What are some good ways to learn Korean?


Answer 1


you can install an app it's name is Duolingo I love this app so much and I'm learning Spanish on it so yeah I consider you check it out it's fast and easy and free to download hope it helps

Related Questions

In "Arrangement in Black and White," the woman is a(n) _____ character.



Answer: Ironic
Explanation: The woman is ironic character because she is a white woman who admires a black man.
Hopefully this helped! <3

annotated translations and study of the major literature of the five positions in the caodong school


The study of the major literature of the five positions in the Caodong School of Chinese Buddhism involves analyzing and understanding the teachings and philosophies of the five prominent figures in this Buddhist tradition. The five positions include: Dongshan Liangjie, Yunyan Tansheng, Daowu Yuanxian, Yunju Daoying, and Fayan Wenyi.

What is the literature  about?

Each of these figures developed their own unique approach to Buddhist teachings, emphasizing different aspects of the path to enlightenment and offering their own perspectives on the practice of meditation, self-cultivation, and the integration of Buddhist principles into daily life.

Therefore, A thorough study of their literature would involve reading and analyzing their writings and recorded teachings, including their poems, sermons, and dialogues with disciples. This would provide insight into the key themes and ideas they emphasized, as well as their approach to Buddhist practice and its application in daily life.

Learn more about literature from



Other than Duolingo, What are some good ways to learn Korean?





There is a website called coursera.org where you can find a free course in the Korean language by Yonsei university, one of South Korea's most prestigious colleges. It is called "First Step Korean", rated at 4.9 stars and is a great and easy-to-follow course for beginners.

Part A
Which idea in the passage from "Here's Why Music
Lovers Are Turning to Vinyl and Dropping Digital"
would the author of "Forget Vinyl, Let's Talk about the
Cassette Comeback" most likely agree with?


It can be inferred that the author of "Forget Vinyl, Let's Talk about the Cassette Comeback" might agree with the idea in the passage from "Here's Why Music Lovers Are Turning to Vinyl and Dropping Digital" that vinyl sales are seeing a resurgence, as he mentioned in his own article.

However, the author of "Forget Vinyl, Let's Talk about the Cassette Comeback" might argue that the focus should be shifted from vinyl to cassettes, as they believe the physical connection with music is what music lovers crave.

What is Vinyl?

Vinyl is a type of analog recorded medium that was used for the production of recorded music from the 1940s to the 1980s.

It is made up of a large, flat disc with a groove that carries the recorded sound. The sound is played back on a turntable with a needle that reads the groove. Vinyl records are making a comeback as they offer a tangible and physical connection to music.

Learn more about Vinyl:

How do i Say "Whats your name in urdu" Im curiouse


Answer:" Aap ka naam kya hai"

Explanation: means what is your name in urdu

Please give me branliest

Answer: I think is tumhara name kya hai


nikeza onkamisa abaphinyiswa pham


Answer: Give the vowels that are pronounced


Explanation: hill, fill, bill

Spanish to English
Read the text and the question. Then, choose the correct option to answer the question.

¡Hola, chicos! Me llamo Carlos y hace dos meses que viajé a Tegucigalpa, Honduras, con mi amiga. Después de llegar al aeropuerto, rentamos un taxi y llegamos al hostal en cinco minutos.

En el hostal, el ama de llaves tenía un ventilador para nuestra habitación. No tenía servicio de internet en la habitación, pero sí tenía internet en el comedor. El hostal servía el plato típico para desayunar con café o jugo. ¡Después de comer el plato típico, con huevos, queso, frijoles y plátanos, no necesitábamos comer hasta la tarde!

What can you imply from the text?

The hostel breakfast was generous.
The hostel breakfast was skimpy.
The guests could never check their email.
The guests could check their email only within a time frame.


Answer: the hostel breakfast was generous


English :

Hi, guys! My name is Carlos and two months ago I traveled to Tegucigalpa, Honduras, with my friend. After arriving at the airport, we rented a taxi and arrived at the hostel in five minutes.

In the hostel, the housekeeper had a fan for our room. There was no internet service in the room, but it did have internet in the dining room. The hostel served the typical dish for breakfast with coffee or juice. After eating the typical dish, with eggs, cheese, beans and bananas, we didn't need to eat until the afternoon!

When Graciela tried her aunt's cooking she made a face and turned her head away just at the smell of it.


Graciela's feelings about her aunt's cooking were negative because she made a face and turned her head away just at the smell of it. This indicates that she had an immediate negative reaction to the odor of the food and did not want to try it.

What is the cooking  about?

The sentence "When Graciela tried her aunt's cooking she made a face and turned her head away just at the smell of it" implies that Graciela did not like the smell of her aunt's cooking and had a negative physical reaction to it before even trying the food. The use of the phrase "made a face" suggests that Graciela showed a facial expression of disgust or distaste.

Therefore, The phrase "turned her head away" indicates that she physically moved away from the smell, possibly to avoid it. Overall, the sentence suggests that Graciela did not have a positive first impression of her aunt's cooking.

Learn more about cooking from



In this excerpt from Our Town, to whom is Mrs. Webb speaking?

her daughter
the audience
the dead
her husband


In the play "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder, Mrs. Webb is speaking to her daughter, Emily. In the scene, Mrs. Webb is trying to convince Emily to eat breakfast and start her day, and the conversation provides a glimpse into the everyday life of the characters in the play.

What is Our Town about?

"Our Town" is a play that explores the lives of the people of the fictional town of Grover's Corners, New Hampshire, at the beginning of the 20th century. The play is known for its simple, almost documentary-style approach to storytelling, and its focus on the everyday experiences and moments that make up a person's life.

Therefore, The play is known for its minimalist approach to storytelling and its exploration of the human condition, and Mrs. Webb's conversation with Emily is an example of the small, yet meaningful moments that make up a person's life.

Learn more about Our Town from



hey yall invite me lol hehe



attend my funeral in the future you are invited


rezumat pentru povestea porcului



Povestea Porcului este o poveste scurtă despre un porc care trăiește într-o fermă, împreună cu alți membri ai familiei sale. Porcul este extrem de încântat de faptul că are un loc în care să trăiască și se bucură de viața sa. Cu toate acestea, porcul este nevoit să se încreadă în familia sa pentru a supraviețui, deoarece el este prea mic pentru a se descurca singur.

Un zi, porcul se îndepărtează de fermă și se pierde în pădure. El se întâlnește cu o haită de lupi care încearcă să-l mănânce. Por

Povestea porcului este o poveste clasică pentru copii, care îi învață despre ciclul vieții și despre importanța muncii și a economisirii. În poveste, un porc mic este cumpărat de un băiat și este crescut cu grijă. Porcul își petrece timpul mâncând, jucându-se și crescând în dimensiune și greutate. În cele din urmă, porcul este vândut pentru a fi sacrificat și transformat în carne.

În timp ce porcul creștea, băiatul își dă seama că ar putea să câștige bani dacă ar economisi bani pentru porcul crescut, în loc să îi cheltuie pe dulciuri și jucării. Astfel, băiatul economisește banii și îi investește în hrană pentru porcul său, ceea ce face ca porcul să crească mai mare și mai greu, astfel încât să poată fi vândut la un preț mai mare.

Povestea subliniază importanța muncii și a economisirii și îi învață pe copii că, prin muncă și economisire, pot să obțină profit și să-și îndeplinească obiectivele financiare. De asemenea, povestea porcului îi învață pe copii despre ciclul vieții și despre importanța consumului de carne în alimentația noastră zilnică.

The office supervisor followed his routine with such mechanical consistency that his suboardinates called him a/an


The office supervisor followed his routine with such mechanical consistency that his subordinates called him a reliable man.

What is the meaning of consistency?

A consistent person is an individual who is known for doing one thing and persisting in it. A consistent individual does not deviate from the standards or course that he or she has set for himself.

So, if a supervisor is known for his consistent nature, his subordinates could refer to him as a reliable man. The word, reliable is synonymous with consistency because there is an element of steadfastness in the two qualities.

Learn more about consistency here:



Which topic plays an important role in "Bernice Bobs Her Hair"? Select two answers.

political influences
coming of age
changing social values
formal education


"Bernice Bobs Her Hair" by F. Scott Fitzgerald plays an important role in the themes of:

  Coming of age    Changing social values

What is the topic  about?

"Bernice Bobs Her Hair" is a short story that explores the themes of coming of age and changing social values.

   Coming of age: The story follows the character of Bernice, who is going through a transformative stage in her life as she moves from adolescence to adulthood. The story showcases her attempts to fit in and be accepted by her peers, as well as her struggles to find her own identity and place in the world.

Lastly, Changing social values: The story takes place in the early 20th century, during a time of significant social change. One of the central themes of the story is the changing attitudes towards women and their roles in society. Bernice's decision to bob her hair, which was seen as a radical and rebellious act at the time, symbolizes the larger shift in societal norms and values.

Learn more about Coming of age from



Anti-Federalists opposed the constitution because it would make the states have less power.



The answer should be A. True

What is the idea that all important individual differences have been encoded within the natural language know as?



The idea that all important individual differences have been encoded within natural language is known as linguistic determinism or the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. This hypothesis states that the structure and content of language shapes our perception of reality, thoughts, and actions. It suggests that our thoughts, behaviors, and experiences are shaped and limited by the language that we speak, and that the language we use determines the way we think and understand the world. While the idea of linguistic determinism has been debated and is not universally accepted, it remains an interesting and influential concept in the field of linguistics and language studies.

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