What conclusion is on Mendelian genetics?


Answer 1

The conclusion of Mendelian genetics emphasizes particulate factors which are the determinants of inherited traits. These factors are referred to as genes. Each parent's cell contains a pair of genes for each trait under investigation. One allele for the dominant phenotype and one for the recessive phenotype are present in the F1 offspring of a cross of two pure lines.

In the 19th century, Mendel performed thousands of experiments with pea plants. He came to the further conclusion that genes are inherited as distinct, paired units from each parent. Mendel studied how parental genes diverged and whether they manifested in the offspring as dominant or recessive traits. The passing of mathematical patterns from one generation to the next was something he was aware of.

To know more about genetics please visit



Related Questions

What causes genetic variation in a population environmental changes?


Mutations, the changes in the sequences of genes in DNA, are one source of genetic variation in a population environmental changes.

Gene flow, or the transfer of genes between several groups of organisms, is another source. The development of new gene combinations through sexual reproduction can also result in genetic variety.

Genetic variation is the variance in DNA sequences among members of a population. Germ cells, such as sperm and eggs, as well as somatic (all other) cells, are subject to variation.

Gene variants, sometimes known as mutations, can cause genetic differences, or a normal process in which genetic information is rearranged as a cell prepares to divide can also cause genetic variations (known as genetic recombination). Different phenotypes can be introduced into an organism by genetic changes that change gene activity or protein function.

To learn more about Genetic variation :



What is the danger of engaging in unprotected pre marital sex?


Engaging in unprotected premarital sex can be dangerous as it increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies, and can also have emotional and mental impacts.

Engaging in unprotected premarital sex can be dangerous because it increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies.

STIs, such as HIV, chlamydia, and syphilis, can be transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. Some STIs can cause serious health problems and even death if left untreated. Some STIs, like HPV or herpes, may not show any symptoms, but can still cause long-term health issues.Unintended pregnancies can also occur as a result of unprotected premarital sex. This can lead to a variety of personal, social, and economic challenges, including emotional and financial burdens, interruptions to education or career plans, and the need for parenting or adoption arrangements.Additionally, unprotected premarital sex can also have emotional and mental impacts, such as guilt, regret, or emotional distress.It's worth noting that practicing safe sex, including the use of condoms and other forms of contraception, can greatly reduce the risk of STIs and unintended pregnancies, as well as emotional and mental distress.

To learn more about unprotected pre-marital sex at



How do wetlands get water?


The primary source of water for wetlands is from precipitation, such as rain.

This water of precipitation is absorbed by the soil and saturates the ground, eventually making its way into the wetland.

Other sources include groundwater, water runoff from rivers, streams, and lakes, and even direct connections to larger bodies of water. In some cases, wetlands are purposefully flooded to create a habitat.

The water level in a wetland is regulated by a variety of factors, including the size of the wetland, the amount of water that flows in, the amount of water that evaporates, and the amount of water that is absorbed by plants.

In addition, wetlands can be impacted by human activities, such as dam and reservoir construction and over-irrigation, which can lead to an increase or decrease in the water level.

To learn more about water, click here:



Why do phospholipids tend to spontaneously orient themselves into something resembling a membrane?


The hydrophobic, nonpolar regions of Phospholipids must align with each other in order for the structure to have minimal potential energy and, consequently, higher stability.

Because their fatty acid tails are poorly soluble in water, phospholipids spontaneously form bilayers in aqueous solutions, with the hydrophobic tails buried in the interior of the membrane and the polar head groups exposed on both sides, in contact with water.

Phospholipids in the lipid bilayer of a cell membrane orient themselves so that the heads face outward because the heads containing the phosphate group are hydrophilic and the cytoplasm of the cell is an aqueous environment.

For more information on  Phospholipids , visit :



To cause cancer, proto-oncogenes require __________ allele(s) to be mutated and therefore are considered ____________________ . The mutation results in a _________ of function. Normally, tumor suppressor genes inhibit the cell cycle. How do mutated tumor suppressor genes affect the cell cycle


Proto-oncogenes are rates that regularly aid cells to grow and split to create new cells or to assist cells with remaining alive. At the point when a proto-oncogene transforms (changes) or there are an excessive number of duplicates of it.

The two duplicates of a particular cancer silencer quality pair should be transformed to prompt an adjustment of cell development and growth arrangement to occur. Consequently, cancer silencer qualities are supposed to be passive at the cell level. Transformations in cancer silencer qualities are frequently procured.

Proto-oncogenes are a gathering of qualities that make ordinary cells become carcinogenic when they are transformed (Adamson, 1987; Weinstein and Joe, 2006). Transformations in proto-oncogenes are ordinarily predominant in nature, and the changed rendition of a proto-oncogene is called an oncogene.

To learn more about Proto-oncogenes here



2. Experiment: Click Play and hunt peppered moths on dark tree trunks for five years. In each

year, try to capture as many moths as you can.

When you are done, select the TABLE tab and record the percentages of each moth type.


Dark moths

Light moths








The total number of moths captured yearly is five. Inwhichoneis light moths and the other three are dark moths.

Moths come in a wide range of sizes, with wingspans that range from roughly 4 mm (0.16 inch) to nearly 30 cm (about 1 foot). They are highly adaptive and can survive anywhere but in arctic regions. Moths have scale-like coverings on their wings, body, and legs that fall off when the insect is handled. Moths have sturdier bodies and duller coloring than butterflies. Moths also have recognizable thick or feathered antennae. Moths retain their wings stretched at their sides or folded tent-like over their bodies when at rest, whereas butterflies hold their wings upright.

Learn more about moths here:-



What was the main aim of Mendel's experiment?


The main aim of Mendel's experiment was to understand the principles of inheritance of genetic traits in pea plants.

He performed a series of controlled crossbreeding experiments, where he carefully selected and crossbred pea plants that exhibited specific traits, such as seed color (yellow or green) and seed shape (round or wrinkled). He then recorded the characteristics of the resulting offspring and compared them to the characteristics of the parent plants. Through these experiments, Mendel discovered that certain traits were inherited in a predictable pattern, and that these patterns could be explained by the presence of  genes that controlled the inheritance of each trait. He also discovered that these factors could be dominant or recessive, and that the combination of these factors determined the phenotype (observable characteristics) of the organism. These discoveries formed the basis of Mendel's laws of inheritance, which are considered to be the foundation of the field of genetics.

To know more about Mendel's experiment click below:



What is the correct statement about meiosis?


Meiosis typically results in genetic variation among the gametes produced

What is Meiosis?

Meiosis is a type of cell division that results in the formation of haploid gametes (sex cells) from the diploid cells of the parent organism. This type of cell division is used by organisms such as plants and animals to create eggs and sperm. During meiosis, one round of DNA replication is followed by two rounds of cell division. This process helps to reduce the chromosome number by half, leading to the production of four haploid gametes. Each gamete contains only one set of chromosomes, so when they combine with another gamete during fertilization, the resulting zygote has the full set of chromosomes from the parent organism. Meiosis is an essential part of sexual reproduction, as the combination of gametes ensures genetic diversity.

To learn more about Meiosis

Choose the correct statement about meiosis.
A) The result of meiosis is a zygote
B) Only somatic cells undergo meiosis
C) Meiosis restores the original haploid condition of a population
D) Meiosis typically results in genetic variation among the gametes produced
E) The products of meiosis are always four cells identical to the parent cell

Which of these haploid strains produce permease constitutively but do not produce β-galactosidase
a. I+ P+ O+ Z- Y-
b. I+ P+ O- Z+ Y+
c. I- P+ O+ Z-Y+
d. I- P+ O+ Z+ Y-
e. I- P+ O+ Z+ Y+


The answer is : I- P+ O+ Z-Y+

The lac operon genes, which encode vital enzymes for lactose absorption and processing, must be expressed for the bacteria to utilise lactose. E. coli should only express the lac operon when two conditions are met in order to be as effective as possible:

Glucose is not readily available, but lactose is.

The Y gene  codes for lactose permease.

In the operon I- P+ O+ Z-Y+, I codes for repressor protein, therefore I- implies this lacks repressor means operon is not inhibited so it is always active

Z codes for beta-galactosidase in this operon.

This haploid species can produce permease persistently but do not produce -galactosidase since this operon has no functioning Z gene but does have a functional Y gene.

So the answer is : I- P+ O+ Z-Y+

To know more about Lac operon here:



Why is a high surface area to volume ratio important in epithelial cells in the gastrointestinal GI tract?


When a cell performs its normal functions, it must exchange substances with the world outside the cell membrane. Cells with a large surface area to volume ratio can exchange substances more efficiently.

Maximizing the surface area of ​​this organ system is important. This is because the greater the surface area of the cell the better the digestive mechanism and the greater the absorption of simplified nutrients.

Digestibility increases with increasing surface area. An explanation for this is a mechanism that accelerates and supports the number of enzymes involved in digestion, and this is one of those enzyme individuals that work more effectively on larger surfaces.

For more information on Cells  , visit :



helix-turn-helix and zinc fingers are secondary structural motifs in dna and rna, respectively. true or false


In DNA and RNA, respectively, helix-turn-helix and zn fingers constitute secondary structural motifs. FALSE.

What is the main function of RNA?

Translation is the main mechanism by which RNA makes proteins. Genetic information is transmitted by RNA and decoded by ribosomes into a range of proteins needed for biological processes. rna, trna, and tRNA are the three main RNA varieties involved in the production of proteins.

What exactly is RNA, in simple terms?

Ribonucleic acid, sometimes known as RNA, is a nucleic acid that is present in all living cells and has characteristics similar to those of DNA. However, unlike DNA, RNA frequently has a single strand. The backbone of a Rna is composed of alternating hydrophilic groups and the sugar ribose, as opposed to the deoxyribose found in DNA.

To know more about RNA visit



The Onondaga contains a few thin layers of volcanic ash. Why is volcanic ash useful for correlating layers of sedimentary rock?



Besides being distinctive, a volcanic-ash layer has four other advantages for purposes of correlation: it was laid down in an instant of geologic time; it settles out over tremendous areas; it permits physical correlation between contrasting sedimentary environments; and unaltered mineral crystals.

4. Kevin is tall (Tt), has brown hair (Bb), has a cleft chin (CC), and is right handed (Rr). Kevin is homozygous for his
hair color
cleft chin


Kevin is homozygous for his cleft chin as all other are heterozygous. So, the correct option is (D).

What is Homozygous genotype?

Homozygous is defined as having inherited the same allele for a genomic marker from each biological parent, so an individual who is homozygous for a genomic marker has two identical versions of that marker. Whereas an individual who is heterozygous for a marker has two different versions of that marker.

In a diploid species there are two alleles for each trait or gene in each pair of chromosomes at the same locus, or locus with one coming from the father and the other from the mother.

An allele is one of two or more alternative forms of a gene, and are found at the same locus on chromosomes, so homozygous refers to having the same allele for a particular locus. So, in this case cleft chin is homozygous as they have same allele as compare to others.

Thus, Kevin is homozygous for his cleft chin as all other are heterozygous. So, the correct option is (D).

Learn more about Homozygous Genotype, here:



How do we know whether or not a heteromorphic chromosome such as the Y chromosome plays a crucial role in the determination of sex


The Y chromosome contains the "male determining gene," the SRY gene. This gene causes testicles to form in the embryo and results in the development of male genitalia. The SRY gene is important in sex determination in mammals and some insects.

Chromosomes are part of the structure of the human body, which consists of DNA and other molecules, and is the place where genetic material is stored.

To determine sex, the so-called X and Y chromosomes. If the embryo's chromosomes are XX, then it is female. Conversely, if the XY chromosome then the fetus will be born as a boy

Sex chromosomes are usually heteromorphic, that is, they show differences (size, shape, or reaction to staining) between their homologous chromosomes. Individuals having heteromorphic sex chromosomes can produce two types of gametes. For example, human males can produce gametes that have 22+X or 22+Y chromosomes.

Learn more about the Y chromosome at https://brainly.com/question/21057614


What are two similarities between natural and artificial selection?


Natural selection is a process that occurs when environmental factors that limit survival and reproduction, such as harsh environments or mating competition, are present.

Selected breeding falls within the definition of "artificial selection." Breeding is the natural act of two species mating, but selective breeding is an artificial process where people intervene and pick certain organisms to marry. Selective breeding and natural selection can be contrasted in three ways.

Artificial selection is a human-driven process. Natural selection is governed by environmental demand for selection. The artificial selection process is managed by breeders. Natural selection has significantly boosted biological diversity on Earth. As opposed to natural selection, artificial selection makes it simpler for the breeder to pass on desired qualities.

Learn more about natural selection Visit: brainly.com/question/23929271


How soon after administration of intravenous epinephrine should you pause compressions and reassess the baby's heart rate 8th edition?


It is not advised to stop compressions after administering an epinephrine dose. Every two minutes, the American Heart Association advises stopping compressions to check for the resumption of circulation.

Evidence of what is most effective in reviving patients serves as the foundation for resuscitative care. Best practices for resuscitative care have been outlined in recommendations created by the American Heart Association.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR):

For a person whose heart has stopped, CPR is a technique that involves chest compressions and help breathing.

Although there is a minimal possibility that CPR will restart an arrested heart, it is a tried-and-true technology that saves many lives each year.

In order to ensure that the most people can be saved, the CPR recommendations are consistently reviewed and revised as new knowledge about best procedures becomes available.

To know more about  epinephrine click here:



Steps in Urine Formation
What are the events at the different areas of a nephron and in the collecting duct?
A. filtrate forms
B. Active & passive mechanisms reduce filtrate volume
C. Water is absorbed, ions are not.
D. Ions are actively absorbed, water is not.
E. The first nephron component where aldosterone regulated
F. ADH regulated water absorbtion
G. Water & solutes transported back into the bloodstream.


The filtrate or developing urine is undergoing alteration by secretion and reabsorption before traveling from this point to the extremities of the collecting ducts.

What is typical urination?

Normal urine might be clear or light yellow in color. However, some factors can alter the color. Foods like beets, blackberries, and fava beans, for instance, might cause urine to turn pink or red. Additionally, some medications might produce vibrant urine colors like orange or greenish-blue.

What causes yellow urine?

Urobilin, a chemical waste product produced by the disintegration of old red blood cells, is what gives urine its most prevalent color, which is yellow.

To know more about urine visit:



More people get injured from skateboarding than any other sport


Whys that??? I wonder why


According to the definition of Natural Selection, which of these

organisms is likely to survive?

A- An organism that inherited features that they can and cannot use.

B- An organism that will benefit the Consumers.

C- An organism with adaptations best suited for their environment.

D- An organism that has the greatest number of offspring.


According to natural selection the organism most likely to survive is C- An organism with adaptations best suited for their environment.

Natural selection is the process by which certain traits become more or less common in a population over time as a result of the effects of reproduction, migration, and genetic drift on the survival and reproduction of individuals with those traits.

This process can eventually lead to speciation when populations specialize for specific ecological niches over time (microevolution) (the emergence of new species, macroevolution).

The process of natural selection starts with genetic variation within a population. This variation can occur due to mutation, recombination, and genetic drift. Some individuals in the population will have traits that are better suited to their environment, making them more likely to survive and reproduce. These individuals will pass on their advantageous traits to their offspring, who will also have a better chance of survival. Over time, the proportion of individuals with advantageous traits will increase in the population.

When the organism is well adapted to the environment then they can tolerate the environmental extremes to a better extent thus, able to survive and pass onto there gene to next generation. The adaptation help the organism to mold themselves according to the needs of the environment, thus better chances of living.

To know more about natural selection, click here,



Give me the full meaning of the following questions
1) DNA
2) RNA​



down there.


DNA -> deoxyribonucleic Acid

RNA -> ribonucleic Acid

hence the full meaning of Dna and Rna


Abbreviation of DNA is Deoxyribonucleic acid.

DNA is a group of molecules that is responsible for carrying and transmitting the hereditary materials or the genetic instructions from parents to offsprings.

Abbreviation of RNA is Ribonucleic acid.

RNA helps in the synthesis of proteins in our body.

If all of the stratospheric ozone suddenly disappeared, ________. A) plants would flourish
B) there would be a dramatic decrease in skin cancers
C) most life on Earth would cease to exist because of the amount of UV radiation penetrating the atmosphere
D) insects would be the only organisms to survive
E) Earth's surface would warm considerably




Which of the following statements about a gene that shows maternal effect inheritance is true?
O Offspring will have a mutant phenotype if the father has a mutant genotype.
O Offspring will show a mutant phenotype if the mother has a mutant genotype.
O Embryonic cells transcribe the gene.
O Offspring will always show a mutant phenotype if they have a mutant genotype.


A gene that shows maternal effect inheritance is a gene that is expressed in offspring only if the mother has a mutant genotype.

The offspring will show a mutant phenotype if the mother has a mutant genotype, regardless of the father's genotype. This means that the offspring will not necessarily have a mutant phenotype if the father has a mutant genotype.

This type of gene expression is regulated by the maternal environment, which includes both the mother's genotype and the environment in which she lives. Embryonic cells transcribe the gene, and so the gene is expressed in the offspring. However, the gene's expression can be suppressed or enhanced depending on the environment in which the mother lives.

Offspring will not always show a mutant phenotype if they have a mutant genotype. This is because the gene may be expressed in the offspring only if the maternal environment is favorable for expression. If the environment is not favorable, the gene may be repressed, and the offspring will not show a mutant phenotype.

Learn more about gene expression at : https://brainly.com/question/15159232


If the diplold (2n) number of chromosomes for this cell is four and the haploid
(n) number is two, are the daughter cells now diplold or haplold?
Following telophase I there is a short interphase; however, there is not any DNA synthesis co
chromosomes do not duplicate. Actually they don't need to since the chromosomes are still
Does your model agree with this statement?,
Both daughter cells now go through a second series of divisions (melosis II) as follows:


If the diplold (2n) number of chromosomes for this cell is four and the haploid number is two, are the daughter cells now diplold or haploidas it following telophase I there is a short interphase; however, there is not any DNA synthesis.

What happens in telophase II?

After telophase II, each chromosome in the haploid organism has been made up of one daughter chromosome. Meiosis has the type of cell division that will results in the halves of the number of the chromosomes in the daughter cells.

Four daughter cells with each of which has half its parent cell's chromosomes, are created during the meiosis. Meiosis I and II, the first and second division has steps of the meiotic process, each involve four stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

Therefore, If the diplold (2n) number of chromosomes for this cell is four and the haploid number is two, are the daughter cells now diplold or haploidas it following telophase I there is a short interphase; however, there is not any DNA synthesis.

Learn more about chromosome on:



Replicated chromosomes divide twice during the meiotic process to create four haploid cells, commonly known as meiocytes (sperms and eggs).

What is Meiosis?

Meiosis is the process by which diploid (2n) organisms create meiocytes, which have half the ploidy of the parents and are used for sexual reproduction.

For the zygote's genetic makeup to match that of its parents, meiocyte ploidy must be cut in half.  The separation and redistribution of chromosomes are accomplished during meiosis using methods similar to those used during mitosis.

Meiosis is the only process in which homologous chromosomes join up and undergo genetic recombination. Centrioles and chromosomes are replicated in the steps before meiosis, which are similar to those of mitosis.

Therefore, Replicated chromosomes divide twice during the meiotic process to create four haploid cells, commonly known as meiocytes (sperms and eggs).

To learn more about Meiosis, refer to the link:



Match the following. 1 . slime mold An organism that only has one cell for its body 2 . organismal theory The basic unit of life according to the cell theory 3 . life cycle The internal spherical structure in a cell which serves as the central control 4 . cell theory Serves to give strength and rigidity to the plant cell 5 . nucleus The living substance of a cell, excluding the nucleus 6 . cytoplasm The outer layer of cells of the stems, roots, and leaves of plants 7 . cell The stages of a plant or animal's life 8 . acellular organism Fluid filled sacs within the cytoplasm of a cell which are bound by a membrane 9 . epidermis The semipermeable membrane surrounding the cell 10 . unicellular organism An organism not divided into cells 11 . matter That which occupies space and has mass 12 . cell wall They are thought to make r-RNA to construct the ribosomes 13 . plasma membrane A functional plant or animal 14 . organism The basic unit of life is the organism itself 15 . vacuole A type of protist which has a stage in its life cycle when it is not divided into cells 16 . nucleolus The basic unit of life is the cell



There should be a image

What are the 3 classes of mollusks and how are they different?


The three main classes of mollusks are: Gastropods, Bivalves and Cephalopods. Gastropods have a single large foot, bivalves have two calcareous shells and Cephalopods are recognized by their unique method of locomotion.

Mollusks are the organisms of the phylum Mollusca. It is recognized by the presence of calcareous shells, visceral mass, muscular foot. The Mollusca is the second largest phylum of kingdom Animalia.

Cephalopods are the largest animals amongst all invertebrates, They are recognized for their method of locomotion where they release a stream of water through the body for their movement. Cephalopods have a well developed nervous system as well as closed circulatory system.

To know more about cephalopods, here



What is the sin of sex before marriage called?


The sin of sexual activity before marriage is often referred to as "fornication."

This term is used in many religious traditions, including Christianity and Islam, to refer to sexual activity between two individuals who are not married to each other.

Some other traditions may use different terms to describe this behavior, such as "premarital sex" or "adultery." It's worth noting that the concept of what constitutes a sin or immoral behavior around sexuality and sexual behavior can vary greatly across different religious and cultural traditions and belief systems.

It is important to note that this concept is based on religious and moral beliefs, and some people may have different views on it.

To learn more about fornication at



What was the most significant conclusion that Mendel?


The most significant conclusion that Mendel drew from his experiments is that 'Traits are inherited in discrete units one from each parent'.

The main conclusion that Mendel drew from his experiments is that traits are inherited from each parent in his individual units and are not the result of interbreeding. He called these separate substantive factors pairs.

Mendel's main conclusion, drawn from his experiments with peas, is that factors are inherited as discrete units and do not exhibit mixing.

The peas he used in his experiments were a good choice because of their distinct contrasting traits, hermaphrodite flowers, short lifespan, and less variation in results with crosses.All monohybrid and dihybrid crosses he considered phenotypic and genotypic ratios were identical.

Genes are now discovered to be pieces of DNA that reside on chromosomes, but Mendel did not know which genes (Mendelian factors) consisted. A study of chromosome behavior was carried out by Sutton and Boveri with the aid of a microscope. They later compared it to the behavior of factors and genes.

For more information on Mendel's experiment , visit :



Complete question :

What was the most significant conclusion that Mendel drew from his experiments?

A There is considerable genetic variation in garden pea

B Traits are inherited in discrete units one from each parent

C Genes are composed of DNA

D Recessive genes occur as frequently as dominant ones.

Color blindness is a recessive X-linked trait in humans. In a family where the mother is color-blind and the father is normal, the probability of their having a color-blind son is


If the mother is color blind and the father is normal, the chance that their son will be color blind is ¼ or 25%.

The color-blind mother's genotype is XXc and the normal father's genotype is XY, so the offspring are:

Parents: XXc >< XY

Gametes: X , Xc >< X , Y


XX (normal female)

XY (normal male)

XXc (carrier female)

XcY (color-blind male)

The phenotypic ratio is:

¼ (normal female)

¼ (normal male)

¼ (carrier female)

¼ (color-blind males)

Learn more about color-blind cross at https://brainly.com/question/29511697


What offspring is produced if a heterozygous tall pea plant is crossed with a homozygous short pea plant?


That a Tt heterozygous, giant plant produces T and t gametes with equal probabilities whereas a Tt homozygous, narrow plant exclusively produces t gametes, their offspring 50% tall and 50% short are crossed.

What does the term "heterozygous" mean?

The term "heterozygous" describes the presence of several alleles for a given trait. You have a dominant gene for that gene if the versions differ from one another. Which qualities are expressed depends on how the two genes are related.

What is an example of heterozygotes?

You have a genetic mutation for that gene if the variants differ from one another. For instance, having one gene for red hair but one allele with brown hair could indicate that you are heterogeneous for hair color. Which qualities are expressed depends on how the two alleles are related.

To know more about heterozygous visit:



Why was Lucy's mutation not a problem?


Because it has no effect on the active site, the gene mutation is not an issue.

Lucy was able to produce more proteins and break down deoxyadenosine correctly after receiving stem cell therapy, which helped her fight off the additional stop protein.

The active site will not be affected by the gene mutation. This is because the non-essential amino acid or protein in the molecule is affected by the mutation. The molecule maintains its original shape and state as a result. In addition, the active site of the quaternary protein structure comprises a large number of proteins. Therefore, the mutation won't have a significant impact on the molecule's overall structure or ability to perform its function.

The complete question is:

Your scan of Lucy's ADA gene showed a mutation in the active site. Why was this mutation not a problem?

Learn more about mutation here:



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Calculate the amount of mass lifted by her up to 10 Metres in 12 SECONDS? 34.- Encuentra cul de las siguientesopciones es incorrectaA) EL GUIN DE RADIO UTILIZA DOSCOLUMNAS PARA SU ELABORACINB) EL GUIN DE RADIO VA DIRIGIDO ALPUBLICOC) LA OBRA DE TEATRO Y EL GUIN SEESCRIBEN EN FORMATO IGUAL Woodrow Wilson gave his Fourteen Points speech to the _______President Wilsons speech outlined a set of principles related to _______Wilson wanted to ensure that _______ was treated leniently, and he opposed penalizing it too harshly.He also called for Europeans to have _______ , including the freedom to choose their own government YOU'LL GET 60 POINTS + 5 STARS + HEART FROM ME IF YOU ANSWER THIS WITHOUT TROLLING The table below shows the volume of two samples, X and Y, when placed in three containers of different volumes.Volume of SamplesVolume of Container Volume of Sample X Volume of Sample Y200 mL 200 mL 200 mL500 mL 200 mL 500 mL600 mL 200 mL 600 mLWhich of the following correctly describes the state of matter of one of the samples? (5 points)aY is a gas because it has a definite volume.bX is a liquid because it has a definite volume.cY is a liquid because it fills up the entire container.dX is a gas because it fills up the entire container. GDP can understate standard of living by ______________. Select the correct answer below: including healthcare spending when human health is declining ignoring crime rates not considering income inequality not capturing increases in leisure time please help!!!!Solving Systems of Linear Equations by EliminationC.0.6x = 1.2 +0.3y2.2x-1.8y-1.6=0 Xavier and Leigh are planning to buy a car. Xavier wants to save money and buy a used vehicle. Leigh considers the price and wants a new red convertible sports car. This scenario exhibits what type of conflict Which of the following alkenes cannot be converted into an alkyne by reacting it with bromine followed by an excess of sodium amide and then with water? X X II III DIVE, III and IV II &IX Which evidence best supports the claim that mutations are a source of inheritable genetic variation? ANSWER: Mutations affect protein synthesis which impacts the way traits are expressed.Sickel cell anemia. What type of mutation error has occurred to cause the disorder shown?ANSWER: substitutionExamine the two strands of DNA below. Which kind of mutation occurred?Original strand: AGC GTA CCC TACNew strand: AGC GTA ACC TACANSWER: substitutionMillions of years ago, the ancestors of giraffes had short necks and used to eat leaves from the bushes on the ground. A genetic mutation caused one giraffe's neck to be taller. This long-necked giraffe was able to eat leaves that were higher up on trees. This gave it an advantage as it was able to access more food than other giraffes. Over millions of years, all of the giraffes became long-necked. Which type of environmental factor caused this mutation to be inherited? ANSWER: food availability What is one way that a frameshift mutation could occur? ANSWER: two nucleotides are deleted