the money is the root of all evil


Answer 1

Answer: Money is not the root of all evil. The Bible says, "The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows" EVEN THO THIS IS AN OPINIONATED QUESTION THROUGH RELIGION AND NON RELIGION THE ANSWER JUST DEPENDS ON BELIEFS AND BACKED UP EVIDENCE.!!!!

Explanation:  the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy (6:10) that “the love of money” is the root of all evil. Using money as a tool can lead to many positive and or negative for the individual and society. Making money, the purpose of your existence tends to lead to many troubles.



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Tuesdays With Morrie: What is Mitch's first impression of Morrie as he drives up to the house? What does Mitch notice
(details) about Morrie as their visit goes on?


As he walks up to Morrie's home, Mitch is checking the time to plan his return journey, listening to a radio discussion program, and having a phone conversation with a producer regarding one of his shows.

Where did Mitch meet Morrie?

At the beginning of Tuesdays with Morrie, Mitch is working as a sports reporter in Detroit. The two first crossed paths when he enrolled in one of Morrie's Sociology courses at Brandeis University. While Mitch was a student at the university, he and Morrie were great friends. However, after Mitch graduated, they lost touch.

Initially, how would you describe Mitch in Tuesdays with Morrie?

Though he has a kind heart, Mitch has given up on his childhood ambition to become a musician in favor of pursuing money success and advancement in his career. He's lost hope and prioritizes money above relationships.

To learn more about Mitch, visit:


Spring and Summer can also
symbolize marriage or
togetherness. Which of the
following pairs was NOT
brought together in some way
during Acts IV-V of "The
Winter's Tale"?


Florizell and Perdita make their love known to Polixenes and Camillo, who are in disguise, at the sheepshearing feast. The two decide to leave after Polixenes gives Florizell the order to never see Perdita again. For his own purposes, Camillo suggests that they travel to Sicily.

In Act 5 of The Winter's Tale, what happens?

Even if some of his lords in Sicilia advise him to move on, forgive himself, and find love again, Leontes is still grieving the loss of Hermione and Mamillius. However, Paulina supports his continuous penitence and coaxes a vow from him that he won't marry again until she gives him permission to do so.

To know more about The Winter's Tale visit:-


Read this excerpt from a passage and the works
cited entry for the source listed below the excerpt.
"Over the next 170 years, many clues to the
expedition's grisly fate have been recovered. As
described in "19 Facts About the Franklin
Expedition, the Real-Life Inspiration for The
Terror," these include gravesites on remote Arctic
islands, Inuit stories of strange men trekking across
the ice, and even the sunken wrecks of both ships.
Many theories were proposed for the disaster,
including disease, murder, and starvation. In recent
years, most experts thought that the expedition had
been poisoned by the lead used to seal the tin cans of
food. (Mental Floss, 2018)"
Long, Kat. "19 Facts About the Franklin
Expedition, the Real-Life Inspiration for The
Terror." Mental Floss, 26 Apr. 2018.
Is the website Mental Floss a credible source? Why
or why not?
This source is credible because it was published
This source is credible because is well written
and contains no spelling or grammar errors.
This source is not credible because it describes



This source is credible because it is written by an expert on the topic, Kat Long, and it is published on the website Mental Floss, which is known for producing reliable content.


Can someone please write my thesis I’m so stressed out I could really use the help please


Answer: Please read explanation below! :)

Explanation: Your request on this post includes an invalid question. As everyone knows, or at least SHOULD know, is a website so students can cheat on tests and assigments. However, some answers actually help rather than giving the post owner a flat out answer. While being on Brainly, students feel confident to ask for help with homework. Asking for help is completely okay! Though, asking someone to do it for you is not. Of course, what you're asking for isn't anything crazy... But asking for help would be prefered! You would be insanely lucky of someone WERE TO DO IT FOR YOU, but asking for help IS more suitable! I really hope you get a good grade on this, even if it wasn't your work. Please, take my luck.

11:47 PM, 1/8/23 ; SUNDAY --- Kennwick WA USA 99336

How does Friar Lawrence feel about how the Prince chose to punish Romeo in Act III of Romeo and Juliet, when he is explaining it to Romeo?
A. Romeo is lucky.
B. Romeo's punishment should not be taken seriously.
C. Romeo is being punished excessively.
D. Romeo's punishment fits the crime.


A is the answer because he encouraged Romeo to count his blessings since he could’ve been executed as well.

Question 2 of 10
What was one thing Amari and Elsie learned while listening to the radio?

A)The Night Brothers were planning to visit the Bureau the following week.
B)There had been a prison break, and several magicians had escaped.

C)The projects that Amari called home were the center of odd magical activity.
D) A new magician was suspected of producing human-animal hybrids.


In the story, Amari and the Night Brothers, Amari and Elsie learned that the projects that Amari called home were the center of odd magical activity while listening to the radio. Thus, the correct answer is option C.

What is a radio?

Radio is the technology that uses radio waves to signal and communicate. Radio waves are electromagnetic waves with frequencies ranging from 30 hertz (Hz) to 300 gigahertz (GHz).

A 13-year-old girl discovers she is an all-powerful magician and faces trials while searching for her missing brother. Amari Peters is tired of being dismissed and belittled at her affluent private school, where she is bullied for being poor and Black. The radio station keeps them up to date on the latest news from the Supernatural World.

Therefore, Amari and Elsie learned while listening to the radio that the projects that Amari called home were the center of odd magical activity.

To learn more about radio, click here:


What do we learn at the beginning of Act 1, Scene 2 about the storm from the previous scene? The tempest



In Act 1, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's play "The Tempest," the character Antonio tells the character Gonzalo that the storm from the previous scene was "so loud, that with the very noise I trembling woke" (lines 6-7). This suggests that the storm was extremely loud and powerful, and caused Antonio to wake up in fear.

Additionally, Antonio describes the storm as "tempestuous" (line 4), suggesting that it was tumultuous and chaotic. He also mentions that the ship was "shaked" (line 5), implying that the storm caused the ship to be violently shaken.

To conclude, the beginning of Act 1, Scene 2 reveals that the storm from the previous scene was loud, powerful, tumultuous, and caused the ship to be violently shaken.

Hope This Helps You!


Scene 2 opens on the island, with Prospero and Miranda watching the ship as it is tossed by the storm. Miranda knows that her father is creating the storm, and she begs him to end the ship's torment and her own since she suffers as she watches the ship's inhabitants suffer.

if you want to read more

Tempest › literature › act-i-scene-2

The comma before “and” is called a ——- comma (a.k. a. ———comma



oxford or serial comma


because a classic example of when it should employed to avoid ambiquity- is when a series includes a pair of things joined by "and" that we customarilythink of as a single item example peanut butter and jelly"

PLS HELP ASAP!!! Q71 1984: Which description best characterizes the woman who speaks here?

Select one:
a. a nervous woman who is afraid to be in jail.
b. an angry woman who is trying to add to Winston’s pain.
c. a boisterous woman who intensifies Winston’s curiosity.
d. a Party prisoner who knows exactly what will happen next.


The description best characterizes the woman who speaks here is c. a boisterous woman who intensifies Winston’s curiosity.

What was the best characteristics of  the woman?

The context of the story is based on the characteristics of a woman who was referred to as being boisterous woman because of the way she carries out her things.

The phrase "boisterous woman who deepens Winston's curiosity" best describes the speaker in this situation.

Having a strong desire to study or understand something is being curious. Curious people frequently don't "need" the answers to their questions. They look for answers to their queries in order to learn more. In order to extend their horizons, those who are interested may also actively seek out difficulties and novel situations.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about woman at:


from chapter 11 what is it that Mrs. Dubose was afraid of that she did not face

not her morphine addiction



Mrs. Dubose was afraid of death.

Mrs. Dubose was afraid that if she stopped taking morphine, she would have to face her pain and fear.

ali ...... like to drink coffee?



Would ali like to drink coffee?

Or ali may like to drink coffee?

Add does in the beginning of the sentence and capitalize Ali since it’s a proper noun. Does Ali like to drink coffee?



im pretty sure it is reinforcement

Construct a plot outline showing the plot structure of "Borders". Watch the video below to review the 5 parts of plot. You should have at least 7 events on your plot outline.




1. Protagonist, a young woman named Saira, is introduced and her backstory is revealed.

2. Saira is a refugee from Afghanistan and has been living in the UK for the past few years.

Rising Action:

3. Saira decides to return to her home country to reconnect with her family and her roots.

4. Saira encounters multiple obstacles while trying to cross the border, including language and cultural barriers.


5. Saira finally reaches the border, only to be denied entry by the border guards.

Falling Action:

6. Saira is forced to turn back and return to the UK.

7. Saira begins to reflect on her journey and the struggles she faced when trying to cross the border.


8. Saira finds solace in her newfound understanding of the complexities of the border and her own identity.


Identify examples of each of the elements of a lyric poem that appear in “Sleeping in the Forest.” Do you think Oliver’s poem is a good example of a lyric poem? Why or why not?


In "Sleeping in the Forest," by Mary Oliver, the speaker reflects on their experience sleeping in the forest, describing the sights and sounds they encounter. The speaker also reflects on their own feelings and thoughts about the experience.

Is this a good lyrical poem?

"Sleeping in the Forest" is a good example of a lyric poem because it is written in a personal and reflective tone, and it explores the speaker's emotions and thoughts.

The use of imagery and sensory details also helps to create a vivid and engaging experience for the reader.

Read more about lyrical poems here:


he wished his employee prepared the presentation, but it was too late to change.
Tesla and BMW are neck to neck in term of sales. crimes carried away against the leader. the more task mr. ali
whether boys or girls take the test
our candidate could have been won. we were made providing all


Tesla has shifted the auto industry toward electric vehicles, achieved consistently growing revenues, and at the start of 2020 was the highest performing automaker, in terms of total return, sales growth and long-term shareholder value. As a technology and innovation scholar, the author has studied how innovators commercialize new technologies and found that Tesla’s strategy offers enduring lessons for any innovator, especially in terms of how to win support for an idea and how to bring new technologies to market. To understand Tesla’s strategy, one must separate its two primary pillars: headline-grabbing moves like launching the Cybertruck or the Roadster 2.0 and the big bets it is making on its core vehicles, the models S, X, 3, and Y

How many phonemes are in the word slime?


There’s one phoneme is slime bblmm Xd
Their is 1 phonemes in word slime

This passage is taken from a nineteenth-century speech given in Massachusetts after the conviction of a fugitive slave.1

(1) I walk toward one of our ponds; but what signifies the beauty of nature when men are base? We walk to lakes to see our serenity reflected in them; when we are not serene, we go not to them. Who can be serene in a country where both the rulers and the ruled are without principle? The remembrance of my country spoils my walk. My thoughts are murder to the State, and involuntarily go plotting against her.

(2) But it chanced the other day that I scented a white water-lily, and a season I had waited for had arrived. It is the emblem of purity. It bursts up so pure and fair to the eye, and so sweet to the scent, as if to show us what purity and sweetness reside in, and can be extracted from, the slime and muck of earth. I think I have plucked the first one that has opened for a mile. What confirmation of our hopes is in the fragrance of this flower! I shall not so soon despair of the world for it, notwithstanding slavery, and the cowardice and want of principle of Northern men. It suggests what kind of laws have prevailed longest and widest, and still prevail, and that the time may come when man's deeds will smell as sweet. Such is the odor which the plant emits. If Nature can compound this fragrance still annually, I shall believe her still young and full of vigor, her integrity and genius unimpaired, and that there is virtue even in man, too, who is fitted to perceive and love it. It reminds me that Nature has been partner to no Missouri Compromise. I scent no compromise in the fragrance of the water-lily. It is not a Nymphoea Douglasii.2 In it, the sweet, and pure, and innocent are wholly sundered from the obscene and baleful. I do not scent in this the time-serving irresolution of a Massachusetts Governor, nor of a Boston Mayor. So behave that the odor of your actions may enhance the general sweetness of the atmosphere, that when we behold or scent a flower, we may not be reminded how inconsistent your deeds are with it; for all odor is but one form of advertisement of a moral quality, and if fair actions had not been performed, the lily would not smell sweet. The foul slime stands for the sloth and vice of man, the decay of humanity; the fragrant flower that springs from it, for the purity and courage which are immortal.

(3) Slavery and servility have produced no sweet-scented flower annually, to charm the senses of men, for they have no real life: they are merely a decaying and a death, offensive to all healthy nostrils. We do not complain that they live, but that they do not get buried. Let the living bury them: even they are good for manure.

1The Fugitive Slave Act was passed by the United States Congress in 1850. It required that all escaped slaves were returned to their masters even if they were discovered in a free state. Assisting or helping hide fugitive slaves became a federal offense with prison time and fines.

2A reference to Senator Stephen A. Douglas, the primary author of the Compromise of 1850, which included the Fugitive Slave Act. A water lily's botanical name is Nymphaea odorata.

One function of the sentences “It reminds me that Nature has been partner to no Missouri Compromise. I scent no compromise in the fragrance of the water-lily. It is not a Nymphoea Douglasii” and of footnote two is to

A) use imagery to describe a species of flower only found in the South
B) allude to the offensive odor of the senator's actions in a clever way
C) provide an example of a politician who stands for freedom and hope
D) clarify the complex relationship between humanity and nature


One function of the sentences “It reminds me that Nature has been partner to no Missouri Compromise. I scent no compromise in the fragrance of the water-lily. It is not a Nymphoea Douglasii” and of footnote two is to:

D) Clarify the complex relationship between humanity and nature.

What is the function of the excerpts?

The two excerpts from the passage are intended to clarify the relationship between man and nature. In the passage, we can see that the man was lamenting the injustice that was evident in nature. The flowers were not compromising and were a reminder of justice and of normality.

The author intended to draw some links between humanity and nature by showing that, unlike some humans who were unjust in their ways, the flowers would always maintain their sense of justice. So, the main aim of the sentence and footnote is to clarify the complex relationship between humanity and nature.

Learn more about the Compromise of 1850 here:


In the context of the text what are the effects of prejudice? how did the nation respond in the face of prejudice? How and why did responses vary ? Cite evidence from this text , your own experience, and other literature art or history in your answer.


A context was the based on the text are effects of prejudice as the main reason of effective communication, and also the difficult to adapt to the new environment.

What is prejudice?

The term prejudice refers to the based on the unfair and the inequality to the other in the feelings. The prejudice as the dislike of the person are race, sex and the other terms related basis.

According to the context text was prejudice was the leads to the feelings of the inferiority and adapting the new environment as well as adjusting to new environments. The prejudice leads to feelings of lower rank.

According to the main evidence, of the text are marginalization of minorities are the developed in the nation respond was the face to the prejudices. As a necessary to the developed the countries culture.

Learn more about on prejudice, here:


why we study culture



There are several reasons why studying culture is important:

To understand human behavior: Culture plays a significant role in shaping the way people think, feel, and behave. By studying culture, we can gain a better understanding of why people do what they do and how they interact with others.

To appreciate diversity: Studying culture allows us to learn about and appreciate the diversity of human experience. It helps us to see the world from different perspectives and to understand the unique customs, traditions, and beliefs of different cultures.

To improve communication and relationships: By learning about other cultures, we can develop the skills and knowledge needed to effectively communicate and interact with people from different cultural backgrounds. This can improve our relationships with others and lead to more harmonious and productive interactions.

To foster cultural competence: By studying culture, we can become more culturally competent, which means we are able to understand and interact effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds. Cultural competence is important in an increasingly globalized world where we are likely to encounter people from different cultural backgrounds on a regular basis.

To deepen our understanding of history: Studying culture allows us to better understand the history of a particular place or group of people. It helps us to see how cultural practices and traditions have evolved over time and how they have been shaped by historical events.

Hope This Helps You!

If there is a stop, the production process due.... unforseen clrcumstance


If there is a stop in the production process due to unforeseen circumstances, it is important to assess the situation and determine the best course of action.

What are the steps to take when there is a stop in production process?

Some possible steps that could be taken in this situation include:

Identifying the root cause of the issue: It is important to determine what caused the production stop so that the issue can be addressed and prevented from occurring again in the future.

Assessing the impact on production: It is important to evaluate the extent to which the production stop has disrupted the overall production schedule and to determine the necessary steps to get production back on track.

Communicating with relevant parties: It is important to inform relevant parties (such as supervisors, employees, and customers) about the production stop and any updates on the situation.

Implementing a plan to resolve the issue: Once the root cause of the production stop has been identified, a plan should be put in place to address the issue and get production back on track as soon as possible.

Lastly, Reviewing and improving processes: Once the issue has been resolved and production has resumed, it is important to review the processes that were in place and identify any areas for improvement to prevent similar issues from occurring in the future.

Learn more about production process from

Write a paragraph about a tragic hero, real or fictional. What makes this person’s story tragic? Consider

the hero’s personal qualities
what happened to the hero
how the story has affected you



There was this hero that could fly and save peoples lives and made the world proud. His backround story is tragic because he failed to make his parents proud and one day they died in a fire and only he was alive.


This affects me because I try to make my parents proud too.

Your parents tell you that the entire family shall be moving to another country in a few weeks time. Write a diary entry on your reaction to this change


Dear Diary,

I can't believe it. My parents just told me that we are moving to another country in a few weeks. I'm not sure how to feel about this. On one hand, I'm excited to experience a new culture and meet new people. But on the other hand, I'm scared to leave everything I know behind.

I'm going to miss my friends so much. We've been through so much together and I can't believe I won't be able to see them every day. I'm also going to miss my school and all the teachers and staff who have been such a big part of my life.

But at the same time, I'm excited for the new adventures and opportunities that this move will bring. I'm excited to learn about a new culture and try new things. And who knows, maybe I'll make even more amazing friends in my new home.

I'm trying to stay positive and focus on the good things, but it's hard not to feel a little bit sad about leaving everything I know behind. I just hope that this change will be for the better and that everything will work out in the end.

Until next time, (your name)

Which sentence could be added after sentence 6 to best further develop Jordan's first impression of Mumbai?

A. Jordan could not wait for the adventure to begin because this was his first vacation in many years.
Jordan saw crowds of people moving in every direction and heard snatches of conversations in several different and unfamiliar languages.
It was almost noon, and Jordan could see the sun shining brightly in a cloudless blue sky.
Jordan could not wait to meet Charles, and he was eager to know every detail about Charles's experiences and his exciting career in a new country.


Answer: B


A is not the answer because it doesn't describe Jordan's' impression of Mumbai, it just describes his excitement for his vacation to begin.

B is the answer because it describes what he experienced happening in Mumbai.

C is not the answer because it just describes a weather, but the city or location isn't mentioned.

D is not the answer because it describes Jordan's excitement to meet his friend, not his impression of Mumbai.

What happened when many people sold their stocks at one time?

The stock market crashed.

The stock market improved.

Stock-holders bought more stocks.

The stock market made many people rich.





hope this helps

Read the following quote from a group discussing a good charity to donate money from a recent fundraiser: "I think we should give the money to an animal shelter." What is
wrong with this idea?
A. It lacks support.
B. It is off topic.


The proposal is unpopular among the group looking for a good charity to donate money from a recent event.

How do I decide the charity I want to support?

Because they provide quantifiable assessments of doing good, websites like,,, and are terrific places to start if you're attempting to choose a charity to support.

How can I tell whether a charity is reputable?

Before you give to a charity, research its ratings from organisations like Charity Navigator, CharityWatch, and the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance. You should also get in touch with your state's charity regulator to make sure it is authorised to gather funds there. online research of your own

To know more about good charity visit:-


What do you say back to someone who said: " i don't wont my problems as yours.. i been doing this for hecka year nobody understands how it is to be everyones go to and have no one to care for you"


Answer: "You still have your family and relatives that cares for you right? If not the best way is try solving it out yourself if this goes on."

write a letter to your family friend requesting him to convince your father to change is mind​


Answer: Dear [family friend],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to ask for your help with a matter that has been weighing heavily on my mind lately

As you know, my father has always been quite strict when it comes to my career choices and has always encouraged me to pursue a more traditional path. However, I have always been drawn to the arts and have a deep passion for acting and performing. I have recently been accepted into a prestigious acting program and am thrilled about the opportunity to pursue my dream.

Unfortunately, my father has not been supportive of my decision and has refused to allow me to attend the program. I know that he only wants what is best for me, but I believe that this is an opportunity that I cannot pass up.

I am reaching out to you because I value your opinion and know that you have a close relationship with my father. I am hoping that you might be able to speak to him and try to convince him to change his mind. I understand that this is a big ask, but I am willing to do anything to make this happen.

I hope that you can find it in your heart to help me out with this. Thank you so much for considering my request.


[Your Name]


Dear [Family Friend],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to ask for your help with a matter that has been weighing heavily on my mind.

As you know, my father has always been very stubborn and set in his ways. Recently, he made a decision that I strongly disagree with and I have been unable to convince him to change his mind.

I was hoping that perhaps you might be able to speak with him and try to persuade him to see things from my perspective. I value your opinion and respect your relationship with my father, and I believe that if anyone can sway him, it would be you.

I understand if you are unable to help or do not feel comfortable getting involved, but I wanted to at least ask. I would be forever grateful for any assistance you could provide.

Thank you for considering my request.


[Your Name]

Select the correct answer.

Which sentence best summarizes this source while establishing an objective tone?

A. It’s hard to believe how dangerous lunar dust can really be.

B. The author definitely makes a convincing argument in this spice.

C. The author discusses how different lunar dust is from dust on Earth.

D. It’s impressive to think about how space technologies can be used on Earth.


Answer: Option C is the best choice because it accurately summarizes the content of the source and presents the information in an objective manner. The other options contain subjective language and do not accurately reflect the content of the source.

What metaphor does biss use to explain how herd immunity works?


It is something we accomplish for ourselves, but more importantly for others, in order to avoid the transmission of disease to the most vulnerable. Biss concludes her investigation of language and myth with her own metaphor on Herd Immunity by saying:" immunity as a garden that we tend collectively."

What is a metaphor?

Note that a metaphor is a way of describing something by saying it is something else.

It's like saying "the sky is a big blue blanket" to describe how big and blue the sky is. It's a figure of speech that helps to make writing and speech more interesting and fun. It’s not literal, but it helps you to understand something better.

Learn more about Herd Immunity:

What gives you motivation, tell the team an example of something that gives you motivation. Then share what drives you?​


One thing that gives me motivation is seeing the progress I make towards a goal. For example, when I am working on a project, I am motivated by seeing the progress I make each day and the end result of my hard work. What drives me is the desire to learn and grow. I am constantly looking for ways to improve and challenge myself.

Hope this helps!
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Start with a circle whose equation is (x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2=r. Dilate that circle by a scale factor of 1/r with center of dilation (a,b). What does this transformation demonstrate At a cafeteria, Mary orders two pieces of toast and a bagel, which comes out to $\$3.15$. Mary orders a bagel and a muffin, which comes out to $\$3.30$. Mary orders a piece of toast, two bagels, and three muffins, which comes out to $\$9.15$. How many cents does one bagel cost Which of the following trends in current educational achievement is NOT supported by research evidence?a. Only girls from homes where their parents are college-educated achieve as much as boys.b. Girls from all backgrounds have started to perform well since the 1960s.c. The boy-girl educational gap has a limited effect on middle- and upper-class children.d. Boys from single-parent homes perform less well in school. What is the name of the charge that orbits the nucleus called? Which of the following activities would be involved in the organizing function of management?A. Marcus brings pizza in for his department when they exceed their monthly sales quota. B. Dominique devises a strategy for her firm to enter a new market currently dominated by a competitor. C. Marissa examines a financial report to determine whether thefirm's expenses are in line with expectations. D. Stephen checks timesheets for associate attorneys in the firm to see if they are meeting their quotas for billable hours. E. Janet makes a monthly schedule for staffing the restaurant that she manages. Consider the rotation of figure WXYZ shown. Complete the statements about the transformation shown. The role of a company's marketing intermediaries is to do which of the following?A. Provide the resources needed by the company to produce goods and servicesB. Determine which products a company should marketC. Help the company find, promote, sell, and distribute productsD. Purchase the company's productE. Manage the company's human resources efforts Can someone please help me? :( PLEASE HELP PLEASE HELP PLEASE HELP PLEASE HELP PLEASE HELP PLEASE HELP PLEASE HELP 10 POINTS Ways to calculate an average include _____ Can exponential functions have negative values? Assume there are two profit-maximizing water service providers in this market who had formed a successful cartel. Now assume that the cartel breaks down, so that they are not able to collude on the price and quantity of service contracts to sell. How many service contracts will be sold in total when this market reaches a Nash equilibrium As a first step into international business, which two countries are most companies going to today?1 China and India2 Egypt, India, China3 China, India, Pakistan4 Egypt, India, Pakistan The French Republic's army in the 1790s a. was totally defeated by foreign aristocratic forces. b. fueled modern nationalism and was raised through total mobilization of the population. c. was small, but effective in battle. d. got weaker and smaller as the decade went by. e. received little backing from the home front. (Question) How many atoms are in 3 grams of Cu?(20 points) A ? is a distortion in a voltage waveform where the voltage quickly drops toward zero and then returns to the correct value. please answer this with work What is the end result of the Calvin cycle ? Typical process description tools include all of the following EXCEPT ____.a. context diagrams b. decision trees c. structured Englishd. decision tables 3. Calculate the force of gravity that Saturn (mass = 5. 7 x 1026 kg) exertson a woman on Earth (mass = 61 kg) when Saturn is closest to Earth,1. 2 x 10 km.