What were the major reasons for rationing during WWII?


Answer 1

Supplies like canned milk, butter, sugar, and gasoline had to be rationed in order to make room for the war effort. A number of goods suffered lower supplies as a result of the war's disruption of trade.

What were the major reasons for WWII?

Involving almost every country in the world from 1939 to 1945, World War II, often known as the Second World War, was a global struggle. Germany, Italy, and Japan made up the Axis powers, whereas the United States, the Soviet Union, France, Great Britain, and, to a lesser extent, China, made up the Allies. The fight, which lasted over six years, was the largest in human history. A little over 100 million people had been militarized, and 50 million people had died (about 3% of the world's population). Numerous factors contributed significantly to World War II. Following World War I, these included the effects of the Treaty of Versailles, the global economic downturn, the failure of appeasement, the development of militarism in Germany and Japan, and the collapse of the League of Nations.

To know more about World War II visit:                    brainly.com/question/14247518


Related Questions

Develop a brief summary of the changes in your home town economy and provide examples of
these changes using a variety of different mediums. You may create a video, write an essay or
journal, create a multimedia presentation, or a combination of each.
All projects should include the following:
1. An interview with a local citizen about how the crisis has impacted their life.
2. A summary of businesses that have closed in the area over the last three years, including
how many of these were locally owned versus corporate owned.
3. A summary of the number of jobs and homes lost in the area over the last three years.
4. Other examples of economic decline (i.e.- housing projects or other construction left
unfinished, closed banks and other loan companies).
5. Examples of initiatives and programs in the local economy to help facilitate economic


If there was one thing I could do to improve my hometown, it would be to construct some practical and cutting-edge amenities.

What are the changes in your home town economy?The epidemic has also weakened our economic stability, destroyed our aspirations, and altered our family and work relationships.A startling 60% of businesses fail within the first three years, with 20% failing to survive through their first year.Workers who are unemployed experience financial difficulty, which has an effect on their families, relationships, and communities.The failure of half the banks. Businesses had to cut back on their goods and services by 50% compared to the 1920s or go out of business.To enhance local circumstances, local economic development integrates economic development, urban planning, infrastructure development, and social development initiatives.

To know more about economic development, visit:



!!!How did the geography of Mexico, Central America, and South America affect where people settled? write 2 or more sentences



Its rich soils and cooler climate have attracted more people to live in the mountainous regions than along the coast. Hurricanes, tropical storms, earthquakes, and volcanic activity produce recurring environmental problems for Central America.

Describe the intellectual and ideological movements that influenced the revolutions that swept the Atlantic world from 1750 to 1900.


The enlightenment idea fostered questions about class and religion and challenged the legitimacy of governments with absolute authority, which led to revolutions.

Nationalism contributed to revolutions between 1750 and 1900. The French Revolution, for instance, led to a shift from identity in leader to identity in nation. The rise of contemporary nationalism is attributed to the French Revolution. The government established social changes like child labor restrictions and an education requirement as a result of how many accidents occurred while youngsters were required to work in industries.

Due to the requirement for access to natural resources and closeness to waterways for industrialization, environmental considerations played a role in this process. The availability of coal, iron, and timber, as well as harbors and the Atlantic, allowed the British to industrialize.

Racism was an ideology that supported imperialism. As an illustration, consider how the British conquered Africa because they believed it was their responsibility as white people to civilize black people.

As a result of having to labor in factories and mines, women in the newly developed industrial working class founded the feminist movement. The eradication of slavery was a consequence of revolutions. For instance, slaves successfully resisted for equality during the Haitian Revolution. The first successful slave uprising in history occurred here.

To know more about revolutions



your opinion regarding the views on the social and race disadvantage played by the nazi’s


Chronicles the relationship between medicine and the Nazi movement throughout history, focusing on the changes that the movement's racial and social objectives brought about in medicine.

What do you mean by Opinion?

A view or judgment about anything is called an opinion, and it is not always supported by information or reality.

Nazi Germany ran a campaign from 1933 to 1945 to "purge" German society of people seen as biological risks to the "health" of the country. The Nazis developed racial health policies with the assistance of doctors, medically trained geneticists, psychiatrists, and anthropologists. These policies started with the mass sterilization of people who were "genetically diseased" and ended with the almost complete annihilation of European Jewry. The Nazi regime carried out a program of about 400,000 forced sterilizations and over 275,000 euthanasia deaths, which found its most extreme manifestation in the Holocaust, where millions of "racial" enemies perished. This program was made possible thanks to the veneer of legitimacy provided by "racial" science experts.

Therefore, The Nazi T4 euthanasia program and the extermination camps were the pinnacle of the dissemination of this philosophy, which was founded on Social Darwinism.

Learn more about Opinion, here;



The _______________ _______________ was a deal in which the Japanese agreed to limit emigration of workers to the United States as long as the federal government agreed not to prohibit Japanese immigration.


The gentlemen's agreement was a deal in which the Japanese agreed to limit emigration of workers to the United States as long as the federal government agreed not to prohibit Japanese immigration.

An unofficial agreement known as the Gentlemen's Agreement of 1907–1908 was made between the United States and Japan to reduce rising tensions between the two nations, notably those involving immigration. In exchange for Japan agreeing to deny emigration passports to Japanese laborers while still allowing wives, children, and parents of current immigrants to enter the United States, it demanded that U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt compel San Francisco to revoke its order desegregating Japanese-American schools.

Many male Japanese immigrants got married off-contract to so-called "picture brides," in order to get around the agreement. A man might bring his new wife into Japan legally if he wed a Japanese citizen. While being a picture bride—so named because prospective husbands chose them based on their photographs—gave some women the chance to start fresh lives in America, it may also carry risk because the women didn't know their future spouses or the state of their future homes.

Up to 1924, more than 10,000 Japanese women joined the country, with more than 15,000 moving to Hawaii. Approximately 1% of California's population at the time was made up of immigrants from Japan.

To know more about Gentlemen's Agreement



Explain why the Articles of Confederation (1777) failed as the United States' first constitution. Then, identify the ways in which the United States Constitution (1787) improved upon the Articles of Confederation.


The Articles of Confederation, which was the United States' first constitution, failed because it did not give the national government sufficient power to effectively govern the country. Under the Articles, the national government was weak and had limited powers, while the state governments were powerful and held most of the authority. This led to many problems, including the inability of the national government to levy taxes, regulate trade, or maintain a standing army. In addition, the Articles did not provide for a national court system or a strong executive branch, which made it difficult to enforce laws and policies.

The United States Constitution, which was adopted in 1787, improved upon the Articles of Confederation in several ways. First, it created a stronger national government with more powers, including the ability to levy taxes, regulate trade, and maintain a standing army. Second, it established a clear separation of powers between the three branches of government (legislative, executive, and judicial) and provided checks and balances to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. Third, it established a federal court system and a national system of laws, which helped to ensure that the laws were applied consistently throughout the country. Finally, the Constitution provided for a more effective method of amending the document, which made it easier to adapt to changing circumstances and needs. Overall, the Constitution addressed many of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and provided a more effective framework for governing the United States.

Damascus and Aleppo. Sanaa and Aden. Tripoli and Benghazi. These city pairs illustrate:
Select one:
a. the rank size rule.
b. classic examples of urban primacy.
c. some countries need for a summer capital.
d. rival urban cores within a single country.


Option D is correct, Damascus and Aleppo. Sanaa and Aden. Tripoli and Benghazi. These city pairs illustrate rival urban cores within a single country.

A small elite receives a disproportionate share of Baghdad's resources, which supports an entrenched violence system. Although Tripoli, like Baghdad, serves as the main entry point for funds obtained from the nation's oil wealth, opposing Libyan forces are at odds over how authority should be distributed. As a result, fierce rivalry-based violence is currently being waged in an effort to take control of the city. Sanaa and Damascus don't have the same amount of generosity to give out. Due to the amount to which oil profits go through Baghdad and Tripoli, respectively, in Iraq and Libya, such control is equivalent to controlling the state. Despite not offering the same opportunities for revenue capture, Damascus and Sanaa remain the centers of their respective combat economies.

To learn more about Damascus, click at:



5. When a vice president becomes president, how is the next vice president chosen?


The new president appoints someone to fill in their old position of vice president, this choice can possibly be voted on by congressional approval

Observe your local community and consult friends, family, and local leaders to identify issues in your area. List at least
three issues that you would like to see addressed.


By observing my local community and consulting friends, family, and local leaders I found out that there are many issues in our country that need to be resolved as soon as possible.

Three issues that I would like to see to improve my country and community are:

1. Poverty: It is a major issue in every country and community. Poverty is rising rapidly every year the percentage increases. The percentage also brings light to how the pandemic has increased the number of poor.

2. Pollution: Environmental issues and pollution are the challenges that every country is facing. Additionally, the increased use of vehicles and construction also contributes to pollution in our country. In the long term, pollution will present major health and mental issues like asthma, and heart diseases.

3. Corruption: the most important issue in the country I corruption which must be handled quickly. Public and private both are corrupted. We all must be concerned and should remove corruption as soon as possible.

To learn more about issues in our country or community, click here:


Identifying Central Issues In the first excerpt, Bolívar quotes Jean-Jacques Rousseau, one of the most important thinkers of the Age of Enlightenment. What did Rousseau think about liberty? How does Símon Bolívar apply that idea to the issues that his people are facing?

Source: Primary and Secondary Sources
Activity netw rks
Simón Bolívar, “An Address of Bolívar at the Congress of Angostura (February 15, 1819)” (Find Online!)


Rousseau believed that liberty was a natural right of all humans, and that it should only be limited by the law of nature.

What is natural right?

Natural right is a philosophical concept that believes that all humans possess certain fundamental rights that are inherent to them simply by virtue of being born human.

He argued that the only legitimate government was one that was created by the people, and that it should be based on the social contract between the people and the government. Bolívar applies Rousseau's ideas to the issues facing his people by arguing that they should have the right to freedom and independence from Spanish rule, and that the only legitimate government is one that is based on the will of the people. He also criticizes the Spanish for their oppressive rule, and argues that the only way for the people to be truly free is to overthrow the Spanish and create their own government.

To learn more about natural right

What two places were known for having decentralized/feudal governments during the 600 to 1450 time period?


Feudalism was practiced in both decentralized Japan and the Byzantine Empire.

Which two locations had decentralized governments?

While decentralized regions (Western Europe and Japan) established political organization to more effectively deal with their own difficulties, centralized empires (the Arab Caliphates and the Song Dynasty) drew on the successful models of the past.

What occurred between the years 600 and 1450 CE?

Between 600 and 1450 CE, it was impossible for one empire to rule the entire world, in large part due to the difficulty of travel and communication. The fact that the Islamic caliphates and the Mongol Empire had too much country to successfully govern contributed to both of their downfalls, at least in part.

To know more about decentralized/feudal governments visit:-



During the 20th Century, battle included devastating effects on civilians due to advancements in weaponry. What were examples of the change in weapons


Due to improvements in armament, battles during the 20th century often had disastrous repercussions on populations. Weapons such as poison gas, machine guns, and submarines changed how wars were waged.

In the early 20th century, people referred to World War I as "The Great War." The war received its moniker in recognition of the scale of the combat and the staggering number of casualties.

Soldiers and civilians were killed and injured by weapons used in the air, on the ground, and underwater. Armed forces could only build defensive ditches due to the overwhelming might of both sides' weapons. The effects of the new physical weapons serve as a reminder of the spiritual weapons that Christians need to be aware of.

World war I was the first modern war, despite the fact that World War II caused far more carnage. Armies came to a standstill, facing each other across war-torn countries, as a result of new tactics like trench warfare.

In 1914, the first hand grenades were employed in World War I. Despite the fact that hand-thrown weapons had been developed hundreds of years earlier, they were redesigned during World War I to meet the unique needs of trench combat.

To know more about World War I



Which judicial concept is related to the overlapping jurisdictions every American citizen lives under?


stare decisis

English Common Law



English Common Law or also known as the English bill of rights is also where the US got the idea for the bill of rights

Compare and contrast different styles of illuminated manuscripts. What are the three types of illuminated manuscripts


Initials, borders, and tiny images are the three different styles of illuminated manuscripts.

A text with additional decorative components is referred to as an illuminated manuscript, sometimes known as a painted manuscript. Pages embellished with gold or silver were the sole pages that were originally referred to as illuminated manuscripts, although the term is now used more generally. In the Middle Ages, illuminated manuscripts were widely used in Europe and the Islamic world.

Author's pages with pictures, carpet, and decorative initials are the three types. The rug pages' geometric pattern is well known. Initial shows the first letter of the chapter. Full-page pictures were surrounded by artistic borders on the author's page.

Caroline manuscripts were produced in her tiny text and in the classical style. Both two-dimensional and three-dimensional decorations were present in the illuminations. The Ebbo gospels was a gospel book written in the Carolingian manner. The images in the Ebbo gospels stand out from other Carolingian artwork because of their vivacious, expressive atmosphere. The Ottonian style was used to decorate the courts of the Saxon rulers between 960 and 1060. Ottonian manuscripts were influenced by Byzantium. The style was characterized by big eyes and burnished gold backgrounds.

The pictures addressed a variety of evangelist themes.

To know more about illuminated manuscripts



Europeans who established settlements on land already occupied by Native Americans had particular interests that affected the relationships they established with Native Americans. Compare and contrast the relationships the French and the Spanish had with Native Americans.



The relationships between Europeans and Native Americans in North America varied depending on the specific European nation and the specific Native American group involved. In general, the French and the Spanish had different approaches to their interactions with Native Americans, which reflected their different interests and goals in establishing settlements in North America.

One major difference between the French and the Spanish was their approach to trade. The French tended to focus on trade with Native Americans and sought to establish friendly relations with them in order to facilitate trade. They traded a wide range of goods, including furs, textiles, and firearms, and tended to be more willing to adapt to Native American ways of life. The Spanish, on the other hand, were more focused on conquest and colonization, and they tended to be more aggressive in their interactions with Native Americans. They traded mainly for gold and other resources, and they often used force to try to subdue Native American groups and incorporate them into the Spanish empire.

Another difference between the French and the Spanish was their approach to religion. The French tended to be more tolerant of Native American religious practices and often tried to convert Native Americans to Catholicism through peaceful means. The Spanish, on the other hand, were more aggressive in their efforts to convert Native Americans to Catholicism and often used force to try to suppress Native American religious practices.

Overall, the relationships between the French and Native Americans tended to be more cooperative and mutually beneficial, while the relationships between the Spanish and Native Americans were often more confrontational and exploitative.

Before a general election can take place, a political party may hold a


Answer: primary election

Explanation: primary election to select the party's candidate for the general election. Primary elections are held to choose the candidate who will represent each political party in the general election. They are typically held in the months leading up to the general election and are open to registered members of the political party. The candidate who wins the primary election becomes the party's nominee for the general election and will appear on the ballot representing the party. In the United States, primary elections are held in each state and territory, and the process for selecting the candidate can vary from state to state.

Question 5 of 5
Which statement best completes the diagram to explain the incorporation of
the Bill of Rights through the Fourteenth Amendment?
The Supreme Court
interprets due
process to mean
that Bill of Rights
protections apply
to the states.
Most protections
in the Bill of
Rights are
incorporated into
the Fourteenth
OA. The Fourteenth Amendment requires states to guarantee due
B. Congress passes a law requiring the government to provide
substantial due process.
C. The Fifth Amendment requires the federal government to
guarantee due process.
D. The Fourteenth Amendment is passed without a due process


The Fourteenth Amendment compels states to ensure that due process is followed. Hence, option A is correct.

What did the Supreme Court rule on the 14th Amendment?

There was some debate about whether or not the Bill of Rights applied to states and their governments. The Supreme Court clarified this when it ruled that the 14th Amendment constituted federal law and so extended to all states, implying that states had to follow it.

The United States Supreme Court determined that marriage is a basic right guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment, and so same-sex couples must be allowed to marry. The decision established that statewide prohibitions on same-sex marriage could not be justified as constitutional.

To learn more about Fourteenth Amendment, click



A. The Fourteenth Amendment requires states to guarantee due


To Help farmers, the __________ paid farmers not to produce certain farm products to increase demand and raise prices



Hey there!

The answer is the word "GOVERNMENT".To help farmers, the government implemented a program in which they paid farmers not to produce certain farm products. This was done to increase demand and raise prices for those products. This way, it helps farmers to receive better prices for their goods and can better sustain their livelihoods. The idea behind this program is to balance the supply and demand for agricultural goods, so farmers can get better returns on their investments and can help to stabilize the market and the industry.

What happened to people in Japanese internment camps?


Insular barracks with only cots and coal stoves served as homes for internees. Although there were shared laundry and restroom facilities, hot water was typically scarce. This was the condition of people in Japanese internment camps

In addition to the $38 million in reparations paid by Congress in 1948, it additionally gave each survivor who had been housed in the concentration camps forty years later an extra $20,000 payout.negative psychological outcomes When Japanese Americans had to deal with the stress of being forcibly relocated and forced to give up their homes, property, and businesses, shock, fear, and worry were frequently experienced as the first psychological emotions. In March 1946, the final Japanese internment camp was closed. Executive Order 9066 was officially revoked by Gerald Ford in 1976, and the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 provided more than 80,000 Japanese Americans with $20,000 in damages as compensation for their suffering.

To learn more about internment camps here



How did the university help advance society under the Lý dynasty?
It improved military strategy.

It made government officials more effective.

It brought scholars to the area.

It led to more productive farming.


The university help advance society under the Lý dynasty by bringing scholars to the area. The correct option is c.

What is the history of the Lý dynasty?

The first ruler of the Lý dynasty, Lý Công Uẩn, was of Min Chinese ancestry. Yet the identity of his birth-father was unknown; likewise, little is known about his maternal side except for the fact that his mother was surnamed Phạm. Very few direct details about his parents are known, however, the ethnic Chinese background of Lý Công Uẩn, at least on his paternal side, was accepted by Vietnamese historian Trần Quốc Vượng.

The Lý clan of Lý Công Uẩn's adoptive father Lý Khánh Văn was a Vietic Tao-hua clan originated from the highland regions in Feng district.

Learn more about dynasty, here:



an argumentive thesis differs from an explanatory thesis because it ? apex


An argumentative thesis relies solely on primary sources to support its arguments.

How does an argumentative thesis differ from an explanatory?

The primary distinction between argumentative and explanatory articles is that one is objective (expository) while the other is subjective (argumentative). The primary distinction between an argumentative and expository essay is that an explanatory essay merely provides information clarifying the subject, whereas an argumentative essay also includes the writer's personal opinions. A thesis that explains something tells the reader what you will explain and what elements or facets of the topic will be taken into consideration.

What is one of the major characteristics of an argumentative thesis?

An argumentative thesis needs to be specific and limited. In comparison to a wide, general claim, a concentrated, limited claim is easier to understand, more able to be backed by facts, and more persuasive.

To know more about argumentative thesis visit:                   brainly.com/question/27913816


What events led to the Munich Conference?


After a protracted period of talks, the Munich Conference was held. Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister, attempted to persuade Adolf Hitler not to demand the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.

Why did the Munich conference fail, and what was it about?

Although it was intended to be a peaceful pact, it gave Hitler the power to maintain his use of force and get what he wanted. Due to its weak predecessors and the strong pattern of appeasement towards Hitler that had previously been formed, the Munich Agreement had the chance to end the war but failed. The appeasement of Adolf Hitler at the Munich Conference in September 1938 is referred to as the Munich lesson in international relations. France and the United Kingdom allowed Nazi Germany to annex the Sudetenland in order to prevent war.

To know more about Munich conference visit:



Anna knows she needs to
apologize to someone she was
rude to, but she is too arrogant to
admit it.
What kind of conflict is Anna
A. external conflict - man vs society
B. external conflict - man vs nature
C. internal conflict - man vs self


The kind of conflict Anna is facing is internal conflict. Thus, option 'C' is the correct option.

What is internal conflict?

The fight taking place within a character's head is referred to as an internal conflict. Things like things that the character longs for but just can't quite have. Unlike external conflict, which occurs when a character is battling an external force, such as war, a bike chain failing, or being unable to pass a barricade.

Internal conflict typically involves some sort of moral or emotional conundrum. Character doubt or self-reflective thoughts like "what did I do wrong?" are signs of internal struggle. Making decisions can sometimes be complicated by an internal struggle.

Learn more about internal conflict, here:



One benefit that women had in Aztec society was *
O None of the above
OBeing able to inherit property
Being able to hold leadership roles
O All of the above


Aztec men were expected to do more laborious work while women were expected to work in the household and care for the family. For example, women were tasked with caring for young children, preparing meals and repairing clothing.

Here are the ideas for the question i asked before
Can sombody help me whit this

Describe the new ideas about government that Japan adopted and any changes the Japanese made to these ideas. Here are the ideas.

Starting with Prince Shotoku, Japanese rulers adopted new ideas about government from China. China's form of government was both like and unlike Japan's. For example, the emperors in China and Japan had quite different powers. The emperor in China was the sole ruler, whereas in Japan, the emperor had only loose control over the semi-independent uji. Uji controlled their own land, and their leaders struggled among themselves for the right to select the emperor and influence his decisions.

While Japanese emperors depended on local leaders, the Chinese emperor ruled with the help of a bureaucracy of government officials. At least in theory, appointments to government jobs were based on merit. Any man who did well on an examination could become an official.

During the 7th and 8th centuries, Japanese rulers adopted a Chinese style of government. Japanese tradition credits Prince Shotoku with starting this development. Borrowing Confucian ideas, the prince created ranks for government officials. In 604, he issued a set of guidelines called the Seventeen Article Constitution, which stated that the emperor was the supreme ruler: “In a country there are not two lords; the people have not two masters. The sovereign is the master of the people of the whole country.”

Later rulers went much further in bringing Chinese-style changes to Japan. In the late 7th century, Emperor Tenmu and his wife and successor Empress Jitō reformed and strengthened the central government. Control of the land was taken away from clan leaders and given to the emperor. The emperor then redistributed the land to all free men and women, and in return, people paid heavy taxes to support the imperial government.

By the 700s, Japan's imperial government looked much like China's. It was strongly centralized and supported by a large bureaucracy. Over time, however, one key difference emerged. Although Prince Shotoku had called for government officials to be chosen on the basis of their ability, as in China, a powerful aristocracy developed in Japan during the 9th century. As a result, members of noble families held all the high positions in the government.


A summary of the article is that Japanese adopted the idea of a strong emperor when Prince Shotoku issued the 17 article constitution based upon Chinese ideas.

What was Shotoku 17 article constitution about?

The 17 Article Constitution, also known as Shotoku 17 article constitution in Japanese history were code of moral precepts for the ruling class that was issued in 604 CE by the regent Shōtoku Taishi which set the fundamental spirit and orientation for the subsequent Chinese-based centralized reforms.

It was written during a period of disunity in Japan, when the country was divided into hereditary, semiautonomous uji units, the articles emphasized the Chinese Confucian concepts of a unified state ruled by one sovereign; the employment of officials based on merit rather than heredity; the responsibilities of officials to the ruled etc.

Read more about 17 article constitution



What features of the internet make it such a use fool tool for politics and government


Social media has the capacity to alter both the message and the dynamics of political corruption. The internet has established avenues of communication that are essential for the dissemination of news.

What positive effects has technology had on politics?

Millions of users may access political information, engage with political figures, organize political discussions, and express their own viewpoints. Social media platforms are being used by political campaigns to reach voters with political advertising.

What function does the Internet serve in a democracy?

The internet improves the informational access that interested persons have, enabling them to influence public policy. People can more easily participate in governmental policy-making by using internet tools for organization.

To know more about internet visit:



Jenna is writing a informative essay on the causes of the Indian removal policies in Mississippi. Which is best research question for her to ask


A great research question goes beyond conventional knowledge, piques the reader's interest, and may be covered in several paragraphs.

What exactly is an informative essay?

Although the definition of an essay is uncertain, it overlaps with those of a letter, a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short story. The personal component, humor, exquisite language, rambling structure, unconventionality or freshness of theme, and so forth separate formal essays from informal essays. An instructive essay educates the reader on a certain topic. They can be used to define a term, contrast two things, evaluate data, or provide instructions. They, on the other hand, do not convey a point of view or seek to persuade your reader.

To learn more about Formal essays, click



Think about what you have learned about the expansion of the United States in the early part of the 1800s. What do you think are the costs and benefits of this expansion for the people of the United States


Following the Civil War, as more people went to the west in quest of employment possibilities, westward expansion grew even more. During the Gilded Age, migrants were drawn to the American West by land, mining, and improved train travel.

A republic's longevity rested on an independent, moral populace, and Thomas Jefferson believed that independence and virtue went hand in hand with land ownership, especially the ownership of small farms. He believed that westward expansion was the key to the country's health. The United States would have to keep growing in order to have enough land to support this ideal population of virtue-loving yeomen. One of the major themes of American history in the 19th century was the westward expansion of the country, but this story goes beyond Jefferson's expanding "kingdom of liberty." Instead, as one historian claims, westward migration "very nearly destroyed[ed] the republic" in the six decades after the Louisiana Purchase.

Although the Louisiana Purchase included new territories, the Missouri Compromise did not, and as the country grew, the issue of slavery persisted. "King Cotton" and the system of slave labor that supported it became more and more important to the Southern economy. Although Congress was not necessarily against slavery, they did not like how it appeared to limit their own economic opportunities.

To know more about westward expansion



How is the preamble to the Constitution related to the idea of the social contract?


The preamble was created to persuade the populace to submit to the constitution, which aims to forge a union that fairly serves its constituents.

The Constitution, and through it, the people, are the source of all legitimate laws and legitimate government activities. In other words, because the Constitution is a social compact in which the people agree that the government can exercise specific powers, it is a legal document. The idea that people's moral and/or political obligations depend on a contract or agreement among them to create the society in which they live is known as the social contract hypothesis, which is almost as old as philosophy itself. Rather than establishing legally binding obligations or duties, the preamble aims to introduce the reader to the contract and the parties.

Learn more about the preamble from



Answer: C - It creates a government whose power comes from the people.

Explanation: got it correct on edg

What rhetorical devices does Sotomayor use in her speech?


To convey to her audience what it means to her to be a Latina-American in her 2001 speech, Sonia Sotomayor employed emotive language, comparison and contrast, and strong imagery.

What's the purpose of the speech?

Sotomayor hopes to win the judges' and American citizens' support for her appointment to the Supreme Court. Additionally, she needs their help. Using rhetorical techniques like ethos and pathos, she supports her argument. The use of rhetorical strategies like ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos can help you write more persuasion.

While ethnic variety is important to America, Sotomayor's address emphasized that sometimes our way of life does not treat it with respect. Sotomayor constantly acknowledges the significance of her diverse upbringing and does so with obvious respect.

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