voluntary movements are carried out by the contraction of_____


Answer 1

Voluntary movements are carried out by the contraction of skeletal muscles.

Skeletal muscles, often known as muscles, are parts of the vertebrate muscular system that are normally linked to the skeleton's bones by tendons. Skeletal muscle cells, which are frequently referred to as muscle fibers since they are much longer than those found in other types of muscular tissue. A skeletal muscle's muscle tissue is striated, giving it a striped look because of the way the sarcomeres are organized.

Skeletal muscles are controlled by the somatic nervous system and are voluntary muscles. The other types of muscle include smooth muscle, which is non-striated, and cardiac muscle, both of which are striated. These two types are both considered to be involuntary, or under the direction of the autonomic nervous system.

Learn more about skeletal muscles here:



Related Questions

what is bacteria that form irregular groups or clusters resembling grapes?


Bacteria that form irregular groups or clusters resembling grapes are called staphylococci.

The skin and mucous membranes of both humans and animals frequently contain staphylococci, which are spherical bacteria. Although they maintain the crystal violet stain during the Gram staining procedure, they are categorised as Gram-positive bacteria because of the strong peptidoglycan coating in their cell walls.

Skin infections, pneumonia, and sepsis are just a few of the illnesses that Staphylococci can bring on in people. Because some staphylococci strains are resistant to numerous drugs, infections may be more challenging to treat. Moreover, Staphylococci can create toxins that result in food poisoning and toxic shock syndrome, a potentially fatal illness marked by fever, hypotension, and organ failure. The spread of staphylococcal infections can be halted by maintaining good hygiene, which includes frequent hand washing.

To know more about staphylococci



What are the Epimysium Perimysium and Endomysium?


The dense connective tissue that envelops the entire muscle tissue is called the epimysium. The connective tissue that envelops each mass of muscle filaments is called the perimysium. The connective tissue known as the endomysium covers each and every muscle fiber, and muscle cell.

Each individual muscle fiber, or muscle cell, is sheathed in the thin layer of areolar connective tissue known as the endomysium, or within the muscle.  Nerves and capillaries are also present.The muscle fiber's cell membrane is protected by the sarcolemma.

Endomysium is the name for the smallest and deepest region of muscle connective tissue. This thin layer supports the exchange of calcium, sodium, and potassium, which are all necessary for the excitation and subsequent contraction of a muscle fiber.

Learn more about Epimysium Perimysium



What is the function of QuickLyse spin columns?


Spin column- grounded nucleic acid sanctification is a solid phase birth system to snappily purify nucleic acids.

Spin Column- Grounded is one of the RNA birth styles that comprise of four stages videlicet lysis of cells, list of nucleic acid to silica gel membrane, washing the nucleic acid bound to the silica gel membrane, and elution of the nucleic acid. a small ‐ scale chromatography procedure in which fluid is moved through the column by centrifugal force. It has the advantage that several columns can be run contemporaneously in the centrifuge rotor. Classic spin column- grounded DNA and RNA sanctification uses silica membrane columns to insulate nucleic acid from cell, towel, blood, and other sample types. DNA or RNA is bound to silica using high attention of a chaotropic swab similar as guanidine hydrochloride.

Learn more about spin column at



What is dual innervation means that an individual effector:


Individual effectors with dual innervation get input from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Heart rate has antagonistic effects on the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

Many autonomic nervous system effector organs have dual innervation, which means they receive competing signals from the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system raises heart rate, whereas the parasympathetic nervous system lowers heart rate. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers innervate the heart, glands, and smooth muscles (dual innervation). Furthermore, they are frequently active reciprocally, which means that when one division's activity increases, the activity of the other division lowers.

Learn more about dual innervation



If a mutation results in an organism with new characteristics what might be formed.


If an organism develops new traits as a result of a mutation, a species will eventually emerge if more mutations of this type continue to appear in the individual.

What potential effects might a mutation have on an organism?

Mutations may have an impact on an organism by altering its phenotype, or they may have an impact on the way DNA codes its genetic information (genotype).When mutations take place, they may be completely fatal or they may result in the conclusion (death) of an organism.

What characteristics do mutations have?

A mutation is a change in the genetic sequence.DNA's basic building block, a single - base base, can transform into another nucleotide base through mutation.While more significant mutations may affect numerous genes on a chromosome.

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Which molecule did Carl Woese study to produce his tree of life? a) ribosomal RNA
b) DNA
c) Messenger RNA
d) Ribosome



ribosomal RNA


What are the other functions of the bones aside from support and protection?



Bone provides shape and support for the body, as well as protection for some organs. Bone also serves as a storage site for minerals and provides the medium—marrow—for the development and storage of blood cells.



The attachment point on the chromosome for spindle microtubules is the: a.telomere. b.centromere. c.origin of replication. d.sister chromatid. e.allele.


b.centromere. The chromosomal region known as the centromere is where the kinetochore, the attachment site for spindle fibres, is created.

It is in charge of ensuring that chromosomes are properly segregated during cell division. Telomeres locate chromosomes in the cell nucleus and guard chromosomal ends from enzymatic fusions and destruction. For each linear chromosome to function properly, centromeres and telomeres are components that are essential to that process.

Most often, highly condensed heterochromatin areas are used to characterise telomeres and centromeres. Centromeres and telomeres, on the other hand, have a special epigenetic makeup because they have been found to contain both eu- and heterochromatin-specific epigenetic changes. The proper operation of both areas is made possible by this specificity, which affects chromosome homeostasis.

Learn more about chromosomes here:



in a dna strand successive nucleotides are linked by?
a. oxygen bonds
b. nitrogen bonds
c. hydrogen bonds


A polymer or nucleotides called DNA is joined to one another by three to five phosphodiester bonds.

What holds the DNA's nucleotides together?

Nucleotides make up DNA and RNA, and they are connected to each other in a sequence via chemical interactions between their neighbouring nucleotides' phosphate groups and sugar bases, known as ester bonds. Each nucleotide has a sugar at its 3' end and a phosphate at its 5' end.

Are phosphodiester bonds used to connect nucleotides?

When nucleotides were incorporated onto DNA, a phosphodiester bond forms between neighbouring nucleotides, which is a covalent binding between a nucleotide's 5' phosphate group and its 3'-OH group (see below). Each DNA strand thus has a phosphate-sugar-phosphate-sugar-phosphate "backbone".

To know more about polymer visit:



why can humans dissipate heat so well, compared to other animals?


More extensive cutaneous blood vessels than in any other animal can be found in humans.

How can animals get their body heat out?

Water from the skin, tongue, and nose of land animals is frequently lost to evaporation into the atmosphere. Evaporation can serve as a cooling technique by removing heat. For instance, many mammals have the ability to improve evaporative cooling in response to elevated body temperatures by triggering systems like sweating and panting.

What are the deep pressure-sensing dermal sensory structures?

The receptors in the epidermal layer of skin are known as Pacinian corpuscles. These really are mechanoreceptors that really can detect high-frequency vibrations and pressure.

To know more about  blood vessels visit:



how do we determine if an animal is truly extinct?


A species can only be declared extinct today if there is "no reasonable doubt that the last individual member has perished," according to updated 1990s regulations. For each species under consideration, scientists today take into account information on the population size, number of breeding adults, geographic range, and habitat degradation.

It was proposed in the 1980s that an extinction should be declared if a species went 50 years without being seen. Although it seemed like a lot of time, it wasn't enough. After decades or even centuries since their previous observation, many species have been found again. For the first time in 170 years, the black-browed babbler, for instance, was just discovered in Borneo's jungles!

In fact, some recently found species had already been officially declared extinct, proving that extinction need not be permanent. These species are known as Lazarus species; for example, the Miles' robber frog was revived after being discovered in a cloud forest in Honduras in 2008.

Learn more about animal extinct here: https://brainly.com/question/25639929


31. When stimulated by a particular hormone, there is a marked increase in the activity of G proteins in the membrane. The hormone is probablyA) a steroid.B) a peptide.C) testosterone.D) estrogen. E) aldosterone.


The action of G - protein in the membrane is markedly increased in response to a specific hormone. Most likely, the hormone is a peptide.

The G-protein is triggered when a hormone connects to the receptor and binds guanosine nucleotide, or GTP, instead of GDP. Following binding, the G-protein converts GTP into GDP, rendering it inactive. Adenylyl cyclase, a membrane-bound enzyme, is activated by the active G-protein. Many G protein-coupled receptors are liganded by peptide hormones. Growth, hunger and energy metabolism, heart function, stress, & reproductive physiology are all regulated by peptide hormones, which are released and act in an endocrine way.

Learn more about G protein



Is DNA the genetic material for bacteria as well as humans?


Both prokaryotic organisms and humans contain DNA as their genetic makeup. the archaea and the bacteria, which scientists think have distinct evolutionary lines

That which is prokaryotic?

Cells without a nucleus or other organelles make up prokaryotes, which are types of organisms. Bacteria and archaea, two separate subgroups of prokaryotes with alleged independent evolutionary histories, are classified as separate prokaryotes. Small, single-celled creatures with a very straightforward structure make up the majority of prokaryotes.

DNA is present in prokaryotic cells?

A free-floating chromosome, typically circular and not protected by a nuclear membrane, is a feature of prokaryotic organisms, such as bacteria. In place of that, the DNA merely resides in the nucleoid, a part of the cell.

To know more about prokaryotic visit:



Most of the growth of a plant body is the result of__
a. cell differentiation.
b. morphogenesis.
c. cell division.
d. cell elongation.


Most of the growth of a plant body is the result of cell division, cell elongation, and cell differentiation. Option A, C and D will be correct.

Cell differentiation refers to the process by which cells become specialized in their structure and function. In plants, different cells differentiate into various types of tissues and organs, such as leaves, stems, roots, and flowers, each with a specific function.

Cell division is the process by which a single cell will divides into two or more daughter cells. In plants, cell division plays a crucial role in growth by increasing the number of cells and tissues that make up the plant body.

Cell elongation refers to the process by which cells increase in length. In plants, cell elongation is a key factor in growth, as it allows the cells to become longer and contribute to the overall increase in size of the plant body. Overall, the growth of a plant body is the result of a complex interplay between these processes, which work together to produce the characteristic shape and size of the plant.

To know more about  plant body here



herbivory on brassica plants can induce the production of defensive chemicals such as glucosinolates. for example, one effect of these chemicals is the inhibition of growth of caterpillars feeding on the plant. do a web search to learn more about glucosinolates and describe another way in which they can provide a defense for plants against being eaten. be sure to write the function in your own words.


These plants use a powerful defense mechanism known as the "mustard oil bomb" to destroy their enemies: If plant tissues are harmed, glucosinolates or the chemical myrosinase are released.

What functions do glucosinolates have in the body?

Recent research demonstrates the positive impacts of glucosinolates, which also have direct antibacterial properties and regulatory roles in inflammation, stress hormone, phase I physiology, and antioxidant activities.

Are glucosinolates poisonous to people?

Although glucosesinolates are non-toxic, they are broken down into thiocyanates, nitriles, and isothiocyanates. Thiocyanates induce hypothermia, isothiocyanates cause goitrin, which lowers the blood tetraiodothyronine content, while nitriles cause hepatocellular hypertrophy and thickening.

To know more about Glucosinolates visit:



in terms of the source of their carbon, plants are_____ , and animals are_____


In terms of the source of their carbon, plants are autotrophs, and animals are heterotrophs.

Plants are the most commonly known form of autotroph, however there are numerous more types of autotrophs. Animals are heterotrophs because they lack the chlorophyll pigment required for photosynthesis, so they feed on live creatures. An autotroph is a living organism that can generate its own food from light, water, carbon dioxide, and other chemicals.

Autotrophs are also known as producers as they manufacture their own food. Consumers are heterotrophs since they consume producers or even other consumers. Heterotrophs include dogs, birds, fish, and humans. Heterotrophs live on the third and second tiers of a food chain, which is a series of species that offer energy and nutrients to other organisms.

To know more about the Plants, here



Fill The Blank? tyrosinase catalyzes a reaction that oxidizes ______________________ and ______________________ is the product.


The enzyme TYROSINASE catalyzes the oxidation of DOPA (3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine), resulting in the production of dopaquinone, in the presence of oxygen.

Tyrosinase has the peculiar ability to catalyze three different biochemical processes, including the hydroxylation of a monophenol, catechol dehydrogenation, and dihydroxyindole dehydrogenation, all within a single metabolic pathway.

Tyrosinase, an oxidoreductase in the general category of enzymes, is a component of the oxidation and reduction processes in the epidermis. The major role of the enzyme in the melanogenesis process is to catalyze these chemical events. When an enzyme is present, the rate of the reaction is higher than when an enzyme is not there.

Learn more about tyrosinase Visit: brainly.com/question/29497644


Fish eat different larvae found in the water. The fisherman eats the fish and the transfer of energy moves through the food chain. Where does the energy originate or begin?
A the fishthe fish
B the humanthe human
C the sunthe sun
D the larvae


Option A is Correct. The sun is the source of the energy. Snapper and grouper populations will decline as a result of the lionfish eating their different larvae.

The local fishermen will thus need to find alternative sources of income. The food chain get affected by invading species among themself. Each type of living thing has the potential to become invasive. It could be a kind of plant, a bug, a fish, a fungus, or a cane toad that resembles an amphibian.

Even non-native organisms that are harmful to ecosystems can leave behind seeds or eggs. The environment, human health, and the economy may all be harmed by these animals. Species that spread aggressively, develop swiftly, breed, and are given the label of "invasive" are considered to be such.

Learn more about Fish and larvae Visit: brainly.com/question/30853448


Correct Question:

Fish eat different larvae found in the water. The fisherman eats the fish and the transfer of energy moves through the food chain. Where does the energy originate or begin? A) the sun B) the fish C) the larvae D) the human.

A common feature of thermal pollution and artificial eutrophication is that they both:
A. have sources that are difficult to identify and control.
B. cause large mats of algae to bloom in fresh water.
C. are a result of power plants and other industrial activity.
D. decrease the amount of oxygen dissolved in water.


The correct answer is C. Both thermal pollution and artificial eutrophication are a result of power plants and other industrial activity. Thermal pollution occurs when power plants and other industries release heated water into bodies of water, which can lead to a decrease in oxygen levels and disruption of aquatic ecosystems. Artificial eutrophication occurs when pollutants from power plants and other industries enter bodies of water, which can cause an increase in nutrients and lead to large mats of algae blooming. Both of these processes are difficult to identify and control, as the sources of the pollutants are often hard to trace.

What is the carrying capacity of the graph?
0.3 million
0.5 million
0.4 million


Answer: B


i know

What are three ways invasive species can invade an ecosystem?


Invasive species can invade an ecosystem in three main ways:

Accidental IntroductionDeliberate IntroductionNatural Dispersal

What are invasive species?

Invasive species are species that are not native to an ecosystem and have a negative impact on native species and the ecosystem as a whole. They can be plants, animals, or microorganisms that are introduced to an ecosystem either deliberately or accidentally, and are able to establish and spread rapidly, often outcompeting native species for resources and altering the ecosystem in negative ways.

Invasive species can cause harm to the environment by disrupting food webs, altering habitats, and reducing biodiversity. They can also harm human interests by reducing crop yields, causing damage to infrastructure, and spreading diseases

Learn more about invasive species, here:



What is 47562 laparoscopic cholecystectomy?


47562 is a Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code used to describe a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which is a surgical procedure to remove the gallbladder.

The gallbladder is a small organ located near the liver that stores and releases bile, a fluid that helps digest fats.

During a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the surgeon makes several small incisions in the abdomen and inserts a laparoscope, which is a thin, flexible tube with a camera attached to the end. The surgeon uses the laparoscope to visualize the inside of the abdomen and to guide the surgical instruments. The gallbladder is then carefully dissected and removed through one of the incisions.

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that offers several advantages over traditional open cholecystectomy, such as smaller incisions, less postoperative pain, and a shorter recovery time. It is typically performed under general anesthesia and is considered a safe and effective treatment for conditions such as gallstones, gallbladder inflammation, and other gallbladder diseases.

Know more about laparoscopic cholecystectomy here: https://brainly.com/question/7275967


If a genetic mutation occurs in the phenotype of individual, what must be true for the new phenotype to be inherited by the offspring of the individual?.


The correct answer is the statement, that is, the mutation must take place in a gamete of the individual.

What phenotypic effects do mutations have on an individual?

Mutations may have an impact on an organism by altering its phenotype, or they may have an impact on the way DNA codes its genetic information.When mutations take place, they may be completely fatal or they may result in the conclusion (death) of an organism.

What statement about genetic mutations is accurate?

Answer and justification B is the proper response to this query.They always alter the genotype of the organism.A DNA sequence changes when it mutates, regardless of what caused the alteration.

To know more about mutation visit:



Which factor of insect success results in the need for limited resources?Reproductive PotentialSmall SizeFlightMetamorphosis


Small Size and Flight of insect results in the need for limited resources.

What factors contribute to insects' success?

Insects are thought to be so successful because they are tiny, have an exoskeleton for protection, and can fly. They may disperse to different locations and flee from predators thanks to their small size and flight ability.

Metamorphosis is the process of an animal's body changing suddenly and repeatedly throughout its life cycle to transition from a larva to an adult. Frogs, butterflies, for instance, etc. There are four stages to a complete metamorphosis: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The animal appears different at each step of complete transformation than it did at any other stage.

To learn more about Metamorphosis use link :



A burn caused by boiling water causes proteins inside your cells to lose their functions. Explain why the high temperature causes this to happen. a. The increased temperature disrupts covalent bonds such as peptide bonds which causes the proteins to lose their primary structures and abilities to catalyze reactions.
b. The increased temperature disrupts weak interactions such as hydrogen bonding which causes the proteins to lose their primary structures and abilities to catalyze reactions. c. The increased temperature disrupts weak interactions such as hydrogen bonding which causes the proteins to lose their tertiary structures and abilities to bind specific molecules. d. The increased temperature disrupts covalent bonds such as peptide bonds which causes the proteins to lose their tertiary structures and abilities to bind specific molecules.


c.The increased temperature disrupts weak interactions such as hydrogen bonding, which causes the proteins to lose their tertiary structures and abilities to bind specific molecules.

Protein molecules receive kinetic energy from heat or ultraviolet light, which causes their atoms to vibrate more quickly and displaces the hydrogen bonding and dispersion forces, which are rather weak.

When a protein solution is heated to a boiling point, the protein frequently denatures, becoming insoluble and remaining so long after cooling. An example of irreversible denaturation is the heat-induced denaturation of egg white proteins, which occurs while cooking an egg. The native, or original, protein and its denatured counterpart share the same basic structure. However, the tertiary structure of the protein is destroyed at high temperatures due to the disruption of the weak forces between charged groups and the weaker forces of mutual attraction of nonpolar groups.

Learn more about proteins here:



In 1990, the US government and international partners launched the Human Genome Project. The goal of the project was to map the DNA sequence of the entire human genome. The genome is the complete set of genetic information an organism carries in its DNA. In 2003, the Human Genome Project was declared a success. The cost of the first completed genome was extremely expensive. Since then, the price to map a person’s genome has decreased quickly. By 2017, a person could pay just a few thousand dollars for a map of his or her genes.

Tay-Sachs disease is a recessive genetic condition that damages the brain and causes early death. Miriam had an uncle who died of the disease at age 2. Miriam is considering having a child. She wants to have her DNA tested for the Tay-Sachs gene.

How can genome sequencing help Miriam decide whether to have a child?

A. Genome sequencing will tell Miriam whether she is a carrier of the Tay-Sachs gene.
B. Genome sequencing will tell Miriam that her children will have Tay-Sachs disease.
C. Genome sequencing will allow Miriam's children to get gene therapy for Tay-Sachs disease.
D. Genome sequencing will tell Miriam how closely-related she will be to her children.


Genome sequencing will tell Miriam whether she is a carrier of the Tay-Sachs gene.

What is genome sequencing?

Since its introduction to clinics in 2014, whole genome sequencing has primarily been employed as a research tool. Whole genome sequence data may be a crucial tool in the future of personalised medicine to direct therapeutic action. In order to improve the knowledge available to researchers interested in evolutionary biology, gene sequencing at the SNP level is also used to identify functional variants from association studies. This work may lay the groundwork for predicting disease susceptibility and drug response.Whole genome sequencing should not ever be confused with DNA profiling, the origin of the genetic material, or a person's susceptibility to particular diseases.

To know more about genome sequencing, click the link given below:



During photosynthesis, _____ is reduced to _____.a. CO2; sugarb. H2O; CO2c. sugar; O2d. O2; H2Oe. CO2; O2


During photosynthesis, CO₂ is reduced to sugar.

Photosynthesis is the process of synthesizing one's own food by capturing the sunlight energy, water and carbon dioxide from the environment. The process is carries out by green plants, some bacteria and fungi. The most essential pigment for photosynthesis is chlorophyll. The process is accomplished in two reactions: light-dependent reaction and light-independent reaction.

Sugar is the major form of food formed by the plants after performing photosynthesis. Glucose is the major sugar formed. Apart from it formation of sucrose is also observed. This is done by the capture and reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

To know more about sugar, here



What does L1 compression fracture mean?


The first vertebra of the lumbar spine and the bottom section of the thoracic spine (T11 and T12) are where compression fractures of the spine most frequently occur (L1).

The main cause of compression fractures of the spine is excessive pressure on the vertebral body. A lumbar compression fracture, whether brought on by osteoporosis or trauma, is a devastating injury. Neurological injury is a possibility, therefore surgery is advised in this situation even though neurological problems are rather rare.

The defining sign of lumbar compression fractures is midline back discomfort. With rest, the use of a brace, and painkillers, the majority of compression fractures resulting from injuries heal in 8 to 10 weeks. But, if surgery was performed, recuperation might take significantly longer.

Learn more about L1 compression Visit: brainly.com/question/18060335


Which of the following plants produces seeds but not flowers? a Maize b Mint c Peepal d Pinus


Pinus is basically a gymnosperm which produces the seeds but does not produce flowers.

The correct option is option d.

Gymnosperms are basically categorized as the seed producing plants, but unlike the case of angiosperms, they produce seeds without the flowers or fruits. These plants basically develop on the surface of the scales or surface of leaves, or even at the end of stalks and form a cone-like structure.

Gymnosperms are the plants in which ovules are not found to be enclosed within an ovary wall, unlike what is seen in the case of angiosperms. It remains exposed before as well as after the fertilization and also before developing into seed. Pinus is a gymnosperm which bears na-ked seeds but not a flower.

To know more about gymnosperms here



bone cells form concentric circles around longitudinal tubes called____


Bone cells form concentric circles around longitudinal tubes called "Haversian canals" or "osteonic canals".

These canals contain blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels that supply and nourish the bone tissue. The concentric circles of bone cells are called lamellae, and they surround the Haversian canals in a structure known as an osteonic or Haversian system.

The Haversian system is the basic unit of structure in compact bone, and it allows for the efficient exchange of nutrients and waste products between the bone cells and the blood vessels. The arrangement of the lamellae in the Haversian system also helps to resist compressive and torsional forces, making bone a strong and resilient tissue.

Overall, Bone cells form concentric circles around longitudinal tubes called Haversian canals.

To learn more about Haversian canals



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