing Day of My Life

The proverb “Pride comes before a fall” became very apt for me. My juniors held me in high regard and my classmates laughed at my witticism. I was also good with academics and managed to come in the first three ranks with the minimum of effort. The result was that I became conceited and started making fun of my classmates especially because some of my class fellows laughed at my witticism. This spurred one on and I started misbehaving when some lenient teachers were present.


This went on for few days. I had a good time laughing, joking and showing off to my admiring coteries of followers. None of the teachers had notices what I was doing because they were too busy in teaching.

change this into indirect speech.Paul says,"Windhoek is a wonderful city"​



Paul says that Winghoek is a wonderful city.


Paul told us that Windhoek is a wonderful city.

Which of the following is typically present in Gothic literature?

elements of the supernatural
wild animals and nature
characters who are apathetic or don't care about much
big, fancy mansions


Answer: elements of the supernatural


The mood of Gothic literature is almost

gloomy. It should be noted that in In Gothic novels, the conflict is usually between the person versus the supernatural.

The setting of novels in Gothic Literature usually revolves around a mansion or a castle. In gothic literature, there are elements of the supernatural

Write an essay on the topic ‘Uses and abuses of leisure time’.



Leisure is some free time from job or occupation. This is period of relaxation in everyday routine. Benefits and drawbacks of leisure depends upon the person who uses it.

Some free time is essential in today’s fast moving world because life gets boring and dull because of same schedule everyday. In this way, man loses an interest in his work. This is the reason government institutions and other organizations have fixed working hours and number of weekly and monthly holidays. Holidays are very important in enhancing the efficiency of workers. People like to spend holidays in their own way. Some prefer to read books to supplement their knowledge. Others like to spend their time on gardening. Some go for travelling around the country to see their countrywide culture and historical places. In our country, people made plans to go to northern areas. In this way time is spend closer to nature, away from machines, and amongst the beauty of nature and simplicity. All these activities recharge the energy of man and make him ready for his professional life.

On the other hand, too much leisure is also a problem as it spoils a person who has it. Such a person is more prone to anti-social activities because an empty mind is a dwelling house of Satin. So a free youth is more likely to adopt a bad company and involve in evil deeds. It is important to utilize one’s free time in a productive way especially for persons who are unemployed. The government must play its part in engaging unemployed people in productive activities as human capital is very important natural resource in the modern world.

From the above conclusion it can be concluded that it is not the availability of leisure that is bad but it is the poor usage of leisure that makes it bad. In real life availability of proper free time for relaxation is strongly needed.

hope this answer helps you...!!!

if you liked the answer.. plz mark it as the BRAINLIEST

Leisure can be profitably used in adopting some hobbies such as gardening, mountaineering, boating, swimming, riding, collection of stamps and coins, photography, singing and dancing and playing upon a harmonium, and so on.

What are the uses and abuses of leisure time?

"What is this life if full of care, We have no time to stand and stare?"

So sang the poet W. H. Davies. Leisure means the free time that we have after the day’s hard labor. It means the time for rest and recreation after our routine professional work is over. Life is worthless if we have work care and anxieties only and no time to stand and state, i.e. to look at the beautiful objects of Nature. Most of the work that we do is dull and tiresome. We need rest to recoup our lost energy and to give rest to our tired bodies and mind. So leisure is highly essential for a busy man.After we have made proper use of leisure, we feel refreshed and attend to our work with renewed vigor and interest. Leisure brings a change in our routine work and life. If there is no leisure and rest and recreation in a man’s life, he often becomes bored, irritable and quarrelsome.Today we live in a machine age. We have to live and work like a machine otherwise we cannot make both ends meet in this competitive world. But the Indian workers have not got enough money to enjoy their leisure like their brethren in the western countries- U.S.A., England, West Germany etc. Many of them spend their leisure in enforced idleness. The problem of leisure is closely connected with the problem of money. Surely you need money to spend your free time or leisure in reading an interesting book or go on a picnic or excursion, or pay for a seat in a cinema hall, or purchase a ticket at a football match in a stadium etc. As a poor worker has no money to enjoy his leisure more often than not he is forced to sit at home and sleep on his holidays.Leisure can be profitably used in adopting some hobbies such as gardening, mountaineering, boating, swimming, riding, collection of stamps and coins, photography, singing and dancing and playing upon a harmonium and so on. Taking part in games and sports is also a useful hobby. In the west people also use their leisure for self-improvement. In short, one should spend one’s leisure in such pursuits as are both interesting and instructive, and as refresh our mind and strengthen our body. Most of the great men of the world spend their free time on useful hobbies. The famous scientist Einstein spent his leisure playing upon a sitar. The noted film star Ashok Kumar spends his leisure in studying horoscopes. Pandit Nehru was fond of riding, while Gandhiji of morning walks and evening prayers. Free time can also be usefully spent in meditation.On the whole, we shall have to admit that leisure is of utmost importance in our life. Time spent on leisure is generally well-spent. It is the time for rest, recreation and cool thinking. It makes our tired mind and body fresh and active. We can enjoy the beauties of nature, art and life in our free time only. Hence life without leisure is a life without pleasure. The world has not yet realized the importance and value of leisure. Only the constitution of Russia guarantees compulsory leisure for all its citizens.

To learn more the uses of leisure time, refer to: https://brainly.com/question/8409657


After doodle has learned to walk, what does his brother teach him to prepare him for school?


To run, swim, climb trees, and fight.

read the prompt then type the answer in the box. the interview with eileen collins and the article" first all female space walk" both focus on women breaking barriers as astronauts. what events and evidence does each author focus on when relating information about female astronauts?
pls hurry and answer correct



pls someone answer


Which details should be included in an objective summary of the passage Going to Japan


To stomp about the world ignoring cultural differences is arrogant, to be sure, but perhaps there is another kind of arrogance in the presumption that we may ever really build a faultless bridge from one shore to another, or even know where the mist has ceded to landfall. When I finally arrived at Ground Zero in Hiroshima, I stood speechless. What I found there was a vast and exquisitely silent monument to forgiveness. I was moved beyond words, even beyond tears, to think of all that can be lost or gained in the gulf between any act of will and its consequences. In the course of every failure of understanding, we have so much to learn.


To Kill a Mockingbird – Journaling Project
Follow the assignment instructions and review the rubric:

For this project, you must choose a character from the book and create a journal as if you are that character.

Your project must include the following:

Eight journal entries of at least a page each. Write these entries from different times along the plot of the story.
In four of the journal entries describe a meaningful artifacts that the character might have saved to include with the journal.
Design an artistic cover that illustrates the symbols from the book associated with the character.
Draw 3 designs or pictures to represent events from the story and note what journal entry they relate to.
Describe a creative container that the character might have stored the diary in, for safekeeping.

To Kill a Mocking Bird Journal Assignment

Journal Entries
Eight character journal entries of at least half a page each.
Maximum score48

Each one is from different times along the plot of the story.
Maximum score16

Meaningful Artifacts
Descriptions of four meaningful artifacts that the character might have saved are included within the journal.
Maximum score8

Cover Illustration
An artistic cover that illustrates the symbols from the book associated with the character.
Maximum score5

Designs or Pictures
Three designs or pictures to represent events from the story are included, with a title that clearly relates them to a journal entry.
Maximum score12

Container for the Journal
A description of a creative container that the character might have stored the diary in, for safekeeping.
Maximum score6

Less than 5 grammatical errors in all journal entries
Maximum score5



jis isit la yo ka resevwa kék pwen


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emphasizes on loving each other

a)The Rig-veda
b)The Quaran
c)The bhuddhist People​



the quaran,...I think it's the answer

The text presents a comparison.. Who are being compared? ​



When comparing texts, consider both what they have in common and what is different ... For example, two newspaper articles could use exaggeration to present ...


How does the main character in Don Quixote experience both internal and external conflict? Provide specific examples from the text of both types of conflict. Make sure to explain why each conflict is either internal or external.


Answer and Explanation:

The internal conflict that Don Quixote experiences is established by his refusal to accept reality as it is. That's because Don Quizote, was so focused on the books of chivalry he read, that he started to apply those unreal stories in reality. He started acting like the world was like in the books and that created a lot of problems for him. Don Quixote is trapped in his own world of illusions and refuses to attend to the realistic part of him, which needs to get back to reasoning correctly and take care of his problems. This is an example of internal conflict, because it shows the character's struggle with himself. This happens when two contrary thoughts fight within the same mind.

The external conflict in which he finds himself is established with society's repulsion on the way he behaves. This is a conflict called person versus society and it is established in history, because Don Quixote includes society in his daydreams and this society does not accept this and fights him so much, calling him crazy and fighting with him. This is an external conflict because it takes place outside the character and includes elements that don't belong to him.

"Don Quixote" was written by Miguel de Servantes and is the most important book in the Spanish language. In this story, we know how Don Quixote gave himself up to his love for stories of chivalry and abandoned everything to live as a knight errant.

The mountain sat upon the plain
In his eternal chair,
His observation omnifold,
His inquest everywhere.

The seasons prayed around his knees,
Like children round a sire:
Grandfather of the days is he,
Of dawn the ancestor.

Which statement best explains the central idea of this poem?



Mountains are tall and powerful objects in nature

The mountain is powerful, all knowing and wise.

Let’s break down the poem;

The first line ‘the mountain sat upon the plain in his eternal chair’ invokes a feeling of infinite power. By saying he sits upon the plain it makes the plain seem smaller, and by calling his chair eternal it invokes the feeling that time will pass and the world around it will change but the mountain it’s self will not.

The second line, ‘his observation omnifold’ is saying that he sees all. This line invokes a feeling of a mountain that knows all.

The third line says, ‘his inquest everywhere’ saying he asks all the questions, once again invoking feelings of great knowledge and godlike wisdom.

The forth line, ‘the seasons prayed around his knees’ saying that something as powerful as seasons themselves now pray to the mountain.

The fifth line continues off the fourth line saying, ‘like children round a sire:’ this once again invokes feelings of how something as powerful as seasons are like children to the great mountain.

The sixth and seventh line, ‘grandfather of days is he, of dawn the ancestor’ shows how once again time is nothing to the mountain, as it is more powerful.

All this together invokes feelings of power, knowledge, and wisdom.

I hope this helps you! Please consider marking me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but very much appreciated as I always put time and effort into each answer. Stay healthy and stay safe! :)

I have a prompt but no beginning the prompt is :think about a relationship argument you've had and write from the other person's side of view. I need a beginning to verse one pls help


I felt attacked when I heard my sister complain because I had laid down on the couch to rest. I had spent the entire day driving to her, who was being ungrateful by urging me to shower before lying down on the couch. I don't believe she has the right to interfere with my wishes, after I've spent the entire day serving her wishes. Besides, the sofa belongs to me too, and I have every right, like everyone else in this house, to lie down on it whenever I want.

*** The above paragraph was written based on the day I argued with my brother. I wrote the paragraph thinking about his point of view on the situation, but I think you need a little context to understand that point of view. This discussion took place on a day that I had to go to many places. At that time, I didn't drive and I asked my brother to drive for me. We spent the whole day going to several different places in the city and both of us were very tired and sweaty as the temperature was so high. When I got home, my brother threw himself on the couch and I thought this was very inappropriate as he was dirty and would make the couch dirty. So I complained and told him to take a shower. He didn't like my interference and we started arguing.***

Which rhetorical device does
Paine use in the following
excerpt from Section 2 of The
"All that Howe has been
doing for this month past is
rather a ravage than a
A. compare/contrast
B. repetition
C. rhetorical question
D. simile





because it's been compared from one to another


A. compare/contrast

Brainliest if you answer correct
Tomas is a 54-year-old man experiencing back pain, and he would like to get into better shape. He is interested in joining his local gym where he can use exercise bands and weight machines. What type of physical activity fits these criteria for Tomas?
A. Balance/stretching
B. Bone strengthening
C. Cardiorespiratory
D. Muscle strengthening



The type of physical activity that fits these criteria for Tomas is:

D. muscle strengthening


Tomas has been experiencing some pain on his back. Strengthening muscles, especially in the core and pelvis areas, can be beneficial to alleviate or prevent back pain. He also wants to get into better shape. Muscle strengthening helps with muscle toning and growth. Finally, he wants to go to a gym where he will use exercise bands and weight machines. Such equipment is used for muscle strengthening as well. Therefore, letter D seems to be the best option.


The answer would be D. Muscle strengthening because thomas is going to work out his muscles to eliminate some of the back pain. Using weights will only continue to strengthen as well.

I was only two years old when I left Cuba but I remember everything that’s happened to me since I was a baby, even word-for-word conversations. I was sitting in my grandmother’s lap, playing with her drop pearl earrings, when my mother told her we were leaving the country. Abuela Celia called her a traitor to the revolution. Mom tried to pull me away but I clung to the Abuela and screamed at the top of my lungs. My grandfather came running and said, "Celia, let the girl go. She belongs with Lourdes." This was the last time I saw her.How does the structure of the excerpt add meaning to the passage?


Answer: It introduces several of the narrators who will share their points of view.


The structure of the excerpt added meaning to the passage as it introduced several of the narrators who will share their points of view.

From the excerpt, the mother, grandmother and grandfather all shared their point of view. Her mother told her that they were leaving the country, Abuela Celia called her a traitor to the revolution and the grandfather told her to let the girl go.

We can actually see here that the structure of the excerpt add meaning to the passage in the following way:

It introduces several of the narrators who will share their points of view.

What is structure?

Structure refers to the way in which something is arranged or organized. Text structure is seen in stories and essays as it refers to the organisation of text. Text organisation helps readers to understand what the writer is trying to pass across.

Thus, we can see that the structure of the excerpt actually adds meaning to the passage in the way it introduces several of the narrators who will share their points of view.

Learn more about text structure on https://brainly.com/question/12053427

Read the examples carefully. Match each one with the text structure it uses. chronological order compare-contrast problem-solution cause-effect



compare contrast- Honey was popular, but sugar could be harvested more easily.

cause effect- Machines replaced human labor in sugar processing. Prices dropped.

chronological order- Sugar was brought to the Caribbean in 1493. Columbus died in 1506.

problem solution- Sugar was linked to obesity. Sugar substitutes reduced calories


got it right

The correct response is - Contrast: Although sugar could be harvested more easily, honey was still popular. Human labor was supplanted by machines in the sugar processing industry. Costs decreased. In chronological order, the Caribbean first received sugar in 1493. Columbus passed away in 1506. Obesity and sugar have been identified as problem solutions. Sugar alternatives with fewer calories

What is Cause-Effect?

Causality is the process by which one event, process, state, or object influences the development of another event, process, condition, or object, where the cause and effect are both somewhat influenced by one another.

The analysis is used in cause-and-effect papers to look at the causes and results of events. They represent an effort to ascertain the causes of something, such as the decision made or an occurrence, the outcomes that can be rightfully assigned to it, or both.

To read more about Cause-Effect, refer to -https://brainly.com/question/14392541


Which statement best explains the metaphor in this excerpt?



Odysseus men are compare to caught fish, showing their helplessness

Which of the following is not true about Clarisse McClellan?
She loves nature
She hates when people drive their cars fast.
She is inquisitive.
She is popular at school.





Martin Luther King Jr. Often spoke of a day in the future when he hoped that his children would be judged not by their skin color



This is true! And the structure of the sentence is grammatically correct.


Title: Breaking the Mold: A Journey of Misjudgment and Redemption


In the echoes of Martin Luther King Jr.'s resounding dream, I embarked on a personal odyssey that would test the boundaries of prejudice and challenge the limits of character judgment.

Inspired by King's vision of equality, this narrative essay delves into a pivotal moment in my life when I was unfairly judged based on factors that had no bearing on the content of my character. Through vivid storytelling, I aim to illustrate the transformative power of self-discovery and the resilience of the human spirit.

Body:1. Setting the Stage:

Transport the reader to the time and place of my encounter, painting a backdrop that reflects the societal context and the individuals involved. Create an atmosphere that embodies the complexities of diversity and preconceived notions.

2. The Incident:

Recount the specific event that became the catalyst for my misjudgment. Detail the circumstances, introducing the key characters involved and their initial perceptions of me. Emphasize the striking disparity between their assumptions and who I truly am.

3. The Sting of Misjudgment:

Convey the emotional impact of being unfairly judged, exploring the hurt, frustration, and confusion that surged within me. Share the inner turmoil that arose as I grappled with the disparity between their perception and my authentic self.

4. A Journey of Self-Reflection:

Describe how the incident ignited a process of self-reflection, prompting me to examine my own beliefs, biases, and assumptions. Highlight the introspective moments that led me to question the notion of character judgment and the value of authenticity.

5. Unveiling the Layers:

Introduce a character who saw beyond the surface and recognized the essence of my character. Explore the evolving relationship and delve into the conversations, shared experiences, and moments of vulnerability that unraveled the layers of misunderstanding.

6. Transformation and Redemption:

Showcase the transformative power of connection and understanding. Illustrate the gradual evolution of perceptions, as barriers crumble and prejudices dissipate. Highlight the redemptive nature of the journey, where growth and empathy prevail.

7. Embracing the Dream:

Reflect on the significance of this experience in relation to Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream. Discuss the impact it had on my personal growth and the broader implications for fostering a society that judges based on character rather than superficial attributes.


In conclusion, this narrative essay encapsulates the profound journey of being misjudged and ultimately redeemed. Through storytelling, it illuminates the complexities of prejudice, the strength of character, and the transformative power of understanding. As I emerged from this experience, I carried with me the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr., forever striving to transcend the limitations of societal expectations and embrace the intrinsic worth of every individual. May this narrative serve as a reminder that the true measure of a person lies not in appearances but in the depths of their character.

Learn more about Martin Luther King Jr.  here:



Probably the full question is:

Martin Luther King Jr. often spoke of a day in the future when he hoped that his children would be judged not by their skin color but instead by their character. Write a narrative essay about a moment in your life when you were judged by something other than the content of your character. Use narrative techniques to develop experiences, events, and characters.

Which of the following “feeling” words describe the mood conveyed through word choice? Check the two best choices.









the outers are not fillings


Serious and anxious



Imagine that your friend has come back from a holiday. Ask him/her questions regarding the holiday. Use simple past tense to ask the questions.​



1. Did you get enough rest?

2. Did you like the local food?

3. Did you find the beaches beautiful?

4. Did people behave nicely?

5. Did you miss home?

6. Did you take a lot of pictures?

7. Did you find the trip expensive?

8. Did you meet new people?

9. Did you think about going back there next holiday?

10. Did you enjoy the trip?


The above questions can be asked of a friend who has just arrived from a holiday trip. As requested, all questions are using simple past tense, which refers to a way of placing sentences in the past, highlighting an activity that was done previously.

Discuss the graphic illustration in the procedural document shown in Section I. Is it clear or confusing? Explain your answer.



Not sure


plz help me asap
i will give u brainliest plz
plz ex 3



I had a real scare yesterday. As I walk up to our house, I see smoke coming through the window. Was something burning? Fortunately not. I walked into the house, opened the kitchen door and there was my brother. He sat on the floor in shock. He did science experiments! One of them went wrong and exploded.



1) walked

2) saw

3) was, burning

4) went

5) opened

6) was sitting

7) was doing

8) went

What is rhetoric?

A: Writing that uses figures of speech and allusions

B: Writing that deliberately creates emotional impact

C: Writing that forces your audience to think a certain way

D: Writing that casually draws the audience to a topic
Edit: Just did the test and the answer is B


i would say A but you took the test and got B lol thank you!

"Rhetoric is B: Writing that deliberately creates emotional impact." The correct option is B.

What do you mean by Rhetoric?

Rhetoric is the art or skill of speak-ing or writing form-ally & effect-ively important as a way to per-suade or effect peo-ple. Rhetoric is language used to motivate, inspire, inform, or persuade readers and/or listeners. Of-ten, rhetoric uses fig-ures of speech & other literary dev-ices, which are kno-wn as rhetorical devices wh-en used in this man-ner.

Rhetoric is the art of persuasion through communication. It is a fo-rm of dis-course that ap-peals to people's emo-tions & logic to motivate or in-form. The correct option is B.

To know more about Rhetoric click below:



in idioms what is the meaning of stop pulling my leg​



Stop joking/teasing/making something up


You tease or joke with someone

Anyone else got summer school??



I did and it was boring and was like 4 days

Rearrange the incomplete sentences below and rewrite the complete short message in the space provided Furthermore, you have play it before in primary school It's nice to hear from you, little sister You are fairly active and fit, but you rarely I think that you should choose netball Football can be rough and I'm not sure you will like that. play it However, So, You are tall and you like being part of team Badminton is good too Take care and bye. it will be much easier for you to simply catch up on your skills. so any one of sports would be great for you. I have to pen off now.​




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