Use the passages below to answer all parts of the question that follows.

“On the evening of October 11, 1492... The two worlds [Old and New world], which God had cast asunder, were reunited, and the two worlds, which were so very different, began on that day to become alike. That trend toward biological homogeneity is one of the most important aspects of the history of life on this planet since the retreat of the continental glaciers.”

Alfred W. Crosby Jr., The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492 (1972)
“Maize was the most important grain of the American Indians in 1491, and it is one of the most important grain sources in the world right now. It is a standard crop of people not only throughout the Americas, but also southern Europe. It is a staple for the Chinese. It is a staple in Indonesia, throughout large areas of Africa. If suddenly American Indian crops would not grow in all of the world, it would be an ecological tragedy. It would be the slaughter of a very large portion of the human race.”

Alfred W. Crosby Jr.,, October 4, 2011

1. Describe Crosby’s argument about the interactions that occurred between the Americas and Europe/Africa in the period 1450-1750.
2. Explain ONE way in which the biological impact referred to in the passage differed from other encounters between the Americas and Europe/Africa in the period 1450-1750.
3. Explain ONE historical situation in the period 1450-1750, other than the one illustrated in the passage, in which states experienced environmental impact.


Answer 1


yes it was sooo


because going to bank 1 i$ a blast with the rest of the week

Related Questions

Which of the following occurred during the first stage (1789-92) of the French Revolution? (multiple answers - check all that apply)
A. The storming of the Bastille
B. The Tennis Court Oath
C. The execution of Robespierre
D. The Women's March and capture of the king & queen
E. The Jacobins' 'Reign of Terror'
F. The Rights of Man document


The following occurred during the first stage (1789-92) of the French Revolution: The storming of the Bastille, the Tennis Court Oath, and the Rights of Man document.  All three are notable events in the early days of the revolution. Therefore the correct option is option A, B and F.

The storming of the Bastille happened on July 14, 1789. This was a very symbolic event that showed the power of the common people. The Bastille was a prison and a symbol of the oppression of the common people by the monarchy. The fall of the Bastille showed that the people could overcome the power of the monarchy.

The Tennis Court Oath took place on June 20, 1789. The National Assembly, which was composed of the third estate, gathered on a tennis court in Versailles. They took an oath to write a constitution for France that would limit the power of the monarchy and give more power to the people.

This was a significant event that demonstrated the power of the people in the new France. The Rights of Man document was adopted by the National Assembly on August 26, 1789.

The document was intended to limit the power of the monarchy and give more power to the people. It was a significant step toward democracy in France. Therefore the correct option is option A, B and F.

For such more question on French Revolution:


essay on the immigration and migration in the early 20th century




Immigration and Migration in the Early 20th Century: Challenges and Opportunities.

In the early 20th century, immigration and migration were significant social and political issues in the United States. This era was marked by large waves of immigrants and internal migration, which had far-reaching social, cultural, and economic implications for American society.

Between 1900 and 1920, over 14 million immigrants arrived in the United States. The majority of these immigrants came from Europe, with many coming from southern and eastern regions. These immigrants came seeking economic opportunity, religious freedom, and escape from political turmoil in their home countries. Many settled in urban areas, including New York City and Chicago, where they formed ethnic enclaves and contributed to the cultural diversity of American cities.

However, the influx of immigrants also sparked social and political tensions. Many native-born Americans felt threatened by the growing numbers of immigrants and feared that they would take their jobs and lower their wages. Anti-immigrant sentiment led to the passage of laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and the Immigration Act of 1924, which restricted immigration from certain countries and regions.

Internal migration also played a significant role in shaping American society in the early 20th century. African Americans and rural Americans moved to cities in search of economic opportunity, leading to the growth of urban centers and the emergence of new social and cultural trends.

The Great Migration, which began in the early 20th century and lasted through the 1960s, saw millions of African Americans move from the rural South to northern cities in search of better economic opportunities and to escape racial oppression. This migration led to the formation of new African American communities in urban areas and contributed to the growth of the civil rights movement.

Similarly, the Dust Bowl of the 1930s forced thousands of rural Americans to migrate to California and other western states in search of work and a better life. This internal migration had significant economic and social implications for both the migrants and the places they settled, as it led to changes in labor markets and urban development.

Overall, immigration and migration in the early 20th century had a profound impact on American society. These movements of people contributed to the growth of urban centers, cultural diversity, and economic development, while also sparking social and political tensions. Today, the legacy of immigration and migration in the early 20th century continues to shape American society, as the country remains a melting pot of different cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

how can you use documents e and f to argue that colonialism was more important than alliances and arms build-ups as the underlying cause of world war i?


Economic competition, territorial disputes, and nationalist tensions fueled by colonialism were more significant underlying causes of WWI than alliances and arms build-ups, as suggested by documents E and F.

Document E argues that colonialism and the competition for colonies were the primary cause of the tensions between the major powers in Europe. It states that the major powers saw colonies as a symbol of their strength and status, and that the competition for colonies was a significant factor in the build-up to the war.

Document F supports this argument by stating that the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I, was based on the principle of self-determination for all peoples, including those in the colonies. This indicates that the colonial powers were forced to give up their colonies after the war, suggesting that colonialism was a significant factor in the war.

Together, these documents suggest that colonialism was a key underlying cause of World War I. The competition for colonies led to tensions between the major powers and contributed to the arms build-up, but it was ultimately the desire for colonies that drove the major powers to war.

Learn more about World War I here:


how cultural and scientific exchanges in the Mongol Islamic territories challenge eurocentrism


The Mongols' favorable attitude of artists was advantageous to them, because it ultimately promoted cross-cultural interaction and international communication. The Mongols sent craftsmen to their territories in China and Persia from every country in the known world.

What part did the Mongol Empire play in the enlargement of the economic and cultural spheres of the Eurasian continent?

The Mongol empire increased trade outside of A-fro-Eur-asia because officials actively encouraged traders and the growth of trade and commerce within their own borders. Because they recognized how essential trade was to the health of their economy and realm, the Mongols actively promoted it.

What effect on trade and the diffusion of culture did the Mongol Empire have?

The Mongol influence improved both trade and communication along the Silk Road by creating a postal relay system. The Mongols helped the Silk Road's culture grow by encouraging religious tolerance.

Learn more about The Mongol empire:


Enlightenment philosophes believed they could codify the natural laws of human society. We now call this work the a. Earth sciences b. Literary criticism


Answer: b

Enlightenment philosophes believed they could codify the natural laws of human

Question 1 of 10
An antiwar protest at Kent State University in Ohio in 1970 caused outrage
OA. a series of bombs set by a group of protestors exploded.
B. several veterans spoke about the atrocities they had witnessed.
C. National Guard troops fired on protestors and killed four students.
D. two Black students at the protest were shot to death by police.





National Guard troops fired on protestors and killed four students.

Answer:C. National Guard troops fired on protestors and killed four students.


Write at least one cost of the two party system that Washington states in his address


Washington believed that the cost of a two-party system was the emergence of a climate of bitter partisanship, the pursuit of power and influence by rival factions that would ultimately threaten the unity and prosperity of the country.

What was cost of two party system according to George Washington?

In his farewell address, George Washington warned against the dangers of political factions and the emergence of a two-party system. He argued that such a system would inevitably lead to "cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men" seeking to advance their own interests at the expense of the public good, and would create a climate of bitter partisanship that would undermine the stability and effectiveness of government.

He believed that loyalty to political parties would become more important than loyalty to the nation, and that the pursuit of power and influence by rival factions would ultimately threaten the unity and prosperity of the country. He urged Americans to resist the temptation to form political parties and to cultivate a spirit of unity and patriotism that would allow them to work together for the common good.

Read more about two party system


Sharecropping was created to address which two
problems? (Multiple choice)

- the need to provide jobs for newly freed
enslaved people

- the need to provide loans for farmers to buy
seed and other supplies

- the labor shortage in agriculture following the
Civil War


Sharecropping was primarily created to address:

The labor shortage in agriculture following the Civil War.

The need to provide jobs for newly freed enslaved people.

What is Sharecropping

The Civil War had a devastating impact on the Southern economy, especially in the agricultural sector. The war led to a severe shortage of labor as many able-bodied men, who were previously enslaved, either fled their former masters or were emancipated.

This left Southern landowners with a significant problem: they lacked the workforce necessary to cultivate their large plantations and farms. Sharecropping emerged as a solution to this labor shortage by allowing landowners to secure the labor they needed to work the land.

Learn more about Sharecropping from


1.Find the Confederate states in the South ("seceded states"). Write the names of the Confederate states that were on the northern border of
the Confederacy.
2. Find the Union states in the North ("United States"). Write the names of the Union states that were on the border with the Confederate states.
3. wite the names of the capitals of the Union and of the Confederacy.
4. Why do you think there were no states between Kansas and California and between Minnesota and Oregon?
5. Use the scale of miles on the map to answer the following questions:
a. About how far was the capital of the United States from the capital of the Confederacy?
b. About how far was the capital of the Confederacy from the point farthest west in Texas?

Pls help


The reason there were no states between Kansas and California and between Minnesota and Oregon is due to historical process of westward expansion in the United States during the 19th century.

What is an expansion?

Expansion refers to the process of increasing the size, volume, or scope of something. It can refer to physical expansion, such as when a company builds more factories or offices to increase production or presence in new markets. Expansion can also refer to the growth of an idea, concept, or theory, where it is developed and extended to cover more aspects or to apply to new situations. Economic expansion refers to the growth of a country's economy, measured by factors such as GDP, employment, and productivity. Expanding a business can involve investing in new products or services, hiring more employees, or expanding into new geographic locations. Expansion can bring opportunities for growth and development, but it also involves risks and challenges, such as increased costs, competition, and complexity.

To learn more about expansion, visit:


Which of these cases is a case that dealt with the Establishment Clause?
Van Orden v. Perry
OGitlow v. New York
O Virginia v. Black
O Sherbert v. Verner


answer- Sherbet V. Verner

1.)Why did Peter III of Aragon decide not to give his daughter in marriage to Andronikos II?
2.)Briefly discuss the background of Eirene-Yolanda. Where was she from originally?
3.) What were the initial impressions of Yolanda at the Byzantine court?
4.) How did St. Euphrosyne supposedly help Eirene-Yolanda?
5.) What neighboring power in the thirteenth century expanded at the expense of the Byzantine Empire? What was the result of this?
6.) Why was Simonis’ marriage to Stefan Milutin considered controversial by many?
7.) What was Eirene’s strategy with Simonis and Serbia? What were her probable long term ambitions here?
8.) Who was Theodore of Montferrat and what role did he play in Byzantine politics?
9.) What were Eirene’s plans for her sons Demetrios and Theodore in Serbia? What did she have in mind for them there?
10.) Briefly describe Eirene’s support for monastic life. What sort of donations did she give to monasteries?
11.) Why is Eirene remembered as being a “more controversial” empress?


Peter III of Aragon decided not to give his daughter in marriage to Andronikos II because he felt that the Byzantine Empire was too weak and unstable at the time and did not want to risk his daughter's safety and position.

What are the statements about?

Eirene-Yolanda was a French princess who married the Byzantine emperor Andronikos II. She was originally from Montferrat in northern Italy.

Yolanda was initially well-received at the Byzantine court, with her beauty and intelligence praised by contemporaries. However, her marriage to Andronikos II was not a happy one, and her influence over him was resented by some.

St. Euphrosyne was said to have helped Eirene-Yolanda by appearing to her in a vision and urging her to take up a more pious and humble lifestyle.

The neighboring power that expanded at the expense of the Byzantine Empire in the thirteenth century was the Ottoman Turks, who conquered Byzantine territory and ultimately brought an end to the Byzantine Empire.

Simonis' marriage to Stefan Milutin was considered controversial because she was already married to another man, and the marriage was seen as a political move rather than a genuine love match.

Eirene's strategy with Simonis and Serbia was to use her daughter's marriage to strengthen Byzantine ties with Serbia and create a strong alliance against the Ottoman Turks. Her long-term ambitions were likely to ensure the survival and prosperity of the Byzantine Empire.

Theodore of Montferrat was a claimant to the Byzantine throne and a rival to Andronikos II. He played a role in Byzantine politics by supporting various factions and attempting to seize power himself.

Eirene's plans for her sons Demetrios and Theodore in Serbia were to use them as political tools to strengthen Byzantine ties with Serbia and ensure the survival of the Byzantine Empire. She likely hoped that her sons would become powerful rulers in Serbia and be able to defend Byzantine interests in the region.

Eirene-Yolanda was known for her support of monastic life and made significant donations to monasteries and churches throughout her life.

Lastly, in response to question 11, Eirene-Yolanda is remembered as a controversial empress because of her involvement in Byzantine politics, her support of monasticism, and her marriage to Simonis, which was seen as controversial at the time.

Learn more about Byzantine court from


Which of the following is an example of the Mongol rulers policy toward people in the conquered territories?


The Mongol ruler's policy towards people in the conquered territories was to use terror as a tool to prevent resistance. The statement is an example of the Mongol rulers' policy towards people in the conquered territories.

The Mongols' most consistent policy was to use terror as a tool to prevent resistance in the conquered territories. By demonstrating their ability to inflict unimaginable cruelty on anyone who opposed them, they believed they could discourage uprisings before they began. Other policies included maintaining stability within their own territories by allocating fiefs to the descendants of Genghis Khan's main family, Mongolisation of other ethnic groups, and encouraging trade and exchange between territories.

A successful empire was established and maintained by the Mongol rulers through the above policies.

For more such questions on Mongol


Which two kings of Russia became the most influential during the Age of Absolutism? How did
their decisions affect the nation?


Peter the Great ruled as Russia's czar or ruler from 1682 until his passing in 1725. He tried to modernize Russia and build it into an empire that could compete with anything in Europe during his rule.

Which two Russian rulers rose to prominence during the Era of Absolutism?

Ivan III (reigned 1462-1505) built on Byzantine customs and set the groundwork for the tsarist dictatorship, which would rule Russia for centuries with some modifications. Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, Russia's absolutism increasingly replaced the despotism of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. The most notable instance of absolutism has traditionally been regarded as the rule of Louis XIV of France (1643–1715).

The Russian Revolution occurred in 1917 as a result of a peasant and working-class uprising against Tsar Nicholas II's rule. Vladimir Lenin and a group of revolutionaries known as the Bolsheviks led them. They'd construct huge royal courts. There were members of the wider royal family there, as well as everyone who usually looked after the king and queen.

Learn more about Russia:


FILL IN THE BLANK when the united states sent military troops into iraq, it was using ____ capital to influence policy.


When the United States sent military troops into Iraq, it was using its military capital to influence policy.

Military capital refers to a nation's military power, including its military personnel, weapons, and technological capabilities. The United States, as a superpower with one of the largest and most advanced military forces in the world, was able to use its military capital to exert influence over other nations and pursue its foreign policy objectives, including the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The decision to send troops to Iraq was made by the U.S. government, which believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and posed a threat to U.S. national security. However, the invasion of Iraq was controversial and divisive, and its long-term consequences are still being felt today.

To know more about Military capital


Which of the following most directly contributed to the anti-imperialist sentiments expressed in the excerpt?
The sensationalism of the popular press of the time.
The provisions of the peace treaty ending the Spanish-American War.
The expansionist politics of Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge.
The debate over the Platt Amendment and its consequences.


The Platt Amendment and its consequences most directly contributed to the anti-imperialist sentiments expressed in the excerpt.

What is the Platt Amendment? The Platt Amendment was an amendment to the Army Appropriations Act of 1901 which gave the United States the authority to intervene in Cuba's domestic affairs, such as political and economic issues, military matters, and other foreign relations. Furthermore, the Platt Amendment granted the United States the right to establish a naval base in Cuba. The Platt Amendment's imposition enraged many Cubans, who believed that the United States had replaced Spain as a colonial power and had robbed them of their independence. On February 20, 1901, the Platt Amendment was passed. As a consequence, the United States agreed to withdraw its forces from Cuba, but only after the amendment was included in the Cuban constitution.

The Platt Amendment and its consequences contributed to the anti-imperialist sentiments expressed in the excerpt by making it clear to the American people that their country's policies and actions abroad were no longer aimed at uplifting the masses, but rather at expanding its own wealth and influence in the world.

For more questions on Platt Amendment


Provide the word or words that correctly fill in the blank.The opening battle of the Spanish-American War took place in the Philippines in Manila Bay on May 1, 1898, an event in which ____


The opening battle of the Spanish-American War took place in the Philippines in Manila Bay on May 1, 1898, an event in which the United States Navy, under the command of Commodore George Dewey, defeated the Spanish Pacific Squadron.

On May 1, 1898, in Manila Bay, the Philippines, the United States Navy, commanded by Commodore George Dewey, destroyed the Spanish Pacific Squadron in the first combat of the Spanish-American War. The battle, the Spanish-American War's opening military action, resulted in a huge win for the United States. As a result of the American victory, American forces were able to gain a foothold in the Philippines, which eventually led to the colonization of the entire archipelago by the US.

To know more about Spanish-American War


¿A price celling can result in ?
A shorts ge
B balance
C surplus
D has no effects


A price increase may cause a shortage.

Does a price cap result in a surplus or a shortage?

A surplus will occur from a price cap above the level of the competitive equilibrium price. A shortage will occur if the price cap is lower than the price of competitive equilibrium.

What transpires to surplus when there is a price cap?

Producer surplus declines in the event of a price ceiling below the market equilibrium price (shown in the illustration by the triangle formed by the region below p and above the supply curve). Depending on the demand function and the height of the price ceiling, consumer surplus may rise or fall.

To know more about shortage visit:-



A price ceiling can result in which of the following?

A) a shortage

B) balance

C) surplus

D) has no effects

Why did the new land acquisitions renew the conflicts over slavery?



Because it had to be decided if this new land would be free or enslaved


Please answer accordingly and I will give you brainliest and a 5 star rating.

According to this picture, what is the author’s main argument about the constitutional amendment. Please make specific references.


The author's major thesis is the fact that the Constitution is becoming harder to modify even when it has grown increasingly vital to do so.

What is the author's major point on the constitutional change, as illustrated by this image?

Although the Constitution was well-written, the author contends that the Founding Fathers could not have foreseen the issues which the United States might experience in the future. The need to update the Constitution to reflect advancements in technology, society, or governance grows as time goes on. In order to tackle the problems that the nation is currently facing, the author implies that it is a problem that it is difficult to alter the Constitution so it is necessary to do so.

To know more about Constitution visit:


Southern planters’ increasing demand for cotton led to which two of the following.

the Second Middle Passage
the Upper South becoming a slavery exchange center
the West producing more industrial crops


The Cotton Kingdom grew as a result of the Louisiana Purchase and the admission of Texas as a slave state. Politically, cotton became the cornerstone of southern Democratic Party dominance.

What is Southern planters and demand of cotton?

America's oldest crops, including tobacco, were using up farmland and losing value in the 1790s. The British textile industry was booming at the same period, fueling a huge global demand for cotton apparel. Landowners required a considerably greater staff as they expanded and planted more cotton. Selling slaves to gather cotton allowed the upper South to make money, resulting in the Second Middle Passage.

After all, the Union also required cash to wage war, and whatever cotton its men could take might be sold for a profit. Because of this, even after selling their cotton to producers, planters typically retained it on the property, sometimes disguised. In light of this, official production

Learn more about cotton:


Match each term with the phrase that best defines it.


The unfair or unfavorable treatment of individuals or groups on the basis of traits like race, gender, age, or sexual orientation is known as discrimination.

What is discrimination, accommodation, boycott, disability, activist?

Something that is provided for comfort or to meet a need, such housing, food, and services, or travel accommodations and related services. commonly used in the plural. Overnight tourist lodgings are provided aboard boats.

to decline to purchase something or participate in something in order to show severe disapproval: The union issued a demand for a boycott of the gathering.

Any physical or mental impairment that makes it harder for the person with the disease to engage in particular activities and interact with others is referred to as a handicap.

one who promotes or engages in activism is someone who employs or supports forceful activities (such as open demonstrations) in favor of or against one side of a contentious subject.

Learn more about boycott:


Which of the following was NOT a danger that merchants faced on the Silk Roads.
O Bandit attacks
O Natural disasters like avalanches
O Having their ship sunk by a storm
Wild animals



Which of the following was NOT a danger that merchants faced on the Silk Roads.

O Bandit attacks

O Natural disasters like avalanches

O Having their ship sunk by a storm

Wild animals


Having their ship sunk by a storm was NOT a danger that merchants faced on the Silk Roads, as the Silk Roads primarily involved overland trade routes and not maritime trade.

In the 1970s, which of the following critiques were given by opponents of the Equal Rights Amendment?
Equality of results is more important than equality of actions.
It would revoke Muller v. Oregon, make women vulnerable to exploitation, and leave children without care.
It would affirm Roe v. Wade, make women eligible for the draft, and put women at financial risk.
The Declaration of Independence says men are created equal; it does not say anything about women.


Opponents of the Equal Rights Amendment during the 1970s gave various critiques of the amendment. One of the critiques they gave was that the Declaration of Independence says men are created equal; it does not say anything about women.

They argued that this statement shows that the Founding Fathers did not intend for women to have the same rights as men.The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex. The amendment was first proposed in 1923, but it was not until the 1970s that it gained widespread support. Despite this support, the amendment was never ratified, falling short of the required 38 states to become part of the Constitution.In addition to the critique mentioned above, opponents of the ERA also argued that the amendment would lead to a loss of traditional gender roles and the breakdown of the family unit. They also argued that the amendment would eliminate laws that protected women, such as alimony and child custody laws.In response, supporters of the ERA argued that the amendment was necessary to ensure that women were treated equally under the law. They argued that traditional gender roles were not natural, but rather a social construct that limited women's opportunities. They also argued that laws that protected women were often paternalistic and reinforced gender stereotypes.The debate over the Equal Rights Amendment continues to this day, with supporters arguing that it is necessary to ensure gender equality and opponents arguing that it would have negative consequences for society.

for more such question on Amendment


What does immigration have to do with the constitutional amendments. See picture for information.


Answer: I believe there is more context needed. But hope this helps:


The text does not mention anything about constitutional amendments in relation to immigration. The author is discussing the lack of legislative action in addressing immigration issues, particularly the problem of illegal immigration and the status of those who came to the United States unlawfully. The author mentions the creation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA) programs by President Obama, which were subsequently challenged in court by Republican states. The author highlights the lack of action by Congress in addressing the issue, despite the ongoing legal challenges to the executive actions.

In Letter III, how does Crevecoeur distinguish what defines identify in the Old World from what defines identify in America? Why?



In short, Crèvecoeur's narrative makes the claim that America's national identity is based upon the “American Dream”- that if you put your best effort forward and work hard enough, you can obtain anything you set your mind to, regardless of your race, religion, or financial standing.


hope helps

FILL IN THE BLANK. Political scientist Shanto Iyengar argues that a process known as ________ sets a context that helps people understand important events and matters of shared interest.


Political scientist Shanto Iyengar argues that a process known as agenda setting sets a context that helps people understand important events and matters of shared interest.

What is agenda setting?

Agenda setting describes the ability to influence the importance attached to issues on the (news media's) public agenda. This theory has been extensively studied and applied to various forms of media, suggesting that the media have the ability to shape public opinion by determining which issues receive the most attention.

Agenda-setting studies describe how media seek to influence audiences and establish hierarchies of news delivery. Judged to have more political power The country receives more media exposure. Setting the media agenda is influenced by media prejudices on issues such as politics, economics and culture. The development of agenda-setting and laissez-faire elements of communication research has facilitated the rapid growth and expansion of these perspectives. Agenda setting has phases that must occur in a certain order in order to be successful.

To know more about agenda setting -


between 1920 and 1921, postwar inflation caused a severe recession marked by which of the following?


Answer: the loss of nearly 5 million jobs. the bankruptcy of 100,000 businesses.


For many middle-class Americans, the 1920s was a decade of unprecedented prosperity. Rising earnings generated more disposable income for the purchase of consumer goods. Henry Ford's advances in assembly-line efficiency created a truly affordable automobile, making car ownership a possibility for many Americans.

what led to the fall of the Weimar Republic (paragraph writing)​



"Weimar Republic" is the name given to the German government between the end of the Imperial period (1918) and the beginning of Nazi Germany (1933). Political turmoil and violence, economic hardship, and also new social freedoms and vibrant artistic movements characterized the complex Weimar period. Many of the challenges of this era set the stage for Adolf Hitler's rise to power.


all of the following were political liabilities for democratic presidential candidate al smith in 1928 except his


All of the following were political liabilities for democratic presidential candidate Al smith in 1928 except his hostility of Fundamentalist Democrats to his political campaign. So, option C is correct.

In the 1928 U.S. presidential election, Al Smith was the Democratic candidate, and he faced a number of political liabilities that made it difficult for him to win the election.

Religion: Al Smith was a Roman Catholic, and at the time, there was significant prejudice and suspicion toward Catholics in the United States, particularly among Protestant voters. Many voters believed that a Catholic president would be more loyal to the Pope than to the United States, and there were rumors and conspiracy theories about Catholic plots to take over the government.

Prohibition: Al Smith was a vocal opponent of Prohibition, which had been enacted as a constitutional amendment in 1919. However, in the 1920s, there was a growing movement in favor of Prohibition, particularly among rural and conservative voters. Smith's opposition to Prohibition made him unpopular with many voters, particularly in the South and West.

Immigration: Al Smith was a supporter of immigration and had spoken out against the restrictive immigration policies that had been put in place in the 1920s. However, there was significant anti-immigrant sentiment in the United States at the time, particularly against Eastern and Southern European immigrants. Many voters saw Smith as being too sympathetic to immigrants and worried that he would be too soft on immigration if he became president.

Urbanism: Al Smith was also seen as a representative of urban interests, particularly those of New York City. Many voters in rural areas and small towns saw him as out of touch with their values and way of life, and there was a perception that he would favor big cities over rural areas if he became president.

To know more about 1928 U.S. presidential election


The complete question is:

All of the following were political liabilities for democratic presidential candidate al smith in 1928 except his

A) significant prejudice and suspicion toward Catholics in the United States

B) movement in favor of Prohibition

C) hostility of Fundamentalist Democrats to his political campaign

D) anti-immigrant sentiment in the United States at the time, particularly against Eastern and Southern European immigrants

Would you say that Shaka the Zulu’s success in warfare was wholly attributable to the nature of his upbringing?


Answer: No

Explanation: Shaka the Zulu's success in warfare cannot be wholly attributable to the nature of his upbringing, although it undoubtedly played a significant role. Shaka's upbringing gave him a unique perspective on warfare and leadership, as well as a deep understanding of the social and cultural dynamics of his people. This enabled him to develop military tactics and strategies that were highly effective in the context of Zulu society.

However, Shaka's success in warfare was also due to his personal qualities as a leader and military strategist. He was a charismatic and inspirational figure, who was able to inspire loyalty and commitment in his followers. He was also a brilliant military strategist, who developed innovative tactics and techniques that allowed the Zulus to defeat much larger and better-equipped armies.

Additionally, Shaka's success was also due to a number of other factors, such as his ability to forge alliances with neighboring tribes, his skill in diplomacy and negotiation, and the Zulus' superior weapons and military organization.

Therefore, while Shaka's upbringing played a significant role in his success, it would be inaccurate to say that it was wholly attributable to this factor alone. A combination of personal qualities, military strategies, social and cultural factors, and other contextual variables all contributed to his success in warfare.

Other Questions
Let f(x) = (x - 1)2,g(x) = e-2 , and h(x) = 1 In(1 2x) _ (a) Find the linearizations of f, g, and h at a = 0Lf(x)=1-2xLg(x)=1-2xLh(x)=1-2xGraph f, g, and h and their linear approximations. For which function is the linear approximation best? For which is it worst? Explain.The linear approximation appears to be the best for the function (f, g, or h *h is not the answer) since it is closer to (f, g, or h) for a larger domain than it is to (f and g, g and h, f and h). The approximation looks worst for (f, g, or, h) since (f, g, or, h) moves away from L faster than (f and g, g and h, f and h) do. Areas of emphasis in a work of art create visual interest and are carefully planned by the artist. It can be said that the use of color as emphasis usually dominates other devices. true or false? Represent a fifth level of planning and provide the most specific approach to describing who, what, when, where, and how activities will take place to accomplish an objective is called? a company discarded a computer system originally purchased for $8,050. the accumulated depreciation was $7,150. the company should recognize a (an): multiple choice $7,150 loss. $900 loss. $900 gain. $0 gain or loss. $8,050 gain. expand and simplify.(m3)(m+2) Stacy rented a truck for one day there was a base fee of $16.95 and there was an additional charge of 93 cents for each model driven. stacy had to pay $143.43 when he returned the truck. for how many miles did she drive the truck You construct three 88% confidence intervals as follows: A) A t-interval with 6 degrees of freedom. B) A t-interval with 2 degrees of freedom. C) A z-interval Assuming the mean and standard deviation are the same for all three intervals, write the three intervals (A, B, and C) in order, from narrowest to widest. which of the following commands will determine how many records in the file problems.txt contain the word error? You want to implement an access control list where only the users you specifically authorize have access to the resource. Anyone not on the list should be prevented from having access. Which of the following methods of access control will the access list use?A. Explicit allow, implicit denyB. Implicit allow, explicit denyC. Implicit allow, implicit deny Stock Y has a beta of 1.8 and an expected return of 18.3 percent. Stock Z has a beta of 1.0 and an expected return of 11.3 percent. If the risk-free rate is 5.6 percent and the market risk premium is 6.6 percent, the reward-to-risk ratios for stocks Y and Z are and percent, respectively. Since the SML reward-to-risk is percent, Stock Y is and Stock Z is overvaluedwhat are the reward to risk ratios? and sml reward to risk Louis Armstrong is most closely associated with which era?Hard BopNew Orleans JazzSwingCoolNone of these k is what or is it none for the equation? what impact do third-party candidates have on a presidential election? to boost holiday sales, ginsberg jewelry store is advertising the following promotion: "if more than five inches of snow fall in the first three days of the year (january 1 through january 3), all purchases made between thanksgiving and christmas are free!" based on historical sales records as well as experience with past promotions, the store manager believes that the total holiday sales between thanksgiving and christmas could range anywhere between $210,000 and $410,000 but is unsure of anything more specific. ginsberg has collected data on snowfall from december 16 to january 18 for the past several winters in the file ginsberg. (a) construct a simulation model to assess potential refund amounts so that ginsberg can evaluate the option of purchasing an insurance policy to cover potential losses. what distribution is most appropriate for modeling For each of these words or phrases, think of ways to explain the concept to families in everyday language. Remember to take cultural and socio-economic factors into consideration.Words and PhrasesPhonological awarenessSelf-regulationGross motor skillsCardinalityApproaches to LearningSelect three of the words and phrases (or use three of your own) and document how you would explain each assessment term using everyday language. If a flexible hot air balloon has a volume of 350,000 L of air at 40 degrees C and 1 atm,how many moles of air are in the balloon?How do I solve this? a centrifugal pump is designed to pump . the inner radius of the impeller is 2.5 cm and the outer radius of the impeller is 18 cm. the width of the impeller is 1 cm. the blade angle at the exit is . the pump shaft spins at 1800 rpm. assume radial entry (i.e. the absolute velocity at entry is along the radius of the impeller). Which two kings of Russia became the most influential during the Age of Absolutism? How didtheir decisions affect the nation? you roll two six-sided dice at the same time. what is the probability the second dice landed on an even number given the first one landed on an odd number? use the following data: purchase costs leasing costs down payment: $4,500 security deposit: $1,500 loan payment: $350 for 48 months lease payment: $350 for 48 months estimated value at end of loan: $5,000 end-of-lease charges: $750 opportunity cost interest rate: 4 percent per year calculate the costs of buying versus leasing a motor vehicle.Round your answers to the nearest whole number.) Buying& Leasing Purchase cost Leasing cost