the common ancestor of all later catarrhines, old world monkeys, and hominins was likely ____


Answer 1

The common ancestor of all later catarrhines, old-world monkeys, and hominins was likely Prosimii.  Prosimii is a diverse group of primates that includes the common ancestor of all later catarrhines, old-world monkeys, and hominins.

Prosimii is divided into two subgroups: the Strepsirrhini, which includes the lemurs, and the Haplorrhini, which includes the tarsiers and the anthropoids. The common ancestor of all later catarrhines, old-world monkeys, and hominins is believed to have belonged to the Haplorrhini subgroup.

Prosimii emerged in the Eocene Epoch around 55 million years ago, and they are the most primitive branch of primates, with many features that have been retained by later primates, including their grooming claws and wet noses. Evolutionary studies indicate that Prosimii is the most likely common ancestor of all later catarrhines, old-world monkeys, and hominins.

To know more about catarrhines refer to the  link


Related Questions

A steady increase in price is called an ________.




it is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time.

It’s called inflation

why would the south begin to look to the land to the west of the borders of the u.s., in what was then part of mexico?


The Missouri Compromise limited the territory into which slavery could be spread. As a result, the number of new states that would become slave states in the future would be limited. If acquired in the future, many of the Spanish possessions would fall below the established line between free and slave.

In order to maintain the national equilibrium between free and slave states, this legislation simultaneously admitted Maine as a non-slave state and Missouri as a slave state. Slavery was also illegal in the rest of the Louisiana Territory above the 36o 30' latitude line. The long-standing equilibrium between the number of free states and slave states would shift with the purchase of the Louisiana Territory and Missouri's application for statehood. Slavery was the subject of debate within Congress. In order to maintain a level playing field between free and slave states in the nation, Congress passed this legislation and simultaneously admitted Maine as a non-slave state and Missouri as a slave state. Slavery would also be outlawed in the rest of the Louisiana Territory above the 36o 30' latitude line, according to the Missouri Compromise. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 nullified this provision after 34 years. In the Dred Scott v. Sandford case in 1857, the Supreme Court ruled that the Missouri Compromise violated the Constitution.

To know more about Missouri Compromise visit


Name and explain 5 events that occurred between 1920 & 1921.



Five events that occurred between 1920 and 1921 include:


1. The passage of the Eighteenth Amendment on January 16, 1920, which prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States.

2. The passage of the Nineteenth Amendment on August 18, 1920, which granted women the right to vote.

3. The passage of the Emergency Quota Act on May 19, 1921, which limited the number of immigrants allowed into the United States.

4. The unveiling of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery on November 11, 1921.

5. The Tulsa Race Massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma on May 31-June 1, 1921, which resulted in the destruction of a prosperous black neighborhood and the deaths of hundreds of people.



In "Prince of Persia" (1992) game, the protagonist is forced to jump through this mirror upon which his doppelganger emerges from the other side, draining the protagonist's health to one.

Prince of Persia is an action-adventure video game developed and published by Ubisoft. It is a reimagining of the 1989 classic of the same name, and follows the story of an unnamed prince from the kingdom of Persia who must prevent the treacherous Vizier from unleashing the Sands of Time, a powerful artifact that can control time.

The game features fast-paced platforming and combat, as well as an array of puzzles and traps that the player must navigate in order to progress. Players can also choose to play cooperatively with a friend, allowing them to work together to solve puzzles and defeat enemies.

To know more about game, click here.


What were three similar outcomes (social, political, economic, etc.) of the Industrial Revolution seen in Europe, The United States, Russia and Japan


The three Industrial Revolution effects that were similar in Europe, Aristocratic, artisanal, and peasant classes fell in the US, Russia, and Japan, middle-class women stopped working for pay entirely, and socialist groups and trade unions were established.

The social and economic structures underwent tremendous transformation as a result of the Industrial Revolution. A greater income distribution and a growth in global trade were two of these changes. Management hierarchies also emerged to control the division of labor.

Many people found it challenging to exist in the nation by the late 1700s. In quest of factory work, people started moving from farms and small villages into larger cities.

Industrial revolution replaced economies based on agriculture and handicrafts with economies based on large-scale manufacturing, mechanized production, and the factory system. New machinery, energy sources, and organizational strategies boost the productivity and efficiency of existing industries. In addition, brand-new industries started to take shape, including the automobile sector in the late 19th century.

To know more about Industrial Revolution


people who received Nobel prize in South Africa


The four recipients of the Nobel  Prize—Albert Luthuli, Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, and Frederik Willem de Klerk—are profiled in this article.

17 Black people received Nobel Prizes as of November 2022, out of the 954 recipients. The rapid changes in the lives of black South Africans are illustrated through the telling of these Nobel laureates' stories through the language of their speeches. Soon after apartheid was abolished, remarkable new legal organizations and court procedures, such the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, were established.

The Nobel Prize is an annual, international award given for contributions to physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace. It was originally given out in 1901. Since 1969, a related prize in economics has been given out.

Learn more about Nobel prize

What effect did postwar suspicions about possible communism influence in the united states have on American culture in the 1950's? Do you think we have similar cultural influences today? Explain.


The post war suspicions about possible communism has definitely influenced the American culture in many ways.

In the 1950s, postwar suspicions about the possible spread of communism in the United States had a significant influence on American culture.

During this time, the United States was engaged in the Cold War with the Soviet Union, and there was widespread fear among Americans that the Soviet Union was attempting to spread communism around the world, including within the United States.

This fear was fueled in part by the perceived threat of nuclear war with the Soviet Union, as well as by a series of high-profile espionage cases in which Americans were accused of being Soviet spies.

As a result of these suspicions, there was a widespread "red scare" in the United States in the 1950s, and many Americans became deeply suspicious of anyone who seemed to be sympathetic to communist ideas or who was perceived as being unpatriotic.

This fear of communism manifested in a number of ways in American culture, including the blacklisting of alleged communist sympathizers in Hollywood, the investigation of government employees and others by the House Un-American Activities Committee, and the widespread use of loyalty oaths and other measures to root out alleged communists.

It is difficult to say whether we have similar cultural influences today, as cultural influences can vary significantly over time and are influenced by a wide range of factors.

However, it is certainly true that fear and suspicion of certain ideas and groups have continued to play a role in American culture and politics in more recent years.

To find out more about the Cold War:-

which best describes a similarity between the outcomes of the french and american revolutions?


The French and American revolutions both altered global perceptions of how governments should be governed, which best captures the parallelism between their outcomes.

What commonalities exist between the French and American Revolutions?

Both countries were opposed to the strict rule of their kings, which was one of their shared characteristics. They were both sick of being oppressed. Both the American and French revolutions fought for the ideals of liberty and a republican government. Both uprisings were against monarchy and overbearing taxation. It drafted a new constitution that safeguarded citizens' rights. Both desire an end to being subject to an absolute monarch, both have economic instability due to war debt, and both experience social inequity. Additionally, both were sparked by concepts from the Age of Enlightenment.

To know more about American revolutions visit:


What does social contract mean ?


Laws are examples of explicit social contracts while raising your hand in class to speak is an example of an implicit social contract. One specific illustration of the social compact in America is sometimes given as the U.S. Constitution.

The social contract is an unwritten, inherited agreement that outlines what the government can and cannot do. The social contract, in political philosophy, is a real or fictitious compact, or agreement, between the ruled or between the ruled and their rulers, defining the rights and duties of each. In exchange, we are expected to uphold laws and certain moral standards, and in return, we receive the benefits of our society, including security, survival, education, and other necessities needed to live.

Learn more about  philosophy from


Which of the following helped reduce the prices of higher-cost products, such as automobiles, for consumers in the 1920s


For many middle-class Americans, the 1920s marked a decade of previously unheard-of prosperity. With rising salaries, more money was available to buy consumer goods.

Henry Ford's advancements in assembly-line productivity resulted in the creation of a genuinely affordable car, expanding American car ownership opportunities. The 1920s were a decade of growing conveniences for the middle class. New products made household chores easier and gave people more leisure time. Products that were previously out of reach become available. Thanks to new financing options, every family was able to spend more than they could afford. In the 1920s, credit was the primary force behind American consumerism. Both necessary and non-essential purchases were frequently made by Americans using credit.

Learn more about consumers from


(03. 03 MC) Compare the emergence of advanced civilizations in Meso and South America with the four early river valley civilizations. How did the economies of the Incan Empire and ancient Egypt differ?


"both civilizations (Meso and South America ) arose in regions with water supplies," but it should be highlighted that this was more often the case with the early River Valley Civilizations. Unlike the Egyptians, the Incans collected taxes.

What enduring legacy does the Inca culture have?

The Inca civilization is renowned for building the largest empire ever to exist in the Americas, for their amazing agricultural practices, and for their art and architecture, which merged geometric masonry with the surrounding natural terrain in a singular way. The largest empire in pre-Columbian America was that of the Incas, known to their people as Tawantinsuyu. Cusco served as the imperial government's administrative, political, and military hub. Sometime around the year 1300, the Peruvian highlands gave rise to the Inca civilization.

To know more about Incans visit:


During World War II, the United States helped encourage the public to support
the war effort by creating:
OA. Executive Order 9066.
B. the Double V campaign.
OC. the U.S. Office of War Information.
OD. the United Service Organizations.




The Double V campaign was a slogan and drive to promote the fight for democracy in overseas campaigns and at the home front in the United States for African .

Why was food in short supply during the war?


The war put stress on agriculture and food delivery, while naval economic sanctions decreased food imports.

Due to the necessity to shift supplies to the war effort, items including canned milk, butter, sugar, and gasoline were rationed. Trade was hampered by war, which reduced the supply of several items.

In times of scarcity, rationing was a way to make sure that food and other necessities were distributed fairly.

After the commencement of World War II, it started with gasoline and then expanded to encompass other products including butter, sugar, and bacon.

With the exception of fruit and vegetables, the rationing system eventually included the majority of goods.

Because everyone was only allowed to purchase a specific number of things, rationing helped transform mindsets and fostered cooperation and sharing in Britain.

It was acknowledged that the government was more concerned with the welfare and diet of its citizens.

To know more about World War II, visit:


Who were the leaders in the Crimean War?


The Crimean war was fought from 1853 to 1856, was between Russians against an allied force of Britain, France, and the Ottoman empire.

The Czar Nicholas I was the one who started the Crimean war. Nicolas's foreign policies made him an enemy of different European countries. He wanted to expand his territory, wanted to annex Turkey. For this, he wants to annex two territories, Moldavia and Wallachia. This started the Crimean war.

Napoleon III, Emperor of France, is another prominent figure. In 1854, he joined forces with the British empire condemning the Russian invasion of some parts of the ottoman.

James Brudenell, Seventh Earl of Cardigan. He was the one that led the British troops during the war.

Florence Nightingale, who was a nurse, learning about the unsanitary conditions and inadequate supplies, voluntarily went to work in the base hospital in Istanbul. She took over the hospital operations and helped in decreasing the death rate from 42% to 2.2%. She was called the "Lady with the lamp".

For further details regarding the Crimean war, kindly refer


What is one reason that Stonehenge has been a continuing subject of fascination for architects and historians over the course of centuries


One explanation why Stonehenge has been a proceeding with subject of interest for designers and students of history throughout hundreds of years is A World Legacy Site Along with related landmarks and their related scenes.

They assist us with figuring out Neolithic and Bronze Age stately and morgue rehearses. They exhibit something like 2000 years of persistent use and landmark working between c. 3700 and 1600 BC.

The group of scientists concentrated on Stonehenge, as well as a few other stone developments across the UK, and resolved that Stonehenge was reasonably worked to follow the development of the sun, moon, and stars millennia prior.

Learn more about Stonehenge:


What was the purpose of the We Can Do It poster?


In order to encourage more women to join the workforce, Westinghouse created this poster for the War Production Co-ordinating Committee during World War II.

Who is on the You Can Do It poster?

Although Rosie the Riveter is best known in the form of Norman Rockwell's painting, the most well-known representation of the woman was painted by J. Howard Miller in 1942 and appeared on a poster for Westinghouse Electric Corporation with the slogan "We Can Do It!" The Rosie Campaign had a profound impact on American culture.

What propaganda was used in World War 2?

Movies, cartoons, and other forms of propaganda were also used. Posters played a role in enlisting Americans in the war because they were affordable, available, and constantly visible in stores, industries, and classrooms. "Stop this Monster that Stops at Nothing," said a representative poster.

To know more about Rosie the Riveter visit:           


Which leader signed Israel's Declaration of Independence?

Answer choices:
-Anwar Sadat
-Menachem Begin
-Yasir Arafat
-Golda Meir​



Golda Meir



Golda Meir


What were the effects of internment camps?


The impacts of internment camps are "Long haul wellbeing outcomes included mental torment as well as expanded cardiovascular illness. Review data found previous internees had a 2.1 more serious gamble of cardiovascular illness, cardiovascular mortality, and sudden passing than did a non-interned partner."

Negative Mental Impacts. Shock, dread, and stress were normal starting mental responses as Americans had to manage the pressure of upheld disengagement and the deserting of their homes, assets, and organizations.

Numerous Americans stressed that residents of Japanese families would go about as spies or saboteurs for the Japanese government. Dread — not proof — drove the U.S. to put north of 127,000 Japanese-Americans in death camps as long as necessary. North of 127,000 US residents was detained during The Second Great War.

Learn more about internment camps:


Explain how the naturalization process has impacted our society, government and our political process. Include in your answer the Voting Rights Act of 1965.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the broadest civil rights law Congress had ever enacted. It contained a comprehensive set of measures to put an end to Jim Crow segregation and racial discrimination.

In June 1964, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 became law as a result of years of activist lobbying for comprehensive civil rights legislation. Prior to the March on Washington, President John F. Kennedy sent the civil rights bill to Congress, but it stalled in the Judiciary Committee because of the slow-moving Southern segregationist senators like Mississippi Democrat James Eastland. superscript 1 at the beginning and end President Lyndon Baines Johnson gave the bill top priority after President Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it illegal to discriminate against or segregate people in the workplace, in housing, in schools, and in public places. In order to help local communities with civil rights issues and to assure equitable employment procedures, it formed the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the federal Community Relations Service. The statute also empowered the US Office of Education to support towns fighting to desegregate public schools financially.

To know more about Civil Rights Act of 1964 visit


What does the geography in The Great Gatsby symbolize?


Fitzgerald chose New York as the backdrop for The Great Gatsby because it served as the country's cultural hub during the 1920s, a place where the protagonists could live elegant lives and experience the American Dream.

The Great Gatsby's plot unfolds along a length of land known as West and East Egg, which connects New York City with its suburbs. The two peninsulas along the northern shore of Long Island that are represented by West and East Egg are actually located there. When writing books, stories, or other fictional works, authors use the geographic perspective. The plot, theme, or setting of a novel frequently revolves around how people interact with their built world and their natural surroundings.

Learn more on geography here:


Write a short paragraph explaining how Confucius influenced history and answering the questions "can one person make a difference?" and "did Confucius make a difference?" Be sure to include three supporting details



Explanation:  Confucianism is the cornerstone of ancient Chinese culture, as well as a comprehensive ideological framework developed by Confucius and based on the traditional culture of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou Dynasties. Confucius was a Spring and Autumn period Chinese philosopher and statesman who is regarded as the paragon of Chinese sages.

    Confucius has controlled a feudal society that has essentially lasted 2000 years, and as a result, its effect on  social structure, Chinese history, and people cannot be underestimated. He has shown to be the most powerful effect on the Chinese character. Apart from being a brilliant educator, thinker, and failed politician, he was first and foremost a genius with a high moral. Throughout his life, he desired truth, kindness, and perfection, and his success and failure were mostly attributable to his character, which had an eternal powerfulness on Chinese intelligence.

Hope this helps any

Define the following academic vocabulary word from this lesson BEHALF This is from world history WW1


Syllabus is the word and answer

Rome is centrally located along which major body of water?
Mediterranean Sea
Aegean Sea
Adriatic Sea
Black Sea


Answer is the Mediterranean Sea

Rome (Italy) is located along the Mediterranean Sea

Define Isolationism and explain why the Chinese had isolationist policy pro to the British attempts to open China?




Isolationism is the policy of abstaining from political or economic involvement in the affairs of other countries. It is a foreign policy strategy that aims to minimize a country's involvement in international relations, particularly in regard to military conflict or economic competition.

The Chinese had an isolationist policy prior to the British attempts to open China for a few reasons. One reason was that the Chinese believed that their culture and way of life were superior to that of other countries, and therefore saw little need to engage with or learn from other civilizations. The Chinese also had a long history of being invaded and conquered by foreign powers, and as a result, they developed a strong sense of self-reliance and a desire to protect their own borders and sovereignty.

In addition, the Chinese had a well-developed system of government and society that they believed was functioning well and saw little need to adopt the practices or institutions of other countries. This contributed to their reluctance to engage with foreign powers and their preference for isolationism.

Overall, the Chinese isolationist policy was motivated by a combination of cultural superiority, self-reliance, and a desire to protect their borders and sovereignty from foreign influence.

I am need of an outline of the Harding and Coolidge administrations.



I. The Harding Administration (1921-1923)

Warren G. Harding was inaugurated as the 29th President of the United States in March 1921

Harding's administration was marked by a return to a more conservative, pro-business approach to governance

Harding implemented a number of policies that favored big business and industry, including tax cuts and reduced regulation

The Harding administration was also marked by a series of scandals, including the Teapot Dome scandal, in which members of the administration were accused of accepting bribes in exchange for access to government resources

II. The Coolidge Administration (1923-1929)

Calvin Coolidge became President upon the death of Warren G. Harding in 1923

Coolidge's administration continued the pro-business policies of the Harding administration

Coolidge's presidency was characterized by a period of economic prosperity, known as the "Roaring Twenties"

Coolidge also pursued a foreign policy of isolationism, seeking to avoid entanglement in international conflicts

Coolidge did not seek re-election in 1928 and left office in 1929

Who were the Axis Powers in ww2 ?


Answer: Germany, Japan, Italy, The Soviet Union

Explanation: While Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy were the main Axis powers targeted. The Soviet Union had a Peace treaty with the nazi party that made the USSR part of the axis power for a little while. Till adolf hitler broke the treaty and the USSR helped the Allies till WW2 ended in 1945.

Would you keep
or abolish the Electoral College? Does it violate the democratic principle that the
people have the right through their votes to choose their representatives? Why might
it make sense to retain the Electoral College?



Because those people are a little more experienced in politics than the average person yes there may be some that vote for their own personal benefit but no matter how hard you try there will always be someone out there like that. It's better to have someone who has more knowledge on the subject vote instead of people who aren't seeing the full picture and are most likely voting dye to what they've heard instead of what they've learned about the person

In the Eloise Cobell case, the federal government was accused of fraud against the Native American tribes. What is fraud


Fraud is an act of deliberate dishonesty.

In law, fraud is defined as intentional deceit in order to get unfair or unlawful advantage or to deprive a victim of a legitimate right. Fraud can violate civil law (for example, a fraud victim can sue the perpetrator to avoid the fraud or recover monetary compensation) or criminal law (for example, a fraud perpetrator can be prosecuted and imprisoned by governmental authorities), or it can cause no loss of money, property, or legal right but still be a component of another civil or criminal wrong.

Fraud may be committed for monetary gain or other benefits, such as getting a passport, travel document, or driver's licence, or for mortgage fraud, in which the offender attempts to qualify for a mortgage by making false assertions.

A scam is any method of getting you to part with your money. A con or scam artist is not always simple to recognise. Scammers, on the other hand, know how to circumvent our better judgement. They manipulate our emotions or offer large payoffs to entice us to behave. Scammers may even appear as persons, authorities, or businesses that you know and trust.

To learn more about Frauds and scams, here


How does Claudius feel in Act 3?


Despite passingly acknowledging his guilt, Claudius' genuine concern for his sick nephew is evident. Claudius progressively reveals the depth of his criminality by demonstrating his frailty as a human being, all the while evoking sympathy for the paradox of evil.

What are Claudius feelings?The main antagonist in the play and Hamlet's uncle, the King of Denmark. Claudius, the play's antagonist, is a cunning, ambitious politician who is motivated by his thirst for power and his sexual appetites, but he also occasionally demonstrates human emotion and guilt; his love for Gertrude, for example, seems genuine.

What is Claudius attitude Act 3 Scene 4?Claudius declares that he won't experience happiness until he is certain of Hamlet's demise. Claudius admits that he really does want to kill Hamlet, but he will do it in a cowardly way so that he won't be held responsible.

To know more about Claudius, visit:


How did the Nazca change their environment to make it suitable for agriculture?

Write an expository essay explaining their methods


The Nazca change their environment to make it suitable for agriculture by subsurface aqueducts for supplying water for home use and irrigation in arid environments.

The religious practises of the Nazca people were centred on agriculture and fertility, which is probably related to the region's desert and severe conditions. Powerful natural beings like the mythological killer whale, harvesters, spotted cat, hummingbird, and serpentine creature are frequently shown in Nazca art.

Puquios, or underground aqueducts, were created by the Nazca to support communities and crops in this dry environment. Numerous of them are still in use today. They also produced intricate fabrics and ceramics that reflected their traditions of agriculture and sacrifice.

To know more about Nazca here


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I got this from Khan Academy. We need to assume the sample was randomly selected because we are making inferences about ___________. a)unknown statistic b) unknown parameter c) means After peace talks between the United States and North Vietnam stalled, which occurred first?The United States bombed North Vietnam.Communist forces invaded South Vietnam.US bombers attacked the H* Chi Minh Trail.US forces mined North Vietnamese harbors. I need help on this math question !!! All the questions are on the second screenshot and there is a graph included . Natalie is driving on the freeway. She just passed mile marker 290. The markers havebeen increasing as she drives by them. The fastest Cameron will drive is 80 miles perhour. However, there is a bit of traffic that might slow her down, but she doesn't knowexactly how much it will slow her down.a. Write an inequality to represent Natalie's position relative to the mile markersthree hours from now.b. Rewrite this inequality to reveal Natalie's speed.Need help with this ASAP Describe the similarities and differences between alcoholic fermentation carried out by yeast to make alcoholic beverages and lactate-acid fermentation carried out within the human body. Source StylesFormatFontSize What do the boys do when they realize they've been rescued? lord of the flies What were women encourage to do during World War 2? What is the difference between a reasonable and unreasonable time algorithm? An adult seal eats 48.5 pounds of food daily. how many full days would 785.7 pounds of food last? Read the following excerpts and then answer the question below.Excerpt 1:Excerpt from "Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation" given by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, delivered 8 December 1941, Washington, D.C.Yesterday, December 7th, 1941a date which will live in infamythe United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack.1It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.Excerpt 2:Excerpt from a 1917 speech given by Senator George Norris opposing America's entry into World War I.While I am most emphatically and sincerely opposed to taking any step that will force our country into the useless and senseless war now being waged in Europe, yet, if this resolution passes, I shall not permit my feeling of opposition to its passage to interfere in any way with my duty either as a senator or as a citizen in bringing success and victory to American arms. I am bitterly opposed to my country entering the war, but if, notwithstanding my opposition, we do enter it, all of my energy and all of my power will be behind our flag in carrying it on to victory.The resolution now before the Senate is a declaration of war. Before taking this momentous step, and while standing on the brink of this terrible vortex, we ought to pause and calmly and judiciously consider the terrible consequences of the step we are about to take. We ought to consider likewise the route we have recently traveled and ascertain whether we have reached our present position in a way that is compatible with the neutral position which we claimed to occupy at the beginning and through the various stages of this unholy and unrighteous war.No close student of recent history will deny that both Great Britain and Germany have, on numerous occasions since the beginning of the war, flagrantly violated in the most serious manner the rights of neutral vessels and neutral nations under existing international law, as recognized up to the beginning of this war by the civilized world.The reason given by the President in asking Congress to declare war against Germany is that the German government has declared certain war zones, within which, by the use of submarines, she sinks, without notice, American ships and destroys American lives . The first war zone was declared by Great Britain. She gave us and the world notice of it on, the 4th day of November, 1914. The zone became effective Nov. 5, 1914 . This zone so declared by Great Britain covered the whole of the North Sea . The first German war zone was declared on the 4th day of February, 1915, just three months after the British war zone was declared. Germany gave fifteen days' notice of the establishment of her zone, which became effective on the 18th day of February, 1915. The German war zone covered the English Channel and the high seawaters around the British Isles.What is the difference in tone between the excerpts? Excerpt 1 is remorseful and Excerpt 2 is hopeful. Excerpt 1 is hopeful and Excerpt 2 is aggressive. Excerpt 1 is melancholy and Excerpt 2 is accusatory. Excerpt 1 is decisive and Excerpt 2 is contemplative. Compare your response to the sample response above. Did your explanation include that distance is a function of time? include that the constant rate of change, or slope, is 64? include the equation y = 64x + 22? say to substitute 4 in for x to get 278 miles? I finished part A i just need help with part B (part a in image for reference)Part BComparingUsing the information from Part A, write 3-5 sentences that compare yourself to the other two individuals. Use the comparative words and phrases