3. Explain the controversy over mining. Why do some people want to
continue to mine for coal while others do not.


Answer 1


look below


The rapidly increasing use of coal in the late nineteenth century required hundreds of thousands of workers to dig that coal out of the ground, sort and load it into railroad cars, and ship it to the urban and industrial centers that consumed it. Most coalfields were sparsely populated compared to the cities they supplied. Workers had to be recruited and lured to the coal camps. Company representatives traveled across the agricultural south, recruiting Black workers from former plantation areas as a new wave of white violence followed the collapse of Reconstruction. Recruiters also went to struggling towns in Southern and Eastern Europe, paying voyage fares for men who promised to work in the coal mines on arrival. By the turn of the twentieth century, close to half a million workers—mostly men and boys, but also some women in smaller, family mines—toiled in the American coalfields.The reality of the coal camp often looked very different from what had been promised. Pay was low, and the company, which often owned miners’ housing and ran the supply store, frequently controlled their cost of living. Miners were paid by the ton, and conflicts frequently arose over the process of weighing the coal. The industry’s cyclical nature meant that mining employment also could be irregular and precarious. Coal camp living conditions were often squalid, with social life dominated by the company and basic freedoms of speech, movement, and assembly restricted by private mine guards and company-paid sheriffs.Mining coal was incredibly dangerous work. During the industrial coal boom between 1880 and 1923, more than 70,000 miners died on the job. Many more perished from occupational diseases, but weren’t tallied in official statistics. Miners were crushed to death in roof collapses, killed by gas explosions and by machinery, and more. In the first decade of the twentieth century, three major mine disasters—one each in Utah, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania—killed 201, 362 and 239 miners respectively. The West Virginia and Pennsylvania disasters occurred within two weeks of each other in 1907, during the winter period that miners called “explosion season” because the dry air amplified the dangers from methane and coal dust. More common were deadly and frequent disasters that took miners’ lives in ones and twos, but never made headlines. As urban energy intensification made cities safer, healthier, and more convenient during the Progressive Era, the everyday violence of the energy system was largely hidden from view in rural mining communities.

Related Questions

A business journal reports that the probability that Internet users in the United States will use a mobile payment app is 0. 60. The journal claims this indicates that out of 5 randomly selected Internet users, 3 will use the mobile payment app. Is this business journal interpreting the probability correctly?




No, the business journal is not interpreting the probability correctly.

The probability of an event occurring is a value between 0 and 1, where 0 represents an impossible event and 1 represents a certain event. In this case, the business journal is reporting that the probability of an Internet user in the United States using a mobile payment app is 0.60, which means that there is a 60% chance that a randomly selected Internet user will use the mobile payment app.

However, when the journal claims that out of 5 randomly selected Internet users, 3 will use the mobile payment app, they are interpreting the probability as a number of successes in a certain number of trials. The probability of 0.60 cannot be directly converted into the number of expected successes in a fixed number of trials without additional information.

In order to calculate the expected number of Internet users out of 5 who will use the mobile payment app, you would use the formula for expected value of a binomial distribution, which is n * p, where n is the number of trials and p is the probability of success. In this case, n is 5 and p is 0.60. So, expected value of number of internet users out of 5 using the app is 5 * 0.60 = 3 which is what the journal is claiming.

Therefore, The journal's interpretation of probability is in the right direction but is not a directly convertable quantity.

American politics often reflects a tension between majority will and minority rights. take a stance on the proper balance of these two important principles. use at least one piece of evidence from : the declaration of independence, establishment clause, the second amendment



American politics often reflects a tension between majority will and minority rights. Take a position on the proper balance of these two important principles. Use at least one piece of evidence from one of the following foundational documents: The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution The Fourteenth Amendment of the United.


The conflict between minority rights and majority will is frequently seen in American politics.

What is American Politics?

The ideal ratio between these two crucial factors. Use a minimum of one piece of proof from each of the following key documents: The Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution The United States' 14th Amendment.

The United States' political system is based on a constitutional federal republic with a presidential system and three separate branches that share power.

These are the executive branch, which is led by the president of the United States, who serves as the head of state and government of the nation.

Therefore, The conflict between minority rights and majority will is frequently seen in American politics.

To learn more about United states, refer to the link:



Which rhetorical appeal does Wiesel rely on in paragraph four? Overall, what is his argument regarding the past and the future?

Passage: “Home, Despair, and Memory” By Elie Wiesel


Wiesel establishes paragraph his authority with the audience by making use of the ethos appeal throughout his discourse. For instance, in the speech's opening.

What distinguishes the present from the past and the future?

When the action took place determines which of these three tenses is used. Verbs in the past, present, and future tenses describe events that have already happened, are happening now, and are yet to happen.

Why is the past significant for the present?

We can learn from the errors made by others in the past by studying history. It aids in our understanding of the various causes of human behavior. As a result, it aids in making us more objective when making decisions.

To know more about paragraph visit:-



PLEASE HELP!! I need sources and argument points for this question because I cannot find any. Please don't take this down because I really need help.
Write an essay in which you come to a definitive conclusion about how members of Congress decide to vote. Support your conclusion with information from The Lanahan Readings excerpts listed on the assignment page and outside research.



Members of Congress often face difficult decisions when it comes to voting on legislation. There are many factors that can influence how they decide to vote, and it is not always easy to predict how a particular member will vote on a given issue.

According to The Lanahan Readings, one important factor that can influence how members of Congress vote is their party affiliation. Members of Congress are more likely to vote in line with their party's position on an issue, especially if the issue is considered important to the party. For example, a Republican member of Congress is more likely to vote in favor of a bill supported by the Republican Party, even if the bill is not necessarily in the best interest of their constituents.

Another factor that can influence how members of Congress vote is their personal beliefs and values. Members of Congress are elected to represent the interests of their constituents, but they also bring their own personal experiences and values to their decision-making process. For example, a member of Congress who is strongly pro-life may be more likely to vote against a bill that expands access to abortion, even if their constituents support the bill.

In addition to party affiliation and personal beliefs, members of Congress may also be influenced by the views of their constituents. If a large number of their constituents support or oppose a particular bill, members of Congress may feel pressure to vote in line with their constituents' views.

In conclusion, there are many factors that can influence how members of Congress decide to vote. Party affiliation, personal beliefs, and constituent views are all important considerations that can shape their voting decisions. Ultimately, the decision to vote for or against a particular bill is a complex one, and it is not always easy to predict how a member of Congress will vote.


Dr. Martinez has an injured patient needing a muscle relaxant. He knows that medication A contains a chemical that binds and block Acetylcholine receptors of muscle cells; and that medication B contains a chemical that floods the cytoplasm of muscle cells with calcium ions. State a claim telling which medication Dr. Martinez should prescribe as a muscle relaxant, and support it with evidence and reasoning


Because acetylcholine is the main neurotransmitter for electrical impulses from the nervous system to the muscular system, Chemical A is the better muscle relaxant. Muscles tend to relax when the number of molecules is reduced. Calcium, on the other hand, has the opposite effect.

What is acetylcholine?

Acetylcholine is an ester of choline and acetic acid that acts as a nerve impulse transmitter in the central and peripheral nervous systems.

Acetylcholine is the primary neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is a branch of the autonomic nervous system that contracts smooth muscles, dilates blood vessels, increases bodily secretions, and slows heart rate. Acetylcholine has excitatory or inhibitory effects because it can stimulate or block a response.

Acetylcholine is stored in vesicles at the ends of cholinergic neurons. Acetylcholine is released into the neuromuscular junction in the peripheral nervous system when a nerve impulse arrives at the terminal of a motor neuron.

Learn more about Acetylcholine



What is the definition of success?

Having more friends than anyone else
Being the smartest person in your class
Taking action to grow your Can Do Circle
Having no new things in your Not Yet Circle


Based on the list of available options, the best definition of success would be C. Taking action to grow your Can Do Circle

What is Success?

Success can mean different things to different people. However, some common definitions of success include achieving goals, reaching a high level of skill or accomplishment in a particular area, and leading a fulfilling and satisfying life

With the given answer choices, option C is the best definition of success for a person seeking personal growth.

Read more about success here:



Which if the following terms best describes the spatial effects of the internet on the global diffusion of culture




The spatial effects of the internet on the global diffusion of culture can be described using the term "glocalization."

Glocalization refers to the simultaneous occurrence of both universalizing and particularizing tendencies in contemporary social, political, and economic systems. With the advent of the internet and the rise of digital technologies, culture can now be shared and consumed globally through online platforms, social media, and other digital mediums, at the same time as it can also be localized, adapted and consumed in particular contexts.

In this sense, the internet allows for a global diffusion of culture, as ideas, customs, and media can be easily shared and consumed by people around the world. However, at the same time, the internet also allows for the localization and adaptation of culture, as people can use the internet to access and engage with the culture of their own communities, or to create and share their own localized versions of culture.

Glocalization is a powerful way of explaining how culture is spread and consumed through the internet. In a globalized world, the internet makes it possible to access and consume culture from all over the world, it also allows culture to be adapted to local contexts and cultures. By using the term glocalization, we can understand that in the age of the internet, global and local culture are interconnected and mutually shaping each other, in a way that was not possible before.

Read the following passage from Douglass's speech:

I hear the doleful wail of fettered humanity, on the way to the slave-markets, where the victims are to be sold like horses, sheep, and swine, knocked off to the highest bidder. What is the purpose of this analogy?

A.To reinforce the pain that results from the inhumane treatment of slaves

B.To affirm the necessity of increasing the availability of slave-markets

C.To highlight the pain the rest of the world feels as they watch Americans wrestle with the issue of slavery

D.To show how slaves are treated better than the beasts of burden so critical to the farming industry

I think it's A or C.. I'm not sure..


Answer: The correct answer is option A: To reinforce the pain that results from the inhumane treatment of slaves.

Explanation: The purpose of the analogy is to reinforce the inhumane treatment of slaves. The use of the analogy comparing slaves to animals being sold at a market suggests that they are being treated as property rather than as human beings. The comparison to horses, sheep, and swine being "knocked off to the highest bidder" further emphasizes the dehumanizing nature of the slave trade. The correct answer is option A: To reinforce the pain that results from the inhumane treatment of slaves.

I want to have records of household information. Which of the following would be information I could record in Excel?


The four main forms of Excel values are referred to as data types. Text, number, logical, and error are the four different forms of data. Knowing which type to use and when to use it is crucial because each type can be used for a variety of tasks.

What information I could record in Excel?

A record is a workbook's fundamental building piece for storing data about features. A sequence of bytes with varying lengths makes up each binary record. A binary record is made up of three elements: the record type, the record size, and the type-specific record contents.

Therefore, Household budgets would be information I could record in Excel.

Learn more about Excel here:



sedaris uses both understatement and hyperbole in this essay. Identify two examples of each and explain the effect


"The size of tombstones" is a hyperbole. The author employs hyperbole to describe how many teeth Anna has. The character is eager to communicate, thus it is obvious that she does not have teeth that are as large as tombstones.

Through the use of hyperbole, Sedaris shapes the impact of wit. Additionally, it creates a better description of the scene so that the reader can visualize it better.

What is the major goal of David Sedaris' novel Us and Them?

In his essay "Us and Them," David Sedaris describes a society where people are sheltered, greedy, and only watch television for information. After reading the essay, I got the impression that the narrative included elements of the book Fahrenheit 451, in which people watch television in place of telescreens and big brother.

To know more about Sedaris' novel visit:-



describe how the boundaries between earth's tectonic plates compared with the location of most of the earthquakes


Earth's tectonic plates are constantly moving and shifting, and the boundaries between these plates are where much of the world's seismic activity, including earthquakes, occurs. The boundaries between tectonic plates can be classified into three types: divergent, convergent, and transform.

At divergent boundaries, tectonic plates are moving away from each other, and earthquakes in these areas are generally less intense. However, these boundaries are often associated with the formation of new oceanic crust, and can be the site of volcanic eruptions.

At convergent boundaries, tectonic plates are moving towards each other, and earthquakes in these areas can be very intense. These boundaries are often associated with the collision and subduction of tectonic plates, and can be the site of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain building.

At transform boundaries, tectonic plates are sliding past each other, and earthquakes in these areas can be of moderate intensity. These boundaries are often associated with the creation of strike-slip faults, such as the San Andreas Fault in California.

Overall, the location of most earthquakes is concentrated along the boundaries between tectonic plates, particularly at convergent and transform boundaries.


Earthquakes and volcanoes are the direct result of the movement of tectonic plates at fault lines. The term fault is used to describe the boundary between tectonic plates. Most of the earthquakes and volcanoes around the Pacific ocean basin—a pattern known as the “ring of fire”—are due to the movement of tectonic plates in this region.


Which of the following is the BEST example of preserving folk culture?




There are many different ways to preserve folk culture, and what may be considered the "best" example will depend on the context and the specific culture in question. However, one example of preserving folk culture that could be considered effective is:

Documenting and archiving traditional customs, practices, and artifacts. This includes collecting and preserving oral histories, songs, stories, and other forms of traditional knowledge. This helps to ensure that the culture's history and heritage are not lost and can be shared with future generations.

This approach to preserving folk culture can be beneficial because it helps to keep the culture's traditional practices and customs alive. It also allows for the culture's history and heritage to be passed down through generations, ensuring that it will not be forgotten. Additionally, by documenting and archiving the culture's traditional practices and artifacts, it makes it accessible for researchers, academics, and the public to learn about and understand the culture.

It's worth noting that there are many other ways to preserve a folk culture, and other methods like, teaching traditional skills to the next generation, creating events and festivals celebrating folk culture, creating laws to protect folk heritage sites and artifacts, promoting folk culture in the media, etc. Each culture and situation might require different approaches.

In summary, documenting and archiving traditional customs, practices, and artifacts is one way to preserve folk culture. This approach can help to ensure that the culture's history and heritage are not lost and can be shared with future generations. Additionally, it makes the culture's traditional practices and artifacts accessible to the public, enabling them to learn about and understand the culture.

The principal of a new elementary school wants to give an IQ test to all students when they enter the school. The students will then be placed in groups of students with similar IQ scores. The principal assures the community that this plan is supported by scientific research and will improve education for all students, regardless of their ability.
Using evidence, present an argument for or against intelligence testing for children early in life.
Using evidence, present an argument for or against schools that “track” children based on intelligence test scores, separating high scorers from those with lower scores.
Using evidence, present an argument supporting the claim that environmental influences affect intelligence.
Using evidence, present an argument supporting the claim that labeling or tracking students could lead to stereotype threat.


1. Argument for intelligence testing for children early in life: Intelligence testing can provide valuable information about a child's cognitive abilities and potential.

2.Argument against schools that "track" children based on intelligence test scores: Tracking students based on intelligence test scores can perpetuate and exacerbate existing educational disparities.

3. Argument supporting the claim that environmental influences affect intelligence: Research has consistently shown that environmental factors, such as access to quality education, nutrition, and healthcare, can have a significant impact on cognitive development and intelligence.

4. Argument supporting the claim that labeling or tracking students could lead to stereotype threat: Stereotype threat is a phenomenon where individuals perform poorly on tasks due to the negative stereotypes associated with their social group.

How to illustrate the argument?

Research has shown that early identification and intervention can be effective in addressing learning difficulties and improving educational outcomes.

Research has shown that students in lower-ability tracks receive fewer resources and less challenging curriculum than their higher-ability peers, leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy where these students are less likely to achieve their full potential. Additionally, tracking can lead to stigmatization and a lack of motivation for students in lower-ability tracks.

Research has shown that labeling or tracking students based on intelligence test scores can lead to stereotype threat, particularly for students from underrepresented groups who are disproportionately placed in lower-ability tracks. This stereotype threat can further perpetuate existing educational disparities and negatively impact students' motivation and performance.

Learn more about intelligence on:



Identify the rhetorical device Wiesel employs in paragraph 1-2. Why does he include it?

Passage: “Hope, Despair, and Memory” By Elie Wiesel


Wiesel uses ethos, logos, pathos, heated language, and other rhetorical strategies to evoke compassion in his lecture, which is a scathing criticism of people who choose to ignore the pain of others.

What rhetorical strategies does Elie Wiesel employ?

Elie Wiesel emphasizes and establishes the issue of losing faith by using rhetorical tactics like personification, analogies, and rhetorical questions. Elie Wiesel used personification as one of his rhetorical strategies to develop and accentuate the issue of losing faith.

What kind of imagery does Wiesel utilize in paragraph 20 and what effect does it have? 

Wiesel compares what occurred to the Jewish people to "a tidal surge of hatred" (par. 20). The reader might picture the Jewish people being engulfed by a great flood of hatred.

To know more about rhetorical device visit:-



A rectangle made of square tiles measures 8 tiles long and 5 tiles wide. What is the length of a similar rectangle whose width is 10 titles


A similar rectangle has a length of 16 tiles and a width of 10 titles.

What is length and width of a rectangle?Although the width is the shortest of these two dimensions, when the rectangle is shown lying on its side, the horizontal side is usually referred to as the width.The length of the rectangle is the longer of these two measurements, but when the rectangle is shown standing on the floor, the vertical side is usually referred to as the length.

Similar shapes have sides that are proportional to one another. In other words, their proportions are identical.

Tile length ratio = tile width ratio

small tile width / large tile width = small tile length / large tile length

Let x is the length of a new rectangle

(10 x 8) / 5 = x

80 / 5 = x

16 = x

Therefore x = 16

The length of similar rectangle is 16 tiles long.

To learn more about rectangle refer to :



What is a good topic sentence on the perspective of organizations on the wage gap



"Organizations have long grappled with the issue of the wage gap, with some taking proactive measures to address pay disparities within their ranks and others downplaying or denying the existence of such disparities."



Rachel is an excellent high school student who earns high grades in challenging classes. She has recently been hired as a part-time lab assistant at a medical clinic. She is concerned that the job will affect her school performance.

Part C

Provide a specific example that clearly illustrates how each of the following would inhibit Rachel’s success at her new job.

Adrenal glands

Lack of REM sleep


When the adrenals respond to stress, immunity decreases, implying that if Rachel becomes concerned, she may develop a greater proclivity to become ill and be unable to attend school or work.

What is Adrenal glands?

Small, triangular-shaped glands known as adrenal glands are situated on top of both kidneys. They are also referred to as suprarenal glands. Your adrenal glands produce hormones that control your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, stress response, and other critical processes.

The medulla and cortex, which make up the two components of the adrenal gland, produce two distinct hormones separately. Addison's disease (adrenal insufficiency) can result from inadequate hormone production by the adrenal glands.

Nodules that can be benign or malignant can form on the adrenal glands, which may cause the glands to produce too much of some hormones and cause a variety of health problems.

Working and studying at the same time may cause Rachel to not get enough sleep, resulting in a lack of sleep time, which can impair her learning ability both at work and in the classroom.

Learn more about adrenal glands



identify the two factors seismologists use to determine the probbaility of n earthquake in an area



1. Date and time

2. Location


Well there are 3 main factors that seismologists use to determine the probability of an earthquake

1. The date and time

2. The location

3. The magnitude

Does the protection of public safety allow the government to occasionally violate
the rights protected by the Second and Fourth Amendments of the U.S.
(Put in short essay)
Please help



The protection of public safety is a crucial responsibility of government, and at times, this may require the government to take actions that could potentially violate the rights protected by the Second and Fourth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms, while the Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures.

In some situations, the government may believe that restricting access to certain types of firearms or conducting searches without a warrant is necessary to protect public safety. For example, the government may ban certain types of assault weapons in order to reduce gun violence, or it may conduct warrantless searches in cases where there is evidence of an imminent threat to public safety. While these actions may infringe on the rights protected by the Second and Fourth Amendments, they may also be necessary to protect the greater public good.

To conclude, the balance between public safety and individual rights is a delicate one, and it is up to the government and the courts to strike the appropriate balance. While it is important to protect individual rights, it is also important to ensure that the government has the tools it needs to keep the public safe.

[tex]\bold{ \: \purple{Hope \: This \: Helps \: You!}}[/tex]

summarize how scientists can use seismic waves to measure and locate earthquakes


Seismic waves are waves of energy that are generated by earthquakes and travel through the Earth's crust. Scientists can use these waves to measure and locate earthquakes.

To measure an earthquake, scientists use seismographs, which are instruments that detect and record seismic waves. The seismograph produces a graph of the seismic waves, known as a seismogram, which can be used to measure the magnitude of the earthquake. The magnitude is a measure of the energy released by the earthquake and it is commonly measured by the Richter Scale.

To locate an earthquake, scientists use a technique called triangulation. This involves measuring the time it takes for seismic waves to travel from the earthquake to different seismograph stations. By measuring the time difference, scientists can calculate the distance between the earthquake and each station. By using the distance information from three or more seismograph stations, scientists can triangulate the location of the earthquake.

Another way scientists can locate an earthquake is by using seismograms to determine the depth of the earthquake. Seismic waves travel faster through solid rock than through soil or soft rock, so scientists can use the difference in arrival time of different types of seismic waves to determine the depth of the earthquake.

In conclusion, scientists use seismic waves to measure and locate earthquakes by analyzing the data generated by seismographs to estimate the magnitude, and measuring the time it takes for seismic waves to travel from the earthquake to different seismograph stations to estimate the location and depth of the earthquake.

Step 1: Watch the Videos
Watch the following Ted Talk:

John Gerzema: “The post-crisis consumer.”

Step 2: Write Newspaper Advice Column
Now you will write a newspaper article entitled, “Tips for Consumers”. In it you want to give advice on how to make the best decisions when it comes to purchasing.

Imagine that you had interviewed John Gerzema and quote him in your article at least twice. Be sure that your article discusses the following:

Researching big purchases
Buying durable products
Avoiding impulse buying by delaying purchasing for a day or more


Consumer behaviour is changing in this way: Despite the fact that it is continually changing and evolving, the most recent changes have had a significant effect on business. Consumer behaviour can be influenced by a wide range of variables, including circumstance, psychology, environment, marketing, personal, family, and culture.

What is consumer behaviour ?

The study of people, groups, or organizations and all the behaviors connected to the acquisition, consumption, and disposal of products and services is known as consumer behaviour. Consumer behaviour refers to how a person's feelings, attitudes, and preferences influence their purchasing decisions.

While some customers are going back to in-store shopping, others continue to spend money on unnecessary items in an effort to try out new websites and brands. Sales across a variety of businesses are significantly being impacted by modern consumer tastes and purchasing patterns.

Thus, Due to the explosion of ecommerce over the past few years, consumer behavior has undergone a significant transformation.

To learn more about the consumer behaviour, follow the link;



What continuity existed for Latin America during the Industrial Age? Why did this stay continuous?


During the Industrial Age, Latin America experienced a period of economic and political continuity. This continuity was largely due to the fact that the region was largely dominated by European powers, such as Spain and Portugal, who maintained a strong presence in the region. This presence allowed for the continuation of certain economic and political systems, such as mercantilism, which helped to keep the region relatively stable.

Hope this helps!

A) Briefly explain one major difference between Wineapple's and Brinkley's historical interpretation of Manifest Destiney.

B) Briefly explain how one historical event or development in the period 1848 to 1861 that is not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts could be used to support Wineapple's interpretation.

C) Briefly explain how one historical event or development in the period 1848 to 1861 that is not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts could be used to support Brinkley's interpretation


(A) One major difference between Wineapple's and Brinkley's historical interpretations is that both authors believe that Manifest Destiny played a different role in the Civil War.

What is Manifest Destiny?

Manifest destiny was a cultural belief in the nineteenth-century United States that American settlers were fated to spread across North America.

The concept had three fundamental tenets:

The unique virtues of the American people and their institutionsThe mission of the United States to redeem and recreate the West in the image of the agrarian EastAn unstoppable destiny to complete this vital duty

B) Bleeding Kansas is a historical event from 1848 to 1861 that is not directly mentioned in the excerpts but could be used to support Wineapple's interpretation.

C) The Compromise of 1850 is a historical event from 1848 to 1861 that is not directly mentioned in the excerpts, could be used to support Brinkley's interpretation. The Compromise of 1850 was drafted in response to California's admission as a free state.

Learn more about Manifest destiny



In triangle ABC, segment AY bisects angle A, segment BX bisects angle B, and Q is the intersection of segment AY and segment BX. Use the figure for Exercises 17-19.
17. Suppose BC > AC. Compare measure of angle BAY and the measure of angle ABX. Justify your reasoning.
18. Cynda claims that segment XC = segment YC if BC > AC. Can Cynda make this conclusion? Justify your argument.
19. If the measure of angle AQB > the measure of angle BQY, which side of triangle ABQ has the greatest length?​


Since segment AY bisects angle A and segment BX bisects angle B, angle BAY is congruent to angle AYB and angle ABX is congruent to angle XBA. So, the measure of angle BAY is equal to the measure of angle ABX.

18. Cynda cannot make this conclusion because it is not necessarily true that segment XC = segment YC if BC > AC. It is possible for the segments to be congruent, but it is not a given. Additional information is needed to determine if XC = YC.

19 Since the measure of angle AQB > the measure of angle BQY, it can be inferred that side AQ is longer than side QB. So, side AQ of triangle ABQ has the greatest length.

What is the angle about?

In triangle ABC, angle bisector theorem states that if a line bisects an angle of a triangle, it will divide the opposite side in the ratio of the sides that form the angle. So, since segment AY bisects angle A and segment BX bisects angle B, angle BAY is congruent to angle AYB and angle ABX is congruent to angle XBA. So, the measure of angle BAY is equal to the measure of angle ABX.

In this statement Cynda is assuming that if BC > AC that means that XC = YC which is not always true. There are many other factors that can affect the size of the segments such as the position of the angle bisectors , so additional information is needed to determine if XC = YC.

Therefore, the measure of an angle is the amount of rotation needed to move one arm of the angle to the position of the other arm. So if the measure of angle AQB is greater than the measure of angle BQY, it means that angle AQB is larger, and therefore the side AQ is longer than side QB. So, side AQ of triangle ABQ has the greatest length.

Learn more about congruent angle from



Was Flaubert’s an accurate portrayal of bourgeois marriage in this description of Emma and Charles?




In Gustave Flaubert's novel "Madame Bovary," the characters Emma and Charles Bovary represent a portrayal of a bourgeois (or middle-class) marriage in 19th-century France. The novel, which was published in 1857, portrays a story of Emma who, feeling trapped in her mundane and unfulfilling married life with Charles, seeks fulfillment through extramarital affairs and extravagant spending.

Flaubert's portrayal of Emma and Charles' marriage is one of dissatisfaction and unhappiness. Charles, a well-meaning but dull and unexciting man, is unable to provide Emma with the emotional and intellectual stimulation she craves. Emma, meanwhile, is restless and yearning for a more exciting life, which leads her to engage in extramarital affairs and overspending.

Flaubert's portrayal of Emma and Charles' marriage is generally seen as an accurate portrayal of the bourgeoisie marriage of that time, as it highlights the societal expectation placed on women in particular to conform to a traditional and domestic role in marriage, and the limited opportunities for personal and intellectual growth for both partners. Furthermore, the novel also illustrates the financial struggles faced by the Bovarys and the moral judgment imposed on Emma as a woman who goes against societal expectations.

It's important to remember that "Madame Bovary" is a work of fiction and therefore it may not be entirely accurate, but it is considered to be a representation of that time's society and the reality that many individuals faced in those conditions.

Which of the following statements accurately explains why subsequent boundaries are the most common type of boundary? (AP Human Geography Question)
a. The process of establishing them happens before people settle in the area
b. The process of establishing them does not take cultural differences into account
c. The process of establishing them is lengthy and related to territoriality
d. The process of establishing them connects to previously set boundaries
e. The process of establishing them correlate to the devolution of territories

Please explain the answer, and I'll award brainliest =)


Note that the statement that accurately explains why subsequent boundaries are the most common type of boundary is: "The process of establishing them connects to previously set boundaries" (Option D)

What are subsequent boundaries?

The most frequent sort of border is a subsequent boundary, which is constructed after people have settled in an area and is based on previously established boundaries. They are frequently founded to reflect shifts in political or cultural power relations, such as the dissolution of a nation or the merger of two areas.

Because they are based on existing limits, creating succeeding boundaries is frequently less problematic than establishing initial bounds, which may require lengthy and difficult debates over territorial and cultural differences.

Learn more about boundaries:

explain the intellectual and ideological context in which revolution swept the atlantic world from 1750-1900


Answer: Explain the intellectual and ideological context in which revolutions swept the Atlantic World from 1750-1900.

*Revolutions were sparked by the concept of Enlightenment because it promoted questions about class and religion and denied the legitimacy of government with absolute power.


*Revolutions were sparked by the concept of Enlightenment because it promoted questions about class and religion and denied the legitimacy of government with absolute power. An example is how the enlightenment thinker John Locke contributed to the writing of the Declaration of Independence after the revolution with his belief that everyone has "inalienable rights".

PLEASE HELP!!!! If you do this correctly, I will mark you as brainliest. I've tried a few times and no one seems to do this correctly. I need sources and argument points that work this.
Write an essay in which you come to a definitive conclusion about how members of Congress decide to vote. Support your conclusion with information from The Lanahan Readings excerpts listed on the assignment page, as well as outside research.
As you research and formulate your response, ask yourself these questions:
Are members of Congress "single-minded seekers of re-election," as Mayhew claims?
How does the "home style" of members relate to their decision making in Washington, D.C.?
How can we best define "pork"? Is dishing out the pork a recipe for electoral success, and if so, how does it influence congressional behavior?
Is the threat of legislative gridlock a necessary evil to force members of Congress to compromise?
How do the decisions of members of Congress change when the government is divided? What about during the "lame duck" portion of a president's term?
Which theoretical role — delegate, trustee, or politico — best describes most members of Congress when they make decisions?



Members of Congress are elected officials who are responsible for representing the interests of their constituents and making decisions on behalf of the country. According to Mayhew, they are "single-minded seekers of re-election," meaning that their primary goal is to get re-elected and they will do whatever it takes to achieve this goal. This can include dishing out "pork," or funding for projects in their districts that are not necessarily related to the larger issues facing the country. These projects are meant to gain the favor of constituents and increase the likelihood of re-election.

The "home style" of members of Congress also plays a role in their decision making. This refers to the values and beliefs of the individuals and how they reflect the culture and politics of their districts. Members of Congress may feel pressure to align with the views of their constituents and may prioritize their needs and desires over the needs of the country as a whole.

During times of divided government, the decisions of members of Congress may change as they are forced to compromise with the opposing party in order to pass legislation. This threat of legislative gridlock can be a necessary evil to force members to come to an agreement and avoid complete stagnation.

In terms of their theoretical roles, most members of Congress can be classified as "politicos," meaning that they prioritize their own political careers and interests over their role as a representative. However, some may act as "delegates," strictly following the wishes of their constituents, while others may take on the role of a "trustee," using their own judgement to make decisions for the good of the country.

In conclusion, the decision making process of members of Congress is complex and influenced by a variety of factors, including their desire for re-election, the values and beliefs of their districts, and the political climate. While some may prioritize the needs of their constituents and act as delegates, others may prioritize their own political careers and act as politicos. The threat of legislative gridlock can also play a role in their decision making, as it forces them to compromise and find common ground.

summarize how solid ground can take on the properties of a liquid



Liquids can expand more comparative to solid under the influence of thermal expansion. They are slightly more compressible. Under suitable conditions and temperature, the state of the solid can be changed into a liquid.


A pool is being drained by a pump at a rate of 4 gallons per minute. An identical pump is added to help drain the pool. How does the second pump affect the rate of drainage?





It increases the rate by doubling the amount of water being drained
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