The Neutrality Acts of the 1930s were based on the assumption that the United States could stay out of the war by?


Answer 1

Answer: d. banning arms sales to countries at war.


Related Questions

Analyze the consequences of the U.S.'s involvement in Vietnam.



- Damage the Economy

- Spur Policy Changes

- Mistrust the Government

- “Vietnam Syndrome”

- No More “Quagmires”

- The Continuing Effect


How much money does Tim mcgraw have with faith hill



Tim McGraw and Faith Hill – Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are married country music superstars who have been together for nearly two decades. McGraw and Hill tied the knot on October 6, 1996, in Louisiana. They are both successful solo artists and have collaborated on several songs, including “It’s Your Love”, “I Need You”, “Let’s Make Love” and “Like We Never Loved At All,” which won a 2006 Grammy Award. On his own, McGraw is the winner of dozens of awards, including two Grammys and 14 Academy of Country Music awards, and topped the Billboard album charts eleven times. In addition to winning with her husband, Hill is the recipient of four solo Grammys and 14 Academy of Country Music Awards. She was named to a list of “30 Most Powerful Women in America” by “Ladies Home Journal” in 2001 and was tabbed as the top Adult Contemporary Artist of the decade by Billboard in 2009. Together, Hill and McGraw put together the top-grossing musical tour in the history of country music with their Soul2Soul II Tour. They have three children together: Gracie Katherine born in 1997, Maggie Elizabeth in 1998 and Audrey Caroline in 2001.


after world war 1 president _______’s policies were rejected in favor of more hedonistic way of life.


Woodrow Wilson

The people of the USA rejected the 14 point peace plan because they were so used to being a isolationism country and Woodrow's fourteen point plan threatened that. … It didn't want to risk its economy or any more American lives after the losses of WW1.

Which of the following was a third
party candidate in the 1992 and 1996
presidential elections?
A. Ross Perot
B. George Bush
C. Bill Clinton


The answer would be A :)


Which of the following was a third

party candidate in the 1992 and 1996

presidential elections?

answer - A. Ross Perot

changes in believing traditional theory of the origin of man


Answer: The new analysis thus calls into question the oft-repeated theory that humans lived the hunter-gatherer way of life - with its attendant family structure, division of labor between the s3x3s, and interfamily sharing of food and other tasks - for 99 percent of mankind's history, from when hominids first began chipping

( i had to censor, also nothing is seggsual about this answer, its about biology and history)


hunter gathered way of life

Can you talk to a real dermatologist online?




High-quality care via Web, Phone or Mobile App. Nationally-ranked doctors are standing by. Talking to a doctor has never been easier. Get treatment for non-emergency conditions now.

Read Philiipians 2:12-16 Complaining is a serious problem. What does Paul saying about grumbling and why should we avoid it?



(“a muttering, murmuring, low and suppressed discourse; the expression of secret and sullen discontent, complaint)


These words and phrases are full of meaning to change the way we think and act. Do all things without grumbling (“a muttering, murmuring, low and suppressed discourse; the expression of secret and sullen discontent, complaint) and disputing. In order to be blameless and innocent.

Hope it helps!!!Brainliest pls!!!

Why did the U.S. and other nations impose economic sanctions on South Africa?



They imposed sanctions due to South Africa's apartheid policies.

The North passed the first conscription law in American history true or false


Answer: Hi, the answer would be true. Here is some information I found on the web that backs up this answer.

The First Conscription Act, passed April 26, 1862, made any white male between 18 and 35 years old liable to three years of military service.


Your welcome!

What is the range of this data set? 64°, 72°, 74°, 68°, 70°, 68°, 68°, 75°, and 44°


31 degrees, 100% sure

According to the chart, what are the benefits of using child laborers instead of adult laborers? Child laborers are able to work longer hours than adults. Child laborers are able to work more quickly than adults. Child laborers cost less money for business owners. Child laborers make the most money working on farms.


The benefits of using child laborers instead of adult laborers was because the Child laborers cost less money for business owners.

When was the child laborers used?

The child laborers were used by the factory owners during the Industrial revolution in United states.

They were preferred because they cost less money for business owners.

Therefore, the Option C is correct.

Read more about child laborers



Child laborers cost less money for business owners


im smart

The tensions between North Korea and South Korea described in this passage began over
(1) boundaries drawn during the Cold War
(2) ethnic conflict on the Korean peninsula
(3) trade disputes centered on fishing rights in the Yellow Seal
(4) China's purchase of submarine technology from North Korea


the tensions started because the US wanted to prevent the spread of communism. the US backed a fascist leader, rhee syung man, in the south that murdered upwards of 100,000 ppl whilst the USSR let the korean people democratically elect its leaders. the answer is 1

Focus on Egypt: Did Egypt have a successful revolution that led to a democratic nation?
O No
O Yes



In the following two years, the Free Officers consolidated power, and, following a brief experiment with civilian rule, abrogated the 1953 constitution, and declared Egypt a republic on 18 June 1953, Muhammad Naguib as Egypt's first President.


Part B
Fill in the table by explaining the given events, civilizations, people, or places from the early medieval
period. Your responses should briefly define or explain each term in your own words

Western Roman Empire




feudal Japan


Thomas Aquinas




Empress Wu zetian





Explanation:Western Roman Empire - The Western Part of the Empire that fell to the Germanic Invasions, and whose fall gave start to the Middle Ages.

Prince Shotoku - An important Japanese noble who served during the Japanese feudal era, and who had a cult following.

Crusades - a series of holy wars between Christian Europe and Muslim Middle East for the control and rule over the Holy Land.

Yellow Turbans - a peasant rebellion in ancient China against the Han dynasty, that even if supressed, resulted in the weakening of the Han, and the beginning of a period of political instability in China.

feudal Japan - the economic and geographical organization prevalent in Japan during the Middle Ages and until the Meiji Restoration.

Jerusalem - the holiest city for Christianity and Judaism, and also one of the holy cities of Islam. For this reason, this city is of great political importance.

Thomas Aquinas - perhaps the most important philosopher of the Middle Ages, developed a systematic understand of theology and religion in his most famous work, Summa Theologica.

Constantinople - the capital of the Byzantine Empire, the sucessor of the Eastern Roman Empire. The most important, populated, and wealthiest city in Europe during all of the Middle Ages.

Saxons - a Germanic people from what is now Denmark who emigrated in large numbers to Britain and established kingdoms there.

Constantine - the Roman Emperor who established Christianity as the official religion of the Empire, and who moved the capital of the Empire from Rome to Constantinople.

Empress Wu Zetian - the only Empress in the history of China, who interrupted briefly the rule of the Tang dynasty.

Visigoths - a germanic people who emigrated to what is now Spain and Portugal, and settled there, ruling Iberia for over 100 years until the Muslim invasion.

hope i tried

when did trade along silk road reach its height


Established when the Han Dynasty in China officially opened trade with the West in 130 B.C., the Silk Road routes remained in use until 1453 A.D., when the Ottoman Empire boycotted trade with China and closed them.

Which of the following beliefs is NOT outlined in the Declaration of Independence?
a. All people are created equal
b. All people have unalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
Government derived their power from the consent of the governed (the people)
d. There must be three branches of government with checks and balances and separation of powers for a
government to reflect what the people want.
At what point door lefforcon CON



Explanation: the answer is   A because in the declaration of independence all people never had equal right because only men had the power to vote women were main to stay home and cook food for the kids and husband

Could the Cold War have been avoided? Could the US and the Soviet Union have worked together to build a better world or was a conflict between the two powers inevitable?



The Cold War could not have been avoided because the Soviet Union with a Hitleresque leader in Stalin was just as irrational after WW2.

the U.S.-Soviet alliance of 1941–1945 was marked by a great degree of cooperation


there you go

Which part of the US Constitution did Charles Schenck use in appealing his case to
the SCOTUS? Why do you think he chose to use this part of the Constitution?



Schenck and Baer were convicted under the Espionage Act for interfering with military recruitment. They appealed to the Supreme Court on the grounds that the Espionage Act violated their First Amendment right to freedom of speech.

What kind of government was Sparta?



oligarchyActually Sparta was a combination of a monarchy democracy and an oligarchy. But Sparta was mostly an oligarchy

Why did Confederate general Robert E. Lee decide to invade Union territory



He wanted to primarily drive Union troops far from the south, or so I've read.


What was a purpose of the Missouri Compromise?
O to ban enslavement in the territory that had been acquired from Mexico
© to require citizens to help return formerly enslaved people who had fled
O to allow for popular sovereignty in the state of Missouri
O to decide which states would be free and which states would allow enslavement as the United States expanded west



A to ban enslavement in the territory that had been acquired from Mexico


not sure tho but i think so


• To allow for popular sovereignty in the state of Missouri

how did the us contain communism?


In 1947, President Harry S. Truman pledged that the United States would help any nation resist communism in order to prevent its spread. His policy of containment is known as the Truman Doctrine

● Bonds and currency with little to no value

● Bank failures and bankrupt businesses

●Destroyed railroads, farms, and homes

●High food prices and widespread crop failures

This list described conditions found in -

A) California following the Gold Rush

B) Washington, DC during the War of 1812

C) western territories after the US - Mexican War

D) southern states at the beginning of Reconstruction​


Southern states at the beginning of Reconstruction​ was characterized by the following:

Bonds and currency with little to no value.Bank failures and bankrupt businesses.Destroyed railroads, farms, and homes.High food prices and widespread crop failures.

What is Reconstruction?

This is the period after the American Civil War from 1865 to 1877 which involved integration of the Southern states(Union).

This was as a result of the problems listed above which is why option D was chosen.

Read more about Reconstruction here

help, please D is behind my fingers



Norma Shields is a researcher investigating lifestyles of the rich and famous. This week she is examining her target audience's views on food, the...


The Merican American war part 1



theri needs to be a qeestion asked



it started in April of 1846 mexican bergad Attacked  US Forces and was lead by general Zachary Taylor so President James K. Polk Sent a War Message To Congress Saying Mexican Attacked and kill US Troops

Does this sound right ? What time you gotta go to work tomorrow?




Yes or you can put do you have work tomorrow

the sun releases nuclear energy when the_______of atoms join together



According to all known laws

of aviation,


there is no way a bee

should be able to fly.


Its wings are too small to get

its fat little body off the ground.


The bee, of course, flies anyway


because bees don't care

what humans think is impossible.


Yellow, black. Yellow, black.

Yellow, black. Yellow, black.


Ooh, black and yellow!

Let's shake it up a little.


Barry! Breakfast is ready!




Hang on a second.




- Barry?

- Adam?


- Oan you believe this is happening?

- I can't. I'll pick you up.


Looking sharp.


Use the stairs. Your father

paid good money for those.


Sorry. I'm excited.


Here's the graduate.

We're very proud of you, son.


A perfect report card, all B's.


Very proud.


Ma! I got a thing going here.


- You got lint on your fuzz.

- Ow! That's me!


- Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.

- Bye!


Barry, I told you,

stop flying in the house!


- Hey, Adam.

- Hey, Barry.


- Is that fuzz gel?

- A little. Special day, graduation.


Never thought I'd make it.


Three days grade school,

three days high school.


Those were awkward.


Three days college. I'm glad I took

a day and hitchhiked around the hive.


You did come back different.


- Hi, Barry.

- Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.


- Hear about Frankie?

- Yeah.


- You going to the funeral?

- No, I'm not going.


Everybody knows,

sting someone, you die.


Don't waste it on a squirrel.

Such a hothead.


I guess he could have

just gotten out of the way.


I love this incorporating

an amusement park into our day.


That's why we don't need vacations.


Boy, quite a bit of pomp...

under the circumstances.


- Well, Adam, today we are men.

- We are!


- Bee-men.

- Amen!




Students, faculty, distinguished bees,


please welcome Dean Buzzwell.


Welcome, New Hive Oity

graduating class of...




That concludes our ceremonies.


And begins your career

at Honex Industries!


Will we pick ourjob today?


I heard it's just orientation.


Heads up! Here we go.


Keep your hands and antennas

inside the tram at all times.


- Wonder what it'll be like?

- A little scary.


Welcome to Honex,

a division of Honesco


and a part of the Hexagon Group.


This is it!






We know that you, as a bee,

have worked your whole life


to get to the point where you

can work for your whole life.


Honey begins when our valiant Pollen

Jocks bring the nectar to the hive.


Our top-secret formula


is automatically color-corrected,

scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured


into this soothing sweet syrup


with its distinctive

golden glow you know as...




- That girl was hot.

- She's my cousin!


- She is?

- Yes, we're all cousins.


- Right. You're right.

- At Honex, we constantly strive


to improve every aspect

of bee existence.


These bees are stress-testing

a new helmet technology.


- What do you think he makes?

- Not enough.


Here we have our latest advancement,

the Krelman.


- What does that do?

- Oatches that little strand of honey


that hangs after you pour it.

Saves us millions.


Oan anyone work on the Krelman?


Of course. Most bee jobs are

small ones. But bees know


that every small job,

if it's done well, means a lot.


But choose carefully


because you'll stay in the job

you pick for the rest of your life.


The same job the rest of your life?

I didn't know that.


What's the difference?


You'll be happy to know that bees,

as a species, haven't had one day off


in 27 million years.


So you'll just work us to death?


We'll sure try.


Wow! That blew my mind!


"What's the difference?"

How can you say that?


One job forever?

That's an insane choice to have to make.


I'm relieved. Now we only have

to make one decision in life.


But, Adam, how could they

never have told us that?


Why would you question anything?

We're bees.


We're the most perfectly

functioning society on Earth.


You ever think maybe things

work a little too well here?


Like what? Give me one example.


I don't know. But you know

what I'm talking about.


Please clear the gate.

Royal Nectar Force on approach.


Wait a second. Oheck it out.


- Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!

- Wow.


I've never seen them this close.


They know what it's like

outside the hive.


Yeah, but some don't come back.


- Hey, Jocks!

- Hi, Jocks!


You guys did great!


You're monsters!

You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it!


- I wonder where they were.

- I don't know.


Their day's not planned.


Outside the hive, flying who knows

where, doing who knows what.


You can'tjust decide to be a Pollen

Jock. You have to be bred for that.


give me two types of history which re likely learnt in africa



about Sahara desert and the Cairo Egypt.

Which statement about the interactions of the states under the Articles of Confederation is not true?

A Large states dominated the actions of the national government.

B The national government could not pass a law unless 9 of the 13 states agreed.

C The national government could not require states to pay their share of the expenses of government.

D Each state had one vote in Congress



A. Large states dominated the actions of the national government.


the yellow one is the correct one in the red one is incorrect

Large states dominated the actions of the national government is statement about the interactions of the states under the Articles of Confederation is not true. Thus, option (a) is correct.

What is Articles of Confederation?

The Articles of Confederation were adopted by the Continental Congress on November 15, 1777. It established the functions of the national government of the United States after it declared independence from Great Britain. The whole power in the Congress hands.

According to the Articles of Confederation, Congress had no authority to establish trade levies, declare war, or assign military forces, or to set trade standards with other countries. Congress was the single entity in authority of the country; there was no president. The remark was completely incorrect; the big states controlled the national government's operations.

As a result, large states dominated the actions of the national government, this statement was the not true. Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on articles of confederation, here:


What is the role of the Committee on Assignments?
A. to elect all leadership positions in the General Assembly
B. to appoint the administration floor leader
C. to appoint the committee chairmen
D. to balance power between the executive and legislative branches


Committee Assignments Congress divides its major legislative work into committees where bills usually originate. Committees are specialized by subject and hold hearings, prepare bills for the consideration of the entire House, and regulate House procedure.

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Briefly describe one specific historical similarity between the womens rights movement of the 1890s through the 1910s and the womens rights movement of the 1960s through the 1970s. Naomi runs a computer simulation for a population of mice in a meadow ecosystem. The simulation begins with 100 mice, divided equally among brown and white variants. The variants are similar apart from their body color. A mating of a white and brown mouse may produce a speckled mouse, which is mostly brown with some white markings. The table shows the numbers of each mouse variant over 7 reproduction cycles. Only adult mice are reported in the table. Which of these events did the computer MOST LIKELY include in its simulation? A. After cycle 2, a disease arrived that affected white mice only. B. After cycle 2, a predator arrived that saw white mice more easily than brown mice. C. After cycle 4, brown mice and white mice began living separately, and stopped interbreeding. D. 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