What are some synonyms for the words 'second chance'?


Answer 1

Answer: another shot, another opportunity,second try,next opportunity,following chance and second bite of an apple.

Answer 2

The  synonyms for the words second chance  are one more shot, another opportunity, second try, next opportunity,following possibility.

What do you understand by synonym?

A synonym is a word, morpheme, or expression that implies precisely or almost equivalent to another word, morpheme, or expression in a given language.

For instance, in the English language, the words start, begin, begin, and start are for the most part synonyms of each other they are synonymous.

For more information about synonymous, refer the following link:



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which of the following is an example of situational irony in "macbeth"



Maybe is that the witches' prophecy comes true and Macbeth is killed?

I don't really know.

Drama (genre): What is the opposite of dramatic irony?



Since dramatic irony means a character does not know or understand something that the audience knows or understands, then the opposite would be a character who does know what the audience knows.


A character feels her options are limited because she is a woman.A character is concerned about marriage.A parent is concerned about her daughter's marriage.A woman's appearance is important to a man when he is considering taking her to dinner.There is dialogue between a male and a female in the excerpt.
Which do these sentences belong to.
Sense and Sensibility
The House of Mirth



I had this one.



What fears are connected to your pursuit of success? How have you faced them?


Answer: Fears that hold you back are connected. By telling yourself that you can do anything you set your mind to and you can do it. We believe in you!

Explanation: Because when you are held back by fear you are being pulled away from your success.


fear of darkness and failure along with risky moves, no i have not faced them.


daddy klean

The first line of the poem contains the phrase "green is gold," which has the structure of a metaphor. This metaphor links
two different colors. What is the symbolic meaning of the colors green and gold? What does this metaphor say?



Okay, I dont know the poem you're talking about but I'll give this a go.

Yes, it is a metaphor, and it's obviously symbolic.

green here means Agriculture, plants, trees or generally speaking (Nature)

And gold would mean something that is precious,Valuable, not necessarily money but it might be money too.

The writer is insinuating that Nature is precious, Valuable.

The writer can also be saying that there is riches/money in Agriculture.

Now depending on the full context of the poem, you can pick either interpretation.

I hope I made it as simple as possible.

german shepherd golden retriever presian siamese siberian husky​



yes definitely love those animals

How is Mercutie related to the play?



He is a close friend to Romeo and a blood relative to Prince Escalus and Count Paris.

Brainlist Pls!

For PLATO: Select the correct answer.
What is the purpose of this student essay?
The Monster from Frankenstein
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a story about Victor Frankenstein, a brilliant scientist who creates a monster from body parts and a mysterious spark. Frankenstein is horrified by his creation and abandons the monster. The monster also finds it difficult to deal with how he looks and how people react to him. In addition, the monster feels abandoned by his creator. Over the course of the story, the monster shows numerous good and bad qualities, which proves that he is a complicated being.
The monster has several good qualities. Since he possesses the mind of a child, he displays a natural kindheartedness. The monster has a human side, but nobody notices it. When he feels lonely, he asks Victor Frankenstein to create a companion. This request shows that the monster has normal human feelings and desires. Moreover, at one point in the story, he tries to save a young girl’s life, which shows that he sees value in human life.
The monster also has several negative qualities. For one thing, he flies into a murderous rage whenever he is frustrated. He also commits murder to punish Frankenstein. The monster gives into his desire for revenge after Frankenstein destroys his companion. The monster is unable to control his urges to punish Frankenstein for this action.
Thus, Frankenstein is a complicated creature. The monster’s actions show readers that he has the capacity to follow the rules of society. Yet he is also capable of pushing the rules aside and giving into his dark side. In this sense, the monster is not that different from Frankenstein himself.
A. The essay’s purpose is to describe to the audience the different sides of Victor Frankenstein and his monster.
B. The essay’s purpose is to inform the audience of the good and bad characteristics of the monster.
C. The essay’s purpose is to persuade the audience that Frankenstein is the real monster for abandoning his creation.
D. The essay’s purpose is to entertain the audience with the gripping tale of the mad scientist Victor Frankenstein.



 The essay’s purpose is to inform the audience of the good and bad characteristics of the monster.



B is the correct answer



Revise this paragraph, identify what type of clause are the clauses in parentheses. Adverb phrase, adjective phrase, infinitive phrase participial phrase.
Siena is convenient to Florence.( It does not have any major attractions). The cathedral in Florence has a magnificent dome.(It is not as large as the one in St.Peter's Basilica). Michelangelo Planned St. Peter's dome. (He admitted it could never be as fine as the dome in Florentine) . The Palazzo Vecchio is a Florentine landmark. It was once the home of the Medicis. The Uffizi Gallery has the greatest collection of Italian paintings anywhere. (There are works by Da Vinci, Raphael, Botticelli, and Michelangelo there)


Hello! Do you mind adding the picture?? It’ ??helps me answer the question better :)

Which sentence uses the word shush correctly?
O The worker had to shush the dirty clothes.
O The cat had to shush to fit under the fence.
O The woman had to shush her children when the show began.
O The man had to shush the celery to make a soup.



C. The woman had to shush her children when the show began.


Shush means to stop talking

Read the example sentence and study the chart of definitions.

Our vacation was ruined by the tediousness of the daily group activities, all of which seemed too much alike.

Given that the Greek word root mono means "one” or "single,” which word could replace tediousness?






Tediusness means tiresome because of length or dullness. Whereas monotony means a lack of variety and interest; tedious repetition and routine.

essay comparing and contrasting Winston and Julia



George Orwell’s novel 1984 presents us two characters who are entirely different, but still complement each other entirely, the protagonist Winston and his love-interest Julia. Julia’s optimistic character highlights Winston’s fatalistic one. Winston believes he and Julia are compatible and can relate to each other because they share the same believes. They both detest Big Brother and want to rebel against the Party. While this is true, their similarities seem to end there. There are in fact major differences between the two that set them apart from each other. What makes Julia inherently different from Winston is the fact that her rebellion, as opposed to Winston’s, is purely self-centred.

Julia really only hates the party when it affects her personally, while Winston hates the party because of what it stands for. Julia does not care about the past in the way Winston does. This contrast can be seen most clearly in chapter IX, where Winston reads Goldstein’s book to Julia. Winston is excited about the book, whereas Julia is seemingly uninterested; she even falls asleep while Winston reads it. Winston is interested in finding an explanation for the Party’s control and how it all begun.

They both get a thrill out of acting traitorous. However, while they have that in common along with a mutual desire for each other, they have several differences. Winston dreams of the days before Big Brother and possess the desire to join the Brotherhood and bring down Big Brother. Julia, on the other hand, does not really understand the full concept of what she is rebelling against, and in fact, she does not really even care. Julia is younger than Winston and does not remember the time before the revolution while Winston can. Lastly, Julia lacks an innate fear of death, one that seems to dictate Winston’s actions. Her main goal is self-satisfaction and she has no fear of the Party holding her.

1. What is the space between stanzas in Ode To The West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley?

a. whiteness
b. white space
c. zero space
d. none of the above

2. Which are end-stopped lines?

a. the last line in a stanza
b. lines that end at the end of a phrase or sentence
c. lines that always end in a period
d. the last line in a poem

3. What can white space be used to do?

a. Create a shape for the poem.
b. Make readers pause in certain places.
c. Contribute to meaning through shape.
d. all of the above

4. What is one effect of a caesura?

a. They make reading smoother.
b. They create a long pause in the middle of the line.
c. They are difficult to read.
d. They make readers pause a bit and then rush forward.


The space between the stanzas is called white space. End-stopped lines are lines that end at the end of a phrase or sentence. White space can create a form for the poem, allow readers to pause in certain places, and contribute to meaning through the form. The effect of caesura is to make reading smoother.

What is caesura?It is a break in the meter of the poem.It is a break in the verse of the poem.It is a resource that maintains the natural flow of poem reading.

Caesura is as important to a poem as white space and end-stopped lines, as they allow for comfortable and meaningful reading, optimizing the reader's understanding and comfort through literature.

More information about the importance of literature is at the link:


Squanders the world's plenty



i dont know what you mean



What sensory image is present in the line below?
Whose liquor hath this virtuous property



Sensory imagery is a literary device writers employ to engage a reader's mind on multiple levels. Sensory imagery explores the five human senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell.

Explanation: Depending on the context of the entirety of the passage you took this line from could help with finding the answer to the question asked. Normally liquor is something you can taste and see and smell so its either one or more of those. The liquor is being compared to someone who is virtuous. You can guess if a person is virtuous based on their looks but you would be more sure if you were to observe their behaviour. With Liquor you can tell its strength by apperance but more so by smell and taste.

Can someone help me with this? It would be greatly appreciated.


1. renowned: i. celebrated, well known, famous

2. bayed: k. taken advantage of

3. minstrels: o. singers who sang of heroes and their deeds.

4. disconsolate: j. unhappy; gloomy, dejected

5. court: h. courtyard; open space with walls

6. tidings: l. news.

7. clamors: p. loud noise

8. ewer: b. a pitcher or jug

9. refrain: c. to stop oneself from doing something.

10. clan: d. the people of the city of Troy

11. imposed upon: r. said; told

12. substance: q. goods; property

13. woo: s. to court, to seek the affection of

14. mark: a. to take notice of

15. suitors: t. men who court a woman with the hopes of marrying her.

16. perished: g. died

17. perils: f. dangers

18. hearken: n. to listen

19. valiant: m. brave and noble

20. fare: e. to go; travel

Hope this helps! Please let me know if you need more help, or if you think my answer is incorrect. Please rate and click the Thanks button if it helped you out. Brainliest would be MUCH appreciated. Have a great day!

Stay Brainy!


Complete the stories,very easy questions



2. now

3. bitterly

4. suddenly



2. luckily

3. all day

4. suddenly

My anxious brother and my younger sister who are extremely calm is an example of what





that’s the final straw is this sentence in literal or figurative language


its in figurative language


figurative language.


You can use the idiom 'Thats the final Straw' when something is deemed to be the last in a line of unacceptable occurrences.

Can I size down in crocs?



Most often crocs are true to size. Where you put the strap on the crocs varies and can help them be more loose or tighter.


Hope this helps.

Based on the passage, an object with a lot of thermal energy



Make sure you add an attachment for context!

Develop a readable story with the help of the clues givem below Suggest a title and moral too.
Two friends____in a village _____want to see the big city ten miled away_____set off to see it
_____a hot day_____feel tired____"We most me nearly there can you see the city?One say to another____the other climbs on the first one back___ he sees what is behind him his own village____ the first one ask "Can you see the city now?"Yes the another say "Look same like our village____both return___ think not worth while going farther.

First one to say answer will get brainliest mark​



live , they , and,on, they, can,then,then,and,they,and


i couldn't understand some parts of this paragraph but i believe it will be correct.

What would you do if when you okay so he said yes would go





Brainliest if correct




Identify three details from "Conducting Solutions" in the list that should be included in a summary of the article.

Laundry soap often contains molecules of ammonia.

Electricity flows poorly through substances with few or no ions.

Some substances with few ions become good conductors of electricity when they are combined with other substances.

Ions moving through a solution create an electrical charge.

In addition, atoms contain even smaller parts called subatomic particles.

Sodium chloride, more commonly known as table salt, has ions.


Three details from "Conduction Solutions" that should be included in the summary are:

Electricity flows poorly through substances with few or no ions.Sodium chloride, more commonly known as table salt, has ions.Some substances with few ions become good conductors of electricity when they are combined with other substances.

What is a Summary?

A summary is usually exclusive of details that are not necessary. It focuses on the key points.

A summary refers to a concise statement or account or report of the key points of an event, story, or literature.

Learn more about Summaries at:


Read the selection below from Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift and answer the question that follows.
I had as I before observed, one private pocket which escaped their search, wherein there was a pair of spectacles
(which I sometimes use for the weakness of my eyes) a pocket perspective, and some other little conveniences,
which being of no consequence to the emperor, I did not think myself bound in honor to discover and I
apprehended they might be lost or spoiled if I ventured them out of my possession
What evidence from the passage above suggests that Gulliver may have hidden motives for writing the travel
O Gulliver cannot see without his spectacles
O A person who has private pockets cannot be trusted.
• Pocket perspectives are never required when interacting with another culture group
O Gulliver is keeping information from the Lilliputians.



Gulliver cannot see without his spectacles


Pair of spectacles

here it is!
thanks again





hard work but you can do it and brainly will help you along the way

help plssssssssssssssss


Lady Macbeth is portrayed as a powerful woman by Shakespeare from the beginning of the play. She is given a soliloquy in which she reveals to the audience that she is determined to become as powerful as possible in order to support her husband's ascension to the throne.

The other ones were the witches. He portrayed them as evil and not trust worthy.

By the way my class just finished reading Macbeth. Hope this helps

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