how did the rosetta stone contribute to our knowledge of ancient egypt?


Answer 1

This is extremely significant to Egyptology. Nobody knew how to read ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs when it was found.

The Rosetta Stone became an important tool for deciphering the hieroglyphs because the inscriptions all say the same thing in three different scripts and scholars could still read Ancient Greek.

Who was the Rosetta Stone's decoder?

Thomas Young of England and Jean-François Champollion of France performed the majority of the work necessary to decipher the Rosetta Stone. Champollion was the first Egyptologist to recognize that some of the signs were alphabetic, others were syllabic, and some were determinative, indicating the entire concept or object that had been expressed previously.

Learn more about Rosetta stone:


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Who brought a large team of scholars and scientists with him when he invaded Egypt in 1798?


I think it was Napoleon Bonaparte

the cuban missile crisis was an incident involving cuba, the united states, and what other country?


The Cuban Missile Crisis involved Cuba, the United States, and the Soviet Union.

The Cuban Missile Crisis was an incident involving Cuba, the United States, and the Soviet Union. In October 1962, the United States discovered that the Soviet Union had secretly installed nuclear missiles in Cuba, which was only 90 miles from the US coast. The US government, led by President John F. Kennedy, demanded that the Soviet Union remove the missiles and imposed a naval blockade around Cuba to prevent further Soviet shipments of weapons. After several tense days of negotiations and military brinkmanship, the Soviet Union agreed to remove the missiles in exchange for a US promise not to invade Cuba and a secret US agreement to remove US missiles from Turkey. The Cuban Missile Crisis is widely considered the closest the world ever came to nuclear war and had significant implications for US-Soviet relations and international diplomacy during the Cold War.

To learn more about Cuban Missile Crisis click here


when was lamar port arthur founded


Lamar Port Arthur was founded in 1971. It is a public community college located in Port Arthur, Texas. The college is a member of the Texas State University System and offers a variety of associate's degree programs and certificate programs. Lamar Port Arthur is also known for its strong athletics programs, including men's and women's basketball and baseball.

It became an independent institution in 1995 and is now a member of the Texas State University System. The college offers associate degrees, certificates, and workforce training programs to more than 2,000 students each year. Its campus is located in Port Arthur, a city on the Gulf Coast of Texas.

To know more about Texas State University here:


‼️30 POINTS‼️



this is for rome explanation will be for athens

The Roman Republic describes the period in which the city-state of Rome existed as a republican government, from 509 B.C.E. to 27 B.C.E. Rome’s republican government is one of the earliest examples of representative democracy in the world.

Prior to the republic, Etruscan kings who lived nearby in central Italy ruled Rome. Once the last of these kings was overthrown in 509 B.C.E., Rome’s wealthiest citizens established a republican government by creating various assemblies of Roman citizens. These assemblies decided important matters for the city on behalf of its population.

The early republican Senate clearly held a bias towards the interests of the wealthiest citizens. After all, only members of the patrician class could hold office. Therefore, the plebeians, who made up the majority of the soldiers in the Roman army, staged protests outside the city walls. This conflict led to the establishment of other legislative bodies, such as the Concilium Plebis or Council of Plebs, the Comitia Centuriata, and the Comita Tributa or the tribal assemblies. In the Council of Plebs and tribal assemblies, laws would be passed based on the discussion of important issues that took place in the Senate. There, senators recommended which policies to implement.

The Senate and assemblies worked together to appoint executive officials called magistrates, enacted laws, and sought to increase Rome’s territorial holdings throughout the Italian peninsula. The Republic began to engage in wars with its neighboring rivals, slowly eliminating threats to its superiority in the Mediterranean. By the first century B.C.E., the Roman Republic stood alone as the dominant power in the Mediterranean region.



independent political state consisting of a single city and sometimes surrounding territory.



system of organization or government where the people decide policies or elect representatives to do so.



(~768 BCE-264 BCE) people and culture native to Etruria, in what is now northern and central Italy.


Athenian democracy developed around the 6th century BC in the Greek city-state (known as a polis) of Athens, comprising the city of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica. Although Athens is the most famous ancient Greek democratic city-state, it was not the only one, nor was it the first; multiple other city-states adopted similar democratic constitutions before Athens.[1][2] By the late 4th century BC as many as half of the over one thousand existing Greek city-states might have been democracies.[3]

Athens practiced a political system of legislation and executive bills. Participation was open to adult, free male citizens (i.e., not a metic), who probably constituted no more than 30 percent of the total adult population.[4]

Solon (in 594 BC), Cleisthenes (in 508–07 BC), and Ephialtes (in 462 BC) contributed to the development of Athenian democracy. Cleisthenes broke up the unlimited power of the nobility by organizing citizens into ten groups based on where they lived, rather than on their wealth.[5] The longest-lasting democratic leader was Pericles. After his death, Athenian democracy was twice briefly interrupted by oligarchic revolutions in 411 and 404 BC, towards the end of the Peloponnesian War. It was modified somewhat after it was restored under Eucleides; the most detailed accounts of the system are of this fourth-century modification, rather than the Periclean system. Democracy was suppressed by the Macedonians in 322 BC. The Athenian institutions were later revived, but how close they were to a real democracy is debatable

Which group would most likely identify with the word liberal?
• Third Party
• Green Party
• Republican Party
• Democratic Party


The democratic party would most likely identify with the word liberal.

Is the democratic party more liberal?

The Democratic Party is most commonly associated with the political ideology of liberalism.

In the United States, the term "liberal" is often used to describe those who hold political beliefs that emphasize individual freedoms, social equality, and a larger role for government in promoting these values. The Democratic Party is often seen as the liberal alternative to the Republican Party, which tends to be more conservative and prioritizes limited government and individual freedoms over a larger role for government in promoting equality and addressing social issues.

While the Third Party and Green Party may also hold some liberal values, they are not typically considered to be part of the mainstream liberal political spectrum in the United States, as they are often seen as more niche or alternative political options.

Read more on democratic party here:


Explain THREE causes of the Cuban Revolution between 1952 and 1959


Answer: the rural working class was uneducated, dirt poor, and subject to even worse living conditions than the urban working class. Only 30% of agricultural worked for more than 10 months. 15% had running water. They often had no land of their own or very little land of their own which was constantly under threat of dispossession. There was also an immense amount of productive land (300 caballerias) owned by powerful interests that were completely uncultivated. In addition, more than half the best-cultivated land belongs to foreigners. Urban workers received more pay than rural workers. Rural workers earned less than 2/3 of what urban workers earned.

Help!!!! What’s the answer???!!!


The SS created killing facilities dedicated completely or mostly to the gassing of human beings in gas chambers to carry out the mass slaughter of Europe's Jewry.

What effect do the Belzec murders have?

By the end of spring 1943, Jewish forced laborers working under the protection of the SS, police, and their auxiliary forces had completed the task of exhuming and burning the dead. In addition, the camp had been obliterated. In June 1943, when the camp was demolished, Jewish forced laborers were either killed at Belzec or taken to the Sobibor extermination camp.

The ground was plowed by the Germans after the Belzec camp was destroyed. They built a manor home and planted trees and crops to give the impression that the place was a farm. A former auxiliary police guard was stationed there to work the land in order to further obscure the location.

The area was occupied by the advancing Soviet Army in July 1944.

Learn more about mass slaughter:


What modern language is closest to ancient Egyptian?


Coptic is the modern language that is closest to ancient Egyptian.

Coptic is the last stage of the Egyptian language, which was used in Egypt from around 2600 BC to the 17th century AD. Coptic was used by the early Christian communities in Egypt, and is still used today as a liturgical language by the Coptic Orthodox Church.

It is written using the Coptic alphabet, which is based on the Greek alphabet with additional letters for Egyptian sounds. Scholars have used Coptic to help decode ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, as it preserves many aspects of the ancient language that were lost in later forms of the Egyptian language.

Learn more about Coptic:


why pharaoh djoser Rebuild the temple of khnum?


Pharaoh Djoser, rebuild the temple of khnum because it was an important religious center dedicated to the ram-headed god Khnum. Djoser's decision to rebuild the temple may have been motivated by a desire to demonstrate his piety and devotion to the gods.

Pharaoh Djoser who ruled during the Third Dynasty of ancient Egypt, is best known for commissioning the construction of the famous Step Pyramid at Saqqara. However, he also undertook several other building projects during his reign, including the reconstruction of the Temple of Khnum at the city of Elephantine in southern Egypt.

The Temple of Khnum at Elephantine was an important religious center dedicated to the ram-headed God Khnum, who was associated with creation and the Nile River. The temple had existed at Elephantine for many centuries before Djoser's reign, but it had fallen into disrepair and was in need of restoration.

Djoser's decision to rebuild the temple may have been motivated by a desire to demonstrate his piety and devotion to the gods. It was also a way for him to establish his authority over the region and to promote the worship of Khnum, who was an important deity in southern Egypt.

The reconstruction of the temple was a significant undertaking, and it involved the use of large amounts of stone and other building materials. Djoser also appointed a high priest to oversee the rebuilding process and to ensure that the temple was constructed according to the proper religious traditions.

Learn more about the Pharaoh Djoser


The initial reward center discovered by Olds and Milner was located in the ___________________.hypothalamus


The initial reward center discovered by Olds and Milner was located in the Hypothalamus.

Originally discovered by James Olds and Peter Milner, brain stimulation reward (BSR) is a pleasant sensation that is produced by the direct stimulation of particular brain regions.

BSR has the potential to be a potent operant reinforcer. Targeted stimulation triggers the reward system circuitry and creates response patterns that are reminiscent to those produced in response to natural rewards like food and sex.

Studies on BSR soon showed that stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus and other brain areas linked to natural reward was both gratifying and motivation-inspiring. Because the reward system is relatively directly activated by electrical brain stimulation and intracranial drug injections, they both produce strong reward sensations.

To know more about Hypothalamus, click here:


What is the meaning of imago Dei?


Imago Dei is a Latin expression meaning " image of God." It refers to the notion, establish in some spiritual conventions, that human beings are created in the picture and illustration of God.

The conception of imago Dei may be found in the Bible, specially within the book of Genesis, where it's written that God created human beings in his very own image and likeness( Genesis 126- 27).

The meaning of imago Dei has been the challenge of crucial dialogue and interpretation amongst theologians and students. a few interpret it as a connection with the precise lessons that distinguish people from other brutes, similar as cause, creativity, and ethical duty.

In various religious conventions, the idea of imago Dei has been used to aid the excellent and really worth of every man or women, in any case in their race, gender, or other characteristics.

Learn more about Image of God:-


Adding enough heat

_____ to a system can change the substance in a system


The blank here will be filled by "heat" which is "If a system gets enough heat, its composition can change."

What is heat?

Heat is the result of the movement of kinetic energy within a material or an item, or from an energy source to a material or an object.

Radiation, conduction, and convection are the three mechanisms through which such energy can be transferred.

A system's substance can alter if it receives enough heat.

heat is the energy that moves from one body to another when temperatures are different.

Heat passes from the hotter to the colder body when two bodies with different temperatures are brought together.

Because moving atoms have more energy, the temperature rises as they move more quickly.

Therefore, the blank here will be filled by "heat" which is "If a system gets enough heat, its composition can change."

Know more about the heat here:


Complete question:

Adding enough _____ to a system can change the substance in a system.

how did the concept of cultural particularism change the field of anthropology?


The way the concept of cultural particularism changed the field of anthropology as it shifted the field to be more egalitarian.

Cultural particularism theory postulates that all cultures possess their own historical trajectory and each culture developed according to this history. Hence, it an anthropological theory that suggest that each society and culture should be understood on its own terms. The concept was popularized by the anthropologist Franz Boas, widely considered a founder of the discipline of anthropology.

It emerged as an alternative to a social evolutionary approach which stated that all cultures develop along the same trajectory which is established by human biology. The way the concept of cultural particularism changed the field of anthropology as it shifted the field to be more egalitarian (a school of thought that builds on the concept of social equality, prioritizing it for all people). One of the achievements of the cultural particularisms was that it succeeded in excluding racism from anthropology.

Learn more about Anthropology:


What was the purpose of the Monster Study?


The purpose of the Monster Study was to investigate the impact of positive and negative speech therapy on children's speech development.

The study, conducted in 1939 by Wendell Johnson and his graduate student Mary Tudor, involved 22 children from a state orphanage in Iowa.

The children were divided into two groups: one group received positive speech therapy, in which they were praised for their speech, while the other group received negative speech therapy, in which they were criticized for every speech imperfection.

The goal of the study was to determine if negative speech therapy could induce stuttering in children who did not previously have a stutter. The results showed that the children who received negative speech therapy did develop speech problems, while the children who received positive speech therapy did not.

However, the study has been widely criticized for its unethical treatment of the children involved. The negative speech therapy caused long-lasting psychological and emotional harm to the children, and many of them continued to have speech problems for the rest of their lives.

In conclusion, the purpose of the Monster Study was to investigate the impact of positive and negative speech therapy on children's speech development, but it is now widely regarded as an unethical and harmful experiment.

To learn more about Mary Tudor:


What happened to Nazi Party's membership after Hitler's famous speech on Feb 10, 1933?


They strengthend and that’s when hitler truly had power that moment In time during the Great Depression was a benchmark

How did changes in population and politics lead to the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828?
full paragraph (well developed)


Answer: Your welcome!


The election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 was largely driven by changes in population and politics. The number of eligible voters had increased due to the expansion of suffrage rights, allowing for a larger and more diverse electorate. This allowed for the emergence of a new political force, the common man. This group was made up of small farmers, laborers, and merchants who had been largely excluded from politics in the past. This new political force was a powerful one, and their support helped push Jackson to victory in 1828. Jackson's policies of using the presidency to represent the common man resonated with this new electorate and he was able to capitalize on it to win the election.

What is the definition "monarchy"?
A. Rule by one person
B. Rule by elected representatives
C. Rule by the many, or the people
D. Rule by a god or gods, either directly or indirectly



rule by one person


Ruled by one person, for example a king or queen.

who was the first african american to appear on a us postage stamp?



Booker T. Washington


explain the response to laissez-faire economics during the nineteenth century


During the 19th century, the response to laissez-faire economics was mixed, with some supporting the doctrine as a means of promoting economic growth and others opposing it for its perceived negative effects on society.

Laissez-faire economics is an economic doctrine that emerged in the 18th century, advocating for minimal government intervention in economic affairs. During the 19th century, the response to laissez-faire economics was mixed, with some supporting the doctrine as a means of promoting economic growth and others opposing it for its perceived negative effects on society.

One of the main criticisms of laissez-faire economics was that it resulted in economic inequality and social injustice. Many believed that unrestricted capitalism, without government regulation, allowed the wealthy to become wealthier while the poor became poorer. This led to the rise of socialist and communist ideologies, which called for a more equal distribution of wealth and resources.

Another response to laissez-faire economics was the growth of labor unions and other workers' organizations. These groups sought to protect the rights and interests of workers, who were often exploited under laissez-faire capitalism.

In response to these criticisms, some governments began to intervene more in economic affairs, implementing policies such as minimum wage laws, antitrust regulations, and social welfare programs. These policies aimed to address the negative consequences of laissez-faire capitalism and promote greater economic and social equality.

However, despite these criticisms, laissez-faire economics continued to be influential throughout the 19th century, especially in countries like the United States and Great Britain. Proponents of laissez-faire economics argued that it promoted economic growth and innovation, and that government intervention in the economy was unnecessary and counterproductive. Ultimately, the response to laissez-faire economics during the 19th century was complex and multifaceted, with both supporters and critics of the doctrine advocating for different approaches to economic policy.

To learn more about Laissez-faire economics:


This list presents the work of a civil rights advocate. Selected Accomplishments of Dolores Huerta
- Secured disability insurance for California farmworkers
- Directed a national grape boycott to protest the dangers of pesticides for farmworkers
- ________________
Which accomplishment correctly completes this list?
A Organized armed resistance to protest police brutality
against farmworkers
B Negotiated to secure better working conditions for farmworkers
C Filed a federal lawsuit to fight segregation against farmworkers i
public facilities
D Seized corporate farmland to protest discrimination
against farmworkers


Directed a national grape boycott to protest the dangers of pesticides for farmworkers Negotiated to secure better working conditions for farmworkers.

What are Rights?

The word rights are been described as legal as well as social principles of freedom. Rights are the fundamental normative rules, which is allowed for the people. That is mentioned In according to some legal systems.

Dolores Huerta. Secured disability insurance for California farmworkers, In his career working she advocated for better working conditions, as she was working on the insurance as well as improving the wages. she always works on the boycott of the pesticides which was danger for farmrers.

Therefore, The right option (B) is correct.

Learn more about the Rights here:


During the watergate scandal, when did the White House first turn over some of the tapes as requested by archibald cox, the special prosecutor?


During the Watergate scandal, the White House first turned over some of the tapes as requested by Archibald Cox, the special prosecutor, on October 20, 1973. The tapes were recordings of conversations in the Oval Office between President Richard Nixon and his advisers. However, Nixon initially refused to turn over some of the key tapes, and the subsequent legal battle over the tapes ultimately led to Nixon's resignation in August 1974.

What scandal did Watergate involve?

President Richard Nixon's administration in the United States from 1972 to 1974 was embroiled in the major political scandal known as "Watergate," which forced Nixon to resign.

The Nixon administration tried repeatedly to distance itself from its role in the June 17, 1972 break-in at the DNC headquarters in the Watergate Office Building in Washington, D.C., which led to this scandal.

To know more about watergate scandal visit:


what advantage does extensive compartmentalization give eukaryotes as compared to their prokaryotic ancestors?


Extensive compartmentalization gives eukaryotes many advantages over their prokaryotic ancestors.

What is prokaryotic ancestors?

Prokaryotic ancestors are the earliest known form of life on Earth, believed to have existed billions of years ago. These single-celled organisms lacked a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles, which are features of all modern-day eukaryotes.

Compartmentalization allows for greater specialization and organization of metabolic pathways and regulatory networks. It also separates vital biochemical processes from each other, providing an extra layer of protection against damage and allowing for higher levels of efficiency. Additionally, it allows for the formation of organelles which further increase the complexity of the cell and enable processes such as respiration, photosynthesis, and protein synthesis. Compartmentalization also makes it easier to control and regulate different cellular processes. By containing and isolating key molecules, such as DNA, enzymes, and other proteins, compartmentalization enables greater control over cellular function. Compartmentalization of the cell can thus allow for a more sophisticated and efficient organism.

To learn more about organisms

why did the allies adopted a europe first strategy?


The Allies decided to focus their military efforts in Europe first because they thought that Nazi Germany (and, to a lesser extent, Fascist Italy) posed a greater military danger than Imperial Japan.

The fundamental component of the grand strategy adopted by the United States and the United Kingdom during World War II was known as Europe first, or Germany first. Under this doctrine, the United States and the United Kingdom would deploy the majority of their resources to defeat Nazi Germany in Europe first.

The greatest long-term threat to the Allies came from Germany. The Allies all agreed that of the Axis Powers, Germany posed the greatest threat. The only country with the resources to compete with Britain, the US, and the USSR was Germany.

To know more about  World War II, click here:


What are TWO arguments cited in this 1915 flier above that are in opposition to this anti-suffragette stance from document 3?​


The suffragettes argued that women should have the right to vote because they were equal citizens and taxpayers with men.

They also argued that women needed the vote in order to be able to address social and economic issues that affected them, such as poverty and child labor.

What was the opposing argument?

The anti-suffragettes argued that giving women the right to vote would disrupt the traditional gender roles in society and lead to a breakdown of the family.

They also argued that women were not suited for the rough and tumble world of politics and that their participation would lead to chaos and conflict.

Therefore, the two argument s cited are women equal right to vote as they were taxpayers too and also the need to address social and economic issues.

learn more about suffragettes:


What is a famous quote from John Steinbeck?


One famous quote from John Steinbeck is: "The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry." This quote is from his novella "Of Mice and Men".

"The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry" is a famous quote from John Steinbeck's book "Of Mice and Men." The statement communicates the possibility that even the most painstakingly made arrangements can once in a while flop because of unexpected conditions. It has turned into a typical saying that is frequently used to remind individuals that life is unusual and that we ought to be ready to adjust to evolving circumstances.

The statement is an impression of Steinbeck's belief that people are not in that frame of mind in their lives and that they should figure out how to acknowledge the surprise and make their best.

Learn more about John Steinbeck:


Between 1800 and 1910, the percentage of the U.S. population living in cities of 100,000 residents or larger went from ____ percent to roughly ___ percent.a. 15; 20b. 10; 20c. 5; 20d. 0; 20


Between 1800 and 1910, the percentage of the U.S. population living in cities of 100,000 residents or larger went from 0 percent to roughly 20 percent.

1800 5,308,483 35.10%

1810          7,239,881 36.38%

1820 9,638,453 33.13%

1830 12,866,020 33.49%

1840 17,069,453 32.67%

1850 23,191,876 35.87%

1860 31,443,321 35.58%

1870 38,558,371 22.63%

1880 50,189,209 30.16%

1890 62,979,766 25.48%

1900 76,212,168 21.01%

1910         92,228,496 21.02%

The U.S. population have been increasing since 1800s because Immigration, birth rates, new territory and the demand for slaves helped the American population to increase by a third every decade. It had taken less than a century for the new nation to grow from just 13 little states to the fourth biggest country in the world.

To know more about U.S. population growth, visit:


Many of the literary works of the Renaissance, such as The Book of the Courtier, reflect the cultural changes taking place during that time by
answer choices
a. arguing to end the enslavement of people
b. criticizing the power of the Catholic Church
c. emphasizing the importance of the individual
d. elevating women characters to equal status with men


Many of the literary works of the Renaissance, such as The Book of the Courtier, reflect the cultural changes taking place during that time by: c. emphasizing the importance of the individual.

How does  Renaissance reflect the cultural changes?

Many of the literary works of the Renaissance reflect the cultural changes taking place during that time by emphasizing the importance of the individual. The Renaissance was a period of significant cultural, artistic, and intellectual change that emphasized the values of humanism and individualism. Writers during this period focused on the potential of the individual, and their works often celebrated human achievement and individual creativity.

The Book of the Courtier, written by Baldassare Castiglione, is an example of a literary work from the Renaissance that emphasized the importance of the individual. It provided a guidebook for courtly behavior and emphasized the ideals of the perfect courtier, who was expected to have a broad knowledge base, be well-rounded, and demonstrate the ability to excel in all areas of life.

Option (c) is the correct answer.

Learn more about Renaissance  here:


What dynasty was the first empire?


The first dynasty to establish an empire in the world was the Akkadian Empire.

The first dynasty to establish an empire in the world was the Akkadian Empire, which was founded by Sargon of Akkad in Mesopotamia around 2334 BCE. The Akkadian Empire was the first known empire in history and lasted for over 200 years, during which time it expanded its territory and influence through military conquests and trade. It was an important milestone in the development of human civilization, and its legacy can be seen in many of the political, cultural, and economic institutions that exist in the world today.

For such more question on dynasty:


When two species who do not share a common ancestor evolve to develop similar traits?


When two species evolve to develop similar traits, despite not sharing a common ancestor, it is known as convergent evolution.

This process occurs when species face similar environmental pressures or selective forces, such as predators or changing climate conditions, and as a result, develop similar adaptations.Convergent evolution can result in the development of analogous structures, which are similar in function and appearance but have different evolutionary origins. For example, the wings of birds and bats are analogous structures because they are both used for flight, but they evolved independently in these two groups of animals.Convergent evolution is different from divergent evolution, where closely related species develop different traits over time due to selective forces acting on their respective populations.

To know more about evolution visit:


The outcome of Citizens United v. FEC decided that:
A. Political spending could not be limited based on freedom of speech
B. News media is required to give equal attention to both parties
C. Newspapers cannot endorse a candidate during an election
D. Campaign contributions must come from individuals and not companies


A. Political spending could not be limited based on freedom of speech

What is Citizens United v. FEC?

Generally, Citizens United v. FEC is a landmark US Supreme Court case that was decided in 2010. The case centered around the issue of political spending and whether the government could restrict political expenditures by corporations and other organizations.

Specifically, Citizens United, a conservative nonprofit group, wanted to air a documentary that was critical of then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the months leading up to the 2008 presidential election. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) argued that the documentary violated campaign finance laws, but Citizens United challenged the regulations on the grounds that they violated the First Amendment's protections of free speech.

Read more about Citizens United v. FEC


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