which country did the united states embargo, or stop trading with, prior to joining the war?


Answer 1

India has traditionally and generally opposed sanctions imposed by particular nations. The Indian government has overwhelmingly backed United Nations sanctions.

Describe the embargo rule.

An embargo is a formal limitation enacted by a nation or group of states that limits the flow of products or the departure of ships from certain ports to specific nations. Economic statecraft, economic warfare, and boycott are related concepts.

An embargo is it a punishment?

In contrast to the all-encompassing embargoes of past decades, sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council (UNSC) tend to focus on specific people or organizations. An embargo is comparable but often denotes a harsher punishment.

To know more about embargo visit:



Related Questions

How did everyday citizens feel about the election of 1824?



Everyday citizens in the election of 1824 felt a sense of disempowerment.


Prior to the election, the caucus system of nominating candidates had been in place, which meant congressional leaders had the power to select the presidential candidate. However, with the enfranchisement of tens of thousands of white males, the new political electorate had a major influence on the election, but the final decision was still in the hands of Congress. This created a sense of dissatisfaction among everyday citizens, as they felt their voices were not being heard.

What are the 3 major credit reporting bureaus?


The three credit reporting bureaus are Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

Credit reporting bureaus or simply Credit bureaus are the companies that compile and sell credit reports. If you have a credit card or loan your data are already collected by any one or more of these bureaus. The major Data collected by these companies are

Inquiries on credit applications date of opening of an account.The loan amount and credit limitPrevious payments or any missing payments, all payment historyPublic Records

Credit bureaus collect this information and report it to the banks or institutions to help them predict whether you are likely to repay the credits or loans.

They collect this information either from banks or from public records. The data collected by Credit bureaus are kept private and fair and are regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act ( FCRA).

So Equifax, Experian, TransUnion are the three Credit Bureaus.

For further information about the Credit bureaus, kindly refer



The presidents cabinet is an example of constitutional change by

a. Court decision

b. State action

c. Unwritten custom

d. Basic legislation


Since the president's Cabinet has the authority to alter the Constitution without altering the written Constitution, it serves as an example of an informal amendment.

Another illustration of an unofficial amendment is a Supreme Court ruling that alters the Constitution in the same way. A joint resolution is an amendment that Congress suggests. The joint resolution does not proceed to the White House for signature or approval because the President is not required by the Constitution to participate in the amendment process. There are two ways to suggest changes to the Constitution, according to Article V. either the Congress, a joint resolution approved by two-thirds of the members, or a convention convened by the Congress in response to.

Learn more about  Constitution,  here:



In the late 1960’s mao zendong established diplomatic relations with the United States since the Soviet Union and China were at odds. In Response, the Soviet Union became better acquainted with America. Why would the Soviet leader suddenly become better friends with the United States just because China had done so.

Someone please help me!


Just because China established diplomatic ties with the US didn't prompt the Soviet Union to suddenly want to be better "friends" with the US.

What does the word "diplomatic" mean?

Maintaining positive diplomatic ties with other countries is important for both countries' future development. As an illustration, the United States and India have diplomatic ties. The Soviet leader was eager to join forces with the US since a coalition of the US and China would be challenging to overcome. As a result, the Soviet Union wanted to join rather than be conquered. Since the Soviet Union feared being attacked, it appears that they wanted to get to know one another better.

To know more about diplomatic visit:



How did countries mobilize for war in WW2 ?


By directing their resources, finances, and labour into the military, nations readied for war. There was a shortage of people to do hard labour as a result of industrial mobilisation and a singular concentration on the military. In some nations, women and immigrants filled these positions. In others, it was migrants.

The definition of industrial mobilisation

The United States' strategic focus has shifted to great power competition, which has rekindled interest in industrial mobilisation for a protracted, intense struggle. But the incredibly weak and consolidated U.S. defence industrial base is not geared to take on this challenge. This project reviewed the history and literature on industrial mobilisation, examined the time required to replace the inventory of modern weapon systems at peacetime and surge production rates, and sought to gain insight into the capacity of the defence industrial base to meet the demands of great power conflict.

Know more about immigrants filleds visit:



Which explains why Roosevelt offered U.S. naval support to Panamanian rebels fighting for independence from Colombia


The Colombian government would not allow the United States to have control over the Panama Canal Zone.

In order to curb rivalry over a proposed canal through the Central American Republic of Nicaragua, the United States and Great Britain negotiated the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty in 1850. However, the Anglo-American canal never made it past the planning stage. French efforts to construct a canal through the Colombian province of Panama advanced further. The French began excavating in 1880 under the direction of Ferdinand de Lesseps, the architect of the Suez Canal in Egypt. The de Lesseps campaign was defeated by malaria, yellow fever, and other tropical diseases. After nine years and approximately 20,000 deaths, the French effort failed. American interest in a canal persisted despite these setbacks. The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty was ended in 1901 by the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, which gave the United States permission to build and run its own canal. On June 19, 1902, the U.S. Senate voted in favor of building the canal through Panama after a heated debate over its location. John Hay, Secretary of State, and Colombian Foreign Minister Tomás Herrán agreed to build the new canal within six months. The offer was rejected by Colombia's congress because the financial terms were unacceptable.

To know more about Colombian government visit



How did these laws address the concerns expressed by Sinclair?


The Meat Inspection Act was signed by Roosevelt on June 30, 1906, the same day that he also signed a legislation governing foods and medications.

What legislation was enacted as a result of Sinclair's story?

President Theodore Roosevelt was inspired by Upton Sinclair's spectacular report to push through to the Pure Food And drug act and Pure Drug and Food Act in 1906, igniting popular fury. The Pure Medicine and Food Act prohibited fraudulent or misleading food and medicine labelling as well as placing restrictions on food additives.

Sinclair's revelation was a triumph. The Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act, both of which were approved on June 30, 1906—six months after The Jungle was published—can be credited to the campaigner.

To know more about legislation, visit:



Negative effects on the African American culture in the 1920

5-7 sentence please


During the Harlem Renaissance, African Americans culture started to express themselves in new ways and moved up north to avoid bigotry and find employment.

What is the African American culture?

African Americans have made contributions to American culture, whether they are a part of it or not. This culture is referred to as "African-American culture." The culture is distinctive and has a big impact on both American culture and world culture in general.

They taught in their children the principles of honesty, integrity and treating their fellow people with compassion, an attitude that still permeates many contemporary African American families, despite the ignorance and insensitivity of their oppressors.

To know more about African-American culture, visit:



Why did the US become isolationist after ww2?


Isolationists claimed that the United States could have no legitimate justification to get involved in World War II because it was ultimately a disagreement between foreign countries.

Why did America turn isolationist after World War Two?

But by 1940, it was impossible to deny how the world was getting worse.

Against Hitler's war machine, just one major European power, Great Britain, remained. The debate with in United States around whether American objectives were best represented by staying out and instead getting engaged grew more heated as a result of the situation's urgency.Isolationists maintained that the United States also have no legitimate justification to get involved in World War II because it was ultimately a disagreement between foreign countries. They argued that the best course of action consisted of the United States to strengthen its own defences and steer clear of provoking either side.

Thus, Americans would be safe if the US maintained its neutrality in addition to using its military might and the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans' protection.

To know more about the WW2, here



Identify the names used to reference the supporters of the Parliament and Monarchy during the

English Civil War


The names used to reference the supporters of the Parliament and Monarchy during the English Civil War was Roundheads

English Civil WarDuring the English Civil War, the supporters of the Parliament were known as "Roundheads" and the supporters of the Monarchy were known as "Cavaliers." The Roundheads were the supporters of the Puritan cause and the parliamentary cause, often depicted as having shorter hair (Roundheads) as opposed to the long hair of the Cavaliers, who were typically associated with the Royalist cause and the Church of England.

The reasons for the conflict were varied. Disagreements over religion and dissatisfaction with the king's exercise of power and economic policies were central to the war.

Learn more about the English Civil War here: https://brainly.com/question/8264103


What is rationing and why was it used during WW2?


Due to the necessity to shift supplies to the war effort, items including canned milk, butter, sugar, and gasoline were rationed. Trade was hampered by war, which reduced the supply of several items.

In times of scarcity, rationing was a way to make sure that food and other necessities were distributed fairly.

After the commencement of World War II, it started with gasoline and then expanded to encompass other products including butter, sugar, and bacon.

With the exception of fruit and vegetables, the rationing system eventually included the majority of goods.

Because everyone was only allowed to purchase a specific number of things, rationing helped transform mindsets and fostered cooperation and sharing in Britain.

It was acknowledged that the government was more concerned with the welfare and diet of its citizens.

To know more about World War II, visit:



What major events happened in the Roaring Twenties?


The Jazz Age flappers flouted Prohibition laws, and the Harlem Renaissance transformed art and culture during the Roaring Twenties, when the economy was booming and mass consumption was at its height.

What changed most throughout the 1920s?

Significant social transformation occurred during the 1920s. The development of a consumer-driven economy and popular culture, which contributed to a "revolution in morality and manners," were the most visible indicators of change. During the 1920s, significant changes were made to sexual mores, gender roles, hairstyles, and clothing. The American consumer culture flourished as more and more people bought cars, electrical appliances, and other easily accessible consumer goods.

To know more about Roaring Twenties visit:



how was the outward appearance of the new government different from the reality


The "Congress of Soviets" was supposed to be in charge of the Russian government, but Lenin actually controlled a small group that actually held the majority of the authority.

How has reality differed from your perception in the past?

When it came to the situation, Kabila controlled the lion's share of authority and did not put up with criticism or opposition, despite the outward appearance of progress toward democracy. Following Kabila's coup, political parties and public gatherings were swiftly outlawed, and his government was accused of violating human rights.

To know more about New Government visit:



What idea was the decision in Griswold versus Connecticut based on ?


The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Griswold versus Connecticut (1965) was based on the idea of a "right to privacy".

This decision established the constitutional protection of a woman's right to make decisions about her own reproductive health, including the right to use contraception.

This landmark case set the precedent for further reproductive rights, such as Roe v. Wade (1973), which declared a woman's right to access safe and legal abortion.

This case centered around the constitutionality of a law in Connecticut that prohibited the use of contraceptives. The Court ultimately ruled that the law was unconstitutional and that the use of contraceptives was a fundamental right of all citizens.

To learn more about Connecticut, click here:



What were the 2 main points Darwin build his theory of evolution on?


Darwin claimed that species evolve over time, that new species emerge from pre-existing species, and that all species share a common ancestor.

What was the significance of Darwin's theory?

Darwin's most major scientific contribution was to finish the Copernican Revolution by inventing the notion of nature for biology as a system of matter in motion governed by natural laws. Darwin's discovery of natural selection moved the origins and adaptations of organisms into the domain of science.

Adaptive properties of animals, like those of the inanimate world, can now be explained as the result of natural processes, eliminating the need for an Intelligent Designer. The Copernican and Darwinian Revolutions are two stages of the same Scientific Revolution. They were instrumental in ushering in the modern era of science by explaining natural laws.

Learn more about Darwin's theory with the help of the given link:



3. Use the compass rose on the map of Texas below. If you travel from Fort Worth to Amarillo which direction would you be traveling?
a) northeast
b) southeast
c) northwest
d) southwest


A map's representation of the cardinal directions is a compass rose. The four cardinal directions—north, south, east, and west—are the major compass points. The answer is option (a). northeast.

How do you use a compass rose?

The four cardinal directions of north, east, south, and west make up the majority of a compass rose. These directions are separated from one another by 90 degrees. The four ordinal (intercardinal) directions of northeast, southeast, southwest, as well as northwest are each situated halfway among two cardinal directions.

All magnets have two poles, a north pole as well as a south pole, and the north pole of one magnet is drawn to the south pole of another magnet, which is why a compass points north.

To know more about compass rose, visit:



What distinguishes a direct
democracy from a representative democracy?


In direct democracy, the people decide on policies without any intermediary or representative, whereas in a representative democracy people vote for representatives who then enact policy initiatives.


direct democracy is where the citizens are actively involved in affairs of the state whereas indirect democracy is where the citizens elect representatives to run affairs of the state on their behalf


direct = people do it themselves

indirect = elect someone to do it for you

By ____________ Germany had conquered almost the entire Europe except for Germany.
It about the world war II



By December 1941,

Germany had conquered most of mainland Europe, from France in the west to the outskirts of Moscow in the Soviet Union in the east. When the United States entered the war after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that month, World War II became a truly global war.

Which of the following is considered the crowning achievement of Justinian's reign?


The main accomplishment of Justinian's constructing campaigns was the reconstruction of Hagia Sophia, which took place between 532 and 537.

Which three of Justinian the Great's greatest accomplishments?

Last Latin-speaking emperor Justinian reigned from 565 to 565 and left behind a lengthy list of noteworthy accomplishments, including the codification of ancient Roman law, the building of Hagia Sophia, and a determined effort to reclaim imperial lands in the west.

His Code was Justinian's most significant contribution. Many of the Roman Empire's provinces' laws from the previous 400 years have been condensed in the Code of Justinian.

Therefore, Justinian formulated new laws based on these summaries.

Learn more about Justinian's reign from the given link.



What words describe oligarchy?


One of the words used in English to describe a particular form of authority or government is "oligarchy." A few of these terms, such plutocracy,

What would you say about an oligarchy?

A form of government known as an oligarchy is characterized by the control of a small number of people or families. More particularly, the phrase was employed by Greek philosopher Aristotle to contrast with aristocracy, another term for the control of a select few who enjoy privileges.

What three traits does oligarchy have?

If a business group fits all of the following criteria, it may be referred to as an oligarchy: The majority of private owners in the nation are owners. It has enough political influence to advance its own goals. Owners run several enterprises, and they closely coordinate their efforts.

To know more about oligarchy visit:



Select all that apply.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution ______.

made Vietnam a major issue in the 1964 presidential campaign

quieted Johnson's Republican critics

gave Johnson the power to declare war

helped Johnson win a landslide victory in the 1964 elections


Vietnam became a significant subject in the 1964 presidential campaign thanks to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

What exactly was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, and how did it affect the executive branch's authority?

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is unanimously approved by the US Congress, granting President Lyndon B. Johnson almost limitless authority to thwart "communist aggression" in Southeast Asia.

What was done by the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, approved by Congress on August 7, 1964, gave President Johnson the power to retaliate however he saw fit and to support the upkeep of international peace and security in Southeast Asia.

To know more about Gulf Tonkin Resolution visit:-



How did the introduction of a standard currency affect the Roman economy?



A standardized currency facilitated trade across the growing Roman world. Coins could be exchanged for any goods or services and were easy to transport.


pls mark as brainliest

How did the Destroyers for Bases Agreement President of 1940 help Britain?


On September 2, 1940, a Bases Agreement had been made. According to the agreement, America would provide Britain 50 of her older naval destroyers in exchange for 99-year leases on land that might be used as bases .

What does the US bases agreement entail?

A 1947 Military Stations Agreement granted the United States a 99-year lease on a number of Philippine military and naval bases, giving American authorities practically territorial powers there. A mutual defense treaty (MDT) was signed between officials of the Philippines and the United States in August 1951. This agreement enabled the provision of aid and equipment, valued at around US$169 million by 1957, as well as the creation of a Joint United States Military Advisory Group to advise and train the Philippine armed forces.

To know more about Bases Agreement visit:



What was similar about the colonization of New France and New Netherland? What was different?



New France and New Netherland were both European colonies in North America in the 17th and early 18th centuries. Both colonies were established by European powers (France and the Dutch Republic, respectively) in an effort to assert control over territory in the New World and to exploit its resources.

There were several similarities between the colonization of New France and New Netherland:

Both colonies were located in the northeastern region of North America.Both were settled by Europeans who established trading posts, forts, and other settlements in the region.Both colonies were involved in the fur trade, which was an important economic activity in the region at the time.Both colonies had significant conflicts with indigenous peoples, and both were involved in the slave trade.

There were also several differences between the colonization of New France and New Netherland:

New France was established by the French, while New Netherland was established by the Dutch.The two colonies had different systems of government and different relations with the indigenous peoples of the region.The geography and climate of the two colonies were different, with New France being more heavily forested and colder than New Netherland.The two colonies had different relationships with the other European powers that were active in the region, and this had an impact on the development of the colonies.


Write a par of a history of the Egyptians . Must include a least 6 sentences (And the dates for each events)




How did countries ready their militaries for World War I? Select three answers.

by setting up military schools

by requiring colonies to participate

by drafting soldiers into the military

by encouraging civilians to volunteer

by offering higher wartime pay

How did Justice Hugo Black argue that internment was justifiable, despite also expressing concern?
He said not all Japanese Americans were disloyal.
O He said the camps were nice.
O He said it was justified by war.
O He said it would save democracy.


Justice Hugo Black believed that the World War II internment of Japanese Americans was justified owing to the demands of the conflict.

Who was Justice Hugo Black?When the constitutionality of the internment policy was contested before the Supreme Court in the case of Korematsu v United States (1944), he joined the majority in supporting the policy, arguing that the "grave exigencies of war" required the government to act to safeguard national security.He admitted that not all Japanese Americans were disloyal, but asserted that harsh steps had to be used by the government to defend the nation at a time of war and that it was challenging to distinguish between loyal and disloyal people.It's important to note that he later came under fire for his support of the internment policy, particularly in light of discoveries about the government's lack of evidence to back up the need for the imprisonment, and he expressed remorse for his decision after the war ended.

To know more about Justice Hugo Black, refer:




He said it was justified by war


How did the "Family of Carl" use photography?



1936 - January 13, 2003) was an autodidact photography historian and ... Palmquist was born into the working-class family of Carl Eric Palmquist

What is the best credit history?


To maintain the best credit history a person must pay his/her bills on time by doing that they can gain a good credit score if the credit score ranges from 670-739 then it is considered a good credit score or FICO score. A credit history is a measure of one’s ability to repay debts.

It is recorded in the credit report, which gives detailed information about the details about the credit accounts, types of credit accounts, how long it took to create them, amounts owed, whether paid bills on time or not, number of recent credit inquiries, etc.

Credit history is important cause credit companies and lenders use this information to decide whether to lend money or not.

Having a good credit history means paying your bills on time without having heavy debts. It makes it easy to get credit cards, gives a better choice of loans, and helps to gain lower interest rates. All these factors can help you get a good amount of loans and gain the trust of creditors.

To know more about credit history



What branch of the service is the Air Force?


The United States Air Force (USAF) is one of the eight uniformed services that make up the US Armed Forces and is responsible for providing air service also called the air service branch.

What is Air Force?

In its broadest meaning, the air force refers to the component of the national armed forces that primarily engage in aerial combat.

It is the division of a nation's armed forces that is in charge of aerial warfare, as opposed to an army or navy.

Similar to the Navy, there is about the same number of reserves and active duty members in the Air Force.

One of the eight uniformed services of the United States, the United States Air Force (USAF) is the air service branch of the US Armed Forces.

Therefore, the United States Air Force (USAF) is one of the eight uniformed services that make up the US Armed Forces and is responsible for providing air service also called the air service branch.

Know more about Air Force here:



which of the following best describes the origins of theis quotation as it relates to womens equality


Other options for the question were:

A). It is from the US Constitution and written during the Second Continental Convention by Abigail Adams.

B). It is from the Declaration of Independence and written by the founders of the United States.

C). It is the Seneca Falls convention, using language from the Declaration of Independence.

D). It is from the National Woman Suffrage Association's charter, written by Susan B. Anthony.

The best describes the origins of this quotation as it relates to women's equality is from the Seneca Falls convention, using language from the Declaration of Independence (C).

The quotation says "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that men and women were created equal." The Seneca Falls Convention was held in Senecal Falls, New York in July 1848, and it was the first convention that gathered many women to demand the right to vote and to end discrimination based on race and gender. It was organized by the name Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and Jane Hunt.

Learn more about the best quotation as it relates to women's equality here: https://brainly.com/question/2126209


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Code to be written in python: Correct answer will be automatically awarded the brainliest!Since you now have a good understanding of the new situation, write a new num_of_paths function to get the number of ways out. The function should take in a map of maze that Yee Sian sent to you and return the result as an integer. The map is a tuple of n tuples, each with m values. The values inside the tuple are either 0 or 1. So maze[i][j] will tell you what's in cell (i, j) and 0 stands for a bomb in that cell. For example, this is the maze we saw in the previous question:((1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1))Note: You should be using dynamic programming to pass time limitation test.Hint: You might find the following algorithm useful:Initialize an empty table (dictionary), get the number of rows n and number of columns m.Fill in the first row. For j in range m:2.1 If maze[0][j] is safe, set table[(0, j)] to be 1 because there's one way to go there.2.2 If maze[0][j] has a bomb, set table[(0, k)] where k >= j to be 0. Since one cell is broken along the way, all following cells (in the first row) cannot be reached.Fill in the first column. For i in range n:3.1 If maze[i][0] is safe, set table[(i, 0)] to be 1 because there's one way to go there.3.2 If maze[i][0] has a bomb, set table[(i, 0)] and all cells under it to be 0. The reason is same as for the first row.Main dynamic programming procedure - fill in the rest of the table. If maze[i][j] has a bomb, set table[(i, j)] = 0.Otherwise, table[(i, j)] = table[(i - 1, j)] + table[(i, j - 1)]Return table[(n - 1, m - 1)]Incomplete code:def num_of_paths(maze): # your code here# Do NOT modifymaze1 = ((1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1))maze2 = ((1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))maze3 = ((1, 0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0, 1))Test Cases:num_of_paths(maze1) 2 num_of_paths(maze2) 3003 num_of_paths(maze3) 0 two electric irons were sold at Rs.1050 each. 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Which tribe did Lewis observe that mixed traits of the mountains and plains cultures, living part of the year on salmon and roots in the mountain valleys, and then hunting buffalo on the western edge of the plains the rest of the time Which phrase describes estuaries? are made of fresh water only are areas where rivers flow into lakes are homes to unique plants and animals are places where all of Virginia's water drains O please help me !!literally struggling right now !! (Chart A - H2)Line De represents the current household demand for a specific product. If income taxes are reduced, which line will represent the demand for that specific product?a. D1b. Dec. D2 Part Two Consider the following three scenarios. Respond to the reflection questions related to each scenario with your suggestions for government action in complete sentences. 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