Suppose that you write a subclass of Insect named Ant. You add a new method named doSomething to the Ant class. You write a client class that instantiates an Ant object and invokes the doSomething method. Which of the following Ant declarations willnot permit this? (2 points)I. Insect a = new Ant ();II. Ant a = new Ant ();III. Ant a = new Insect ();1) I only2) II only3) III only4) I and II only5) I and III only


Answer 1


5) I and III only


From the declarations listed both declarations I and III will not permit calling the doSomething() method. This is because in declaration I you are creating a superclass variable but initializing the subclass. In declaration III you are doing the opposite, which would work in Java but only if you cast the subclass to the superclass that you are initializing the variable with. Therefore, in these options the only viable one that will work without error will be II.

Related Questions

Write a recursive function that returns 1 if an array of size n is in sorted order and 0 otherwise. Note: If array a stores 3, 6, 7, 7, 12, then isSorted(a, 5) should return 1 . If array b stores 3, 4, 9, 8, then isSorted(b, 4) should return isSorted(int *array, int n){



Here the code is given as follows,



#include <stdio.h>  

int isSorted(int *array, int n) {

   if (n <= 1) {

       return 1;

   } else {

       return isSorted(array, n-1) && array[n-2] <= array[n-1];



int main() {

   int arr1[] = {3, 6, 7, 7, 12}, size1 = 5;

   int arr2[] = {3, 4, 9, 8}, size2 = 4;  

   printf("%d\n", isSorted(arr1, size1));

   printf("%d\n", isSorted(arr2, size2));

   return 0;



Illustrate why Sally's slide meets or does not meet professional expectations?
Describe all the things Sally can improve on one of her slides?
Suggest some ways Sally can learn more PowerPoint skills.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you did not provide any context or background about the situation of Sally and the problem with her slides. We do not know it, just you.

However, trying to be of help, we can comment on the following general terms.

When someone does not meet professional expectations, this means that this individual did not prepare her presentation, lacked technical skills, did not included proper sources, or missed the proper visual aids to make the presentation more attractive and dynamic.

What Sally can improve about her slides is the following.

She can design a better structure for the presentation to have more congruence.

Sally has to clearly establish the goal or goals for her presentation.

She has to add many visuals instead of plain text. This way she can better capture the interest of her audience.

If she can use more vivid colors instead of pale or dark ones, that would be best.

No paragraphs unless necessary. She better uses bullet points.

Take care of the tone of her voice. During her practice, she can record her vice to check how it sounds.

Write a programmer defined function that compares the ASCII sum of two strings. To compute the ASCII sum, you need to compute the ASCII value of each character of the string and sum them up. You will thus need to calculate two sums, one for each string. Then, return true if the first string has a larger ASCII sum compared to the second string, otherwise return false. In your main function, prompt the user to enter two strings with a suitable message and provide the strings to the function during function call. The user may enter multiple words for either string. Then, use the Boolean data returned by the function to inform which string has the higher ASCII sum.



The program in Python is as follows:

def ASCIIsum(str1,str2):

   asciisum1 = 0;    asciisum2 = 0

   for chr in str1:

       asciisum1 += (ord(chr) - 96)

   for chr in str2:

       asciisum2 += (ord(chr) - 96)

   if asciisum1 > asciisum2:

       return True


       return False

str1 = input("Enter first string: ")

str2 = input("Enter second string: ")

if ASCIIsum(str1,str2) == True:

   print(str1,"has a higher ASCII value")


   print(str2,"has a higher ASCII value")


This defines the function

def ASCIIsum(str1,str2):

This initializes the ascii sum of both strings to 0

   asciisum1 = 0;    asciisum2 = 0

This iterates through the characters of str1 and add up the ascii values of each character

   for chr in str1:

       asciisum1 += (ord(chr) - 96)

This iterates through the characters of str2 and add up the ascii values of each character

   for chr in str2:

       asciisum2 += (ord(chr) - 96)

This returns true if the first string has a greater ascii value

   if asciisum1 > asciisum2:

       return True

This returns false if the second string has a greater ascii value


       return False

The main begins here

This gets input for first string

str1 = input("Enter first string: ")

This gets input for second string

str2 = input("Enter second string: ")

If the returned value is True

if ASCIIsum(str1,str2) == True:

Then str1 has a greater ascii value

   print(str1,"has a higher ASCII value")

If otherwise


Then str2 has a greater ascii value

   print(str2,"has a higher ASCII value")

Write a function int checkBalance(char exp[]); that can take an expression as input and check whether the parenthesis used in that expression are valid or invalid. It returns 1 if it is valid, and returns 0 if it is not valid.For example, the following expressions are valid: [ A * {B (C D)}] and [{()()}]The following expressions are invalid: [ A * {B (C D})], [ { ( ] ) ( ) }




The following code is written in Java. It uses for loops to loop through the array of characters, and uses IF statements to check if the symbols in the expression are balanced. If so it returns true, otherwise it breaks the function and returns false. Two test cases have been provided in the main method and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.util.ArrayList;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       char[] exp = { '[', 'A', '*', '{', 'B', '(', 'C', 'D', ')', '}', ']'};

       char[] exp2 = {'[', 'A', '*', '(', 'C', '}', ']'};




   public static boolean checkBalance(char exp[]) {

       ArrayList<Character> symbols = new ArrayList<>();

       for (char x: exp) {

           if ((x =='[') || (x == '{') || (x == '(')) {



           if (x ==']') {

               if (symbols.get(symbols.size()-1) == '[') {


               } else {

                   return false;



           if (x =='}') {

               if (symbols.get(symbols.size()-1) == '{') {


               } else {

                   return false;



           if (x ==')') {

               if (symbols.get(symbols.size()-1) == '(') {


               } else {

                   return false;




       return true;



To connect several computers together, one generally needs to be running a(n) ____ operating system



Local Area Network


In the Information technology it is called Local Area Network.

Write a class called Student that has two private data members - the student's name and grade. It should have an init method that takes two values and uses them to initialize the data members. It should have a get_grade method.




The following class is written in Python as it is the language that uses the init method. The class contains all of the data members as requested as well as the init and get_grade method. It also contains a setter method for both data variables and a get_name method as well. The code can also be seen in the attached image below.

class Student:

   _name = ""

   _grade = ""

   def __init__(self, name, grade):

       self._name = name

       self._grade = grade

   def set_name(self, name):

       self._name = name

   def set_grade(self, grade):

       self._grade = grade

   def get_name(self):

       return self._name

   def get_grade(self):

       return self._grade

2.2 Write a program that uses input to prompt a user for their name and then welcomes them. Note that input will pop up a dialog box. Enter Sarah in the pop-up box when you are prompted so your output will match the desired output.




The following program is written in Javascript. It creates a prompt that asks the user for his/her name and saves it in a variable called userName. Then it uses that variable to welcome the user. A test case is shown in the images below with the desired output.

let userName = prompt("Enter Your Name")

alert(`Hello ${userName}`)

Write a method swapArrayEnds() that swaps the first and last elements of its array parameter. Ex: sortArray


I understand you want a function that swaps the first and last element of an array so that the first element takes the last one's value and vice versa.

Answer and Explanation:

Using Javascript programming language:

function swapArrayEnds(sortArray){

var newArray= sortArray.values();

var firstElement=newArray[0];



return newArray;


var exampleArray=[2, 5, 6, 8];


In the function above we defined the swapArray function by passing an array parameter that is sorted by swapping its first and last element. We first get the elements of the arrayvusing the array values method. We then store the value of the first element in the variable firstElement so that we are able to retain the value and then switch the values of the first element before using the firstElement to switch value of the last element. We then return newArray and call the function.

Web-Based Game that serves multiple platforms
Analyze the characteristics of and techniques specific to various systems architectures and make a recommendation to The Gaming Room. Specifically, address the following:
1. Operating Platform: Recommend an appropriate operating platform that will allow The Gaming Room to expand Draw It or Lose It to other computing environments.>
2. Operating Systems Architectures:
3. Storage Management:
4. Memory Management:
5. Distributed Systems and Networks:
6. Security: Security is a must-have for the client. Explain how to protect user information on and between various platforms. Consider the user protection and security capabilities of the recommended operating platform.>



Here the answer is given as follows,


Operating Platform:-  

In terms of platforms, there are differences between, mobile games and pc games within the way it's used, the operator, the most event play, the sport design, and even the way the sport work. we all know that each one the games on console platforms, PC and mobile, have their own characteristic which has advantages and disadvantages All platforms compete to win the rating for the sake of their platform continuity.  

Operating system architectures:-  

Arm: not powerful compared to x86 has many limitations maximum possibility on arm arch is mobile gaming.  

X86: very powerful, huge development so easy to develop games on platforms like unity and unreal, huge hardware compatibility and support  

Storage management:-  

On the storage side, we've few choices where HDD is slow and too old even a replacement console using SSD. so SSD is the suggested choice. But wait SSD have also many options like SATA and nvme.    

Memory management:-  

As recommended windows, Each process on 32-bit Microsoft Windows has its own virtual address space that permits addressing up to 4 gigabytes of memory. Each process on 64-bit Windows features a virtual address space of 8 terabytes. All threads of a process can access its virtual address space. However, threads cannot access memory that belongs to a different process.  

Distributed systems and networks:-  

Network-based multi-user interaction systems like network games typically include a database shared among the players that are physically distributed and interact with each other over the network. Currently, network game developers need to implement the shared database and inter-player communications from scratch.  


As security side every game, there's an excellent risk that, within the heat of the instant, data are going to be transmitted that you simply better keep to yourself. There are many threats to your IT.  

Define on the whole data protection matters when developing games software may cause significant competitive advantages. Data controllers are obliged under the GDPR to attenuate data collection and processing, using, as an example , anonymization or pseudonymization of private data where feasible.

Given main(), complete the Car class (in file with methods to set and get the purchase price of a car (setPurchasePrice(), getPurchasePrice()), and to output the car's information (printInfo()).
Ex: If the input is:
where 2011 is the car's model year, 18000 is the purchase price, and 2018 is the current year, the output is:
Car's information:
Model year: 2011
Purchase price: 18000
Current value: 5770
Note: printInfo() should use three spaces for indentation.


Answer and Explanation:

public class Main {

int Carmodel;

int Purchaseprice;

int Currentyear;

Public void setPurchasePrice(int Purchaseprice){



Public void getPurchasePrice(){

return Purchaseprice;


static void printInfo(int Carmodel int Currentyear ){



System.out.println(getPurchasePrice() Carmodel Currentyear);



The above java program defines a class that has three methods, a get method that returns purchase price of the object, a set method that sets purchase price of the object, and a print method that print out the information about the car object(model, year, price). The print method also takes arguments and assigns values of the arguments/parameters to the object, then prints all.

LAB: Count characters - methods
Write a program whose input is a character and a string, and whose output indicates the number of times the character appears in the string.
Ex: If the input is
n Monday
the output is
Ex: If the input is
Today is Monday
the output is
Ex: If the input is
n it's a sunny day
the output is
Your program must define and call the following method that returns the number of times the input character appears in the input string public static int countCharacters (char userChar, String userString)
Note: This is a lab from a previous chapter that now requires the use of a method
1 import java.util.Scanner
3 public class LabProgram
5 /* Define your method here */
7 public static void main(String[] args) {
8 Type your code here: * >
9 }
10 }



i hope understand you

mark me brainlist


using namespace std;

#include <iostream>


#include <string.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <stdio.h>


#define BLANK_CHAR (' ')



int CountCharacters(char userChar, char * userString)



int countReturn=0;


int n = strlen(userString);


for (int iLoop=0; iLoop<n; iLoop++)


       if (userString[iLoop]==userChar)









    Removes white spaces from passed string; returns pointer

     to the string that is stripped of the whitespace chars;


  Returns NULL pointer is empty string is passed;  

     Side Effects:




char * RemoveSpaces(char * userString)



 char * outbuff = NULL;


 if (userString!=NULL)


   int n = strlen(userString);

    outbuff = (char *) malloc(n);


   if (outbuff != NULL)



          int iIndex=0;

          //copies non-blank chars to outbuff

         for (int iLoop=0; iLoop<n; iLoop++)


           if (userString[iLoop]!=BLANK_CHAR)






   } //for










int main()



 char inbuff[255];




 char * outbuff = RemoveSpaces(inbuff);

 if (outbuff !=NULL)


    cout << ">" << outbuff << "<" << endl;








  char chChar;


 cin >> chChar;


 int iCount = CountCharacters(chChar,inbuff);

 cout << " char " << chChar << " appears " << iCount << " time(s) in >" << inbuff << "<" << endl;



You are between flights at the airport and you want to check your email. Your wireless settings show two options:
a) a free unsecured site called TerminalAir and b) a pay-by-the-hour site called Boingo.
Which one is likely to be the most secure?


The correct answers Is B

LAB: Acronyms
An acronym is a word formed from the initial letters of words in a set phrase. Write a program whose input is a phrase and whose output is an acronym of the input. If a word begins with a lower case letter, don't include that letter in the acronym. Assume there will be at least one upper case letter in the input.
If the input is
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
the output should be



LAB means laboratory

IEEE means institute of electrical and electronic engineer

When she manages a software development project, Candace uses a program called __________, because it supports a number of programming languages including C, C , C



PLS programming language supporting.


When she manages a software development project, Candace uses a program called PLS programming language supporting.

What is a software development project?

Software development project is the project that is undertaken by the team of experts that developed through different format of coding language. The software development has specific time, budget, and resources.

Thus, it is PLS programming language

For more details about Software development project, click here:


????????????????????????? ???????????????



sorry, I don't know what that is

Need help coding a sql probelm (not that hard im just confused)



random answer


point = selct dnsggg

what is the meaning of compiler​



in computing it means a program that converts instructions into a machine-code or lower-level form so that they can be read and executed by a computer.

A pharmaceutical company is using blockchain to manage their supply chain. Some of their drugs must be stored at a lower temperature throughout transport so they installed RFID chips to record the temperature of the container.

Which other technology combined with blockchain would help the company in this situation?



"Artificial Intelligence" would be the correct answer.


Artificial intelligence through its generic definition seems to be a topic that integrates or blends computer technology with sturdy databases to resolve issues.Perhaps it covers particular fields of mechanical acquisition including profound learning, which can sometimes be referred to together alongside artificial intellect.

Thus the above is the correct answer.

Difference between analog and hybrid computer in tabular form​



Analog computers are faster than digital. Analog computers lack memory whereas digital computers store information. ... It has the speed of analog computer and the memory and accuracy of digital computer. Hybrid computers are used mainly in specialized applications where both kinds of data need to be process.

hope it is helpful for you

Insert the missing code in the following code fragment. This fragment is intended to implement a method to set the value stored in an instance variable. public class Employee { private String empID; private boolean hourly; . . . _______ { hourly



public boolean getHourly()


You are developing a Windows forms application used by a government agency. You need to develop a distinct user interface element that accepts user input. This user interface will be reused across several other applications in the organization. None of the controls in the Visual Studio toolbox meets your requirements; you need to develop all your code in house.

What actions should you take?



The answer is "Developing the custom control for the user interface"


The major difference between customized control & user control would be that it inherit throughout the inheritance tree at different levels. Usually, a custom power comes from the system. Windows. UserControl is a system inheritance.

Using accuracy up is the major reason for designing a custom UI control. Developers must know how to use the API alone without reading the code for your component. All public methods and features of a custom control will be included in your API.

A blogger writes that the new "U-Phone" is superior to any other on the market. Before buying the U-Phone based on this review, a savvy consumer should (5 points)

consider if the blogger has been paid by U-Phone
assume the blogger probably knows a lot about U-Phones
examine multiple U-Phone advertisements
speak to a U-Phone representative for an unbiased opinion



Speak to a U-Phone representative.


A representative will tell you the necessary details about the U-phone without any biases whatsoever, as they´re the closest to the company when it comes to detail about their products.

Tu teléfono es muy bueno no sé mucho de que se trata porque no se inglés y el celular está en inglés.

Gray London is a retired race car driver who helped Dale Earnhardt, Jr. get his start. He is writing a book and making a video about the early days or Dale Earnhardt. He is trying to decide whether to market these items directly over the Internet or to use intermediaries. To make this decision, he needs to know the pros and cons of each route. Provide that information and make a recommendation to him.




Marketing your product directly over the internet can lead to much greater profits and there are many options that you can choose from in order to target the correct audience. Unfortunately, doing so does require marketing knowledge and is basically like growing a business. If you were to use intermediaries they already have the knowledge necessary to market your product but will take a percentage of the profits, which will ultimately limit your gains. Since Gray London is a race car driver, I am assumming that he does not have any prior technological expertise or marketing expertise, therefore I would recommend using intermediaries.

Question 1(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)
(01.01 MC)
Which broad category is known for protecting sensitive information in both digital and hard-copy forms?
O Cybersecurity
O Information protection
O Information assurance
Internet Crime Complaint Center



Information assurance


Data theft can be defined as a cyber attack which typically involves an unauthorized access to a user's data with the sole intention to use for fraudulent purposes or illegal operations. There are several methods used by cyber criminals or hackers to obtain user data and these includes DDOS attack, SQL injection, man in the middle, phishing, etc.

Information assurance is a broad category that is typically used by cybersecurity or network experts to protect sensitive user information such as passwords, keys, emails, etc., in both digital and hard-copy forms

Write a program that reads a list of words. Then, the program outputs those words and their frequencies. Ex: If the input is: hey hi Mark hi mark



The program in Python is as follows:

wordInput = input()

myList = wordInput.split(" ")

for i in myList:



This gets input for the word

wordInput = input()

This splits the word into a list using space as the delimiter

myList = wordInput.split(" ")

This iterates through the list

for i in myList:

Print each word and its count


you are installing two new hard drives into your network attached storage device your director asks that they be put into a raid solution that offers redundndancy over performance which would you use


Question options:

a. RAID 0

b. RAID 1

c. RAID 5

d. RAID 6

e. RAID 10


d. RAID 6


RAID is Redundant Array of Inexpensive/Independent Disks. RAID combines low cost physical hard disk drives in one hard disk drive. RAID is used to achieve data redundancy(data backup but with synchronization) or improved performance or both.

To get what the director requires he would need to use RAID 6. RAID 6 is RAID level optimized to achieve data redundancy but with slow performance.

Suppose during a TCP connection between A and B, B acting as a TCP receiver, sometimes discards segments received out of sequence, but sometimes buffers them. Would the data sent by A still be delivered reliably and in-sequence at B? Explain why.





We known that TCP is the connection [tex]\text{oriented}[/tex] protocol. So the TCP expects for the target host to acknowledge or to check that the [tex]\text{communication}[/tex] session has been established or not.

Also the End stations that is running reliable protocols will be working together in order to verify transmission of data so as to ensure the accuracy and the integrity of the data. Hence it is reliable and so the data can be sent A will still be delivered reliably and it is in-sequence at B.

write a loop that reads positive integers from stands input and that terinated when it reads an interger that is not positive after the loop termpinates


Loop takes only positive numbers and terminates once it encounters a negative numbers.

Answer and Explanation:

Using javascript:

Var positiveInt= window.prompt("insert positive integer");


Alert("a positive integer");

Var positiveInt= window.prompt("insert positive integer");


Or we use the do...while loop

Var positiveInt= window.prompt("insert positive integer");


Var positiveInt= window.prompt("insert positive integer");


While (positiveInt>=0);

The above program in javascript checks to see if the input number is negative or positive using the while loop condition and keeps executing with each input until it gets a negative input

Usually, in organizations, the policy and mechanism are established by the:


Team of Exectives

Board of Directors


none of these



Team of exectives


This is right answer please answer my question too

Write a program that will read two floating point numbers (the first read into a variable called first and the second read into a variable called second) and then calls the function swap with the actual parameters first and second. The swap function having formal parameters number1 and number2 should swap the value of the two variables.
Sample Run:
Enter the first number
Then hit enter
Enter the second number
Then hit enter
You input the numbers as 80 and 70.
After swapping, the first number has the value of 70 which was the value of the
second number
The second number has the value of 80 which was the value of the first number



The program in Python is as follows:

def swap(number1,number2):

   number1,number2 = number2,number1

   return number1, number2


first = int(input("First: "))

second = int(input("Second: "))

print("You input the numbers as ",first,"and",second)

first,second= swap(first,second)

print("After swapping\nFirst: ",first,"\nSecond:",second)


This defines the function

def swap(number1,number2):

This swaps the numbers

   number1,number2 = number2,number1

This returns the swapped numbers

   return number1, number2

The main begins here

This gets input for first    

first = int(input("First: "))

This gets input for second

second = int(input("Second: "))

Print the number before swapping

print("You input the numbers as ",first,"and",second)

This swaps the numbers

first,second= swap(first,second)

This prints the numbers after swapping

print("After swapping\nFirst: ",first,"\nSecond:",second)

Other Questions
What is the main purpose of paragraph 5? Which word in the following sentence functions as an adjective?Daniel is undeniably the most talented member of the boy's choir. Sheridan Company has recently tried to improve its analysis for its manufacturing process. Units started into production equaled 18500 and ending work in process equaled 1400 units. Sheridan had no beginning work in process inventory. Conversion costs are applied uniformly throughout production, and all materials are applied at the beginning of the process. How much is the materials cost per unit if ending work in process was 25% complete and total materials costs equaled $62900 Question 2 of 10Which of the following should be included in a good conclusion? which graph is that one of the inequality shown below? Kremena's bank account earns 4.5% simple interest. How much must she deposit in the account today if she wants it to be worth $1,250 in 3 years I need help with these questions Imagine you are a news reporter for the Daily News. Write a detailed report about the advances of Japan across Asia and the Pacific during 1941-1942. Write your opinion on the decision of bombing Pearl Harbor. Was it a wise decision? Why or why not? Use examples from the reading to support your opinion. During WWII, what was the largestgroup that went to work in the factorieswhen the soldiers went to war?A. AsiansB. ChildrenC. LatinosD. Women A certain polygon has its vertices at the following points: (1, 1), (1, 8), (8, 1), and (8, 8) In a large crowd, there are three times asmany men as women. Three people arechosen at random. Assuming that there areso many people that choosing three has anegligible effect on the proportion of men towomen, find the probability that they area.all menb.2 women and 1 man. HELP PLEASSSSSS I will give brainlyest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please help me solve this problem Im really struggling Northern Africa are ___while the majority of people in Southern Africa are ____A. Jewish; Muslim B. Christianity; Muslim C.Christian;Jewish D.Muslim;Christian What is the value of R in the ideal gas law?O A. -0.0821 L'atm/mol KOB. 0.0821 L'atm/mol:KO c. 273 L'atm/mol KO D. -273 L'atm/mol K Im confused with this question Cules son las principales formas de escritura de Amrica antes de la conquista de los espaoles? Consider the following data and then calculate the half-life for this particular isotope:Time Activity (cpm)0 days 320,00040 days 216,100100 days 120,000(A) 35.2 days.(B) 75.6 days.(C) 70.6 days.(D) 62.9 days.(E) None of these. Two different businesses model their profits over 15 years, where x is the year, f(x) is the profits of a garden shop, and g(x) is the profits of a construction materials business. Use the data to determine which function is exponential, and use the table to justify your answer. 1. f(x) is exponential; an exponential function increases more slowly than a linear function.2. f(x) is exponential; f(x) increased more overall than g(x).3. g(x) is exponential; g(x) has a higher starting value and higher ending value.4. g(x) is exponential; an exponential function increases faster than a linear function. A fair dice is rolled. Work out the probability of getting a number less than 5. Give your answer in its simplest form.