why do parents keep you safe?


Answer 1


so nothing bad happenes to u


Answer 2


If your parents keep you safe it is probably because they want you to be well and they care about you.They are older than you so they can protect you in ways that you can't.Sometimes parents do things that us kids don't understand but in their eyes they are just making sure you are happy and protected from harm and we should try to understand their point as well.


Hope this is helpful to you, I wish you a good day!

Related Questions

Just For People that had these question and it wasn't answered or asked on Brainly!!!

1. In her article "Your Brain on Technology," Margaret Simmons' audience is most likely senior citizens. Read the following excerpt below and consider how this information might influence them to agree with her. In his, 2016 Fortune magazine article titled "The Internet Makes Us Stupid and Here's Why," Kabir Sehgal reminds us that on most web sites, our reading is constantly interrupted by various kinds of distractions. Every embedded link in an online document presents us with a choice - click it or skip it. Sehgal warns that these distractions tend to prevent readers from understanding ideas on a deeper level. When we read a physical book, we understand more because we can slowly take in a few, connected ideas and link them to other known facts. Reading that is not interrupted by ads and related links allow us to internalize information— to connect it to what we already know. When we read online, however, we're more likely to encounter a jumble of disconnected thoughts, and our brains don't absorb the information in the same way. The outcome? While our minds may be bombarded with more information than our parents ever dreamed possible, those facts don't become part of our working knowledge.

What aspect of Simmons' reasoning and evidence in this excerpt is most likely to convince her senior citizen audience to agree with her claim that smart technology makes you dumber?
A. how the new way of reading using online texts helps you remember more
B. how the old way of reading printed books makes you less tech savvy and dumber
C. how the new way of reading using online texts limits your comprehension
D. how the old way of reading printed books keeps you from understanding more

2. When analyzing an argument, why is it important to understand the speaker or writer's audience?
A. Knowing who the intended audience is can help you decide whether you should attend to the argument or not.
B. Knowing who the intended audience is can lead you to more readily accept the author's claim.
C. Understanding the audience can help you prove whether the evidence presented by the writer is valid.
D. Understanding the audience can help you determine the author's purpose and what he or she hopes to accomplish.

3. In an argument, what is a claim?
A. an appeal to emotions and logic
B. one piece of evidence used by the writer
C. the writer's main point or thesis
D. the writer's conclusion after the argument
4. Read this excerpt from Jody Frank's blog post Surfing the Smart Lane: Technology Can Make Us Smarter and think about why she used these specific reasons to support her claim that advances in technology are beneficial.
I've given it some thought, and I now realize that there are specific reasons why advances in digital technology have helped me work smarter. Twenty years ago, I coded HTML web pages by hand in a text editor. That skill still comes in handy, but visual HTML editors, databases, and other tools let me build websites much faster and better than I used to. These tools let me focus on design and layout instead of on tiny, nitpicky details. By freeing my mind from the drudgery of writing code, these tools allow me to be more creative. They also protect me from careless typing errors. (When you work in code, a missing quotation mark or bracket can ruin your life, at least for an hour or two.) Fortunately, the digital technologies that sustain the internet connect me with a worldwide network of other web developers who generously share their knowledge. If I have a problem, it’s extremely likely that another web developer has already solved that problem and posted the solution online.
How might Frank's reasons influence her audience to agree with her? [/HTML]
A. The audience will want to have the same level of success as the author, so they will agree with her.
B. The audience will feel as if they know her personally and will respect her opinion.
C. The audience will see how technology has made the author less creative and more disciplined, which will inspire them.
D. The audience will see the personal benefits technology has brought to her career.






i think it's C i'm very sorry if it's not


looks convincing and logical to me

also pls brainliest if its correct

3. PART A: How do the details about Johnson’s early life in paragraphs 2-3 help us understand her later success? A. Her struggles in school show how much she developed during her early life before working for NASA. B. By describing her love of counting, the text shows that Johnson was always passionate about math. C. Johnson’s enrollment in college at just 15 years old emphasizes how different she was from her peers. D. Johnson’s early academic success made her later accomplishments seem less impressive in comparison.



By describing her love of counting, the text shows that Johnson was always passionate about math. C. Johnson’s enrollment in college at just 15 years old emphasizes how different she was from her peers. D. Johnson’s early academic success made her later accomplishments seem less impressive in comparison.




Answers to the whole thing






By saying how rare and uncommon it is for any woman to have a degree in math or science let alone a black woman, and what she went through to get her position in NASA.

I think it's more important to have an education to achieve their goals. If you have a good education over time it would lead you to achieve your goals and like for Katherine, no one told her to be a mathematician she chose to do that on her own.

It meant that she didn't have that many jobs to choose from since she was a black woman at the time meaning the only thing she could pursue is teaching since you needed to know stuff for it but luckily she got a job at NASA.

In this time we define them as the same because we have done went through women and blacks rights but in her time period a black woman with a degree and working at NASA was never heard of and she helped get more women and blacks to pursuit more things.


What is a common belief in Deaf culture? A. the belief that the hearing community doesn't accept them B. being born deaf is more welcomed in the Deaf community rather than becoming deaf later in life C. the reaction against the idea of deafness as a disability D. the Deaf community shouldn't be considered as a separate ethnic group


I think the answer is A
the best answer is A

Does anyone know ,how many languages in asia?



There are more than 4.3billion people speaking nearly 2,300 living languages across asia.


2300 languages


There are over 2300 languages spoken in Asia. Common examples are:

1. Chinese (all dialects)

2. Arabic (all dialects)

3. Hindi

4. Russian

5. Japanese

6. Korean

7. English (as a second language)

8. Urdu

9. Farsi

10. Hebrew

Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.

"I know what happened." whispered the boy, "I saw the whole thing from my window."
"I know what happened" whispered the boy. "I saw the whole thing from my window."
"I know what happened," whispered the boy. "I saw the whole thing from my window."
"I know what happened." whispered the boy. "I saw the whole thing from my window


Answer: The third one, "I know what happened," whispered the boy. "I saw the whole thing from my window.


вдання у тестовій формі за творами М. Коцюбинського
1. Складносурядним є речення
А Тоді як на своїй я скрізь і завжди стрічаю людину.
Б​Ліва рука від незвичайної ваги зомліла, і Харитя не могла її зігнути. В Поїзд летів, повний людського гаму.
В Я чую твердість і форму затоплених на дні чорної пітьми меблів і скрип помосту під їх вагою.
Г Може, і я обернусь тоді у бездушний предмет, який нічого не почуває, в «ніщо» .
2. Складносурядним є речення
А Але й там, далеко від рідних осель, настигала його панська рука.
Б І йому ясно уявлялося, як лютуватиме пан, дізнавшись завтра, що Остап утік.
В Тепер я можу спокійно спати, твої міцні стіни стануть між мною і цілим світом
Г ​Повітря тремтить від спеки, і в срібнім мареві танцюють далекі тополі. 3. Протиставний смисловий зв'язок мають частини складносурядного
А Ну, стій же спокійно, не шамочись, поки скинуть з тебе ланцюг... а тепер гайда.
Б Найменший шелест або стук — і моє серце падає і завмирає. В​Тихо й безлюдно, а однак я щось там чую, поза своєю стіною
Г Дивно Іванові, що такі красні гори, такі веселі, та створив їх злий.

4. Одночасність подій виражають частини складносурядного речення (розділові знаки пропущено)
А Я йду за ними і мені видно легке гойдання всіх трьох крислатих хребтів м’яких вовнистих...
Б​Тільки невсипуще море бурхає десь здалеку та зорі тремтять у нічній прохолоді.
В Ліва рука від незвичайної ваги зомліла і Харитя не могла її зігнути. Г Іван сидів і слухав забувши зовсім що має доглядати корови.
5. Складносурядне речення утвориться, якщо серед варіантів продовження речення Іван озирнувся назад, на скелі, - ... вибрати
А що обличчя його скаменіло
Б коли обличчя його скаменіло
В бо обличчя його скаменіло
Г​і обличчя його скаменіло.
6. Складносурядне речення утвориться, якщо серед варіантів продовження речення Я йду за ними, ... вибрати
А тому що мені видно легке гойдання всіх трьох крилатих хребтів, мяких, вовнистих...
Б бо мені видно легке гойдання всіх трьох крислатих хребтів, м’яких, вовнистих...
В​і мені видно легке гойдання всіх трьох крислатих хребтів, м’яких, вовнистих...
Г коли мені видно легке гойдання всіх трьох крислатих хребтів, м’яких, вовнистих...
7. Перед виділеним сполучником треба поставити кому в реченні (розділові знаки пропущено)
А​Вдалині поле ніби вогнем горить ​та​річка виблискує на сонці.

Б​Ліс одягався тоді у жовте й червоне листя ​а​сонце обертало його у золото і вогні
В Висипала на подвір'я дітвора ​та​збудила тишу голосним криком і дзвінким сміхом
Г Курява стелилась по гладкому як дзеркало ставку і​к​упалась у хвилях рожевого світла.
8. Встановити відповідність
А​Ні повітря не ворухнеться, ні пташка не защебече
Б​Не то осінні води шуміли, збігаючи в Дунай, не то вітер бився в заломах провалля.
В Тимчасом ми їдемо й їдемо, а сонце котиться й котиться і розганяє хмару.
Г Смерека росте й росте – як-от виступив з неї якийсь чоловік. 1.Єднальні
2. Протиставні
3. Пояснювально-уточнюючі
4. Розділові
9. Встановіть відповідність
А одночасність дії
Б послідовність
В раптова зміна
Г причинно-наслідковість
1. Жену від себе голоси поля, і тоді на мене, як дощ, спадають небесні голоси.
2.​Вдалині хиталися дерева і синів задумано прибій.

3. Від гострого болю в очах потемніло і виступили сльози.
4. Десь попереду шуміла злива і блискавка розтинала небо навпіл.
10 Встановіть відповідність
А зіставлення
Б перелік фактів і дій, що чергуються
В протиставлення
Г перелік фактів і дій, що взаємно виключаються
1. Тихо й безлюдно, а однак я щось там
чую, поза своєю спиною.
2. То комин упаде в око, то дим, як чорний кудлатий змій, тріпоче в повітрі.
3. Чи то мені здається, чи то справді свист тихшає
4. Круглі лисогори, мов велетенські шатра, кидали од себе чорну тінь, а далекі шпилі, сизоблакитні, здавалися зубцями застиглих хмар.
11. Яка зі схем відповідає структурі речення?
Тебе зачинили за ґрати, а твоє слово ходить по світу
А(),а[ ].
Б ​. [ ] , а [ ] .
В.[ ],а().
Г.( ),а().
12. Яка зі схем відповідає структурі речення?
Йон порівнявся з колодязем, глянув – і аж йому щось йойкнуло всередині з несподіванки

А()-і[ ].
Б.[ ] - іаж[ ]. В.[ ], -і().
Г ​. [ ] - і [ ] .


dude dude what no what dude

Unity in religion
I know this world is full of love and kindness lets keep it up by the positive words and show each other that we care for each other even though we don't know each other.I respect everyone in this world i respect peoples religion and doesn't matter if you are a Christian, Muslim, Hinduism, Buddhism we are all equal we are all human beings.Some day this world will turn in to peace.
You All Are Equal Keep Calm and Peace Out





I love those words, you used them perfectly too!

Когда поймешь, что это за язык, ответь на мой вопрос по-английски; какой ваш любимый цвет?



Purple-pink, or plum color. and the language is Russian. I knew that before Google Translate.


قمت بزيارة ضريح محمد الخامس طيب الله ثراه صحبة مجموعة من أساتذتي و زملائي فأعجبت بالضريح صف انا هذه الرحلة؟



ضريح محمد الخامس طيب الله ثراه


مو متاكدة




top 5 spoken language


Spanish, English, Chinese language, French, and Aribic


if it is from the United States then the top five are






If it is from the whole world then the top five are

Mandarin Chinese





A friend comes to you and says, “Mr. Johnson gave me an F on my paper and says I copied it, but I didn’t! I showed him the bibliography and the sources, but he doesn’t believe me! I’m going to drop the class.” Write a response that reflects the characteristics of effective responses.



He gave you an F! That's crazy. I don't believe that you copied but I don't know how you could change his mind. Maybe if you confront him gently he might open up.


Hope this helps!


Answers will vary but should reflect the characteristics of effective responses and active listening.


edg 2022

brain pop commas with clauses i need answers Which is the verb in this sentence? Becca finds a quarter on the street.





Please translate in English



It means Nice to meet you .

[tex] \sf{Have \: a \: wonderful \: time}[/tex] ! シ


nice to meet you (in honorifics) :)


পল্লিসাহিত্যের ৫টি উপাদানের নাম উল্লেখ করে তােমার পছন্দের যে কোনাে ২টি উপাদান সম্পর্কে ১০টি করে বাক্য লেখ



Mention the names of 5 elements of rural literature and write 10 sentences about 2 elements in the corner of your choice.

Residual definitions (i.e., remnants of urban definitions based on population size or type of land use): rural is the residual place beyond those places.

Rural is defined in terms of accessibility to urban areas.

Rural is defined in terms of functions performed for urban areas. Rural space provides for urban areas, whether for provision of food, fuel, or recreation.

Rural is defined by level of development relative to urban areas, such as provision of services or issues of poverty and equality.

Wood said that each of those contexts considers the rural relative to the urban, creating methodological and conceptual problems. Apart from the methodological problems of defining the areas, the units of assessment and the problem of setting thresholds are conceptual problems of an urban perspective being predominant.

First, he said, this approach overemphasizes the homogeneity of rural areas, especially when using residual definitions, seeing rural as the residue of an urban category.




प्रोफ़ेसर माधवन को पसीना क्यों आ गया?​



The direct translation is "Why did Professor Madhavan sweat?"

planul dezvoltat de idei al textului Puiul





Where do i find the answers for edge2020?



i know right i need help 2

please comment answers cause i need this too i have 4 unit tests coming up hahah

How does power contribute to the central idea of the text? Use evidence to support your answer.





Answer:Power contributes to the central idea of the text by allowing a group of people to censor something they consider 'wrong' using the authority they have.


Pick a pet that you have or would want to have. Using C'est and Il/Elle est correctly, write 3 sentences about your animal. Your first sentence might identify what kind of animal it is and the other two sentences could say something to describe your animal. You should not copy any sentences directly from course materials or from any other source.(in French)



is this for a assignment? or just for fun


please help me!! I will mark brainly


Little jimmy is looking out a airplane window, this is his first time on a airplane and when he looks out he imagines this world of fairytale and..... lmk if you want the rest

I need someone to translate it in a teenage English way my Latina friend needs this and I don't speak Spanish!!!!

esta semana no he hablado con mucha gente porque se acercaba el día de hoy, hoy hace unos años pasaron demasiadas cosas malas en mi vida que la verdad hasta de pensarlo me hacen llorar, el punto aquí es, jugar soccer fue lo único que me distrajo de mi asquerosa vida y me hacía feliz, y hoy justa mente hoy!! el peor día de mi vida, me dicen que no podré jugar fútbol nunca más si quiero volver a caminar, así que perdónenme si no les escribo...solo es un mal momento


This week I didn't talk to many people because I was approaching today, today a few years ago too many bad things happened in my life that the truth even thinking it makes me cry, the point here is, playing soccer was the only thing that distracted me from my disgusting life and made me happy, and today justly today! The worst day of my life, I'm told I'll never be able to play football again if I want to walk again, so forgive me if I don't write to you...it's just a bad time


English- This week I have not spoken with many people because today was approaching, today a few years ago too many bad things happened in my life that the truth even thinking about it makes me cry, the point here is, playing soccer was the only thing that distracted me of my disgusting life and it made me happy, and today just today !! the worst day of my life, they tell me that I won't be able to play football anymore if I want to walk again, so forgive me if I don't write to you ... it's just a bad time.

If you look in a dictionary, you will find the _______________ meaning of a word. A) denotative B) connotative C) formal D) informal





Denotation is a translation of a sign to its meaning, precisely to its literal meaning, more or less like dictionaries try to define it.




Whats the time in your country?? :)



it is 1:01 pm


in north america

Batay sa nabasang kuwento, sagutin ang mga sumusunod.
1. Sino ang magkaibigan?
2. Saan sila nag-aaral?
3. Sino ang guro nila?
4. Bakit kaya madalas nawawalan ng gamit ang mag-aaral na si Glaiza?
5. Anong katangian ang tinataglay ni Glaiza?
6. Anong katangian ang tinataglay ni Patrice?
7. Bakit mahalagang maging maingat, masinop, at malinis sa gamit?
8. Bilang mag-aaral, sino kay Patrice at Glaiza ang nais mong tularan? Bakit?
9. Gaya ng mga kagamitan natin kinakailangan din na ingatan at isaayos ang mga files sa computer. Paano kaya ito gagawin?
10. Sa iyong palagay, bakit kaya kailangan ingatan at maisaayos ang mga Computer Files?


I have not read this story but maybe translation will help you get a faster answer
English Translation:
Based on the story read, answer the following.
1. Who are friends?
2. Where do they study?
3. Who is their teacher?
4. Why does student Glaiza often lose her equipment?
5. What quality does Glaiza possess?
6. What quality does Patrice possess?
7. Why is it important to be careful, neat, and clean?
8. As a student, which of Patrice and Glaiza would you like to emulate? Why?
9. Just like our equipment also needs to take care of and organize the files on the computer. How can this be done?
10. Why do you think Computer Files need to be taken care of and organized?

maksud rangkai kata tulang belakang negara​



છે સતત ટીવી અને મોબાઈલ જોવાથી તમારા નાનાભાઈના અભ્યાસ પર માઠી અસર થઈ છે, તેથી તેને
સલાહ આપતો પત્ર લખો.


કમ્પ્યૂટર ગેઇમ, મોબાઇલ ગેઇમ, સોશિયલ મીડિયા, નેટસર્ફિંગના આગમન સાથે જીવનનો આનંદ માણવાનો આસાન માર્ગ ઉપલબ્ધ થયો છે, પરંતુ તેમાં દિવસનો ઘણો સમય ખર્ચાઈ જાય છે.

પરિણામે કામ કરવાનો સમય ઓછો મળતાં તેની માઠી અસર જોવા મળતી થઈ છે. મોબાઇલમાંથી મળતા આનંદની સામે વાસ્તવિક જીવનમાંથી મળતો આનંદ ફિક્કો લાગે છે. પરિવારજનો સાથે વાતચીત, સગાંસંબંધીઓ સાથે ગોઠડી, વાચન, બાગકામ વગેરે જેવી બાબતો અપ્રિય થઈ પડી છે.

how to say hi in Spanish ​



if you need help say it like this o-la and it sounds just like hola

hi in Spanish is=hola



Hola is hi in spanish :0


2. Leia a tirinha a seguir e responda às questões abaixo.
al Uchek
Bill Watterson. Calvin e Haroldo: deu "tilt" no progresso científico. Trad. André Conti.
São Paulo: Conrad, 2009. p. 125.
a) Na tirinha é possível perceber duas interpretações contrastantes sobre o
mesmo fato. Quais são elas?
b) De que maneira Calvin esperava tirar proveito de sua viagem à era jurássica?
c) Releia a fala de Calvin, no terceiro quadrinho, e responda:
De quantos períodos ela é composta? Quais são eles?
• Qual é a função da locução conjuntiva por isso no segundo período? Que
relação de sentido ela expressa?
d) No último quadrinho, que relação de sentido a conjunção então estabelece
entre a fala de Calvin no quadrinho anterior e a fala da mãe dele?





make me as branalist

who else love this picture??? I love it.... have a great day​



Awww me




Me. Thanks for the points!


Right Answer gets Brainliest!!

Translate English to Latin

we haved sailed

to sail

i will sail

you were sailing

they sailed

ya'll sail

they were sailing




nos vero navigavimus

et solvit

i navigant

nauigante te turbida

navigaverunt cyprum

ad aerumnas solvit

quia navium quasdam


Other Questions
The intensity of a sound is another way to say the _________ of a sound.loudnessfrequencywavelengthamplitude question.1. List two ways you as an employee can help protect the mail.2. If you see any suspicious activity in your work area, what should you do?mi serye3. What are possible consequences of destroying, hiding or stealing U.S. mail? The value of a rare baseball card issued in 1989 is represented by the function , where x represents the number of years since the baseball card was issued. Use the Remainder Theorem to find the value of the card in 1999. Who proposed the idea of spanning the East River between Manhattan and Brooklyn with a suspension bridge?Thomas DurantJohn ShermanCornelius VanderbiltJohn Roebling 1000 digits of pi... Describe the shape of the distribution.O A. It is uniform.B. It is bimodal.O C. It is symmetric.D. It is skewed. 40 percent of students in a class of 35 students are girls. how many girls are in this class? Maria collected the gas given off by a glowing piece of charcoal. The gas was then bubbled through a small amount of colorless limewater. Part of Maria's report stated , "After the gas was put into the jar, the limewater gradually changed to a milky white color." This statement is Do you think the colonists did the right thing bydeclaring independence? Why? Did they have other options? Name one. You have a solution that is 18.5% (v/v) methyl alcohol. If the bottle contains 1.64 L of solution, what is the volume (V) in milliliters of methyl alcohol What is the definition of a rhombus? The first wave of immigrants to the United States was largely from northern and central Europe.Where did most of the second wave of immigrants come from?southern Europe and South AsiaSouth America and eastern EuropeAsia and Latin Americasouthern and eastern Europe State the term that makes it difficult to see some of the fish surrounding the corals. [ 1.Which of the following is an example of truancy?Steve copied material from the internet in his essay and did not cite the source.Tyrone hangs out chatting with his friends at lunch and is frequently late for his math class.Jose stays out late and frequently skips his morning classes.Jason has not done the readings in his social studies text all semester.2.What term refers to being absent from school without permission?neglecttruancyalienationabsenteeism3.Which of the following parenting styles does this scenario reflect?Lisette is in ninth grade. Her parents say she has to be home by nine every night unless there is a school dance or some other activity that she has cleared with them in advance. Lisette says that is too early. She likes to hang out with her friends on Friday nights. Her parents agree to talk with her about it. They decide that she can stay out later on weekends if she calls and tells them where she is and how she will get home.authoritarianpermissiveuninvolvedauthoritative4.Annie, Zoey, Karla, and Jenny are fourteen years old. They all want new clothes before returning to school. Considering the following scenarios, which parent is a permissive parent? Annies mom likes to approve Annies clothing choices. She tells her some skirts are too short or not appropriate for a fourteen-year-old.Zoeys dad buys the clothing Zoey likes. When Zoey shows him something she likes, he usually says it looks very nice. He wants Zoey to prefer spending time with him versus Zoeys mom, his ex-wife. Karlas mom does not pay attention to Karlas clothing choices. Karla is out shopping, but her mom does not know whom Karla is with or when she will return. Jennys dad thinks a fourteen-year-old can handle making clothing choices. He has given Jenny some spending money and will drive her to the mall and pick her up.Karlas momAnnies momZoeys dadJennys dad5.A parent might sometimes choose an authoritarian style in order to provide which of the following?decision-making abilitystabilitycompassionaggression6.Instrumental ...... is the ability to respond to and command the environment in order to meet personal goals.7.Which of the following are more likely to raise their children with an authoritative style?white familiesAsian-American familiesAfrican-American familiesHispanic-American families8.Which of the following scenarios would support the argument that inherited traits are as important as parenting style in determining how a child turns out? Carlys parents have always been affectionate with her and have given her a lot of autonomy. Carly sometimes skips school. Her response is that the class is dumb and she has better things to do with her time. Robs father died when he was small. His mother is often depressed and shows little affection. She does not set a lot of rules. Rob has been making his own meals for years. He decides when to do his homework. Rob gets mostly As and is a peer mentor. Anitas mother sets tight rules and punishes Anita when she does not follow them. Anita seldom breaks rules. She is meek and well behaved. Tims parents have a lot of rules but are willing to talk things out. For example, they said that he had to have a B average to play sports. They then realized that some subjects were hard for him and decided that his privileges would be based on his effort; not his grades. Tim is respectful and hardworking and has never been in serious trouble.TimCarlyRobAnita9.In the following scenario, what would be the best parenting choice?Ricky has always been a model student and a caring person. His parents have been very proud of him over the years. Now Ricky is starting to cut class and stay out after curfew. He has become non-talkative and stays in his room a lot. Rickys parents are very upset. They do not know why his behavior has changed and are trying to determine if they have done something to engender this behavior.Try to talk some sense into him.Switch from an authoritative to authoritarian parenting style.Ground Ricky until he behaves as he used to.Look for a counselor, family therapist, or pastoral counselor who can provide effective support.10.Create a series of three questions that will determine whether a parents parenting style is working for his or her teenager. Provide a rationale for each.it was easier to put all the questions on one.. thanks for the help :) how did George Washington as president increase the federal governments powerneed help ASAP Complete the probability distribution table on your own paper. Answer the question in the text box below. What is the probability of drawing exactly one blue marble? Write a simplified fraction. 4x - 5y = 152x - y = 95. In the system of equations shown above, what is the value of 3x 3y?A) 9B) 12C) 15D) 24 Use the given values to find the missing lengths in the figure. If necessary, express your answer as aradical.C = 7 cm and a = 4 cmb= _____ cm Anyone know how to do this?? 2) Which of the following BEST describes the economy of the USA? USHC-4.3A) Capitalist B) SocialistsC) MarxistD) Communists