What were Lenin's reforms?


Answer 1

Lenin's Sovnarkom, which ruled by decree, enacted numerous reforms, including land confiscation for redistribution among the citizens, allowing independent declarations of non-Russian countries, enhancing labor rights, and expanding access to education.

What is Lenin's contribution?

In the 1917 Russian Revolution, he was a crucial figure. implementing extensive land changes. Lenin was credited with the Bolsheviks' triumph during the Russian Civil War, which lasted from 1917 to 1922.

                     The New Economic Policy, which he introduced, was a synthesis of many economic systems with the state playing a decisive role.

What is the abbreviation for Russian Revolution?

When the Russian working class and peasants rose up in 1917 to overthrow Tsar Nicholas II's administration, it is known as the Russian Revolution.

                 Vladimir Lenin, along with a group of revolutionaries known as the Bolsheviks, served as their leader. The Soviet Union was a nation founded by the new communist regime.

Learn more about Russian Revolution



Related Questions

By the end of 1863, the Union wanted to:
O A. take full control of the railway lines.
O B. take full control of the Confederate plantations.
O C. take full control of the South.
OD. take full control of the Mississippi River.


Answer: Misssissippi River


What did international rules require submarines / U-boats to do?


Answer:   Hope this helps any

Explanation:  U-boats were naval submarines operated by Germany, particularly in the First and Second World Wars. Although at times they were efficient fleet weapons against enemy naval warships, they were most effectively used in an economic warfare role and enforcing a naval blockade against enemy shipping.

6. What is included in George Washington's Farewell Address?
7. Why were the Alien and Sedition Acts controversial?
8. How did Adams respond to the French seizing American ships?
9. How did Adams respond to bribery letters from the French?
10. What belief did Alexander Hamilton have?



I explained it all


 6)Washington warned that the forces of geographical sectionalism, political factionalism, and interference by foreign powers in the nation's domestic affairs threatened the stability of the republic.

7)The laws—which remain controversial to this day—restricted the activities of foreign residents in the country and limited freedom of speech and of the press, particularly when it was critical of the president or the government.

8)In response, President Adams called a special session of Congress on May 16, 1797 and asked Congress to support a military build-up for a possible conflict with France. This period is referred to as the Quasi-War with France.

9)On March 20, Adams turned them over, with the names of some of the French actors redacted and replaced by the letters W, X, Y, and Z. The use of these disguising letters led the business to immediately become known as the "XYZ Affair."

10)His belief was that a governmental power should be concentrated in the hands of those few men who had the talent and intelligence to govern properly for the good of all the people. Hamilton feared that if most power was given to states or peoplewould determine decisions, not what was best for everyone.

what was one of maria theresa’s successes as an absolute monarch


Strengthening royal power  was one of maria theresa’s successes as an absolute monarch.

Who was  Maria Theresa here?

One of the most well-known Habsburgs and the most significant monarch of the age of Enlightened Absolutism was Maria Theresa. After her father Charles VI's death, she assumed control of the administration and carried out a number of long-lasting changes.She made significant contributions to fundamental medical changes, a national education system, and state economic improvement. Maria Theresa, unlike other enlightened despots, struggled to fit into the intellectual milieu of the Enlightenment and did not share its enthusiasm with Enlightenment principles.

To know more about Monarchy here



Which statement explains why Plateau Indigenous populations had few possessions? Check all that apply.

Their tribal leaders forbade hoarding.
They were seminomadic people.
They shared their material goods.
Their spiritual belief was to live simply.
Their villages relocated each season.


The statements which explains why Plateau Indigenous populations had few possessions are - They shared their material goods. Their spiritual belief was to live simply.

Who are Plateau Indigenous people?

These plateau Native Indians lived in the coastal mountain system and the Rocky Mountains of Canada and the United States. The Lillooet, Okanagan, Walla Walla, and Wenatchee were among these tribes.

Plateau Indians had few possessions because these tribes valued the equality of all tribe members and shared what they had. They led simple lives and dressed simply, nothing fancy.

Therefore, Plateau Indigenous populations had few possessions.

To learn more about Plateau Indigenous people, click here:



Who is Goodman in Monsters Are Due on Maple Street?


Barry Atwater as Les Goodman in "The Twilight Zone1960 "'s television episode The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street

Tommy from The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street—who is he?

J. Weston

About 12. Any entertaining anecdotes regarding the situation? I only recall that Jack Weston was entertaining both on and off stage. He is a fantastic actor.

In Monster, who plays Johnny?

The primary antagonist of Monsters University, a 2013 Disney/Pixar animated feature, is Johnny "The Jaw" Worthington. With two fangs (thus his nickname) and a powerful torso, he has purple fur and resembles Satan.

The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street introduces Charlie.

Who is Charlie?

The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street (TV Episode 1960): Charlie, Jack Weston in "The Twilight Zone"

To know more about Twilight Zone visit:



When was relief recovery reform?


The relief recovery reform was postulated for the date of 1933, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president

The Relief recovery Reform  

The New Deal spawned a broad series of federal government programs that sought to bring economic relief to the suffering, regulate private industry, and grow the economy. This can be classified as follows:

Relief ⇒ targeting the unemployedRecovery ⇒ for economy through federal spending and job creationReform ⇒ of capitalism, through regulatory legislation and creation of new social welfare programs

For more about Relief recovery Reform here https://brainly.com/question/14632305


Describe the conditions of Cuba as they existed before American involvement


These revolutionaries call Cuba "the brothel of the western hemisphere" - an island inhabited by a degraded and starving people whose main occupation was catering to the needs of American tourists in Havana's luxury hotels, beaches and casinos.

The required details for revolutionary in given paragraph

A revolutionary is a person who takes part in or supports the revolution. The term revolutionary can also be used as an adjective to refer to something having a major and sudden impact on society or some aspect of human endeavor. The term —either as a noun or as an adjective—is commonly used in the field of politics, but is also sometimes used in connection with science, invention, or art. In politics, a revolutionary is someone who advocates sudden, rapid, and drastic change, usually circumventing the status quo, while a reformist is someone who advocates more gradual, incremental change, often operating within a system. In this sense, revolutionaries can be considered radicals, while reformists are moderates in comparison. Moments that appear revolutionary on the surface can ultimately strengthen established institutions.

Likewise, seemingly minor changes can have long-term, groundbreaking consequences. Therefore, the clarity of the distinction between revolution and reform is conceptual rather than empirical.

To know about revolutionary click here



Alexander sweeps across continents, conquering and adding to his empire. Which land actually was happy to be conquered and showered him with gifts?


Egypt was happy to be conquered by Alexander and showered him with gifts. Alexander the Great, also known as Alexander III of Macedon, ruled the Macedonian kingdom in antiquity.

At the age of 20, he succeeded his father Philip II to the throne in 336 BC, and throughout the majority of his reign, he waged a protracted military campaign across Western Asia and Egypt. He founded one of history's biggest empires by the time he was 30 years old; it spanned from Greece to northwest India. He is regarded as one of history's finest and most successful military leaders because he was unbeatable in battle. Aristotle taught Alexander until he was 16 years old.

To know more about Alexander the Great:



1. Why was the U. S. At a disadvantage when it first entered World War II, according to the article? O A. It did not have enough enlisted soldiers. O B. Its Pacific fleet had been seriously damaged. O C. Its military was half the size of Japan's O D. It had no land holdings or allies in the Pacific​


Its Pacific fleet had been seriously damaged.

When U.S.A joined the war, Japan knew and planned to launch a surprise attack. At Pearl Harbor, on December 7, 1941, Japan's plan was in motion. The United States were not prepared for this and were therefore  caught off guard. They took a huge damage after this because they had all the war equipment with them there which were destroyed. The food supplies were also damaged. The Japan army attacked four fleets in US territories : Wake island, Guam and Philippines. U.S.A would end up being helpless because they were no close allies around to get them back on their feet. They would recover but only after the United States Air squad and sub -marines showed up. They challenged the Japanese to retreat. The U.S.A would have to take some time still because the inconvenience was not negligible.

Consider reading more about this here:



by 1860, tax-supported school systems for children had been established in every state.


Yes, by 1860 tax-supported school systems for children had been established in every state in the United States. This was a result of the passage of the Common School Act in Massachusetts in 1852, which set a precedent for other states to follow.

The Establishment of Tax-Supported School Systems in Every State by 1860

The establishment of school systems for children in every state by 1860 was the result of a shift in public opinion in favor of education. The Common School Act of 1852 in Massachusetts was a major milestone in this shift, as it was the first law to provide for mandatory, tax-supported schools for all children. This set a precedent for other states to follow, and within just 8 years, school systems had been established in every state in the Union. These school systems provided the framework for more widespread access to education, allowing children from all backgrounds to receive an education.

Learn more about School system: https://brainly.com/question/25759088


Which speakers statement would have led to the strongest disagreement between the federalist and anti-federalist


The statement that would have led to the strongest disagreement between the Federalists and anti-federalists is "The federal government should have supreme authority over the states, with the power to override any state laws or decisions that go against the interests of the nation as a whole."

This statement may have caused great disagreement between Federalists and Anti-Federalists because it conflicted with Anti-Federalist beliefs about the importance of state rights and the limited powers of the central government. there is. Federalists would argue that this level of centralized power is necessary for the maintenance and prosperity of the state, but anti-federalists argue that it leads to the erosion of individual national sovereignty and the oppression of people. I would argue that they are connected.

Learn more about the Federalists and anti-federalists here: https://brainly.com/question/267094


How were the three Indus Valley civilizations similar?
Think about geography, culture, and economies.


They were all similar because they shared the same

When did the British first use radar?


The british first use radar helped the british win the battle of britain by detecting the germans once they had been intercepted and deciphered their attack messages to create.

The perfect lure and persuade the germans that they were in a superior position. The battle of britain was an incident that took place on british soil during the Second World War. German fighters and light bombers conducted beach raids.

However, because britain had radar, they were able to track the planes and use tactical measures. They first constructed a sizable radar network to track them and thwart their attack. They had also intercepted and encrypted their clandestine messages in order to be ready. As a result, Britain came up with a scheme to seduce the Luftwaffe, and it worked.

To know more about World War II visit:



How did the PLO leader Yasser Arafat respond to what happened at Camp David in 2000?


Yasser Arafat was deeply disappointed by the failure of the Camp David Summit in 2000. In the days following the summit, he issued a statement blaming the failure of the talks on the Israeli government's unwillingness to compromise on key issues such as the status of Jerusalem, the right of return for Palestinian refugees, and the borders of a future Palestinian state. He also accused the Israeli government of unilaterally changing its positions throughout the talks, making it impossible for the Palestinians to reach an agreement.

Part B Research a current immigration issue. Explain what the issue is. Then describe push and pull factors, the effect of globalization, and public opinion of the issue.



One current immigration issue is the situation at the United States-Mexico border, where many individuals, including children, are seeking asylum due to violence, persecution, and economic insecurity in their home countries.

Push factors refer to the conditions or circumstances that drive individuals to leave their home countries and migrate to another country. In the case of the situation at the US-Mexico border, some of the push factors may include violence and persecution in countries such as El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, as well as economic insecurity and lack of opportunities in these countries.

Pull factors refer to the conditions or circumstances that attract individuals to migrate to a particular country. In the case of the US-Mexico border, some of the pull factors may include the prospect of safety and security, as well as the potential for economic opportunity and a better standard of living in the United States.

Globalization has also played a role in the current immigration issue at the US-Mexico border. Globalization refers to the interconnectedness and interdependence of countries and their economies, as well as the flow of goods, services, and people between countries. In this case, globalization may have contributed to the push factors in countries such as El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, as well as the pull factors of the United States. For example, economic globalization may have led to the outsourcing of jobs and the destabilization of local economies in these countries, leading to increased poverty and insecurity. At the same time, the United States, as a global economic power, may have attracted individuals seeking economic opportunity and a better standard of living.

Public opinion on the immigration issue at the US-Mexico border is divided. Some people support the rights of individuals seeking asylum and believe that the United States has a moral obligation to provide a safe and welcoming environment for refugees. Others believe that the United States has the right to control its borders and that asylum seekers should seek protection in their home countries or in other countries closer to their home countries. There are also concerns about the cost of providing services and support to asylum seekers, as well as potential security risks.

Who wrote The Wealth of Nations in 1776 and coined the term the invisible hand?


The Theory of Moral Sentiments, published in 1759, and An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, published in 1776, are Adam Smith's two books in which he first proposed the idea.

What was Adam Smith renowned for?

The first comprehensive system of political economy, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776), which included Smith's description of a system of market-determined wages and free rather than government-constrained enterprise, made Adam Smith the "forefather" of capitalist thought. Smith is best known for this one work, and it is widely regarded as the foundation of modern economic theory. The material requirements of the entire society would be addressed, he reasoned, despite the fact that people are by nature self-serving.

To know more about Adam Smith visit:



how did the struggles of black women during the civil rights movement compare to thew struggles of black men?



: Black women were more discriminated against than black men beat and ra9ed. When it comes to black women, their endeavors in this fight for equal rights were often overshadowed by men's. It was not unusual that black men got more attention, as they are often given more credit for their civil rights accomplishments even nowadays. Black men, for instance, were the first ones to be granted the right to vote, upon passing of the Fifteenth Amendment. Black women, however, did not get this right until the Nineteenth Amendment was passed. During the March on Washington (1963), for instance, civil rights leaders who were women were neither invited to march nor did they speak to the crowd.


What was the significance of the US Supreme Court's decision in Korematsu v United States ?


One of the Supreme Court's most contentious rulings ever was announced on December 18, 1944.

Since it permitted the federal government to hold a person on the basis of their race during a time of war, the Korematsu decision is still debatable today.

Fred Korematsu received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1998. His road to that point began during World War II when he resisted being compelled to enter a Japanese-American relocation centre where families were housed in horse stalls at a deserted racetrack until they were transferred to far-flung internment camps in the West.

To know more about Supreme Court, click here:



Please help me and explain!


In the farewell address based on the quote here, Washington advised that factions should be avoided to maintain national unity. Thus, option 'D' is the correct option.

What did Washington advise in his farewell address?

Washington advised the country to embrace a long-term strategy that would put it in a position to fight off foreign threats, uphold its own neutrality, and ultimately decide whether to go to war or peace in its own "interest, guided by justice, shall Counsel."

Washington alerts the populace to the possibility that political groups may try to thwart the application of laws made by the government or prevent its branches from acting in accordance with the constitution. Washington also advised the populace to be sceptical of outside influences.

Learn more about George Washington, here:



How did the motivations of the people who settled in California


The motivations of people who settled in California in the late 19th Century were largely driven by the lure of gold, the promise of a better life, and the availability of land.

What is motivation?

Motivation is the process of stimulating someone to take action to accomplish a goal. It is the internal drive that initiates and guides behavior. It is an important factor in achieving success in any endeavor. Motivation is closely related to goal setting and can be a powerful tool for achieving success. Motivation can come from both internal and external sources. Internal sources of motivation include passion and personal drive, while external sources include rewards, recognition, and praise. Motivation is an essential part of any successful endeavor, and can be the difference between success and failure.

This accompanied a greater emphasis on economic opportunity over the traditional values of Eastern settlers, who were often driven by religious or political ideals.

In contrast to the East, California was seen as a place of great potential, where individuals could become wealthy and build a life for themselves. The California climate was also seen as much more amiable than the colder temperatures of the East, creating a more conducive environment for those looking to start a new life. The availability of land was also a major draw for settlers, as the Homestead Act of 1862 allowed individuals to claim up to 160 acres of public land in exchange for a nominal fee. This land could then be used for agricultural or industrial purposes.

The motivations of those who settled in California in the late 19th Century were much more focused on opportunity, wealth, and the potential to improve their lives than those of the Eastern settlers. The combination of these factors created a powerful lure for those looking to make a new start and build a future for themselves in California.

To know more about motivation click-

Why was Italy Axis in ww2?


Answer: Yes

Explanation: Adolf hitler made a peace treaty with Benito Mussolini and therefore made Italy part of the Axis powers.

European exploration was motivated by a desire for economic profit. What natural resource did Europeans seek out in West Africa, South America, and a North America? How did they attempt to acquire this resource in each location?



European exploration of the Americas and Africa was motivated by a variety of factors, including the desire for economic profit, the spread of Christianity, and the search for new trade routes. One of the main natural resources that Europeans sought out in these regions was gold, which was highly valued as a medium of exchange and a symbol of wealth and power.

In West Africa, European traders and explorers sought to acquire gold through a variety of means, including trade with local African kingdoms, who had access to gold mines, and the establishment of European-controlled gold mines and plantations. In some cases, Europeans also used forced labor and slavery to extract gold and other resources from West Africa.

In South America, Europeans also sought to acquire gold, as well as other valuable resources such as silver, copper, and precious stones. To acquire these resources, Europeans established colonies and trading posts, and engaged in trade and other economic activities with local indigenous peoples. In some cases, Europeans also used force and coercion to extract resources from South America.

In North America, Europeans sought to acquire gold, as well as other valuable resources such as timber, furs, and agricultural land. To acquire these resources, Europeans established colonies and trading posts, and engaged in trade and other economic activities with local indigenous peoples. In some cases, Europeans also used force and coercion to extract resources from North America.

unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only." These lines from the Declaration of Independence are an example of the use of _______________. (5 points)


These lines from the Declaration of Independence are an example of the use of logos.

The content of the argument, or the way in which one line of reasoning leads to the next, is known as the logos. Its purpose is to demonstrate that the result to which a line of reasoning leads is not only accurate but also wholly necessary and rational. The logos as a persuasive strategy aims to persuade listeners via logic.

Aristotle also remarks that many of the established premises are contradictory to one another, so it must be taken into consideration when using the logos as a method of persuasion. The logos uses a variety of resources to make the arguments sound reasonable since these in turn are articulated with accepted premises.

Know more about logos here



how do the legislative bodies at the state and local levels compared to Congress



Legislation at the state level is more likely to be enacted than federal legislation. ... 19.3% of state Senate bills and 13.3% of state House bills are enacted.

How does Jekyll react to the mention of Hyde in Chapter 3?


At the mention of Hyde, Dr. Jekyll decides to shut down the conversation, assuring Utterson that he doesn't get the whole story and there's no point in talking about it

How is Hyde described?

Hyde's portrait is depicted as an individual, he was pale and very small, he gave an impression of deformity although without specific malformations, he had a dark smile, behaved arrogantly, adding that he spoke with a kind of hoarse and broken whisper, always arguing of completely negative and dark things.

For more about Hyde In chapter 3 here https://brainly.com/question/13256840


Title- Climate Modeling confirms historical records showing ris in huricane activity. found artical online.


Climate modeling is used to study Earth's climate and predict changes, recent studies confirm an increase in hurricane activity due to rising global temperatures, which are expected to fuel stronger and more frequent storms.

It is important to note that the predictions of the models are based on assumptions, data availability and the complexity of the climate system and they are not definitive. Additionally, the real-world data of hurricane activity is highly uncertain and hard to get, therefore, the study's results should be seen as a projection of what might happen in the future, rather than a definite prediction. Despite these limitations, the study serves as a reminder that climate change is a real and pressing concern, and that steps must be taken to address it.

To know more about climate change click below:



The United States
government passed the
Dawes Act in 1887 with the
A. to naturalize all remaining Native
Americans in the West.
B. to assimilate Native Americans into
white man's culture and "Americanize"
C. to relocate the remaining Native
Americans to the east coast.
D. to authorize U.S. Colonel George
Custer to capture all Native Americans.


C) In 1887, the Dawes Act was enacted by the government of the United States with the intention of moving the remaining Native Americans to the east coast.

What was the Dawes Act meant to accomplish?

By dividing tribal lands into individual plots, the federal government sought to integrate Native Americans into mainstream society by encouraging them to farm and farm. To become citizens of the United States, only Native Americans were permitted to accept the division of tribal lands.

Did the Dawes Act grant citizenship to Indians?

In 1887, the Dawes Act made all Native Americans who accepted individual land grants under the terms of statutes and treaties eligible for citizenship in the United States. This was another time when the government aggressively sought to let other parties acquire American Indian lands.

To learn more about Dawes Act here:






What were some of the technological advances during World War II that made it a war of science?


Answer:1. The Radar System The radar technology that is quite common nowadays, and even a kid could tell its purpose, was invented at the start of World War II.


Which of the following strategies did the Union attempt as it sought to defeat the South during the American Civil War


To prevent commodities from entering or leaving the South and to force a surrender, the Anaconda Plan called for the United States to encircle its territory and blockade the Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi. Blockade every coast in the South.

The Anaconda Plan would do away with the possibility of foreign assistance. Control the Mississippi River, it is the main water of the south. Capture Richmond. Without its capital, the Confederacy's command lines get disturbed.

Shatter Southern civilian morale by capturing and destroying Atlanta, and Savannah, Used the numerical advantage of Northern troops to engage the enemy everywhere to break the spirits of the Confederate Army.

To know more about American civil war



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