7. Give two examples of biochemical reactions and explain how an organism uses ATP within the reactions.


Answer 1


Because of its energy supply, ATP is necessary for all biological reactions.

ATP is employed both in salt and potassium pumping operations and in the cellular breathing mechanism.


The breakdown of glucose, which frees the cell's energy for life functions, is an example of a catabolic response. Endothermic reactions are called anabolic processes in organisms. The connection between amino acids and a protein is an example of an anabolic response.

If a cell needs energy, this link breaks into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and a free molecule of phosphate... With an excess power of the cell, this energy is stored by creating ATP from ADP and phosphate. For any muscular contraction, ATP is needed for metabolic reactions.

-To break down one glucose into pyruvate molecules in Glycolysis 2 ATP molecules 4 ATP molecules are produced for a net addition of 2 ATP molecules.

-An inorganic carbon is converted into sugar by ATP in photosynthesis.

Related Questions

Which statement correctly compares nucleid acids and corbohydrates?



The correct answer is 4) They both contain carbon, but only nucleic acids contain phosphorous.


nucleid acids and corbohydrates both contain carbon, but only nucleic acids contain phosphorous. Nucleic acid and carbohydrates are essential biomolecules, which are important for the survival of life forms. DNA and RNA comprises the nucleic acid, which posses the genetic information of the living organism.

What type of microscope most likely produced the image of a mitochondrion?



Mitochondria are visible under the light microscope although little detail can be seen. Transmission electron microscopy (left) shows the complex internal membrane structure of mitochondria, and electron tomography (right) gives a three-dimensional view.


what are the limitations of using fossil in evolution theory. Please answer​


The limitations of using fossil in evolution theory are that fossils are rare and only show changes in bones of animals. In many environments the preservation of fossils is hard creating gaps in fossil records that can make identifying change very hard. And when changes present themselves they can be in many forms, such as changing in the soft tissue, coverage and thickness of hair, and changes in organs, all of which can not be preserved by fossilization.

I’m not sure what kind of answer you need but I hope this is sufficient. Hope this helps. Stay healthy and stay safe! :)

Genetic drift in a population affects the gene pool in which of the following ways?
decrease in genetic variation
increase in genetic variation
increased in mutations
decreased in gene flow



Sometimes, there can be random fluctuations in the numbers of alleles in a population. These changes in relative allele frequency, called genetic drift, can either increase or decrease by chance over time. ... Genetic drift can result in the loss of rare alleles, and can decrease the size of the gene pool.

Genetic drift in a population affects the gene pool by decreasing genetic variation.

What is genetic drift?

Genetic drift is a mechanism of evolution that occurs due to random fluctuations in the frequency of alleles (alternative forms of a gene) in a population. It refers to the random changes in the frequency of alleles that occur by chance alone, rather than through natural selection or other selective pressures.

Genetic drift is more likely to occur in smaller populations, where chance events can have a greater impact on the frequency of alleles. The effects of genetic drift can result in the loss of certain alleles from a population over time, or the fixation of one allele in a population, meaning that it becomes the only allele present at that particular gene locus.

Two forms of genetic drift are bottleneck effect and founder effect. In the bottleneck effect, a sudden reduction in population size can cause the loss of genetic diversity, while in the founder effect, a small group of individuals colonizes a new area, leading to the establishment of a new population with a limited subset of the genetic diversity present in the original population.

Learn more about genetic drift, here:



The use of another orga....​



C biological control.


Biological control because a natural organism is controling pest. Unlike using pesticides. That would be chemical control. lol


C. Biological Control


The use of biological beings such as organisms to control pest andm uch more is considered to be Biological Control

Why do you think scientists track the genes of other organisms such as rats or mice in the database? Do you think rat genes are important to human gene research?


Scientists study and track other animals' genes in an effort to understand how non-human creatures' genes work and operate. They do this to understand genetic risk factors in illnesses in the human population. This comes primarily from research on the genes of mice because mice are incredibly genetically close to humans --- there are literally thousands of genes in mice and rats that are phenomenally similar to humans. Manipulating their genes is extremely simple, such as adding or deleting genes to better understand their bodily functions --- also known as genetic engineering. The majority of mice and rats used in genetic research and medical studies are inbred and genetically similar, which makes the medical trial outcomes more consistent. This helps us find an understanding in whatever it is that we're trying to find. 

Scientists track the genes of other organisms like rats and mice in databases because these organisms share evolutionary similarities with humans, allowing researchers to study biological processes, diseases, and potential treatments that can apply to humans.

Rat genes are important to human gene research due to their similarities and potential for modeling human diseases and drug responses.

Scientists track the genes of various organisms, including rats and mice, in databases because these organisms serve as valuable model systems for studying biological processes, genetics, diseases, and potential treatments that are relevant to humans. Despite the differences in size and appearance, many biological functions and genetic pathways are conserved across species due to evolutionary relationships.

Rats and mice share a significant portion of their genes with humans and have similar anatomical and physiological characteristics. This similarity allows researchers to study fundamental biological mechanisms and disease processes in these animals and extrapolate the findings to humans. By tracking the genes of these organisms in databases, scientists can access a wealth of information about their genetic makeup, which aids in designing experiments and conducting comparative studies.

Rat genes, in particular, are important to human gene research because rats have a similar genomic organization and share many orthologous genes with humans. Rats are used extensively in medical and scientific research as model organisms to study human diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, neurological conditions, and more. Their genetic and physiological similarities enable researchers to mimic disease processes and test potential therapeutic interventions in rats before moving to human clinical trials.

In summary, tracking the genes of organisms like rats and mice in databases is essential for advancing our understanding of genetics, diseases, and treatments that apply to humans. Rat genes are valuable in human gene research due to their evolutionary relationship with humans and their potential for modeling human diseases and drug responses, ultimately contributing to the development of medical treatments and therapies.

To learn more about genes, here



In a population of wild bees, a mutation resulted in slightly larger wingspan in some of the bees. This larger wingspan made the bees more efficient in their flights to flowers to collect nectar. Thus, these bees became more successful. This trait was passed on to offspring, and eventually the larger wingspan variety of bee replaced their smaller-winged relatives completely. It could be said that ____ favored the bee with the larger wingspan, and so the ____ evolved



The correct answer is - natural selection, population.


In this case, the wild bees population experienced a mutation which helps in become more eeficient to fight for nector. This bees population is more sucessful to other that didnt recieved mutation and this mutation as it is adavtageous.

Natural selection always favored beneficial traits for the organisms to eveolved in generation therefore, these population is more succesful and replaced the short winged bees.

Chapter 1: Cells Exercise Multiple Choice Question 1. A cell has mitochondria, centrosome with centrioles, nucleus and other cell organelles. Based on this information, this cell could be a cell of A, an apple. B. a yeast. Co a cat. D. a flower​



C. a cat


only animals have centrosomes.

hope this helps!

difference between clarias gariepinus and hetrobranchus bidorsalis?​



The clarias gariepinus or african sharptooth catfish , belongs to the Clariidae family of airbreathing catfishes. They exist in freshwater lakes, rivers, and swamps, as well as man-made environments like oxidation ponds and even urban sewage systems, throughout Africa and the Middle East.

Hetrobranchus bidorsalist, he African catfish, sometimes known as the eel-like fatty fin catfish, is an airbreathing catfish found in Africa. It has a lot in common with the vundu catfish, which is well-known among anglers.


[tex]\textbf{HOPE IT HELPS}[/tex]

[tex]\textbf{HAVE A GREAT DAY!!}[/tex]

In DNA replication, the resulting daughter molecules contain one strand of the original parental DNA and one new strand. What is the explanation for this phenomenon



This question lacks options, options are: A) DNA replication is semiconservative. B) DNA replication is conservative. C) RNA synthesis is conservative. D) DNA replication is not conservative. The correct answer is A.


Watson and Crick proposed the semi-conservative hypothesis (later demonstrated by Meselson and Stahl in 1957), according to which new DNA molecules formed from an old one have an old and a new strand. This replication model assumed that the double helix DNA separates its two strands and each one serves as a template to synthesize a new strand following the complementary rules of nitrogenous bases. This model was called Semiconservative, since the two newly synthesized double helices have an old strand (an old half) and a new strand (a new half).

The process of the formation of new DNA from the older DNA is called replication.

The answer to the following question is semi conversation of DNA.

In the replication, there are two-strand in which one stand is template strand and the other stand is called leading strand. Both the strands act as a template strand and is being copied by the DNA polymerase.

These template strands formed the new DNA and joined it by the DNA ligase to complete it.

Hence, In DNA replication, the resulting daughter molecules contain one strand of the original parental DNA and one new strand. This phenomenon is known as semi-conservation.

For more information, refer to the link:-


Someone, please help!



Step 2: The right ventricle pumps the oxygen poor blood to the lungs via pulmonary valve. Step 3: The left atrium receives oxygen -rich blood and pumps it to the left ventricle. Step 4: The left ventricle pumps the oxygen-rich blood via aortic valve, submitting this blood through the entire body.


Use this website if you need more information. Good luck.


You are examining the data from two time points taken in an experiment. At time 1 there was an extracellular concentration of Na of 115 mM outside the cell and 8mM inside the cell. An amino acid, lycine, is at 20mM outside and 40mM inside. At the second time measured Na is 100mM outside the cell and 23 mM inside the cell. Lycine is 15 mM outside the cell and 45mM inside. What is the best explanation



See the answer below


The best explanation would be that both Na and the amino acid lycine are simultaneously diffusing (in bound form) from the outside to the inside of the cell.  

Considering the Na alone, one would see that the concentration outside the cell decreased in equal amount (15 mM) as the increase in the intracellular concentration of the same molecule.

Also considering the amino acid alone, the extracellular concentration increased by the same magnitude (5 mM) as the decrease in the intracellular concentration of the same molecule.

Hence, it could only be that both molecules bind together and diffused from the region of higher concentration (outside of the cell) to the region of lower concentration (inside).

1) what are the roles of plants, animals and decomposers in an ecosystem ??​



Decomposers and scavengers break down dead plants and animals. They also break down the waste (poop) of other organisms. Decomposers are very important for any ecosystem. If they weren't in the ecosystem, the plants would not get essential nutrients, and dead matter and waste would pile up.

The type of electromagnetic waves with a longer wavelength than infrared waves are ____.

a) ultraviolet waves
b) gamma rays
c) microwaves
d) visible light waves





This are microwaves because electromagnetic waves with a longer wavelength


Write a supported hypothesis of how the body would react if the peripheral nervous system was shut down while the central nervous system continues to function.



The real magnitude of this challenge can perhaps be best judged by considering the structural and functional complexity of the human brain and the bewildering complexity of human behavior. The human brain is thought to be composed of about a hundred billion (1011) nerve cells and about 10 to 50 times that number of supporting elements or glial cells. Some nerve cells have relatively few connections with other neurons or with such effector organs as muscles or glands, but the great majority receive connections from thousands of other cells and may themselves connect with several hundred other neurons. This means that at a fairly conservative estimate the total number of functional connections (known as synapses) within the human brain is on the order of a hundred trillion (1014). But what is most important is that these connections are not random or indiscriminate:

They constitute the essential "wiring" of the nervous system on which the extraordinarily precise functioning of the brain depends. We owe to the great neuroanatomists of the last century, and especially to Ramón y Cajal, the brilliant insight that cells with basically similar properties are able to produce very different actions because they are connected to each other and to the sensory receptors and effector organs of the body in different ways. One major objective of modern neuroscience is therefore to unravel the patterns of connections within the nervous system—in a word, to map the brain.

Which function is performed by both goblet cells and lacrimal glands?
stress regulation
growth regulation





The correct answer would be protection.

Goblet cells are special cells found in the epithelial layers of small and large intestines and some other organs such as those associated with the respiratory tracts. They secrete mucin and create a protective mucous layer in the walls of the intestines.

Lacrimal glands on the other hand are exocrine glands found in the eyes. They secrete the watery component of the eyes which is made up of water, electrolytes, and protein. The fluid produced by the glands protects the eyes from drying out.

Hence, both goblet cells and lacrimal glands serve protective functions.

What organisms are in the chlorophyta reichenbach phylum



Several species of Chlorophyta live in symbiosis with a diverse range of eukaryotes, including fungi (to form lichens), ciliates, forams, cnidarians and molluscs. i hope this helps

Exfoliation is which type of weathering?
A. Biological
B. Physical
C. All of these
D. Chemical



The answer is chemical weathering.


66. A 64-year-old woman, who has always been proud of her suntanned, healthy look, is referred to a dermatologist with a blue-violet, painless, 1.5-cm lump in the skin of her left shoulder. The lump is firm and cannot be moved, and has grown very rapidly over the past few weeks. The mass is removed surgically and the pathologist diagnoses it as a Merkel cell carcinoma. If the UV radiation to which her skin was exposed affected the Merkel cells, what other cell type sharing the same specific epidermal layer might also be affected



Basal stem cells for keratinocytes


Keratinocytes are epidermal cells located in the outermost layer of the skin (i.e., the epidermis). Moreover, the cells located in the basal layer of the skin are known as basal keratinocytes or basal cells. These basal cells are proliferative cells that undergo differentiation in order to form suprabasal epidermal layers. Merkel cells are neuroendocrine cells that are located in the basal layer of the skin (scattered among basal keratinocytes), which are attached to surrounding keratinocytes by intercellular junctions called desmosomes.

Como es el sistema respiratorio de la vaca?





any four different between ecology and ecosystem? please help me to do this.​



Ecology is the study of the relationship between living organisms and their environment. An ecosystem is a place, such as a rotting log, a forest, or even a schoolyard, where interactions between living and non-living things occur.


Ecology is the study of the relationship between living organisms and their environment. An ecosystem is a place, such as a rotting log, a forest, or even a schoolyard, where interactions between living and non-living things occur.

What concept includes the limiting factors that describe the zonation of flora and fauna along an elevational transect



i dont know


because i have drop biology

The picture shows an organ system in the human body.
What is a function of the organ system shown?


Removes water and salts from the body !

Which of the following types of stars started out on the main sequence with the largest initial mass?

a, b, c, or d?



answer: C


hope it helps thanks❤

Summarize what responsibilities scientist have and why:


To conduct and communicate scientific information with the public for the benefit of society, with excellence, integrity, respect, fairness, trustworthiness, clarity, and transparency. They play an important role in educating nonscientists about the content and processes of science. In fulfilling these responsibilities scientists must take the time to relate scientific knowledge to society in such a way that members of the public can make an informed decision about the relevance of research.

Mr. Lim wants to start a sustainable oil palm plantation. In your opinion, how can Mr.Lim control the rat population that frequently destroy crops?​



hope it helps


He can grow a cat or birds.

He can set up traps.

pls mark me as the brainliest


A food chain consists of several organisms. Suppose one of the organisms in the chain disappears. What effect can this have on the other organisms in the food chain?



All organisms in that food chain would starve until they die unless they could possibly move to a different habitat.


And because of all those organisms not being able to properly feed due to an organism missing in the food chain of that habitat, the population of those animals would decrease as well.

Which of these is not a common feature for all life?
a. DNA is the hereditary material.
b. Living things adapt to their environment.
c. Living things breathe air.
d. Living things carry out a series of chemical
reactions known as metabolism.




Not sure :-[ ^_^


Consider the phylogenetic tree of Old World primates.
According to the tree, which primates share the most recent common ancestor with humans?
A. gorillas
B. chimpanzees
C. bonobos and chimpanzees
D. bonobos and gorillas


Bonobos and chimpanzees.

Answer:  c)  bonobos and chimpanzees

Describe your environment



Answer to the following question is as follows


The term "environment" refers to everything that surrounds us. It might be living creatures (biotic) or non-living objects (abiotic). Mechanical, biochemical, and other forces of nature are all part of it. ... Animals, vegetation, soil, water, and other moving and non-living objects interact in various ways in the surroundings.

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