Evaluate the extent to which the Spanish and British colonizers differed in their economic
and cultural relationships to American Indians
prior to 1700.


Answer 1

The Spanish and British colonizers had very different economic and cultural relationships with American Indians prior to 1700.

What informs their colonial style?

The Spanish were focused on acquiring resources, primarily gold and silver, from the Native Americans in the colonies. This meant that they had a largely exploitative economic relationship with the natives, which often included forced labor and the imposition of taxes. In contrast, the British had a more cooperative economic relationship with the natives, trading goods and resources, and often engaging in joint ventures.

Culturally, the Spanish were more focused on converting the Native Americans to Catholicism, while the British were more focused on assimilating them into British culture. The Spanish were often more successful in this regard, with many of the native tribes in the colonies eventually adopting Catholicism. The British, however, were more successful in assimilating the natives into British culture, with many of them eventually adopting British customs and language.

learn more about American Indians: https://brainly.com/question/24724492


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The war of 1812 led the united states to do what for itself?


The War of 1812 was a significant conflict that took place between the United States and Great Britain from 1812 to 1815.

This war had a profound impact on the United States, both domestically and internationally. One of the most significant impacts of the War of 1812 was that it solidified the United States as a sovereign and independent nation. Prior to the war, the United States was still establishing itself as a new country and was largely viewed as a subordinate to Great Britain. The War of 1812 demonstrated that the United States could hold its own against a major world power, and it helped to establish the United States as a major player on the world stage. Another important outcome of the War of 1812 was that it helped to spur economic development and growth within the United States. The war created a demand for American-made products, as trade with Great Britain was disrupted. This led to the growth of American industries and the development of a more robust economy. In addition to these impacts, the War of 1812 also led to a number of political and cultural changes within the United States. The war helped to fuel a sense of patriotism and nationalism among Americans, and it contributed to the growth of a distinct American identity. It also led to the development of a stronger federal government and a more centralized system of government, as the war required greater coordination and cooperation among the various states.

Overall, the War of 1812 was a critical moment in the history of the United States. It helped to establish the United States as a sovereign and independent nation, and it set the stage for the growth and development of the country in the years to come.

To know more about United States click here:



who had the most technological advances during world war i?


During World War I, Germany and the United States had the most technological advances. The refinement of the machine gun, a weapon first created by an American, Hiram Maxim, during World War I, was possibly the most significant technological advancement at the time.

The main materials used to construct the new technology's airplanes were canvas, wood, and wire. They were initially exclusively used to monitor enemy forces. As the effectiveness of their weapons became obvious, both sides employed ground-based artillery and rifles, handguns, and machine guns from other aircraft. In 1916, German aircraft were equipped with forward-firing machine guns that would not damage the fighters' propellers. Air combat turned deadly as soon as the Allies did the same with their aircraft.

The Germans' deployment of poison gas during a sudden invasion in Flanders, Belgium, in 1915 gave rise to the first instance of chemical warfare. Initially, gas was simply discharged from sizable cylinders and pushed into close-by enemy lines by the wind. Later, artillery shells carrying phosgene and other gases were fired into the enemy's positions. The Germans used this weapon the most because they knew that enemy soldiers wearing gas masks were less combat-effective.

The Germans, realizing their military potential in World War I, had a considerable number of them ready for use by 1914. Additionally, they developed air-cooled versions of ground-based machine guns for airplanes, which reduced their cost and increased their portability. German machine guns on the Somme battleground in July 1916 showed the weapon's full power by killing or injuring nearly 60,000 British men in a single day.

To learn more about World War I, click below:



Who discovered Black History Month?


Historian Carter G. Woodson discovered Black History Month.

First celebrated in 1976, Black History Month was an idea developed by historian Carter J. Woodson and a group of fellow scholars who organized Black History Week beginning in February 1926. Black History Week eventually gained popularity and was expanded into Black History Month in 1976. USA President Geral Ford urged Americans to celebrate this month in unity and freedom.

In 1915, historian Carter G. Woodson co-founded the Society for the Study of Black Lives and History in response to the lack of information about black achievements available to the public at the time. In 1926, the Society declared the second week of February "Black History Week" to celebrate the contributions of African Americans to American history.

To know more about black history month click on the link below.



Did the Greek gods live on Mount Olympus?


Mount Olympus is Greece's tallest peak. It is located in the Olympus Range on the border between Thessaly and Macedonia, between the regional units of Larissa and Pieria, some 80 kilometers (50 miles) southwest of Thessaloniki, in the Olympus massif near the Thermaic Gulf of the Aegean Sea.

Mount Olympus is a mountain with 52 summits and extensive canyons. Olympus is the Greek gods' home in Greek mythology, located on Mytikas mountain. The mountain has a high level of biodiversity and diverse vegetation. It has been a National Park since 1938, the first in Greece. It is also designated as a World Biosphere Reserve.

Learn more about Mount Olympus here:



why did the colonies decide they needed a national government in addition to state governments?


The colonies decide they needed a national government in addition to state governments in order to better coordinate and address issues of common interest.

The colonies recognized that they faced common challenges and interests that individual state governments could not adequately address on their own, such as national defense, foreign relations, and regulation of interstate commerce.

Therefore, a national government was necessary to provide a unified approach to these issues and to promote the general welfare of the new nation. This led to the creation of the United States Constitution and the establishment of a federal system that balanced state and national authority.

To learn more about Constitution visit: https://brainly.com/question/453546


The oldest mayan structure is located in which country__


located at a site called Aguada Fénix near the Guatemalan border

The fall of the Roman Empire was not due to one event but due to many events combined.

Complete the chart to reflect on the reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire in the West.
• Explanation–Provide a specific example or explanation for each reason in your own words.
• Significance–Explain how each reason could contribute to the fall of a massive empire.

You should record your answers in the chart in complete sentences.

Reason Explanation Significance
Burden of Supporting an Over-expanded Military

Rise in Power of the Eastern Empire

Economic Troubles and Overreliance on Slave Labor

Defense Against Barbarians and Huns

Weak and Corrupt Political Leaders


Answer:The phrase "the Fall of Rome" suggests that some cataclysmic event ended the Roman Empire, which stretched from the British Isles to Egypt and Iraq. But in the end, there was no straining at the gates, no barbarian horde that dispatched the Roman Empire in one fell swoop.

Instead, the Roman Empire fell slowly as a result of challenges from within and without, changing over the course of hundreds of years until its form was unrecognizable. Because of the long process, different historians have placed an end date at many different points on a continuum. Perhaps the Fall of Rome is best understood as a compilation of various maladies that altered a large swath of human habitation over many hundreds of years.


The reasons of falling of roman empire are;

1.Invasions by Barbarian tribes:Invasions from the barbarian tribes resulted in the fall of the roman empire due to the unexpected attacks.

2.Economic troubles and overreliance on slave labor. Rome was suffering a severe financial crisis. Constant wars and overspending left the treasury empty. Heavy taxation and inflation impoverished the population. Many wealthy Romans fled to the countryside and set up independent fiefdoms. By the second century the empire was no longer able to expand its territory. Without a new source of slaves, the empire did not have enough laborers.

3.The rise of the Eastern Empire in the late third century. The two halves of the empire often quarreled over resources and military aid. The largely Greek-speaking Eastern Empire grew in wealth while the Latin-speaking West descended into economic crisis. The Western political structure finally disintegrated in the fifth century, while the Eastern Empire functioned for another thousand years.

4. Overexpansion and military overspending. At its height, the Roman Empire stretched from the Atlantic Ocean all the way to the Euphrates River in the Middle East. With such a vast territory to govern, the empire faced administrative and logistical challenges. Rome struggled to enlist the required troops and resources to defend its frontiers from local rebellions and outside attacks

5. Government corruption and political instability. Ineffective and inconsistent leadership also weakened the empire. Civil war created chaos, and there were more than 20 emperors over a 75-year span. The changes often occurred due to murder of a reigning emperor.

6.Christianity and the loss of traditional values. Christianity displaced the polytheistic Roman religion, which viewed the emperor as having a divine status. There was a shift in focus from the glory of the state to a single god.

7.Weakening of the Roman legions. Unable to recruit enough Roman citizens to serve as soldiers, Roman emperors hired foreign mercenaries to fill out their armies. These Germanic soldiers proved to be fierce warriors but had little loyalty to the empire.

8. The arrival of the Huns and the migration of the Barbarian tribes. The Huns invaded Europe in the late fourth century, leading to migration of Barbarian tribes. As the Barbarians rampaged through northern Europe, many Germanic tribes took refuge on the borders of the Roman Empire. The Romans allowed these Visigoths into the safety of Roman territory, but they treated them with extreme cruelty. Germanic tribes like the Vandals and the Saxons began to occupy Britain, Spain, and North Africa.

                                        RISE IN THE EASTERN EMPIRE

For 1,000 years after the fall of the empire in the west, the Byzantine Empire

in the east continued to build on the base of ancient Greek and Roman

traditions and culture. The Byzantine Empire was a significant force in European

politics until 1453, when the city of Constantinople was captured by the Ottoman


Because of its location on international trade routes, Constantinople also

received new cultural influences from the Middle East and other parts of Asia,

which, in turn, blended with Greco-Roman traditions to create its own cultural

heritage. For example, early Byzantine architects used the Roman dome in their

buildings, but Byzantine artists later created a new art form featuring more arches and domes made of brick. The artists also found less naturalistic and more formal ways to represent religious figures from Christianity in their art.


constant wars and overspending had significantly lightened imperial coffers, and oppressive taxation and inflation had widened the gap between rich and poor.


In what country up to half a million teachers, civil servants and engineers are on strike



England is currently dealing with strikes.

what did hoover think government should do in bad economic times?



to help different groups to work together to improve economy


trust me

What is the plan going forward with the liberated concentration camp?

What were your responsibilities that day of the liberated concentration?

Was it what u expected for the liberated concentration?


Regarding the plan going forward with a liberated concentration camp, the primary objective is to provide support, care, and rehabilitation to the survivors who have been traumatized by the atrocities they faced during their internment.

This can include medical care, psychological counseling, education, and vocational training to help them rebuild their lives and reintegrate into society.

What are the responsibilities?

As for the responsibilities of individuals on the day of liberation, this can vary depending on their role and position. Those involved in the military or humanitarian efforts may have responsibilities such as providing aid, medical attention, and security to the survivors. Journalists and other observers may have responsibilities to document and report on the situation. It is also possible that some individuals may have no official responsibilities but may choose to volunteer or assist in any way they can.

Finally, it is important to acknowledge that the conditions and experiences of liberated concentration camps can vary widely depending on a variety of factors such as location, time period, and the actions of the liberating forces. It is important to approach each situation with compassion and an open mind to understand the unique challenges and needs of the survivors.

learn more about liberated concentration camp: https://brainly.com/question/3510445


Read this quotation by G. W. Plunkitt, a Tammany
Hall boss and New York senator.
What does Plunkitt describe as honest graft?
O Collecting votes for elections by bribing
O Taking money from the city treasury by forging
O Using inside knowledge to profit from city
construction projects


Plunkett describes honest graft as Using inside knowledge to profit from city construction projects. The correct option is c.

Who is G.W.Plunkitt?

G.W. Plunkett was an American politician from New York State, who served in both houses of the New York State Legislature. He was a leader of the Tammany Hall political organization, a vehement critic of the Civil Service, and notably responsible for a series of colloquial and practical short talks recorded in Plunkitt of Tammany Hall, which comprise his observations and successful mastery of machine politics.

Plunkett was born on November 17, 1842, in Manhattan, New York City.

Learn more about Plunkett, here:



Which of the following is NOT considered a positive of a two-party system?
A. Consensus of values
B. Full Representation
C. Winner-Take-All System
D. Historical influence


C. Winner-Take-All System is NOT considered a positive of a two-party system.

What is the Winner takes all system ?

The winner-take-all system is a method of allocating electoral votes in which the candidate who wins the most votes in a given geographic area (such as a state or congressional district) receives all of the electoral votes for that area.

While this system is used in some two-party systems, it is not universally considered a positive feature, as it can lead to situations where a candidate who receives a minority of the popular vote can still win a majority of the electoral votes.

Find out more on the winner takes all system at https://brainly.com/question/19447757


The following was not a reason why the Plains Indians were so difficult to defeat in the 1800s:

Question 1 options:

No farms to burn

Better trained riflemen than US soldiers

They traveled vast distances on horseback

No villages to destroy


In the 1800s, the Plains Indians were so difficult to defeat that they used better-trained riflemen than US soldiers.

What were the Plains Indians' struggles like?

The Plains Indians were doomed due to their reliance on buffalo for shelter, clothing, fuel, and food. They were unable to maintain their way of life after the herds were eliminated. Few of them gave up their traditional ways of life to follow the American settlers.

What was the Plains Indians' ultimate defeat?

The willingness of the government to deploy military forces, the construction of railroads and buildings on Indian settlements, and most importantly, the killing of buffalo, around which the Indians centered every aspect of their lives, ultimately resulted in the defeat of the plains Indians.

To learn more about American settlers here:



jacob leisler, sir edmund andros, and john coode were all associated with what set of events?


A rebellion under Francis Nicholson's rule was organized and put down in 1691 by Long Island-based German businessman Jacob Leisler.

What happened during Leisler's Rebellion?

The Leisler's Rebellion, which took place in New York between 1689 and 1691, was a political uprising that saw the unexpected overthrow of the monarchy as well as the trial and execution of Jacob Leisler, a prominent merchant and military officer in the city, and his English lieutenant, Jacob Milborne.

According to historians, Bacon's principal objective was Berkeley, whereas Leisler's uprising pitted the common man and religion against an aristocratic elite. Massachusetts deposed the royal ruler in charge of the Dominion of New England after James II was forced to abdicate in the Glorious Revolution of 1688, and Dutch New Yorkers followed soon suit.

To know more about Jacob Leisler, visit:



True or false statement, crazy horse was a member of the akicita, which served his people as spiritual leaders and medicine men.


The given statement "Crazy horse was a member of the Akicita, which served his people as spiritual leaders and medicine men" is False because In the nineteenth century, Crazy Horse led the Oglala band of the Lakota people in battle.

In order to stop white Americans from settling on Native American land and to protect the Lakota people's traditional way of life, he took up arms against the US government. Both his enemies and his own people respected him greatly for his involvement in several well-known battles of the Black Hills War in the northern Great Plains, such as the Fetterman Fight in 1866, where he served as a bogeyman, and the Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876, where he led a war party to victory.

To know more about Americans, click here:



In western Europe, a long-term effect of the invention of Gutenberg’s printing press was that the_____monarchies were restored to absolute powerfeudal system declinedliteracy rate increaseddevelopment of new ideas was discouraged


In western Europe, a long-term effect of the invention of Gutenberg’s printing press was that the literacy  rate increased monarchies were restored to absolutely powerful system declined literacy rate increased development of new ideas was discouraged.

The invention of Gutenberg's printing press in  1439 is widely regarded as one of the most influential inventions of all time, as it enabled the mass production of books and other printed materials. This had a profound impact on the spread of knowledge and education in Europe. prior to the printing press, books were incredibly rare, expensive, and laboriously hand-copied by monks, meaning that only a privileged few had access to them.

With the invention of the printing press, books and other printed materials could be produced far more quickly and cheaply and spread more widely, resulting in a dramatic increase in literacy rates across the continent.

To know more about literacy rate refer to the link brainly.com/question/934419


Who won the election in 1964?



Kennedy) won a full term, defeating Republican Senator Barry Goldwater from Arizona. Johnson won every state except for Arizona and the Deep South. Johnson won 61% of the popular vote, the largest share of the popular vote since 1820. This share of the popular vote has not been exceeded since, as of 2023.


have a nice day.

who participated in the debate over the meaning of freedom


The people who participated in the debate over the meaning of freedom were Union General William Sherman, Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, and a group of freedmen.

Freedom refers to the ability to act or change without constraint as well as to possess the power and resources to fulfill one's purposes unhindered. In a debate held over the meaning of freedom during the early period of America,  Union General William Sherman, Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, as well as a group of freedmen participated in the debate.

General William Sherman was an American soldier, educator, author, and businessman who served as a general in the Union Army during the American Civil War. Edwin Stanton was an American lawyer and politician who served as U.S. Secretary of War under the Lincoln Administration during most of the American Civil War. He helped organize the massive military resources of the North and guided the Union to victory.

In the founder’s debate on how to protect freedom, Sherman, Stanton, and group of other freed men debated the meaning of freedom.

Learn more about General William Sherman:



Causes of population increase in seventeenth-century English North America include which of the following?natural increase among the EnglishAfrican slavesEuropean immigration


Causes of population increase in seventeenth-century English North America include African slaves. The correct answer is B.

African slaves were a major factor in English North America's population growth in the seventeenth century.Slavery's development and history in colonial America were related to the expansion of agriculture, particularly rice and tobacco (in Virginia and Maryland) (in Carolina).

Many North American colonists entered the transatlantic slave trade through private ownership or acquisition of enslaved Africans and Americans from English colonies in the Caribbean before English and later American merchants established direct economic ties with the coast of West Africa.

Nine out of ten Africans sold into slavery in the Americas over the first 150 years of the trade came from West Central Africa. West Central Africa was the region that exported the most slaves to the Americas, with the exception of a 50-year span from 1676 to 1725.

To know more about African slaves visit :



why was there a large increase in the human population after the industrial revolution


There was a large increase in the human population after the industrial revolution due to a combination of factors related to improvements in public health and living standards, and advances in technology and agriculture.

Prior to the industrial revolution, most societies were primarily agrarian, with the majority of the population living in rural areas and subsisting on agriculture. Life expectancy was relatively low, and disease and famine were common. However, with the advent of industrialization, people began to move to cities to work in factories, which offered higher wages and a chance for a better life.

Along with urbanization, there were significant improvements in public health and living standards. Advances in sanitation, hygiene, and medical care helped to reduce mortality rates and improve overall health. This, in turn, led to a decline in infant mortality and an increase in life expectancy.

Furthermore, the industrial revolution saw significant technological advances in agriculture, such as mechanization and the use of chemical fertilizers, which led to increased food production and a more stable food supply. This allowed for more people to be fed, which contributed to the population growth.

Overall, the combination of urbanization, improved public health, and advances in technology and agriculture contributed to a rapid increase in the human population after the industrial revolution.

For such more question on human population.



what did the members of the new united nations security council all have in common?


The permanent members are all nuclear-armed states that were allies in World War II and emerged victorious from that conflict.

Each of them has the ability to block the approval of any "substantive" draught Council resolution, regardless of the degree of international support it receives.

There are 15 members on the Council. China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States are the other five, and they are all permanent members. The General Assembly chooses the other 10 for two-year mandates. In order to reflect the political and economic realities of today, Member States are still debating reforms to the Council's composition and procedures. The Council needs nine yes votes to pass a resolution.

Learn more about the World War II:



11. The Second Amendment is often at the center of debate in this country. Which of these rights does it protect?
A. the right to own guns
B. the right to pay taxes
C. the right to public education
D. the right to vote in elections





A. The right to own guns

option A ( the right to own guns)

why did russia suffer a crushing defeat and lose an entire elite brigade?


There have been several instances in Russian history where the country suffered crushing defeats and lost entire elite brigades. One such example is the Battle of Tannenberg during World War I, which took place on August 26-30, 1914, and resulted in a devastating defeat for the Russian army.

The Battle of Tannenberg was fought between the Russian Empire and the German Empire in northeastern Poland, and it was one of the first major battles of the war. The Russian army, commanded by generals Alexander Samsonov and Paul von Rennenkampf, was poorly prepared and suffered from a lack of communication and coordination. In contrast, the German army, led by General Paul von Hindenburg, had superior tactics and equipment, and was able to surprise and outmaneuver the Russians.As a result of the battle, the Russian army suffered heavy casualties, including the loss of an entire elite brigade known as the "Iron Division." The defeat had significant implications for the course of the war, as it weakened the Russian army and allowed the German army to gain the upper hand in the eastern front.

To learn more about World War I click the link below:



how was wilsonâs fourteenth point incorporated into the treaty?


Wilson's Fourteenth Point was incorporated into the Treaty of Versailles through the creation of the League of Nations. The Fourteenth Point called for the establishment of a general association of nations to guarantee peace and security in the world.

To implement this, the League of Nations was established as an international organization aimed at preventing conflicts and promoting cooperation between its member states.

The League of Nations was created as an independent organization with its own constitution, headquarters, and secretariat.

All the signatories of the Treaty of Versailles, including the defeated Central Powers, were invited to join the League.

The League was given the authority to mediate disputes between member states and to enforce its decisions through economic and military sanctions.

The League was also tasked with promoting international cooperation on issues such as disarmament, human rights, and economic development.

In conclusion, Wilson's Fourteenth Point was incorporated into the Treaty of Versailles through the creation of the League of Nations, which was established as an international organization aimed at promoting peace, security, and cooperation between its member states.

For more questions like Nations click the link below:



prior to the montgomery bus boycott, dr. martin luther king, jr. was...


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a relatively unknown Baptist minister and civil rights activist prior to the Montgomery bus boycott.

Before the Montgomery transport blacklist, Dr. Martin Luther Lord, Jr. was a Baptist server who had as of late shown up in Montgomery, Alabama. He became engaged with nearby social liberties endeavors, filling in as a forerunner in the Montgomery Improvement Affiliation and the blacklist of the city's transports. However Ruler was at that point a regarded forerunner in Montgomery, it was the progress of the transport blacklist that pushed him to public conspicuousness and solidified his situation as a forerunner in the social liberties development. Ruler's message of peaceful opposition and his capacity to rouse and prepare huge gatherings turned into a focal power in the battle for racial balance in America.

Learn more about Montgomery bus boycott:



One important effect of the D-Day invasion was that



A. the war in Europe was over





The D-Day invasion is significant in history for the role it played in World War II. D-Day marked the turn of the tide for the control maintained by Nazi Germany; less than a year after the invasion, the Allies formally accepted Nazi Germany's surrender.

how was the gupta empire different from the mauryan empire?


The Mauryan Empire was a geographically expansive and politically centralized empire that was established in 322 BCE.

What is Mauryan Empire?

It was the first major historical Indian empire and was founded by Chandragupta Maurya. The Mauryan Empire was a centralized monarchy with an absolute ruler at its head. It had efficient administrative systems, a well-developed infrastructure, and a strong economy. The Gupta Empire, which was established in 320 CE, was far more decentralized than the Mauryan Empire. The Gupta Empire was ruled by local chiefs instead of a central ruler. It was more of a loose confederation of states with a decentralized power structure, and it relied on the support of regional rulers to maintain its authority. Although the Gupta Empire was less centralized than the Mauryan Empire, it was still able to maintain an efficient administrative system and a strong economic base. It also had a well-developed infrastructure, including a network of roads and ports. In addition, the Gupta Empire was known for its cultural achievements, including its patronage of the arts and sciences.

To learn more about Mauryan Empire

What obstacles did European rulers face when making new reforms based on Enlightenment principles?


European rulers faced several obstacles when trying to implement new reforms based on Enlightenment principles. These obstacles included:

Resistance from the ChurchOpposition from the nobilityResistance from the general population

We proceed to explain the obstacles faced by the European rulers:

Resistance from the Church: Many Enlightenment principles, such as religious tolerance and freedom of thought, went against the teachings of the Church. As a result, the Church often resisted these reforms and tried to maintain its traditional power and influence.Opposition from the nobility: Enlightenment principles also threatened the power and privileges of the nobility, who often opposed any reforms that would reduce their influence.Resistance from the general population: Many people were accustomed to the traditional ways of life and were resistant to change. As a result, they often opposed new reforms based on Enlightenment principles.

See more about Enlightenment at https://brainly.com/question/12481854.


The English madrigal preceded the development of the Italian madrigal by some one hundred years. True False.


This statement is True that The English madrigal preceded the development of the Italian madrigal by some one hundred years.

The late 16th and early 17th centuries saw the rise in popularity of the English madrigal, a type of secular vocal music. The top voices tend to prevail when it is written for three to six voices. The English madrigal is distinguished by its intricate and frequently discordant harmonies as well as its emotive and frequently amusing words.

On the other hand, the Italian madrigal evolved nearly a century later and is distinguished by a more lyrical and frequently homophonic texture. The Italian madrigal is often constructed in four or five sections, or stanzas, and is usually written for four to six voices.

know more about development here



most of the early english settlers in the north american colonies were laborers. (true or false)


The given statement "most of the early English settlers in the north American colonies were laborers" is True.

The majority of voluntarily emigrating colonists in the seventeenth century were of English descent, and they mostly settled around the Eastern seaboard's coastal districts. The majority of the first British immigrants were indentured slaves who were freed after completing the required amount of work to cover their voyage.

Indentured servants were the original norm for forced labour in New England and middle colonies like Pennsylvania and Delaware as a carryover from English practise. These indentured slaves were individuals who voluntarily took on slave-level labour for four to seven years in order to pay off debts.

To know more about British, click here:



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