what will happen when the san andreas fault ruptures for the world?


Answer 1

Parts of the San Andreas Fault intersect with 39 gas and oil pipelines. This could rupture high-pressure gas lines, releasing gas into the air and igniting potentially deadly explosions.  Also, such a quake would cause some $200 billion in damage, 50,000 injuries, and 2,000 deaths.

Related Questions

desertification, the great green wall, and sustainable water harvesting are all human activities that have impacted the vegetation over time in which physical area?


The physical area that has been impacted by desertification, the Great Green Wall, and sustainable water harvesting due to human activities is the Sahel region.

Desertification is the process by which once-productive land transforms into a desert-like, lifeless region. Overgrazing, deforestation, and soil erosion, as well as climate change and drought, are the main causes of desertification.

The Great Green WallThe Great Green Wall is a 7,775-kilometer-long greenbelt that spans 11 countries in Africa, from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east. The project aims to tackle desertification and its negative effects on the people and environment of the Sahel region. The Great Green Wall is intended to be a barrier to prevent the spread of the Sahara Desert southward.

Farmers in the Sahel region are supported to plant trees, harvest water, and develop sustainable farming methods. The people in the region are dependent on rainwater, which is becoming more unpredictable as a result of climate change.

For such more questions on desertification:



Part A - Cloud Types describes. There are three basic types of cloud: cirrus, cumulus, and stratus. Match each of the following items to the type of cloud Drag the appropriate items into their respective bins. View Available Hint(s) Reset Help The cloud family found at the highest altitudes Are larger and have no distinct individual cloud units High, white, and thin Sheets or layers covering most or all of the sky Have a cauliflower appearance Have a feathery appearance Comprised of globular, individual cloud masses Cirrus Cumulus Stratus Submit Part B - Raindrop formation The maximum radius for cloud droplets is about 0.05 millimeters. However, typical raindrops have volumes thousands of times greater. Let's examine how these tiny cloud droplets turn into raindrops. Forming raindrops occurs within cumulus (cumulonimbus) and stratus (nimbostratus) clouds via the Bergeron process or the collision-coalescence process. The Bergeron process is active at subfreezing temperatures. • Ice crystals grow from supercooled water droplets-tiny water droplets that are liquid below the freezing point of water. • If a cloud is saturated with water, it is supersaturated with ice. Therefore, as ice crystals form, water droplets evaporate to replenish the water vapor used in forming ice crystals. • These ice crystals can grow large enough to fall to the ground, melting to form raindrops as they reach higher temperatures during decent. For the collision-coalescence process: • Larger water droplets collide and join with other water droplets, eventually forming raindrops that are large and heavy enough to fall to the ground. When these water droplets have more of an opportunity to collide with other water droplets (e.g., in taller clouds or because of updrafts), they are better able to form raindrops. • Additionally, because the droplets are not all exactly the same size, they will move at different rates, increasing the likelihood of collisions. • This rainfall can be measured using reflectivity. A higher rate of rainfall reflects more light than lower rainfall rate, so it is possible to determine the rate of rainfall using reflectivity. Select all that apply. View Available Hint(s) Rain forms via the collision-coalescence process when larger water droplets combine with other water droplets while passing through the cloud. Supercooled water in clouds enables the Bergeron process, where raindrops start as ice crystals. Thin sheets of clouds are conducive to raindrop formation via the collision-coalescence process. For temperatures below 0°C, air that is saturated with water is not saturated with ice. Submit Now, you will use rainfall rates calculated from reflectivities to determine total rainfall. Part C - Calculating rainfall amounts People look at weather radar maps regularly to visualize current and recent weather patterns. These weather radar maps provides information on the intensity of precipitation in addition to the total amount of precipitation that falls over a given time period. The heavier the rainfall, the more reflective it is. This reflectivity can be used to calculate the rate of rainfall. The table provided below displays data that illustrates the relationship between radar reflectivity values and rainfall rates. Use this information to calculate the amount of rainfall for the radar values and rainfall durations provided. The calculations you will perform involve only simple algebra, like multiplication and addition. Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Note that not all labels will be used. View Available Hint(s) Reset Help 12 inches 16 inches 0.6 inches 13.75 inches 3.25 inches 4.5 inches A reflectivity value of 47 dBZ for 2 hours. Conversion of radar reflectivity to rainfall rate Radar Rainfall Ratel Reflectivity (dBZ) (inches/hr) 65 16+ 60 8.0 55 4.0 52 2.5 A reflectivity value of 30 dBZ for 6 hours. A reflectivity value of 55 dBZ for 4 hours, A reflectivity value of 52 dBZ for 5 y hours. 47 1.3 A reflectivity value of 41 dBZ for 24 hours. 41 0.5 36 0.3 30 0.1 20 trace





Clouds are categorized into three basic types: cirrus, cumulus, and stratus. Cirrus clouds are found at the highest altitudes and are thin, white, and feathery.

What are the types of Clouds ?

Cumulus clouds have a cauliflower appearance and are comprised of individual globular cloud masses. Stratus clouds are characterized by sheets or layers that cover most or all of the sky.

Raindrops are formed through two main processes: the Bergeron process and the collision-coalescence process. The Bergeron process occurs at subfreezing temperatures, where ice crystals grow from supercooled water droplets.

As ice crystals form, water droplets evaporate to replenish the water vapor used in forming ice crystals. These ice crystals can grow large enough to fall to the ground, melting to form raindrops as they reach higher temperatures during descent.

The collision-coalescence process occurs when larger water droplets collide and join with other water droplets, eventually forming raindrops that are large and heavy enough to fall to the ground. Rainfall rates can be measured using reflectivity, where a higher rate of rainfall reflects more light than lower rainfall rates.

To calculate the amount of rainfall for a given reflectivity value and rainfall duration, we can use the table that displays the relationship between radar reflectivity values and rainfall rates.

By converting the reflectivity values to rainfall rates using the table and multiplying by the duration of rainfall, we can determine the total amount of rainfall. These calculations involve simple algebraic operations, such as multiplication and addition.

Regular monitoring of weather radar maps can provide information on the intensity of precipitation and the total amount of rainfall over a given time period.

Learn more about Clouds here



Different types of lava have different viscosities, depending on their composition or temperature, or both. Label the types of tava flows based on their relative viscosities. Nichest Viscosity Intermediate viscosity lava lowest Viscosity lava SUBMIT ANSWER 1 OF 15 QUESTIONS COMPLETED < 02/15 > 71 &tv A What a Geologist Sees The image shows Mount St. Helens two years after its 1980 eruption. Given the shape of the volcano and presence of a lava dome (source of the steam), what is the most likely composition of the associated magma? SUBMIT ANSWER 1 OF 15 QUESTIONS COMPLETED < 08/15 > Choose one: O A. felsic to intermediate O B. no relationship between these features and magma composition O C. mafic O D. ultramafic


The most likely composition of the associated magma is A. felsic to intermediate.

What is magma?

Magma is molten rock that is found beneath the Earth's surface. It is composed of several different minerals and materials and is formed when the hot rock found within the Earth's mantle rises and melts. Magma is a liquid mass of molten rock that is made up of intense heat and pressure. Magma is found in the lower parts of the Earth's crust, and it can sometimes reach the surface of the Earth, resulting in volcanic eruptions. The temperature of magma can range from 700°C to 1300°C.

Mount St. Helens experienced a Plinian eruption in 1980, which is typical of magmas with a felsic to intermediate composition. The presence of a lava dome is a sign that the magma is still relatively hot and therefore still has some gas, which is also consistent with a felsic to intermediate composition. Mafic, ultramafic, and other magma compositions do not typically produce Plinian eruptions.

To learn more about magma

Following a supernova explosion, if a star’s leftover core is between 1.4 and 3 times the mass of the Sun, neutron degeneracy pressure will balance its self-gravity, and it will be a neutron star—a ball of hot neutrons glowing with the release of thermal radiation, slowly fading as it cools. Above 3 solar masses, the star’s self-gravity is stronger than neutron degeneracy pressure, and the star collapses instead into a singularity (a single point) called a black hole.
Recall that conservation of angular momentum causes collapsing objects to rotate faster. With that in mind, sort the following objects in order of the rotational speed you would expect them to have when they first form, from slowest to fastest.
Items (4 items)
(Drag and drop into the appropriate area)
main-sequence star
black hole
white dwarf
neutron star
Items in order


The order of rotational speed from slowest to fastest that you would expect these objects to have when they first form is Main-Sequence Star, White Dwarf, Neutron Star, and Black Hole.

Following a supernova explosion, the leftover core of a star will become a Main-Sequence Star if it is between 1.4 and 3 times the mass of the Sun. If the star is above 3 solar masses, the star's self-gravity is stronger than neutron degeneracy pressure, and the star collapses instead into a singularity (a single point) called a Black Hole. Conservation of angular momentum causes collapsing objects to rotate faster.

Therefore, the order of rotational speed from slowest to fastest  is Main-sequence Star ⇒ White Dwarf ⇒ Neutron Star ⇒ Black Hole

Learn more about supernova explosions at https://brainly.com/question/28375022


Rank these volcanic hazards according to their travel distance. 1 (Furthest from the source) [Choose ] Tephra Low viscosity lava flow High viscosity lava flow 2 3 (Closest to the source) [ Choose ]


The following are the volcanic hazards ranked according to their travel distance:

1: (Furthest from the source): Tephra2: High-viscosity lava flow3: (Closest to the source): Low-viscosity lava flow

The volcanic hazards have been ranked according to their travel distance below:

1 (Furthest from the source): Tephra

Tephra is the solidified ash and other debris that is erupted during volcanic eruptions. It can travel very long distances and fall from the sky like rain, often blanketing areas far away from the volcano.

2: High-viscosity lava flow

High-viscosity lava flows are slow-moving, thick, and sticky. They can travel long distances from the volcano, but at a much slower rate than low-viscosity lava flows. As a result, they pose a greater threat to surrounding areas, causing damage to anything in their path.

3 (Closest to the source): Low-viscosity lava flow

Low-viscosity lava flows are fast-moving, runny, and can travel long distances from the source. They spread out in thin sheets and can flow quickly, but they also cool quickly, so they don't usually cause as much damage as high-viscosity lava flows.

Learn more about volcanic hazards at https://brainly.com/question/1447821


What is a common rock that can be dissolved by water and weak acids? A. quartzite. B. quartz-rich sandstone. C. limestone. D. all of thes


Answer: C. Limestone


Detrital sedimentary rocks are classified mainly on the basis of... 1) Colors of the cementing minerals
2) Grain sizes of the detrital particles
3) Compositions of soluble minerals
4) Degree of compaction and lithification


Detrital sedimentary rocks are classified mainly on the basis of the grain sizes of the detrital particles. Therefore, the correct answer is the second option.

Detrital sedimentary rocks are rocks that form from the weathering and erosion of pre-existing rocks. This process is known as mechanical weathering. Weathering refers to the breakdown of rock into small particles while erosion involves the transportation of weathered rock by various agents such as water, wind, and ice.

When sedimentary rocks are formed from the transported sediment that has accumulated over time and are cemented together, they are referred to as detrital sedimentary rocks. Detrital sedimentary rocks are characterized by the size and shape of the sediment that they are made up of.

Learn more about Detrital sedimentary rocks at https://brainly.com/question/30648046


What pressure area is this?



High pressure


It is a high pressure area because it's area temperature is hot.

This is a high pressure area. We can observe this due to the high temperature.

The density of each layer is affected by the ______________ of the material and the amount of _____________ it is under


The density of each layer is affected by the  composition of the material and the amount of pressure it is under.

The composition of the material,  similar as the minerals and  rudiments present in it, will have an effect on its  viscosity. Pressure is also a factor, as some accoutrements  will come more  thick when  subordinated to lesser pressure.

For example the Earth's crust is made up of several layers of different consistence and is affected by the pressure from the overlying layers. The pressure increases the deeper one goes, and so the  viscosity increases as well.

To know more about Earth's crust visit:



What was the government group that was sent to protect the Indians in 1968


In 1968, the U.S. government created a special unit known as the Indian Police Power and Responsibility Task Force (IPPR) to provide law enforcement and security services to American Indian communities.

The IPPR was established in response to the growing tensions between Native American tribes and the federal government, which had been escalating for several decades.

The IPPR was made up of specially trained law enforcement officers who were responsible for protecting the civil rights of Native Americans and enforcing federal laws on reservations. The task force was also tasked with investigating crimes committed against Native Americans and ensuring that those responsible were brought to justice.

The creation of the IPPR was an important step in improving relations between the federal government and Native American communities, although it was not without controversy. Some critics argued that the task force was an attempt to increase federal control over Native American lands, while others praised its efforts to protect the rights and welfare of indigenous people.

To learn more about American Indians



Interstellar dust is effective at blocking visible light because...A) the dust is so denseB) dust grains are so fewC) dust grains are so smallD) dust grain are so large


Interstellar dust is effective at blocking visible light because dust grains are so small. Therefore the correct option is option C.

Interstellar dust is a constituent of the interstellar medium in the galaxy. It's a form of matter that exists in the space between the stars. These are the small fragments of matter that have been formed from the dust ejected from stars and then mixed with gas.

This dust, often known as cosmic dust, has a long history of causing great curiosity among scientists as it includes the building blocks of our own world, making it an essential component in the universe.

The interstellar dust consists of a wide range of materials, including heavy elements, minerals, silicates, carbon, and ice. In general, this dust is extremely fine-grained, measuring just a few hundred nanometers in size. Therefore, it is effective at blocking visible light.

For such more question on Interstellar dust:



what are the different sizes and shapes of galaxies?


elliptical, spiral and irregular

Astronomers classify galaxies into three major categories: such as the answers above ⬆️

these galaxies span a wide range of sizes, from the dwarf galaxies containing as few as 100 million stars to giant galaxies with more than a trillion stars- or so they say of course.

changes in agriculture may have contributed to global changes in temperature.​


Yes, changes in agriculture have contributed to global changes in temperature.

What is agriculture?

Agriculture is the practice of cultivating crops and raising animals for human use and consumption. It involves various activities such as preparing the soil, planting seeds, watering, fertilizing, pest management, and harvesting. Agriculture plays a crucial role in providing food, fiber, and fuel for the world's population. It has been practiced for thousands of years and has undergone significant changes over time, including the use of advanced technologies and scientific methods. Agriculture is essential for economic development and sustainability, and it has the potential to contribute to poverty reduction and food security. However, it also faces challenges such as climate change, land degradation, and water scarcity, which require innovative solutions and sustainable practices to ensure its continued success.

To learn more about agriculture, visit:



Nuclear reactions in main sequence stars take place ___________________________, where the gas is hot and dense.


Nuclear reactions in main sequence stars take place in their cores, where the gas is hot and dense.

What is a nuclear reaction?

A nuclear reaction is a process in which atomic nuclei are modified, which changes the chemical properties of an atom. A nuclear reaction can result in the release or absorption of energy. The transmutation of nuclei, the creation of nuclei, or the splitting of nuclei are all examples of nuclear reactions. Nuclear reactions can be brought about by a variety of means, including natural radioactive decay, nuclear fission, and nuclear fusion.Nuclear reactions in main sequence stars take place in their cores, where the gas is hot and dense. In their core, high temperatures and pressures produce nuclear fusion. The process of nuclear fusion involves the conversion of hydrogen into helium, which releases a large amount of energy. This energy is responsible for the star's radiance and heat.

Learn more about nuclear reaction here: https://brainly.com/question/1420545


Identify a true statement about how presidential campaign financing has changed over time. A. Almost all candidates since the 2000 elections have opted out of the use of public funding. B. Nearly all presidential candidates since 2000 have used government matched funds to finance their election bids. C. Most candidates have started using soft money contributions since the passage of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act in 2002. D. Most candidates since 2000 have been relying on federal funding for their primary campaigns and on dark money contributions for their general election campaigns.


The correct statement about how presidential campaign financing has changed over time is that almost all candidates since the 2000 elections have opted out of the use of public funding therefore the correct option is A.

By  concluding out of public backing,  campaigners can accept larger  benefactions from individual  benefactors and have  further  coffers to spend on their  juggernauts. The passage of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act in 2002 also redounded in a shift from the reliance on civil backing for primary  juggernauts to the acceptance of so- called"

soft  money"  benefactions. These  benefactions aren't subject to the same restrictions as public backing and can  give a significant boost to a  seeker's  crusade. also, the use of" dark  money"  benefactions has come decreasingly common, with these donations coming from undisclosed  benefactors. All these changes have had a significant impact on the way presidential  juggernauts are financed.

Hence the correct option is A.

To know more about presidential campaign visit:



According to the scientific view, how many years ago did life on earth begin?a. 3.5 billion years ago b. 3.5 billion years ago c. 3.5 million years ago d. 3.5 million years ago e. 350,000 years ago


THE ANSWER IS: 3.7 billion years old.

Six police officers A, B, C, P, Q and R were saluting on Independence Day in such a way that was second to the left of Q but immediate right of A. There was one police officer between B and P. B and S Were not at any end of the row. P and Q were neighbors. Who was at the extreme left?​


The extreme left in the row of six police officers saluting on Independence Day is Officer A.

Officer B is alternate to the left wing of Officer Q and  incontinently to the right of Officer A. Officer P and Officer Q are neighbors, with Officer P being one police officer to the left wing of Officer B. Officer R is on the extreme right of the row.  

The relationship between the police officers can also be  imaged with the following  example   A- B- Q- P- R   In this  example, Officer A is at the extreme left wing, Officer B is alternate to the left wing of Officer Q, and Officer P and Officer Q are neighbors. Officer R is at the extreme right.

To know more about police officers visit:



a hurricane is defined as a large area of sustained winds greater than 119 this is the wind speed at which


A hurricane is defined as a large area of sustained winds greater than 119; this is the wind speed at which a tropical storm becomes a hurricane.

A hurricane is a tropical cyclone with strong, rotating winds. A tropical cyclone is a broad, rotating low-pressure system that produces thunderstorms and potentially damaging wind and rain.

Hurricanes are classified into five categories based on their sustained winds. The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale classifies hurricanes as follows:

Category 1: sustained winds of 74-95 mphCategory 2: sustained winds of 96-110 mphCategory 3: sustained winds of 111-129 mphCategory 4: sustained winds of 130-156 mphCategory 5: sustained winds of 157 mph or higher

Hurricanes are classified based on their sustained wind speed. A tropical storm becomes a hurricane when its sustained wind speed exceeds 74 mph, and it becomes a major hurricane when its sustained wind speed exceeds 111 mph.

Learn more about  Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale  at https://brainly.com/question/31044233


From the following, select the ways in which Titan resembles early Earth. (Choose all that apply.) a. It has a thick atmosphere. b. Its atmosphere is mostly nitrogen. c.…From the following, select the ways in which Titan resembles early Earth. (Choose all that apply.)a. It has a thick atmosphere.b. Its atmosphere is mostly nitrogen.c. It has liquid water on the surface.d. It has terrain similar to Earth's.e. It is rich in organic compounds.


From the given options, the ways in which Titan resembles early Earth are: a. It has a thick atmosphere. b. Its atmosphere is mostly nitrogen. d. It has terrain similar to Earth's. e. It is rich in organic compounds. Therefore, options a, b, d, and e are the correct ways in which Titan resembles early Earth.

Titan's thick atmosphere: Like Earth, Titan also has a thick atmosphere. The atmosphere of Titan is about 1.5 times denser than the Earth's atmosphere, and it extends up to 600 kilometers above the surface. Nitrogen is the dominant gas in the atmosphere of Titan: Titan's atmosphere is mostly composed of nitrogen gas, similar to early Earth.

The ratio of nitrogen and methane in the atmosphere of Titan is about four to one, and the remaining amount consists of trace gases like argon, hydrogen, and helium. Terrain similar to Earth's: Titan's surface is characterized by a diverse range of features like dunes, lakes, seas, and mountains, which are similar to those found on Earth.

The equatorial regions of Titan have a dune field that is similar to those found in the Namibian desert. The dune fields in the higher latitudes resemble polar ice caps on Earth. Rich in organic compounds:

The organic molecules on Titan are formed by a chemical process known as photochemical reactions, which involve ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

For such more question on thick atmosphere:



what are the two dominant climate zones in the south asia region?a) winter & summerb) equatorial climate and tropical savannahc) rain wet and spring


The two dominant climate zones in the South Asian region are b)equatorial climate and tropical savannah.

The equatorial climate zone is located along the coasts of southern India and Sri Lanka, while the tropical savannah climate zone is located in the interior of the region. Both of these climate zones have distinct characteristics and affect the climate patterns of the region. The equatorial climate zone is characterized by high temperatures and high humidity throughout the year. It experiences heavy rainfall throughout the year, with no clear dry season. This climate zone is also prone to tropical cyclones and hurricanes, which can cause severe damage to the coastal regions.

The equatorial climate zone is important for the production of crops such as rice, tea, and rubber. The tropical savannah climate zone is characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons. It experiences high temperatures and low humidity during the dry season and high humidity and heavy rainfall during the wet season. This climate zone is important for the production of crops such as wheat, maize, and cotton. Overall, the South Asian region is characterized by a diverse range of climates due to its vast size and varied topography.

The region is influenced by monsoon winds and is prone to natural disasters such as floods, droughts, and cyclones. It is important for the countries in the region to understand and adapt to the unique climate patterns in order to ensure sustainable development and economic growth. Therefore the correct option is b)

Know more about  climate zones here:



true or false lithofication is the process in which two plates move towards each other and the denser one slides below the other.


The statement "lithification is the process in which two plates move towards each other and the denser one slides below the other" is False because lithification refers to the process in which sediment is compacted and cemented together to form sedimentary rock.

What is lithification?

Lithification is the process by which sedimentary rocks are formed. It is a transformation process that involves the compaction and cementation of sediment to produce solid rock from loose sediment. The process of lithification results in the creation of sedimentary rocks from sediments such as clay, silt, sand, and gravel.

How does lithification occur?

Lithification occurs in three stages:

Compaction of Sediments - This occurs when the weight of overlying sediment squeezes the water out of the sediments beneath it. As a result, the sediment becomes denser, and the grains are packed closer together.

Cementation of Sediments - Cementation occurs when mineral crystals are deposited in the small spaces between the sediment grains, gluing them together to create solid rock.

Sedimentary Rocks - Sedimentary rocks are formed when the compacted and cemented sediment becomes hard and forms rock.

Thus, the statement, "Lithification is the process in which two plates move towards each other and the denser one slides below the other," is false.

Learn more about Lithification here: https://brainly.com/question/1446935


An example of a calcium carbonate deposit in the lithosphere is...
answer choices


The example of a calcium carbonate deposit in the lithosphere is limestone. Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed mostly of calcium carbonate ([tex]CaCO_{3}[/tex]), which is deposited by precipitation or accumulation in the form of layers (strata).

Limestone is a sedimentary rock that forms from the precipitation of calcium carbonate from the water. It is one of the most abundant rocks in the Earth's crust and is a significant part of the lithosphere. Limestone can be found all over the world and is commonly used in construction, cement, and agriculture.Gneiss, shale, and granite are all examples of metamorphic rocks that form from existing rocks under high temperature and pressure. They do not contain significant amounts of calcium carbonate deposits. Therefore, the correct answer is limestone.

For such more questions on limestone:



Churchill Manitoba: Polar Bear Incident
Use the following graphic organizer to record your thinking and evidence about
the polar bear incident.
We are gathering information that will help determine who is responsible for the
incident where the polar bear was hit by the tundra buggy
What is the problem?
A polar bear has been hit by a tundra buggy, and the driver has been found innocent.
Who is, or are, responsible for this incident?
What is evidence of their direct OR
Indirect involvement?
Who are the
Mayor of Churchill
Manager of
Tourism and
Where did you get this information
from? (Which quote/photographic
What did you use to make your
As a geographer you have carefully considered each of the perspectives (Social, Political, Economic and
What is your conclusion? Who is, or who is responsible for this incident? in the space below EXPLAIN how you
came to this conclusion.


Responsibility for the incident falls on multiple parties. The tourist was directly involved, but the manager of Tourism and Economic Development and the mayor of Churchill also bear responsibility for ensuring the safety of wildlife and minimizing negative impacts on the environment.

What are the level of involvement of each category?

Category| Evidence of involvement |Stakeholders

Tourist (Social) | The tourist was in the tundra buggy that hit the polar bear. | Tourist industry, animal rights activists, local community.

Mayor of Churchill (Political) | The mayor has a responsibility to ensure the safety of both tourists and wildlife in the area. | Local community, animal rights activists, government officials.

Manager of Tourism and Economic Development (Economic) | The manager has a responsibility to promote tourism while minimizing negative impacts on the environment. | Tourist industry, local community, government officials.

Naturalists (Environmental) | Naturalists have a responsibility to protect the environment and wildlife in the area. | Environmental organizations, animal rights activists, local community.

Based on the evidence, it is clear that the tourist was directly involved in the incident. However, responsibility also falls on the manager of Tourism and Economic Development and the mayor of Churchill. Both have a responsibility to ensure that the tourist industry operates in a way that minimizes negative impacts on the environment and wildlife.

Furthermore, it is important to consider the impact on stakeholders. The local community relies on tourism for their economy, but they also value their wildlife and environment. Animal rights activists are concerned with the welfare of the polar bears, and environmental organizations are concerned with the impact of tourism on the fragile ecosystem.

In conclusion, responsibility for the incident falls on multiple parties. The tourist was directly involved, but the manager of Tourism and Economic Development and the mayor of Churchill also bear responsibility for ensuring the safety of wildlife and minimizing negative impacts on the environment. All stakeholders should work together to find a solution that balances the economic benefits of tourism with the need to protect wildlife and the environment.

learn more about Economic Development: https://brainly.com/question/18633771


Which of the following best describes the possible outcome of creating a ta
free banking zone in a country?
OA. International investors will avoid that zone
OB. International investors will be attracted to that zone
OC. Government regulations may be lifted in other countries
OD. The local economy will suffer as tax income decreases


Option b: The most likely outcome of creating a tax-free banking zone in a country would be International investors will be attracted to that zone, as it could potentially offer lower tax rates and greater financial incentives.

In geography, a zone refers to an area characterized by certain environmental or climatic conditions. The classification of land into zones is based on various factors such as climate, topography, vegetation, soil, and human activities

There are different types of zones in geographies such as climate zones, vegetation zones, and biomes. Climate zones are based on temperature and precipitation patterns. Vegetation zones are defined by the type of vegetation found in an area. Biomes are similar to vegetation zones but are based on similar climate patterns rather than specific types of vegetation. Other types of zones include administrative zones, economic zones, and time zones.

Zoning plays an important role in environmental management, natural resource conservation, and urban planning. It can help in the allocation and management of resources, and control the impact of human activities on the environment. Zoning can also be used for disaster management purposes by identifying areas that are prone to natural hazards such as flooding, earthquakes, and landslides. Understanding zones is essential for making informed decisions about land use, resource management, and environmental protection.

Learn more about zone here:



what is the world’s most frequented artificial waterway?



The Kiel Canal


which of the following are not considered sediments?group of answer choicesfragments of shellsfragments of rockcemented grainsprecipitated crystals


(C) Precipitated crystals are not considered sediments as they are not formed by the accumulation of fragments of shells or rocks or cemented grains.

Sediments are typically formed by the accumulation and deposition of materials such as fragments of shells, rocks, or cemented grains, usually in bodies of water such as oceans or lakes. Precipitated crystals, on the other hand, are formed through the chemical process of precipitation, which occurs when a dissolved substance in a liquid comes out of solution and solidifies. Precipitated crystals are typically formed by the cooling or evaporation of a liquid or by chemical reactions, rather than by the physical accumulation and deposition of material. As a result, they are not considered sediments, which are formed through the physical process of deposition.

Therefore, all options listed in the question are considered sediments, EXCEPT (C) precipitated crystals.


Complete question

which of the following are not considered sediments?group of answer choices

A: fragments of shells

B: fragments of rock

C: precipitated crystals

D: cemented grains


You can learn more about sediments at



Maine, Nevada, and North Dakota do not have large populations. What are some reasons for such small populations




I have been to Maine several times. There are two issues about living there.They have hard winters, most of the time. Do not live there if you cannot deal with a long, hard winter. Its good if you can stay inside and write, like Stephen King.

another thing is job diversity because they rely on Lumber, fishing and other natural resources

figure 1 shows the rock layers and fossils in a particular outcropping. figure 2 shows the rock layers and fossils in a second out cropping Explajn the similarities and differences you see in the examples. complete the sentences by choosing the correct answer from each box.



the questions are blurred?


Answer: 1. D  2. J  3. Fossils 4. Similar

Explanation: they have the same fossils so they wee in the same place

Volcanic activity created the _____ that is important to the economy of the village of Vestmannaeyjar on the island of Heimaey, near Iceland. fishing port.


Volcanic activity created the fishing port that is important to the economy of the village of Vestmannaeyjar on the island of Heimaey, near Iceland. This statement is factual and relevant to the given question.

Volcanic activity refers to the processes and phenomena involved in the eruption of magma, ash, gas, and other volcanic materials from the earth's surface. The volcanic activity is often accompanied by a range of environmental impacts such as air pollution, climate change, landslides, and the formation of new landforms, among others.

In the case of the village of Vestmannaeyjar on the island of Heimaey, near Iceland, volcanic activity played a significant role in creating the fishing port that is important to the economy of the village. The eruption of Eldfell in 1973, which lasted for about five months, resulted in the formation of a new landmass and created a natural harbor that became the new fishing port of the village.

The fishing industry is the backbone of the economy of Vestmannaeyjar, with its major focus being on the harvesting of fish such as cod, haddock, and mackerel. Therefore, the volcanic activity that created the fishing port played a significant role in shaping the economy and social life of the village.

To know more about volcanic activities refer here :https://brainly.com/question/10564401#


Coal is formed from the remains of plants covered by rocks and soil for millions of years and can be burned to produce energy. Soil and layers of rock are removed to
uncover coal using diggers and bulldozers during a process called mining.
How does coal mining affect the environment?
O Coal mining cleans the rivers in the area.
O Coal mining improves the health of the living things near the mine.
O Coal mining increases the amount of water in the rivers in the area.
Coal ming increases the amount of soil washed away when it rains.


Answer: Coal mining increases the amount of soil washed away when it rains.

Explanation: Coal mining can have significant negative impacts on the environment. One of the primary impacts is the disturbance of the land and removal of soil and layers of rock to access the coal. This can lead to erosion and soil degradation, and can increase the amount of soil washed away during rain events. Coal mining can also lead to water pollution as contaminants from the mining process can leach into nearby waterways, impacting aquatic ecosystems and making the water unsafe for human consumption. In addition, coal mining can contribute to air pollution through the release of particulate matter and greenhouse gases during the mining and burning of coal. Overall, coal mining can have wide-ranging and long-lasting environmental impacts.

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