Select the vocabulary term that best relates to the text.

Daniela, primero, baña al perro, segundo, juega con el gato, y tercero, limpia el agua del pez.

Based on the text, what would be the best place for Daniela to volunteer at.

El comedor de beneficencia
El hogar de ancianos
El proyecto de acción social
El refugio de animales


Answer 1


the 4 one (El refugio de animales)


luck :)

Answer 2


El refugio de animales.


Related Questions

1: Yo
A: eres
B: son
C: es
D: somos
E: soy

2: Tú
A: eres
B: son
C: es
D: somos
E: soy

3: Él
A: eres
B: son
C: es
D: somos
E: soy

4: Nosotros
A: eres
B: son
C: es
D: somos
E: soy

5: Ellos
A: eres
B: son
C: es
D: somos
E: soy



1- Soy

2- Eres

3- Es

4- Somos

5- son


1. Yo soy

2. Tú Eres

3. El es

4. Nosotros somos

5. Ellos son

Fill in the blank.

Necesitamos nieve para_______


Necesitamos nieve para jugar/comer
You can also use: Esquiar

¿Cuál es el resultado de las estrategias en la lectura?



ExplanatEstrategias para la lectura

A continuación enumeramos 21 estrategias de lectura que funcionan en todo tipo de contenido.

Vuelve a leer el texto. ...

Usa tu conocimiento previo. ...

Lee entre lineas, usa las pistas del contexto. ...

Piensa en voz alta. ...

Haz un resumen. ...

Ubica las palabras claves. ...

Haz predicciones. ...




El resultado es que se obtiene una mejor comprensión de la lectura.

Listen and choose the option with the correct price.




Blue shoes, pants, boots, green hat





People on your block come from all over the world. Use the verb ser and the information given to introduce each, including yourself.

George y John. Estados Unidos. Periodistas.



Jorge y Juan son periodistas estadounudenses.


so, Hi ok I translated everything in Spanish and I also put the verb "Ser" which is "son" in this case andddd this is the result

"Jorge and Juan are journalists from the United States."

Also, you can put the names as they are or in Spanish, whichever you are ordered to put. Have a nice day! Hope I helped!!

I know this answer because my first language is spanish! bye have a nice rest of the day!!!

Jorge y Juan son periodistas viviendo en los Estados Unidos.

Angela quiere que yo __________ con ella.


Ángela quire que yo (B) baile con ella.
The answer:
B.) Baile

Genero que consiste en narrar historias ficticias o reales








Genero literario.

Escoja la mejor frase para expresar: I leave school at 4.

A. Salís de la escuela a las 4.
B. Salgo de la escuela a las 4.
C. Sales de la escuela a las 4.
D. Sale de la escuela a las 4.



i suppose D


A and C is talking about YOU while B is the same as the question so D

hope that helps

B, personal pronouns end with o

Decide whether the sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT as written.

¿Te gusta viajas con tu familia?



It is Incorrect.It doesn’t sound right(coming from a Spanish speaker)
The sentence is Incorrect it should be “te gusta viajar con tu familia.”

Fill in the blank with the correct imperfect conjugation of the verb in parentheses.
Domingo. (besar)





Laura besaba a Domingo


Laura, besaba a Domingo.


Hope that helped.

Right Answer: besó

. Mi familia y yo _____ la música. *



escuchamos most likely

Instrucciones: Usando el vocabulario de las rutinas diarias, escriba 6 frases que describan la mañana típica de Mónica antes de la escuela. Asegúrese de conjugar para (ella).


Answer: Que hay que hacer

Explanation: Deja tu comentario

I have no clue what goes there. It's not gracías, I already tried. :( ​


Usted that what I think it is

You could try his name maybe?

the verb estar is used to talk about



It is used to talk about temporary conditions.


It is used to talk about temporary conditions.

Ex: She is sick.

She might be sick with a cough or a fever, but she can't be sick forever.

Hope this helped! Please mark brainliest :)

En el cuento bicicletas 3 cemento fresco
¿Quién halló la solución? y ¿cómo? ¿qué atractivos tenía el nuevo circuito?



eso esta complicado


Cuando se utilizan los dos punto ?


when you’re going to list a series of things
Los dos puntos representan un signo de puntuación que se utiliza para enfatizar alguna acción o para introducir la parte de la oración que sigue a continuación.

Decide whether the sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT as written.

Mi abuela quiere limpiar nuestra casa.




It is correct


Correct grammar




Edge 2022

El _____ en la clase


Answer: Esta

Explanation: there’s not a lot of context but it makes sense because esta means “is” and the sentence would translate to “he is in the class”

Ese es la respuesta correcta

Enter a conjugation of the reflexive verb hacerse to correctly complete the sentence.

Joaquín siempre se enoja. Cada día _______ más enojón.


The correct answer is: Se hace

Soy Alberta y voy a una fiesta hoy. Uso la rasuradora mojado para mis piernas y el gel húmedo para mi pelo. Me pongo ropa bonita. Me pinto las uñas de color rojo y con mis uñas secas ya, me pongo mis zapatos.

Select the option that corrects the error in noun-adjective agreement.



Rasuradora-mojada it’s the right answer

Hope this helps, I speak Spanish since I was born xd
The answer is rasuradora-mojada

describe father in one sentence using a cognate​



Un padre es una figura adulta que tiene el papel de criar a un bebe al mismo tiempo tiene la responsabilidad de su cuidado y educacion.

Traduction in English:

A father is an adult figure who has the role of raising a baby and at the same time has the responsibility for its care and education.


I hoped this helped, I wasn't sure of what I had to do but, if its wrong you can explain it to me and I can help!



Mi papá es como un huracán siempre está trabajando y haciendo hasta lo imposible por mi bien y el de nuestra familia.

Practice the present tense! Write 5 sentences, using 5 different verbs, about a friend, or sibling. Say what they are like, where they live, where they go, or what they do. Do NOT use the verb "gustar." Make sure you comment on two other posts. You can do it!




Mi hermano Pedro es muy cariñoso conmigo, lo quiero mucho.

Mi hermano y yo vivimos en casa con mis papás

Nosotros vamos a pasear a las montañas y disfrutar de las maravillas de la naturaleza.

En este momento estamos preparándonos para correr en una prueba atlética

Vamos a participar en un torneo de basquetbol, tenemos la esperanza de quedar en un buen lugar.

Complete the following question with the correct form of poder:
¿______ Pablo hablar francés?






Puede Pablo hablar francés is the answer
¿Puede Pablo hablar francés? (The verb is present simple second person)

definicion de los generos literarios



Los géneros literarios son los distintos grupos o categorías en que podemos clasificar las obras literarias atendiendo a su contenido y estructura. La retórica los ha clasificado en tres grupos importantes: narrativo, lírico y dramático, a los que se añade con frecuencia el género didáctico, convirtiéndose en un punto de referencia para el análisis de la literatura. ​Así mismo, los géneros literarios son modelos de estructuración formal y temática que le permiten establecer un esquema previo a la creación de su obra.


I did what I could

Los géneros literarios son los distintos grupos o categorías en que podemos clasificar las obras literarias atendiendo a su contenido y estructura. ​ Así mismo,

You will see.





Verás. Hope this helps!!

Translate to become into Spanish in the box below.


To become into = ser (but in imperfect future, the conjugation depends of the person)



Spanish traslation:

Traduzca para convertir al español el cuadro a continuación.

¿Por qué la expresión oral hace posible el intercambio cultural?


La razón por la cual la expresión oral hace posible el intercambio cultural, es debido a que la expresión oral corresponde a una forma de interacción y comunicación en la cual los individuos intercambian ideas acerca de sus propias culturas.

La expresión oral hace posible el intercambio cultural en tanto que la voz y su manifestación son la forma más básica de transmisión entre los seres humanos, tanto de contenido como de identidad entre personas y grupos.

La comunicación entre los seres humanos se manifiesta a través del lenguaje corporal y el lenguaje no corporal, siendo el lenguaje no corporal su forma más esencial, dentro del cual se desataca la voz.

Las manifestaciones de la voz pueden manifestarse en términos de la identidad y los valores intrínsecos a ella que diferencian a un grupo humano con respecto a otros grupos o individuos.

En síntesis, la expresión oral hace posible el intercambio cultural en tanto que la voz y su manifestación son la forma más básica de transmisión entre los seres humanos, tanto de contenido como de identidad entre personas y grupos.

Invitamos cordialmente a consultar esta pregunta sobre expresión oral:

siganme y los siguo yo prometo​





Y porque?????????

Y para dónde vamos para donde te seguimos

21.- ¿Explica, según el libro “los trenes se van al purgatorio” qué representa el largo viaje en tren?, recuerda fundamentar con ejemplos del texto



i need more information to help you.


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition la platería



objects made of silver is correct


Other Questions
Which best describes the claim of a compare and contrast paragraph? 21. The mean salary of twelve men is $58,000, and themean salary of eight women is $42,000. Find themean salary of all twenty people. Which of the following is not true about Clarisse McClellan?She loves natureShe hates when people drive their cars fast.She is inquisitive.She is popular at school. Si las mujeres no podan ir al campo de batalla De qu se encargaron durante laIndependencia? What happens to the acceleration if you triple the force that you apply to the painting with your hand? (Use the values from the example given in the previous part of the lecture.) Submit All Answers Answer: Not yet correct, tries 1/5 3. A driver slams on the car brakes, and the car skids to a halt. Which of the free body diagrams below best matches the braking force on the car. (Note: The car is moving in the forward direction to the right.] (A) (B) (C) (D) No more tries. Hint: (Explanation) The answer is A. The car is moving to the right and slowing down, so the acceleration points to the left. The only significant force acting on the car is the braking force, so this must be pointing left because the net force always shares the same direction as the object's acceleration. 4. Suppose that the car comes to a stop from a speed of 40 mi/hr in 24 seconds. What was the car's acceleration rate (assuming it is constant). Answer: Submit Al Answers Last Answer: 55 N Only a number required, Computer reads units of N, tries 0/5. 5. What is the magnitude (or strength) of the braking force acting on the car? [The car's mass is 1200 kg.) Answer: Submit Al Answers Last Answer: 55N Not yet correct, tries 0/5 Carmel was paying premiums for health insurance, but when he had surgery, he was surprised to learn he still owed thousands of dollars to the hospital and medical providers. Carmel is ______. Which is the graph of the equation y-1=- f (x-3)? What is the slope of the graph? testing for a disease can be made more efficient by combining samples. If the samples from two people are combined and the mixture tests negative, then both samples are negative. On the other hand, one positive sample will always test positive, no matter how many negative samples it is mixed with. Assuming the probability of a single sample testing positive is 0.15, find the probability of a positive result for two samples combined into one mixture. Is the probability low enough so that further testing of the individual samples is rarely necessary?w./search?q=%E2%80%8B"At+least%E2%80%8B+one"+is+equivalent+to%E2%80%8B+_______.&oq=%E2%80%8B"At+least%E2%80%8B+one"+is+equivalent+to%E2%80%8B+_______.&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30l3.409j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 The probability of a positive test result is nothing Discuss if you think technology, mobile apps, and/or social networks make us lazy or not. Justify your answer. Identify ways that youve seen social media affect people in the workplace or in society (whether positively or negatively). Analyze technologys impact (and in particular, consider social media and mobile apps) on your own life. What role did the Medici family play in the spread of Renaissance ideas throughoutEurope?A.They traveled to cities throughout Europe and taught Renaissancephilosophies.B.They demolished the Colosseum and replaced it with an art gallery topreserve classical works.C.They promoted the revival of classical Greek and Roman religions inEurope.D.They funded the collection of classical works and were patrons ofRenaissance artists and writers. which is th main cereal crop of hill region? in nepal Select the correct product. (x^2+4)(x^2-4)1. X^4-162. X^4+163. X^2+8x+164. X^2-8x-16 The value of the expression 10 - 1/2^4 x 48A = 2B = 4C = 5D = 7 As the motor speeds up, the value of current decreases because of A. Friction loss B. Increase in resistance C. Increase in back emf D. All mentioned above Brainliest if you answer correctTomas is a 54-year-old man experiencing back pain, and he would like to get into better shape. He is interested in joining his local gym where he can use exercise bands and weight machines. What type of physical activity fits these criteria for Tomas?A. Balance/stretchingB. Bone strengtheningC. Cardiorespiratory D. Muscle strengthening A block of mass M is connected by a string and pulley to a hanging mass m.The coefficient of kinetic friction between block M and the table is 0.2, and also, M = 20 kg, m = 10 kg. Find the acceleration of the system and tensions on the string. The strategic plan of a solar energy company that manufactures high-efficiency solar cells includes an expansion of its physical plant in 4 years. The manager in charge of planning estimates the expenditure required to be $1.17 million in 4 years. The company plans to sets aside $1 million now into an account that earns interest equal to the rate of inflation. What will the inflation rate have to be in order for the company to have exactly the right amount of money for the expansion? a) 4% b) 2% c) Unknown d) 6% Write the following expression in exponential form:16x16x16x1.60416016416x4O 16+ 4 To Kill a Mockingbird Journaling ProjectFollow the assignment instructions and review the rubric:For this project, you must choose a character from the book and create a journal as if you are that character.Your project must include the following:Eight journal entries of at least a page each. Write these entries from different times along the plot of the story.In four of the journal entries describe a meaningful artifacts that the character might have saved to include with the journal.Design an artistic cover that illustrates the symbols from the book associated with the character.Draw 3 designs or pictures to represent events from the story and note what journal entry they relate to.Describe a creative container that the character might have stored the diary in, for safekeeping.Rubric:To Kill a Mocking Bird Journal AssignmentJournal EntriesEight character journal entries of at least half a page each.Maximum score48TimelineEach one is from different times along the plot of the story.Maximum score16Meaningful ArtifactsDescriptions of four meaningful artifacts that the character might have saved are included within the journal.Maximum score8Cover IllustrationAn artistic cover that illustrates the symbols from the book associated with the character.Maximum score5Designs or PicturesThree designs or pictures to represent events from the story are included, with a title that clearly relates them to a journal entry.Maximum score12Container for the JournalA description of a creative container that the character might have stored the diary in, for safekeeping.Maximum score6GrammarLess than 5 grammatical errors in all journal entriesMaximum score5