the purpose of antitrust law is to


Answer 1


The FTC's competition mission is to enforce the rules of the competitive marketplace — the antitrust laws. These laws promote vigorous competition and protect consumers from anticompetitive mergers and business practices.


Related Questions

For what reason might the United States government raise taxes instead of borrowing money to pay for a new government service?

To decrease public support for the new program
To prevent having to make changes to the federal budget
To show that people support taxation more than borrowing
To avoid paying interest on savings bonds


D: To avoid paying interest on savings bonds. Issuing bonds, entail the obligation to return them in the future, together with the corresponding interest payment.

¿Por qué los nazcas reciben la influencia de los señores waris, que importantes eran estos para influenciar en los nazcas?



i dont know nga



Can someone help me out with my History assignment, please?

1. What was the reason for the Europeans to explore and develop colonies?

2. Who was the first to discover the Americas?

3. Describe the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus.

4. Identify four important explorers and list their accomplishments.

5. Describe the main drawbacks of exploration and colonization.


¿Cuál fue la razón por la que los europeos exploraron y desarrollaron colonias?

El interés de la Corona era tanto material como espiritual. La existencia de oro y plata atrajo a nuevos pobladores y fomentó muchas expediciones en distintas latitudes.

¿Quién fue el primero en descubrir las Américas?

Cristóbal Colón, en representación de los Reyes Católicos de Castilla y Aragón, reinos españoles, realizó cuatro famosos viajes desde Europa a América en 1492, 1493, 1498 y 1502. En el primero de ellos llegó a América el 12 de octubre de 1492, a una isla de las Bahamas llamada Guanahani.

Describe los logros de Cristóbal Colón.

Entre los logros más destacados del famoso navegador Cristóbal Colon tenemos el descubrimiento del continente americano, pues en su primer viaje llego a la isla Huanahani, luego a Cuba y finalmente Haití. Además del descubrimiento de Venezuela donde se establecieron por las riquezas.

Identifique cuatro exploradores importantes y enumere sus logros.

Cristóbal Colón,Vasco da Gama ,James Cook , Charles Robert Darwin,  Sir Richard Francis Burto

Describe los principales inconvenientes de la exploración y colonización.

a pérdida de muchas vidas tanto indígenas como de colonos. La diseminación de enfermedades mortales. La esclavización de las civilizaciones indígenas americanas.



What was the reason that Europeans explored and developed colonies?

The interest of the Crown was both material and spiritual. The existence of gold and silver attracted new settlers and encouraged many expeditions in different latitudes.

Who was the first to discover the Americas?

Christopher Columbus, representing the Catholic Monarchs of Castile and Aragon, Spanish kingdoms, made four famous voyages from Europe to America in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502. On the first of these, he arrived in America on October 12, 1492, at an island in the Bahamas called Guanahani.

He describes the achievements of Christopher Columbus.

Among the most outstanding achievements of the famous navigator Christopher Columbus we have the discovery of the American continent, because on his first trip he arrived at Huanahani Island, then Cuba and finally Haiti. In addition to the discovery of Venezuela where they settled for the riches.

Identify four important explorers and list his achievements.

Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, James Cook, Charles Robert Darwin, Sir Richard Francis Burto

Describe the main drawbacks of exploration and colonization.

to the loss of many lives, both indigenous and settlers. The spread of deadly diseases. The enslavement of American Indian civilizations.


opinião sobre pobreza



Pobreza significa não ter dinheiro suficiente para atender às necessidades básicas, incluindo alimentos, roupas e abrigo. No entanto, a pobreza é mais, muito mais do que simplesmente não ter dinheiro suficiente. A Organização do Banco Mundial descreve a pobreza da seguinte maneira: ... Pobreza é falta de abrigo. Pobreza é ficar doente e não poder ir ao médico.


How do you explain what stearns describes as the two fundamental facts of history


Helps us understand people and societies

20. What is one of the major reasons there are concerns about the future of Social Security?
a) People are making less money now, so they are paying less into Social Security
b) The Social Security tax rate has decreased
c) People are living longer, therefore collecting Social Security longer
d) People can now being getting Social Security payments when they turn 50





plss brainliest me thanks:)

Amendment 15 (1870):
The right of citizens of
the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the
United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous conditions of servitude...
1. What is outlawed with the 13th Amendment?
2. What does the 14th Amendment essential do for the African Americans?
3. What night is given with the 15th Amendment?
4. Why do you think these Amendments would be important following the Civil War?



1.  Before the Civil War ended, Congress passed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which abolished slavery. After the war, white southerners created legislation (known as Black Codes) to prevent freedmen from exercising their rights, prompting Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act in 1866, which guaranteed black citizenship.

2. Citizens of the United States and the State in which they reside are all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to its authority. No State shall make or execute any law that restricts the privileges or immunities of United States citizens; no State shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; and no State shall refuse equal protection of the laws to any person within its jurisdiction.

3. The right to vote of United States citizens shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on the basis of race, color, or past servitude.

4. They are generally known as the Civil War Amendments, and I believe they were designed to ensure equality for newly liberated slaves.


Hopefully this helps?

Define what it means for a group of people in society to have power.


The group of people in society to have a power means that if only one person is there, and there is animals who want to hunt you well easily hunt you and you can't find them easily, but if you are in a society with some people with you, then you can also fight with the animals are some things that will help you.

if you are nor sure about the answer please do not answer​


It’s the second choice.

Which is a possible side effect that polluted watersheds could have on Virginia's economy? Virginia's fishing docks would likely need to be expanded. Virginia's wildlife would likely need to find new habitats. Virginia's inhabitants would likely need increased health care. Virginia's farmers would likely increase their crop production.


Answer: Virginia's inhabitants would likely need increased health care


The people of Virginia are able to access water due to the large number of watersheds that they have. These watersheds supply them with water for their daily needs and so they are quite reliant on them.

If those water sheds are polluted, the people using it, the Virginians, would therefore be affected by it because their health would suffer. This would lead to them having to incur more health costs in order to stay healthy.

Please Help Me Quickly, TIME LIMIT, i will give brainliest





Describe how the Supreme Court used Marbury v Madison to define and increase its power and role in our government.



The Supreme Court used Marbury v. Madison to establish the power of judicial review, where federal courts could declare legislation and administrative/executive actions "unconstitutional" (not consistent with  the United State's Constitution) and "therefore null and void."

What did the Selective Service Act mean for the U.S. Army?


Answer:The act required all men in the U.S. between the ages of 21 and 30 to register for military service. ... Within a few months, some 10 million men across the country had registered in response to the military draft.

Explanation: i dont know how to explain that but i hope that what ur looking for

which state is nicknamed the "Silver State"?





Nevada's most well known nickname is the Silver State, and it dates back to Nevada's silver-rush days. Other nicknames for Nevada are "The Sagebrush State" and "Battle Born State". I hope this helped and please don't hesitate to reach out with more questions!

In spite of the impact of Chinese influence, a. Korea never came under Chinese political control. b. Japan never adopted either Chinese characters for writing or any of its governmental system. c. Vietnam developed chu nom, which was a writing system for spoken Vietnamese. d. Korea never accepted tributary status under Chinese overlordship. e. Confucianism itself had little influence anywhere outside of China proper.


In spite of the impact of Chinese influence

c. Vietnam developed chu nom, which was a writing system for spoken Vietnamese

who is the beautiful person in this world​


Answer: The beautiful person in this world is you your self.

Lupita Nyong'o named People's most beautiful person in the world.

what events weakened the last dynasty of china?​



fighting over who would be the next king i think


6. Who did the colonists believe should make the laws for the colonies?
7. Whom did the Second Continental Congress name as leader of the Continental Army?
8. Why was Thomas Jefferson chosen to write the Declaration of Independence?
9. Who was the young Frenchman who helped the American army?
10. How does the flag change when a new state is added?
11. What do the thirteen stripes on our flag represent?
12. Who was the American spy executed by the British?


The Declaration of Independence of the United States of Americab (official title is The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America) a is a document drawn up by the Second Continental Congress - in the Pennsylvania State House (now Independence Hall) in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776 - which proclaimed that the Thirteen North American Coloniesc - then at war with the Kingdom of Great Britain - defined themselves as thirteen new sovereign and independent states and no longer recognized British rule; 11 instead they formed a new nation: the United States. John Adams was one of the politicians who undertook the independence process, approved on July 2 by the full Congress without opposition. A committee was in charge of writing the formal declaration, which was presented when Congress voted on it two days later.

Thomas Jefferson was the main author of the Declaration.

Adams persuaded the committee to entrust Thomas Jefferson with the task of leading the writing of the original draft of the document, 12 which Congress edited to produce the final version. The Declaration was primarily a formal explanation of why Congress severed its political ties with Britain on July 2, more than a year after the outbreak of the American Revolution. The next day Adams wrote to his wife Abigail: "The second day of July 1776 will be the most memorable time in the history of America."


On July 4 - after ratifying the text - Congress released the Declaration in various forms. It was initially published in John Dunlap's flyer, 14 which was widely distributed and read to the public. The original copy used for this print has been lost and may have been in the possession of Jefferson.15 The original draft with Adams and Benjamin Franklin's corrections and Jefferson's additional notes on the changes made by Congress is preserved in the Library of Congress. The best-known version of the Declaration - a signed copy popularly regarded as the official document - is on display at the National Archives in Washington DC This handwritten copy was requested by Congress on July 19 and signed on August 2.


Which of these describes the Reconstruction Amendments?

A. They gave women the right to vote
B. They prohibited the sale of alcohol
C. They provided former slaves with civil war on


The best that describes it is the C they provided former slaves with civil war on
The answer for this question is C

What would you consider to be the greatest accomplishment of the Middle Ages and explain why?



I would consider the adoption of gun powder


gun powder changed the world and is still widely used today for guns, explosives and rockets.

Who was the French military leader in North America during the French and Indian War?

A. a highly respected Iroquois tribal chief
B. General Edward Braddock
C. Colonel George Washington
D. General Louis de Montcalm



d. general Louis-Joseph de Montcalm


what Is the answer to this ​


I’m not completely sure, but judging on the KKK’s morals, I would say B.
In that time period, women didn’t have the same rights and more restrictions then men. So I would say that would be the answer, because it doesn’t make sense that they would care about schools, or abusive husbands

Which statement best completes the diagram?



it's either a or my opinion i think its A

Ultimately, how did President Woodrow Wilson contribute to the failure of the treaty to pass in the Senate?


The United States joining the League of Nations which was an implemented idea of Wilson's into the Treaty of Versailles. The United States would never be apart of the League of Nations to stay out of foreign conflicts like World War 2.
Ultimately, how did President Wilson contribute to the failure of the Treaty of Versailles to pass in the Senate? A. He demanded compromise, and his harsh actions offended Congress. ... He was disliked by Republicans, so they refused to vote for the treaty in any form.

A histortian reviews sevreal of his collegas books about early african states. He then wrights his own book summarrizing the finding in this books


Answer: Making and evaluating arguments and interpretations.


I have attached the complete question. Based on the information given, the historian in the passage is most clearly demonstrating the skill regarding the making and evaluating of arguments and interpretations.

In this case, he's reviewing the work of others and he'll then write about the opinions that he believes he supports and those that the historian is a critic of. He's therefore making and evaluating arguments and interpretations.

Fascism encourages which of the
following not just to exist, but to
A. capitalism
B. democracy
C. nationalism



C. nationalism


extreme nationalism is called jingoism

IMPORTANT I NEED HELP! which goes to which one



ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok

Slave ______________________were first person _____________________of life under slavery.



John Punch, for


Many historians describe indentured servant John Punch as the first documented slave (or slave for life) in America, as punishment for escaping his captors in 1640.

Which of the following was the time of
attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan
because they knew the U.S. would not
be in a position to fight back?
A. Sunday morning
B. Friday night
C. Saturday evening




sunday morning



A.Sunday morning


Because those are to plan and to make sense .of what they are doing better

Which factor contributed to the collapse of both the Roman Empire
and the
Han dynasty?


Wars with invaders from neighbouring lands
The war contributed to both
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