3. How will you prepare and negotiate a contract?​


Answer 1


Well first you need to look at what you want to negotiate. identify the issues.

Related Questions

hi everyone how are you I am new girls my name is balle prrtty​



hi balle prrtty we have seen you

how does the speaker move between concepts of freedom and bondage in the poem



hope this will help you if not m sorry all I could do is that much cant help you more than this

If this help you vote me or mark me as brinalist friend.


In the sense that, to him, bondage is the cage in which the parrot has been imprisoned, the poem's speaker alternates between the concepts of freedom and bondage.

What is the poem about?

The parrot in this poem, "The Parrot In The Cage," by Lekhanath Poudyal, and later translated by Laxmi Prasad Devkota, laments his life in the cage and shares his experience of agony and loss of his family.

The poem opens with a very odd metaphor, comparing the parrot to a child who has been born twice. The parrot's early life was spent living a free and nomadic existence in the forest.

The parrot is currently imprisoned inside the cage and made to live a life of servitude. The parrot remembers his earlier days when he used to fly and roam the woods while eating fruits. He is now, however, confined to the cage.

Thus, bondage is the cage in which the parrot has been imprisoned.

Learn more about The Parrot In The Cage from here:



To review your comprehension and recall after you read, you should:
A make connections to previous concepts.
observe your words and habits.
summarize the information in writing.
D identify graphics and illustrations.



A. When students come to make sense of new information, ideas, or concepts, they must do so in terms of their existing knowledge, experience, values, and understanding: everything new is interpreted in the light of what is already known. Because students have unique packages of prior learning and experience, they can respond in very different ways to the same new learning. But unless they can connect it to and integrate it with what they already know, they will struggle to remember it, let alone understand and apply it. This is crucially important for those of our students whose cultural background is quite different from our own, because we can make even fewer assumptions about their prior knowledge and experience or about their values and understanding. In such circumstances, a culturally responsive pedagogy is essential. B. Good habits make a very important part of our lives. They act as a key to a happy and peaceful life. A good person is known by his/her good habits. Any individual who has acquired good habits acts as a role model for the society and the people he/she meets. Habits determine the personality of a human being. A good person will always have the good habit of speaking the truth and being honest. Good habits should be practiced by every person of society and of each age group. For example, every child should have the habit of going early to bed at night and rising early in the morning, of respecting the elders and being polite to the young ones. One must always be helpful and generous to everyone. We should also take care of personal hygiene as it is also a very important part of personality development. The most important good habits that will always make our life successful are the habits of telling the truth, of being punctual and of working hard. It is easy to follow bad habits as they do not require hard work. For example, it is easy to sleep in bed for long hours in the morning, it is easy to leave any work half done when tired, but it is difficult to always complete your task and to stop being lazy. Forming good habits required determination and efforts. But once a person forms a habit, it is difficult to break it. Therefore always form only good habits.D. Graphic design and illustration are two separate creative fields. But they tend to overlap sometimes. Usually, graphic design is more seen as a commercial art. Illustration is viewed mostly as a fine art. Graphic design is more about communicating with a target audience, while illustration is concerned mostly about a creative interpretation. Milton Glaser says, ‘To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master.’



my friend said,"where are they staying" change into indirect speech.​



My friend asked where they were staying


If the above is a question


my friend asked me we where they were staying



I hope helpful

ok friend

How was nick's character in the great gatsby? Chapter 1&2


Answer and Explanation:

Nick is the narrator of "The Great Gatsby" and it is through his opinions that the reader can create their own opinions about New York high society. In the words of Nick himself, we can describe him as a tolerant and open-minded person, which allows him to transition into several different scenarios in the book. However, the reader can characterize it more deeply according to the first and second chapters of the book.

In these chapters, Nick proves, in fact, to be a tolerant and calm person. However, the reader may doubt his ability to be open-minded, as he makes a lot of judgments and is very cryptic, especially in the second chapter, about people and everything he sees.

Nick is a great observer in these two chapters and a good listener. This allows people to feel free to talk to him, allowing him to analyze and observe them deeply, being a detailed and intense narrator.

we had to stop .... the traffic lights were red




The reasoning why you had to stop at the red light was because for the people driving at the opposite side of the road could have a chance to proceed and go on

the reason you had to stop was so the other people can go

Americans are considered to be mall addicts, and this addiction is accused of increasing anti-social behavior. The assertion that malls encourage anti-social behavior is absurd. The word that is most responsible for producing the tone in the above passage is:





The tone in a text or passage refers to the attitude or opinion of the author presented in the text. This tone can be understood or known through the use of certain words in the text, which can make readers get or understand what the author's tone is regarding the text.

In the given passage, the author talks about how mall culture is affecting Americans. But the word that best tells us the tone of the passage is the use of the word "absurd" which makes the author's opinion clear. Through this word, we can know that the author thinks the opinion of people about Americans and their mall culture is absurd.

Thus, the correct answer is absurd.

Read the lines from "How I Learned English.”

It was an empty lot
Ringed by elms and fir and honeysuckle . . .
In the field, a blue sky above them
Tipped with cirrus.

The imagery in these lines helps readers picture

how colorful and beautiful the setting is.
how thick and green the lot’s grass is.
how windy and warm the weather is.
how dry and dusty the land is



how colorful and beautiful the setting is.


I hope this helps :)

lmk if you need an explanation


how colorful and beautiful the setting is.


"how colorful and beautiful the setting is.

how thick and green the lot’s grass is.

how windy and warm the weather is.

how dry and dusty the land is"

Nature beauty

self control in the hit of rage/extreme anger



When you start feeling angry, try deep breathing, positive self-talk, or stopping your angry thoughts. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm. Slowly repeat a calm word or phrase such as "relax" or "take it easy." Repeat it to yourself while breathing deeply until the anger subsides



If you start to get angry, stop and take deep breaths. Then count back from ten very slowly. Afterwards go to a solitude place to think about what your so angry about. Listen to relaxing music or do something calming to take your mind off that problem.When your calm enough talk about your problem to someone like a parent or friend.

please write story about disability and discrimination person.​




The morning of my job interview brought excitement and anxiety. At the same time, I felt prepared and confident. It was the beginning of 2017 and already I had gone through three rounds of phone interviews, all rigorous, yet fair. This final interview would be our first face-to-face meeting. After passing through such an extensive interview process, backed by my impeccable credentials, I felt this meeting would be a formality.  

A 14-year veteran New York City public school teacher, I was applying for a literacy coach position to train new teachers. The interviews had gone so well, I was certain a job offer would soon follow.  

I met my interviewer for the first time at Starbucks. Soon after we started, I saw the sparkle leave her eyes. I noticed the fidgeting, a symptom of her sense of discomfort. Instead of asking about my pedagogical philosophy or leadership style, she asked me this: How am I able to get the students to listen to me?  

The implication behind her question was clear: She didn’t think my students pay attention to me. Despite 14 years of exemplary performance evaluations, including high ratings for classroom management, somehow she believed my skills were wanting.  

Later, I was informed that I was not selected for the position. After sailing through every stage of the application process, something had changed. Suddenly, she seemed to lose all enthusiasm for my candidacy.  

What happened?  

Disabled in a city not made for me

Meeting me for the first time, my interviewer saw a woman in a motorized wheelchair. She didn’t see a black woman. She didn’t even see a capable professional. What she saw was a disabled person.  

I am a tenured, New York City teacher with a master’s degree in School Leadership from New York University. At my school, I held four leadership positions: English Department chair, testing coordinator, grade level chair and professional development committee member. The next step in my career would be educational administration.  

I also have spinal muscular atrophy type II, a neural disease that occurs in 1 in every 6,000 children. It leads to decreased motor skills and deteriorating muscles. In 2008, I survived a risky surgery in which my spine was exposed, untwisted, and reinforced with titanium, possibly adding as many as 20 years to my life.    

How to prevent corruption, protect the rule of law and repair democracy: Bharara & Whitman  

Immigrant detention centers keep profiting from immoral policies  

Despite my professional qualifications, there have been some programs I am unable to take full advantage of because of a lack of disability access. I was accepted to the CUNY-NYC Leadership Academy Program for Future Middle School Principals. The program was extremely rigorous. The reality of living with a disability means that my physical needs had to be met before I could work toward any goal. I had to consider whether the “reasonable accommodations” that employers are required to provide under the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act — certain protections are guaranteed by law — would allow me to participate.  

Classes were held from 4 to 8 p.m. once a week in Queens. The journey from my school in the Bronx began right after work. In a society where the infrastructure is designed for able-bodied individuals, most people can’t conceptualize how challenging it can be for people with physical disabilities. A small thing we take for granted — going to the bathroom in a public place — can present a serious problem when there are no bathrooms that are wheelchair accessible.  

Of course, if I had to use the bathroom during the school day, I couldn’t because I could not enter with my wheelchair. I had to wait until I got home to relieve myself. Under this program, I would not make it home until 10 pm. My doctor had warned me to consider the long-term impact of this schedule on my kidneys and overall health.  

To further complicate the matter, the only wheelchair access to the building where the class was being held was on a side street that required me to pass through a parking lot. When I arrived at the door, I would have to wait for security to let me in.  

Dayniah Manderson is a 38-year-old veteran public school educator and single mother. She served as Ms. Wheelchair New York 2017 and is an advocate for people with disabilities.  



Nelson Cornwall was hard of hearing, yet he wanted to be a commercial air-pilot. This dream of his would always get him laughs and mockery by part of the men and women who hung around him as well as the kids. “How can a man who has no hearing be capable to fly a plane?” asked the people who met Nelson. Yet, Nelson did not give up. He interned in the “Wayward Aviation Academy” and got his license.

Once he had his license in hand he looked for employment as a cargo carrier. However, no matter where he went people mocked him saying a man who communicates through sign language cannot become a pilot. Once man who interviewed him by the name of Joel laughed at his attempt to communicate with him through sign language, the man spoke slowly. Very slowly so Nelson could understand what his lips spoke: “Listen kid, no one will hire you. You think you are complete? You aren’t complete, no one will hire you”. Nelson understood his words, and left the place with tears in his eyes.

He kept looking for work desperately. Until, one day a nice and kind gentleman gave him a chance, an opportunity. “Can you fly” asked the man to Nelson. Nelson read his lips and understood him. Nelson nodded yes, and rode one of the aircrafts provided by the nice gentleman. When everyone saw he could ride an aircraft they were shocked and learned their lesson to not mock a man with a disability. For who knows maybe a man with a disability may just do the same thing that you can do.

The Supreme Court case of Tinker v. Des Moines dealt with two students who
were suspended from school for wearing black armbands to protest the
Vietnam War. Their parents sued the school district for violating the students'
right to free speech, but it was determined by lower courts that the school
district had the right to suspend them. When the Supreme Court reviewed the
case, it decided that the school district did not have the right to suspend the
Which of these arguments provides the weakest support for the Supreme
Court's decision that students have the right to wear the armbands to school?
A. Students at the school were allowed to wear other controversial
B. Armbands are a form of expression, even though they don't involve
C. Five previous court cases showed that armbands fall under First
Amendment pro
D. The armbands were not shown to cause disruption or interfere
with learning





There wasn't any other previous court cases that said that armbands fall under the first amendment.

Armbands are a form of expression, even if they don't involve sppech is a good argument. If students were allowed to wear other controversial things, then why can't armbands be permitted? The armbands didn't cause disruption. All of those are good arguments.

Pls help me I’m dum
Answer the following questions.
1 Which sentence best summarizes Reagan's claim in this passage?
A. Not all examples of sudden and dramatic change involve conflict and violence.
B. It would benefit both of our nations to work together in a spirit of cooperation.
C. Human creativity is as valuable as it is because of its capacity for improving daily life.
D. A worldwide revolution is occurring in technology that will peacefully transform human





If anything - I would say D, but C could potentially fit.

He states continuously that a new revolution, different than the revolution of the USSR, is happening across thr world which transformed the understandings and uses of technology worldwide.

D/C not sure about c but hope it helps

write a crtique of a quiet place 2!! please help





Personally, a quiet place 2 did a great job of continuing on the plot after where the first movie ended as well as giving information on how exactly the main characters found themselves where they are currently. Some personal flaws that I found with it however are the character development is slow and sometimes boring to watch. I do appreciate the fact that they do speak in this version however.

Refers the main characters opposition


In any story, the main character is the protagonist, the central person which the whole story revolves around. Thus, the character who is the main character's opposition is the antagonist

write about a time you decided to go back to school​



I decided to go to school when I was in grade 5. Going to school makes you learn new things and improves your social interaction and confidence


hope it helps

The great gatsby

Analyze the following quotation:

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. "Whenever you feel like criticizing any one," he told me, "just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had."



The quotation is only supposed to be from just to had. This is because on whenever you..., there is he told me which disqualifies it

Which detail supports the main idea, “Conjoined twins used to be viewed with fear and suspicion by the people around them”?



The midwife at the birth of the famous conjoined twins, Eng and Chang, was afraid to touch them when they were born.

I Hope this answer helps you....

Because Tim is responsible for staffing the team, delegating responsibility and authority for carrying out the plan, and monitoring results, what is he?





A manager is a person or a personnel in any organization or firm who is responsible for administering or controlling the activities of the organization or the firm.

They have the powers and responsibilities that is granted by the organization. A manger is mainly responsible for such things that includes staffing and assigning work tasks, and and also to monitor the results. They are the one  who secures resources, do planning, execute the strategies and organize the activities.

Thus in the context, Tim is given the responsibility to staff the team, delegate the responsibilities and authorize the plans and strategies. He is also responsible for monitoring the results. Thus Tim is in the position of a manager.

Imagine you ordered a printer online two weeks ago. You paid for delivery within 24 hours but it hasn’t arrived. Write an email to the supplier and request a refund. ?



Wait at least 3 days sometime can take long


Sometimes it can take more than a day so wait at least 3 days and if still dont come then you should contact them.

An email is a form of electronic messaging that can be used for official purposes. Given the situation above, an email to the supplier will go thus;

To: printersupplier

Subject: Request For A Refund

Dear Sir,

I humbly wish to request a refund for the printer payment that I made two weeks ago.

I have waited in vain for the arrival of the printer, but it seems to be taking longer than was expected.

Presently, I wish to request a refund of my payment because I am no longer interested in the purchase. I will be glad if my request is granted.


Love Berry.

Learn more here:


What is rusesabagina’s purpose in lines 44-45



In these lines, Rusesabagina's purpose is to tell that he could acquire more knowledge than his parents; it was his parents' desire that he one day would accomplish what they couldn't do. So, in this way, Rusesabagina reminds his first time experiencing, not only the language, but the world as a whole.

Impact of fandom culture.



Historically, fan culture has played an enormous role in the creation and development of science fiction and fantasy, and the genres have left a significant impact on the lives of their fans. I have determined that fandom relies on and can be described..


Which story event in "Perseus" best shows that the ancient Greeks valued intelligence?

King Acrisius casts Danaë and Perseus inside a metal chest into the sea.
Perseus boasts that he will bring back Medusa’s head as a wedding gift.
Hermes gives Perseus his special sword with which to kill Medusa.
Athena gives Perseus a mirror so he does not look directly at Medusa.



Athena gives Perseus a mirror so he does not look directly at Medusa.


In the Greek myth of Perseus, Perseus's mother, Danae was to be wedded to King Polydectes forcefully. The king, desirous of getting rid of his future wife's son, sent him on a quest to get Medusa's head as a wedding gift. Perseus agreed to the request, to prove himself.

And in the attempt to get Medusa's head, Perseus was helped by the gift that the goddess of wisdom and war, Athena gave him. The gift was a highly polished shield to act as a mirror so that Perseus should not have to look Medusa in the eye, for whoever looks in the eye gets turned to stone. This shows how the Greeks valued intelligence and, thus, helped Perseus triumph in his mission.

Thus, the correct answer is the fourth option.

Answer: D.

Explanation: On Edge!!!!!!

Which sentence contains an infinitive?

Help pls


It is normal to make mistakes. :)

What is the theme of Ovid’s “The Story of Daedalus and lcarus?”



Ovid's story shows that pride and overconfidence is a flimsy shield and could result in very large consequence. In the story, Daedalus is filled with pride when he created the wings for him and his son, but the pride met its tragic demise once he found his son dead from flying too high.

Identify the root and its meaning.
Root meaning:


The root "fract" means to break. For someone to get a bone fracture, they will pretty much break their arm.

Directions: In the space before each group of words, mark P if it is a phrase, D if it is a
dependent clause and I if it is an independent clause.
______1. Over my head
______2. Because I was afraid
______3. I didn’t get very much sleep
______4. That night
______5. I knew what happened
______6. So that I could get some rest
______7. I heard the cat’s meow
______8. Sitting by the broken plate licking the crumbs
______9. When I finally got up
______10. I got so tired
______11. Even though I counted sheep
______12. Ear plugs would be a good investment
______13. I never realized how losing sleep affected me
______14. The next day
______15. When I got to work
______16. I forgot to lock the door of my car
______17. Walking into the parking garage
______18. Did you ever get a strange feeling that someone was around you
______19. On the back of my neck
______20. All because I hadn’t had enough sleep


P 1. Over my head

D 2. Because I was afraid

I 3. I didn’t get very much sleep

O 4. That night

D 5. I knew what happened

D 6. So that I could get some rest

I 7. I heard the cat’s meow

D 8. Sitting by the broken plate licking the crumbs

D 9. When I finally got up

I 10. I got so tired

D 11. Even though I counted sheep

I 12. Ear plugs would be a good investment

I 13. I never realized how losing sleep affected me

P 14. The next day

D 15. When I got to work

I 16. I forgot to lock the door of my car

I 17. Walking into the parking garage

I 18. Did you ever get a strange feeling that someone was around you

P 19. On the back of my neck

D 20. All because I hadn’t had enough sleep

I'm not very sure of some, hope I'm right

According to the given, the sentence was to represent the phrase (P), dependent clause (D), and independent clause (I).

P 1. Over my head.D 2. Because I was afraid.I 3. I didn’t get very much sleep.D 4. That night.D 5. I knew what happened.D 6. So that I could get some rest.I 7. I heard the cat’s meow.D 8. Sitting by the broken plate, licking the crumbs.D 9. When I finally got up.I 10. I got so tired.D 11. Even though I counted sheep.I 12. Ear plugs would be a good investment.I 13. I never realized how losing sleep affected me.P 14. The next day.D 15. When I got to work.I 16. I forgot to lock the door of my car.I 17. Walking into the parking garage.I 18. Did you ever get a strange feeling that someone was around you?P 19. On the back of my neck.D 20. All because I hadn’t had enough sleep.

What is independent clause?

The complex sentence was the used in the independent clause. The independent clause is that as the which, what, that, whom and the use. The sentence was the related to the student council as the prepared the decoration.

According to the given, the three types was the given in the sentence are  the phrase (P), dependent clause (D), and independent clause (I).

The term phrase refers to the paring of the group of the words. There are the involved the two or more words are the express, and they described the single idea or sentence. A whole word group is referred to in the independent clause. A full statement is expressed by an independent sentence, which has a verb and a subject.The dependent clause refers to the group of words in the sentence that contain a subject and verb, but not the expression of the complete thought of the sentence.

Learn more about on independent clause, here:



Cells have different shapes and sizes because they perform different functions true or false​


Very much so true

what is declarative sentence​


A declarative sentence is a statement that ends with a period. It states facts or an opinion and lets the reader know something specific. All of these sentences were declarative.

use what you have learned in the lesson to write a sentence outline in response to keeping your room clean


What have you learned???
I will be keeping my room clean now and until the room needs to be recleaned

what does it mean identification?????



it could be an ID to get into certain places or what you identify as.

An ID is a small card that has your information; as in your address, name, age, etc.

What you identify as means your gender.

Example: that women identifys as female, therefor, she is female.

Hope this helped a bit!

Other Questions
Cludio pode ir de sua casa a escola andando trs km para o Norte, 2 para o oeste, um para o sul, quatro para o leste e, finalmente, 2 para o sul ponto para ir de sua casa a escola em linha reta, Cludio deve andar: a) 1 km para o sul b) 2 Km para o leste c) 3 km para o oeste d) 4 km para o Norte e) 5 km para o leste The function c(r)=2r+12.5 represents the cost c, in dollars, of riding r ridesat a carnival. How much does it cost to get into the carnival? *1 pointA.$2B. $12.50C. $14.50D.r If 2.18 g of sodium peroxide (Na2O2) react with water to produce sodium hydroxide abs oxygen, how many liters of oxygen will be produced at 17.7 Celsius abs 726 torr? What are practical applications of genetic engineering? What is dramatic irony? Victor's obsession with scientific discovery: convinces Elizabeth to break off their engagement. encourages Robert Walton to continue his expedition. leads him to neglect his relationships with family and friends. All of these choices are correct. Guyana QuestionThe National Flag and coat of Arm are referred as symbol of .................(A) National Hood(B) A colony(C) Natural Region Ammonium phosphate is an important ingredient in many solid fertilizers. It can be made by reacting aqueous phosphoric acid with liquid ammonia. Calculate the moles of phosphoric acid needed to produce 1.80 mol of ammonium phosphate. Be sure your answer has a unit symbol, if necessary, and round it to the correct number of significant digits. product of (n+bv^2) (5n+3bv2) Choose the appropriate term for each labeled part ofthe image.Label A (ridge core ocean trench)Label B (ocean trench ridge mantle)Label C (convection slab pull ridge push)Label D (convection current slab pull ridge push) Rodgers Corporation agrees on January 1, 2019, to lease equipment from Packers, Inc. for 3 years. The lease calls for annual lease payments of $12,000 at the beginning of each year. The lease does not transfer ownership or contain a bargain purchase op- tion, and is not a specialized asset. In addition, the economic life of the equipment is 10 years, and the present value of the lease payments is less than 90% of the fair value of the equipment. Prepare Rodgers, journal entries on January 1, 2019 (commencement of the operating lease), and on December 31, 2019. Assume the implicit rate used by the lessor is 8%, and this is known to Rodgers. E21.17 003) Use the information for Rodgers Corporation and Packers, Inc. from BE21.16. Assume that for Packers, Inc., the lessor the collectibility of the lease payments is probable, and the fair value and cost of the equipment is $60,000. Prepare Packers' 2019 journal entries, assuming the company uses straight-line depreciation and no residual value. For every quarter in his pocket, John also has 5 pennies in his pocket. If the total of the coins in Johns pocket is $ 5.40, how many quarters does John have in his pocket. Which is the equation of a line parallel to the line with the equation: y = 14x + 7 y = -4x - 7y = 4x + 2y = 14x 12y = 14x + 3 The FAFSA4caster is a:A. predictor of a student's college graduation date.B. free online financial aid estimator tool.C. predictor of college success.D. low-interest student loan. Both Eden's company and SAS have cultures that reflect their environments. _______ theory explains this by saying that effective organizations have cultures that are correctly aligned with their external environments. Please help! 10 Pts and will give Brainiest! Because electrons are orbiting the nucleus, the nucleus is stationarytrue or false Which two parts of this excerpt from Christopher Marlowes The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus bring out the theme of forbidden knowledge? CHORUS: Cut is the branch that might have grown full straight,And burned is Apollo's laurel bough,That sometime grew within this learned man.Faustus is gone; regard his hellish fall,Whose fiendful fortune may exhort the wiseOnly to wonder at unlawful things,Whose deepness doth entice such forward wits To practise more than heavenly power permits Lisa bought a house The value of the house increased by 1.5% each year for 2 years. At the end of 2 years, the value of the house was 123,627. Work out the value of the house when Lisa bought it. I can't find the descriptions online. Whats epidermal acanthosis, papillary dermal fibrosis, and parakeratosis? It did say parakeratosis is from lack of zinc but it didn't describe what it WAS.