Which option is considered hardware and is designed by computer
O A. The operating system that runs a computer
OB. A computer's processors and circuit boards
OC. Networks that connect computers
D. Game and web applications


Answer 1

Hardware includes components like circuit boards and CPUs, which are created by computer experts.

Hardware definition and examples.

Computer: Any component of the computer that we can touch is referred to as hardware. These are the main electronic components that go into making a computer. The Processor, Memory Devices, Monitor, Printer, Keyboard, Mouse, and Central Processing Unit are a few examples of hardware in a computer.

How do software and hardware differ?

Any physical component of a computer is referred to as hardware. This includes hardware like monitors and keyboards as well as components found within gadgets like hard drives and microchips. Software, which includes computer programs and mobile apps, is anything that instructs hardware on what to do and how to accomplish it.

To learn more about hardware visit:



Related Questions

7. The expansion slot is located on the A. CPU B. DVD drive C. D. Hard disk Motherboard​





Hey tell me more about your service. I have a school assignment 150 questions and answers on cyber security,how can I get it done?




I have knowledge in a wide range of topics and I can help you with your school assignment by answering questions on cyber security.

However, I want to make sure that you understand that completing a 150 question assignment on cyber security can be time-consuming and it's also important that you understand the material well in order to do well on exams and to apply the knowledge in real-world situations.

It would be beneficial to you if you try to work on the assignment by yourself first, then use me as a resource to clarify any doubts or to check your answers. That way you'll have a deeper understanding of the material and the assignment will be more beneficial to you in the long run.

Please also note that it is important to always check with your teacher or professor to ensure that getting assistance from an AI model is in line with your school's academic policies.

Please let me know if there's anything specific you would like help with and I'll do my best to assist you.

1. Explain the benefits and drawbacks of using C++ and Visual Studio in a coding project.
2. Explain the benefits and drawbacks of using Java and Eclipse or Python and PyCharm in a coding project.
3. Describe the advantages of being able to code in multiple coding languages and compilers.



1. The benefits of using C++ and Visual Studio in a coding project include the availability of a wide range of libraries and tools, the ability to create high-performance applications, and the ability to customize the code as needed. Drawbacks include the complexity of the language and the potential for memory leaks.

2. The benefits of using Java and Eclipse or Python and PyCharm in a coding project include the availability of a large number of libraries and tools, the ability to create high-level applications quickly, and the relative simplicity of the language. Drawbacks include the potential for code to become bloated and the lack of support for certain features.

3. The advantages of being able to code in multiple coding languages and compilers include the ability to use different languages and tools for different tasks, the ability to switch between languages quickly, and the ability to take advantage of the strengths of each language. Additionally, coding in multiple languages can help to increase one's overall coding knowledge and skills.


Write a program that will calculate the internal angle of an n-sided polygon from a triangle up
to a dodecagon. The output to the console should show what the random number chosen was
and the value of the internal angle. Remember to find the internal angle of a polygon use:



The  program that will calculate the internal angle of an n-sided polygon from a triangle upto a dodecagon is given below

import random

def internal_angle(n):

   angle = 360 / n

   return angle

n = random.randint(3, 12)

print("Random number chosen:", n)

angle = internal_angle(n)

print("Internal angle of a", n, "-sided polygon:", angle, "degrees")

What is the Python program  about?

The program uses the formula for calculating the internal angle of a polygon, which is 360° divided by the number of sides (n). It also generates a random number between 3 and 12 to represent the number of sides of the polygon, and uses this value to calculate the internal angle.

The program starts by importing the random library, which is used to generate a random number. Then, it defines a function called "internal_angle" that takes one parameter, "n", which represents the number of sides of the polygon.

Inside the function, the internal angle of the polygon is calculated by dividing 360 by n and storing the result in the variable "angle". The function then returns this value.

Therefore, It's important to note that the internal angle of a polygon would be correct as long as the number of sides is greater than 2.

Learn more about Python program from


List 2 or 3 visual aids that you might use during a speech on "Technology in the Classroom" (or a topic of your choosing) to illustrate your main points, and explain exactly how you plan to use them. (Site 1)



Graphs or charts: I would use graphs or charts to illustrate the trend of technology usage in the classroom over time. For example, I could show a line graph that compares the percentage of classrooms that had no technology, limited technology, or full technology access in the past decade. This would allow the audience to see the increasing trend of technology adoption in the classroom and better understand the impact that technology is having on education.

Photos or videos: I would use photos or videos to provide concrete examples of how technology is being used in the classroom to enhance teaching and learning. For example, I could show a video of a teacher using a virtual reality headset to take her students on a virtual field trip to a museum, or I could show a series of photos of students using tablets or laptops to complete assignments and collaborate with their peers. These visual aids would help the audience to better understand the specific ways in which technology is being used in the classroom and how it is benefiting students and teachers.

Infographic: I would use an infographic to present a summary of the main points of my speech in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand format. The infographic could include bullet points or graphics that highlight the key benefits of technology in the classroom, such as increased engagement, improved learning outcomes, and enhanced collaboration. By presenting the information in this way, I could help the audience to quickly grasp the main points of my speech and better retain the information.

how to Design a registration page​ for a school called At school complex with html



<!DOCTYPE html>



 <title>At School Complex Registration</title>

 <meta charset="utf-8">



 <h1>At School Complex Registration</h1>


   <label for="name">Name:</label><br>

   <input type="text" id="name" name="name"><br>

   <label for="email">Email:</label><br>

   <input type="email" id="email" name="email"><br>

   <label for="phone">Phone:</label><br>

   <input type="phone" id="phone" name="phone"><br>

   <label for="grade">Grade Level:</label><br>

   <select id="grade" name="grade">

     <option value="kindergarten">Kindergarten</option>

     <option value="elementary">Elementary</option>

     <option value="middle">Middle</option>

     <option value="high">High</option>



   <input type="checkbox" id="activities" name="activities">

   <label for="activities">I am interested in after-school activities</label><br>

   <input type="submit" value="Submit">




Needing some help with a code, any help would be appreciate for C++

Write a program that has the following functions:
- int* ShiftByOne(int[], int);
This function accepts an int array and the array’s size as arguments. The
function should shift all values by 1. So, the 1st element of the array should
be moved to the 2nd position, 2nd element to the 3rd position, and so on so
forth. Last item should be moved to the 1st position. The function should
modify the input array in place and return a pointer to the input array.
- Int* GetMax(int[], int);
This function accepts an int array and the array’s size as arguments. The
function should return the memory address of the maximum value found in
the array.
- unsigned int GetSize(char[]);
This function accepts a character array (C-String) and should return the size
of the array.


The program that has the following functions is given below:

The Program

#include <algorithm>

int* ShiftByOne(int array[], int size) {

   int temp = array[size - 1];

   for (int i = size - 1; i > 0; i--) {

       array[i] = array[i - 1];


   array[0] = temp;

   return array;


int* GetMax(int array[], int size) {

   int max_val = *std::max_element(array, array + size);

   return &max_val;


unsigned int GetSize(char str[]) {

   unsigned int size = 0;

   for (int i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++) {



   return size;


Note: The function ShiftByOne() modifies the input array in place and return a pointer to the input array.

The function GetMax() returns the memory address of the maximum value found in the array.

The function GetSize() returns the size of the array.

Read more about programs here:



The user is able to input grades

and their weights, and calculates the overall final mark. The program should also output what you need to achieve on a specific assessment to achieve a desired overall mark. The program should be able to account for multiple courses as well. Lists are allowed.

Name of person
Number of courses
Course ID
Grades and Weights in various categories (Homework, Quiz, and Tests)
Enter grades until -1 is entered for each category
Final Grade before exam
Calculate to get a desired mark (using final exam)
Output all courses



Here is an example of how you could write a program to perform the tasks described:

# Store the student's name and number of courses

name = input("Enter the student's name: ")

num_courses = int(input("Enter the number of courses: "))

# Create an empty list to store the course data

courses = []

# Loop through each course

for i in range(num_courses):

   # Input the course ID and initialize the total grade to 0

   course_id = input("Enter the course ID: ")

   total_grade = 0


   # Input the grades and weights for each category

   print("Enter grades and weights for each category (enter -1 to finish)")

   while True:

       category = input("Enter the category (homework, quiz, test): ")

       if category == "-1":


       grade = int(input("Enter the grade: "))

       weight = int(input("Enter the weight: "))


       # Calculate the contribution of this category to the total grade

       total_grade += grade * weight


   # Store the course data in a dictionary and add it to the list

   course_data = {

       "id": course_id,

       "grade": total_grade




# Input the final grade before the exam

final_grade_before_exam = int(input("Enter the final grade before the exam: "))

Write a Java program that have ten integral values into an array namely List. Your program
should have a menu to select/perform the following functions :-
lnsert ( ) - accept a value into the array if it's not full
Remove ( ) - remove a value from an array if it's not empty based on user selection
Search ( ) - Return the numbers of the particular search value
lncrease ( ) - lncrease the percentage of the store value based onto the input percentage
Update ( ) - Edit the existing value choose by user.


Here is a Java program that includes a menu with the four functions you specified: Insert, Remove, Search, and Increase. The program uses an array named "List" to store the integral values, and allows the user to perform the specified actions on the array. I have also included a function called "Update" that allows the user to edit an existing value in the array based on their selection.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ArrayMenu {
static Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
static int[] List = new int[10];
static int size = 0;

public static void main(String[] args) {
boolean exit = false;
while (!exit) {
System.out.println("1. Insert a value");
System.out.println("2. Remove a value");
System.out.println("3. Search for a value");
System.out.println("4. Increase the value of all elements by a percentage");
System.out.println("5. Update an existing value");
System.out.println("6. Exit");
System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");
int choice = input.nextInt();
switch (choice) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
exit = true;
System.out.println("Invalid choice. Please try again.");

public static void insert() {
if (size < 10) {
System.out.print("Enter a value to insert: ");
int value = input.nextInt();
List[size] = value;
} else {
System.out.println("Array is full. Cannot insert a new value.");

public static void remove() {
if (size > 0) {
System.out.print("Enter the index of the value to remove: ");
int index = input.nextInt();
if (index >= 0 && index < size) {
for (int i = index; i < size - 1; i++) {
List[i] = List[i + 1];
} else {
System.out.println("Invalid index. Please try again.");
} else {
System.out.println("Array is empty. Cannot remove a value.");

public static void search() {
System.out.print("Enter a value to search for: ");
int value = input.nextInt();
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (List[i] == value) {
System.out.println("Value found at index " + i);
found = true;
if (!found) {
System.out.println("Value not found in the array.");

Explain TWO examples of IT usages in business (e.g.: application or system) that YOU
have used before. Discuss your experience of using these system or applications. The
discussions have to be from YOUR own experience



(DO NOT copy from other sources). Discuss these systems or applications which include of:

Introduction and background of the application or system. Support with a diagram, screenshots or illustration.


Write a program that will ask the user to enter the amount of a purchase. The program should then compute the state and county sales tax. Assume the state sales tax is 5 percent and the county sales tax is 2.5 percent.in python



This program first prompts the user to enter the amount of the purchase. It then defines the state and county sales tax rates as constants. It calculates the state and county sales tax amounts by multiplying the purchase amount by the appropriate tax rate. Finally, it calculates the total sales tax by adding the state and county sales tax amounts together, and prints the results.


The instructions will be shown down below, along with an example of how the program should come out when finished. Please send a screenshot or a file of the program once finished as the answer.


Using the knowledge in computational language in JAVA it is possible program should come out when finished.  

Writting the code:

package numberofcharacters;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class App {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       String toCalculate = "123+98-79÷2*5";

       int operator_count = 0;  

       ArrayList<Character> operators = new ArrayList<>();

       for (int i=0; i < toCalculate.length(); i++){

            if (toCalculate.charAt(i) == '+' || toCalculate.charAt(i) == '-' ||

                toCalculate.charAt(i) == '*' || toCalculate.charAt(i) == '÷' ) {

            operator_count++;  /*Calculating

                                 number of operators in a String toCalculate


            operators.add(toCalculate.charAt(i)); /* Adding that operator to





    System.out.println("Return Value :" );

    String[] retval = toCalculate.split("\\+|\\-|\\*|\\÷", operator_count + 1);    

   int num1 = Integer.parseInt(retval[0]);

   int num2 = 0;

   int j = 0;

   for (int i = 1; i < retval.length; i++) {

       num2 = Integer.parseInt(retval[i]);

       char operator = operators.get(j);

       if (operator == '+') {

           num1 = num1 + num2;

       }else if(operator == '-'){

           num1 = num1 - num2;

       }else if(operator == '÷'){

           num1 = num1 / num2;


           num1 = num1 * num2;




   System.out.println(num1);   // Prints the result value



See more about JAVA at brainly.com/question/29897053


Hey tell me more about your service



look below!


please add more context and I’ll be happy to answer!

Can you incorporate open-source code from a github forum into IP tool?





Answer: No, Info does not allow the use of open-source components in proprietary software he contracts.

which function in the random library will generate a random integer within a range of specified by two parameters? the range is inclusive of the two parameters


Ran dint Python function is the function in the random library will generate a random integer within a range of specified by two parameters.

What is Ran dint Python function?

With both inclusive parameters, the randint Python method returns an integer that was created at random from the provided range.

The randint() method provides a selected integer number from the given range. Note that randrange(start, stop+1) is an alias for this technique.

A value from a list or dictionary will be generated by the random command. And the randint command will choose an integer value at random from the provided list or dictionary.

Thus, Ran dint Python function.

For more information about Ran dint Python function, click here:



Write a java program that asks the student for his name and the month in which he/she was born. Students are then divided into sections, according to the following: Section A: Name starts between A - E Born between months 1 - 6 Section B: Name starts between F - L Born between months 1 - 6 Section C: Name starts between M - Q Born between months 7 - 12 Section D: Name starts between R - Z Born between months 7 - 12



import java.util.Scanner;

public class SectionAssignment {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

   // Create a scanner object to read input

   Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);


   // Prompt the student for their name

   System.out.print("Enter your name: ");

   String name = input.nextLine();


   // Prompt the student for the month they were born

   System.out.print("Enter the month you were born (1-12): ");

   int month = input.nextInt();


   // Assign the student to a section based on their name and birth month

   String section = "";

   if (name.charAt(0) >= 'A' && name.charAt(0) <= 'E' && month >= 1 && month <= 6) {

     section = "A";

   } else if (name.charAt(0) >= 'F' && name.charAt(0) <= 'L' && month >= 1 && month <= 6) {

     section = "B";

   } else if (name.charAt(0) >= 'M' && name.charAt(0) <= 'Q' && month >= 7 && month <= 12) {

     section = "C";

   } else if (name.charAt(0) >= 'R' && name.charAt(0) <= 'Z' && month >= 7 && month <= 12) {

     section = "D";

   } else {

     section = "Invalid";



   // Print the student's section assignment

   System.out.println("Your section is: " + section);



What is output by the following code? c = 1 sum = 0 while (c < 10): c = c + 2 sum = sum + c print (sum)


With the given code, The code outputs 24.

How is this code run?

On the first iteration, c is 1 and sum is 0, so c is incremented to 3 and sum is incremented to 3.

On the second iteration, c is 3 and sum is 3, so c is incremented to 5 and sum is incremented to 8.

On the third iteration, c is 5 and sum is 8, so c is incremented to 7 and sum is incremented to 15.

On the fourth iteration, c is 7 and sum is 15, so c is incremented to 9 and sum is incremented to 24.

At this point, c is no longer less than 10, so the while loop exits and the final value of sum is printed, which is 24.

Read more about programs here:



How many rows are in the SFrame?


Answer: It's not possible for me to know how many rows are in a specific SFrame without more information. The number of rows in an SFrame will depend on the data that it contains and how it was created.

Explanation: SFrame is a data structure for storing large amounts of data in a tabular format, similar to a spreadsheet or a SQL table. It was developed by the company Turi, which was later acquired by Apple. SFrames are designed to be efficient and scalable, and they can store data in a variety of formats, including numerical, categorical, and text data.

If I wanted to share files only within my organization and limit my employees from sharing information with external people, what type of network should I set up in my office?

A) Internet
B) Peer-to-Point
C) Intranet
D) Extranet


An intranet is a computer network for sharing information, easier communication, collaboration tools, operational systems, and other computing services within an organization, usually to the exclusion of access by outsiders.

_______ is the assurance that you can rely on something to continue working properly throughout its lifespan.

A) Reliability
B) Raid
C) P/E cycle


A) Reliability is the assurance that you can rely on something to continue working properly throughout its lifespan.

Which computers were the first PCs with a GUI


The earliest GUI-equipped PCs were Linux and Mac-based. These are the right answers to the question that was asked.

Which PCs had a graphical user interface (GUI) first?

The first computer to employ a mouse, the desktop metaphor, and a graphical user interface (GUI), concepts Douglas Engelbart first introduced while at International, was the Xerox Alto, developed at Xerox PARC in 1973. It was the first instance of what is now known as a full-fledged personal computer.

When was the GUI added to Windows?

Windows is based on what is known as a graphical user interface (GUI), which was created by Xerox in 1975 but was never used. The "window, icon, menu, and pointing device" (WIMP) combination will make up the majority of a typical GUI.

To learn more about GUI visit:



What is one advantage that typing has compared to writing by hand?
•It can be done anywhere there's paper.

•Each person's typing has its own individual personality

•There's no special equipment needed.

•It's easier to make corrections.


Answer: Typing encourages verbatim notes without giving much thought to the information.

Answer: D its easier to correct mistakes


What benefit do internal networked e-mail systems provide over Internet-based systems?

A) They enable the transmission of videos.
B) They allow e-mail to be sent to coworkers.
C) They allow files to be shared by sending attachments.
D) They provide increased security.



The correct answer is D) They provide increased security.

protocol layering can be found in many aspect of our lives such as air travelling .imagine you make a round trip to spend some time on vacation at a resort .you need to go through some processes at your city airport before flying .you also need to go through some processes when you arrive at resort airport .show the protocol layering for round trip using some layers such as baggage checking/claiming,boarding/unboard,takeoff/landing.​



Baggage checking/claiming:

Check in at the city airport and check your baggage

Claim your baggage at the resort airport


Board the plane at the city airport

Unboard the plane at the resort airport


Takeoff from the city airport

Land at the resort airport

Takeoff from the resort airport

Land at the city airport

draw a flowchart to accept two numbers and check if the first number is divisible by the second number



I've attached the picture below, hope that helps...

Meredith's repair business has two offices—one on the east side of town and one on the west side. An employee may work out of one office on one day and the other office on the next, based on the workload on a given day. For this reason, Meredith found it useful to set up a network to connect both offices. The company's important files are stored on a server so that employees can access the information they need from either location. The type of network Meredith's business is most likely using is a _____.








WAN (Wide Area Network)

How to write a java program that asks the user for grades of students. Once the user enters 0 (zero), the program should print the largest of the marks of the students.



import java.util.Scanner;

public class GradeProgram {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.println("Please enter the student grades: ");

       int grade = sc.nextInt();

       int largestGrade = 0;

       while (grade != 0) {

           if (grade > largestGrade) {

               largestGrade = grade;


           grade = sc.nextInt();


       System.out.println("The largest grade is: " + largestGrade);




If you have a PC, identify some situations in which you can take advantage of its multitasking capabilities.


Situation one: using multiple monitors for tutorials on one screen and an application on another

Situation two: using virtual desktops for separating school and personal applications

Start with a population of 500 organisms, a growth rate of 2, and a growth period to achieve this rate of 6 hours. Assuming that none of the organisms die, this would imply that this population would double in size every 6 hours. Thus, after allowing 6 hours for growth, we would have 1000 organisms, and after 12 hours, we would have 2000 organisms.

Write a program that takes these inputs and displays a prediction of the total population.


organisms=int(input("Enter the initial number of organisms:"))

growth=float(input("Enter the rate of growth [a real number > 1]:"))

numHours=int(input("Enter the number of hours to achieve the rate of growth:"))

totalHours=int(input("Enter the total hours of growth:"))

population = organisms


while numHours < totalHours:

population *= growth

hours += numHours

if hours >= totalHours:


print(" The total population is ", population)

My program gives the correct answer for the original problems numbers, but when I run it through our test case checker it comes back as 3/4 correct.. the problem test case being [organisms 7, growth rate 7, growth period 7, total hours 7]... can't see where I'm going wrong...



It looks like there are a few issues with your program.

First, the line hours += numHours should be hours += 1. This is because you want to increment the hours variable by 1 each time through the loop, not by the number of hours required to achieve the growth rate.

Second, you are only multiplying the population by the growth rate once per iteration of the loop, but you should be doing it every time hours is less than or equal to totalHours. You can fix this by moving the population *= growth line inside the loop's if statement, like this:

while numHours < totalHours:

   if hours <= totalHours:

       population *= growth

   hours += 1

   if hours >= totalHours:


Finally, you are using the variable numHours in your while loop condition, but it should be hours. You should change while numHours < totalHours: to while hours < totalHours:.

With these changes, your program should work correctly for the test case you provided. Here is the modified version of your program:

organisms=int(input("Enter the initial number of organisms:"))

growth=float(input("Enter the rate of growth [a real number > 1]:"))

numHours=int(input("Enter the number of hours to achieve the rate of growth:"))

totalHours=int(input("Enter the total hours of growth:"))

population = organisms

Gigantic Life Insurance has 4000 users spread over five locations in North America. They have called you as a consultant to discuss different options for deploying Windows 10 to the desktops in their organization. They are concerned that users will be bringing their own mobile devices such as tablets and laptops to connect to their work data. This will improve productivity, but they are concerned with what control they have over the users' access to corporate data. How will Windows 10 help the company manage users who bring their own devices?


The answer is nuclear reactions
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Victoria needs to earn at least an 85 in College Algebra. Only exam scores are used to calculate her grade. Currently she has scored an 82, 81, and 90 this semester. All that remains is the semester exam, which counts twice (counts as two exam grades). She hopes to make an 85 or higher in the class. Circle C is inscribed with 5 lines. Point C is at the center of the circle. 3 lines come out of point C and make points D, A, and B on the edge of the circle. Another line comes out of point C and goes past the edge to point E. Another line connects points D and A.Which geometric figures are drawn on the diagram? Check all that apply.Line segment C A Ray A CABC What is the most important theme in Night by Elie Wiesel? Where does the linkage between the -COOH group on one end of one molecule and the -NH2 group at the end of another molecule occur in the xy-plane what is the y-intercept of the graph of the equation y=(x-2)^2? if a molecule has a phase transition from gas to liquid, does that mean it increases attractive force A client is admitted to the ambulatory care unit for an endoscopic procedure. The gastroenterologist administers midazolam 1 mg intravenously for sedation and titrates the dosage upward to 3.5 mg. The client becomes hypotensive (86/60 mm Hg), develops severe respiratory depression (SpO2 86%), and has periods of apnea. The nurse anticipates the administration of which antidote drug?1.Benztropine (10%)2.Flumazenil (36%)3.Naloxone (46%)4.Phentolamine (7%)OmittedCorrect answer 236%Answered correctly A brain-imaging method using radio waves and magnetic fields of the body to produce detailed images of the brain is called __________. In the book Drivers Ed by Caroline Cooney Where will the Campbells go weekly now that Rafe Campbell is running for governor? Chapter 3 2 The test statistic in a two-tailed test is z=-2. 75 use a 0. 05 significance level to find the P value and state the conclusion about the null hypothesis Eating at the all-you-can-eat buffet at your favorite restaurant currently costs $18.50, and in cost by 6% each year1.write a function that correctly depicts this scenario2. How much will this cost 10 years from now ( round your answer to the nearest cent)3 how much did this cost 15 years ago ( round your answer to the nearest cent 1) state whether the dilation with the given scale factor would be a reduction or an enlargementk=4 k=1/2 k= .75 k=5/2 Is 2x 3 a linear function? the fourth industrial revolution is where advances in _______ are radically shifting the way we work, live, learn, and interact with each other. Two branches of a river have different sediment loads. Based on the diagram, which of the following most likely led to the differences in the amount of sediment in the two branches of the river ?A. The overuse of fertilizers in agriculture B. Effluent from a sewage treatment plantC. Deforestation from clear-cutting D. Use of heavy equipment in building construction An electronics company can spend no more than $4,000 on raw materials for circuit boards. The raw materials cost $10 per ounce for copper and $20 per ounce for silver.To summarize the situation, a worker writes the inequality:10c+20s4,000 where c is the number of ounces of copper material and s is the number of ounces of silver material.Which graph's shaded region shows the possible combinations of raw materials the company can buy? If the major airline companies colluded to make consumers pay an additional $50 to be able to carry on luggage, this would be an example of ______ The diagram at right shows a manometer connected to a flask. The mercury levels are measured in mm. the pressure in the room is 740mmHg. Determine the pressure of the gas in the flask.on the flask it has 505mm and 465mm How do you write a prologue essay? What sorts of experiments described in the textbook supported the concept that losses loom larger than gains? Experiments that