time stopsChoose matching term1The principal components of opera include arias, recitatives, overtures, and:2In Baroque opera, what seemingly happens to the narrative time during an aria?3Narrative multimedia is an art form that:4The libretto for Dido and Aeneas is based on:


Answer 1

Ariosos, recitatives, overtures, and choruses are some of opera's main musical elements.

What appears to happen to the narrative time in a baroque opera aria? While listening to a Baroque opera aria, time seems to stop still. The performer focuses on their inner sentiments and thoughts, using the music as a means of expressing them. The song's speed may slow down, giving the impression that time has stopped, and focusing the listener's attention on the singer's voice and the emotion they are conveying.

Multimedia storytelling that incorporates interactive aspects, audio, video, and other media is known as narrative multimedia. It can be applied in a variety of settings, such as journalism, entertainment, and advertising.

The opera, composed by Henry Purcell, is considered a masterpiece of English Baroque music and is still performed regularly today.

learn more about opera at :



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when the pit and the pendulum realesed


The Pit and the Pendulum, directed by Roger Corman, stars Vincent Price, Barbara Steele, John Kerr, and Luana Anders.

What is the past of The Pit and the Pendulum?

As an example, consider the book "The Pit and the Pendulum," which tells the story of a prisoner of the famed Spanish Inquisition, a legal system in which judges were allowed to torture people in order to force confessions. According to Poe, this story takes place in a torture chamber during the Spanish Inquisition.

The main character in The Pit and the Pendulum is who?

Unknown Narrator: "The Pit and the Pendulum's" narrative is told in the first person by an unnamed narrator, allowing readers to experience the horror of the Inquisition firsthand and recognize that the narrator is rapidly losing their sense of reality.

Learn more about The Pit and the Pendulum: https://brainly.com/question/13430555


the main subject of troubadour, trouvère, and trobaritz songs is


The main subject of troubadour, trouvère, and trobaritz songs is Refined love.

Despite the songs' seeming similarities in love and betrayal themes, literary genres, and even melodies, the troubadours' and trouvères' repertories really represent significant variations in politics, religion, and social history between the two adjacent areas. The medieval singer-poets known as troubadours and trobairitz were frequently from the south of France. Although only a small number of their works, which include poetry and conversations set to music, have been translated and studied, they were active during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.

Learn more about Refined love: https://brainly.com/question/30237531


what are the lyrics of Glenn Miller's IIn the Mood song?


The lyrics to the chorus of "In the Mood" by Glenn Miller:

Who's got nothin'? Who's got sweet lovin'?

Here are the lyrics to the chorus of "In the Mood" by Glenn Miller:

Who's got nothin'? Who's got sweet lovin'?

Who's got honey? Where's my honey?

Who's got some jelly? Who's got some jam?

Who's got that love that's hotter than hot pan?

Cause I'm In the mood for swingin'

Juke box jivin', jammin' beat

In the mood for jumpin'

Let's all start to swing, and feel the heat

Note that "In the Mood" is primarily an instrumental song, and the chorus lyrics are not the main focus of the composition. The song is best known for its iconic big band sound and memorable melody.

Learn more about chorus here https://brainly.com/question/14430045


What does the famous four note motive at the beginning of Beethoven's 5th Symphony supposedly represent?


Answer: Fate knocking at the door.


historia de mimo de tres a cinco minutos


A mime story example would be a person trying to escape from an invisible box.

What would happen in the mime story ?

The performer begins by miming the act of putting a box down on the ground and stepping inside it. They then mime the process of closing the box and trying to escape, but are unable to move beyond the confines of the invisible box.

The performer may use a variety of techniques to convey the sense of being trapped, such as pushing against the sides of the box, straining against an imaginary lid, or attempting to climb out of the box. As the routine progresses, the performer may become more and more frantic in their attempts to escape, until they finally give up in despair.

Find out more on mime stories at https://brainly.com/question/2257797


What key is the harmonica in for Piano Man?


C key  is the harmonica in for Piano Man which also makes it a great song and easier for beginners to learn on harmonica.

Together the blow and draw notes of the C harmonica and  the first scale that most beginning harmonica players learn to play contain all the notes of the C major scale (C–D–E–F–G–A–B–C).

Harmonica is a relatively easy instrument  sepcially for beginners. Since it is a mouth instrument, it does not need much knowledge all you need to do is blow into the holes to play. This sets the barrier for entry fairly low. The difficulty comes only when one reaches high level of learning that is  when advancing to more complicated playing styles.

Types of harmonicas are basically divided into 2:-

Blues and folk music sounds which is used in harmonica of the good with the diatonic harmonica.

To play Bollywood songs, jazz, and classical music Chromatic harmonica is best.

Learn more about harmonica here:-



What is the detailed painting from ACNH?


The intricate work of art by ACNH is called Animal Crossing. The intricate painting was first shown in New Horizons. The painting may be given to the museum and included in the collection of fine art.

In Animal Crossing, creating a neighbourhood is equally as significant as creating a town. The player can go to several islands and convince anthropomorphic animals to reside there, such as business-savvy racoons and French-speaking ducks. It is played on the Nintendo Switch, but you can also use screen mirroring on your laptop to play it there. The game will terminate when the player reaches the year 2061, according to the tried-and-true method of time travel in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Animal Crossing is suitable for kids of all ages and has a PEGI 3 rating. Due to the lack of terrifying violence or offensive language, users characterize the game as a serene, tranquil experience.

Learn more about Animal Crossing



in baroque opera, what seemingly happens to the time during an aria?


Time seems to stand still during an aria in Baroque opera.

In Baroque opera, an aria is a solo song performed by one of the characters that expresses their emotions and feelings. Arias are often accompanied by a simple instrumental accompaniment that supports the singer's voice. During an aria, time seems to stand still, as the singer focuses on their inner thoughts and emotions, and the music becomes a vehicle for expressing these feelings. The tempo of the music may slow down, creating a sense of suspended time and drawing the listener's attention to the singer's voice and the emotion they are expressing. This effect is known as "tempo giusto," which means "just tempo," and refers to the way in which the music follows the natural rhythms of the human voice and emotion. The use of arias in Baroque opera was an important part of the development of opera as an art form, as it allowed for greater emotional expression and a deeper connection between the audience and the characters on stage. The use of tempo giusto in arias is still an important part of opera today, and continues to be a powerful tool for expressing emotion and creating a sense of timelessness in the music.

learn more about baroque opera at :



Medieval music notation developed out of a felt need to ___.


Medieval music notation arose from a desire to unify chant throughout the Western world.

Musical notation in the early Middle Ages was a sequence of symbols placed over the text to represent pitch shifts. These dots and lines were an early kind of musical notation known as neumes, and they were employed in Church plainchant tunes.

Gregorian chant, like many other types of chants from around the world, has a monophonic melodic texture, with vocalists singing in unison (all singers sing the exact same melody together).

Medieval music refers to ecclesiastical and secular music created in Western Europe between the sixth and fifteenth centuries. It is the first and most important period in Western classical music, followed by the Renaissance period.

For such more question on Medieval music:



The lines that establish the outside borders of a three-dimensional form are what kind of lines?





Contour lines, much like cosmetics and makeup, give more definition and shape to the figure in question.

Thomas Eakins uses linear to create the lines needed in his painting "The Biglin Brothers Racing". True/False?





which is an example of a woodwind instrument with a soprano range? a. piccolob. flutec. oboed. clarinet



A clarinet


What is the main difference between Calvinism and Arminianism?


The main difference between Calvinism and Arminianism is their differing views on the concept of predestination.

Calvinists believe in the doctrine of "unconditional election," which means that God has predestined certain individuals for salvation, regardless of their actions or beliefs. In contrast, Arminians believe in "conditional election," which means that God predestines individuals for salvation based on their response to His grace and their faith in Him. Arminians also believe in the possibility of losing one's salvation, whereas Calvinists hold the view that those who are predestined for salvation will persevere until the end. These theological differences have led to significant debates and discussions within Christianity over the centuries.

Learn more about Calvinism and Arminianism here: brainly.com/question/30398918


What happened to Charlie in Perks of Being a wallflower?


In "The Perks of Being a Wallflower," the main character Charlie is a socially awkward and introverted high school freshman who is struggling to come to terms with his traumatic past. Over the course of the story, Charlie befriends two seniors, Sam and Patrick, who introduce him to a world of new experiences, including music and relationships.

Throughout the story, Charlie grapples with a range of emotional issues, including anxiety, and the repressed memories of his childhood. He also experiences several traumatic events, including witnessing his friend's death and being bullied by a family member.

Despite these challenges, Charlie continues to develop his friendships with Sam and Patrick, and he becomes more confident and self-assured. He also begins to process his past and gains a deeper understanding of himself and his emotions.

In the climactic scene of the story, Charlie has a mental breakdown and is hospitalized for several months. However, with the support of his friends and family, he is able to recover and return to school. The story ends with Charlie's realization that he is not alone in his struggles and that he is capable of finding happiness and meaning in his life.

Learn more about Charlie from Perks of Being a Wallflower here



What is the theme of the summer day Mary Oliver?


Oliver explores concepts including the meaning of life, beauty, and nature in "The Summer Day."

In 1992, The Summer Day appeared in New and Selected Poems. Oliver is adored for her straightforward writing style, which makes her poems enjoyable and widely accessible. Who created the world is one of the significant themes she raises without suffocating the reader with poetic speculativeness. Oliver's speaker poses a number of inquiries about existence to the reader and to herself in the opening section of this poem. Who created the earth, the black bear, and the grasshopper is a mystery to her. She spends the next few paragraphs describing the latter's behavior because she is currently interested in it. She chose to do this in order to observe how another equally fascinating and important aspect of nature spends its time.

Know  more about The summer day here:



4. Look at the painting below. Name the painting and the artist, and describe its important features. (8 points)


Name of painting:

Jesus at The Last Supper


Leonardo da Vinci

It's important features:

The painting is considered one of the greatest works of art of all time and has many important features, including:

Composition: The painting shows Jesus Christ in the center, flanked by his twelve disciples. The composition is symmetrical, with Jesus at the center of the painting and six disciples on each side.

Emotions: Each of the figures in the painting has a different expression, which conveys their emotions. For example, Judas, who would later betray Jesus, is shown with his head down, while St. John, who is known for his deep love for Jesus, is depicted leaning towards him.

Lighting: The painting uses light and shadow to create depth and emphasize certain aspects of the composition. The light source appears to be coming from the window on the left, which illuminates the faces of the disciples on that side of the table.

Symbolism: The painting contains many symbols that represent various aspects of the Christian faith. For example, the bread and wine on the table represent the body and blood of Christ, which are central to the sacrament of the Eucharist.

Perspective: Leonardo used linear perspective to create the illusion of depth and space in the painting. The lines of the ceiling and the architecture converge towards the vanishing point behind Jesus, drawing the viewer's eye towards the central figure.

Overall, "Jesus at The Last Supper" is a masterpiece of Renaissance art that combines technical skill with religious symbolism to create a powerful and emotional image of the Christian faith.

Title: Jesus At The Last Supper

Artist: Leonardo Davinci

Important features: it shows jesus having his quite literally last supper and is important because during this dinner he mentions how he will be betrayed by one of his followers, and it ended up to be true.

in ____________ chant, each syllable receives a single pitch.


The word that fills in the blank is Syllabic which means In Syllabic chants, each syllable receives a single pitch.

Syllabic music is music that uses syllabic text settings for the lyrics. In a syllabic text setting, each syllable of a word is broken up and assigned to an individual note. The word star is a one-syllable word and is under one musical note which means that the word star is sung on the one note indicated. One syllable, one note. The word twinkle has two syllables that are twink and le so if we take a look at the lyrics we will notice that the two syllables of this word are separated by a dash and each syllable is under its own note. Two syllables, two notes.

Know more about Syllabic music here:



line 16 claims that birthdays were the worst days? why do you think the poet felt this way​


The poem "This Be the Verse" by Philip Larkin is a humorous and sarcastic reflection on the nature of life and death. In line 16, the poet claims that birthdays are the worst days because they serve as a reminder of the passage of time and the inevitability of aging and death.

What is the justification for this assertion?

It's likely that the poet felt this way because he was known for his bleak outlook on life and his views on the futility of human existence. Throughout his work, Larkin often explores themes of loneliness, death, and the transience of life, and it seems that in this poem, he is using the birthday as a metaphor for the larger issue of aging and the passage of time.

Of course, this is just my interpretation of the poem, and the true reason for why the poet felt this way about birthdays may never be fully known.

learn more about theme: https://brainly.com/question/11600913


What is the meaning of the poem black woman?


The poem Black Woman explores the women as well as their maternal, nurturing emotions. Two further beliefs are presented in the poem: the motherhood of the African continent and the distinctiveness of the African lady.

The poem is written by Leopold Sedar Senghor. The woman is first shown in the poem with black skin serving as the only covering. Her skin's colour is vitality. Life means birth here. This characteristic distinguishes her kids from all other world races, and it is passed down to them. Her youngsters are tenderised by her dark, gorgeous complexion. Black African women's empathy is demonstrated by the poet. The poet expresses his concern that the beauty of the black woman may soon be lost to a jealous fate in his conclusion. The poet has immortalised the ebony woman in his poetry, so even if her beauty will deteriorate and eventually pass away, the poem will live on forever. He added that because she had nourished life's roots with her beauty, her beauty will regenerate.

Learn more about a Black woman here: brainly.com/question/29043477


Who is the person in the American Progress painting?


The American Progress painting is an allegorical work of art created by John Gast in 1872. The painting is meant to represent the westward expansion of the United States, with a focus on the idea of Manifest Destiny.

A personification of "America" is represented in the centre of the artwork as a woman clad in white robes, wearing a star-spangled headdress, and carrying a book (representing education) in one hand and a telegraph line (representing communication) in the other. She is pictured leading a group of settlers westward while clutching a schoolbook and a telegraph cable.

Many other symbolic aspects are included in the artwork, such as a train and a stagecoach going across the land, Native Americans fleeing in the background, and a group of farmers and miners heading west with their families.

For such more question on American:



How long was the girl in the basement locked in the basement?


The period of time that the girl in the basement locked in the basement was 24 years.

What was the story of Elisabeth Fritzl?

Based on the terrible true story of Elisabeth Fritzl, who was imprisoned and mistreated by her father Josef in Amstetten for 24 years (from 1984 to 2008), (Austria). She gave birth to seven children during these years of jail as a result of the abuse.

Sara plays the role of Elisabeth Fritzl, an Austrian girl who was held captive by her father Josef in the family's basement, in the movie. She was imprisoned there for 24 years, giving birth to seven children while enduring numerous rapes, abuse, and confinement. In 2008, she was located and set free.

Learn more about time at:



According to the Caux Principles for Business, the ethical ideal of kyosei means


According to the Caux Principles for Business, the ethical ideal of kyosei means that: The ethical principle of "living and working together for the common good" is the focus of the Caux Principles for Business, and this phrase originates from the Japanese language.

These guidelines are founded on the kyosei and human dignity essential ethical concepts. The Japanese idea of kyosei refers to coexisting peacefully with healthy and just competition while living and working together for the common benefit. The foundation of ethics is a set of rational rules of right and wrong that outline what people should do. These standards are typically expressed in terms of rights, duties, benefits to society, fairness, or particular qualities.

Learn more about ethical: https://brainly.com/question/13969108


What is a quote about betrayal?


You said, "It was a mistake. The sad part, though, was that it appeared as though I had trusted you incorrectly.

What adage uses the word "betrayal"?

If someone betrays you once, it is their fault; if they do it again, it is your fault.

What lesson in morality does betrayal impart?

Steer clear of decisions that would exacerbate your circumstances or those of those around you. Avoid self-harming because you are unhappy. You must remember that it is not your fault, and even if it is, you must not cause harm to the other person. Avoid causing others to feel the same emotions that you felt.

What sentiment is abused?

The sense of betrayal is when one is wounded by the willful actions or omissions of a trusted individual. Disloyalty, infidelity, and dishonesty, as well as devastating breaches of personal information, are the most common types of betrayal. They could be highly unpleasant and frightening.

Learn more about betrayal: https://brainly.com/question/6182511


if a material absorbs all frequencies of light wave except for GREEN,what color will be perceived by the observer?


If a material absorbs all frequencies of light waves except for GREEN, the color will be perceived by the observer is GREEN. Thus the correct option is A.

What is the Absorption of Light?

As each object's density changes, it also carries a variety of characteristics. White light strikes an item in waves of varying frequencies, which causes each wave to interact with the recipient object in a unique way in terms of absorption and reflection.

In the presence of ROYGBIV, an item will seem green if it absorbs all visible light frequencies except the one associated with green light due to having strong density support of it.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about the Absorption of Light, here:



The complete question is probably


If a material absorbs all frequencies of light waves EXCEPT green, what color will be perceived by the observer?

answer choices





select all the ways in which romantic works differ from classical works.


The ways in which romantic works differ from classical works is:

Emphasis on tone color.Greater range of dynamics.More colorful harmony.

Lyrical melodies, chromaticism, and more dramatic dynamic contrasts are the main traits of Romantic era music, as compared to the more linear composing approach of classical music. Usually, guitars, drums, and other modern instruments are used to play romantic music with a more contemporary tone. A classical orchestra made up of instruments like the violin and piano is used to perform the song. Slower tempos have the potential to evoke stronger emotions.

Learn more about romantic: https://brainly.com/question/25652231


Jacques-Louis David was an extremely influential artist in his time because he was..

A. a student of Francois Boucher.

B. involved in the French revolution.

C. widely recognized and admired, attracting many students.

D. a founder of the baroque style in France.

I’m pretty sure it’s either B or C.



the answer is c

he was widely recognized and admired, attaching many students

What is the story of The Rising of the Moon?


Answer:The ballad refers to the outbreak of the 1798 rebellion, as United Irish rebels convey the order to rise. The air of hope and optimism associated with the ultimately doomed rebellion was intended to provide inspiration for rebels preparing to take to the field in another ill-fated venture, the Fenian rebellion of 1867.

how did the dred scott v. sandford decision help to precipitate the civil war?


The ruling that it was unlawful for Congress to abolish slavery was shocking to the north of America. They also believed that they shouldn't pay attention to laws that were only enacted by slaveholders in the South.

The Dred Scott v. Sandford controversy heightened tensions between the North and the South. The two regions had reached an agreement over the growth of slavery by the 1820s. The 1820 Missouri Compromise had been one of the main agreements. The Missouri Compromise was rendered unconstitutional by the Dred Scott ruling, which reignited the discussion about the growth of slavery. The choice contributed to the perception among many Northerners, including some Ohioans, that their government was now controlled by Southern slaveholders. The choice also aided in separating the Northern and Southern wings of the Democratic Party, since many Northern Democrats backed a state's right to restrict slavery inside its borders. The American Civil War came more quickly as a result of all these distinctions.

To know more about American Civil War



Mention the type of hairstyle that is suitable for a little black girl


Answer: Pigtails are adorable with ribbons

Explanation: short little braids  on her hair with Barretts

If she has long thick hair you can put it into a bun with a ribbon tied around it

You can bring up the sides and secure it with a covered rubber band on the back of the head and place it with a ribbon.

You can make bear ears with two ponytails high on the sides of her head with some hair pulled out to look like bear cub-like bear ears and use more ribbons.

What is the overall message of Born a Crime?


The overall message of "Born a Crime" is one of resilience, hope, and the power of education to overcome adversity.

The book is a memoir by Trevor Noah, the host of "The Daily Show," about growing up in South Africa during and after apartheid. Noah writes about the struggles he faced as a mixed-race child in a country where interracial relationships were illegal, and the profound impact that his mother, Patricia, had on his life. Through her perseverance and dedication to his education, Noah was able to rise above the systemic racism and poverty that surrounded him and become the successful comedian and media personality he is today. The book is a testament to the human spirit and the ability to overcome even the most difficult of circumstances.

Learn more about Born a Crime here: brainly.com/question/30153748


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