The influx of unskilled Irish immigrants into New York City in the 1840s and early 1850s drives down wages for other workers at the low end of the salary ladder.


Answer 1

The influx of Irish immigrants to New York City in the 1840s and early 1850s affected the wages of other workers at the bottom of the salary ladder. Irish immigrants were willing to work for lower wages than other workers and put pressure on employers to cut wages for all workers in order to remain competitive.

This has led to lower wages for many low-skilled jobs, disproportionately affecting other immigrant groups and African Americans who were already competing for the same types of jobs.

Irish immigrants often face discrimination and prejudice, find it difficult to find jobs, and accept lower wages. This has also contributed to lower wages for other workers on the lower end of the pay scale.

It is worth noting that this phenomenon has occurred not only in New York City but also in other cities across America and other countries where immigrants make up a large part of the workforce.

Learn more about Irish immigrants here:


Related Questions

What did Griffith's experiment show ?


In his well-known experiments, Griffith [66] showed in 1928 that S. pneumoniae "rough" strains that were still alive but avirulent might acquire the ability to synthesise a capsule and so become virulent.

What experiments  Griffith do?

Frederick Griffith, an English bacteriologist, documented the transformation of a non-pathogenic pneumococcal bacteria into a virulent strain in his 1928 experiment known as "Griffith's Experiment." 17 In this experiment, Griffith combined live, non-virulent bacteria with a virulent strain that had been inactivated by heat. He then administered this concoction to mice, and much to his amazement, the animals died of pneumonia. He was also successful in separating colonies of the pathogenic strain from these mice.  The initial observation of this event was made, but a year later, Dawson and Sia, who could also carry out this change in vitro, confirmed it.

Know more about synthesise a capsule visit:


[A] Briefly explain ONE perspective expressed by Emerson on the reform movements in

the mid-19th century.

[B] Briefly explain how ONE specific way in which developments in the mid-19th century

supported Emerson's point of view.

[C] Briefly explain how ONE specific way in which developments in the mid-19th century

challenged Emerson's point of view.


The South's excessive reliance on agriculture, which was fueled by slave labor, was the ONE element contributing to the absence of manufacturing throughout the first half of the 19th century.

Contrary to the North, the South relied on owning huge plantations for agricultural output. The industrialization of the North was driven by its craftsmen and merchants. Having a free-labor and factory-based economy was the ONE advantage the North had over the South that allowed it to grow manufacturing during the first half of the 19th century. The development of this economy was aided by industrialization. Due to the North's economy's independence from agriculture and slavery, it was possible for the region to establish manufacturing, which turned raw materials like agricultural products and other natural resources into finished commodities.

Learn more about North's economy here:


How did Jim Crow Law's & the Black Code effect African-Americans after the Civil War?


Jim Crow laws and Black codes were both passed at various times in the southern United States to impose racial segregation and stop the.

How were African Americans treated after the Civil War?

After the Civil War, African Americans were granted the right to vote, actively participate in politics, purchase former owners' land, and pursue their own property thanks to the protection of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution and the Civil Rights Act of 1866.

What impact did Jim Crow have after the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Jim Crow laws were finally overturned thanks to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Equal access to eateries, transportation, and other public amenities was ensured for African Americans. It made black people, women, and It made it possible for women, people of color, and other minorities to overcome obstacles in the workplace.

To know more about Jim Crow Law's visit:-


During the late 1800s, which kind of job was available to most immigrants?


The majority made their homes in urban areas and grabbed any available employment. Despite the fact that many women employed as domestic helpers, many men worked in construction.

Which job is the most typical occupation for immigrants?

The majority of immigrants between 1870 and 1900 continued to originate from northern & western Europe, particularly Scandinavia, Great Britain, and Ireland. Many immigrants to the United States until the late 1800s were of Western and Northern European ancestry.

Many immigrants experienced physical and verbal abuse due to stereotypes and discrimination against them because they were "unique." While widespread immigration caused many societal tensions, it also infused new life into the municipalities and states where its immigrants resided.

To know more about immigrants, visit:


So I'm making a documentary style presentation for my English class, and I was wondering how you could cite an image or video source while it's on-screen.

I swear I've seen it done before in history documentaries, where some semi-translucent text will appear in the bottom corner, starting the source of the media currently being displayed. Does anybody know what I'm talking about? If so, do you have any examples? I'm mostly concerned about the format, but also would like a reference for the style.



You can cite an image or video source while it is on-screen by using a caption or credit line. A caption is a brief description of the image or video that appears on the same screen as the media, usually at the bottom or in a corner. A credit line is a list of the sources for all of the media used in the presentation, which can be displayed at the end of the presentation or in a separate credits roll.

Here is an example of how you might format a caption for an image:

[Image: The Great Wall of China at sunset. Photo by John Smith. Used with permission.]

In this example, the words "Image" and "Photo" indicate the type of media being cited, and the text in brackets provides the necessary information about the source. The name of the photographer and the source of the image (in this case, "Used with permission") are included in the caption.

You can use a similar format for citing video sources, with "Video" or "Footage" indicating the type of media being cited.

If you are presenting your documentary in a digital format, you may also be able to use a citation management tool to automatically generate the citations for your images and videos. These tools allow you to input the necessary information about your sources and then generate properly formatted citations that you can insert into your presentation.

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Explain how each of the following was important for the Roman Republic: two consuls; the senate; the veto; the tribunes; the Law of the Twelve Tables.


Two Consuls: The two consuls were the most powerful political figures in the Roman Republic, and they were elected by the people. The two consuls each served a one-year term and were responsible for leading the government, commanding the armies, and presiding over the Senate.

The Senate: The Senate was the most important political body in the Roman Republic. It was composed of 300 members who were elected from the wealthiest families. The Senate had the power to pass laws, approve treaties, and manage the state’s finances.

The Veto: The veto was a power given to the consuls, allowing them to block any bill that was passed by the Senate. This power ensured that the consuls had absolute control over the legislative process and that no bill could pass without their approval.

The Tribunes: The tribunes were elected officials who represented the will of the people in the government. They had the power to veto any law passed by the Senate, and they could also protect citizens from the abuses of the government.

The Law of the Twelve Tables: The Law of the Twelve Tables was the first written code of law in the Roman Republic. It established the rights of citizens and set out the punishments for breaking the law. This code of law was important for establishing a system of justice and it helped to ensure that all Roman citizens were treated equally.

What was the most rationed food in ww2?


Beginning in 1942 and lasting until 1947, sugar was one of the first and longest-rationed commodities. Cheese, dried and processed goods, coffee, and other items were also rationed.

How did rationing affect nutritional health during WWII?

Dieticians have long maintained that the nation's health dramatically improved after the war because of the healthiest diet the British people have ever consumed during times of rationing. People had to change their eating habits as a result of the food shortages during the war. The majority of Americans consumed less meat, fat, eggs, and sweets than they had in the past. However, because they received the same amount as everyone else, persons who previously had a poor diet were able to boost their consumption of protein and vitamins.

When did WWII started?

The Second World War, generally known as World War II, was a global battle that lasted from 1939 to 1945 and touched almost every region of the globe. The Axis powers—Germany, Italy, and Japan—as well as the Allies—France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China—were the main belligerents.

To know more about WWII visit:          


What rights did the colonists want that they included in the Declaration of Independence?


The colonists wanted rights of  self-government  ,representation ,freedom from unjust laws and taxes. as stated in the Declaration of Independence by british monarchy .

The Declaration of Independence outlined the colonists' desire for certain rights, including the right to self-government, which they felt was being denied to them by the British monarchy and parliament. They also wanted representation in the government that governed them, which they felt they were denied. Additionally, the colonists wanted freedom from unjust laws and taxes, which they felt were imposed on them without their consent. The Declaration also states that all men are created equal and have the inalienable rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," which became the foundation of the American political system and culture. The Declaration also states that "whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government." This right to revolution was a major point of the Declaration of Independence and it was the first time it was officially recognized by a government.

To know more about monarchy click on below link:


Courts and Civil Liberties 04.02 MC)
Sue and Tim are arguing about the value of appointing rather than electing federal judges. Tim says they are appointed because they need to be
independent. What does he mean?


Tim implies that the other arms of government, especially the executive and legislative branches, must not block the judiciary's ability to do justice by stating this.

What does it mean to have legislative branches?

The legislative branch is made up of the House and Senate, together known as the Congress. The legislative branch originates all laws, declares war, controls interstate and foreign trade, and sets taxing and spending policies, among other things.

The precise powers of Congress as described in the Constitution include the ability to levy and collect taxes, borrow money on the credit of the United States, regulate commerce, coin money, declare war, organize and support armies, and adopt any laws necessary for the performance of its tasks.

To learn more about legislative branches, click


What was the main way that war mobilization helped to end?


By forcing American industry to once again generate a large number of items at high rates of productivity, war mobilization assisted in ending the Great Depression in the United States.

What did the mobilization for war serve to accomplish?

In order to assist a nation's defensive or strategic goals, the military must be assembled and organized at the national level, whether it be active or reserve forces.

While provoking discussions about racial segregation, mobilization gave women and minorities chances to improve their socioeconomic standing throughout the duration of the war. Civil liberties had difficulties as a result of the war, for example, when Japanese Americans were interned.

To know more about mobilization visit:


in which way was the new kingdom different from the old and Middle Kingdom?



The differences between the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms was that the old kingdom had city-states, the middle kingdom had a royal dynasty and the new kingdom had acutall cities. The Middle Kingdom period was ruled by the Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thirteenth Dynasties.

Increasing sectionalism between the North and the South was characteristic of the _____ period. durante emancipation suffrage antebellum


Increasing sectionalism between the North and the South was characteristic of the antebellum period.

Sectionalism between the North and South was a major factor in the Civil War. This tension was caused by the differences between the two regions, such as the economy, slavery, and states’ rights. The North was largely industrialized, with a focus on manufacturing and trade, while the South was largely agricultural and relied heavily on slave labor.

Additionally, the North was more in favor of a strong central government, while the South believed in states’ rights and a weaker federal government. These differences caused a rift between the two regions, leading to a period of intense sectionalism that eventually resulted in the Civil War.

To know more about sectionalism, click here.


What was Churchill's warning?


Churchill's warning, in which he emphasized the need for the US and UK to serve as the protectors of stability and peace against the threat posed by Soviet communism.

Give a brief account on Soviet communism.

Bolshevist Marxism-Leninism, which advocates a vanguardist one-party state with a centrally planned economy to realize the proletariat's rule, served as the doctrine of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). The Soviet Union's ideological commitment to attaining communism encompassed the growth of socialism in one nation and peaceful cohabitation with capitalist nations while acting in anti-imperialism to protect the global proletariat, oppose capitalism, and advance the aims of communism. Marxism-Leninism is the result of the theories, practices, and political praxis of Lenin and Stalin, which served as the foundation for the Soviet Union's state ideology. Marxism-Leninism served as the foundation for Soviet Union ideology. It clarified and justified the CPSU's right to rule as well as its function as a vanguard party.

To know more about, Marxism-Leninism, visit :


Which foreign policy goal would be fulfilled by selling grain to Russia and importing Japanese cars?



There are several foreign policy goals that could be fulfilled by selling grain to Russia and importing Japanese cars, including the following:

Promoting economic growth and development: The sale of grain to Russia and the import of Japanese cars would contribute to economic growth and development by generating income and creating jobs in both countries.Strengthening international trade relationships: By engaging in trade with Russia and Japan, the country could strengthen its economic ties with these countries, which could lead to more stable and cooperative relationships.Promoting global food security: By exporting grain to Russia, the country could help to improve food security in that country and contribute to global food security efforts.Promoting cultural exchange: The import of Japanese cars could also promote cultural exchange between the two countries, as people in the importing country would be exposed to Japanese culture through the use of Japanese-made products.

It is important to note that these goals are not mutually exclusive and that a single trade relationship can fulfill multiple foreign policy goals.

What would happen if Babur had lost the battle of Panipat?


If Babur had lost the battle of Panipat, then it could have changed the course of history in India, as it marked the beginning of the Mughal dynasty in India.

What are 5 different ways in which countries share ideas, goods, and/or people?


Answer: Trade, Investment, Tourism, International Organizations.


Trade: Countries can exchange goods and services with each other, either through direct bilateral trade or through multilateral trade agreements.

Investment: Countries can also engage in foreign direct investment, where businesses from one country invest in and establish operations in another country. This can involve the transfer of technology, management expertise, and other resources.

Immigration: People can move from one country to another, either for work, education, or other reasons. This can involve the transfer of skills, knowledge, and cultural practices.

Tourism: People from one country can visit another country as tourists, allowing for the exchange of ideas and cultural experiences.

International organizations: Countries can also share ideas and cooperate on issues of mutual concern through international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and regional organizations like the European Union.

Imagine meeting someone who’s never heard of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. What would you tell them about why Dr. King is celebrated with a holiday in the U.S.?


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is celebrated in the U.S. as a holiday due to the reasons given below:

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights leader in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s, who fought for the rights of African Americans.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a federal holiday in the United States that is celebrated on the third Monday in January, around the time of Dr. King's birthday on January 15th.

The holiday is to honor the life and legacy of Dr. King, a Baptist minister and civil rights activist who played a key role in the American civil rights movement from the mid-1950s until his assassination in 1968.

Dr. King is celebrated for his work in the civil rights movement, which sought to end racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans.

He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using the tactics of nonviolence and civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs and the nonviolent activism of Mahatma Gandhi.

Dr. King gave many speeches throughout his life and he is famous for his "I Have a Dream" speech, which he delivered during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963.

In that speech, he spoke about his vision for a future where people of all races would be treated as equals and would live together in harmony. The speech is widely considered to be one of the greatest in American history and helped to galvanize support for the civil rights movement.

Dr. King's leadership and activism ultimately led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which banned discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

His work also contributed to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which banned discrimination against voters on the basis of race.

Hence, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is celebrated in the U.S. as a holiday, to commemorate his life and legacy, and his pursuit of Civil Rights, equality, and justice for all.

Learn more about holidays:

Is wellness achieved when someone is at their best in all 6 dimensions?


Yes,  wellness is achieved when someone is at their best in all 6 dimensions.

Wellness is a holistic concept that involves being at your best in all six dimensions of health: physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental.

To achieve true wellness, it is important to strive for balance and harmony in all these areas of our lives. This means taking steps to ensure that we are physically fit, mentally balanced, emotionally aware, socially connected, spiritually grounded, and environmentally conscious.

With a commitment to improving all six dimensions of health, we can achieve true wellness and a sense of well-being.

True wellness is achieved when someone is at their best in all six dimensions of health: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, environmental, and social.

To learn more about wellness, click here:


Contrast the foreign policies of Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson. Drag each policy to the correct president.Theodore Rooseveltmoral diplomacyWilliam Howard Taftbig stick diplomacyWoodrow Wilsondollar diplomacy


Intervene with the military force - Theodore Roosevelt.

Invested in foreign economies - William H. Taft.

Acted based on moral imperatives - Woodrow Wilson.

What were the policies of Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson?

Theodore Roosevelt led the country as its president from 1901 until 1909. He identified as Republican. He built his foreign policy around the concept of the Big Stick. When necessary, he threatened to use force. William H. Taft served as president from 1909 until 1913. Also a Republican, he His foreign policy was based on investing abroad and influencing other countries economically. He invented the concept of "Dollar Diplomacy" in order to invest in underdeveloped countries. Woodrow Wilson presided over the country from 1913 until 1921. He was a Democratic. He sought to make morally right choices in order to have an impact on foreign policy. At the commencement of World War I, he made the choice to abstain from participating in the fighting until critical world events forced him to do so.

To know more about foreign policy visit:         


Which group of people were NOT threatened by the Enlightenment thinking?

A. common people
B. Nobles
C. Monarchs
D. Priests



A. Common People


The Enlightenment movement championed ideals such as equality and the importance of natural rights, and argued for a rational society governed by the rule of law. It advocated for secularism rather than any particular faith. The common people, who had been previously oppressed by their rulers, were more greatly empowered by the Enlightenment movement and its beliefs.

Who is Tommy in The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street?


"The Twilight Zone" The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street (TV Episode 1960) - Claude Akins as Steve Brand

In The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, who is Tommy?

Weston, Jack

About 12. Any amusing stories regarding the situation? All I can recall about Jack Weston is that he was entertaining both on and off stage. He makes a great actor.

Johnny's identity in Monster?

The primary antagonist of the 2013 Disney/Pixar animated picture Monsters University is Johnny "The Jaw" Worthington. He has a powerful body, two fangs (thus his nickname), and purple fur that resembles Satan.

In The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, who is Charlie?

The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street (TV Episode 1960 of "The Twilight Zone") starring Jack Weston as Charlie

To know more about Twilight Zone visit:


What does it mean if a quarter doesn't have a mint mark?


Coins in circulation between 1965 and 1967 have no mint markings. The Coinage Act of 1965 erased mint marks in an effort to deter collecting while the Mint worked to satisfy the nation's coinage requirements.

What did Coinage Act 1793 entail?

Congress enacted the "Mint Act" on April 2, 1792, following our victory in the war and the ratification of the new U.S. Constitution. This created the United States' coinage system and the dollar as the country's legal tender. The first coin was made by the Philadelphia Mint in 1793. The United States Congress passed the Coinage Act of 1792 on April 2, 1792, which founded the United States Mint, regulated American coinage, and made the dollar the nation's standard unit of currency.

To know more about Coinage Act visit:


How does Animal Farm relate to the revolution?


English novelist George Orwell (1903–1951) allegorized the Russian Revolution of 1917, when the tsarist dynasty was overthrown and the Bolsheviks came to power, and the revolution's gradual betrayal of its followers under dictator Joseph Stalin in his short novel Animal Farm (1945). (1879–1953).

The narrative or allegory of the Russian Revolution is included in Animal Farm. The Manor Farm serves as the backdrop for the animals' uprising against Farmer Jones, much to the Russian people's uprising against their monarch, Czar Nicholas II. Czar Nicholas II of Russia presided over a vast realm at the start of the 20th century.

To know more about Revolution, click here:


Connect What household technology that was considered a luxury in the 1920s is considered a necessity today? Why? How might this be related to the standard of living?


Refrigeration is a household technology that was considered a luxury in the 1920s but is considered a necessity today. This is because refrigeration allows for the preservation of food, which is essential for maintaining a healthy diet and reducing food waste.

This is related to the standard of living because as the standard of living increases, people can afford more and better technology, which leads to more food options, which contributes to better health and nutrition and improved overall quality of life. The availability of refrigeration also allows for a more varied diet and the ability to store food for longer periods of time, which can help to reduce food costs.

Learn more about Refrigeration as household technology here:


"Would Westward Expansion of the United States have happened without the idea of “Manifest Destiny?” Why or why not? "


thank you :)


The westward expansion would have happened without the idea of Manifest destiny because other factors such as the Louisiana Purchase, the Gold Rush and the Oregon Trail would have also fueled it.

What was the Westward Expansion

The westward expansion was massive movement of Americans in the western frontier during  the 19th-century which began with the Louisiana Purchase and was fueled by the Gold Rush, the Oregon Trail and a belief in  idea of manifest destiny.

What was Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny was a nineteenth century ideology among Americans where they believed that white Americans were divinely ordained to settle the entire continent of North America. The ideology of Manifest Destiny inspired a variety of measures designed to remove or destroy the native population.

Without Manifest destiny, American would have expanded west in search of Gold and also Manifest destiny further made it feasible for the settlers to migrate to the American West.

Learn more about Manifest Destiny at


Please help me and explain how its true!


The president would live in the White House is not a preceding that was made during the Washington presidency, the query of how many terms a president should serve the office is divided between the parties, and he chose not to respond to the armed rebellion. Thus, option C, A and A is correct.

Who was Washington?

George Washington was the first President of the United States from 1789 to 1797. He was an American military officer, statesman, and Founding Father.

The president would live in the White House is not a precedent established during the Washington presidency, the question of how many terms a president should serve is divided between the parties, and he selected not to respond to the armed rebellion.

Therefore, option C, A and A is correct.

Learn more about the Washington, refer to:


Which best describes Hemingway’s style of writing in the excerpt?

straightforward and simple, while still relating a lot of information to the reader

long-winded and offering far too much information to the reader

overly complicated, making it difficult to interpret and understand the text

effortless and uncomplicated, with little meaning for the reader to interpret


Note that the option that best describes Hemingway’s style of writing in the excerpt is "straightforward and simple, while still relating a lot of information to the reader" (Option A)

Who is Hemingway in literature?

Hemingway wrote much of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, and he received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He wrote seven novels, six collections of short stories, and two nonfiction books. Posthumously, three of his novels, four short-story collections, and three nonfiction works were released.

The great American literary figure was recognized for his direct style and use of understatement. Hemingway, who wrote on issues like bullfighting and battle, became recognized for his own macho, hard-drinking attitude.

Learn more about Ernest Hemingway:

Full Question:

We Parked the cars beyond the brickyard. The ovens and some deep holes had been equipped as dressing stations. There we're three doctors that I knew. I talked with the major and learned that when it should start and our cars should be loaded we would drive them back along the screened road and up to the main road along the ridge where there would be a post and other cars to clear them.

Which best describes Hemingway's style of writing in the excerpt?

straightforward and simple, while still relating a lot of information to the reader

long-winded and offering far too much information to the reader

overly complicated, making it difficult to interpret and understand the text

effortless and uncomplicated, with little meaning for the reader to interpret

Why was the Munich Agreement so important?


Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier, the prime ministers of the United Kingdom and France, and Adolf Hitler sign the Munich Pact. Although the agreement prevented war from breaking out, it also handed Czechoslovakia over to German hegemony.

Was the Munich Agreement effective or ineffective?

By assuming that sufficient concessions would result in a durable peace, the appeasement strategy underappreciated Hitler's ambitions. The agreement is now widely regarded as a failed appeasement attempt toward Germany and a diplomatic victory for Hitler.

What were the Munich Agreement's most important ramifications?

The Sudetenland and a neighborhood of Bratislava were forcibly ceded to Germany as a result of the Munich Dictate. The CSR consequently lost almost 34% of its population as well as 30% of its landmass.At the same time, the Nazi Germans gained huge industrial capacities and borderland fortifications without fighting.

To know more about United Kingdom visit:


Abdul Aziz 701 1/9/23 Base your answers to questions 10 and 11 on the documents below and your knowledge of social studies. By 1619, slavery had been on the decline in England. in 1664, however, Maryland declared that all blacks held in the colony, and all those imported as slaves in the future, would serve for life, as would their children and later generations, Virginia's policy became equally clear by the end of that decade... As of 1690, blacks constituted less than 15 percent of the population in Virginia and Maryland, reflecting the fact that for the first two generations of Chesapeake tobacco, labor was primarily supplied by white indentured servants. Between 1690 and 1710, the pattern radically changed.... The primary forces may be identified as: rising scarcity in the supply of white indentured servants; changes to laws forcing African slaves to be enslaved for life, booming demand for Chesapeake tobacco after 1700, and booming demand for cotton after the early 1800's. Source: Slavery for Historical Statistics of the United States Millennial Edition, by Stanley Engerman, Richard Sutch, and Gavin Wright (2003) SOLD TO GO SOOTH. (See page 178) Source: Sold to Go South from The Suppressed Book About Slavery! G.W. Carleton & Co, 1864 Based on both Documents 1 and 2, which is most likely responsible for the action shown in Docum (1) The decline of the institution of slavery in England by the early 17th century. (2) Increased 19th century demand for cotton grown in the deep southern U.S. (3) Increased 18th century demand for tobacco grown in the Chesapeake region of the U.S. (4) Increased demand for white indentured servants in the Southern states. ch statement best describes a result of the historical events referenced in Documents 1 a 1) Southern planters relied more heavily on white indentured servants to produce cott 2) Generations of people with African ancestry were legally subjected to lifetime ensla Southern planters began to cultivate tobacco during the 18th century. DEBATING HISTORY Unit 11.1 Colonial Foundations | S​


The situation that was most likely responsible for the action in Document 1 was (3) Increased 18th century demand for tobacco grown in the Chesapeake region of the U.S.

The effect of this action was 2) Generations of people with African ancestry were legally subjected to lifetime enslaved.

What led to more slavery in Maryland and Virginia ?

Maryland and Virginia made a lot of money from Chesapeake tobacco which kept increasing in popularity from the 17th century to the 18 century.

By the 18th century, Chesapeake tobacco became so popular that more labor was needed and so the colonies turned to enslaved labor which led to generations of African people being legally subjected to slavery throughout their lifetime.

Find out more on slavery in Virginia at


What are the different Latin American music influenced by African music?


In truth, here's a slightly more comprehensive list of Latin American musical traditions having African roots: bachata, batucada, cha-cha-cha, conga, funk carioca, mambo, tango, pachanga, reggaeton, rumba, son, tropicalia, and zouk.

What exactly is Latin American music?

Latin American music refers to music from Latin America, specifically the Romance-speaking regions of the Americas south of the United States. Latin American music also integrates African music from enslaved African people transported by European immigrants from West and Central Africa to the Americas, as well as music from the Americas' Indigenous peoples.

Because of its highly syncretic nature, Latin American music encompasses a wide range of genres, including influential genres such as cumbia, bachata, bossa nova, merengue, rumba, salsa, samba, son, and tango. Over the twentieth century, American music influenced many forms, giving rise to genres such as Latin pop, rock, jazz, hip-hop, and reggaeton.

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Check Understanding thMathBoard1 There are 46 swimmers and 7 lanes. The same number ofswimmers will go in each lane. Any remaining swimmers willpractice diving. How many swimmers will each lane have? Write a division equation to model the problem. Use the space at the right to show how you can userepeated subtraction to solve.Each lane will have ______Module 6 Lesson 5swimmers. Consider a fusion reaction in which a proton fuses with a neutron to form a deuterium nucleus. How much energy is released in this reaction?(The mass of the deuterium nucleus is 2.01355u). In the play Trifles (by Susan Glaspell), according to Mr. Hale, John Wright... A. Was a quiet and unpleasant man who didn't care about other people's needs and desires B. Was a thrifty man and didn't like to spend money on fancy things C. Was against technology and having a phone Francisco levanta las sillas grandes __________. A. fcil B. vieja C. fcilmente D. rpido Devin purchased a container of sport drink that contains 300 calories. The label says that 80% of the calories are from carbohydrates. How many calories are from carbohydrates? the people of quebec are destinguished from residents of neighboring canadian provinces and the United States because they Consciousness refers to a state of awareness or alertness in which the subject is cognizant of one's environment and self. The world of Big Brother has three main slogans:WAR IS PEACEFREEDOM IS SLAVERYIGNORANCE IS STRENGTHThese slogans seem to be paradoxical and contradictory on the surface, but in the world of Big Brother, they make a kind of sense due to "doublethink." Each is like an equation, but how can one thing equal its opposite? Explore what kinds of paradoxes occur in 1984, using examples from the book. You can focus on the slogans, the paradoxical character relationships, the concept of doublethink itself, or a mix. You are welcome to explore any paradox in the novel. Focus: Paradox in the novelEssays must be a minimum of five standard length paragraphs (9-11 sentences), with a introduction including a clear thesis, topic sentences, and conclusion. What is the dictatorial government? What is a logarithmic scale and why is it useful example? Costs that change with increases and decreases in the amount produced are _____. A-fixed costsBopportunity costsC-variable costsD-none of the above Money has evolved over time frombeing printed on valuable substances (commodity money) to merely representing those valuable substances (commodity-backed money) to not representing anything at all (fiat money). The values of both fiat money and commodity money are determined by supply and demand. They both require faith that you will be able to spend them tomorrow. So, they are both the same in that respect. The only difference between fat and commodities is that the fiat is issued by a government, and the government can issue as much as it wants. Some people are worried about our economy because the government can print as much fiat money as it wants. However, the amount of gold and silver can't just be produced just like that, their value is derived by demand and supply where supply can't be unlimited unlike Fiat money. Do you agree or disagree with this concept? Explain your answer. There are 4 types of computers: supercomputers, ________ computers, mid-range computers, and personal computers. (hint: m_____e) Please can you help me , thanks in advance Comprehension Questions (A01)Answer in full sentences that make sense on their own.1. What happened in Dickens' childhood in 1824?2. Who did Dickens help in 1837 and how did he help them?3. What happened to Dickens' 17-year old sister-in-law in 1837?4. Where did Dickens live in 1831?5. Why did Charles Dickens write his books? More than half of the contact that police officers engage inwith civilians is spent?a. Catching Criminalsb. handling traffic related mattersc. Ferreting out drug dealsd. Investigating crime making the right choices with your moneymanaging your moneyinvolves knowing how . . . Graph the function n(x) = |x6|.+Move Ray-6-4-21049420-2Undo24Redo6x Reset810 What is irony in The Necklace? Distribution of toys : Is this different or just the division with remainder What is the best description of East Egg and west Egg?