the buffalo soldiers had many responsibilities, including providing sentinels and security for the settlers, building _____________________, and installing ______________________ lines.


Answer 1

The buffalo soldiers had many responsibilities, including providing sentinels and security for the settlers, building roads, and installing pipe lines.

Buffalo Soldiers were members of the 10th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army which was formed on September 21, 1866, at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Originally called the Black Cavalry, this name was allotted by Native American tribes who fought in the Indian Wars due to their dark, curly hair, which resembled a buffalo's coat and because of their fierce nature of fighting.

The Buffalo Soldiers' main responsibility was to support the nation's westward expansion by protecting settlers, building roads and other infrastructure, and guarding the U.S. mail. In addition, they installed pipe lines for the fort plumbing system.

Learn more about Buffalo Soldiers:


Related Questions

in which country did american forces do most of their fighting in world war i?


American forces did most of their fighting in World War I in France. The United States entered the war in 1917 and began sending troops to Europe to support the Allied powers, which included France, Great Britain, and Russia.

American troops arrived in France in significant numbers in 1918 and were quickly put to work supporting French troops in battle.The American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), commanded by General John J. Pershing, fought in several major battles in France, including the Battle of Cantigny, the Battle of Belleau Wood, and the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. These battles were crucial in turning the tide of the war in favor of the Allies.France was a key ally for the United States during World War I, and the two countries maintained a close relationship throughout the conflict. The AEF's involvement in France marked a significant turning point for the United States, establishing it as a major world power and cementing its role in global affairs.

To learn more about World War I  click the link below:


which statement describes an impact of gutenberg invention of the printing press



Johann Gutenberg's invention of movable-type printing quickened the spread of knowledge, discoveries, and literacy in Renaissance Europe. The printing revolution also contributed mightily to the Protestant Reformation that split apart the Catholic Church.

Explanation:  Hope this helps. Mark me brainliest.

Explain two ways in which the opposition to vaccination and anaesthetics were similar. [8 marks]


Answer: They are similar

Explanation: First they both cure the pain, the one thing you have to be very careful of is the immunity part because some people can get immunity mixed up with anesthetics just to remind you the definition of immunity is

the state or quality of being resistant to a particular infectious disease or pathogen.

And cure is

is relieving (a person or animal) of the symptoms of a disease or condition.

CONCLUSION: Ultimately, This is why Anesthetics are similar to vaccination.

Choose one of the most important
causes of WWI. Using this cause
explain whether the Treaty of
Versailles or Wilson's 14 points would
led to a stronger peace while
addressing the cause. Use two
pieces of evidence to support your


n this January 8, 1918, address to Congress, President Woodrow Wilson proposed a 14-point program for world peace. These points were later taken as the basis for peace negotiations at the end of World War I.

In this January 8, 1918, speech on War Aims and Peace Terms, President Wilson set down 14 points as a blueprint for world peace that was to be used for peace negotiations after World War I. The details of the speech were based on reports generated by “The Inquiry,” a group of about 150 political and social scientists organized by Wilson’s adviser and long-time friend, Col. Edward M House. Their job was to study Allied and American policy in virtually every region of the globe and analyze economic, social, and political facts likely to come up in discussions during the peace conference. The team began its work in secret, and in the end produced and collected nearly 2,000 separate reports and documents plus at least 1,200 maps.

In the speech, Wilson directly addressed what he perceived as the causes for the world war by calling for the abolition of secret treaties, a reduction in armaments, an adjustment in colonial claims in the interests of both native peoples and colonists, and freedom of the seas. Wilson also made proposals that would ensure world peace in the future. For example, he proposed the removal of economic barriers between nations, the promise of “self-determination” for oppressed minorities, and a world organization that would provide a system of collective security for all nations. Wilson’s 14 Points were designed to undermine the Central Powers’ will to continue, and to inspire the Allies to victory. The 14 Points were broadcast throughout the world and were showered from rockets and shells behind the enemy’s lines.

XIII. An independent Polish state should be erected which should include the territories inhabited by indisputably Polish populations,c

Read the passage about Dr. John Snow.

In 1849, doctor John Snow began to question the long-held beliefs that disease was caused by “bad air.” When a cholera epidemic broke out in London, he interviewed residents of the hardest-hit areas. He mapped cases of the disease and determined that they were centered around a particular water pump. To test his theory that contaminated water was to blame, he convinced local leaders to disable the pump by removing the pump’s handle. The outbreak came to an end.

What was Dr. Snow’s hypothesis?

Cholera was caused by “bad air.”
Cases were centered around a water pump.
Contaminated water caused cholera.
Leaders should disable the water pump.


Cholera was caused by bad air because a hypothesis basically assuming it was because of bad air with no back up info now that he has back up info his conclusion would be because of the water pump

Answer: B


Cases were centered around a water pump

why did the bonus army protest in washington, d.c.?


The Bonus Army, also known as the Bonus Expeditionary Force, was a group of World War I veterans who marched to Washington, D.C. in 1932 to demand payment of a bonus promised to them by the U.S. government.

Explain the bonus army protest in Washington, D.C.?

A group of World War I veterans, known as the Bonus Army or Bonus Expeditionary Force, marched on Washington, D.C. in 1932 to demand payment of a bonus the American government had promised them. The bonus, which became payable in 1945, was viewed as a method to assist veterans in getting by during the Great Depression. The veterans, however, urged that the bonus be paid early due to the high unemployment rate and the nation's ongoing economic difficulties.

The veterans established an impromptu camp in Washington when they got there, which became known as "Hooverville." They organized calm protests and marches, but when the police tried to remove the veterans from the camp, things got out of hand. Veteran protestors and police engaged in violent altercations as a result, and President Herbert Hoover ordered the military to remove the demonstrators from the city.

To know more about bonus army protest in Washington, D.C. visit:


What were some of the main goals of the Second New Deal?
Select all that apply.

establish a national welfare program

improve worker job security

build up the country’s military capacity

strengthen farms and small farmers

create new state banks


Answer:Improve worker job security


The Second New Deal was a set of programs and policies implemented by the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States in the 1930s in response to the Great Depression.

What were some of the main goals of the Second New Deal?

In order to combat the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt's government in the United States introduced a number of programs and policies known as the Second New Deal in the 1930s. The following were some of the Second New Deal's primary objectives:

Boost employee employment securitybolstering farms and small farmersestablishing new state banks

The Works Progress Administration (WPA) and the Social Security Act were two programs included in the Second New Deal that were intended to help the poor and unemployed, but the Second New Deal did not create a formal national welfare system. The Second New Deal did feature certain initiatives to advance industrial productivity and get the nation ready for war, but it did not have as its primary objective strengthening the nation's military might.

To know more about the Second New Deal visit:


"There is no town in the world where the distance between the rich and the poor is so great, or the barrier between them so difficult to be crossed. The separation between the different classes, and the consequent ignorance of each other's habits and condition, are far more complete in this place than in any other country in Europe, or even in the rural areas of Britain. There is far less personal communication between the master cotton spinner and his workmen and between the master tailor and his apprentices than there is between the Duke of Wellington and the humblest laborer of his estate, or than there was between King George III and the lowliest errand boy in his palace. I mean this not as a matter of blame, but I state it simply as a fact."
Richard Parkinson, English clergyman of the Anglican Church, "On the Present Condition of the Laboring Poor in Manchester," paper published in London, 1841
The disparities of wealth mentioned by Parkinson in the passage are best explained in the context of the____


The dis-parities of wealth mentioned by Parkinson in the passage are best explained in the context of the disparity and inequality between the poor and the rich.

Richard Parkinson was a adventurer and anthropologist and his full name was Richard Heinrich Robert Parkinson.

According to him- There is no place in the entire globe where the gap between the wealthy and the poor is as wide or as difficult to cross. There is less communication between poor and rich. The section of the society is divided into two.

A comparison of the wealth of various individuals or groups within a society is known as the wealth distribution. It demonstrates a particular section of economic inequality or heterogeneity.

To learn more about wealth, refer


Who is theodore miller edison ?


Theodore Miller Edison (July 10, 1898 – November 24, 1992) was an American businessman, inventor, and environmentalist. He was the youngest son of famed inventor Thomas Edison and his second wife, Mina Miller Edison.

Theodore Edison had over 80 patents to his name, including inventions related to electrical devices, synthetic rubber, and optical instruments. He also founded the company Calibron Industries, which produced precision instruments and laboratory equipment.

In addition to his work as an inventor and businessman, Theodore Edison was also an advocate for environmental conservation. He was a member of the Audubon Society and the Nature Conservancy, and he worked to protect natural habitats and wildlife.

Despite his accomplishments, Theodore Edison is often overshadowed by his father's legacy. However, he made significant contributions to the fields of science, technology, and environmentalism, and he is remembered as a talented inventor and dedicated conservationist.

Learn more about "Edison" here:


after reconstruction, he continued to speak on behalf of racial equality and what else?


In addition to his duties for the government, Frederick Douglass maintained a busy speaking tour schedule. His remarks persisted in advocating for women's rights and racial equality.

Douglass was instrumental in getting Lincoln to prioritise abolition and equip the slaves. Douglass promoted complete civil rights for coloured people as well as for women during Reconstruction and rose to the position of highest-ranking Black official at the time.

Frederick Douglass aimed to advance the liberation of all slaves. He published The North Star, a newspaper, in Rochester, New York. Its name comes from the fact that nighttime slave escapes to freedom were guided by the North Star in the sky.

The given question is incomplete. The complete question is:

"After reconstruction, he continued to speak on behalf of racial equality and what else? Also name the person."

To learn more about Reconstruction, refer



1. shelter or protection


2. the lowering of dignity or self-respect


3. trustworthiness


4. one who gives divinely inspired revelations


5. having complete knowledge of all things


6. divine manifestation enabling person to give and receive sacred revelation


7. spread through every part


8. guided by God


9. maximum ability


10. cripple; deform



Answer: The 10 history facts that people don't want you to know.


I don't understand what your question is

what does matthew 5:43-48 mean?


Matthew 5:43-48 is part of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, in which he teaches about love and how to treat others.

These verses specifically discuss the importance of loving not only those who are kind to us, but also our enemies. Jesus instructs his followers to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them, as this is what sets them apart as children of God. He also reminds them that even those who do not follow God are capable of loving those who love them, but true righteousness comes from loving and showing kindness to those who may not deserve it. These verses challenge believers to go beyond the societal norms of only showing love to those who are kind to us, and instead strive to love and treat all people with kindness and compassion.

Learn more about "matthew" here:


What does Madison accuse Britain of doing to “persons” at sea?



У своїй доповіді Конгресу в 1812 році президент Джеймс Медісон звинуватив Великобританію в справі враження, що стосується практики насильницького найму моряків до британського флоту. Медісон зокрема звинуватив Британію у справі враження на «людей» у морі, серед яких були американські моряки, яких часто захоплювали та змушували служити на британських кораблях. Медісон та інші американці вважали, що така практика порушує суверенітет їхньої країни та права громадян, і це було одним із головних факторів, які призвели до війни 1812 року між Сполученими Штатами та Великою Британією.


Compare and contrast the roles of the US and the USSR in the development of the Cold War from 1943 to 1949. Aims instead of roles. Cold War


The US and the USSR were two superpowers that emerged after the end of World War II and played significant roles in the development of the Cold War.

What caused the Cold War?

Although both countries had the aim of establishing their respective ideologies, they pursued different foreign policy goals, leading to a strained relationship between the two nations.

The United States aimed to promote its democratic values, capitalism, and the spread of democracy worldwide. The US saw the expansion of communism as a direct threat to its interests, and as such, it sought to contain its spread and promote democratic governments.

Read more about the Cold War here:


what invasion that failed miserably planned by president eisenhower and carried out by kennedy?


The invasion that failed miserably planned by president eisenhower and carried out by kennedy is Bay of Pigs.

On April 17, 1961, 1,400 Cuban exiles began what ultimately turned out to be a futile attack at the Bay of Pigs on Cuba's southern coast. During the Kennedy administration, the CIA organized the Bay of Pigs Invasion in an effort to overthrow Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

CIA analysts had overlooked coral reefs in the shallow waters of the Bay of Pigs when analyzing reconnaissance images, which caused landing craft to slow down and rendered two boats inoperable. The red signal light of a frogman offshore also unintentionally flickered.

The worst kept secret in history was the US involvement in the Bay of Pigs affair. To be fair to President Kennedy, he accepted full responsibility for the error.

Learn more about Kennedy here:


nostradamus 2023 predictions sound absolutely terrifying. What is nostradamus prediction?


Nostradamus' prediction of a "great war" is one of the most terrifying and intriguing prophesies for those of us who will be alive in 2023.

Who is Nostradamus?

Since the Middle Ages, Michel de Nostredame, better known by his pen name Nostradamus, has captivated the public's attention with his scary prophecies of the future, which typically involve some type of biblical apocalypse or other horrific occurrences. Nostradamus, who was born more than 400 years ago, wrote "Les Prophéties," a classic work, in 1555.

Even though he wasn't well-liked by his contemporaries, many people have been intrigued to his predictions of what the future holds. Even yet, Nostradamus continues to draw a sizable following even today, largely due to his eerily similar predictions. The killing of John F. Kennedy, the rise of Napoleon, and even 9/11 have all been occurrences that many of his supporters claim he predicted.

To learn more  about rise of Napoleon, visit:


Where was oil production at its highest in the 1980s and still remains important to the russian economy?.


Oil production was at its highest in the 1980s in the Soviet Union, particularly in the Western Siberian Basin, which remains an important oil-producing region in Russia and is still a major contributor to the Russian economy.

The city of Tyumen, located in the heart of the Western Siberian Basin, was one of the Soviet Union's most important oil-producing centers and remains so today.

Additionally, the Samotlor oil field, located near Nizhnevartovsk in Western Siberia, was one of the largest oil fields in the world during the Soviet era and continues to be an important source of oil for Russia.

You can read more about oil production at


The crowds often missed the point of Jesus’ miracles. How did Jesus correct and redirect them in John 6:26-29.



In John 6:26-29, Jesus corrected and redirected the crowds who had missed the point of his miracles. He told them that it was not to be used for their satisfaction of physical hunger but was instead a spiritual sign that pointed to the Bread of Life himself. He reminded them that it is not only through miraculous feeding that they would gain eternal life, but it was through believing in him and trusting in his power to forgive their sins and lead them to salvation.

according to this article, what were some of the long-term outcomes of lewis and clark’s journey on native americans?


For Native Americans, the aftermath of the Lewis and Clark Expedition was anything but positive. The most disastrous has been the increased incidence of smallpox among many of the Mandan in 1837, which effectively killed the formerly tribe.

What happened to Lewis and Clark?

Lewis and Clark established an impressive reputation of mutual relations with natives while also generating American interest inside the fur trade. This had far-reaching consequences, leading to increased exploration and advertisement wealth extraction of the West.

The Expedition's Value

Lewis and Clark established an enviable track record of peaceful cooperation with Indians while also sparking American interest in the fur trade. This had far-reaching consequences because it paved the way for more exploration and commercial exploitation of the West.

To know more about trade click here


To what extent was Stalin’s 5 Year-Plan successful in transforming agriculture and industry in the Soviet Union between 1928-1941 essay


Stalin's Five-Year Plan was a series of economic policies aimed at transforming the Soviet Union from an agricultural nation into an industrial superpower. It was launched in 1928 and was intended to run until 1933, but it was eventually extended to 1941 due to the outbreak of World War II.

Why did Stalin introduce the five-year plans?

To hasten the industrialization process in the Soviet Union and enable it to compete with the output levels of advanced capitalist economies, Stalin introduced his First Five-Year Plan in 1928.

The plan's success in transforming agriculture and industry in the Soviet Union between 1928-1941 has been the subject of much debate among historians. In this essay, we will explore the extent to which the Five-Year Plan was successful in achieving its goals.

One of the key objectives of the Five-Year Plan was to transform agriculture in the Soviet Union by collectivizing farming and increasing agricultural productivity.

This involved the consolidation of small farms into large collective farms, where farmers would work together to produce crops and livestock. The government provided support in the form of machinery, seed, and fertilizer, and farmers were required to sell their produce to the state at fixed prices.

Learn more about Stalin’s 5 Year-Plan here:


List some examples of
Adversity that African Americans faced before
and during the Harlem Renaissance



Before the Harlem Renaissance African Americans did not have much of a voice to speak out on what they believed was wrong or right. Many African Americans' opinions also weren't taken as seriously because of the lack of voices.  Then an important after-effect of the Harlem Renaissance was that it showed the American public life from a black perspective. During this time, art, music, and literature were the African Americans' way of expressing themselves. During the Harlem Renaissance, there was a civil rights movement that gave African-Americans the right and ability to speak out.


The Explanation is in the Answer!

The Ford Company laid off two-thirds of the workers during the Great Depression. In
response the Ford Hunger March in 1932 started as a demonstration but resulted in violence.
Farmers also organized groups such as the Farm Holiday Association to help with farming costs
that also often turned violent. Do you think actions from such groups to get assistance during the
Great Depression were helpful? Explain your thoughts!!! quick please!!



It is worth noting that the actions of groups such as the Ford Hunger March and Farm Holiday Association were born out of desperation and a need for assistance during a time of extreme economic hardship. While some of their actions may have turned violent, it is important to recognize the systemic issues that led to their formation and the larger context of the Great Depression. In general, it is important to support marginalized and struggling communities during times of crisis, and to work towards systemic change that addresses the root causes of economic inequality and hardship.

Aside from being the first successful English coming in America what other firsts can be traced back to Jamestown


Answer: Jamestown, Virginia, was the first successful English colony in America and has several other "firsts" associated with it:

First Representative Government: In 1619, the Virginia General Assembly met for the first time in Jamestown, making it the birthplace of representative government in America. This assembly was the first legislative body in the New World, and it laid the foundation for future representative governments in the United States.

First African Americans: Jamestown was also the site of the arrival of the first African Americans in the English colonies. In 1619, a Dutch ship arrived in Jamestown carrying 20 enslaved Africans.

First Commercial Tobacco: In 1612, Jamestown resident John Rolfe successfully grew and harvested the first commercial tobacco in America. This crop would go on to become one of the most important cash crops in the American colonies and helped shape the economy of the region.

First English Women: In 1620, a group of English women arrived in Jamestown, becoming the first permanent English women to settle in the New World.

First English Church: The first English church in America was established in Jamestown in 1617. This church was a key factor in establishing the English presence in the New World and helped to spread the Christian faith in the colonies.

These "firsts" demonstrate the significance of Jamestown in American history and its role in shaping the country's political, social, and economic development.


What was the Hill-Burton Act?


The Hill-Burton Act, officially known as the Hospital Survey and Construction Act, was a law passed by the United States Congress in 1946.

The act provided federal grants and loans to improve the physical plant of the nation's hospital system and to promote the construction of new hospitals in areas where they were needed most. The goal of the act was to ensure that all Americans had access to quality health care, regardless of their ability to pay. The Hill-Burton Act was instrumental in the expansion of the hospital system in the United States and helped to make modern health care available to millions of Americans.

Learn more about "Hill-Burton Act" here:


who is laura spelman rockefeller ?


Laura Spelman Rockefeller was an American philanthropist and the wife of John D. Rockefeller, the founder of the Standard Oil Company. She was born on September 9, 1839 in Wadsworth, Ohio and died on March 12, 1915 in Pocantico Hills, New York.

Laura Spelman Rockefeller was an active supporter of many charitable causes, including education, public health, and the arts. She is also known for her work in the women's suffrage movement and her support of the Spelman College, a historically black women's college in Atlanta, Georgia. Laura Spelman Rockefeller's legacy continues to be felt through the work of the Rockefeller Foundation, which she helped to establish.

To know more about philanthropist here:


in the tragedy of macbeth, act iii, how does lady macbeth respond to her husband’s behavior at the banquet?


Lady Macbeth claims that he occasionally experiences these "visions" . She then addresses Macbeth, calling into question his manliness and imploring him to awaken from his reverie.

How does Lady Macbeth explain Macbeth's actions during the supper in Macbeth Act III?

According to her, he sleepwalks. She claims that during a struggle to defend Banquo from three assassins, he was shocked. He's had unusual visions since he was a child, she reassures him, so don't be alarmed.

Lady Macbeth criticizes her husband in what way?

When Lady Macbeth critiques her husband's seeming lack of poise and masculinity in Act II, Scene ii, 67–68, she exclaims, "My hands are of your colour, but I shame, She suggests to ignore him because this is how he has always been. She calls her husband's behavior "old lady behavior" and questions his manhood.

To know more about Lady Macbeth visit:


how did government in sparta differ from government in athens?


Sparta was ruled by two kings who held office until their demise or removal. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected regularly.

How did sparta differ from government in athens?

Because Sparta was an oligarchy and Athens was a democracy, they were different from one another. Additionally, Athens intended to develop educated citizens rather than just soldiers, whereas Spartans placed a heavy emphasis on the military and that was their primary objective in raising strong males for the military.

Therefore, because both arms of the Athens government included elected officials, Athens is considered as the origin of democracy. In Athens, boys received a well-rounded education while girls were only taught housekeeping. Boys and girls in Sparta received physical education to stay in shape.

To know more about Athens, visit:


how did the english acquire new york in the 1660s?


The English acquired control of New Netherland, which included the colony of New Amsterdam (modern-day New York City), in the 1660s as a result of the Second Anglo-Dutch War.

How did the English acquire New York in the 1660s?

In the 1660s, at a time of imperial competition between the Dutch Republic and England and territorial expansion, the English acquired control of New Netherland and renamed it New York.

Early in the 17th century, the Dutch founded a colony in what was then known as New Netherland, which comprised modern-day New York City. As a hub for regional trade and commerce, the colony was economically significant to the Dutch.

However, by the middle of the 17th century, trade and territory issues had led to a series of wars between England and the Dutch Republic known as the Anglo-Dutch Wars. England aspired to seize control of the Dutch possessions, notably New Netherland, during the Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665–1667).

A British naval force entered New Amsterdam's harbor in August 1664 and requested that the colony be turned over to the English king. After initially refusing, Dutch Governor Peter Stuyvesant later gave in without a fight after realizing he lacked the means to fight off the far bigger English force.

To know more about English acquire New York visit:


Most of the early English settlers in the North American colonies were _______.


Answer: I believe the answer is Pilgrims

what is one reason for a general pressure to conform in american society during the 1950s?


One reason was in the post war period, most of the people just wanted to live quiet lives.
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