Which of the following is NOT among the items of information that a CVE reference reports?
1. Attack Signature
2. Name of the vulnerability
3. description of vulnerability
4. Reference in other databases


Answer 1

Attack Signature is not among the items of information that a CVE reference reports.

Describe a database.

Any type of data can be stored, maintained, and accessed using databases. They gather data on individuals, locations, or objects. It is collected in one location in order for it to be seen and examined. You might think of database as a well-organized collection of data.

Excel: Is it a database?

Spreadsheet software, not a database, is Excel. Its restrictions in that sense are significant, despite the fact that many users attempt to force it to behave like a database. Let's start with the most obvious: unlike databases, Excel is not constrained to 1M rows of data.

To know more about database visit :



Related Questions

Raymond is writing an article about a recent track meet for his school's online paper. Which format is the best choice to share the speeds of the five fastest runners


Article's stoop to recover my breath as Gretchen walks back, panting and puffing with her hands on her hips as she takes it slowly because she, too, overshot the finish line.

How should a piece of writing be formatted?

The article needs a headline or title that clearly explains its subject and a description. Depending on how much content you have to cover the subject you are writing about, the article's body can be divided into three to five paragraphs.

What are an article's five components?

The location, story, conflict, and resolution are the other four of these five elements. These crucial components enable the action to progress in a logical way that the reader can understand and keep the story moving along without any hiccups.

To know more about article visit :-



A dial-up access network typically has high ___________ delays compared to most other access networks. Pick the best answer


With a dial-up connection, you can access the Internet at data transfer rates (DTR) of up to 56 Kbps using a regular phone line and an analog modem.

Dial-up access is it?

refers to using a modem and the public telephone network to connect a device to a network. Dial-up access is essentially identical to a phone connection, with the exception that computer devices rather than people are the participants at both ends.

Dial networking: What is it?

Dial-up networking is the collection of protocols and software used to link a computer to an online service, a distant computer, or an Internet service provider using an analog modem and POTS (plain old telephone system). The most popular kind of computer connection to the Internet is dial-up networking.

To know more about DTR visit:-



In object-oriented analysis, objects possess characteristics called 1. properties 2. orientations 3. classes 4. inheritances


In object-oriented design, objects possess characteristics called properties, which the object inherits from its class or possesses on its own.

What is object-oriented analysis?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the use of object-oriented programming and visual modeling to direct stakeholder communication and product quality during the software development process.

Object-oriented analysis and design is a technological approach for assessing and creating an application, system, or company and hence, they possess properties.

Read more about object-oriented analysis here:



In an earlier assignment you modeled an inheritance hierarchy for dog and cat pets. You can reuse the code for that hierarchy in this assignment. Write a program that prompts the user to enter data (name, weight, age) for several Dog and Cat objects and stores the objects in an array list. The program should display the attributes for each object in the list, and then calculate and display the average age of all pets in the list using a method as indicated below:
public static double calculateAverage( ArrayList list )
... provide missing code ...
previous code
public class Chihuahua extends Dog
public void bark()
System.out.println("Bow wow");
public class Dog
private String name;
private double weight;
private int age;
public String getname(String n)
name = n;
return n;
public double getweight(double w)
weight = w;
return w;
public int getage(int a)
age = a;
return a;
public void bark()
import java.util.Scanner;
public class DogCatTest
public static void main( String [] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter name");
String name = scan.nextLine();
System.out.println("Enter weight");
double weight = scan.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter age");
int age = scan.nextInt();
Dog [] dogCollection = { new Chihuahua(), new GoldenRetriever()};
for( int i = 0; i < dogCollection.length; i++ )
dogCollection[ i ].getname(name);
for( int i = 0; i < dogCollection.length; i++ )
dogCollection[ i ].getweight(weight);
for( int i = 0; i < dogCollection.length; i++ )
dogCollection[ i ].getage(age);
for( int i = 0; i < dogCollection.length; i++ )
dogCollection[ i ].bark();
System.out.println("Enter name");
String cname = scan.nextLine();
System.out.println("Enter weight");
double cweight = scan.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter age");
int cage = scan.nextInt();
Cat1 [] catCollection = { new SiameseCat(), new SiberianCat() };
for( int i = 0; i < catCollection.length; i++ )
catCollection[ i ].getname(cname);
for( int i = 0; i < catCollection.length; i++ )
catCollection[ i ].getweight(cweight);
for( int i = 0; i < catCollection.length; i++ )
catCollection[ i ].getage(cage);
for( int i = 0; i < catCollection.length; i++ )
catCollection[ i ].meow();
public class GoldenRetriever extends Dog
public void bark()
System.out.println("Bow wow");
public class SiameseCat extends Cat1
public void meow()
public class SiberianCat extends Cat1
public void meow()
public class Cat1
private String name;
private double weight;
private int age;
public String getname(String n)
name = n;
return n;
public double getweight(double w)
weight = w;
return w;
public int getage(int a)
age = a;
return a;
public void meow()


Java program that shows the use of inheritance hierarchy, the code reuses the attributes of the class objects.

Importance of applying inheritance:

In this case of pets (dogs and cats), applying inheritance allows a much shorter and more structured code. Also, reusable since we can add classes of other pets such as birds, rabbits, etc., all of them also belonging to the Pet superclass.

Reserved words in a java code that enforces inheritance:


Here is an example:

Java code

import java. io.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.io.BufferedReader;

public class Main


// ArrayList of Pet objets

 public static ArrayList < Pets > arraypets = new ArrayList < Pets > ();

 public static void main (String args[]) throws IOException


   BufferedReader data =

     new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System. in));

   //Define variables

   String aws;

   String str;

   double w;

   String n;

   int a;

   double average;



//Data entry System.out.println ("Pet species? ");

System.out.println ("(1) Cat ");

System.out.println ("(2) Dog ");

aws = data.readLine ();

System.out.print ("Enter name: ");

n = data.readLine ();

System.out.print ("Enter weight: ");

str = data.readLine ();

w = Double.valueOf (str);

System.out.print ("Enter age: ");

str = data.readLine ();

a = Integer.valueOf (str);

if (aws.equals ("1"))


    Cat cat = new Cat (n, w, a);

      arraypets.add (cat);

      average = cat.averageAges (a);




    Dog dog = new Dog (n, w, a);

      arraypets.add (dog);

      average = dog.averageAges (a);


System.out.print ("Enter more data? (y/n)");

aws = data.readLine ();

aws = aws.toLowerCase ();


   while (!aws.equals ("n"));

//Calculate average of pets age

   average = average / arraypets.size ();

   average = Math.round (average * 100.0) / 100.0;

// Output

   System.out.println ("Attributes for each object in the list: ");

 for (Pets arraypet:arraypets)


System.out.println (arraypet);


   System.out.println ("Number of pets: " + arraypets.size ());

   System.out.println ("Average age of all pets in the list: " + average);



class Pets


 protected String Name;

 protected double Weight;

 protected int Age;

 public Pets ()



 public Pets (String name, double weight, int age)


   this.Name = name;

   this.Weight = weight;

   this.Age = age;


 //Returning values formatted by tostring method

 public String toString ()


   return "Nombre: " + this.Name + ", Peso: " + this.Weight + ", Edad: " +



 public void CalculateAverage ()




class Dog extends Pets


 public Dog ()


   super ();


 public Dog (String name, double weight, int age)


   super (name, weight, age);


//Adding the ages of the pets  double averageAges (double a)


   a += a;

   return a;



class Cat extends Pets


 public Cat ()


   super ();


 public Cat (String name, double weight, int age)


   super (name, weight, age);


//Adding the ages of the pets

 double averageAges (double a)


   a += a;

   return a;



To learn more about inheritance hierarchy in java see: https://brainly.com/question/15700365


Can anyone please help answer this question?
What is a multi-dimensional database?


it’s a base with data that is used to show information

Describe an implementation of the PositionalList methods add_last and add_before realized by using only methods in the set {is empty, first, last, prev, next, add after, and add first}.
provide output with driver code.


We shall employ Python programming output along with driver code, as stated in the statement.

What does a driver mean in computer language?

In software, a driver offers a programming interface for managing and controlling particular lower-level interfaces that are frequently connected to a particular kind of hardware or other reduced function.

Briefing :

class _DoublyLinkedBase:

class _Node:

__slots__ = '_element','_prev', '_next'

def __init__(self,element, prev, nxt):

self._element = element

self._prev = prev

self._next = nxt

def __init__(self):

self._header =self._Node(None, None, None)

self._trailer =self._Node(None, None, None)

self._header._next =self._trailer

self._trailer._prev =self._header

self._size =0

def __len__(self):

return self._size

def is_empty(self):

return self._size ==0

def _insert_between(self, e, predecessor,successor):

newest = self._Node(e,predecessor, successor)

predecessor._next =newest

successor._prev =newest

self._size += 1

return newest

def _delete_node(self, node):

predecessor =node._prev

successor =node._next

predecessor._next =successor

successor._prev =predecessor

self._size -= 1

element =node._element

node._prev = node._next= node._element = None

return element

class PositionalList(_DoublyLinkedBase):

class Position:

def __init__(self,container, node):

self._container = container

self._node = node

def element(self):

return self._node._element

def __eq__(self,other):

return type(other) is type(self) and other._Node isself._node

def __ne__(self,other):

return not (self == other)

def _validate(self, p):

if not isinstance(p,self.Position):

p must have the correct Position type, raise TypeError

if p._container is notself:

raise ValueError "p must not fit this container"

if p._node._next isNone:

raise ValueError('p is no longer valid')

return p._node

def _make_position(self, node):

if node is self._headeror node is self._trailer:

return None


return self.Position(self, node)

def first(self):


def last(self):


def before(self, p):

node =self._validate(p)


def after(self, p):

node =self._validate(p)


def __iter__(self):

cursor =self.first()

while cursor is notNone:

yield cursor.element()

cursor =self.after(cursor)

def _insert_between(self, e, predecessor,successor):

node =super()._insert_between(e, predecessor, successor)


def add_first(self, e):

returnself._insert_between(e, self._header, self._header._next)

def add_last(self, e):

returnself._insert_between(e, self._trailer._prev, self._trailer)

def add_before(self, p, e):

original =self._validate(p)

returnself._insert_between(e, original._prev, original)

def add_after(self, p, e):

original =self._validate(p)

returnself._insert_between(e, original, original._next)

def delete(self, p):

original =self._validate(p)


def replace(self, p, e):

original =self._validate(p)

old_value =original._element

original._element =e

return old_value

To know more about Driver Code visit :



Technology development has the potential to do a few things in the marketplace. This can be categorized as: 1) creating a new market, 2) disrupting an existing market by surpassing a dominant technology or 3) being reinvented to be adapted to another market, Select one of the categories and use the Web to identify a practical example of a technology or application in this category. Describe in detail as part of your posting the technologies identified, the market impact, gaps in the technology as well as any advantages and disadvantages.


Technology development has the potential to do a few things in the marketplace. This can be categorized  creating a new market.

What is the name for technology that displaces a market already in existence?A disruptive technology is one that replaces an existing technology and upends the market, or it might be a ground-breaking invention that births a brand-new market. The world is changing because of artificial intelligence (AI), robots, nanotechnology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, quantum computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Mobile, social media, smartphones, big data, predictive analytics, and cloud technologies are fundamentally distinct from earlier IT-based technologies.Contrary to "disruptive technology," which refers to the technology itself, "disruptive innovation" refers to the use of technology that upends a system.

To learn more about disruptive technology refer to:



Select the best reason to include height and width attributes on an tag.
A.they are required attributes and must always be included
B.to help the browser render the page faster because it reserves the appropriate space for the image
C.to help the browser display the image in its own window
D.none of the above


The best reason to include height and width attributes on a tag is to aid the browser in rendering the page more quickly since it reserves the proper space for the image.

Which of the following justifications for adding height and width attributes to an IMG tag is the best?

Because omitting them will prevent the browser from displaying the image, width and height dimensions for images should always be coded. The page will load quicker and the browser will be more effective.

while entering values for an image's height and width attributes?

Height indicates an image's height in pixels. The term width = specifies an image's width in pixels. Use the to set values for an image's height and width attributes.

To know more about attributes visit:-



The commercial activity of transporting goods to customers is called ______________.








Because the commercial activities if transportation good s to customers called ___

Which of the following is likely to be a consequence of cloud computing in the future?
A) The preference to set up one's own computing infrastructure will increaseamong organizations.
B) The cost of obtaining elastic resources will decrease.
C) The demand for employees who know how to use and manage informationsystems will reduce.
D) The number of technology-based startups will stagnate.


The cost of obtaining elastic resources will decrease.

Is there a future for cloud computing?

It is reasonable to argue that cloud computing has a bright future. Businesses and people are increasingly turning to the cloud to store and manage their data as artificial intelligence (AI) advances. Natural catastrophes cause data loss. (One benefit of cloud computing is that data is typically spread across numerous sites, making it less susceptible to catastrophic losses.)

Natural disasters can cause data loss by affecting the hardware that stores your data. A server, for example, might be damaged by fire, flooding, earthquake, or other natural calamities. Storm-related electrical surges or outages may also cause data corruption.

To learn more about cloud computing to refer:



LAB: User-Defined Functions: Step counter A pedometer treats walking 2,000 steps as walking 1 mile. Define a function named Steps To Miles that takes an integer as a parameter, representing the number of steps, and returns a float that represents the number of miles walked. Then, write a main program that reads the number of steps as an input, calls function Steps ToMiles with the input as an argument, and outputs the miles walked, Output the result with four digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows: Put result to output with 4 decimal places If the input of the program is: 5345 the function returns and the output of the program is: 2.6725 Your program should define and call a function: Function Steps ToMiles(integer userSteps) returns float numMiles 361108 2293206.qx3zay LAB ACTIVITY 5.9.1: LAB: User-Defined Functions: Step counter 0/10 1 Variables Not shown when editing Input Output Code Flowchart ENTER EXECUTION STEP RUN Execution speed Medium Submit for grading Signature of your work What is this?


The function StepsToMiles(userSteps) takes an integer as a parameter, representing the number of steps and returns a float that represents the number of miles walked by converting the steps into miles by dividing it by 2000.

What is the significance of the function StepsToMiles?

The function StepsToMiles is used to convert the number of steps taken by a person into miles by dividing the number of steps taken by 2000. It is useful for tracking the distance covered by a person during walking or jogging. It takes an integer as a parameter, representing the number of steps and returns a float that represents the number of miles walked.

What is the role of main program in the given scenario?

The main program is responsible for reading the number of steps as an input, calling the function StepsToMiles with the input as an argument, and outputting the miles walked. It takes input from the user, passes the input to the function StepsToMiles and receives the output in the form of miles walked. It then displays the output with four decimal places. The main program is responsible for driving the entire process by calling the function StepsToMiles and displaying the result to the user.

To know more about StepsToMiles(userSteps) Visit:



c = 7

while (c > 0):
  c = c - 3


The three of the following will be printed c = 7, while (c > 0):, print(c), c = c - 3 are 0, 1, 7. The correct options are a, b, and g.

What is the output?

Input and output are terms used to describe the interaction between a computer program and its user. Input refers to the user providing something to the program, whereas output refers to the program providing something to the user.

I/O is the communication between an information processing system, such as a computer, and the outside world, which could be a human or another information processing system.

Given: c = 7 while(c > 0): print(c) c = c-3 In the first iteration: 7 is printed after that c becomes 4 Now 4 is greater than 0.

Therefore, the correct options are a. 0 b. 1 and g. 7.

To learn more about output, visit here:



The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:

Which three of the following will be printed?

c = 7

while (c > 0):


  c = c - 3

Group of answer choices








Which step of the Department of Defense Risk Management Process consists of the activities to develop, implement, implement and document


The program's activities to create, put into practice, and record the procedures it will take to mitigate certain risks make up the risk management process planning process.

What are the steps in the risk management procedure for the Department of Defense?

The five key steps of the risk management process are planning, identification, analysis, mitigating risk, and monitoring.

Which of the following phrases describes the procedure of monitoring and evaluating risk as you get more knowledge about risk in projects?

The process of locating and evaluating potential problems that can adversely affect important corporate endeavors or projects is known as risk analysis. This process is used to help businesses avoid or reduce particular risks.

To know more about program's  visit:-



Match the type of system to the application. Maintaining the temperature in a manufacturing plant Answer 1 Choose... Air conditioning single-family homes Answer 2 Choose... Air conditioning high-rise office buildings Answer 3 Choose...


The type of system and application,

Homes: Residential

Office buildings: Commercial

Manufacturing plant: Industrial

What kind of system is designed to distribute air around a building and resupply oxygen?

The process of exchanging or replacing air in any place to provide excellent indoor air quality comprises regulating temperature, replenishing oxygen, and removing moisture, smells, smoke, heat, dust, airborne bacteria, carbon dioxide, and other gases. This is known as ventilation (the "V" in HVAC).

Why are water-cooled condensers used by so many central system chillers?

However, not all chillers are effective for use in commercial settings. Because of their superior heat transmission, higher energy efficiency, and longer lifespan, water-cooled chillers are suited. They are frequently employed in big and medium-sized facilities with reliable and effective water supplies.

To know more about manufacturing plant visit:



When preparing a computer to use a sideloaded app, which of the following commands activates a key?
a. Slmgr /ipk
b. Slmgr /ato ec67814b-30e6-4a50-bf7b-d55daf729d1e /activate
c. Slmgr /ipk
d. Slmgr /


One of the following commands, Slmgr /ipk, activates a key to get a machine ready to use a sideloaded app.

Which of the aforementioned techniques is employed in sideloading?

One of the following scenarios frequently occurs: By employing a USB cable, software and files can be transferred between devices. Data can be sent between devices utilizing Bluetooth sideloading. Utilizing a USB drive or microSD card to transfer data between devices is known as external storage sideloading.

How can you stop people from going to the Windows Store?

AppLocker can be used to prevent Microsoft Store. By setting up a rule for packaged apps, AppLocker may be used to restrict access to Microsoft Store apps. As the bundled software you wish to prohibit from client PCs, you will specify the name of the Microsoft Store app.

To know more about sideloaded app visit :-



Ann, a user, reports that after setting up a new WAP in her kitchen she is experiencing intermittent connectivity issues. Which of the following should a technician check FIRST ?
A. Channels
B. Frequency
C. Antenna power level


Channels After installing a new WAP in her kitchen, Ann, a user, claims that she is having sporadic connectivity problems.

Which of the following provides the highest level of wireless security?

There is consensus among experts that WPA3 is the best wireless security protocol when comparing WEP, WPA, WPA2, and WPA3. WPA3, the most recent wireless encryption system, is the safest option.

Is WEP preferable to WPA2?

The WPA standard's second iteration is known as WPA2. Wep is the least secure of these standards, therefore if at all possible, avoid using it. However, using any encryption is always preferable to using none. Of the three, WPA2 is the safest.

To know more about WAP visit :-



origin encountered an issue loading this page. please try reloading it – if that doesn’t work, restart the client or try again later. I have reinstalled it multiple times, but still have same issue. Any solution?


Accessing the Origin data folder and deleting the cached files there is one of the most effective fixes for the "Origin Encountered an Issue Loading this Page" error.

Why won't my Origin page load?

Do a Clean Boot and restart your modem and router. Check to see if your UAC is activated and configured to notify. Install the client by downloading the most recent version of Origin and running the setup file with administrative privileges. Specify the Origin in firewall and antivirus exclusions, and open the required ports.

How do I resolve Origin has trouble loading this page?

Try to access the Origin data folder and remove the cache files inside if you want to get rid of the "Origin Encountered an Issue Loading this Page" error.

What happens when the Origin cache is cleared?

Older content is replaced by new content after clearing the origin cache. This occurs as a result of the origin server having fresh data. Therefore, the proxy servers start to cache new content.

To know more about encountered visit:



You ask one of your technicians to get the IPv6 address of a new Windows Server 2016 machine, and she hands you a note with FE80::0203:FFFF:FE11:2CD on it. What can you tell from this address?


This is a link-local address In EUI-64 format, you can see the MAC address of the node can tell from the address.

Link-local addresses are intended to be used for addressing a single link in situations without routers or for automatic address setup. It can also be used to interact with other nodes connected to the same link. An automatic link-local address is assigned.

In order to automatically configure IPv6 host addresses, we can use the EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier) technique. Using the MAC address of its interface, an IPv6 device will generate a unique 64-bit interface ID. A MAC address is 48 bits, whereas the interface ID is 64 bits.

To learn more about address



What is the term used to describe image file that contains multiple small graphics?
a. thumbnail image
b. sprite
c. image link
d. viewport


The term "sprite" refers to an image file that contains numerous little graphics.

What is the term for the amount of detail that an image can store?

An image's resolution determines how much detail it has. Digital images, film images, and other sorts of images all fall under this umbrella phrase. Image detail is increased with "higher resolution." There are numerous ways to gauge image resolution.

Is Graphic an element in HTML5?

With HTML5, we no longer need to rely on pictures or external components like Flash to create visuals. There are two different categories of graphic elements: Canvas. Vector images that can be scaled (SVG). The relative-position attribute is used to position things. absolute. The "left", "right", "top", and "bottom" parameters are used to specify the area's position (and conceivably its size).

To know more about sprite visit:-



12. What is the most suitable MS Azure Information Protection (AIP) label while sharing a

presentation with client names and future project details with your Manager?

Oa. Use AIP ( Azure Information Protection) label 'Confidential' and select appropriate

permissions by opting for a suitable sub level

Ob. Use AIP ( Azure Information Protection) label 'ifternal' and select appropriate permissions by

opting for a suitable sub level

Oc. Use AIP ( Azure Information Protection) label 'Critical and select appropriate permissions by

opting for a suitable sub level

Od. Use AIP (Azure Information Protection) label 'Restricted' and select appropriate permissions

by opting for a suitable sub level


Option D. Use AIP (Azure Information Protection) label 'Restricted' and select appropriate permissions by opting for a suitable sub level.

The most suitable AIP label for sharing presentation with client names and future project details with the Manager is 'Restricted'. This label ensures the data is protected with appropriate permissions and access control.

Securely Sharing Presentation with Client Names and Future Project Details with the Manager using Azure Information Protection

The 'Restricted' label is the most suitable AIP label for sharing presentation with client names and future project details with the Manager. This label ensures the data is securely protected and access to it is restricted to authorized personnel only. The label also provides an additional layer of security by allowing the user to choose a suitable sublevel of permissions. This ensures that the data is not accessed by anyone who is not supposed to have access to it. This label also allows the user to monitor and audit the access to the data, thereby providing an additional layer of security.

Learn more about Security Management: brainly.com/question/14364696


To move a chart to a different worksheet, click on the Chart > Chart Tools > Design tab > Location group > Move Chart > New sheet, and then in the New sheet box, type a name for the worksheet. (T/F)


To move a chart to a new worksheet, use the Chart > Chart Tools > Design tab > Location group > Transfer Chart > New sheet button. Next, confirm that the statement that is provided in the New sheet box is accurate.

Worksheet? Why do you say that?

Data may be entered and calculated in the cells of a worksheet, which is also known as a spreadsheet. The cells have been set up in columns and rows. A worksheet is always preserved in a workbook.

What is the purpose of a worksheet in a classroom?

Worksheets are frequently unbound sheets of paper that include exercises or questions that students are required to complete and record their answers to. They are used to some extent in most classes, but they are most common in math classes, where there

To know more about worksheet visit:



You have two disks of the same make and model and wish to create redundant data storage. Which Windows feature would you use to accomplish this goal?


Disk Management is the Window's feature would you use to accomplish this goal.

Disk Management, what is that?

Windows has a system program called Disk Management that gives you the ability to carry out complex storage chores. Disk management is useful for the following things, among others: Go to Initializing a new drive to learn how to set up a new drive. See Extend a basic volume for information on expanding a volume into space that is not currently occupied by another volume on the same drive.

Exactly how do I launch Disk Management?

Select Disk Management from the context menu when you right-click (or long-press) the Start button to launch it. See Windows's Disk cleanup or Free up drive space if you need assistance with this task.

To know more about Disk Management visit



Ben has to type a long letter to his friend. What is the correct keying technique that Ben should use


Using rapid, snappy strokes is the proper keystroke technique. The body should be sufficiently upright in front of the keyboard for proper keyboarding posture.

Why is accurate keying so crucial?

Your general health will benefit from touch typing as well. It stops you from hunching over your keyboard in order to find the proper keys. Instead, you maintain eye contact with the screen in front of you. Correct typing encourages excellent posture and helps to avoid back or neck pain.

What is an example of a keystroke?

The pressing of a single key on a keyboard, whether real or virtual, or on any other input device is referred to as a keystroke. In other words, a single key push is regarded as a keystroke.

To know more about proper keystroke technique visit :-



Which of the following Intel CPUs is a low power processor that would be found in smartphones and tablets


A:  Intel Atom is the Intel CPU having a low-power processor that would be found in tablets and smartphones.

Intel atom is a low-power, lowe cost, and low- performance processor that was originally made for budget devices. It is known primarily for netbooks, which were very popular in the early 2010s. However, it has also been used in low-end laptops, smartphones, and tablets. No matter what the Intel Atom is used for, one thing is obvious that it is not good at gaming.

Thus, the Intel CPU's low-power processor is known to be as Intel Atom.


Complete question:

Which of the following Intel CPUs is a low power processor that would be found in smartphones and tablets

A: Intel Atom

B: Intel i-core


You can learn more about processor  at



Joe works with a client who has recently reported a problem with his Android smartphone. The client has only had the smartphone for a few weeks, but he has noticed that the phone has developed a very short battery life. The client acknowledges that he recently installed some new apps on the smartphone and that he attempted to remove some applications that were bundled with the phone. Based on this information, what would Joe suspect to be the cause of the client's problem?


Unlawful root access. Unauthorized access is any entry into a network or information system that goes against the owner's or operator's declared security policy.

What exactly is unapproved root access?

Rooting is the process of "unlocking" the Android operating system on your smartphone. By doing this, you can access your smartphone as a "superuser" or administrator and update its operating system without the consent of the phone's maker. When speaking of Apple devices, gaining root access is known as "jailbreaking".

What constitutes an unauthorized usage, exactly?

These prohibited actions can take many different forms, but some examples are as follows: obtaining, using, or making an effort to use another person's password. Without their express written consent, you are not allowed to view, copy, transfer, edit, or make public any of their files, printouts, or computer processes.

To know more about security policy visit :-



A 'sharp' is any object that can puncture a plastic bag. What is the recommended strategy for handling sharps (such as broken or chipped glassware) in lab


To reduce the risk of injury, always pick up shattered glass with a brush and dustpan, tongs, or forceps and drop it into a container intended for disposing of broken glass.

What is the suggested procedure for handling cracked or broken glass in a laboratory?

Glass that has broken should be cleaned up right away. A tiny brush and dustpan should already be present in a laboratory to clear up any minor spills. To pick up the smaller fragments of shattered glass, use forceps or duct tape.

How should broken glass be cleaned in a lab?

Use forceps, tongs, scoops, or other mechanical tools to remove or retrieve broken glass from a work area or a fume hood.

To know more about disposing visit:-



n his e-mail to select bank customers, Patrick was careful to use an informative subject line and to use a font size and style that is easy to read. These preparations serve what function in this communication scenario?netiquetteaudiencepurposeworkplace c



These preparations serve the purpose of making the e-mail more effective in communicating the message to the audience.


Using what you know about variables and re-assignment you should be able to trace this code and keep track of the values of a, b, and c as they change. You should also have a sense of any possible errors that could occur. Trace the code, and choose the option that correctly shows what will be displayed


According to the question, option a: 10 b: 17 c: 27 accurately depicts what would be revealed.

Which 4 types of coding are there?

It's usual to find languages that are chosen to write in an extremely important, functional, straightforward, or object-oriented manner. These coding dialect theories and models are available for programmers to select from in order for them to meet their demands for a given project.

Is coding difficult?

It is common knowledge that programming is one of the most difficult things to master. Given how different coding is from long - established teaching techniques, which would include higher education degrees in computer science.

To know more about Code visit :



The Complete Question :

Using what you know about variables and re-assignment you should be able to trace this code and keep track of the values of a, b, and c as they change. You should also have a sense of any possible errors that could occur.

Trace the code, and choose the option that correctly shows what will be displayed.

1 var a = 3;

2 var b = 7;

3 var c = 10;

4 a = a + b;

5 b = a + b;

6 c = a + b;

7 console.log("a:"+a+" b:"+b+" c:"+c);

Assume that you are the data scientist for the online auction site superbids. To increase bidding activity, you want to display items to a user that people with similar characteristics and buying patterns have bid on. Which technique are you most likely to use


You're most likely to employ linear regression as a method.

How does linear regression work?

When predicting a variable's value based on the value of another variable, linear regression analysis is utilized. The dependent variable is the one you're trying to forecast. The independent variable is the one that you are utilizing to forecast the value of the other variable.

Where does linear regression work best?

In order to more precisely assess the nature and strength of the between a dependent variable and a number of other independent variables, linear regression is used. It aids in the development of predictive models, such as those that forecast stock prices for businesses.

To know more about linear regression visit:-



a rts frame is the first step of the two-way handshake before sending a data frame. true or false


It is accurate to say that sending an arts frame precedes sending a data frame in the two-way handshake.

What encryption method does the WPA2 wireless standard employ?

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) employed by WPA2 is the same one that the US government employs to protect sensitive documents. The highest level of protection you can give your home WiFi network is this one.

What data integrity and encryption technique does WPA2 employ?

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption, combined with robust message authenticity and integrity checking, are the foundation of the WPA2 protocol, which offers substantially stronger privacy and integrity protection than WPA's RC4-based TKIP. "AES" and "AES-CCMP" are two examples of informal names.

To know more about data frame visit:-



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