What was the main reason the Japanese Americans were interned?


Answer 1

Numerous Americans were concerned that people of Japanese descent might spy on or harm American interests on behalf of the Japanese government. Because of fear rather than evidence, more than 127,000 Japanese-Americans were detained in concentration camps throughout World War II.

With the attack on Pearl Harbor, racial reasons. The American people were considered to be in danger, even Japanese-Americans. Under less-than-ideal conditions, they were sent to internment camps to "Americanize" in order to maintain control over these suspected persons.

In March 1946, the final detention camp for Japanese people closed. In 1976, President Gerald Ford formally revoked Executive Order 9066, and in 1988, the Civil Liberties Act was approved, which gave more than 80,000 Japanese Americans $20,000 in damages for their abuse.

To learn more about Pearl Harbor



Related Questions

How would you describe the relationship between Great Britain and the American colonies before the American Revolution?


The relationship between Great Britain and American colonies before the American Revolution were very amiable.

Before the American revolution, the American colonies and Great Britain showed a great display of friendship and the relation between the two parties were very amiable. British supplied various items to these colonies such as food items and other necessities. Trade relation was growing at a good pace and most of the supply to these colonies came from Britain. Britain also gave protection to these American colonies and the economic prosperity of the colonies came due to trade relations with Britain. Except for the war of 1812, relation between the two countries were very friendly and they were allies with each other.

Learn more about American Revolution at:



A person who is in between jobs but actively engaged in a job search is considered to be a. frictionally unemployed b. structurally unemployed c. cyclically unemployed


A person who is in between jobs but actively engaged in a job search is considered to be frictionally unemployed. Hence, option (a) can be considered to be the correct option.

Give a brief account on frictional unemployment.

When there are changes in voluntary employment within an economy, there is frictional unemployment. A brief term of unemployment is formed as people decide to switch jobs and as new workers join the workforce. In a growing, stable economy, frictional unemployment is acknowledged as a component of natural unemployment, the minimal unemployment rate brought on by market forces and labor migration. The number of people actively looking for work divided by the total labor force is the frictional unemployment rate. Three groups are commonly used to categorize the workers who are actively seeking employment: those who have recently left their occupations, those who are reentering the workforce, and newcomers.

To know more about, unemployment, visit :



common complications associated with central venous catheters include all of the following, except:


Complications which is not associated with central venous catheters is b)rupture of a central vein. So, correct option is b.

Various inconveniences are related with focal venous catheter position. The most well-known are recorded in the table. The pace of mechanical intricacies is generally administrator reliant and most (eg, pneumothorax) are recognized at the hour of catheter addition. Irresistible and thrombotic entanglements as a rule happen later than mechanical complexities.

Distributed paces of cannulation achievement and inconveniences shift as per the anatomic site, the utilization of ultrasound direction, and administrator experience. For instance, one survey depicted a general entanglement pace of 15% , while an observational partner investigation of 385 back to back focal venous catheter endeavors north of a six-month time frame detailed mechanical difficulties in 33% of endeavors.

Rupture of the spanning shallow central veins brings about discharge over the cerebral convexity which is not a complication of central venous catheters, the notable convexity subdural hematoma. The hematoma is generally greater over the parallel part of the convexity than close to the unrivaled sagittal sinus.

Hence,correct option is b.

To know more about veins,visit here:



(Complete question) is:

Common complications associated with central venous catheters include all of the following,


a. bleeding around the line.

b. rupture of a central vein.

c. clotting of the line.

d. a local infection.

How do you teach the rotation and revolution of the Earth?


When talking about the orbits of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, students often get tripped up by the difference between rotation and revolution. In order to gain a full comprehension of the significance of these social shifts, it is essential to be familiar with the distinctions between these terms. I've compiled a list of the most useful resources I've found for educating pupils about revolution and rotation.


Numerous items exist in the real world that can serve as models for rotary motion. You could use a coin or a toy top instead, but we recommend a fidget spinner given their current popularity. Distribute fidget spinners and give each team or person a minute or two to fiddle with one.

Questions to stimulate conversation amongst peers:

In what way do you perceive motion?

Are you able to pinpoint where the action is actually taking place?


Since we now have children, we frequently use their playthings as props in our lectures. One of our favorite ways to pretend play at a revolution is by using a set of wooden, interlocking train tracks and a toy train to circle a toy structure in the middle.

To know more about the concepts:



Which of the following
statements would be true
based upon the graph?
A. Stagflation and the Short-Run
Phillips curve are identical.
B. Stagflation does not change
based upon inflation.
C. A low unemployment rate would
mean lower stagflation.
D. Stagflation is only dependent on




option c: A low unemployment rate would mean lower stagflation is the appropriate answer

if you and a co-worker, who are both mandated reporters, observe the same incident or situation and you both feel there is reasonable cause to suspect child abuse or maltreatment, you are both required to call the SCR yourselves, immediately


FALSE. The legislation does not require numerous reports on the same occurrence from the same organization, despite the fact that both parties may contact the SCR separately.

SCR clearance: what is it?

Selected, authorized users can submit database-check requests to a SCR electronically through the Online Clearance System rather than mailing the standard LDSS-3370 form. SCR responses are sent to the agency online for even quicker processing.

What are the exceptions to the general rule that the burden of proof rests with the party making the affirmative claim on the matter?

Presumptions are the legal equivalent of inferences about just the existence of particular facts. Presumptions do away with this requirement even though they are a deviation from the general rule that the overload of proof shifts to the party asserting the existence of certain facts.

Learn more about SCR: https://brainly.com/question/15628005


a person appointed to a government position after passing an examination is probably joining the


A person appointed to a government position after passing an examination is probably joining the excepted service.

The excepted service is the piece of the US government common help that isn't essential for either the serious assistance or the Senior Leader Administration. It gives smoothed out employing cycles to be utilized under particular conditions.

Most regular citizen positions in the central administration of the US are essential for the serious help, where candidates should rival different candidates in open contest under the legitimacy framework directed by the Workplace of Staff The board. Notwithstanding, a few positions are barred from these arrangements, and a few organizations are made totally out of excepted administration positions.

Organizations with excepted administration positions might utilize exceptional assessment standards, for example, with research grade assessment researchers, who are surveyed in light of logical result. A few offices might utilize excepted administration employing specialists, like Veterans Enrollment Arrangement (VRA) or Timetable A (inability). Positions filled utilizing these recruiting specialists (and which are not generally excepted administration, like lawyers) may stay in the excepted administration or may change over completely to the serious help after a brief time frame (normally two years).

To know more about service of government,visit here:



(Complete question) is:

a person appointed to a government position after passing an examination is probably joining the __________ .

Brandon gets headaches frequently but knows a cold cloth on his head makes him feel better. Brandon continues to place a cold cloth on his head each time he gets a headache because it makes the pain go away faster. This is an example of _____.


Brandon's condition related to his health is a clear case of negative reinforcement.

When something inconvenient or unpleasant is taken away in order to improve the chance of the desired action, this is known as negative reinforcement. Kids complete the necessary tasks because they don't want to be bothered. Deleting something unpleasant, in this example, nagging, causes the desired behavior to occur. Negative reinforcement, which tries to establish or change habits by removing unfavorable acts or responses, is an equally successful behavioral management method as positive reward. It increases the likelihood of desired behavior.

Learn more about negative reinforcement here:



At the Constitutional Convention (1787), the Great Compromise resolved the issue of

representation by

A. Creating a two-house legislature

B. Limiting the terms of elected lawmakers

C. Including the electoral college

D. Providing for direct election of senators


At the Constitutional Convention (1787), the Great Compromise resolved the issue of representation by creating a two-house legislature. The correct answer is A.

The form and functions of Congress were established in Article I by the framers of the United States Constitution at the Federal Convention of 1787, often known as the Constitutional Convention. The concept of a Congress composed of two houses was discussed by the delegates who assembled in Philadelphia during the summer of 1787, first to alter the existing structure of government and later to draft a new Constitution.

According to Virginian George Mason, one mansion would serve as the "great storehouse of the democratic principle of governance." James Madison of Virginia recommended a second house that would be smaller, more deliberate, and independent from the first, more democratic house in order to counteract this popular influence in the federal government. Thus, the Senate was born.

To know more about Constitutional Convention :



What i the Matthew Effect? Explain how Gladwell ue the Matthew Effect to explain athletic ucce ociologically rather than individually? You may want to think about the concept of accumulative advantage when reponding to thi quetion


The Matthew Effect is a concept from the Bible, which states that "to those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away."

In the context of sociology, the Matthew Effect refers to the idea that small initial advantages or disadvantages can accumulate over time, leading to larger and larger disparities between individuals or groups. This concept is often applied to explain success or failure in various domains, such as education, income, or athletics.

In his book "Outliers: The Story of Success," Malcolm Gladwell uses the Matthew Effect to explain how small initial advantages or disadvantages can accumulate over time to create large disparities in athletic success. For example, Gladwell argues that the birthdate of an athlete can have a significant impact on their success. Athletes born in the first few months of the year in a given sport's age-class system have a physical advantage over those born later in the year, due to their size and maturity. This advantage can accumulate over time, leading to more opportunities for practice, coaching, and competition, which can ultimately lead to greater success.

To learn more about Matthew Effect visit: https://brainly.com/question/14241467


Your question seems to be missing, but I assume the complete question was:

"What is the Matthew Effect? Explain how Gladwell uses the Matthew Effect to explain athletic success sociologically rather than individually? You may want to think about the concept of accumulative advantage when responding to this question."

What are 4 examples of nonrenewable resources?


Oil, coal, natural gas, and nuclear energy are the four main categories of non-renewable resources. Natural gas, coal, and oil collectively are referred to as "fossil fuels" in this context.

Only one non-renewable resource, crude oil, commonly known as petroleum oil, is extracted in liquid form. It is extracted by digging a vertical well into the ground or ocean bottom and is discovered between the layers of the earth's crust or between rocks.

There are no renewable energy sources like natural gas. It takes millions of years for fossil fuels to develop. We can only manufacture more till a finite amount of it remains in the ground.

Because it takes millions of years for coal to develop, it is categorized as a nonrenewable energy source. Coal is made up of the energy that was once locked up in plants that inhabited marshy forests hundreds of millions of years ago. Over millions of years, the plants were buried by layers of rock and mud.

Radioactive materials, mostly uranium, which are taken from mined ore and subsequently processed into fuel, are the source of nuclear energy. Unfortunately, nonrenewable fuels are currently the main source of energy for human civilization.

To learn more about non-renewable resources



Which of the following is a question you can ask yourself to help monitor your interaction with families?
a. Do I like the families I serve?
b. Do I put in overtime for the families I serve?
c. Am I leaving my shift on time?
d. Am I happy when the work day is over?


The question you can ask yourself to help monitor your interaction with families are  Am I leaving my shift on time?. The correct answer is C.

There will always be difficulties keeping up your interaction with your family. Challenges and troubles can change a person's viewpoint and attitude toward family life.

The strategies listed below can be used to keep the peace in the family:

1. Give a Balanced Portion

work life balance is the real thing. you should balance the portion of your work to your personal life such as spending time with your family. You can ask yourself to help monitor your interaction with families are  Am I leaving my shift on time?

It is beneficial to have a manager who is understanding and encouraging when attempting to balance work and family obligations. This individual shouldn't object when you leave work early to attend a school function or take a personal day to accompany an elderly parent to a doctor's visit.

2. Spend time with your family.

The best use of the time that the entire family has together is to engage in quality family time. Spend time talking and laughing together every day. For instance, when driving and having dinner with relatives. This may be a moment to enjoy.

Learn more about family interaction at https://brainly.com/question/30091796


What is called the preamble of the Constitution explain sovereign word used in our Constitution?


The preamble is an introduction to the highest law of the land; it is not the law. It does not define government powers or individual rights.

What is the preamble's significance?

The Constitution's preamble establishes its framework (Archives.gov). It expresses the creators' ideas and the document's goal in a clear and concise manner. Although it is not the law, the preamble serves as an introduction to the supreme law of the land. Government authority or personal freedoms are not defined.

Why is the preamble significant?

It outlines aspirations that the Constitution aspires to. It provides the Constitution with direction and meaning. Additionally, it enshrined the broad ideals and socioeconomic objectives that must be accomplished through constitutional procedures.

To know more about Preamble visit:



Using complete sentences, explain the three criteria that make a resource scarce.


A resource must have a finite quantity in order to be considered rare. A resource must also be wanted or in demand after that. Something cannot be rare if there is no desire for it because nobody would want it in the first place.

Name the three elements that affect a resource's shortage.

For a resource to be deemed rare, it must have a limited supply. After that, a resource must also be desired or in demand. If there is no demand for something, it cannot be uncommon since no one would ever want it in the first place. Finally, a resource might be helpful in several different contexts.

Why do you think both the wealthy and the poor are impacted by scarcity?

Scarcity is the biggest issue the economy is experiencing. It is brought on by a lack of resources to match public expectations. Everything has a limit. Wealthy people are impacted by scarcity when they must make choices because they desire more than they are able afford, can't be in two positions at once, or both.

Learn more about Scarcity: https://brainly.com/question/16151018


What impact have federal regulations rules and guidelines had on private business in the United States?


Federal regulations alone are estimated to cost the American economy as much as $1.9 trillion a year in direct costs, lost productivity, and higher prices.

What are some instances of rules?

Limits on environmental pollution, laws against child labor or other employment restrictions, minimum wage laws, regulations requiring truthful ingredient labeling on food and drugs, and regulations establishing minimum testing standards for food and drugs are just a few examples of regulations that are frequently used in everyday life.

What do rules serve to achieve?

A subject system's method, product, or attainment of quality control is referred to as the principal regulatory purpose. Through one or a combination of the following strategies, quality control via regulation can be accomplished: (1) accountability, (2) organizational growth, and (3) protectionism.

To know more about Regulations visit:



What is the only real power a vice president has?


The United States Constitution appoints the Vice President as Speaker of the Senate. In addition to the his role as the chairman.

The Vice President has the sole power to resolve ties in the Senate, formally directs the receipt and counting of votes cast in presidential elections, and has the sole constitutional duty to preside over the Senate. The Vice President cannot vote in the Senate unless there is a tie. Nor can he formally appeal to the Senate without the Senator's permission. In their capacity as the president of the Senate, the vice president may also preside over the most impeachment trials of the federal officers, although the Constitution that does not specifically require it.

To know more about United States Constitution visit:



symbolize yourself with an instrument ​​


I would compare myself to a harp as a musical instrument. The harp represents beauty, nobility, and luxury to me.

What do musical instruments mean?

The violin and other string instruments (such as those in Vivaldi's "Spring") stand for grief, peace, sympathy, fragility, and joy. A "clean" electric guitar is used to symbolise suffering and isolation, whereas a distorted guitar stands for strength, anger, and power.

What musical instruments best describe joy?

The piano, marimba, vibraphone, and harpsichord were chosen as the happy instruments. The sad instruments chosen were the oboe, bassoon, flute, and violin.

How do you describe your musical ability on a resume?

Indicate the type of voice you have or the instrument you play, if appropriate, directly beneath your name and contact information. If you are a multi-instrumentalist yet are applying for a cellist's position – make sure "Cello" is first on your list.

To know more about instrument visit:



Which of the following was the result of medical licensing that began in the mid-1800s? a. It gave physicians more economic clout. b. It created markets for alternative forms of medicine, such as homeopathy. c. It led to the infiltration of market forces into medicine. d. It allowed women and racial minorities to become physicians.


The result of the medical licensing that began in the mid 1800s is that it allowed women and racial minorities to become physicians that is option D is correct.

During the period of 1800s the doctors practiced medical knowledge and they knew a lot about medical sciences. However, there was a need for development in this field. They did not have the technology to see the bacteria or germs yet they were able to treat the patient to a large extent with the help of medicinal herbs. However, they were unable to find cure of some of the diseases which were cause of famines. The doctors of this era had the knowledge of human anatomy and they were able to detect malaria causing bacteria. During this period, medical licensing started and people were granted license for practicing medical science. This also enhanced the status of women and minorities as it allowed them to become physicians.

Learn more about Physicians at:



the Bible writers used what to tell a realistic story and at the same time to give Addie the deeper meaning of the story


Symbols tell a realistic story and at the same time to give Addie the deeper meaning of the story.

We heard Addie state in Section 39 that Jewel will be her salvation, that he will save her "from the water and from the fire." Prior to her narration, there was the water scene in which Jewel saved Addie's coffin and body. We have the fire episode throughout these sections, in which Jewel would risk his own life to save Addie from the burning barn. Darl's narration of Section 48 demonstrates how Darl continues to torment Jewel by questioning his identity. Darl is undoubtedly referring to the fact that he does not have a father and was the outcome of Addie's adulterous liaison with Preacher Whitfield.

Learn more about to Addie



Write a short essay explaining how the migration of ethnic groups into the Caribbean has shaped our current cultural practices. (Trends, style, religion, food, music, festivals, family types/structures)​



Some Caribbean islands have developed a small but vigorous film industry that has produced a variety of well-known films, actors, and auteurs. Also, the distinct French-Caribbean and Spanish-Caribbean society permits the work of directors to contribute very different film-forms. Some have become the Caribbean's first films to win the Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Many Caribbean people are employed in the film industry, and celebrity-spotting is frequent throughout many Caribbean cities.

Caribbean television, especially supported by the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation, is the home of a variety of locally produced shows. French- and Spanish-language television, is buffered from excessive American influence by the fact of language, and likewise supports a host of home-grown productions. The success of French and Spanish-language domestic television and movies in Caribbean often exceeds that of its English-language counterpart. Caribbean Media Awards honor the best feature broadcast placements, print and photography from Caribbean-based media outlets.Caribbean humor is an integral part of the Caribbean identity. There are several traditions in Caribbean humor in English, Spanish and French. While these traditions are distinct and at times very different, there are common themes that relate to Caribbeans' shared history and geopolitical situation in North America and the world. Various trends can be noted in Caribbean comedy. One trend is the portrayal of a "typical" Caribbean family in an ongoing radio or television series. Examples include a mix of drama, humor, politics, religion, and sitcoms. Another major trend tends to be political and cultural satire: television shows such as Royal Palm Estate, monologists and writers, draw their inspiration from Caribbean society and politics. Another trend revels in absurdity and musician-comedians. Satire is arguably the primary characteristic of Caribbean humor, evident in each of these threads, and uniting various genres and regional cultural differences. Caribbean humor has taken on a modern interpretation, due to the advent of social media and the rise of many popular comedians that hail from the Caribbean and the Caribbean diaspora.

In 1957, mento artist Lord Flea stated that: "West Indians have the best sense of humor in the world. Even the most solemn song, like 'Las Kean Fine' ('Lost and Can Not Be Found'), which tells of a boiler explosion on a sugar plantation that killed several of the workers, their natural wit and humor shine though."[24]

the story about the class at new york's bronx community college explains that ________


Answer: story box s com college

Explanation: bronx com x harlem

The conflict between California and the federal government over so-called sanctuary cities and states is an example of how only the federal government can make immigration law because it is ___ in Article I.


Answer: B


What were the ways monarchs tried to increase their power?


Monarchical power was more evenly dispersed among more people at the end of the Middle Ages, but it also became more consolidated.

Monarchical power was more evenly spread among more people during the late middle centuries, but it also became more concentrated, giving the kings more control over the populace. These changes include: The power extending from only England to Wales, Scotland, and Ireland during the 1300s, Capetian Kings gaining more power and influence, and monarchical countries controlling certain lands, such as England controlling Brittany or Aquitaine. Trials were decided by the jury either the common law or the Single Law Code. The power possessed by the monarchs began to wane as the middle class expanded (because now the people do not the help from the government to sustain their living). In order to strike a balance, the queen established a number of rules to demand payment for the business as well as more stringent rules about social issues.

Learn more about Monarchical power here:



pretend you are a drop of water and write about your life experienes in the cycle.


The term water cycles refer that is an extremely important process. Because it makes the availability of water for all living organisms. and it regulates weather patterns.

What are experiences?

Experience refers to conscious events in general, and perceptions in particular, as well as the practical knowledge and familiarity produced by these conscious processes. Experience, defined as a conscious event in the broadest sense, entails a subject to which various elements are offered.

The water cycle had been the continuous movement of water. In the earth and the atmosphere. it is a complex system that may include many different processes. The liquid water may evaporate into water vapor.

Therefore,  By the water cycles the availability of the water organism is take place.

Learn more about experiences here:



how can we protect and support children,elderly people,physically or mentally challenged weak people in our country ? discuss



Keep passages, stairs and floor space in kitchens free of clutter or objects the could result in a fall – free of books, post, loose rugs, mugs etc. Check the smoke alarm regularly and change the battery at least once a year. Smoke alarm systems should also be replaced every ten years.

European monarchs continued to pressure the new nation to become involved in European disputes


Yes, that is correct. European monarchs, particularly those of France and Great Britain, frequently sought to involve the United States in European conflicts during the 18th and 19th centuries.

How did the conflicts Begin ?These conflicts included the French Revolutionary Wars, the Napoleonic Wars, and a series of European wars that lasted from the late 1700s to the mid-1800s. The United States, which had recently achieved its independence from Great Britain, sought to uphold a position of neutrality in these conflicts, but the European powers frequently attempted to entice the young country into the fighting by using various strategies, such as economic coercion or diplomatic ruses.

To know more about European Monarchs , check out :



Television spots are tied to ratings performance. A station does not generate an audience of the size promised, the station must provide what is called a


Television spots are tied to ratings performance. A station does not generate an audience of the size promised, the station must provide what is called a makegood

A type of electronic communication that combines sound and moving visuals is referred to as TV. This phrase can be used to discuss a television or the method used to transmit television.Although viewers weren't able to use the new technology until much later, television was first made available in rudimentary experimental forms in the late 1920s. After World War II, a new black-and-white television transmission format gained popularity in the US and the UK.

Learn more about Television :



21. The Durham public bus system charges adult customers a small fare to ride them but most of the money needed to run the bus system comes from the local government, which puts tax money towards paying bus drivers, maintaining buses, and gasoline . What kind of service is this?


Each bus has front and side scrolls that display the route. Call 319-356-5151 for more details, or refer to the bus timetables and map that are available at City Hall (410 E.) Washington Street.

Where is Washington Street in USA?

Within the Manhattan neighbourhood of New York City, Washington Street runs north to south. From its northernmost terminus at 14th Street in the Meatpacking District to its southern end at Battery Place in Battery Park City, it is divided into numerous distinct sections. Dallas, Oregon's Washington Street Steakhouse & Pub, which opened in 1999, is a local favourite. It has a family-friendly dining area and a separate, laid-back pub with microbrews, a full bar, and Oregon Lottery games.

Know more about  timetables visit:



Select all that apply. Macy had a big project due in another class, so she only has a few hours left to finish her quiz. However, when she attempts to access the quiz, her internet stops working. What should Macy do


Macy had a big project due in another class, so she only has a few hours left to finish the quiz. So, when she tends to attempt to access the quiz, her internet stops working. So, Macy should immediately call the UF helpdesk in order to obtain a ticket number.

When Macy's internet stops working while she tries attempting the quiz then Macy should immediately call the UF helpdesk so that she can obtain a ticket number, and then also contact the course coordinator in order to explain the situation which is seen to be prior to the deadline's close.

However, Macy had a big project due in another class. So if any problem arised she should thus contact the UF helpdesk. Thus, the UF Computing Help Desk tends to provide self-help, in-person.

Hence, UF helpdesk are quite important in the process.

To learn more about the coordinator here:



John B. Watson illustrated how nature influences behavior by conditioning an infant to fear a white rat. T/F


This is true. John B. Watson famously performed the Little Albert experiment in 1920, demonstrating the power of classical conditioning. In the experiment, Watson conditioned an infant to fear a white rat by pairing the rat with a loud noise.

The Power of Nature in Shaping Behavior: A Look at John B. Watson's Little Albert Experiment

John B. Watson, a pioneer of behaviorism, famously conducted the Little Albert experiment in 1920 to illustrate how nature influences behavior. In the experiment, Watson conditioned an infant to fear a white rat by pairing the rat with a loud noise. The infant, who had previously been unafraid of the rat, eventually began to show a conditioned response of fear when presented with the rat. This experiment demonstrated the power of environmental cues in shaping behavior, and is seen as a classic example of how nature can influence behavior.

Learn more about John B. Watson at: https://brainly.com/question/11482140


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