Steve wore a large coat on the cold day.

What is an adjective in the sentence?
A. cold
B. wore
C. on
D. day


Answer 1
A. cold The word "cold" is describing the day, so it is functioning as an adjective in the sentence.
Answer 2
A is the right answer

Related Questions

What is the moral of The Scarlet Letter?



The moral of The Scarlet Letter is that secret sin leads to guilt and pain. Hester is publicly punished, which causes her pain, but through this, she is strengthened and gains independence.

please mark as the brainliest!!!

how to use of force continuum


Law enforcement and security workers utilize the force continuum to decide how much force is necessary for a particular circumstance.

The force continuum is a paradigm that security and law enforcement officials use to decide how much force is necessary for a specific situation. According to the first level, presence of security or law enforcement personnel may be sufficient to prevent possible violence. Verbal directives are the second level. If the presence of employees is insufficient to prevent violence, they may issue verbal directives to the subject to ensure compliance.

Moreover, it entails the use of non-lethal physical force to maintain control over a circumstance, such as seizing an arm to stop someone from running away. Hard control, on the other hand, is utilising actual physical force to take charge of a circumstance, such as the application of handcuffs or other restraints. The use of firearm, when there is an immediate threat of death or serious injury is the last level.

Read more about the force continuum on:


Read the excerpt from "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe. Then, complete the statement that follows. But we loved with a love that was more than love— I and my Annabel Lee— With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven Coveted her and me. In these lines, Poe uses imagery to appeal to the reader's sense of emotion smell sound taste


The excerpt reflect Poe's ideas in "The Poetic Principle". The images of love are the "Rhythmical Creation of Beauty" that Poe outlines. Hence, The correct option is A.

What do we mean by The Poetic Principle?

The essay "The Poetic Principle" by Edgar Allan Poe was written near the end of his life and was published posthumously in 1850, the year after his death. In this work of literary criticism, Poe presents his literary theory. It is based on a series of lectures given by Poe near the end of his life. The Poetic principle recognises that groups, like poetry, can be interpreted in a variety of ways, and that poetic imagery and verse, like poetic imagery and verse, can help us connect to the core of who we are and what inspires our best work. Because the "Poetic Principle" reminds us that what we focus on grows, when we choose to study success rather than problems, we can discover useful new resources and lessons that were previously overlooked.

To learn more about excerpt,


38 points ‼️
Discussion Board Prompt:
Word Journal

A Word Journal is another way for readers to connect to the ideas found in texts. When writing a word journal a person connects a single, descriptive word to a larger idea found in a text and then explains their thinking and the connection.

Choose ONE of the following two texts for your focus:

The Crucible Act 1, Part 3 by Arthur MillerLinks to an external site.
In The Crucible Act 1, Part 3 by Arthur Miller, you learned about the relationship between Abigail Williams and John Proctor. Write a short paragraph that connects that relationship to a specific word and explains the connection.

Choose one adjective to describe the characters’ relationship.
Provide a dictionary definition of that word and identify the source for this definition. (This might be a good time to check that you have used an adjective or the adjective form of the word while you are accessing a dictionary).
Connect the word to details that happen or are explained in the text by writing about things that happen or are said in the text.
Explain your word choice by answering questions such as: Why did you choose that word? How does it cover the big ideas?

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate ChopinLinks to an external site.
In this lesson, you read Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour.” Chopin’s story details how Louise Mallard reacted after she heard that her husband died in a train accident. Write a short paragraph that connects that reaction to a specific word and explains the connection.

Choose one adjective to describe the character's reaction.
Provide a dictionary definition of that word and identify the source for this definition. Use the Model below to help you. (This might be a good time to check that you have used an adjective or the adjective form of the word while you are accessing a dictionary).
Connect the word to details that happen or are explained in the text by writing specifically about things that happen or are said in the text.
Explain your word choice by answering questions such as: Why did you choose that word? How does it cover the big ideas?
Check your work for spelling, capitalization (proper nouns, names, titles, and the word I), and end punctuation (periods, question marks, or exclamation points) at the end of each sentence. Use the rubric and models below to help you.


Answer: I have chosen to focus on "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin. In this story, the main character Louise Mallard reacts after hearing about the death of her husband in a train accident. The adjective that best describes Louise's reaction is "euphoric".

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, euphoric means "feeling intense pleasure or happiness". This definition accurately describes Louise's reaction to the news of her husband's death. She was initially overwhelmed with grief, but as she processed the news, she realized the potential for freedom and independence that the loss of her husband could bring. She felt a sense of joy and liberation, which is described in the text as her "heart overflowing with a glad feeling of relief".

The word "euphoric" accurately captures the big ideas present in the story, as it highlights the theme of the limitations placed on women during this time period and the conflicting emotions they faced. It also serves as a reminder that what may appear to be a tragic event can sometimes bring unexpected opportunities and joy.

I chose this word because it accurately represents the complex emotions that Louise experiences throughout the story. The shift from grief to happiness is a key part of the story, and "euphoric" does a great job of capturing that shift and highlighting its significance.


Add the current income from each pay category. What is the total income for this pay period?



please give whole questions

Rhetorical Device, Appeal or Figurative Language and the examples to all figurative language answered






rhetorical question







The construction company's apparent disrespect for the gopher tortoise, which is listed as a protected species, is illustrated by one of the bolded sentences, "the sound of a bulldozer," which is utilized to create a dramatic effect.

What is illustration?

A decoration, interpretation, or visual explanation of a text, concept, or process is called an illustration. Illustrations are made to be integrated into print and digitally published media, including posters, flyers, magazines, books, instructional aids, animations, video games, and films

The speaker uses imagery once more to be as visually descriptive as possible to show the listener how helpless the tortoises were and how callous the construction business was, as seen in the bolded phrase, "the darkness holds you securely in its arms and you are gone."

Therefore, By the passage, illustrated by one of the bolded sentences, "the sound of a bulldozer

Answer: Your welcome!


Pathos: Pathos is an appeal to emotion and is used to persuade an audience by creating an emotional response. Examples of pathos include using words and phrases such as heartfelt, touching, heartbreaking, and inspiring. For example, "This heartbreaking story of a family struggling to make ends meet will inspire you to help those less fortunate."

Logos: Logos is an appeal to logic and is used to convince an audience by using facts and evidence. Examples of logos include using words and phrases such as logical, reasonable, empirical, and well-reasoned. For example, "This well-reasoned argument for lowering taxes is logical and reasonable."

Ethos: Ethos is an appeal to credibility and is used to persuade an audience by appealing to their sense of morality. Examples of ethos include using words and phrases such as ethical, honest, just, and reliable. For example, "This reliable source of information on healthcare is ethical and just."

Irony: Irony is a figure of speech in which words are used to express something other than the literal meaning. Examples of irony include verbal irony, situational irony, and dramatic irony. For example, "The irony of the situation is that she thought she was helping when she was actually hurting."

Rhetorical Question: A rhetorical question is a question that is asked without expecting an answer. Examples of rhetorical questions include using words and phrases such as why, how, and what. For example, "What would happen if everyone decided to take a stand against injustice?"

Alliteration: Alliteration is the repetition of the same or similar sounds at the beginning of two or more words in close succession. Examples of alliteration include using words and phrases such as silly Sally, Peter Piper, and She sells sea shells. For example, "She sells sea shells by the seashore."

Allusion: Allusion is a reference to a person, place, event, or thing from history, literature, or another source. Examples of allusion include using words and phrases such as biblical, classical, and Shakespearean. For example, "The biblical reference to 'casting the first stone' alludes to the story of the woman caught in adultery in the Gospel of John."

Hyperbole: Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration for emphasis or effect. Examples of hyperbole include using words and phrases such as always, forever, and never. For example, "I have been waiting for this moment forever!"

Personification: Personification is the attribution of human qualities to something non-human. Examples of personification include using words and phrases such as happy, sad, and angry. For example, "The sun smiled down on the city."

Simile: Simile is a comparison between two unlike things using the words like or as. Examples of simile include using words and phrases such as as strong as, like a, and as white as. For example, "Her voice was like a songbird singing in the morning."

What always happens at the “Two Minutes Hate”?


Answer: The "Two Minutes Hate" is a fictional event in George Orwell's novel "1984." It is a daily event that takes place in the totalitarian state of Oceania, where citizens are encouraged to participate in a hatred rally against the state's enemy, Emmanuel Goldstein. During the "Two Minutes Hate," participants are shown a propaganda film that depicts Goldstein as a terrible enemy, and they are encouraged to shout, scream, and show their anger towards him. The participants are then whipped into a frenzy, with their hatred for Goldstein reaching a fever pitch. The "Two Minutes Hate" serves as a way for the government to control the population and maintain their power, as well as a way for the citizens to release their anger and frustration.


Point of View
Define each term below and use it in a sentence. Then choose two additional terms from the movie.


First person refers to a narrative point of view in which the narrator is a character in the story and uses the pronouns "I" or "we." This point of view allows for a more personal and subjective perspective of the events and characters in the story.

How to explain the point of view

Second person refers to a narrative point of view in which the narrator addresses the reader directly using the pronoun "you." This point of view creates a sense of immediacy and involvement for the reader, as if they are a part of the story.

Third person limited refers to a narrative point of view in which the narrator is not a character in the story but only has access to the thoughts and feelings of one character. The narrator uses the third person pronouns "he," "she," or "they" to refer to the characters, but the perspective remains limited to that of the single character

Third person omniscient refers to a narrative point of view in which the narrator has access to the thoughts, feelings, and motives of all the characters in the story. The narrator uses the third person pronouns "he," "she," or "they" to refer to the characters and is able to move freely between different characters' perspectives. This point of view allows for a broader and more objective understanding of the events in the story.

Learn more about point of view on


Create a conversation between Mrs. Price and Rachel
that would have contributed to a more positive resolution.


We can see that a conversation between Mrs. Price and Rachel that would have contributed to a more positive resolution is seen below:

Mrs. Price: Rachel, can I talk to you for a moment?

Rachel: Of course, Mrs. Price. What's on your mind?

Mrs. Price: I wanted to talk to you about the other day, when you were feeling upset. I understand that you're still a child and sometimes things can be difficult, but I want you to know that I'm here to help you.

Rachel: I'm sorry, Mrs. Price. I was just having a tough day.

What is conversation?

Conversation is a form of communication between two or more people in which they exchange thoughts, opinions, and information through spoken language.

Continuation of the conversation:

Mrs. Price: That's okay, Rachel. We all have tough days sometimes. But I want to make sure that we can work together to find a solution and make things better. Is there anything you would like to talk about or anything that might have been bothering you lately?

Rachel: Well, I've been feeling a little overwhelmed with school work and trying to balance everything else in my life.

Mrs. Price: I can understand that. School can be a lot of work, especially when you're trying to balance other activities as well. Would you like to talk about some strategies for managing your time and staying on top of your responsibilities?

Rachel: Yes, that would be really helpful. Thank you, Mrs. Price.

Mrs. Price: Of course, Rachel. That's what I'm here for. Let's sit down and come up with a plan together.

Learn more about conversation on


Who or what is responsible for the curse against the Mariner? Why does the Mariner get to survive to voyage when all the sailors die?


The Mariner's curse is a result of his own actions. He is responsible for the curse because he shot the albatross, a symbol of good luck, with his crossbow. This act of violence against the bird was seen as a sign of disrespect to the natural world and the spiritual forces that inhabit it. As punishment for his actions, the Mariner is cursed with a life of loneliness and suffering.

The Mariner is allowed to survive the voyage while all the other sailors die because he is being punished for his actions. The Mariner is forced to endure the consequences of his actions and is not allowed to escape them. He is forced to witness the death of his fellow sailors and is left alone to suffer the consequences of his actions.

The Mariner's curse is a reminder to all of us that we must respect the natural world and the spiritual forces that inhabit it. We must be mindful of our actions and the consequences that they may have. The Mariner's curse serves as a warning to us all that we must be mindful of our actions and the consequences that they may have.

To know more about Mariner's curse


Is revenge justified? If yes, in what situations would revenge be justified?


from a general perspective, revenge is not considered a justifiable or healthy response in most situations. It is often associated with negative emotions such as anger, bitterness, and resentment, and it can escalate conflicts, leading to more harm and suffering for everyone involved.

Revenge is often seen as a way to seek justice or balance, but it usually fails to achieve either of these goals and instead creates a cycle of retaliation and animosity.

There are some situations where retaliation may be considered a necessary response, such as in cases of self-defense or protecting others. However, even in these situations, it is important to approach the situation with a clear head and to seek the help of authorities if necessary, rather than resorting to revenge.

In general, it is better to focus on healing, forgiveness, and finding constructive ways to address conflicts, rather than seeking revenge. This can help to promote peace and understanding, and can lead to more positive outcomes for all parties involved.

Which is the best way to write sentences 6 and 7?
(6) There are so many bikes to choose from. (7) It can be
hard to pick just one.
Click to view the passage, "Guide to Buying a Bike."
A. So many bikes to choose from, and it can be hard to pick just one.
B. There are so many bikes to choose from it can be hard to pick just
C. With so many bikes to choose from, it can be hard to pick just
D. There are so many bikes to choose from; hard to pick just one.


Subject, Verb, and Object are the correct word order for sentences. He earned his degree (topic) and (verb) (object).

How would you define writing ability?

The act of writing itself is only one aspect of writing abilities. Important elements of the writing process include knowledge of research, organization, planning and outlining, editing and revision, and spelling and grammar. Writing skills examples for the workplace include: Creating a process description so that others can learn it.

The first guideline for effective writing is...

Express, not impress. The number of lives you've touched is what makes a piece of writing good, not how many words you've written, how well you've chosen your adjectives, or even how big your font is. A reader's comprehension of you is the key factor.

To know more about sentences visit :-


Subject, Verb, and Object are the correct word order for sentences. He earned his degree (topic) and (verb) (object).

What is a sentence?

In traditional grammar, sentence is generally defined as a set of words expressing a whole thought, or as a unit consisting of a subject and a predicate. In non-functional linguistics sentence is usually defined as the maximum unit of syntactic structure, for example B. Put on make-up.

In functional linguistics, sentence is defined as a unit of written text bounded by graphics such as capital letters and markers such as periods, question marks and exclamation marks. This concept is in contrast to the curve defined by phonological features such as pitch and loudness and markers such as rests; and with a clause which is a sequence of words representing a process over time.

A sentence may contain words that are grouped meaningfully to express a statement, question, exclamation, request, command, or suggestion

To know more about sentences visit:


What is the meaning of etymologically?



Origin and history of a word


In a way that relates to the origin and history of words, or of one particular word:

If you had to cast a movie version of "Sonny's Blues," who would you cast as Sonny? How about the narrator?


If I had to cast a movie version of story "Sonny's Blues," I would cast Michael B. Jordan as Sonny. For the narrator, I would cast Mahershala Ali.  

Michael B. Jordan has the range and talent to portray Sonny's complex emotions and struggles, as well as the physical presence to capture the character's intensity and passion for music.

Mahershala Ali has the ability to convey the character's stoicism and intelligence, while also showing his inner conflict and empathy for his brother Ali's performance in "Moonlight" demonstrates his ability to convey a character's inner turmoil and struggle with identity, which would be ideal for the role of the narrator in "Sonny's Blues." Together, these two actors could bring James Baldwin's characters to life and do justice to this powerful and poignant story.

To know more about Story:


Users can export vector paths they create to another Adobe program via the Paths to

export method. Photoshop


Users can export vector paths they create to another Adobe program by using the Paths to command. This command can be accessed through the File menu.

What is command ?

A command is an instruction given to a computer program to perform a specific task. Commands are typically issued through a command line interface, such as a shell, or via a graphical user interface (GUI), such as a menu or toolbar, to control the program's operations. Common commands include "copy," "delete," "edit," "open," and "save."

In addition to these common commands, specialized commands are often used to perform specific tasks. Depending on the application, commands can vary greatly in complexity; some commands may consist of only a single word, while others may involve multiple words and parameters.

To learn more about command


What joke did Anne play with the help of her friend on Mr. Keesing?



Anne played joke with the help of her friend on Mr. Keesing:

Mr. Keesing was still annoyed with Anne for talking in class. Anne had to write an essay on 'Un bavard' followed by 'Un bavard incorrigible'.Anne wrote the essays and Mr. Keesing loved them. But she did not give up the habit of talking in class.Now Mr. Keesing has asked him to write a very unusual essay. The title of the essay is:“Angle, corner, corner,” said Miss Chatterbox. In fact, Mr. Keesing had intended to play a prank on Anne. But Anne wrote the essay in a way that made it a joke about Mr. Keesing himself.She wrote it in poetic form. It tells the story of the mother duck and the father swan. The father duck killed three ducklings because they chirped too much.The father in the poem is clearly Mr. Keesing and the ducklings are the children in his class.Fortunately, Mr. Keesing was joking in the right way. He liked the poem and read it to several classes.He stopped giving Anne more homework. He allowed her to speak in class. He even started joking with the kids.

What is the easiest language for a native English speaker?



Well, truth be told, there are multiple. Some of them are Swedish, Spanish, French, German, and Italian.


In the______ cycle, demand is external to the supply chain and thus is uncertain. a. customer order b. procurementc. replenishment d. manufacturing


In the customer order cycle, demand is external to the supply chain and thus is uncertain. A customer order cycle takes place when orders are processed, prepared, and shipped.

All supply chain processes can be broken down into four process cycles that connect the five stages of the supply chain; the customer order cycle, the replenishment cycle, the manufacturing cycle, and the procurement cycle.

A customer order cycle takes place when orders are processed, prepared, and shipped. For retail, the customer is often picking orders from the store inventory (shelves), which represents the point of final demand.

The customer order cycle includes processing, preparation and shipping. It's made up of the following important cycles: Customer order: This is when a customer decides to buy an item. They arrive at the store or website and place an order, submitting their payment and delivery information.

All supply chain processes can be broken down into four process cycles that connect the five stages of the supply chain; the customer order cycle, the replenishment cycle, the manufacturing cycle, and the procurement cycle.

Order cycle time is a useful metric for measuring the efficiency of your fulfillment process as it also affects other KPIs like on-time shipping rate and order lead time. The shorter the order cycle time, the more responsive the company is toward customer orders.

Learn  more about order cycle here:-


If you know that the light from stars takes many years to reach the earth, and you read that the light we see is caused by the star exploding, you can make the inference that—

telescopes only show us a small percentage of stars.

none of the stars we can see now will be visible next year.

stars burn much hotter than our sun does.

many of the stars we see have already died out.



many stars we see have already died out

What was Joe Lara's net worth?


Joe Lara, real name William Joseph Lara--was born in San Diego, California, on October 2, 1962. In the early 1990s, he was cast to play Tarzan in TV series Tarzan: the epic adventures. The show best ran for one season. Joe had also taken the lead role in the television movie Tarzan in Manhattan.

The actor, who was also a martial artist, also acted in the 1993 film American Cyborg. Steel warrior and following flick steel frontier in 1995. his net worth was estimated between $1million and $5million. Joe was among seven people presumed dead after a private jet crashed into a Tennessee lake.

To know more about net worth


why did orsted kill rudeus


Rudeus loses to Orsted. Orsted, acting on the orders of a Humans God, was ambushed by Rudeus, who'd been able to harm him with magic strong enough to absolutely ruin the city-sized battlefield, compelling the Dragons God to engage in severe combat.

Rudeus is easily defeated by the evil Orsted, who was initially introduced as a threat. In addition to being the expert in summoning magic, he has attained God Rank in all other schools of magic as well, including Flame, River, Air, Ground, Healing, Detoxification, Holy Strike, and Shield.

Before sending his son to the future he finally gives him a name: Orsted and then departs to fight Hitogami. While too weakened to kill the false Human God, the Dragon God managed to defeat him and seal him in the void between worlds although dying himself in the process.

Learn more about Detoxification here:


Final answer:

Orsted does not kill Rudeus in 'Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation.' They form an alliance and work together.


The question appears to refer to characters in the anime series 'Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation.' The characters Orsted and Rudeus interact in this series. However, it's important to clarify that Orsted did not kill Rudeus in the storyline. They actually form an alliance and work together. Any misinterpretation could be due to the complexity of the anime's plot and multitude of characters.

Learn more about Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation here:

Main points for why Friar Lawrence's plan for Juliet only led to their deaths


Answer: Main points for why Friar Lawrence's plan for Juliet only led to their deaths

Lack of Communication: Friar Lawrence's plan relied heavily on communication between the different parties involved, including the Capulet and Montague families, the Nurse, and the friar himself. However, due to the haste with which the plan was put into action, key details were not communicated properly, leading to confusion and ultimately, tragedy.

Miscalculation of the Sleeping Draught: Friar Lawrence miscalculated the strength of the sleeping draught he gave to Juliet, which led to her being in a death-like state for longer than expected. This caused those around her to believe she was actually dead, leading to her premature burial and death.

Lack of Preparation for Contingencies: Friar Lawrence failed to anticipate and prepare for the various possible outcomes of his plan. For example, he did not consider what would happen if the Capulet family discovered Juliet's body before she had a chance to awaken from her sleep.

Interference from Third Parties: Friar Lawrence's plan was also hindered by the interference of third parties, such as the Nurse and Paris, who had their own agendas and were not fully committed to ensuring the success of the plan.

Poor Timing: The friar's plan was also poorly timed, as it coincided with the Capulet family's preparations for the wedding of Paris and Juliet. This created a sense of urgency and pressure that only added to the difficulties of the plan and ultimately contributed to its failure.

Lack of Understanding of Romeo's State of Mind: Friar Lawrence did not take into account the emotional state of Romeo, who was devastated by the news of Juliet's supposed death. This led to Romeo taking his own life in a fit of despair, effectively sealing the fate of both young lovers.


He was the one who married the two lovers even though they weren't suppose to be married, gave Juliet this deadly potion, and he feels so guilty at the end which means he knows he's to blame.

Who is Southington Public Schools Teacher of the Year?


The Southington Public Schools Teacher of the Year for 2020 is Mrs. Jackie Kudron, a fifth-grade teacher at Hatton Elementary School.

Mrs. Kudron has been a teacher for 27 years and has been a part of the Southington Public Schools family since 2002. She is a motivated and enthusiastic educator who is determined to provide her children with a secure, encouraging, and enjoyable learning environment.

Her coworkers praise her for being an excellent teacher who continuously demonstrates best practices and goes above and beyond to ensure the success of her pupils.

Mrs. Kudron performs the roles of building mentor, student council adviser, and maths olympics coach in addition to her teaching responsibilities. In addition, she is a committed neighbour who takes part in neighbourhood activities and charitable endeavours.

Mrs. Kudron is deserving of Teacher of the Year because of her dedication to her students, school, and community.

To learn more about encouraging visit:


How do you conjugate decir in present tense?


"Decir" is a very common and versatile verb in Spanish that can be used in many different contexts. It is often used to express the act of speaking, telling, or saying something to someone else. Here are some examples:

Yo digo la verdad. (I tell the truth.)Tú dices cosas interesantes. (You say interesting things.)Él dice que va a venir mañana. (He says he's going to come tomorrow.)Nosotros decimos lo que pensamos. (We say what we think.)Vosotros decís muchas tonterías. (You guys say a lot of nonsense.)Ellos dicen que es imposible. (They say it's impossible.)"Decir" can also be used in certain idiomatic expressions, such as "decir adiós" (to say goodbye) or "decir la hora" (to tell the time).

It's worth noting that "decir" can be used with indirect object pronouns to indicate to whom something is being said. For example:

Yo le digo la verdad a ella. (I tell her the truth.)

Tú le dices cosas interesantes a ellos. (You say interesting things to them.)

Overall, "decir" is an essential verb to learn when studying Spanish, as it can be used in various situations and contexts.

To learn more about decir, visit here


The yellow, round tiles created a lovely design.


We can see here that in the sentence, "The yellow, round tiles created a lovely design," the adjectives are in correct order. Thus, it is yes.

What is an adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun in a sentence. It provides additional information about the noun or pronoun, such as its size, shape, color, age, and other qualities.

Adjectives help to make a sentence more interesting and descriptive. For example, in the sentence "She has a beautiful smile," the adjective "beautiful" describes the noun "smile."

The complete question is:

Are the adjectives in the correct order? If yes, write yes. If no, rewrite the sentence with the adjectives in the correct order.

The yellow, round tiles created a lovely design.

Learn more about adjective on


Which detail in the excerpt best highlights the moral transformation that Edward undergoes

From the passage “the man that corrupted Hadleyburg


The detail in the excerpt best highlights the moral transformation that Edward undergoes is "Mary, why think about it: That's a whole fortune at forty thousand dollars. In this village, ten men are not worth that much. Give the paper to me." Option (d) is correct.

Who is Mark Twain?

Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, an American author, humorist, publisher, lecturer, and businessman. William Faulkner referred to him as "the founder of American literature" and dubbed him the "best humorist the United States has produced."

The novella, a dismal tale of retribution, describes the fall of the residents of a town with the motto "Lead us not into temptation," which prides itself on its honesty. However, a mysterious stranger hatches a scheme that reveals the town's residents' underlying selfishness and hypocrisy.

Therefore, Option (d) is correct.

Learn more about Mark Twain, here;


Your question is not complete, most probably the complete question is;

Edward, In the passage, is known for his honesty and hardworking attitude, until one day a stranger leaves a sack of money with his wife for safe keeping.

Which detail in the excerpt best highlights the moral transformation that Edward undergoes?

The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg

by Mark Twain (adapted excerpt)

At eleven Edward arrived, and while his wife was saying "I am so glad you've come!" he was saying, "I am so tired-tired clear out; it is dreadful

to be poor, and have to make these dismal Journeys at my time of life. Always at the grind, grind, grind, on a salary, and he sitting at home in his

slippers, rich and comfortable."

"I am so sorry for you, Edward, you know that; but be comforted; we have our livelihood; we have our good name-

"Yes, Mary, and that is everything. Don't mind my talk-It's just a moment's irritation and doesn't mean anything. Kiss me-there, it's all gone

now, and I am not complaining any more. What have you been getting? What's in the sack?"

Then his wife told him the great secret. It dazed him for a moment; then he said: "It weighs a hundred and sixty pounds?

Why, Mary, It's forty thousand dollars-think of it-a whole fortune! Not ten men in this village are worth that much. Give me the paper.

How do you use etc correctly?


Etc. is used at the end of a list to indicate that there is more to the list that is not shown.

For example: I went to the store and bought apples, bananas, pears, etc.

I hope this helps! :)

For this assignment, you will write a one-paragraph evaluation of Frederick Douglass’s address, “What to the Is the Fourth of July?” (1852). Having a hard time? Try the easy read version here.


Answer: honesty, use the link about Frederik Douglas

Explanation: the fourth of the July is all about the treaty and the independence of America

Is Java strongly typed or dynamically typed?


Java is a strongly typed language. This means that all variables and expressions have a type that is determined at compile time, and all type-checking is done at compile time.

Java is a language with strong typing. This implies that all type checking and the determination of the types of variables and expressions occur at compile time. This means that the compiler can detect any type mismatches and alert the programmer before the program is executed. This helps to reduce errors and makes programs more robust.

It provides a lot of in-built functions that helps to reduce the amount of code written and makes it more efficient. It helps to reduce the cost and time of development as well. Java also has memory management and garbage collection features that help to reduce errors and make programs more reliable.

To learn more about in-built functions link is here


Tomorrow is friday,yesterday was


Tomorrow is friday, yesterday was Thursday. Today is the day before yesterday if yesterday was tomorrow.

If today is Saturday, then Thursday was the day before yesterday. On any Saturday, however, yesterday is Friday because Saturday's yesterday is Friday. No. If today is Saturday and yesterday was tomorrow, it would not make sense. As a result, tomorrow would be a Friday. The only day of the week x for which it would be accurate to state, "If yesterday were x, then today would be Friday," is Thursday. According to such view, x equals Thursday, which is actually tomorrow, making today Wednesday. Alternatively, if y is Saturday, the statement "If y were tomorrow, then today would be Friday" holds true. In everyday conversation, it is obvious that tomorrow is Friday.

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