if you break your leg how you know


Answer 1
You would know if you can’t walk
Answer 2

Answer: because you go to the d a m n  er and get it exrayd

Explanation: or yk you can be smart and not hurt yourself

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The three of them were natural athletes who loved pushing themselves to the limit, and they couldnt understand why Stacey despised activities that involved working herself into a dripping sweat or waking up with aching muscles. As she carried the helmets to the car, Stacey felt like the family misfit.But the long ride to Aunt Lucys house was entertaining enough to brighten her mood. Mom found a golden oldies station on the radio, and the old songs reminded her mom and dad of things they had done as kids. To pass the time, they amused Stacey and Zack with their stories.After a while, it dawned on Stacey that many of Dads stories were about squabbles he had with Aunt Lucy, so she finally decided to ask him more about their relationship.Well, Dad said thoughtfully, Lucy and I werent cut from the same cloth. I loved practically every sport, and Lucy didnt have an athletic bone in her body. She wasnt a klutz or anything; she just didnt care about sports.So she was like me! Stacey exclaimed. She had always wondered why she and her aunt seemed to be on the same wavelength.Dad nodded and replied, Youve always reminded me of Lucy.When the family got to Aunt Lucys, the table was already set for dinner. She had figured they would all be hungry after their long trip. As everyone sat down, Aunt Lucy carried a steaming macaroni casserole to the table. One whiff was enough to cause everybodys stomachs to rumble.It looks fabulous, Lucy, Mom said appreciatively.And pasta is packed with long-burning carbohydrates, Zack added, so its the perfect way to fuel up for our bike ride tomorrow. Stacey rolled her eyes and looked over at Aunt Lucy, who was giving her a sympathetic smile.The next morning, Dad and Mom prepared breakfast while Zack eagerly filled their water bottles to the brim. Aunt Lucy was sitting in her living room contently reading a magazine when Stacey walked in and noticed the upright piano. It was made of old brown wood and was lined with a row of family photos along the top. The way the morning light shone off the keys made it appear as though the piano was beckoning Stacey to come play.Youre welcome to play, Aunt Lucy suggested.I really dont know how, Stacey pointed out.You can give it a try anyway, her aunt replied encouragingly. You wont bother me.Stacey sat down on the plush seat cushion and cautiously positioned her hands on the keys. A song shed heard the day before was running through her head, and she began to plunk it out one note at a time. She hit some clunkers at first, but after a few attempts, Stacey was playing a recognizable tune.Youve got an excellent ear for music, Aunt Lucy commented. Thats a tricky melody, and you figured it out quickly.It sounds so plain just one note at a time, Stacey observed.Aunt Lucy glided over to the piano and sat beside her on the bench. Play it again, and Ill add some chords to fill out the tune.Aunt Lucy played along, and the music they made together gave Stacey a powerful, unfamiliar feeling. It was a delicious mixture of wonder and pride, and she liked it.Thats a tricky melody, and you figured it out quickly.Do you think you could give me some piano lessons during our visit? Stacey pleaded.Id be delighted, Aunt Lucy answered with a smile, and we can start today after your bike ride.Stacey rushed into the kitchen with a new spring in her step. 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