Who is the deputy assistant to the secretary of defense?


Answer 1

Kathleen H. Hicks is 35th Assistant Secretary of Defense to take office on February 9, 2021. Most recently, she served as Senior Vice President and Director of the International Security Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

What is an assistant secretary?

The Deputy Secretary acts as the Secretary of State's primary deputy, adviser, and alter-ego. Acting as acting secretary of state in the absence of the secretary of state. It also assists the Secretary of State in formulating and implementing U.S. foreign policy and in general oversight and direction of all elements of the United States.

What is the rank of assistant secretary?

(C) Secretary/Assistant Secretary and Equivalent Officers - The Secretary/Assistant Secretary is an officer acting on behalf of the Secretary. He heads the secretarial department and is responsible for the execution of government affairs handled within the departments under his authority.

To know more about Secretary visit here:



Related Questions

what is the animal crossing truffles?


Truffles is a cheery pig villager that has appeared in every game in the Animal Crossing series to date. Her name may have been inspired by the fungus with the same name, which pigs frequently dig up from the ground and eat.

Truffles will constantly seem upbeat because he is a happy villager. In Animal Crossing: Wild World, it will be simple to get friends with her and acquire her image because she gets along with everyone in the village, including the player. She will engage in the typical pastimes and might request any cute animals the player has, like fish or bugs. She will become upset easily, but because she has a short attention span, she won't remember the talk at all. She reads Ms. Nintendique, an obscure magazine that peppy and snobby villagers in Animal Crossing: Wild World read, and she shares the aspiration of all peppy villagers of becoming renowned in the future. She will get along well with ordinary, lethargic, and other happy villagers, but her positive outlook can irritate snobbish and grumpy locals.

To know more about Animal Crossing:



Is it possible to write a good story without conflict?


Although a story without conflict is possible, it is likely to lack verisimilitude, or the ability to accurately depict real life.

In real life, resolving disagreements with other people requires compromise. It doesn't feel real if everyone always says yes.

Can a story be written without conflict?

We reveal our characters through conflict, such as obstacles and setbacks: their priorities, anxieties, development, etc. Readers become invested in the story because their successes and failures reflect on them. But there are other ways to tell stories as well. In fact, there are a few stories with no conflict at all.

Does a story need conflict to be good?

Every story needs to have conflict. There will always be conflict in a story, regardless of genre—novel, short story, mystery, romance, thriller, adult, or children's. There needs to be some kind of conflict in the plot in order to keep things interesting and exciting.

To learn more about conflict here:



theory of government in which a single party or leader maintains strict control is called


Totalitarianism is authoritarian form of government in which the ruling party allows no limits to its powers, including the lives and rights of its citizens.

What is the full meaning of totalitarianism?

Totalitarianism is a form of government that seeks complete control over the lives of its citizens. It is characterized by powerful central rules that seek to control and direct all aspects of an individual's life through coercion and oppression. does not allow individual liberty.

Difference between the totalitarianism and the dictatorship?

The underlying reality of dictatorships has always been the concentration of power in a single center and the mobilization of force to prevent the emergence of opposition. Totalitarianism differs from previous forms of dictatorship in that it uses state power to impose an official ideology on citizens.  

To know more about Totalitarianism visit here:



Recent research suggests that adolescent brains:A. are the same as fully formed adult brains.B. are undergoing transition and thus may be particularly vulnerable to exposure to drugs and alcohol.C. show an increase in the proportion of gray matter but not white matter.D. develop at the same speed in males and females.


Option B is correct.

Recent research suggests that adolescent brains are undergoing transition and thus may be particularly vulnerable to exposure to drugs and alcohol (option B).

During adolescence, the brain undergoes significant changes, including an increase in the amount of white matter and a decrease in the amount of gray matter. This process is called "pruning" and is thought to be important for the development of more efficient and effective neural connections.

However, because the adolescent brain is still developing, it may be more susceptible to the effects of drugs and alcohol, which can alter brain chemistry and interfere with the development of healthy neural connections. This is why it is especially important for adolescents to avoid substance use.

To learn more about adolescent brains:



What is more comfortable in life, to have or not to have knowledge?


Having knowledge is more comfortable in life because it gives you the power to better understand the world around you, make informed decisions, and develop yourself in meaningful ways.

Being well-informed allows you to make wise decisions, better comprehend the world around you, and meaningfully grow as a person. This makes life more comfortable.

Knowledge also gives you the confidence to pursue opportunities, engage in meaningful conversations, and build relationships. Having knowledge can also help you to be more successful in both your professional and personal life.

Having knowledge can help you to make better decisions and can help you to better understand the world around you. Knowledge can also help you to get better jobs and opportunities and can even help you to be a better leader. Moreover, knowledge can help you to build relationships and can be a great source of confidence.

To learn more about Knowledge link is here



How is terrorism related to globalization?


The process of globalization is successfully used by terrorists to strengthen their fortitude, access to violent methods, and presence throughout the world.

More specifically, as globalization grows, terrorism as a whole rises as the cost of illegal action falls in comparison to the cost of lawful activity. The growth of the global economy's trade, financial, and investment networks is responsible for this reduced risk.

The direct economic loss of lives and property is the most obvious. Through fostering xenophobia, decreasing tourism, and increasing insurance claims, terrorism has an indirect impact on the economy.

To know more about globalization visit :



In which lists are major steps of solar system formation in the correct order?a. gravitational collapse of the solar nebula, accretion, condensation b. gravitational collapse of solar nebula, condensation, accretion c. accretion, condensation, gravitational collapse of solar nebula


The correct order of the major steps of solar system formation is: gravitational collapse of the solar nebula, condensation, accretion.

What was the proper sequence for the solar system's formation?

4.6 billion years ago, the solar nebula, a cloud of gas and dust, gave rise to the Sun and the planets. The collapse of the solar nebula was most likely brought on by a shock wave from a nearby supernova explosion. The planets formed in a thin disc around the Sun, which formed in the centre of the solar system.

What are the primary steps in planet formation?

In the creation of planets, two processes are crucial. As gases in the molecular cloud cool, condensation occurs, producing solid dust grains. Accrution, on the other hand, is the collision of the dust grains to create clumps and gradually larger bodies, some of which develop into planets.

To know more about solar system formation, visit:



How do utilitarianism view freedom?


According to utilitarianism, a decision is morally correct if it tends to increase happiness and is morally wrong if it tends to increase sadness or the opposite of happiness. This applies to everyone who is impacted by the action, not just the actor.

A moral theory known as utilitarianism favors activities that increase happiness and disapproves of those that decrease it."The greatest amount of benefit for the greatest number of people" is what utilitarianism advocates.The goal of utilitarian ethics when applied to a sociopolitical framework is to improve society as a whole.Although utilitarianism is a rational way to deciding what is right and wrong, it has some drawbacks.Justice, culture, and other concepts such as feelings and emotions are not taken into account by utilitarianism.

Learn more about utilitarianism



What is the hand sign for mom?


The hand sign for "mom" is a gesture that involves a complex combination of geometric shapes and movements.

From a mathematical perspective, we can analyze this hand sign as a combination of geometric shapes and movements. First, the hand is positioned with the fingers slightly curled, forming a concave shape. This shape can be approximated by a circle with a small radius.

Next, the thumb is extended and positioned on the chin. The chin can be seen as a point in space, which can be represented mathematically as a coordinate (x,y,z). The thumb can be modeled as a line segment connecting two points, one at the base of the thumb and the other at its tip.

Finally, the fingers are brought towards the palm in a swift motion. This movement can be seen as a rotation of the fingers around their joints, which can be modeled as a series of angles and rotations. The resulting position of the fingers can be seen as a new geometric shape, which is a flat plane with a concave contour, similar to the shape of a spoon.

To know more about sign here



what is unitary system definition ?


Unitary system is a type of government in which all power is held by a single central authority, such as a monarch or dictator.

A unitary system of governance is a kind of rule where all authority is controlled by a single central figure, such as a king or tyrant. This central authority holds all power and makes all major decisions for the whole country, and there is no separation of powers.

Unitary systems can also be based on a constitution or set of laws, but the government still holds ultimate decision-making power. This type of government is usually found in smaller countries, as larger countries usually opt for a federal system.

To learn more about unitary system link is here



Why public goods are provided by government?


Public goods are provided by the government because they are goods that are non-excludable and non-rivalrous. This means that they are available to everyone and one person's use of the good does not diminish another person's use of the good. Examples of public goods include national defence, public parks, and clean air.

Because public goods are non-excludable and non-rivalrous, it is difficult for private companies to profit from providing them. This is known as the free-rider problem, where individuals can benefit from the good without paying for it. As a result, the government steps in to provide these goods in order to ensure that they are available to everyone.

In summary, the government provides public goods because they are necessary for the well-being of society, but are not profitable for private companies to provide.

To learn more about government here:



who this person invented a machine, called a lasting machine, that stitched the leather of a shoe to its sole?


Answer: Jan Matzeliger


what is montresor revenge quotes about?


"Montresor revenge quotes" likely refers to the character of Montresor in Edgar Allan Poe's short story, "The Cask of Amontillado."

In the story, Montresor seeks revenge against a man named Fortunato, whom he believes has wronged him in some way. Montresor's revenge is plotted and executed with great care, as he lures Fortunato into his family's wine cellar with the promise of a rare vintage of Amontillado. Once there, Montresor chains Fortunato to a wall and walls him up alive. The story contains several quotes that illustrate Montresor's desire for revenge, including "The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge."  Once there, Montresor chains Fortunato to a wall and walls him up alive.

Learn more about revenge :



what are the colors of the pan-african flag, used to represent african-americans?


Answer: Red black and green

What is the most important factor in determining whether a research collaboration?


The most important factor in determining whether a research collaboration is suitable or not depends on several factors and may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the collaboration.

However, some key factors that are often considered include:

Shared goals: It is important that collaborators share common goals, research interests, and objectives for the project. If collaborators have different aims and objectives, it can create conflicts and disagreements, leading to an unsuccessful collaboration.

Complementary expertise: Collaborators should have complementary expertise, knowledge, and skills to contribute to the project. This can help to ensure that the research is comprehensive and well-rounded.

Good communication: Good communication between collaborators is essential to ensure that everyone is on the same page and to avoid misunderstandings. Collaborators should be able to communicate openly and clearly, and be willing to listen to each other's ideas and suggestions.

Trust and mutual respect: Trust and mutual respect are essential components of a successful collaboration. Collaborators should be able to trust each other's work and expertise, and show mutual respect for each other's contributions.

Shared resources: Collaborators should have access to shared resources, such as funding, equipment, and data. This can help to ensure that the project is adequately resourced and has the necessary tools to succeed.

Overall, a successful research collaboration requires a combination of shared goals, complementary expertise, good communication, trust, mutual respect, and shared resources.

To learn more about research collaboration please click on below link.



false or true The probability of the union of two events occurring can never be more than the probability of the intersection of two events occurring.


False. The probability of the union of two events occurring can be more than the probability of the intersection of two events occurring, depending on the events.

To see why, consider two events A and B such that A and B are not mutually exclusive (i.e., they can both occur). Then, the probability of the union of A and B (i.e., the probability that at least one of the events A or B occurs) is given by:

P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A ∩ B)

where P(A ∩ B) is the probability that both A and B occur. If P(A ∩ B) is relatively small, then P(A ∪ B) can be larger than either P(A) or P(B). The probability of the union of A and B occurring which is greater than the probability of either A or B occurring separately.

Learn more about probability here:



what has happened to the water that remains in the aral sea?


The water that remains in the Aral Sea has become highly saline and contaminated with various pollutants, rendering it largely unsuitable for human use or consumption.

In the mid-20th century, the Soviet government diverted water from the two rivers that fed the Aral Sea to irrigate cotton fields and other agricultural crops in the surrounding regions, causing the sea to shrink dramatically over several decades.

As the water level dropped, the salinity of the remaining water increased, and pollutants from agricultural and industrial activities accumulated in the sediments and remaining water.

Today, the Aral Sea is a fraction of its former size, and the remaining water is highly polluted and salty. The high salinity levels make it difficult for plants and animals to survive, and the pollutants pose health risks to humans and wildlife.

To learn more about Aral Sea



Which is true of the colonial assemblies before the Stamp Act?A) They did not exist.B) They could not vote on tax laws.C) The colonist’s representatives were elected by Parliament.D) They were a form of self-government.


The true above the colonial assemblies before the Stamp Act was that hey could not vote on tax laws. Thus option (B) is correct.

What are laws?

The laws are formal rules or regulations that are established by a governing authority and enforced by legal or other means. The laws can take many forms, including constitutions, statutes, regulations, court decisions, and administrative actions.

The laws are designed to provide a framework for the orderly and fair functioning of society, and to govern the behavior of individuals and organizations.

They could not vote on tax laws is true of the colonial assemblies before the Stamp Act.  Therefore option (B) is correct.

Learn more about laws here:



What do you learn from Black History Month?


Answer: Blach History Month is "a chance to celebrate Black achievement and provide a fresh reminder to take stock of where systemic racism persists and give visibility to the people and organizations creating change."

List three ways that people tend to try and push aside death rather than face it. Do you think such techniques are useful in helping people cope? Why or why not?


The method people use to put off dying:

1. At funerals, makeup is used to make the corpse appear to be dozing off.

2. Children are given to family members or friends.

What is death?

The complete termination of all biological processes that support an organism is known as death.

The irreversible end of all brain activity, including that of the brainstem, is another definition of death that applies to species with brains.

In fact, brain death is occasionally included in legal definitions of death.

Normally, soon after an organism dies, its remains start to degrade.

All living things eventually experience death, which is an inevitable process.

Turritopsis dohrnii is one of a few physiologically immortal species.

They can still pass away from causes other than old age, though.

Ways individuals try to avoid facing death are:

1. At funerals, makeup is used to make the corpse appear to be dozing off.

2. Children are given to family members or friends.

3. Grandparents who are dying cannot receive grandchildren.

Therefore, the method people use to put off dying:

1. At funerals, makeup is used to make the corpse appear to be dozing off.

2. Children are given to family members or friends.

Know more about death here:



Correct question:

List three ways that people tend to try and push aside death rather than face it.

halfway between winter solstice and spring equinox


It is Friday, 3 February, 2023 - Midway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Winter is shortest of the four seasons that lasts 88.99 days, the shortest of the four seasons.

What is the midpoint between the two solstices?

Equinoxes (spring and fall seasons): These events are called equinoxes. The word equinox comes from two Latin words aequus (equal) and nox (night). At the equator, the Sun is directly above these two equinoxes at noon.

Why is the solstice called Midsummer?

As for the weather, some people (particularly farmers) perceive the days before and after the summer solstice as Midsummer. The harvest looks full and promising, with growers celebrating the expected harvest at the Midsummer Festival.

To learn more about Spring Equinox and Winter Solstice visit:



Sarah Grimke states “In all his sublime description of the creation of man, (which is a generic term including man and woman) there is not one particle of difference intimated as existing between them.” What does Sarah Grimke mean by this?
I will give you 100 points.


Answer: Your welcome!


Sarah Grimke is implying that in the Bible, when it talks about the creation of man, it is referring to both men and women, and that there is no distinction between them in terms of their creation. She is arguing against the idea that men were created to be superior to women, as she believes that God created them as equals.

The field of psychology tends to favor the use of direct observation over reasoning as a means of gaining knowledge about behavior. (T/F)


Compared to other approaches of knowledge acquisition, observation of behaviour provides researchers with a more precise understanding of the reasons of behaviours.

What is psychology?

A scientific study of the mind and behaviour is called psychology. The study of both conscious and unconscious events, such as emotions and thoughts, is included in psychology. It is a field of study that bridges the social and the natural sciences and has a huge scope. Psychologists are interested in learning about the brain's emergent features, which connects psychology to neuroscience. Psychologists seek to comprehend both individual and community behaviour in their roles as social scientists. the science is frequently associated with the initial letter of the Greek word psyche, from whence the word psychology was derived (see below). A psychologist is a trained expert in the field or a researcher who works in it. Some psychologists also fall under the behavioural or cognitive science categories.

To know more about psychology visit:



Do you have to live in Philadelphia to go to a Philadelphia charter school?


Philadelphia charter schools are open to all Pennsylvanians who are five to twenty-one years old. But, Philadelphia-based kids must be given priority in schools over those from other parts of Pennsylvania.

Public schools known as charters operate with more autonomy than district-run schools. This implies that they have more latitude when creating classes and selecting and letting go of instructors. They occasionally have longer school years and more frequently have longer school days than district schools. Many mandate uniforms or have dress codes for pupils.

Over 85 public charter schools may be found in Philadelphia. Attending is not charged. Students from any region of the city are welcome to attend most charter schools. A lottery is used to select students for admission to these schools, with the goal of giving each applicant an equal chance of acceptance.

To know more about public charter schools



Government involvement in the economy is the subject of great debate. While some feel the government provides just the right amount of protection of economic freedoms and rights, others feel that the government hinders the economy because it is too involved in this area. Many feel that such government regulations interfere with the growth of the economy, as sometimes businesses must institute costly practices and procedures in order to comply with government regulations that ensure consumer protection. What are your thoughts about this subject? Do you feel the government should be more involved, less involved, or that the level of government involvement is just right? Provide an explanation of your opinion in at least one paragraph and provide reasons to support your opinion.


In order to enhance overall economic justice, governments could also intervene in markets. One of the most prevalent and well recognized justifications for government involvement is to maximize social welfare.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of government economic intervention?

The advantages of a command economy include reduced levels of disparities and unemployment as well as the shared goal of displacing profit for equality as the main driving force behind production. Lack of competition, which can result in a lack of innovation, and inefficiency are disadvantages of command economies.

What are the ways that the government affects the economy?

Government interference in the economy may take many various forms, including taxes, subsidies, trade restrictions, regulations, minimum wage laws, and bailouts. The government may step in to break up a monopoly, stimulate a faltering economy, or alleviate poverty.

To know more about Government visit:



The statement that "using children under the age of 16 as labor is immoral" is O a. A positive statement O b.An empirical statement O c. A deductive statement O d. A normative statement


In contrast to expressing an objective truth or predicting something that can be tested, the statement "using children under the age of 16 as labor is unethical" is normative since it conveys a value judgement about what ought or ought not to be done.

What is a normative statement?

A statement of this sort, known as a normative statement, offers a value judgement about what should or shouldn't be done. It is a personal assertion that expresses a certain moral or ethical viewpoint. Positive statements, on the other hand, explain the world as it is without making moral or ethical judgements. Normative statements are different from positive statements. In discussions regarding social, economic, and political concerns, when many parties have varying normative perspectives, normative assertions are frequently utilized. When analysing arguments, making wise judgements, and participating in fruitful debates, it's critical to distinguish between normative and positive claims.

To learn more about normative visit here:



who is adrienne maree brown


The Emergent Strategy Ideation Institute's writer-in-residence, Adrienne Maree Brown, is the author of Holding Change: The Way of Emergent Strategy Facilitation and Mediation, Grievers (the first nove-lla in a trilogy on the Black Dawn imprint), and other works.

The co-editor of Octavia's Brown: Science Fiction from Social Justice Movements and How to Get St-upid White Men Out of Office, We Will Not Cancel Us and Other Dreams of Transformative Justice, Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good, Adrienne Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds, and We Will Not Cancel Us and Other Dreams of Transformative Justice. She cohosts three podcasts: Octavia's Parables, Emergent Strategy, and How to Survive the End of the World. Detroit serves as Adrien's home base.

To learn more about Adrienne, click here.



What is the name of the act that created the Nmls?


The NMLS (Nationwide Multistate Licensing System) was created by the SAFE Act (Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act) in 2008.

The SAFE Act is a federal law that was passed in response to the 2008 financial crisis and is aimed at improving consumer protection and reducing fraud in the mortgage industry.

The act requires all mortgage loan originators to be registered with the NMLS and to undergo background checks, training, and continuing education to ensure that they are qualified and meet the standards set by the law.

The NMLS serves as a centralized database and online platform for managing the registration and licensing of mortgage loan originators across multiple states.

For such more question on federal



what was one way that enlightenment ideas influenced leaders during the french revolution?


Revolutionary leaders increased the Catholic Church's power. The majority of French nobles were eager to distribute their money to the poorer classes.

The French Revolution was a time of significant social upheaval that lasted from 1787 through 1799. It aimed to rethink the essence of political power and fundamentally alter the dynamic between the governing class and those they oversaw. Between revolutionary and reactionary forces, it moved in a back and forth fashion.

There were a lot of causes. Although they had increased financial power, the bourgeoisie—merchants, manufacturers, and professionals—were not included in the political process. Socially inferior people had very few rights and were typically becoming more and more destitute. No longer was the monarchy thought to have been ordained by God. The king's plans to impose more taxes on the poor and extend them to previously exempt groups made revolution all but certain.

Learn more about The French Revolution



What is Class A Class B and Class C networks?


If an address is published in decimal format, the address is identified by the first number. The address is class A if the first number is between 0 and 127 inclusive. The address is class B if the first number is within the range of 128 and 191 inclusively. The address is class C if the first number is within the range of 192 and 223 inclusively.

A set of rules defining the procedures for each host or router on the network to follow when transmitting data to—or receiving data from—other hosts or routers must be in place before two or more computers can communicate with one another. A protocol is a set of rules, and TCP/IP is the most widely used protocol in computing right now.

You need to comprehend the TCP/IP protocol suite to comprehend both computer networking and internetworking. I'll give you an introduction to the TCP/IP protocol suite in this Daily Drill Down.

An IP address is a 32-bit (4-byte) number that is represented in dot notation, which merely means that a dot, or period, is placed between each byte. In dot notation, a typical IP address would seem as follows:

To learn more about Network classes, click here:



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