Why are there products from so many different places? who benefits? and why don’t we simply make everything ourselves?


Answer 1


There are products from so many different places because there is a global market for goods and services. Producers benefit from the increased demand and consumers benefit from the increased choice. There are also efficiency gains from international trade, as different countries specialize in the production of different goods and services.

Related Questions

What were the 3 warnings in Washington's Farewell Address?


Washington issued warnings about political and geographic segmentation as well as foreign meddling in US domestic affairs. He considered them to be domestic stability dangers.

He pleaded with his fellow citizens to set aside resentment for the good of the country. President george washington cautions against getting too entangled in foreign politics in his farewell speech. Washington issued a warning against foreign meddling in domestic issues and US meddling in European affairs in his farewell speech.

He exhorted men to rise beyond partisanship and act in the interests of the greater good, and he cautioned against virulent partisanship in domestic politics. He urged the US to prioritise its own interests and warned against "permanent relationships with any section of the outside world." He advocated trade and friendship with other countries, but he urged people to stay out of long-term "entanglements" with other countries.The values of America in regards to religion and international relations were clearly stated in the farewell address.

To know more about Washington visit:



According to the article distrust of government also
shows up in popular movies and television dramas
1.Corrupt or power-hungry politicians are often the villains in movies.

2.The plot lines of of on TV and movie conspiracies are hatched by
government officials.

3.Nah movies never have villainous politicians, conspiracies or theories
of government corruption in historical events.

4.Movies and TV shows feature theories about government involvement
in real life historical events.


Correct Answer:

4.Movies and TV shows feature theories about government involvement

in real life historical events.

Two branches of a river have different sediment loads. Based on the diagram, which of the following most likely led to the differences in the amount of sediment in the two branches of the river ?
A. The overuse of fertilizers in agriculture B. Effluent from a sewage treatment plant
C. Deforestation from clear-cutting D. Use of heavy equipment in building construction


Option C. Deforestation from clear-cutting

The difference in sediment loads in the two branches of the river is most likely due to deforestation from clear-cutting in one of the branches.

Impact of Deforestation on Sediment Loads in Rivers

Clear-cutting is when trees are removed from a large area all at once, leaving the area vulnerable to soil erosion. This can lead to increased sediment being deposited into the river, resulting in higher sediment loads. Since the two branches of the river have different levels of sediment, it is likely that one branch was impacted by deforestation more than the other.

Learn more about Deforestation: https://brainly.com/question/1478703


How does the Richter scale increase?


The magnitude of an earthquake increases tenfold for each unit increase in scale.

Define Richter scale.

Judged at the California Institute of Technology. The strength of an earthquake or the amount of energy released is measured using the Richter scale. This is estimated based on data collected by seismometers. Given that the Richter scale is an integer logarithmic scale, a jump implies a 10-fold growth.

The Richter scale has no minimum or maximum value. The scale is "logarithmic", so an increase of 1 point corresponds to a 10-fold increase in earthquake magnitude. The moment intensity scale was introduced in his 1970s. The number of earthquakes that the Richter scale can accurately measure is almost the same.

To know more about Richter scale, visit:



what was wildlife management like in the 1600's and 1700's?



This is a History question

What was the main difference between the birds that Darwin studied that lived on the different Galapagos Islands?


The main difference between the birds that Darwin studied on the different Galapagos Islands was the degree of variation among the species.

Charles Darwin's visit to the Galapagos Islands in 1835, during his voyage aboard the HMS Beagle, is one of the most iconic events in the history of biology. Darwin's observations of the various species of birds on the islands sparked his interest in natural selection and ultimately led to his famous theory of evolution.

One of the main differences between the birds that Darwin observed on the various Galapagos Islands was the degree of variation among the species. The birds that lived on the different islands showed a wide range of physical differences, such as size, beak shape, and coloration. For example, Darwin noticed that the finches on the different islands had differently shaped beaks, which enabled them to eat different foods. He also noticed that the mockingbirds living on different islands had different colored feathers and sang different songs.

Darwin's observations of the birds on the Galapagos Islands led him to the conclusion that the animals had evolved over time to adapt to their particular environments. He theorized that the birds on each island had adapted to their local environment in order to survive. This process of adaptation was the result of natural selection, which is the process by which organisms with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, while those with disadvantageous traits are more likely to die out.

Learn more about Galapagos Islands at : https://brainly.com/question/17207383


At the places where 180 degrees of longitude and the International Date Line meet, there is a change of _________ as you cross the International Date Line.


At the places where 180 degrees of longitude and the International Date Line meet, there is a change of day as you cross the International Date Line.

The international date line, established in 1884, passes through the mid-Pacific Ocean and roughly follows a 180 degrees longitude north-south line on the Earth. But it is located halfway around the world from the prime meridian, the 0 degrees longitude line in Greenwich, England.

Despite its name, the international date line has no global legal status, and countries are free to choose the dates that they observe. While the date line generally runs north to south from pole to pole, it zigzags around political borders such as eastern Russia and Alaska’s Aleutian Islands.

Learn more about the International Date Line here https://brainly.com/question/10476893


What is Romanesque art known for?



a vigorous style in both painting and sculpture


What is the term used to describe nonrenewable groundwater reserves formed in the distant past that are no longer being replenished because of geologic and climatic changes


The term used to describe nonrenewable groundwater reserves formed in the distant past that are no longer being replenished because of geologic and climatic changes is “fossil groundwater”.

Fossil groundwater is a term used to describe water that has been stored for long periods of time in an aquifer, typically thousands of years, and is not being replenished or recharged by precipitation. As a result, it is not renewable and is considered a nonrenewable resource.

Fossil groundwater is usually found in arid regions, where the climate is dry and there is little precipitation to recharge the aquifer. It is also found in areas with limited recharge, such as those that have been affected by land use changes or areas that are geologically sealed due to tectonic activity. In some cases, fossil groundwater can be found in areas where the climate has changed significantly over time, such as in deserts or semi-arid regions.

Fossil groundwater is an important source of water for many people in arid areas, including farmers, ranchers and rural communities. This is because it is often the only source of water available in these areas. However, it is important to keep in mind that once it is used, it can not be recharged or replaced. As a result, it is essential to use this water wisely and conserve it whenever possible.

Learn more about nonrenewable resource at : https://brainly.com/question/14813979


South America also has several vast plains including the ____________________ of Colombia and Venezuela.


South America also has several vast plains including the llanos of Colombia and Venezuela.

The llanos are vast prairies located in the Orinoco River Basin of Colombia and Venezuela. The region is home to some of the most fertile soils in all of South America, providing an ideal environment for agricultural production. The llanos are also home to an abundance of wildlife, including manatees, capybaras, caimans, river turtles, and an impressive variety of bird species.

The llanos have long been an important part of the local culture, with the region’s inhabitants relying on the land for sustenance and livelihoods. The llanos have also been a source of pride for the local people, with the region’s traditional music and art being closely linked to the plains.

In recent years, the llanos have faced a number of environmental challenges. In particular, the region has been impacted by deforestation and the pollution of the Orinoco River. These issues have had a significant impact on the local people, who rely on the land for their livelihoods and sustenance.

Learn more about deforestation at : https://brainly.com/question/11697527


A student suggests that all of Earth's changes happen very quickly. Which term best describes this claim


A student suggests that all of Earth's changes happen very quickly. The term best describes this claim is Catastrophism.


Catastrophism is an idea that Earth in its past was affected by various catastrophic events that occurred suddenly, quickly, and affected the entire earth.

The dominant paradigm in terms of geology at the moment is uniformitarianism (sometimes it is also called gradualism), which is the idea that gradual changes affect the present appearance of the earth. This view holds the belief that the present is the key to the past and that everything continues as it did in the beginning. Recently, an increasingly inclusive and unified view of geological events has been developed, changing the scientific consensus on the acceptance of some past catastrophic events.

Learn more about Catastrophism at https://brainly.com/question/7930785.


Answer: Catastrophism

Explanation: I'm big brain so I know I'm right

Can someone give me a good explanation of what happens on a constructive plate boundary and also give me an example of constructive plate boundaries



A constructive plate boundary is when two plates move away from each other, causing molten material from the Earth’s mantle to rise up and form new crust between them. This type of boundary is responsible for the formation of new land due to the movements of the plates. An example of a constructive plate boundary is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which is located between the North American and Eurasian plates. As these two plates move away from each other, magma from the mantle rises up and creates new oceanic crust, resulting in the formation of new land masses in the form of islands.

What are the real names of East Egg and West Egg?



Cow Neck and Great Neck


What happened between Lanyon and Jekyll?


Jekyll and Lanyon had a disagreement over Jekyll's latest experiment, which Lanyon dismissed as scientific nonsense

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

This is the title of Robert Louis Stevenson's short novel about a lawyer, Gabriel John Utterson, who investigates the strange relationship between his old friend, Dr. Henry Jekyll, and the misanthrope Edward Hyde.

Being very relevant due to being a vivid representation of a psychiatric disorder that causes the same person to have two or more identities or personalities with opposite characteristics.

For more about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde here https://brainly.com/question/21279975


what are Corbin dioxide and water (CO2) and water (H2O) converted into as a result of photosynthesis

this subject is science but it won't let me put science ​



In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) are converted into glucose (a sugar) and oxygen (O2). This process is the opposite of cellular respiration, in which glucose and oxygen are consumed to produce CO2 and water as waste products.

The overall chemical equation for the process of photosynthesis is:

6 CO2 + 6 H2O + light energy → C6H12O6 + 6 O2


6 CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) + 6 H2O (Water) absorbs light energy,

and convert into C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6 O2 (oxygen)

Uday Tahlan

If the P-wave arrives at 1:00pm and the S-wave arrives at 1:07pm, how far from the epicenter is this location?


If the P-wave arrives at 1:00pm and the S-wave arrives at 1:07pm, Seismic wave travel time data and triangulation are needed to calculate the epicenter-to-P-wave and S-wave distance.

What is the epicenter?

Generally, To determine the distance from the epicenter to the location where the P-wave and S-wave were detected, you would need to use seismic wave travel time data and a method called triangulation.

This involves measuring the arrival times of the P-wave and S-wave at multiple seismograph stations and then using the difference in arrival times to calculate the distance to the epicenter.

Without more information, it is not possible to determine the distance to the epicenter from the arrival time of just one P-wave and one S-wave.

Read more about epicenter



Which of these serve as protective barriers along coastlines and are often destroyed when hit by a strong hurricane?
a. the erosion of land along coastline
b. the buildup of dunes along the coast over time
c. the new construction of buildings along the coastline
d. the buildup of organic material from oil rigs along the coast


Over time, dunes have grown and developed along the shore, acting as protective barriers along coasts. These dunes are frequently damaged when a powerful hurricane strikes.

However, sand deposits are not just found in deserts; dunes may also form along coasts, next to streams in semiarid climates, in glacial outwash basins, and in other locations where poorly cemented sandstone bedrock is broken to produce a large amount of loose sand. Subaqueous dunes can occur when flowing water interacts with the sand or gravel beds of rivers, estuaries, and the ocean bottom.

In addition to providing vital ecological habitat, sand dunes act as a natural barrier against storm surge and powerful waves, preventing or greatly reducing coastal flooding and structural damage. They provide sand to beaches that have deteriorated as well as serving as sand storage areas. The preservation or enhancement of dune systems can help to safeguard coasts, particularly in areas with low to moderate erosion.

Learn more about Sand Dunes here:



propose a sustainable solution to reduce the amount of soil erosion from agricultural practices.


Sustainable solution to reduce the amount of soil erosion from agricultural practices are:

Cover crops, such as winter rye, are planted in vegetable gardens. There are also cultivated annual grasses, small grains, legumes, and other plant species that serve as a temporary vegetative cover. When cover crops are tilled under, they commonly serve as "green manure" crops.Using wood chips, crushed stone, and other similar objects in highly populated areas where it is difficult to generate and retain vegetation. Using additional erosion controls, such as geotextiles or other procedures that offer permanent cover, such as hydroseeding or sodding. These strategies are useful in areas with heavy traffic and steep hills.Preserving a robust perennial plant cover, Mulching. Resolving the problems in the places where there is a lot of stormwater runoff. Redirecting rainwater and roof overflow to places where it can settle and diffuse, like a rain garden, is one way to address these issue areas.

Learn more about Soil Erosion here:



Which one of the following will effectively limit further deflation in a given area?
A) sea level
B) desert pavement
C) a hanging valley
D) the repose level


B. Desert pavement

Removing soil from the surface is known as deflation the reason could be wind, water, or natural calamity. But desert pavement stops the removal of soil, clay, and silt from the surface. It might occur due to wind erosion.

Desert Pavement is the rock platforms that are exposed in the desert when the desert dunes of sand are weathered and eroded due to wind and water. Which leads to the removal of sand from that surface to expose bare rock.

So no further deflation is possible from that place as of that moment as solid rock can not be removed by wind. It is a frequent phenomena in the desert, Which can be observed when wind flow.

It is called Reg(in west Africa), Serir(In East Africa), Gibber(Australia), and Sai(Asia).

Learn More about Desert pavement : https://brainly.com/question/14265062

weather is the _________ conditions of the atmosphere in a particular place.

A) local, day-to-day.

B) beef patty, lettuce.

C) orange doesn't rhyme.

D) circus coming to town.



I think the answer is A) Local, day-to-day

The correct answer to be filled in the blank is Option (A)-Local, day-to-day.

Weather is the everyday condition of the Earth's atmosphere for a quick duration of time and location whereas, the common year-after-year stipulations of temperature and precipitation in a specific area over a long period of duration is recognized as Climate.

The other options such as - (B) Beef patty, lettuce ; (C) Orange doesn't rhyme ; (D) Circus coming to town; are too irrelevant to the question as they don't seem fit to fill up the blank space.

To know more about the weather, click here:


A mineral within a metamorphic rock that can be used to provide a narrow constraint on the temperature and pressure of rock formation is termed a(n) ________ mineral. Group of answer choices


A mineral within a metamorphic rock that can be used to provide a narrow constraint on the temperature and pressure of rock formation is termed  index mineral.

Index minerals are used to help geologists understand the geologic history of a rock, as they are resistant to alteration by heat and pressure. Index minerals form in rocks that have been subjected to specific temperatures and pressures. They are used to indicate the range of temperatures and pressures under which a rock was formed.

For example, the index mineral biotite forms in rocks that have experienced temperatures between 400 and 500° Celsius and pressures between 2-4 kbar.

In addition to providing an indication of the temperature and pressure of a rock’s formation, index minerals can also help geologists determine the rock’s chemical composition. Different minerals form under different chemical conditions and can be used to identify the composition of a rock.

Index minerals are used in combination with other methods to provide a more detailed and accurate picture of the geologic history of a rock. This allows geologists to better understand the processes that have shaped the rocks in a given area.

Learn more about index mineral at :https://brainly.com/question/29760834


Complete question :

a.index mineral


c.metamorphic rocks

d.sedimentary rocks

Computer models can help scientists predict weather. Some computer models can show the predicted path of hurricanes. What other events could a computer model help warn us of? A) undersea earthquakes , tornadoes, and avalanches B) tornadoes C) avalanches D) undersea earthquakes


Some computer models can show the predicted path of hurricanes. Other events that a computer model can help warn us is Undersea Earthquakes.

An earthquake that takes place underwater at the bottom of a body of water, particularly an ocean, is known as a submarine, undersea, or underwater earthquake. They are the main reason why tsunamis occur. The moment magnitude scale may be used to measure the magnitude, while the Mercalli intensity scale can be used to assess the intensity.

The tectonic plates that make up the Earth's surface, known as the lithosphere, have a thickness of around 50 miles on average and are perpetually moving very slowly over a layer of magma in the asthenosphere and inner mantle. In situations when there is simply shear stress, the plates move horizontally past one another or subduct beneath one another.

Learn more about Earthquakes here:



How did Mapp v. Ohio set a legal precedent?
1. The Supreme Court’s ruling extended the exclusionary rule to state courts.
2. The Supreme Court’s ruling made it legal to own por..graphy.
3. The Supreme Court’s ruling allowed officers to enter homes within reason.
4. The Supreme Court’s ruling required that state courts uphold anti-gambling laws.


The case of "Mapp v. Ohio" set a legal precedent because the Supreme Court’s ruling extended the exclusionary rule to state courts. The Option 1 is correct.

Why is case of Mapp v. Ohio significant?

In Mapp v. Ohio, the United States Supreme Court ruled (6-3) on June 19, 1961, that evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which prohibits "unreasonable searches and seizures," is inadmissible in state courts.

In doing so, it held that the federal exclusionary rule, which prohibited the use of unconstitutionally obtained evidence in federal courts, was also applicable to states under the incorporation doctrine, the theory that most protections of the federal Bill of Rights are guaranteed against the states under the Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause, which prohibits states from denying life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

Read more about Mapp v. Ohio



What are three goals of Wilson’s plan?
What is the tone of Wilson’s speech?


The goals of Wilson's plans are:

To ensure peace internationallyTo create a way for justiceTo remove economic barriers between nations.

The tone in his speech tells us that he is serious about the issues that were happening that resulted into war.

What was Woodrow Wilson's peace plan?

Woodrow Wilson's peace plan was called the Fourteen Points. It was a set of principles for peace that he outlined in a speech to the United States Congress on January 8, 1918, during World War I. The Fourteen Points were intended to provide a framework for a just and lasting peace settlement at the end of the war.

The main goals of the Fourteen Points were:

Open diplomacy: All nations should conduct their foreign relations openly and honestly, with no secret treaties or alliances.

Free seas: The free flow of trade and commerce should not be impeded by any nation.

Disarmament: All nations should reduce their military forces to the lowest level necessary for internal security.

Fair treatment of colonial peoples: The rights and self-government of colonial peoples should be respected.

Adjustment of colonial claims: Colonial claims should be adjusted through peaceful means, with the well-being of the inhabitants as the paramount consideration.

Read more on Woodrow Wilson here: https://brainly.com/question/4112868


What does the West Egg in The Great Gatsby symbolize?



New money


What were the common characteristics of Greek city-states ?


Greek city-states shared a few traits in common, including the fact that their populations were often tiny and their residents were all acquainted with one another.

Citizens choose the representatives they wanted to represent them in these democracies. They were very proud of their city-state and all that it had accomplished. Poleis, commonly referred to as greek city-states, were a distinct type of political structure that emerged in the ancient greek world. They were distinguished by a common language and culture, and residents of their small, autonomous towns or cities.

These cities typically had fortifications to protect them, and they had their own unique laws and customs. Greek city-states had democratically elected governments that included citizen participation in decision-making.city-states in greece. were towns that served as independent nations. were apart from one another. Regardless of their distinctions, greek city-states all worshipped the gods of mount olympus to varied degrees and shared the same ancient greek language.

To know more about greek city states visit:



how does describe the international space station's development over time?


The first ISS component was put into orbit by Russia in 1998. Since then, there has been many trips carrying components and personnel to the station.

The international space station

An orbiting research facility is known as the International Space Station, or ISS.

It is a modular space station that is currently orbiting the Earth at a low altitude.

Only through international cooperation were the ISS's construction and operation made feasible. Participating in the ISS program are the following five major space agencies: NASA in the United States, Roscosmos in Russia, JAXA in Japan, ESA in Europe, and CSA in Canada.

Through intergovernmental agreements, the five countries decide to jointly own and operate the ISS. China also has a space program, although they have their own space station and do not participate in the ISS.

Learn more about the international space station here https://brainly.com/question/18650677


which of the major types of fossils do not form in sediments. describe how this type can form


The major type of sedimentary rock which does not contain fossils is Metamorphic Rock.

Metamorphic rocks were igneous or sedimentary rocks but change to their metamorphosed form when subjected to high heat or high pressure or both. These conditions can be found deep inside the earth.

The rocks do not melt in the process of metamorphism but are transformed into denser and more compact rocks. The process includes the creation of new minerals formed due to the reaction of fluids entering the rock.

Metamorphic rocks go through conditions like folding and smearing but are never melted. They are of two types: Foliated and Non-Foliated Metamorphic rocks. Common metamorphic rocks are Phyllite, Schist, Marble, and many more.

Learn more about Types of Rocks:


The complete question would be: Which of the major types of sedimentary rock do not contain fossils?

U.S. National For
1. What is the role of the Forest Service? What controversy surrounds its practices?


Private businesses remove lumber rather than the government itself in order to monitor logging in national forests. People believe that their tax monies are going to the privately owned corporation, which makes it problematic.

The Forest Service is what?

The U.S. Forest Service was established as a result of the Transfer Act of February 1, 1905 (16 U.S.C. 472), which transferred administration of the Federal Forest Reserves from the Department of the Interior to the Department of Agriculture. The USDA Forest Service works to preserve the nation's forests and grasslands' health, diversity, and productivity in order to meet the needs of both the present and future generations.

The goal of the Forest Service is to preserve the nation's forests and grasslands' health, diversity, and productivity in order to meet the demands of both the present and the future generations.

To know more about Forest, visit:



Match and identify the lettered features that are pointed out on the geologic map.

1. A Strike and dip
2. B Rock age/name
3. C Rock type
4. D Contact line
5. E Fault line


The appropriate responses, if this is for Earth Science on Odyssey software, are:

What is the earth?

Only one astronomical object—Earth, which is third from the Sun—is known to support life. Although the Solar System contains enormous amounts of water, only Earth is home to liquid surface water. The oceans cover around 71% of Earth's surface, dwarfing its lakes, rivers, and polar ice.

The distribution of materials on or near the Earth's surface is depicted on a geologic map. Typically, various rock kinds or unconsolidated materials are grouped into map units and represented by varying hues. Geologic maps display data that was manually gathered in the field while surveying Vermont's terrain.

1. Colors (different rock units) - E

2. Letter symbol (type and age of rock) - A

3. Contact Line - D

4. Fault line - F

5. Fold axis - C

6. Strike and dip - B

Therefore, Should this be for Earth Science on the Odyssey program, are

Learn more about the earth here:



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