what weakness caused austria hungary to struggle in ww1 A. strong nationlism movements within the empire. B. lack of leadership due to assassinations. C. lack of powerful military allies. D. a small population and military.


Answer 1


D. a small population and military

Answer 2

A small population and military is the weakness caused Austrian Hungary to struggle in World War I. Thus, option (d) is correct.

What happens in World War 1?

“A war in which all or almost all the major nations of the world participate” is referred to as a world war. The Great War began in 1914 and is occasionally referred to as World War I. World War I is the most famous war in history. The primary affected to the military and nationalism.

During World War I, Austria and Hungary, however they have to face backward lag as the people of their countries have their own difficulties as both countries have many individuals with distinct ethnic backgrounds, and they all longed for liberty, which caused numerous disturbances in their nations were small population and military.

As a result, the conclusion of the weakness caused Austrian Hungary to struggle in World War I are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on World War 1, here:



Related Questions

which statement best describes the events of February 4th 1861​



Delegates from several Southern states met to form a new Confederate government. Delegates in South Carolina met to vote on whether or not to secede from the Union best describes the events of February 4, 1861. 

Delegates from several Southern states met to form a new Confederate government. Delegates in South Carolina met to vote on whether or not to secede from the Union best describes the events of February 4, 1861. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Which of the following did Federalists oppose?
O acceptance of the US Constitution
O the establishment of slavery in the United States
O the inclusion of a bill of rights in the US Constitution
O a strong national government with many powers



establishment of slavery in Us

why were. children in such high demand​



They were cheap. Meaning they wouldn't have to pay a child as much money as they would an adult. They also weren't big enough to attend school to get an education and they could also fit into tiny spaces adults could not.


Module 2: Directions: Respond to this question to demonstrate your understanding of the topic/content. Be sure to provide adequate and relevant details learned in the module to support your response. Pay close attention to organizing your response so it makes sense and uses correct grammar. Your response should be at least 5-7 sentences at a minimum.

Question: What is the relationship between literature and our identity? How can reading a novel shape our identity?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The relationship between literature and our identity is that through literature, authors write about topics based on the culture, belief systems, and traditions of a country. All of these are important parts of the identity of a nation.

Reading a novel shapes our identity in that authors write about history, traditions from the past, the way people used to live, and how they forged the nation. And that helps readers to learn about their roots, their origins, how the identity of their country was forged on the battlefields, or throughout history.

Identity refers to the values, traditions, and visions of a nation.

This means that every nation has been the result of the culture, customs, values, history, and belief systems of its people throughout the years. And these elements are reflected in literature, as many authors research to write their books.

Which of the following sentences could work as a topic sentence for a
process paragraph?
A. It's all about process.
B. No matter what you're doing, the key is to find a good process.
C. Cashing a check is only a few steps away at Starcrest Mutual
O D. I'm not one of those people who like to follow the same process all
the time.
Help ??



A (Its all about Process)




Cashing a check is only a few steps away at Starcrest Mutual Bank.

All of the following were weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation EXCEPT
A.No Power to Tax
B.No Power to Regulate Interstate Commerce
C.No Executive
D.No Power to Borrow Money



D. No Power to Borrow Money


All of the following were weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation EXCEPT "No Power to Borrow Money."

Analysis of the Articles of Confederation has shown that the Weaknesses of the document include an absence of a national executive; a national judiciary; the power of taxation; and the power to regulate interstate commerce.

Hence, in this case, the correct answer to the question is option D "No Power to Borrow Money."

A historian using the historical thinking skill of examining historiography

A: collect photographs of buildings destroyed in a war zone

B: create an argument about who deserves to be blamed for starting a war

C: use a timeline to order battles in a war

D: compare histories written by people who fought on different sides of a war


Your answer is D because Historiography is the study of historical writing


d is the answer


In regard to state building in West Africa, it can be said that Group of answer choices Zimbabwe replaced Ghana as the predominant trading nation of the area. warfare with the Byzantines resulted in the eventual decline of the kingdom of Ghana. it was conquered by Arabs. Ghana was the first great commercial state there. trade and commerce produced the growth of an integrated empire in the region.



Ghana was the first great commercial state there


In regard to state-building in West Africa, it can be said that "Ghana was the first great commercial state there."

The above statement is true, because West African state-building, and Ghana, in particular, become the first commercial state in the region during the gold-salt trade of the trans-Saharan trade.

Because of the huge deposit of gold in Ghana, and the presence of Coast, both combined to help Ghana become a place to make transactions for the exchange of gold and salt in West Africa.

How was Adolf Hitler able to take over the
A. Hitler attacked the area with the blitzkrieg, killing thousands.
B. Hitler was given the Sudetenland through the Munich Pact.
C. Hitler created the Sudetenland himself in Europe.
D. Hitler invaded France until they agreed to give the Sudetenland
to Germany.



its D


What city was the first capital of the United States?



The very first was New York City.


The first capital of the United States was New York City, afterwards it became Philadelphia, and then later Washington D.C.

How did the Old Lights attempt to suppress the influence of the New Lights in Connecticut and Massachusetts?



By denying them new churches


The Old Lights were the followers of the old, traditional church principles in New England, after the Great Awakening while the people referred to as New Lights were the people who believed in new ideas of doing things and believed in gaining salvation through time, and adhering to instruction against enthusiasm, over justification of works..

One way the Old Lights attempted to suppress the influence of the New Lights in Connecticut and Massachusetts was by denying them new churches.

what were roosevelt's social policies that brought relief to struggling americans



America in the 1920s was a prosperous nation. Savings during the decade quadrupled.1 A “housing boom” enabled millions of Americans to own their own home. By 1924, about eleven million families were homeowners. Automobiles, electricity, radio, and mass advertising became increasingly influential in the lives of average Americans. Automobiles, once a luxury for rich Americans, now gave industrial workers and farmers much greater mobility. Electricity put an end to much of the backbreaking work in the American home. Electric refrigerators, irons, stoves, and washing machines eventually became “widespread.2 On the farm, electric tools such as electric saws, pumps, and grinders made farmers more productive. By 1922, radios were common sources of news and entertainment for American families. With improvements in transportation and communication came increases in the mass advertising industry. In addition to all of this, corporations increasingly offered workers fringe benefits and stock-sharing opportunities.3

Roosevelt's social policies that brought relief to struggling Americans are the National Labour Relations Act, which protected labour organising, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) relief programme, the Social Security Act, and new initiatives to assist tenant farmers and migrant workers.

Through the Emergency Banking Act and the 1933 Banking Act, the First New Deal (1933–1934) addressed the urgent banking crisis. For relief efforts by states and towns, the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) supplied $500 million, while the short-lived CWA granted communities money to run make-work projects from 1933 to 1934.

In order to stop frequent stock market crashes, the Securities Act of 1933 was passed. The First New Deal included the contentious initiatives of the National Recovery Administration (NRA).

Therefore, Roosevelt's social policies brought relief to struggling Americans.

Learn more about Administration, here;



qué cosas podemos hacer para no tener enfermedades riesgosas​


Según la revista “Como defenderse del contagio“ dice: “Según el Ministerio de Salud de Argentina, lavarse las manos “es una de las maneras más efectivas y económicas de prevenir enfermedades”. Solo hay que tocarse la nariz o los ojos sin haberse lavado las manos para contraer la gripe o un resfriado. La mejor defensa contra los gérmenes es lavarse las manos con jabón muchas veces al día...“ Tambien, dice: “Para proteger su salud y la de otros, nunca se olvide de lavarse las manos, en especial en las siguientes ocasiones:

Después de hacer sus necesidades.

Después de cambiar pañales o ayudar a un niño cuando va al baño.

Antes y después de curar heridas o cortaduras.

Antes y después de estar con alguien enfermo.

Antes de preparar, servir o comer alimentos.

Después de estornudar, toser o limpiarse la nariz.

Después de tocar un animal o recoger sus excrementos.

Después de recoger o tirar la basura.

Otra cosa que la revista menciona es lo siguiente: “Los alimentos también pueden transmitir enfermedades si no se preparan o guardan como es debido. En Estados Unidos, 1 de cada 6 personas se intoxica por comer alimentos contaminados, y aunque la mayoría se recupera, algunas mueren. ¿Cómo puede evitar intoxicarse?

Como en ocasiones se utiliza estiércol para abonar la tierra, siempre lave bien las verduras antes de prepararlas.

Antes de empezar a cocinar, lávese las manos con agua caliente y jabón. Haga lo mismo con los utensilios, los platos y las superficies donde vaya a preparar los alimentos.

Lave las superficies o los platos donde ha puesto huevos, carne o pescado crudos antes de volver a utilizarlos. Así evitará que las bacterias contaminen los alimentos listos para comer.

Cocine bien los alimentos, es decir, hasta que alcancen la temperatura adecuada. Si no va a consumirlos en el momento, póngalos en el refrigerador cuanto antes.

Deseche cualquier alimento que se haya dejado a temperatura ambiente más de dos horas, o una hora si la temperatura supera los 32°C (90°F).

what did the compromise of 1877 mean for african americans?


After the Civil War, there was a period called Reconstruction. The main goal of Reconstruction was to try to get the Confederacy back into the United States. Along with this, it meant the South had to give the same rights to former slaves that the North did, which meant Union troops were stationed in the South to make sure they were following these rules.

After Reconstruction ended though, many of the troops were sent back and could no longer watch over the South. This was because of the Compromise of 1877, which was the proper end to Reconstruction. Since there was nobody now to make sure African Americans were being treated like they were supposed to, they were often being treated terribly.

The Compromise of 1877 meant that African Americans could now be treated badly by Southerners, who already resented them and resented the Union for forcing them to give them rights. This caused the Jim Crow era, along with violence against African Americans.

the two major functions of law environment are commonly known as
a-crime control and social control
b-crime control and order maintenance
c-social control and order maintenance
d-none of the above



Environmental law is a collective term encompassing aspects of the law that provide protection to the environment.[1] A related but distinct set of regulatory regimes, now strongly influenced by environmental legal principles, focus on the management of specific natural resources, such as forests, minerals, or fisheries. Other areas, such as environmental impact assessment, may not fit neatly into either category, but are nonetheless important components of environmental law. Previous research found that when environmental law reflects moral values for betterment, legal adoption is more likely to be successful, which usually happens in well-developed regions. In less-developed states, changes in moral values are necessary for successful legal implementation when environmental law differs from moral values.[2]

Ultimately the Framers rejected the Athenian model of Government in favor of the Roman Republic model because: Group of answer choices The Roman Republic was a basic form of direct democracy that appealed to the Framers The Roman Republic embodied a system of limited government The Roman Republic allowed the Framers to impose tyrannical rules to control the actions of the proletariat The Roman Republic signaled a return to a Unitary System which the Framers favored



The Roman Republic embodied a system of limited government.


Ultimately the Framers rejected the Athenian model of Government in favor of the Roman Republic model because: "The Roman Republic embodied a system of limited government."

The Roman Republic is a form of indirect democracy whereby both the majority and minority are kept in checking such that one group does not dominate others. And also, the major decisions are taken by the most informed in the nation rather than just any adult.


The Roman Republic embodied a system of limited government


The Framers of the United States government model chose the Roman Republic model because they wanted a limited government where the powers of the authorities are checked. A republic is a form of government where the interests of the people are represented and the government is checked by institutions. It is different from a direct democracy where all citizens participate in government.

It would prevent a tyrannical government where only a central authority decides what happens. The Framers did not want a situation like the one that existed with the British government where a monarchy governed them and made decisions against their will.

मान वी
स्वभावाच्या कोणत्या पैलुचे वर्णन प्रस्तुज उताऱ्यान आले आहे
ने शोधा​





What’s the answer please help





third point of view

Why did the Federalists support ratification of the Constitution?



Federalists supported the ratification of the Constitution because they believed it was the best way to balance the needs of the government.


The first government of the United States was a single legislature with no executive. The government couldn't raise money; it depended on the states for military power and was generally very weak. Federalists believed the US Constitution would remedy these weaknesses and provide the citizens of the United States with a more effective government. It aimed to balance state and central power and developed a "check and balance" system to prevent central government power from overpowering the states. The Federalists believed this was the most effective way to balance the authoritarian needs of America while preventing an influx of power.

Which statement supports the author’s main claim?

**a government of three branches with equal powers does not exist

-Humans are capable of creating a fair system using separate powers



The answer is humans are capable of creating a fair system

Que papeles desempeńaron Atenas y Esparta en el desarrollo de la Grecia antigua?



which dynasty ruled over France during 18 th cenury

Atenas tenía riqueza en temas como el arte y la cultura, mientras que Esparta estaba entrenando a los guerreros más duros de Grecia.

supporters of free trade believe that:


It lowers costs because it encourages competition


 without government oversight, trade would grow out of control.


List the key events that led
up to the first battle of the
American Revolution at
Concord and Lexington,
Massachusetts in 1775.



Stamp Act (March 1765)

Townshend Acts (June-July 1767)

Boston Massacre (March 1770)

Boston Tea Party (December 1773)

Coercive Acts (March-June 1774)

Lexington and Concord (April 1775)



Rationalists (like Descartes) and empiricists (like Locke and Berkeley) differ on their epistemology approach because:

A. rationalists affirm we can never make mistakes when we appeal to the senses

B. both rationalists and empiricists doubt that there is anything that can be known with certainty;
C. rationalists say that reasoning is based on sense experience; empiricists say that sense experience is based on reasoning.
D. empiricists say that reasoning is based on sense experience; rationalists say that sense experience is based on reasoning.


Many things is possible but mos likely D

how the civilizations were alike, and how they were different, in those categories. You can use the River Valley Civilizations sheet as a reference.



Ancient china and Egyptian civilization shared  and differed in a number of factors.



Both of this civilizations had access to rives which are; The river Nile for Egypt and the Yellow river for China. This rivers acted as sources of water that played a great role in both civilizations. Rivers acted as a source of fish, they also flooded making the nearby land fertile for farming in early civilizations.

Both civilizations had a special way of writing that helped them communicate important ideas. The Egyptian had the famous hieroglyphic being the most famous among their ancient scripts.

The two civilizations had formalized governments, however, this governments differed in terms of ideology. The china government was a monarchy while the Egyptian monarchy was a theocracy.

They both were developed in architecture but differed in the structures they build. The Chinese civilization built the great wall of china while the Egyptians built the pyramids. This structures exist to date.

All of the following statements about the Louisiana Purchase are true EXCEPT: A. it was opposed by many Federalist legislators. B. it revealed President Jefferson's aggressive style in supporting national interests. C. it doubled the size of the United States. D. it contained a great deal of America's least productive farmland.



B. it revealed President Jefferson's aggressive style in supporting national interests


Answer B must be incorrect for one main reason. Jefferson was a strong believer in state's rights and did not support strong national interests. Additionally, all of the other statements are true. Many federalists claimed that Jefferson could not do this because the constitution did not explicitly say that the president could buy land. Also, this purchase did double the US's land mass but much of the land was in the dust bowl and was not good farm land.

Reasons why Germany chose to form a federation



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Germany is a federal republic. The federal state and the 16 Establish local (governments) are each responsible for their own roles and responsibilities. Federalisation in Germany is much more than simply a system of federal states; it reflects the country's decentralised cultural and economic framework and is steeped in heritage.

Question 26 of 33
Which scenario would most likely be classified as terrorism?
A. An anti-immigrant group marches on Washington, D.C., to protest
U.S. immigration policy.
B. A religious group assassinates a politician for demanding more
separation of church and state,
C. A racist group holds a rally insulting minorities and proclaiming
white supremacy.
O D. A state declares war on its neighbor in order to gain access to its
valuable natural resources.


The correct answer is B. A religious group assassinates a politician for demanding more separation of church and state.


Terrorism is a form of action of a specific group that is characterized by using violence and terror to cause remembrance in the population and make a specific demand. In general, terrorist actions use systematic violence to defend their ideologies and attack anyone who is considered to be a violator or opponent of it (it can be the government, a minority group, or another). According to the above, the correct answer is B. A religious group assassinates a politician for demanding more separation of church and state because it is a violent act in response to an action that goes against the ideology of the religious group.

What is the legacy of the Civilian Conservation Corps?

a. resistance against and resentment of the federal government on the part of farmers

b. over 800 national parks, 3 billion new trees, hundreds of miles of roads, and hundreds of new levees, dams, and bridges

c. the end of the drought and the return of the region to bountiful farmland

d. large areas of the Plains that are once again covered in native grasses and sod

I believe it’s B ,not sure



Answer: B.  Considered by many to be one of the most successful of Roosevelt's New Deal programs, the CCC planted more than three billion trees and constructed trails and shelters in more than 800 parks nationwide during its nine years of existence. The CCC helped to shape the modern national and state park systems we enjoy today.The CCC made valuable contributions to forest management, flood control, conservation projects, and the development of state and national parks, forests, and historic sites. In return, the men received the benefits of education and training, a small paycheck, and the dignity of honest work.

Hope this helps if not im swwy have a awesome

The legacy of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) is that over 800 national parks, 3 billion new trees, hundreds of miles of roads, and hundreds of new levees, dams, and bridges. Hence, Option (B) is correct.

The CCC, established during the Great Depression in the 1930s, employed young men in various conservation and infrastructure projects across the United States.

The CCC's work had a significant impact on the nation's natural resources and infrastructure.

Under the CCC, over 800 national parks were created or improved, contributing to the preservation and development of recreational areas.

Additionally, the CCC was responsible for planting approximately 3 billion trees, leading to reforestation efforts and soil conservation.

The CCC also undertook the construction of hundreds of miles of roads, as well as numerous levees, dams, and bridges.

Thus, these infrastructure projects enhanced transportation networks and provided essential flood control measures.

Learn more about the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) here:



pope seat authority was in ___​



The Vatican palace


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