What do you want to do - watch film at home or go to the movie hall?
[Begin with: Would...]​


Answer 1


they all went to the movie hall in the morining and went to the dance at night


Answer 2


is would want to watch a film at home?

Related Questions

fun riddles
What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?



promise or trust

hope it helps

Answer: A Promise is the answer


Trust And Rules can be broken too


Pesquise sobre quais as maneiras e situações em que ocorre a influência cultural americana, escreva um texto com, no máximo 20 linhas sobre o tema, destacando as razões pelas quais é importante aprender inglês.



El inglés es el idioma internacional más importante, consecuencia de la política colonial del Imperio Británico en el siglo XIX y la influencia global de los Estados Unidos de América en los siglos XX y XXI.

El inglés se originó a principios de la Edad Media como el idioma de algunas de las tribus germánicas que invadieron Gran Bretaña. Se convirtió en nativo de la mayoría de la población británica y, con el crecimiento territorial del Imperio Británico, se extendió a Asia, África, América del Norte y Australia. Después de que las colonias británicas obtuvieron la independencia, el inglés siguió siendo el idioma nativo de la mayoría de la población (EE. UU., Canadá, Australia, Nueva Zelanda) o uno de los idiomas oficiales (India, Nigeria). El inglés se enseña en instituciones educativas de muchos países como lengua extranjera.

what's the geomagnetic field and the Geomagnetic storm

Brainliest for the 2nd person to get it right!



Geomagnetic field is the magnetic force that surrounds the earth.it is attributed to the combined effect of the planetary rotation and the movement of molten iron in the Earth's core and Geomagnetic storm are brief disturbance in Earth's magnetic field caused by burk radiation and charged particles emitted from the sun

1. (small) The company developed __________ laptop computer in the world.



what was the instructions? put in past tense, present, antonyms, synonyms?

A persuasive strategy of appealing to emotions is called pathos.






Pathos is a Greek word meaning 'suffering' or 'experience', and it is used in persuasive speech as an appeal to the emotions of the audience. Pathos is the way of creating a persuasive argument by evoking an emotional response in the audience/reader.

Informal Letter 125 words. Has to contain a greeting, body, and conclusion. Will give out brainliest. Do not do something wrong, will delete your answer.


Good afternoon Mr. Brown,

I am inquiring about an ad I saw on the cork board in the local diner that mentioned lawn mowing services. My lawn is always messily overgrown, so much so that I can’t even walk on it. There are currently a lot of weeds growing at the front, as well. I unfortunately am a very busy person, and I never have the time to mow it. I need my front yard preferably once a week if possible. My side yard would only need to be mowed every two weeks or so, possibly less. I would greatly appreciate it if you could reply with rates and times you are available. It would also be very helpful if you informed me which payment options you accept.

Thank you,
*insert name*

I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group 1. A. Leaves B. Arrives C. Finishes D. Goes



The answer is, Finishes


I hope this helps you out!

From dance hall of the dead



The answer is c) becoming a professor of religion


I hope this helps you out!

Read the sentence.

When we read that many of the cereals bursting with sugars were those being marketed to kids, we set out to determine if this was indeed the case.

What is the effect of the word bursting on the author’s purpose?



Contains lots of sugar


I think this is right, but don't quote me on this.

can someone help me with love poems this is what i have

If kisses were raindrops id send showers if hugs were seconds id send you hours


It say kisses are rain drops. By sending showers, the mean to send lots of kisses. (showers as in a storm)

Hugs are like seconds. So by giving someone hours, you are giving them lots of hugs.

Which two techniques do writers employ to draw a reader's attention to
symbols in their stories?
making direct statements about characters or events
E repeating objects throughout a text
putting particular emphasis on an object in a story
providing many conceptual meanings for the same literal object



The writer can employ a number of different techniques to catch the attention of the reader to specific symbol. From the given options, two that are most suitable are: putting particular emphasis on objects in the story, and, repeating objects throughout a text.

plz help me asap
i will give brainliest


Hope it helps!bhocututdxfufyigougpihpiucgxsgrRxgjfjlbiph





i think these should help u

MaRk Me As BrAiNeSt

The speaker mentions two brief examples of robots that his audience may be familiar with (Toyota's trumpet-playing robot and toy robots that sing and dance). What does this indicate about his analysis of his topic in relation to his audience


jis isit la yo ka resevwa kék pwen.

what is drama
I know what it is but I checking for some answers​


an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances.

change this into indirect speech.Paul says,"Windhoek is a wonderful city"​




New questions in EnglishNew questions in EnglishNew questions in EnglishNew questions in English

I MET a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert ... Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage [face] lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which still survive, stamped on these lifeless things.
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Which of the following sentences best describes the dramatic irony in the poem?
The traveler knows he will see the statue in the desert.
The traveler knows who the king was.
The audience knows the traveler has seen the statue in the desert
The audience knows the boastful king's power did not last.


The correct answer is D. The audience knows the boastful king's power did not last.


Dramatic irony is a literary device that is based on giving the reader information about the story so that he understands the hidden meanings of the story related to the actions of the characters. In addition, the reader understands aspects that the characters themselves are unaware of, creating a feeling of suspense. In the excerpt presented the narrator tells the reader the power of the king will not last, as the narrator says "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains".

According to the above, it can be established that the correct answer is D. The audience knows the boastful king's power did not last.

1) Explain the following picture in ten sentences:​


answer gender equality

i see 3 white men cleaning trash. i see one beautiful lady cleaning as well. i see that everything is mostly brown.isee that it could be fall or incoming fall. i see that all it takes it a little team work. i see that it is important to pick up trash and dirt. i see that we have to stick together in such hard times.i see everyone is helping each other. i see there is no kids. i see life would be simpler with cleaning technology

Select the correct answer. Which sentence is an example of a focused topic?



I don't see any sentences

Read the speech "Voluntourism: An Opportunity Too Good to be True" and consider the advertisement "The Opportunity of a Lifetime." Then, answer the question.

Voluntourism: An Opportunity Too Good to be True

A Speech to the Student Body of Evergreen High

[1] Picture this: It's Spring Break, and you fly off to some country where there's lush rainforests and beautiful, blue coastlines to explore. There's also people in need, so you decide to blend your vacation with volunteering. Volunteering as a tourist, or voluntourism, seems like a great way to explore new regions and help people at the same time. However, this "volunteer plus travel" experience can actually harm local communities. While many teens might view traveling and volunteering abroad as a worthwhile adventure, there are more genuine and effective ways to make a difference.

[2] Most would agree that volunteering in general is a worthy use of time. However, what if you found out the children you are "helping" are actually being kept in poor conditions so voluntourists will spend money to come to the local area? Dale Rolfe, a supporter of ethical voluntourism, explains the shocking reality that "Animal sanctuaries and orphanages are often manufactured for the voluntourist...encouraging a cycle of exploiting the very animals and children the volunteers are trying to help."

[3] Proponents of the "volunteer plus travel" experience also argue that traveling to new places builds character and is a valuable way to learn about different cultures. With voluntourism, however, participants often pursue experiences that are all about them. For example, they sign up to build a school for a gold star on their resume, but they have no real building skills and take jobs away from local construction workers (Schulten). Or, they arrive to teach English but instead take selfies with the locals. One world traveler and ethical voluntourist believes voluntourism "can perpetuate small minded views of the world by taking insulated, fake, and structured experiences and selling them as unabridged and eye opening" (Carlos). The voluntour experience is a mirage. The voluntourist's eyes are not opened to real life at the destination, and lasting change is not achieved.

[4] If you want a genuine experience where you can see a lasting impact, there are better options than voluntourism. You can volunteer in your local community. Give an hour every week to your town's animal rescue. Serve monthly dinners to the homeless. Be a reliable, positive influence on a child who needs a mentor. Studies show that volunteering and forming lasting relationships with those you help has a positive impact on your physical and emotional health. In fact, blood pressure is reduced, memory is improved, and rates of depression are reduced (Michaels).

[5] There is another reason to look into alternatives to voluntourism. Did you know the average "voluntour" travel package costs $3,400 (Rolfe)? Could that travel money be better spent? If the world's citizens are your passion, it could go to an international organization. If you care about education, your funds can be used to buy books for students in faraway lands. If you want villagers to have clean water, contribute funds to local efforts to dig wells. If you want to experience a different culture, travel to the country as a guest, and learn from the locals how you can best help them after you've returned home. But do not voluntour.

[6] In reality, there are better ways to make a difference. Voluntourism might appear to be an adventure that blends travel and helping others, but it does little except provide a costly, superficial experience that might actually do more harm than good. So, volunteer where you are most needed-at home, where you can stay to see the job through and form genuine, lasting relationships. Choose a beautiful coastline closer to home and send the travel money you saved to an international organization that will put it to good use. Whatever you do, don't turn someone else's hardship into your vacation.

"The Opportunity of a Lifetime"

A magazine advertisement with the title

Both texts (the speech and the advertisement) address voluntourism. However, each text has a different purpose, which is reflected by the details each writer chose to include. Consider the words and images used.

In a paragraph of 6-8 sentences, identify what each text emphasizes and explain how that emphasis reveals each author's position on voluntourism. Be sure to state each author's position and include evidence from both texts to support your analysis.



i donot know about this thing but i try to do this thing and another things that how can i explain this i am comfuis but i try to tell what i know

grandfather describe the scene as an exhibition that attracted a curious crowd of onlookers because in lesson adventure of Toto



The Adventure of Toto Poem is well explained through ... of Toto summary in English of the lesson The Adventure of Toto, ... “An exhibition attracted a curious crowd of onlookers.


How is voice different from point of view?


you see, voice is something actually speaking from their perspective in their body and point of view is letting people see and actually grasp

Everyone who met Luisa was delighted by her enthusiasm.

What kind of characterization does this passage contain.
Both direct and indirect
Neither direct nor indirect.





The narrator is talking about what everyone else things about Luisa. Not directly says what Luisa is




I think this is correct im sorry if not

the passive voice of has he taken the book from the table?



nasa pic po ang sagot


hope it helpsssss

pls help i really need it

Summarize how the English language developed into what it is today.


The English language begins with the Anglo-Saxons.  The Romans, who had controlled England for centuries, had withdrawn their troops and most of their colonists by the early 400s.  Attacks from the Irish, the Picts from Scotland, the native Britons, and Anglo-Saxons from across the North Sea, plus the deteriorating situation in the rest of the Empire, made the retreat a strategic necessity.  As the Romans withdrew, the Britons re-established themselves in the western parts of England, and the Anglo-Saxons invaded and began to settle the eastern parts in the middle 400s.  The Britons are the ancestors of the modern day Welsh, as well as the people of Britanny across the English channel.  The Anglo-Saxons apparently displaced or absorbed the original Romanized Britons, and created the five kingdoms of Northumbria, Mercia, Kent, East Anglia, Essex, Sussex, and Wessex (see map below).  Notice that the last three are actually contractions of East Saxon, South Saxon, and West Saxon, and that the Welsh still refer to the English as Saxons (Saesneg).

Use this but change ur words but this would work


The English language is an old language. It is spoken in almost all parts of the world.

In the early times, spoken English evolved around five centuries ago. The language soon became widespread because of the British Empire. The Industrial Revolution also gave rise to the spread of the English language.

Nowadays, globalization has made it easy for almost all human beings to communicate and speak in English. It has become the language of the world. People traveling to all parts of the country speak in English as a medium to translate their native language to others. Thus the English language has developed to be a world language today.


does anyone have any book recommendations?


Answer:Fever 1793


Sure. Two, actually. I use them in my work all the time.

New Hart’s Rules is the updated edition of Hart’s Rules for Compositors and Editors, a style guide published by the Oxford University Press. Hart’s Rules began as a single sheet of paper drawn up by university printer Horace Hart in 1893, but over the years it’s morphed into a tightly-written comprehensive guide to punctuation and style. It will not teach you how to write, or how to understand English, but if you don’t know what the right thing is to do, it will help you out. (It’s sometimes available with the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors as the Oxford Style Manual, but I find the Manual a bit unwieldy and prefer them in separate volumes.)

Fowler’s Modern English Usage is a much

Readers who are synthesizing ideas are retelling exact details from a story as they happened.







Owls _____well which help them hunt.

pls help me to fill in the blanks.. the clues are it is a 4 letter words and the last letter is R and the second letter is E
plsss helpp me ASAP. i will give you the brainliest.​


The answer is owls “hear” well.
They Hear well and it helps them hunt

write an imaginary conversation between nelson mandela and anne frank. imagine that Nelson Mandela and Anne Frank meet in the afterlife to talk about the extraordinary ordeals in their lives. Think and plan what they would talk about and what common or different views they would have.​



nelson mandela the anti-apartherd leader who was jailed for 27 years of his activism and in 1994 because president of South America, regularly recited the poem inviictus during his imprisonment inviictus meaningunconnquerable of undefated in latin was written in 1875 by william Ernest henley

Anne Frank was not hard of hearing. When Anne Frank fled the country in 1942, she was a teenager. For the next two years, she wrote a notebook detailing her experiences.

What imaginary conversation, to Nelson and Anne Frank?

Nelson Mandela, the anti-apartheid activist who served 27 years in prison for his activism before being elected president of South America in 1994, recited the poem Invictus often.  

Nelson Mandela studied Afrikaans, the language of the oppressor, while he was incarcerated. Additionally, he researched the history of the Afrikaner people and their conflict with the British. He appreciated reading some books written by Afrikaans authors in their native tongue.

Therefore, while he was imprisoned. Invictus, which is Latin for “unconquerable” or “undefeated,” was written by William Ernest Henley in 1875.

Learn more about Anne Frank here:



create a cross word puzzle with your own ideas


I’m confused here ?

Read the excerpt below and answer the question.

It was about dusk, one evening during the supreme madness of the camlval season, that I encountered my
trend. He accosted me with excessive warmth, for he had been drinking much. The man wore motley. He
had on a tight-fitting parti-striped dress, and his head was su: mounted by the conical cap and bells. I was so
pleased to see him that I thought I should never have done wringing his hand.

What is the purpose of the author's description of Fortunato's clothing?

Fortunato's dressforeshadows his being a fool or buffoon.

Fortunato's dress is described to show the reader that he had been drinking.

Fortunato's dress is described to indicate the role his bells will have in the ending scene.
Fortunato's dress represents the revelry of the carnival season.



Fortunato's dress foreshadows his being a fool or buffoon.


Edgar Allen Poe's short story "The Cask of Amontillado" is about Montresor's revenge on Fortunato, who had insulted him many times. The story deals with themes of revenge, friendship, appearance and reality, sin, etc.

In the given excerpt from the story, Montresor describes Fortunato's dress when he first met him that carnival night. He revealed that "[Fortunato] wore motley . . . had on a tight-fitting parti-striped dress, and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bells." "Motley" refers to the multicolored suit worn by clowns, which seems to foreshadow the character of Fortunato as a buffoon or a fool.

Thus, the correct answer is the first option.

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