What is a theme of the passage?
Lost in the Forest


Answer 1


Memory and Loss


Answer 2

Answer: the most intimate realms of domestic life, from grief and sex to adolescence and marriage.


Related Questions

What was Durham Cathedral used for?


This building is the first time the pointed arch has been employed effectively as a structural component.

What is the pointed arch?Any arch with a pointed crown and two curving sides that come together at a rather sharp angle at the top of the arch is known as a pointed arch, ogival arch, or Gothic arch. This design feature was crucial to Gothic architecture. A pointed arch was first used in bronze-age Nippur. The pointed arch, which is the most essential component of Gothic architecture, was probably adapted from Islamic building that would have been present in Spain at the time. The pointed arch reduced some of the thrust and, as a result, the strain on other structural components.While some historians believe the pointed arch originated in India, it actually first appeared in the Middle East and West Asia.

To learn more about pointed arch refer to:



What does a thesis statement require?


A thesis statement requires clarity, originality, assertion, evidence etc.

The basic elements that a thesis statement requires are -

Clarity: The thesis statement needs to be precise, succinct, and simple to comprehend. It should succinctly and clearly convey the essay's or paper's main topic or argument.

Originality: The thesis statement shouldn't just restate what has already been said or published; it should be entirely new. It needs to offer a distinctive viewpoint on the subject.

Specificity: The thesis statement needs to be clear, concise, and address a particular, well-defined issue. It shouldn't be very general or wide.

Claim: A claim or assertion regarding the subject matter should be made in the thesis statement. It ought to be a topic that is debatable on both sides.

Evidence-based: The thesis statement must be backed up by facts, data, and evidence. The body of the article should include evidence to back up the statements stated in the thesis statement, which should be supported by the thesis statement.

Read more about the thesis statement on:



What effect does this repetition have Gilgamesh repeatedly?


The repeating of specific incidents or motifs can serve a variety of literary and narrative objectives in the Gilgamesh epic.

One outcome may be to emphasize the cyclical nature of life and the inevitable character of some events. Gilgamesh's repeated failures in his search for immortality, for instance, might be seen as a metaphor for the human predicament, in which everyone must finally confront the fact of death.

The emphasis on Gilgamesh's character growth is another potential outcome. The repeated failures of his quest for immortality demonstrate his evolution from a conceited and haughty king to a modest and astute leader.

By highlighting the significance of specific events or ideas, repetition may also be utilized to up the drama and tension in a tale. It is possible to interpret the repeating of Gilgamesh's contacts with Enkidu as a means of highlighting the importance of their relationship and its influence on Gilgamesh's journey.

To learn more about Gilgamesh epic



100 POINTS!!! + brainliest
write me three short three paragraphs about breath training/breathing exercises



see explanation


Breathing exercises are a form of exercise that can be used for a variety of health-related reasons.They are various techniques in which we breathe we have The 4-7-8 breathing technique involves breathing in for4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds.Breathing exercise has various benefits which includes improving heart and lung function reducing blood pressure improving quality of life in chronic disorders reducing the frequency and severity of migraine attacks

i hope i helped

Like aerobic exercise improves your heart function and strengthens your muscles, breathing exercises can make your lungs stronger.
How can you care for yourself at home? · Practice pursed-lip breathing and diaphragmatic breathing (belly breathing) daily. Try to do them 3 or 4 times a day!

Breathing exercises are a form of exercise that can be used for a variety of health-related reasons.
• They are various techniques in which we breathe we have The 4-7-8 breathing technique involves breathing in for4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds.
• Breathing exercise has various benefits which includes improving heart and lung function reducing blood pressure improving quality of life in chronic disorders reducing the frequency and severity of migraine attacks

What were the 2 types of plays that were performed?


They can be tragedies or comedies, but are often neither of these. History as a separate genre was popularised by William Shakespeare.

What were the two main types of plays performed by the Greeks?Greek playwrights and actors created comedies, tragedies, and satyr tales. The comedies and tragedies were the most significant and had the biggest impact on theatre in the future.Tragedy - Greek tragedies were extremely sombre plays with a lesson on morality. Typically, they presented tales of a fabled hero who, due to his arrogance, met his demise.Comedy - Compared to tragedies, comedies were lighter in tone.Although they frequently are none of these, they can be comedies or tragedies. William Shakespeare made history a popular genre in its own right. The historical dramas Demetrius by Friedrich Schiller and King John by William Shakespeare are two examples.

Learn more about two types of plays the Greeks performed refer to :



What type of irony is most evident in the excerpt above the gift of Magi?


The verbal irony in “The Gift of the Magi” is a powerful and poignant way to illustrate the depth of love between the characters. It is a reminder that love is more than just material possessions, but also about the willingness to make sacrifices for the people we love.

The excerpt from the short story “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry is an example of verbal irony. Verbal irony is when a character says something, but means the opposite. In this case, Della says that she sold her hair to buy her husband a watch chain, yet her husband has just sold his watch to buy her combs for her hair. Both characters have sacrificed something that is significant to them in order to buy a gift for the other.

The irony lies in the fact that the gifts are now rendered useless because of their respective sacrifices. Della’s hair is too short for the combs, and Jim’s watch is gone and so the chain has no purpose. This irony is particularly poignant because it drives home the point that although the characters are sacrificing something of great value to them, their gifts will ultimately be of no use. This irony serves to emphasize the selfless nature of the characters’ love for one another, and the lengths they are willing to go to in order to show it.

Learn more about verbal irony at :https://brainly.com/question/13561487


I couldn't do this one because of other projects I have Read both articles and complete both parts.
Part One: Fill out the Compare and Contrast Chart.
Part Two: Write a paragraph about how these articles compare and contrast using details from your chart.

Article 1

The Case for Mars

By Alexander Fisher

A mission to Mars should be the next step for NASA. There are many reasons why going to Mars is important. First, Mars is the most likely planet for us to colonize. No matter how expensive, we need to work on getting there as soon as possible. Furthermore, the technology that we would need to develop to send humans to Mars would directly benefit our economy here on Earth. Just look at the money-making products that have already resulted from NASA’s space efforts: invisible braces, water filters, and cordless vacuums, to name just a few.

Although we have already sent robots to Mars, robots can’t take the place of humans when it comes to studying the planet. A robot may break down. Also, it takes robots much longer to cover the same amount of ground than it would a human. Think how much faster we could learn about the planet if we sent humans to work alongside the robots!

Finally, claims that there will be significant health problems for people who travel to Mars are wrong. Studies have shown that radiation levels on Mars are not lethal to humans. Sure, we would have to live in a dome at first, but over time, we could use science to change the atmosphere and make it possible to go outside, just like on Earth! The choice is clear. We need to go to Mars now!

Article 2

Mars—A Waste of Time and Money

By Juniper Springs

While it might be fun to imagine traveling to Mars one day, now is not the time to go. For one thing, it is too dangerous. The atmosphere of the planet is more carbon dioxide than oxygen, and it’s very cold. While there are claims that the radiation levels on the planet are not lethal to humans, that does not mean they aren’t dangerous. We don’t yet know what the long-term health effects will be. As of now, we do not have a solution for this problem. It is foolish to think a dome would be able to protect us from all of the radiation.

It would also be impossible to build one large enough to house as many people as they would want to go. Also, going to Mars will be expensive. Why spend money traveling to a planet that is so dangerous and far away? That money could be better spent addressing problems here on Earth.

Furthermore, it is unwise to think any inventions resulting from our race to Mars would make up for the cost of getting there. We are already able to send robots to Mars. It won’t be long until our technology is so advanced that a robot can do the same tasks as a human. It is not necessary to go to Mars right now.

Part 1 Graphic Organizer

Fill out the Compare and Contrast Chart based on the two articles in this worksheet.
Comparison Chart. Select the link for more detail.

Part 2 Reflection

Write a paragraph that answers the following questions. Be sure to use complete sentences.

Did the authors have similar or opposing views?
Did the authors use the same points of comparison? Explain with examples.
Did the authors support their views in the same or different ways?
Did both focus most on appeals to logic or emotion?


The authors have opposing views on humans going to Mars. These views are established with the same points of comparison, but how these views are supported is different. Another similarity is that both texts present an appeal to logic to persuade readers.

What are the views presented in the article?The cost of Mars research.The level of radiation in Mars' atmosphere.The safety of humans on Mars.The use of robots on Mars.The advancement of technology.

The first is in favor of sending people to Mars. For this author, research on Mars is very expensive, but it promotes a great scientific advance that not only makes our lives easier but also allows humans to live on Mars someday and replace the robots that are sent there. For him, atmospheric radiation will not be a problem, since it is low and technology will find a way to solve it.

The second text is against the going of humans to Mars. For this author, research involving Mars is very expensive and does not compensate for the study of a planet with a radioactive atmosphere, which, even if it does not cause death, can cause diseases and problems.

Learn more about Mars:



What are three ideas from the English Bill of Rights that the Americans wanted in their government?


The American people needed strong assurances that the new government would not violate their recently earned freedoms of speech, press, and religion, as well as their right to be free from warrantless searches and seizures, after being recently liberated from the oppressive English monarchy.

What is bill of rights ?

The first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, collectively known as the Bill of Rights, were ratified on December 15, 1791, and they are a set of mutually reinforcing guarantees of individual rights and restraints on the powers of the federal and state governments.

The Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights (1689), the colonial struggle against the king and Parliament, and a steadily expanding conception of equality among the American people all contributed to the creation of the Bill of Rights. George Mason was primarily responsible for Virginia's Declaration of Rights, which was a major precursor. The guarantees contained in the Bill of Rights have binding legal effect in addition to serving as axioms of government.

To know more about bill of rights visit:



What do you think was the purpose of Edwards sermons?


Edwards hoped that his speech would awaken the faithful and serve as a warning of the punishment that would await them if they refused to repent of their sins and seek forgiveness from God.

What was sermon sinners?

The American theologian Jonathan Edwards wrote the sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," which he delivered to his own church in Northampton, Massachusetts, to great effect, and again on July 8, 1741, in Enfield, Connecticut. The First Great Awakening was sparked by the preaching of this sermon. It includes references to biblical passages as well as realistic descriptions of Hell, just like Edwards' other writings. It is Edwards' most well-known piece of writing and a good illustration of his preaching approach. It offers a window into the theology of the First Great Awakening, which took place between 1730 and 1755, and is extensively researched by Christians and historians. Humans now have the opportunity to trust in and believe in Christ thanks to this act of grace from God.

To know more about sermon sinners, visit:



What do the clothes and kitchen make the women realize about Mrs Wright?


The clothes and kitchen that the women find in Mrs. Wright's house make them realize that she was a woman who was struggling to make ends meet.

What do the women learn about Mrs. Wright through her cooking and clothes?

The kitchen was dirty and the clothes were not in the best condition. The women noticed that the clothes were patched and mismatched.This made them realize that Mrs. Wright was not a woman of means and had to make do with what she had.The kitchen was also in disarray, with dishes piled up and a general lack of cleanliness.This further demonstrated that Mrs. Wright had to struggle to make ends meet and was not able to keep her home in the best condition.The clothes and kitchen gave the women an insight into Mrs. Wright's situation and made them realize that she was a woman who had to live on a tight budget and was not able to enjoy the luxuries of life.The clothes and kitchen that the women find in Mrs. Wright's house make them realize that she was a woman who was struggling to make ends meet.

To learn more about Mrs Wright refer to:



What are the 6 types of gerunds?


The Six Gerund-Use Patterns :

Gerund as the sentence's topic.Subject complement for a gerund.Gerund serving as the transitive verb's object.Gerund as prepositional objectInfinitive replaced with gerund.

Why do gerunds matter?

Like other nouns, gerunds can serve as direct objects, indirect objects, and prepositional objects. It is advantageous to be able to identify gerunds since, in most cases, it is preferable to use the possessive form of the noun or pronoun that comes before the gerund. Correct: He was worried by my rushing ahead.

What is the gerund formula?

Infinitives and gerunds can take the place of nouns in sentences. The present participle (-ing) form of the verb, such as singing, dancing, or running, is known as a gerund. Infinitive = to Plus the verb's basic form, such as to dance, to sing, or to run.

Learn more about gerund to visit this link



What is being personified in the following paragraphs?
There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air.
Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously. She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will--as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been. When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips. She said it over and over under the breath: "free, free, free!" The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes. They stayed keen and bright. Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body.


The statement that is is being personified in the following paragraphs is "She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air."

What would a decent personification definition be?

Through personification, you can highlight a non-traits human's by defining them in terms of human traits. The non-human being in question could be a thing, an animal, an idea, or even a concept.

Through personification, you can highlight a non-traits human's by defining them in terms of human traits. The non-human being in question could be a thing, an animal, an idea, or even a concept.

Learn more about Personification at:



How does the writer use language here to convey the cruelty suffered by Annie the circus elephant?


When Writer meets elephant  in circus first time. He says "a good thrashing,". The term "thrashing" implies aggression and violence. The writer employs these words to elicit sympathy for the animal and its treatment.

In the poem 'Circus Elephant,' the poet discusses elephants held captive in circuses by humans. This elephant is now far aside from the forest and his loved ones. But does he recollect the forest at all. The poet wonders if these magnificent creatures fondly remember the peace loving jungles hidden from human eyes. The poet is asking society if it is appropriate for us to take away a creature's freedom. We cannot deny these animals their freedom and force them to remain confined. Animals should be released rather than mistreated and used as a toy.

To learn more about language refer here



Which detail from the selection shows why
researchers who filmed a giant squid made national


A giant squid can travel up to 20 miles per hour that detail from the selection shows why researchers who filmed a giant squid made national news.

When were the first big squid movies produced?

After scientists operating off Japan's Ogasawara Islands managed to hook one specimen using bait and reel it to the surface of the water, the first recording of a living giant squid was produced in 2006.

The 10- to 12-foot squid was captured on camera by NOAA scientists in the Gulf of Mexico. Edie Widder felt vindicated when she first saw the huge squid, its tentacles stretched as it attempted to attack the artificial jellyfish lure in front of the underwater camera. In 2012, Widder and her coworkers were able to record the first live film of a huge squid in Japanese seas thanks to the Medusa and e-jelly combination.

Learn more about the Researchers here: https://brainly.com/question/968894


How is west Egg different from East Egg in The Great Gatsby ?


East Egg is a domicile for those who inherited their riches, whereas West Egg is a residence for those who worked for their wealth. This is the difference between East Egg and West Egg.

The term "East Egg" was used to describe neighbourhoods where people with inherited or "Old" wealth reside. In the book "The Great Gatsby," the "old money" characters reside in the East Egg, while the "new money" characters, who did not inherit their wealth, reside in the West Egg. As a result, this distinction highlights the gap between the book's upper classes. One of the novel's main themes is the conflict between the classes.Clearly the West is able to preserve some ethics while the East is not able to grasp any. Although West Egg is the more moral, it is still a place of superficiality and materialism. Daisy, Tom, Nick, Jordan, and Gatsby all move to the east, where they move from a world of values to a moral vacuum, represented by the “valley of ashes.

To know more about east egg refer



What do you think is the mood of the poet in the poem?


Pessimistic It is obvious that the poet is feeling sorrowful from the words of the poetry that are provided.

What kind of person is poet?

Poets are individuals who read, write, and recite poetry. Poets may declare themselves to be poets or accept such labels from others. Poetry can be created verbally or in writing in a variety of ways, and poets might perform their work in front of an audience.

The poet primarily expresses her thoughts metaphorically or literally in her work of communication. Poetry has been written in almost every language since the beginning of time, and it is a reflection of the many different civilizations and historical periods that poets have lived through.

To know more about mood of the poet visit:-



What are 3 blatant insults Torvald directs toward Nora in the book, 'a doll's house'? (meaning quotes!)


Torvald sees Nora as a woman who doesn't understand how society functions, but he embraces Nora's ignorance since they make her depend on him.

What is "a doll's house"?

The three-act play "A Doll's House" concerns a woman who is frustrated and angry with her snobbish husband. The drama discusses problems and concerns that are relevant to cultures everywhere.

The quotes are as follows:

1. "You're a child, Nora. A child who doesn't even know what is good for her."

2. "No, Nora, you're not fit to be the mist-ress of this house. You're not fit to have care of the children. You're not fit to do anything that's serious. You're a doll."

3. "You're not much of a homemaker, Nora. You're like a flighty little featherhead, a mere plaything."

Learn more about  "a doll's house", Here:



Remember, if something is worth doing, it is worth doing correctly. That said, the key to making perfect cookies is merely a matter of preparation and precision. To begin with, read your cookie recipe thoroughly before baking. Make sure that you have all the necessary ingredients before you continue. Next, use good tools and utensils. Sometimes, the craftsperson is only as good as his or her tools. By using good tools you minimize mistakes and improve the quality of your product. Last, use top quality ingredients. Unlike characters in fairytales, you can't turn lead into gold. If you use poor quality materials, you'll create inferior products. So, to make perfect cookies you should use the highest quality materials available. Bon appetite!

Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea



To make the perfect cookies, you will need to have all the necessary ingredients and tools.


What impact did the harlem renaissance have on culture? Use at least two examplea from the text to support you


The later civil rights movement benefited from the sense of African American identity fostered by the Harlem Renaissance, was the impact on culture.

Harlem Renaissance brought new music from the African American culture to the American culture. It demonstrated their sensitivity to cultural differences and presented it to AA. Because many people had the misconception that black people could not write stories or songs, it resulted in the creation of a new black cultural identity. These are the two instances that support the main answer here. These instances than later led to benefits to the Civil Rights movement.

The Great Migration, which saw millions of African Americans relocate from the Southern states to the North, served as the impetus for the Harlem Renaissance. African Americans have more social outlets to express themselves in the North. They no longer felt ashamed to be black, and they conveyed this through a variety of art forms, including as poetry, writing, and jazz music.

To know more about Harlem Renaissance, refer to the following link:



what clue word are in this sentence, To my surprise, the bag contained not three, but four sets of shoulder pads.


The quickest way to identify whether a group of words is a phrase or a clause is to look for both a subject and a verb.

How do you identify a phrase in a sentence?If both are present, the statement is a clause. It is a sentence if you can only find one or the other. Noun phrases, verb phrases, and modifying phrases are the three primary groups of phrases. A clause is a set of words, much like a phrase. Contrary to a sentence, a clause is more or less finished. A set of words known as a clause has both a subject and a predicate. A phrase is a collection of words that functions as a sentence but lacks a subject or a verb. Phrases are frequently used to describe people, things, or events. Examples: The girl leapt up and down with joy.

To learn more about sentence refer to:



Which option describes a narrator?(1 point) the person telling the story the person telling the story the location of the story the location of the st


One who narrates stories is a narrator. The narrator chooses the point of view for the tale in a fictional work.

What person is a narrator?

One who narrates stories is a narrator. The narrator chooses the point of view for the tale in a fictional work. The narrative is considered to be in the first person if the narrator actively participates in the events of the story. A third-person narrative is one in which the narrator is not one of the characters.

Sometimes, narrators are classed according to how they tell their tale. An intrusive narrator is one who interrupts the tale to provide the reader commentary on some part of the story or on a more general issue. This style of narration was popular in many 18th and 19th century works.

To know more about Narrator, check the link below:



Explain why Myrtle dashes into the yellow car. Paragraph with all details


F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" features the characters Myrtle and Tom. Despite not being wed to one another, Tom and Myrtle are married.

The Great Gatsby's automobile is yellow—why?

The yellow Rolls Royce that Gatsby drives is a symbol of fraud and corruption. In contrast to Daisy using the same vehicle to run over and murder Myrtle, Gatsby purchases this vehicle to demonstrate his apparent affluence to others.

The yellow car that struck Myrtle was being driven by who?

Back to Nick again, the story shifts. Tom understands that Myrtle was struck and murdered by Gatsby's automobile. Gatsby informs Nick that Daisy was the driver of the vehicle that killed Myrtle but that he will accept responsibility when they get to Daisy and Tom's house.

To know more about "The Great Gatsby visit :-



What is Tan's most likely purpose in using descriptive language to appeal to readers emotions in this excerpt?


Exposing Tan's sentiments about being unique amuse readers and make them wonder if her viewpoint will alter in this excerpt.

What does an excerpt serve as?

An excerpt in writing is a section taken from a larger work, such as a book, poem, or article. Regardless of the topic or the desired writing style, excerpts can be used to "show" to readers what you want them to understand and remember about the subject.

How long should an excerpt be?

The length of each excerpt need not be the same. If it's based on a character count, for instance, the magazine may decide on a range, like 55–75 characters, or a predetermined number of lines, like two lines below the headline.

To know more about the excerpt visit:



How does the creature’s desire for help and acceptance remind you of anyone in your own life who has struggled to fit in or find help from others who do not understand that person? Do you believe the creature’s actions toward Victor and his loved ones are justified? You might not approve of the killings, but do they make sense, and should he be blamed for them?
Its about frankenstien*


The creature’s desire in Frankenstein, for help and acceptance by appealing to Victor's sympathy and his anxiety, the creature persuades him to make him a mate.

He persuasively argues that he is alone and that mankind as a whole has abandoned him. If his creator does not give him a companion, he also threatens to kill Victor's friends and family. The creature persuasively argues for a mate during their dramatic summit encounter with Victor.

He makes use of the feelings of dread and sympathy. He explains how he has only encountered hostility and rejection despite having a natural longing for love and friendship. He notes that instead of fostering him, Victor, his creator and "father," has spurned and run away.

He explains that his use of violence has only arisen from his suffering and agony at being left alone.

To know more about Frankenstein here



Is a participle phrase an adverb?


A participle phrase may contain the complements (or even both) of the verb it derives from as well as the subject (which it frequently modifies). The tenses used in participles are ALWAYS adjectival or adjectival.

What is Participles modify pronouns?

A verb or term derived from a verb that describes a state of being and ends in -ing (present tense) or -ed, -en, -d, -t, -n, or -ne (past tense) and serves as an adjective is called a participle. This indicates that it must describe or modify a noun or a pronoun. Participants express an action or a state of being and are built on verbs. The participial phrase is made up of the participle, any associated modifiers, and the (pro)noun that now the participle modifies. When describing or changing nouns or pronouns, participial phrases are employed as adjectives. Ending in -ing is the present participles. The verb walk, for instance, can be transformed into the participles walked or walking (for example, swimming).

To know more about pronouns visit:



what is the comparing and contrast between 'the wright brothers" and "race for the sky"



There are several similarities and differences between "The Wright Brothers" and "Race for the Sky". Both books are about the history of aviation and the Wright brothers' role in its development. "The Wright Brothers" focuses more on the brothers themselves and their personal story, while "Race for the Sky" focuses more on the larger picture of the race to develop powered flight. Both books contain information about the Wright brothers' work in developing the airplane, but "The Wright Brothers" goes into more detail about their experiments and the process they went through. "Race for the Sky" covers a wider range of topics related to aviation history, including the Wright brothers' competition with other inventors.

•3. (a) How is the irony of the necklace symbolic of a larger irony in Mathilde's life? (b) How does Guy de Maupassant enhance this symbolism through the use of irony and surprise ending? 4. Is the surprise ending in "The Necklace" believable? Why or why not?​



a- Her aspirations of an aristocratic rather than a middle class life result in a decline rather than an advancement of social class. an event that occurs that contradicts the expectations of the characters, the readers, or the audience.

b- Maupassant also uses irony, which is when what you expect to happen is the opposite of what actually happens, and this is the driving force behind the surprise ending. It's ironic that the necklace is fake because Mathilde and her husband went into such debt to replace it.

4-The ending shatters that illusion, revealing that the ten years of misery were unnecessary and could have been avoided if only Mathilde had been honest with Madame Forestier.

Can Someone Summarize "The Jewels Of The Shrine" Scene 2


The Scene 2 of Jewels Of The Shrine is about how the grandpa has tricked his grandsons into being good people.

Summary of The Jewels Of The Shrine" Scene 2

The Jewels of the Shrine is a short play by Nigerian playwright James Ene Henshaw about two brothers who learn the hard way about gratitude. Their grandfather does not receive the respect he deserves from his grandchildren, who treat him like a zoo animal.

In Scene 2, Okorie says to his grandsons, "by our Father's Shrine you are now good men.' This tells that he knows that he has tricked his grandsons into being good people by saying he has treasure, but ironically, he knows that they are only being good people because they want his money.

Read more about Jewels Of The Shrine



What techniques does Susan B Anthony use in her speech?


Anthony develops her claim that women have the same unalienable right to vote as male citizens by utilizing hypophora, pathos through the use of negative connotation, and logos through the use of allusions.

The recently ratified Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution states in part that "No State shall establish or enforce any law which shall abridge the rights or immunities of citizens of the United States," which Susan B. Anthony said gave her the right to vote.

Some of the most famous orators in history have inspired their audiences to action by persuading them that they can contribute to the solution of a problem because they are a part of it.

To learn more about Susan B. Anthony here:



What is the importance of literary devices for the writer how does it help you as a reader?


Literary devices can enhance the value of a story and easily elicit reflection on life and society when used on storylines and characters.

What purpose do literary devices serve for the author, and how does it benefit you as a reader?

Literary devices are useful tools in narrative that shouldn't be ignored. They can improve phrases, provoke moods and emotions, and provide insight into an author's words by making the narration clear and vivid. If you employ these literary strategies, your storytelling will unquestionably be at its best.

What use do literary devices serve in writing?

Literary devices are certain strategies used by writers to express a deeper meaning than what is written on the page. Effective literary devices To elevate a story and inspire contemplation on life, society, and what it means to be human, along with storyline and characters.

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Assume that AGHIE ALMN. Which of the following congruence statementsare correct? Check all that apply.A. ZL 21B. IG LMC. THNMD. ZN 21E. GH = LMF. ZME ZH I want to create a projject to get funds for education for all people who can not afford them What is an example of a behavioral adaptation in animals? COMPLETE ANSWER THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION IS I'M GOING TO VOTE BRAINLIEST Directions: Deliver an original persuasive speech on any of the following topics. Write it when Reading is two-minute limit. Apply all the principles in presenting an effective speech. 1. My contributions for my country 2. The value of making a difference in the community 3. Teens and the Social Media 4. Topic of your interest What is the volume of this rectangular prism? Write the correct wordhe space next to1. a minor battle2. aggressive; eager to fight3. inconsistent4. bitter conflict5. a cunning trickCOMPLETE THSEIT (5)C Identify the professions of the individuals in the scenario.The first healthcare professional's newest client is a teenager. The young woman's hemoglobin is very low, and she is anemic. Theprofessional tells her to include dried fruit and vegetables in her diet and advises her to avoid drinks such as tea and coffee because they willprevent her body from absorbing iron.The second healthcare professional works at a big hospital. He fills each client's prescription. He advises them on how to take theirmedicines. He also gives them information about possible side effects or reactions. He also makes sure that new medicines do not clash withany medicines the client may already be taking.Here, the first professional is a dietitianwhile the second professional is a pharmacistz Antonia is a nonresident of California who is under 50 years of age. During the year, she worked temporarily in California. Her California compensation is $1,000, which she reported on Schedule CA (540NR), column E. Her Federal compensation is $10,000. Her allowable IRA deduction on her Federal return is $5,000. Antonias allowable California IRA deduction that she reports on Schedule CA (540NR), Part II, line 19, column E, is what amount? Why did the US put Japanese in internment camps? Word-for-Word plagiarism Paraphrasing plagiarism This is not plagiarism Identify the 13 c nmr chemical shift for each carbon atom in a molecule of 1-penten-3-one Camden and Eileen practice a __________ parenting style that lets the child dictate what he wants, when he wants it. It is not surprising that their son is spoiled and self-centered.' Explain a few ways that placing figures in a coordinate plane can be helpful for solving different problems. Match each item with the correct statement below.Column A1. Fluorine, bromine, or iodine2. An element found in Group 1 of the periodic table3. Sodium or cesium:4. An element found in Group 17:5. Magnesium or barium:6. An element found in Group 2:An element found in Group 2Column Ba. Alkali metalb. Alkaline earth metalc. Halogen If I wanted to share files only within my organization and limit my employees from sharing information with external people, what type of network should I set up in my office?A) InternetB) Peer-to-PointC) IntranetD) Extranet Qu tipo de palabra es subo? by using the distributive property and the greatest common factor what is 18+15 In "The Philosophy of the Manufacturers" by Andrew Ure, the author compares a factory worker to a handmadeworker. The author leads the reader to the idea that the factory worker is better off. Choose evidence (a quotefrom the text) to support this idea.a. Certainly no muscular fatigue to sustain, while it procures for him good, unfailing wages, besides ahealthy workshop gratis.b. The lot of mankind, have been too little dwelt upon; while, on the other har, it has been accused oflending itself to the rich capitalists as an instrument for harassing the poor.c. The principle of the factory system then is, to substitute mechanical science for hand skill, and thepartition of a process into its essential constituents. 6. If sin = - 3/5and the terminal side of lies in quadrant III, find cos . give 4 example for echinodermis cnidarians poriferas platyhilminthes nematodes and annerids