What is a better word for original?


Answer 1




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What is the meaning of Amante in english?



It means lover


you recently visited an amusement park. Write a review on the amusement park


The amusement park was very adventurous and fun. There were various exciting activities, such as a trampoline park, high rope, skateboard, paintball, etc.

What is an amusement park?

A park with numerous entertainment-related attractions, including rides, games, and other activities, is known as an amusement park.

A theme park is a particular kind of amusement park that centers its buildings and attractions on a main subject and frequently has many regions with various themes.

Modern amusement parks typically feature mechanical thrill attractions like roller coasters, Ferris wheels, and merry-go-rounds.

Learn more about amusement parks, here:



please help give me the answers to each of these questions! thank you


We can see here that in "The Warmth of Other Suns," Wilkerson supports her claim that young whites had grown more hostile to blacks than their slaveholding ancestors had been with several examples. She discusses how white mobs attacked black veterans returning from World War I and how some southern towns passed laws forbidding African Americans from entering the city limits without permission.

What is The Warmth of Other Suns?

"The Warmth of Other Suns" is a historical nonfiction book written by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Isabel Wilkerson.

The book tells the story of the Great Migration, the mass movement of millions of African Americans from the South to the North and West between 1915 and 1970.

2. The comparison-and-contrast organizational structure is an appropriate choice for Wilkerson to use in "The Warmth of Other Suns." The structure supports the development of her main idea by allowing her to present a range of perspectives and experiences that help to illustrate the complexity and diversity of the migration.

3. In paragraph 5, Wilkerson asserts that "These were the facts of their lives," referring to the challenges and obstacles faced by African Americans during the Great Migration. The remaining paragraphs (6-10) of the excerpt elaborate on this statement by providing specific examples and anecdotes that demonstrate the difficulties that migrants faced.

Learn more about story on https://brainly.com/question/25336781


How many sources do you need as a minimum?

a. 3
b. 5
c. 7
d. No answer text provided.

How many graphic aids do you need minimum?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d.No answer text provided.


You definitely need five sources as a minimum. Thus, the correct option for this question is B.

How many sources are enough?

There are somehow four to five sources that are enough at a normal level. This is because a typical 50s essay here will probably use four or five sources.

In the 60s, it tends to be around five to ten, and typical 70s or above essays use probably somewhere between eight and 15 substantive sources.

You definitely need a minimum of three graphic aids. Thus, the correct option for this question is C. A graphic aid presents information in a visual format. Some examples of visual aids are maps, charts, graphs, and Venn diagrams.

To learn more about Graphic aids, refer to the link:



In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson makes appeals to both logic and ethics.



the answer is true :)

In the selection from Silent Spring, who or what is responsible for the white powder that has fallen on the town and its surroundings? A.an accumulation of fallout from nuclear testing
B.blossoms from fruit trees growing nearby
C.a sudden snowstorm in early spring
D.humans living in or near the town


In the selection from Silent Spring, the white powder that has fallen on the town and its surroundings is attributed to D) humans living in or near the town.

Rachel Carson, the author of Silent Spring, argues that the white powder is a result of the rampant use of pesticides in the area. The pesticides, which were commonly used to control insects on crops and in residential areas, were also affecting non-target species and drifting far beyond their intended targets.

This caused the white powder to settle on the trees, fields, and homes in the surrounding areas, affecting not just the targeted insects but also other wildlife and humans.

The white powder was a visible and alarming indication of the widespread harm caused by human activities, particularly the use of toxic chemicals, on the environment and its inhabitants.

For more questions like Silent Spring click the link below:



The dog ran inside its house when the car drove by.

What is the pronoun in the sentence?
A. by
B. house
C. its
D. dog



C. its


a pronoun is a word used to replace a noun/proper noun. pronouns include he, she, they, it, and the other forms of those words. I hope this helped! :)

What Happened to Tom and Jackie Hawks?


A retired couple named Tom and Jackie Hawks resided in Newport Beach, California, on a yacht. They were brutally murdered in 2004 by Skylar Deleon, a former child actor and associate of a gang that specialized in boat theft and profit-making.

The couple was led onto the yacht by Deleon and his cohorts, who then roped them to the anchor and flung them overboard to drown. They then tried to sell the yacht after stealing it, but authorities quickly apprehended them.

Deleon was found guilty of first-degree murder and given the death penalty; his conspirators received life terms in prison. The incident startled the Newport Beach neighborhood and brought attention to the risks of boat theft and the related criminal underworld.

To learn more about profit here:



What would alliterated s's, if used by Milton, have added to the description of a fire?


The thing that the alliteration of the letter s add to the description of a fire is option C: The repeated sounds imitate fire hissing.

What is the alliteration?

If John Milton had used alliterated s's to describe a fire, it could have added a sense of hissing and sizzling to the description. The repetition of the "s" sound could mimic the sound of flames crackling and burning. This could create a sense of intensity and urgency in the description, as well as a sensory experience for the reader.

Therefore, The use of alliteration can also create a sense of rhythm and musicality in the language, which can add to the overall emotional impact of the description. For example, Milton might have described the fire as "sizzling, searing, scorching flames," which would evoke a vivid image and a visceral response in the reader.

Learn more about alliteration  from



See text below

Why would alliteration of the letter s add to the description of a fire?

The repeated sounds imitate fire cracking.

The repeated sounds imitate fire popping.

The repeated sounds imitate fire hissing.

Annotate this text: (will give brainliest)

The Gettysburg Address, 1863

By President Lincoln

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.


The annotations can be done according to the paragraphs as follows:

1. The nation was formed 87 years ago on core principles of equality.

2. To build the nation, many have made sacrifices and some have died for that course.

3. We need to keep the quest of the late soldiers alive by remaining patriotic to the country and sticking by its principles.

What is an annotation?

An annotation is a highlight or a brief note that is meant to summarize the main point of a block of text.

In the above passage, we can annotate by circling or highlighting the important points and then including brief comments about their possible meanings. The annotations have been done according to the paragraphs. Now it is easy to spot the main points.

Learn more about annotations here:



What is an example of internal validity?


To determine whether the research is sound (i.e., was the research conducted correctly? ), look at its internal validity.

It is correlated with the number of confounding variables your experiment contains. Internal validity is high if confounding variables are kept out of an experiment; it is lower the more confounding there is. Your experiment would have a high level of internal validity in an ideal scenario. You might then be very confident that your experiment's outcomes were driven by just one independent variable.

Consider doing a test to determine whether mice who exercised on a wheel lost weight. You used good experimental procedures, such as using random samples, and you took into account additional factors that could result in weight loss by using control variables (change in diet, disease, age, etc.). In other words, your experiment has high validity because you took into consideration the confounding factors that could have an impact on your data.

To learn more about internal validity visit;



What inspired Edgar Allen Poe to write The Raven?


The Raven was inspired in part by a speaking raven in the novel Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of 80 by Charles Dickens. Poe based the complex rhythm and meter on Eliza-beth Barrett's poem "Lady Geraldine's Court-ship", and made use of internal rhyme as well as alliteration through-out.

Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" (1845) is a poem center-ed around an unnamed narrator's journey into mad-ness after realizing he will never for-get his lost Lenore.

The poem explores how grief can over-come a person's ability to live in the present and eng-age with society. Over the course of the poem, the speaker's in-ability to forget his lost love Lenore drives him to despair and mad-ness.

To know more about The Raven click below:



Find the error with subject-verb agreement. Select the incorrect verb and type it correctly.


The incorrect verb in the sentence is "is" which should be replaced by "are".

What is Subject-verb Agreement?

In English, the verb only needs to match the number and occasionally the person; the subject-verb agreement is a grammar rule that states that the verb or verbs in a phrase must match the number, person, and gender of the subject.

The correct sentence is "There are still approximately twenty-five thousand wild horses in North America They roam in eleven western states including Nevada and Arizona and are also found on some islands off the Atlantic coast." As a result, the word "is," which should be altered to "are," is the incorrect verb in this sentence.

Learn more about Subject-verb Agreement here:



who is the peron that have appointment in samarra?


Samarra's Appointment is a short fiction, not a person. The narrative is based on an ancient Middle Eastern fable that has been repeated by a number of authors.

including W. Somerset Maugham. The plot of Maugham's rendition is as follows "Death speaks: There was a merchant in Baghdad who sent his servant to market to buy provisions and in a little while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said, Master, just now when I was in the marketplace I was jostled by a woman in the crowd and when I turned I saw it was Death that jostled me. She glared at me and made a menacing motion, now lend me your horse, and I'll ride away from this city and avoid my fate. I'm going to Samarra, where Death will not find me. The merchant loaned him his horse, and the servant mounted it, digging his spurs into its sides and galloping as quickly as the animal could. The merchant then walked down to the marketplace and noticed me standing in the crowd, and he approached me and asked, Appointment Why did you make a threatening gesture to my servant when you saw him this morning? That wasn't a menacing motion, I said, just a start of surprise. I was surprised to see him in Baghdad because I had a date with him in Samarra tonight."

learn more about Appointment  here:



Who went to the professional childrens school?


Many students attend professional children's schools. The students who attend these schools vary in age, background, and ability.

Without additional context, it is difficult to accurately answer the question of who went to the professional childrens school. The professional childrens school is a private school that provides education for children who are pursuing careers in the arts, entertainment, or athletics. Many famous actors, singers, and dancers have attended the professional childrens school, including Scarlett Johansson, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Christina Ricci. If you are looking for a specific individual who attended the school, please provide additional information in your question.

For more such questions on Schools.



when did nancy mairs write on being a cripple


Nancy Mairs wrote "On Being a Cripple" in 1986.

It was originally published in the New York Times Magazine and was later included in her collection of essays titled "Plain Text."

In the essay, Mairs discusses her experiences with multiple sclerosis and how it has impacted her life. She also explores society's attitudes towards people with disabilities and challenges the notion of what it means to be "disabled." Mairs' writing is honest, raw, and thought-provoking, making "On Being a Cripple" a powerful and important piece of writing.

To know more about Nancy Mairs here:



libel is deceiving another person for monetary gain. True/False ?


The given statement, "libel is deceiving another person for monetary gain." is False because  a false and defamatory comment that is written or published and damages the reputation of a person, company, or other entity is referred to as libel.

The assertion must be false and must be made as a fact rather than merely an opinion. A person's reputation, business, profession, or property may all suffer damage as a result of the false statement.

A defamatory act does not necessarily result in financial benefit, however it may be one of the outcomes. Libel may also be committed in order to obtain an advantage in a legal battle or competitive situation, damage someone's reputation, or for other motives.

To learn more about libel here:



1. What does Winston think happened to his mother and father? 1984 book


Swallowed up in the purges of the 50’s (holocaust/Stalin)

What is the main idea of between the world and me?


Ta-Nehisi Coates' "Between the World and Me" explores what it's like to be a black man in America and the ongoing fight for racial justice as its main idea.

The book is written by Coates as a letter to his teenage son, reflecting on his own experiences as a black child growing up in a nation where white supremacy is pervasive.

Coates investigates how racism functions as a systemic and structural force in American culture and how it affects black people through his personal anecdotes and historical studies. He contends that fighting racism head-on and constructing a more egalitarian future are the goals, not merely acknowledging it.

To learn more about main idea here:



Is Peter Brand from Moneyball real?


Yes, Peter Brand from Moneyball is a real person. However, his real name is not Peter Brand, but rather Paul DePodesta.

He is a character based on the real-life baseball executive, Paul DePodesta, who is credited with revolutionizing the way teams analyze players. He is portrayed by Jonah Hill in the 2011 movie Moneyball.

The character of Peter Brand, played by Jonah Hill in the film adaptation of Michael Lewis's book Moneyball, is based on DePodesta, who was the assistant general manager of the Oakland Athletics during the time period covered in the book. DePodesta is known for his use of sabermetrics, a statistical approach to analyzing baseball, which was a key part of the Athletics' success during the early 2000s.

know more about Moneyball here



I have a question if you write a poem, it has 2 stanzas and your trying to end it, can you end it with one sentence without starting a new stanza?


Yes, a metrical line ending at a grammatical boundary or break—such as a dash or closing parenthesis—or with punctuation such as a colon, a semicolon, or a period. are ways of ending poems. A line is considered end-stopped, too, if it contains a complete phrase just like Many of Alexander Pope’s couplets are



Explanation: I have written poems and yes yes that is true

Composition on The Helicopter (for class 1)

Key words:








The Composition on The Helicopter using the terms above is written below.

The Helicopter

The Helicopter is a very cool and fast flying machine. It has a sleek and shiny body, and can come in different colours like red, blue, and yellow.

A helicopter has seats inside where people can sit and fly. There are windows in the helicopter that allow passengers to see outside and enjoy the beautiful views. There are also doors in a helicopter that open and close, which makes it easy for people to get in and out.

The best part about a helicopter is that it can fly very fast and high in the sky. This makes it a very convenient way to travel, especially in places where there are no roads.

In conclusion, the helicopter is a very interesting and cool flying machine that can fly fast, high in the sky and has seats, windows, and doors for people to use.

Learn more about The Helicopter from



the latin root of say





Would you rather live underwater or in the clouds?

free question

for you



In the clouds


i would rather live in the clouds because living in the clouds provides a better view of the entire world. personally, living under water would be kind of scary due to sharks and other unknown creatures. Living in the clouds seems like the better option.

Mention 10 things that are better than good grades​


Answer: Here are ten things that are better than good grades:

Strong character: Having strong personal qualities such as integrity, empathy, and resilience is more important than having good grades.

Good health: Good health is essential for overall happiness and well-being, and is more important than good grades.

Strong relationships: Building strong relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners is more fulfilling and important than having good grades.

Passion for learning: Developing a love of learning and a curious mind is more valuable than having good grades.

Creative skills: Developing creative skills such as art, music, or writing is more enriching and fulfilling than having good grades.

Physical fitness: Maintaining good physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle is more important than having good grades.

Volunteering and community service: Giving back to the community through volunteer work and community service is more meaningful than having good grades.

Career satisfaction: Finding a career that you are passionate about and that provides satisfaction and fulfillment is more important than having good grades.

Financial stability: Having financial stability and security is more important than having good grades.

Mental and emotional well-being: Maintaining good mental and emotional health is more important than having good grades.

It is important to note that good grades are important, but they are just one aspect of life. There are many other things that are more important for overall happiness and well-being.


Who created the Great Man Theoryanswer choicesO Thomas CarlyleO John RuskinO Bob Larry IIO Antwon Wright


The Great Man Theory was created by Thomas Carlyle.

According to the Great man theory, a 19th-century method of studying history, the influence of great men or heroes can account for a considerable portion of history.

This theory suggests that history can be largely explained by the impact of "great men," or heroes who have a significant effect on the course of events.

Carlyle believed that these individuals were born with certain traits that made them destined for greatness, and that their actions were the driving force behind historical events. While this theory has been heavily criticized and is no longer widely accepted, it was influential in the 19th century and helped shape the field of leadership studies.

To know more about Great man theory here:



Prompt: Write a letter to the Prince i which you are praising his decision to banish
Romeo or you are criticizing his decision.
First paragraph- hook, bridge, thesis
Second and third paragraph- point, example, explanation, link to thesis
Fourth paragraph- counterargument, rebuttal
Fifth paragraph- restate thesis, summarize examples, call to action


We can see here that in order to write your letter to the Prince, here is a guide:

Start with the address and the date.Then salute the PrinceState the reason for your letter as a heading. It is known as the subject of the letterThe give your reasons for choosing to criticize the Prince's decision in the body of your letter.

What is a letter?

A letter is a written or printed communication that is addressed to a specific person or organization and usually sent through the mail or delivered by hand.

It typically contains a message or information that is intended to be conveyed to the recipient, and it may also include greetings, salutations, and other formal or informal expressions.

Letters may contain a variety of elements, such as the sender's and recipient's addresses, the date, a greeting or salutation, the body of the letter, a closing, and the sender's signature.

Learn more about letter on https://brainly.com/question/24623157


The reader can tell from the Article that
A. milk and milk products are the only way for teenagers to
obtain valuable nutrients such as calcium, protein, and vitamin
B. school officials at one North Dakota high school either
disagree with or are unaware of the American Academy of
Pediatrics' position on the consumption of caffeine by teens
C. officials at a high school in North Dakota were already planning
to build a coffee shop in the school when a dairy group
approached them and agreed to fund the project in full
D. the American Academy of Pediatrics argues against the
consumption of coffee drinks by high-school-age students
because such drinks often contain large quantities of milk


From the article “Got Coffee”, the readers can tell that an official at a high school in North Dakota was already planning to build a coffee shop in the school when a dairy group approached them and agreed to fund the project in full. The correct option is c.

What is Got Coffee?

Got coffee is an article about North Dakota, who is planning to buy a  coffee shop and a dairy project approached the school and tried to give it funds for her shop.

Therefore, the correct option is c. an official at a high school in North Dakota was already planning to build a coffee shop in the school when a dairy group approached them and agreed to fund the project in full.

To learn more about coffee, refer to the link:



give an example of a fraction sentence



she spend only a fraction on her earning

Why do you think Ulysses wanted to hear the Sirens' song even though he knew it was a risk? Is it
ever worth taking a risk to have a new experience? Why or why not? Cite evidence from this text,
your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.


In Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey," Ulysses (also known as Odysseus) wanted to hear the Sirens' song even though he knew it was a risk because he was driven by his curiosity and desire for new experiences.

How to explain the information

He was a brave and adventurous person who had already faced many dangers and challenges on his long journey home from the Trojan War. The Sirens were said to have a voice that was so beautiful and alluring that it could lead sailors to their death, and Ulysses wanted to experience this for himself.

Moreover, Ulysses was also a very strategic and intelligent leader who knew that he needed to protect himself and his crew from the dangers of the Sirens' song. He had his men plug their ears with wax so that they would not be seduced by the Sirens' song, while he himself was tied to the mast.

Learn more about Odysseus on:



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