How do you feel about attending Holy mass??


Answer 1

Answer: well i am Catholic and us Catholics believe in going to mass every Sunday!


so thats how i feel but im not going to criticize anyone on this.

Related Questions

Jesus describes his followers as “the salt of the earth”. Is this a good or bad thing? How can you tell?



It could be good or bad, but i would say bad


salt soaks up water. referring to humans, people soak up/take things from earth even if they don't need it.

What was the impact of Furman v. Georgia 1972 )?


In 1972, the death sentence was abolished in the United States thanks to the LDF's groundbreaking argument in Georgia. The U.S. Supreme Court sided with LDF and determined that the death penalty as it was being applied violated the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments .

What does the Fourteenth Amendment state in plain English?

The Fourteenth Amendment, which was passed by the Senate on June 8, 1866, and ratified two years later on July 9, 1868, extended the provisions by granting citizenship to all people "born or naturalized in the United States," including formerly enslaved people. It also guaranteed all citizens "equal protection under the laws." After the Civil War, several southern states actively passed legislation restricting the rights of former slaves. In response, Congress passed the 14th Amendment, which was intended to put restrictions on state power and safeguard civil rights.

To know more about Amendment visit:


He believed that people were corrupted by society and argued for a political system based on the will of the people


The opening sentences of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's powerful work argued that although man was naturally good, he became corrupted by the negative impact of human society and institutions.

He believed that although people are good by nature, society's sins corrupt them. One guy thinks he is the lord of others, but he is still more of a slave than they are. She prefers her private society and enjoys being alone in situations with two or more people present. more occurrences An unbiased judicial system is essential to a civilized society. In the majority of countries, the family continues to be the cornerstone of society. Relationships are referred to as society. Men are social creatures, and they display this trait by creating and dissolving groups that they can use to regulate and guide their behavior in a variety of ways. Society is essential for a person to live a long life. It simultaneously liberates and restricts what men are capable of.

To know more about political on

Which founding father worked to establish a separation between church and government by drafting the Virginia Bill of Establishing Religious Freedom?

Patrick Henry

Thomas Jefferson

George Washington

John Adams


Thomas Jefferson

The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom is a statement about both freedom of conscience and the principle of separation of church and state. Written by Thomas Jefferson and passed by the Virginia General Assembly on January 16, 1786, it is the forerunner of the first amendment protections for religious freedom.

Write a summary about this article.
Number of persons aboard, 2340. Number of life-boats and rafts, 20. Capacity of each life-boat, 50 passengers and crew of 8. Utmost capacity of life-boats and rafts, about 1100. Number of life-boats wrecked in launching, 4. Capacity of life-boats safely launched, 928. Total number of persons taken in life-boats, 711. Number who died in life-boats, 6. Total number saved, 705. Total number of Titanic’s company lost, 1635.

The cause of the disaster was a collision with an iceberg in latitude 41.46 north, longitude 50.14 west. The Titanic had had repeated

warnings of the presence of ice in that part of the course. Two official warnings had been received defining the position of the ice fields. It had been calculated on the Titanic that she would reach the ice fields about 11 o’clock Sunday night. The collision occurred at 11:40. At that time the ship was driving at a speed of 21 to 23 knots, or about 26 miles, an hour.

There had been no details of seamen assigned to each boat.

Some of the boats left the ship without seamen enough to man the oars.

Some of the boats were not more than half full of passengers.

The boats had no provisions; some of them had no water stored; some were without sail equipment or compasses.

In some boats, which carried sails wrapped and bound, there was not a person with a knife to cut the ropes. In some boats the plugs in the bottom had been pulled out and the women passengers were compelled to thrust their hands into the holes to keep the boats from filling and sinking.

The captain, E. J. Smith, admiral of the White Star fleet, went down with his ship.



On April 14, 1912, the RMS Titanic collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean and subsequently sank, resulting in the loss of over 1,600 lives. At the time of the collision, the Titanic had received multiple warnings about the presence of ice in the area and was traveling at a speed of 21-23 knots. The ship was not equipped with enough lifeboats for all of the passengers and crew, and those that were launched were often not fully occupied or adequately supplied with provisions, sails, compasses, or even oars. The captain, E. J. Smith, went down with the ship. The disaster exposed the lack of safety measures and planning on the part of the ship's operators.


What types of jobs did women take on in support of the war effort?


during World War II they held jobs as nurses, truck drivers, mechanics, and secretaries. Some were slain in battle or taken prisoner of war. Numerous awards for bravery under pressure were given to more than 1600 nurses.

Which occupation did women in World War Two hold most frequently?

Only single women between the ages of 20 and 30 were first enlisted, but by mid-1943, about 90% of unmarried and 80% of married women were employed in factories, on farms, or in the armed forces. In the auxiliary services as air-raid wardens, fire officers, and evacuation officers, as drivers of fire engines, trains, and trams, as conductors, as nurses, and in industries making armaments, building ships and airplanes during World War II, women worked in a variety of jobs.

To know more about World War visit:


Why did isolationism during the 1930s concern Roosevelt ?


Roosevelt is worried about the isolationism of the 1930s. Because when he first assumed office, he felt at ease reaching out to the globe in a variety of ways, but after realizing that the other countries in his region were at odds.

Was isolationism endorsed by President Roosevelt?

Roosevelt was always eager to assist France, vehemently hated Nazi Germany, and never an isolationist. He also understood that the growth of the American aircraft sector would be significantly accelerated by a sizable French contract. delivering the Quarantine Speech, asking nations that value peace to isolate hostile ones in order to prevent the spread of conflict.

To know more about Roosevelt visit:


Why did we put Japanese in internment camps?


Numerous Americans feared that people of Japanese origin might operate as spies or saboteurs for the Japanese government.

In internment camps, were Japanese killed?

Inadequate medical care and the psychological strains they experienced contributed to some Japanese Americans' deaths in the internment camps. In response to suspected order-resistance, several were slain by military guards stationed.

What did the Japanese do while being housed in internment camps?

The internees established farms, schools, churches, and newspapers, and they were permitted to live in family units. Sporting activities and other hobbies were enjoyed by kids.

In internment camps, were Japanese employees paid?

Interns were initially not paid for their labor, however this policy was eventually modified. The sort of work done and the employee's skill level affected the pay rates.

To know more about  internment camps visit:


What did the Disaster Recovery reform Act do?


The Disaster Recovery Reform Act encourages much better and more resourceful building and rebuilding to provide quick recovery impulses when disaster strikes

Important Phases of Disaster Recovery ReformIncreased investment in disaster mitigation, the capital for disaster mitigation grants were contingent on appropriations from Congress on an annual basis. Now, a source of federal funds is earmarked and communities will be able to execute their mitigation plans to minimize national risk from disasters.Reduce the risk of future disasters after fires, Provides mitigation grants in areas that receive Mitigation Grants as a result of fires.

For more about FEMA here


What two places were known for having decentralized/feudal governments during the 600 to 1450 time period?


During the 600 to 1450 time period, two places that were known for having decentralized/feudal governments were Europe and Japan.

In Europe, the feudal system was a political, economic and social system that was based on the exchange of land for military service and loyalty. This system allowed lords to control the land and the people who lived on it, and in return, the lords provided military protection for the king. This decentralized government led to the rise of powerful lords and dukes who controlled large territories and had their own armies.

In Japan, the government was also decentralized during this time period, with local lords and warlords known as daimyos controlling large territories and having their own armies. The emperor was considered the symbolic leader but held little actual power, while the shogun, a military leader appointed by the emperor, held the real power and controlled the country. This system was known as the shogunate, and it was a decentralized form of government.

To know more about feudal governments click on below link:


Which is not a factor that lead to the transformation of the American economy from agrarian to industrial?


Religion is not a factor in the transformation of the American economy from agrarian to industrial because it is not a tangible factor. Religion is an intangible concept and belief system that does not have a direct impact on the economic structure of a society. Economic changes are driven by political, technological, and economic factors such as advances in science, the introduction of new technologies, changes in laws and regulations, and shifts in consumer demand.

What does the 14th Amendment say about religion?


The Supreme Court has determined that states must protect fundamental rights including the First Amendment's ban on the establishment of religion under the 14th Amendment, which was passed in 1868.

What does the 14th Amendment state in plain English?

The Fourteenth Amendment, which was passed by the Senate on June 8, 1866, and ratified two years later on July 9, 1868, extended the provisions by granting citizenship to all people "born or naturalized in the United States," including formerly enslaved people. It also guaranteed all citizens "equal protection under the laws." After the Civil War, several southern states actively passed legislation restricting the rights of former slaves. In response, Congress passed the 14th Amendment, which was intended to put restrictions on state power and safeguard civil rights.

To know more about Amendment visit:


What i one way you can prepare for a variety of different but related job?

Chooing an expert mentor in one area
Moving to another part of the country
Identifying your career cluter
Determining your future income need


C: "Identifying your career cluster" is the one way you can prepare for a variety of different but related jobs.

Career clusters are groups of jobs that have similar factors, such as industry and aim. Job searchers use career clusters to identify occupations that fit their specific interests and talents.

It means that career clusters are collections of jobs that are similar in nature. They make it simple to investigate many types of occupations under a single broad category. Begin by learning about one of the clusters, such as health care or construction, to understand what it entails, current trends, and the various careers it offers.

You can learn more about Career clusters at


A likely purpose for including the religious figure in the plague was to show that


As the life expectancy for men in West Africa decreased, gender and familial roles were altered.

What makes anything a religion?

The Latin root of the word "religion" implies "to join or bind together." Religion is described as "an organized collection of practices and beliefs centered on a supernatural person or entities" in contemporary dictionaries. Being a member of a religion frequently entails more than just adhering to its tenets and performing its rituals;

What three sorts of religion are there?

Religious systems and beliefs come in a wide variety. Each religion develops its own core set of beliefs in addition to its own subset of beliefs. Animism, polytheism, and monotheistic are the three broad categories into which these systems might be generally divided.

To know more about religious visit:


How did Congress ensure that the United States would have enough troops to serve in World war I?


On May 18, 1917, Wilson signed into law the Selective Service Act, which Congress had passed. A registration for military service was mandated by the statute for all American men between the ages of 21 and 30.

What is the mandate of the Selective Service Act?

The Selective Service Act of 1917, often known as the Selective Draft Act, granted the United States federal government the right to enlist conscripts to help build a national army during World War I. Nearly all males living in the United States between the ages of 18 and 25 who are citizens or legal residents are obliged to register with Selective Service. 30 days after turning 18, citizens must register. Within 30 days after their arrival in the U.S., immigrants must register.

To know more about Selective Service Act visit:


i need Emilie du chalet opinion for this question please helppp


The term "human nature" refers to the basic tendencies and traits that people are considered to possess naturally, such as our thought, feeling, and behavior patterns. The phrase is frequently used to refer to what it "means" to be a human, the essence of humankind.

How is human nature presented in Lord of the Flies?

When people are not constrained by social norms, according to Golding, human nature leads them away from reason and toward savagery. His key claims are that people are brutish by nature and driven by urges to dominate others and act brutally.

The combination of our species' mental, physical, and spiritual traits that make us, well, human, is human nature.

Thus, The term "human nature" refers to the basic tendencies and traits that people are considered to possess naturally,

For more information about human nature presented in Lord of the Flies, click here:


Which statement best describes the experience of Indigenous peoples removed from Georgia to walk the Trail of Tears?

A. Because they were forced to travel during the harsh heat of summer, many died of starvation and heat exhaustion.

B. Because they were forced to walk in winter without shoes or warm clothes, many died from pneumonia and smallpox.

C. Because they received support from U.S. troops, many people were able to survive the trip.

D. Because they were able to gather necessities before leaving, many people were able to survive the trip.



B. Because they were forced to walk in winter without shoes or warm clothes, many died from pneumonia and smallpox.


The Trail of Tears refers to the forced removal of Indigenous peoples from their ancestral lands in Georgia and other southeastern states to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma) in the late 1830s. This removal was carried out under the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which was signed into law by President Andrew Jackson. The journey, which took place in the winter of 1838-1839, was extremely difficult and many Indigenous people died from exposure to the cold, lack of food and water, and diseases such as pneumonia and smallpox. It is estimated that thousands of Indigenous people died on the Trail of Tears, and the removal had a devastating impact on Indigenous communities. The experience of Indigenous peoples on the Trail of Tears was one of great suffering and hardship, and it is a tragic and painful chapter in U.S. history.

what did the colonies lose in the french and indian war?


The colonies lost much land, resources, and money in the French and Indian War. They also lost many lives as a result of the war. In addition, the war caused a great deal of political tension between Britain and the colonies, which ultimately led to the American Revolution.

Final answer:

In the French and Indian War, the American colonies' main losses were Britain's heavy taxation to pay the war debt and the psychological sense of unequal treatment, which were catalysts for the American Revolution. A direct result was the Stamp Act which led to a call for independence.


In the French and Indian War (1754–1763), the American colonies didn't directly lose territory, but faced indirect significant losses. The primary loss is the financial initial burden the war placed on Britain that led them to heavily tax the colonies, inciting wide resentment among the colonists. This war debt was a catalyst for the American Revolution.

Besides, the war also impacted on a psychological level. The American colonies lost the autonomous sense as they realized they were not equal partners in the British Empire, but rather subjects expected to obey British law and policy, particularly those concerning taxes and trade.

The war resulted in Stamp Act (1765), along with other taxes, this imposition fueled a sense of disenfranchisement and ultimately led to the call for independence.

Learn more about Losses in the French and Indian War here:


What social and economic effects of the did the Civil War have on Louisiana and its people?


As a result of Louisiana's secession from the Union, thousands of the Confederate soldiers were transferred out of the state. Louisiana also experienced occupation and witnessed the freeing of more than 300,000 slaves.

What societal effects did this Civil War have on Louisiana?

The five years from 1861 to 1865 were among the most turbulent in Louisiana's history.

More than 300,000 slaves were freed, Louisiana broke away from the Union, thousands more Confederate soldiers were transported out of the state, and the Union invaded and occupied the state during this time. All would concur that this tragedy impacted their lives as well as the trajectory of the state's history forever, despite the fact that people's experiences in the conflict differed based on the parish their lived in, their colour, and their income. Following the election of Abraham Lincoln in November 1860, Louisiana first prepared for secession before preparing for war.

To know more about the Civil War of Louisiana, here


What did Japanese internment reveal about American life ?


In 1941, there were about 120,000 people of Japanese descent on the US mainland, mostly along the pacific coast. At the time of the japanese attack on pearl harbor, this occurred. About two-thirds of them had full citizenship and were citizens by birth.

However, in the wake of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Roosevelt administration adopted a severe policy toward these residents, both foreign and native, as a result of a rise in anti-Japanese distrust and terror. The majority of the war was spent in camps for Japanese Americans, who were forced to leave behind their houses and belongings almost universally.

The government defended this policy by arguing national security even though it violated several of the most fundamental constitutional rights of japanese Americans. It is untrue that most Japanese americans lost interest in life after being detained against their will and did relatively little in the camps the internment of japanese people in camps like manzanar in california. franklin D. roosevelt, who was constantly being watched, gave the order to build these internment camps so that the US government could control Japanese americans during world war II.

To know more about Japanese people visit:


1. On the map of Costa Rica below what symbol does the map legend use to identify a national capital?
a) circle
b) star
c) dotted line
d) solid black line


Option B - Star is the answer

Where were many factories and mills built in North Carolina in the late 1800s?

near farm fields

along the coastline

near railroad lines

in the mountains

North Carolina’s railroad lines grew rapidly during which period?

the colonial era

the Civil War

the First Industrial Revolution

the Second Industrial Revolution

Most people who moved into North Carolina’s cities to work in factories were

Native Americans.

Asian immigrants.

upper-class whites.

African Americans.

What did the Cone family open in North Carolina in the 1890s?

a lumber mill that became a giant in timber

a textile factory that produced denim fabric

a textile factory that produced knit hosiery

a large-scale tobacco company in Durham



Near farm fields that is Durham and Winston-Salem in North Carolina were many factories and mills built in North Carolina in the late 1800s.

The land masses that separate the two states are the South Carolina directly below the North Carolina and then followed by Georgia which is directly above Florida. It is important to note that North Carolina's railroads expanded rapidly during the Civil War.Carolina's railroad lines expanded rapidly during the civil war, which was a violent conflict between a state and one or more organized non-state groups.Additionally, people use the rail system as a means of transportation during this time, and the system experiences rapid expansion as a result of these demands.

The North Carolina railroad was chartered in 1849 and completed in 1856. It runs for more than 223 miles, passing through cities and leading to the development of new towns and factories. The railroad was heavily subsidized by the government, which also purchased company stock and subsidized the cost of construction and expansion of railroads.

learn about north carolina


This kind of federal regulation had not happened before March
1929. Wall Street was afraid that if this happened, people
would not be able to borrow money to buy stocks, and then no
one could buy the RCA stock that speculators were trying to
sell quickly. This led to the Crash because it made stock brokers
nervous that the government was going to clamp down on
speculation, and they were more ready than ever before to
launch a massive sell-off of stocks if that happened.


Stocks are being sold by investors for much less. Before March 1929, no such federal regulation had ever been implemented.

What is the solution to the Wall Street Crash?

On October 29, 1929, Wall Street investors traded roughly 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day, resulting in the Stock Market Crash of 1929. A significant amount of money was lost, wiping out thousands of investors.

Wall Street was concerned that this would prevent people from borrowing money to buy stocks on Black Thursday, which would prevent others from purchasing the RCA stock that speculators were trying to sell as soon as possible.

Therefore, people would be unable to borrow money in order to purchase stocks, which would prevent anyone from purchasing the RCA stock that speculators were attempting to quickly offload.

Learn more about investors from the given link.


Who wrote in 1776 about the economic system used in the US?


Born in Scotland in 1723, Adam Smith later became a prominent philosopher and economist. His seminal work on economics, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, published in 1776, is the main reason for his fame.

What was Adam Smith renowned for?

The first comprehensive system of political economy, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776), which included Smith's description of a system of market-determined wages and free rather than government-constrained enterprise, made Adam Smith the "forefather" of capitalist thought. Smith is best known for this one work, and it is widely regarded as the foundation of modern economic theory. The material requirements of the entire society would be addressed, he reasoned, despite the fact that people are by nature self-serving.

To know more about Adam Smith visit:


Why were the Articles of Confederation replaced brainly?


With a weak central government and a loose confederation of sovereign states, the Articles gave state governments the majority of power.

Because the Articles of Confederation gave the states an excessive amount of power, they were unworkable. The federal government lacked the authority to impose or collect taxes, control trade, or enact laws. The Articles of Confederation did not provide an executive branch or a system of federal courts. Soon after it became clear that the Federal government needed to be stronger, the Constitutional Convention was held in 1787.The states did not respond right away.The federal government was intended to be extremely fragile.There was only one chamber and one vote per state in the Articles of Congress.

To know more about the Articles of confederation here


Why did Europe initially get involved in the slave trade in west africa
it served as an outlet for prisoners
it was a way to make their colonies more profitable
it supported their desire to explore the americas
it was something they were forced to do


It was a way to make their colonies more profitable

What do the 7 Commandments in Animal Farm symbolize in the Russian Revolution?


The power of propaganda and the flexible nature of history and information when the public is ignorant of the facts are represented by the Seven Commandments of Animalism, written on the barn wall for all to see.

Similar to the Ten Commandments in the Bible, the Seven Commandments of Animalism are an attempt to totally define animal behaviour in order to conform to a moral code. The Seven Commandments are unambiguous and plain, just like the Ten Commandments, and do not allow for interpretation or caveats.

The important events in the play are also used to reflect real-life events. For instance, during the Russian revolutions, animalism stood in for communism. The February Revolution of 1918 was symbolised by the animal uprising against the farmer.

To know more about Revolution, click here:


q6 Why was the ruling of McCulloch v. Maryland significant?

It established that the courts had the power of judicial review.

It established that Congress had powers to make laws that were "necessary and proper" to carry out its duties.

It established that there would be a separation of church and state.

It established that the U.S. Supreme Court would judge cases in which state and national laws conflict.


The reason why the ruling of McCulloch v. Maryland was significant was B. It established that Congress had powers to make laws that were "necessary and proper" to carry out its duties.

What was the result of the ruling in McCulloch v. Maryland?

This ruling upheld the constitutionality of the Second Bank of the United States, and it established that states do not have the power to tax an agency of the federal government. This decision also established that the courts have the power of judicial review, which means that they have the power to interpret the Constitution and determine the constitutionality of federal laws and state laws.

This principle is one of the key building blocks of the system of checks and balances in the US government and it has been central to many landmark cases in US history.

The McCulloch v. Maryland decision (1819), commonly known as the "Necessary and Appropriate Clause" or the "Elastic Clause," was crucial because it established that Congress had the authority to enact laws that were "necessary and proper" to carry out its obligations.

Find out more on McCulloch v. Maryland at


How did mobilization affect WW2?


Throughout the duration of the war, mobilisation gave minorities and women the chance to advance their financial status while also sparking discussions about racial segregation. Civil liberties were also impacted by the internment of Japanese Americans and other wartime experiences.

Which races are minorities?

Depending on the situation, the word "minority group" can be used in a variety of ways. A minority group, according to its usual usage, can be easily understood in terms of demographic sizes within a population, i.e., the group in society with the fewest members is the "minority." However, a group that makes up the smallest percentage of the population is not necessarily considered to be a "minority" in sociology, economics, or politics. The phrases "minority" and "majority" are better understood in the academic setting in terms of hierarchical power relations.

Know more about segregation visit:


what is chile's culture (3-5 sentences only pls)


Chile's culture is a mix of traditional indigenous practices and customs, as well as influences from Spanish and other European cultures. Music, dance, and art are all important aspects of Chilean culture, with traditional folk music and dance being particularly popular. Religion is also an important part of Chilean culture, with the majority of the population being Roman Catholic. Chileans also have a strong sense of national pride and patriotism, and are known for their hospitality and warmth.

Hope this helps!
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