Briana's aunt has decided to put her baby up for adoption, but she has to decide what type of adoption she wants to pursue. After the baby is born and adopted, she would like to have a relationship with the child and adoptive parents, and for the child to know her as the birth mother. Which type of adoption would be the best choice for Briana's aunt?

A closed adoption
A flexible adoption
An adoption by relative
An open adoption​


Answer 1


open adoption


Open adoption is a form of adoption in which the biological and adoptive families have access to varying degrees of each other's personal information and have an option of contact.

Answer 2

Answer: The answer is An open adoption.

Explanation: "Open adoption is a form of adoption in which the biological and adoptive families have access to varying degrees of each other's personal information and have an option of contact." -Wikipidea source

Related Questions

The _______ fights infection.
The organ system that controls and coordinates messages in the body is called the______ .
The ________ controls growth, development, and other related processes.
The organ system that breaks down and absorbs nutrients is called the_______ .



The immune system fights infection.

The organ system that controls and coordinates messages in the body is called the nervous system .

The endocrine system controls growth, development, and other related processes.

The organ system that breaks down and absorbs nutrients is called the digestive system .


A, A, C, and B or The  ✔ lymphatic/immune system fights infection.  The organ system that controls and coordinates messages in the body is called the  ✔ nervous system . The  ✔ endocrine system  controls growth, development, and other related processes.  The organ system that breaks down and absorbs nutrients is called the  ✔ digestive system .


The immune system is a network of biological processes that protects an organism from diseases. It detects and responds to a wide variety of pathogens, from viruses to parasitic worms, as well as cancer cells and objects such as wood splinters, distinguishing them from the organism's own healthy tissue. Many species have two major subsystems of the immune system. The innate immune system provides a preconfigured response to broad groups of situations and stimuli. The adaptive immune system provides a tailored response to each stimulus by learning to recognize molecules it has previously encountered. Both use molecules and cells to perform their functions.

The nervous system or the neural system is a complex network of neurons specialized to carry messages. The complexity of the nervous system increases as we move towards higher animals.

The endocrine system is a messenger system comprising feedback loops of the hormones released by internal glands of an organism directly into the circulatory system, regulating distant target organs. In vertebrates, the hypothalamus is the neural control center for all endocrine systems. In humans, the major endocrine glands are the thyroid gland and the adrenal glands. The study of the endocrine system and its disorders is known as endocrinology.

The human digestive system consists of the gastrointestinal tract plus the accessory organs of digestion (the tongue, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder). Digestion involves the breakdown of food into smaller and smaller components, until they can be absorbed and assimilated into the body. The process of digestion has three stages: the cephalic phase, the gastric phase, and the intestinal phase.

Please comment below if you have any questions E2021.

Which of the following is a best practice when weight training?
A. only static stretch to warm up
B. take as little rest as possible between sets
C. use proper technique and weight
D. eat a heavy meal before heavy lifting


Only static stretch to warm up
Only static stretch to warm up and use proper technique and weight

Explain how environment can influence personality.



The environment can influence personality by giving us social acceptance, educational factors, family determinates and social deprivation.

   Environment can influence one's personality in terms of social status, personality development, culture and moral values one can adopt in order to become a good personality.

What is the basic difference that comes in terms of the cultural values ?

The basic difference that comes in the way of cultural values is the type of community and the lifestyle  people live in.

Environment people live in and the type of culture people reside in along with the type of resources they are bound with and in order to develop the lifestyle and the moral values one is granted with has to do a lot with the type of families they are living in.

In order to live in such an environment that they adapt their cultures in such a way that they are adapted and brought up in a world like this.

Learn more about environments affecting personality at :


 please help me with this !


definitely depression…
Depression or happiness

Which issue are teen parents more likely to experience than adult parents
- Low paying Jobs
- Loss of friendships
- Constant responsibility
- Limited childcare availability




low paying jobs


due to them not having a high education they would have to have a minimum wage job

write down any two efforts for making quality of life​



Get a Good Night's Sleep

Get Moving

Make Time For Leisure



don’t let old habits hold you back. Start building these simple essential habits for a happier and more productive life.

Create a morning ritual. Maybe you like to go for a run. Or, maybe you like to meditate or enjoy a healthy breakfast. Whatever it is that makes you feel supercharged, kickstart your day with that habit. 

read. Reading books is a great way to gain knowledge and stimulate creativity. Immersion reading also improves focus and has a calming effect similar to meditation.

Surround yourself with positive people.Let go of relationships that bring you down instead of lifting you up. And spend time with people who know how to nurture and share happiness

Invest in self-care. Taking some time off to unwind can do wonders for your mood, mental health, and self-esteem. Do at least one thing every day that makes you feel good. 

Love yourself more than anyone.'cause at the end of the day you only have yourself.make yourself a priority one for a's not selfish,it's necessary.

take care everyone<33 I'm proud of y'all

Soraya is being cyberbullied by a group of girls on social media. They have made several posts directly mentioning her and calling her hurtful names, along with making fun of her appearance and her cultural background. Which of the following would be the most appropriate way for Soraya to handle the situation?

A. Confront the girls at school and tell them she is ready to defend herself physically if they continue
B. Delete the social media accounts where she is being cyberbullied but take screenshots to show someone she trusts
C. Respond to the girls on her social media accounts with argumentative and emotional comments
D. Withdraw from friends and family until they notice something is wrong and help her with the situation​



B. Delete the social media accounts where she is being cyberbullied but take screenshots to show someone she trusts


Best option is B because it does not involve physical altercation or any indications of possible physical altercation. Option B also allows them to keep evidence for future if needed.

Option A could end in a physical altercation such as fights which could put both Soraya and her bullies in trouble.

Option C will only cause the bullies to mock Soraya more as she starts arguments with them (remember the elephant keeps walking as the dogs keep barking.) So if Soraya does not engage with them they will likely go away but if she engages with them they bark back loudly.

Option D is very unhealthy option for Soraya as it could create mental health issues as well as problems in her family such as misunderstandings and such.

man is by Nature a social animal true or false​



False,because there are no social animals

Alexa had a single sexual encounter with Jake about five years ago. Jake has just notified Alexa that he has tested positive for HIV. Which of the following may be true for Alexa?

A. She may be in the clinical latency stage of HIV infection but have no symptoms.
B. If she has not developed any symptoms of infection by now, it's unlikely she has HIV.
C. If it turns out that she is infected with HIV, there is little she can do now to protect her health.
D. She is certain to develop full-blown AIDS within the year if she does not begin medication.​


the correct answer is a

What section on a food label can be used to determine the percentage of vitamin value?

serving size
percent daily value
amount per serving
calories per serving



calories per serving





I live within the cell, i am an organelle called


organneleis very good okay ?

yes it is

emergency contraceptive are for emergency but they are used by many people as a regular method. prepare an awareness note on its proper use and precaution. Give answer in long​


Please do not use emergency contraceptive for regular methods, lives are at risk

Hiya Kitties!!! Question, What is the most common type of Eating Disorder in Males?




so i looked it up and it said males are most likely to develop binge eating


which statement does NOT describe the X-Games

a- appeals to a young and largely male audience

b- includes both winter and summer events

c- are held every 4 years

d- are made-for-TV events



c- are held every 4 years

Using your strategy to overcome your obstacle.

Finally, now that you have both your obstacle and your success strategy in mind, take some time to write how you would actually use this strategy to help you overcome your obstacle. Be specific! The more specific you are, the more likely you will be to actually implement this success strategy. Write how you would use this strategy in the box below:



Be specific is a use of this strategy.

How many muscles are in your tongue? An orthodontist said there's eight


[tex]\huge \color{red} \boxed{ \colorbox{black}{Answer}}[/tex]

The tongue is predominantly muscle. There are 8 in total; 4 intrinsic muscles and 4 extrinsic.

Hope my answer helps uh ❣️✌️

there are 8 muscles in ur tongue

population is not a problem in itself but it becomes a problem when it increases rapidly. explain​


Overpopulation could become a huge problem in the world , there would be many people in poverty since they don’t have enough space for everyone , food becomes more expensive along with the price of living goes up .

Which chronic disease may be prevented by regular visits to the dentist?





I mean when you visit the dentist regularly you won't have tooth problem or teeth disease.

Good oral hygiene can prevent; heart diseases.

Hey, I really need help. I am sad all the time and don't know why. I stay up till midnight everynight until I cry myself to sleep. My life is great! And I do so much fun stuff with my family, but in the end, I always end up sad again. Can I please get some help? Why do I feel this way?



umm... your probaly depressed you shoud talk to a doctor

Treatment options for people with a less serious addiction, and how it works


This include shame and fear of being judged by care providers.

SAMHSA National Helpline
Confidential free help, from public health agencies, to find substance use treatment and information

What area of health are the benefits leadership skills, teamwork, and making new friends?



Mental health.


Mental health is the area of health where it is possible to see the benefits of leadership, teamwork and friendships. This is because these are factors that bring comfort, well-being and strengthen the psychological environment of an individual, who begins to find it easier to deal with their problems, as they can find support in activities involving these factors, which when established correctly and healthy can benefit mental health intensely.

explique con sus propias palabras la defición , la importancia y el beneficio de las practicas corporales​



El ejercicio se define como cualquier movimiento que hace que sus músculos funcionen y requiera que su cuerpo queme calorías.

Hay muchos tipos de actividad física, que incluyen nadar, correr, trotar, caminar y bailar, por nombrar algunos.

Se ha demostrado que mantenerse activo tiene muchos beneficios para la salud, tanto física como mentalmente. Incluso puede ayudarlo a vivir más tiempo.

Las personas dividen el ejercicio en tres categorías amplias:



entrenamiento de agilidad


mejora la fuerza muscular en los pulmones, el corazón y todo el cuerpo

baja la presión arterial

mejora la circulación y el flujo sanguíneo en los músculos

aumenta el recuento de glóbulos rojos para mejorar el transporte de oxígeno

Reduce el riesgo Fuente confiable de diabetes, accidente cerebrovascular y enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV)

mejora la esperanza de vida y los síntomas de las personas con enfermedades de las arterias coronarias

estimula el crecimiento óseo y reduce el riesgo de osteoporosis cuando se encuentra en alta intensidad

mejora la higiene del sueño

mejora la resistencia al aumentar la capacidad del cuerpo para almacenar moléculas de energía, como grasas y carbohidratos, dentro del músculo

Cuando está atento, profundiza su conciencia y puede ver sus pensamientos y emociones desde la distancia, sin juzgar.

La atención plena que creas se lleva a cabo en otras áreas de tu vida. Cuando eres consciente, tomas mejores decisiones sobre los alimentos que comes y cómo tratas a tu cuerpo. La atención plena se cultiva a través de su práctica consciente diaria.

Cuando hace ejercicio con regularidad, se siente mejor física y mentalmente; también tiende a querer comer de manera más saludable. El ejercicio regular y el movimiento del cuerpo es su práctica corporal diaria.

La comida que elijas comer tiene un impacto directo en tu cuerpo y mente (pensamientos y emociones

Jasmine is going out for dinner with friends. Which options are the healthiest for each part of her meal?
The healthiest entrée choice is .
The healthiest side dish choice is .
The healthiest dessert choice is .
The healthiest beverage choice is .



Jasmine is going out for dinner with friends. Which options are the healthiest for each part of her meal?

The healthiest entrée choice is

✔ baked salmon


The healthiest side dish choice is

✔ green beans


The healthiest dessert choice is

✔ fruit salad


The healthiest beverage choice is

✔ water


Explanation: just got it right on edge

Following are the food choices:

The healthiest entrée choice is: Grilled chicken.

The healthiest side dish choice is: Steamed vegetables.

The healthiest dessert choice is: Fresh fruit.

The healthiest beverage choice is: Water.

Choosing a grilled chicken entrée is a healthier option compared to other choices like fried or heavily sauced dishes. Grilled chicken is generally lower in calories and saturated fat, making it a nutritious choice for protein. Opting for steamed vegetables as a side dish provides essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber without excessive added fats or oils.

Fresh fruit for dessert is a healthier alternative to sugary and calorie-dense options. Fruits offer natural sweetness, along with vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Lastly, selecting water as a beverage is the healthiest choice as it hydrates the body without adding any extra calories, sugars, or artificial ingredients. Water helps maintain proper hydration and supports overall health. By making these choices, Jasmine can enjoy a balanced and wholesome meal while prioritizing her well-being.

Learn more about healthy meal, here:


please help it’s 9 th grade health



HONESTY: Honesty sharpens our perception and allows us to observe everything around us with clarity.

LOYALTY: loyalty stands for commitment and dedication to another allowing respect and trust to flourish.

ACCOUNTABLITY: Accountability empowers you to be in control of your actions in your personal and business life

SELF CONTROL: Self-control is an important skill to develop because these same emotions occur in any person who feels that their needs or desires are not being met

GRIT: Grit is important because it is a driver of achievement and success

OPTIMISM: optimistic attitude helps us be happier, more successful, and healthier.



How many calories does the taco salad with a soda have?

500 calories
800 calories
1000 calories
1200 calories
1500 calories



Maybe 1500 calories



roughly 500 calories


taco salad is around 300 soda can 200

what are symptoms of marijuana use


Increased appetite

In order to maintain good sleep hygiene, it is best to reserve your bed for sleeping and to engage in all other activities in other parts of your house.


True! This makes it so your bed is known just for sleep.




When people are unable to access their homes due to a natural disaster, a(n) containment plan advises them where to stay.



When people are unable to access their homes due to a natural disaster, a(n)  

✔ shelter-in-place plan

advises them where to stay.

To lessen the likelihood of a wildfire spreading, a(n)  

✔ containment plan

might be enacted.


✔ evacuation plan

explains what people should do immediately following a disaster.


got it right on edg just now

When people are unable to access their homes due to natural disaster following containment plans are introduced

Shelter plan Evacuation plan

What is shelter plan?

"The goal of the shelter plan is to mobilize national resources to provide emergency shelter and to expedite the rehabilitation of persons displaced by disaster events, in the shortest possible time".

What is Evacuation plan ?

"An evacuation plan lays out how to exit a building safely during an emergency".

To learn more about shelter plan here


Which of the following statements is NOT true about metabolism?

A. As you get older, your metabolism will start to slow down.
B. Having less muscle will give you higher metabolism.
C. Males tend to have a higher metabolism than females.
D. Metabolism can be linked to your DNA through your parents.​​





the other options are all true facts about metabolism


I think it's B


The more muscle you have the faster you will burn calories, increasing your metabolism.

Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Keeping your own doctor appointments will help you to detect certain diseases early but has no impact on preventing the spread of diseases to others.

B. You should frequently wash your hands with soap and water to prevent communicable diseases from spreading.

C. Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces often is one way that you can help to prevent contracting and spreading communicable diseases.

D. To prevent communicable diseases from spreading, you should wash your hands after touching animals and make sure pets receive routine veterinary care.​


Answer: Keeping your own doctor appointments will help you to detect certain diseases early but has no impact on preventing the spread of diseases to others.


Communicable diseases refers to the disease which can be passed from one human to another human. Examples are measles, HIV, etc.

To prevent communicable diseases, one should always wash their hands with soap and water, clean and disinfect surfaces and wash their hands after touching animals.

Option A is wrong. It should be noted that keeping your own doctor appointments will help you to detect certain diseases early and will also have an impact on preventing the spread of diseases to others.

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