.- ¿Qué diferencias encuentran entre bailar siguiendo el ritmo de la música y bailar reproduciendo una secuencia de movimientos?


Answer 1




sorry i cannot help you

Related Questions


Which element of art does Louise Bourgeois use in Maman?



The answer could be C. Value

The correct option is A. Balance element of art does Louise Bourgeois use in Maman.

Steel and marble were used to build her spider sculpture. The spider's body was raised above the ground and supported by eight short legs, allowing spectators to freely move underneath. Two pieces of steel were used to construct each ribbed leg.

How tall is the Maman sculpture?

The huge sculpture, which stands over 30 feet tall, is one of Louse Bourgeois's many ambitious projects. More than any other artist of her era, the Bourgeois explored the depths of human feeling over the course of a massive body of work spanning more than sixty years.

She acquired her own tiny press and practiced intaglio methods at Stanley William Hayter's Atelier 17, which she favored. Bourgeois gave up printmaking when she switched to sculpture later in the 1940s and didn't pick it back up until the late 1980s when it then became an essential part of her work.

Learn more about Maman Sculpture here:



How can you respectfully experience art in a gallery?
A.Touch the art to see what it feels like.
B. Stand very close to the art so others can't see it.
C.Talk about the art in a quiet and polite way.
D.Use a camera flash when photographing the art.


You can not touch art. Others must be able to see the art to enjoy it and photography(especially with flash) is strictly prohibited in art museums. C is the answer

One can respectfully experience art in a gallery by talking  about the art in a quiet and polite way. Hence, Option C is correct.

What is the meaning of an art gallery?

A gallery is a place where artwork is shown and offered for sale. As a result, the art gallery is a business that represents a variety of artists. The gallery serves in the capacity of the dealer, promoting and disseminating the respective artists' works.

The terms "art museum" and "art gallery" are both used to refer to institutions that are dedicated to the presentation of art. By having quiet, respectful conversations about the art, one can respectfully experience it in a gallery.

A gallery's main objectives are to support visual artists, publicize their work, and expose them to the general public, collectors, the media, and other cultural organizations.

Therefore, Option C is correct.

Learn more about art gallery from here:



Using the example of the application of shading shapes

Perform the same exercise with the following colors



Answer is green,blue red
it will be green, blue and yellow

Have you ever heard the song?

My hands are searching for You
My arms are outstretched towards You
I feel You on my fingertips
My tongue dances behind my lips for You
There's fire risin' through my being
Burning, I'm not used to seeing You
I'm alive (alive), I'm alive (alive)
I can feel You all around me
Thickening the air I'm breathing
Holding on to what I'm feeling
Savoring this heart that's healing
My hands float up above me
And You whisper, You love me
And I begin to fade into our secret place
The music makes me sway
The angels singing, say, "We are alone with You"
I am alone and they are too with You
I'm alive (alive), I'm alive (alive)
I can feel You all around me
Thickening the air I'm breathing
Holding on to what I'm feeling
Savoring this heart that's healing
And so I cry (holy)


That song sounds so familiar

What technology takes recordings of acoustic instruments and places them under the control of a keyboard or computer



Musical Instrument Digital Interface.(MIDI)


Musical Instrument Digital Interface, known as MIDI, can be regarded as technology that gives enablement for connection of devices that make and control sound. These device could be synthesizers as well as samplers and computers, these enablement allows these device to communicate with each othe through the use of MIDI messages. MIDI allows different electronic instruments as well as electronic music devices to be able to communicate with each other as well with the computers. With MIDI technology coming to light , it has spurred a rapid expansion as regards sales as well as production of music software as well as electronic instruments. It can be regarded as term used in describing communications protocol or digital interface. It should be noted that Musical Instrument Digital Interface( MIDI) technology takes recordings of acoustic instruments and places them under the control of a keyboard or computer.

The technology that is used in taking recordings of acoustic instruments which are then controlled by the computer is the musical instrument digital interface.

The musical instrument digital interface is also used in connecting devices that helps in controlling sounds such as the samplers, synthesizers etc. Examples of MIDI include Logic Pro, Cubase, and Pro Tools. .

MIDI helps in the recording and playback of music which one creates from the digital synthesizer. By using MIDI, one instrument can be able to control another instrument and this allows producers to be able to layer various instruments which corresponds to the sound that they want.

In conclusion, through the musical instrument digital interface(MIDI), different electronic instruments can be able to communicate with the computer system.

Read related link on:


A precursor to jazz, the basic form of the __________ is that one line of text is sung twice and then a conclusion or response is added as the third line, outlining the chord structure of the I for the first line, IV to I in the second line, and a V to IV to I in the third line.





Jazz music is a broad style of music characterized by complex harmony, syncopated rhythms, and a heavy emphasis on improvisation. Black musicians in New Orleans, Louisiana developed the jazz style in the early twentieth century.

Jazz is considered as a musical form that was created by African Americans and also influenced by both European harmonic structure and African rhythms.

A precursor to jazz, the basic form of the Ragtime is that one line of text is sung twice and then a conclusion or response is added as the third line, outlining the chord structure of the I for the first line, IV to I in the second line, and a V to IV to I in the third line.

Ragtime is a solo piano style that was the forerunner to jazz. It dates from the late  1800s through the early 1900s.

To know more about jazz music, refer to the link:


A painting of several religious figures.
The above painting is Michelangelo Buonarroti’s, Last Judgement. He was able to include so much detail and meaning because of his own ________.
understanding of theology and the Bible
use of metaphor


Answer: C: understanding of theology and the bible, you're welcome:)


Una inspiration verdad

Which technique of creating emphasis is in primary use in this painting?

A. scale
B. closure
C. movement
D. perspective ​



perspective is the answer

D. Perspective
I took a test on it

Para Rudolf Laban, existe um linguagem do movimento, que permite que ele seja registrado e interpretado. Explique como o método por ele desenvolvido divide o espaço.


Answer and Explanation:

O método craido por Rudolf Laban para dividir o espaço, tinha como objetivo separar o espaço em tres elementos. Sgundo Laban, essa divisão seria capaz de permitir que o espaço represetasse os fatores fundamentais do movimento como fluencia, espaço, peso e tempo.

NEsse caso, Laban dividiu o espaço em amplitude (que levva em consideração a largura), compimento (que levava em consideração a altura) e profundida (que levava em consideração o distancia entre a fentre do espaço e a parte de trás).

Antes de finalizar  asua resposta, eu preciso te informar que esse não é o site brasileio e não é permitido que você poste perguntas em português aqui. Na verdade, você até pode postar perguntas em português, se elas forem colocadas na aba "World Languagen", independente a materia que a sua pergunta pertence. Então, faça isso da próxima vez, por favor.

Musicians and composers were skilled servants to courts and/or churches during the Baroque period. What similarities and differences can you draw to the music industry today



The music industry is much more admired today. Many modern musicians have become huge celebrities.


That's all I got my dude

The similarity that can be drawn today from the musicians in the Baroque period is that musicians today are;

known to have the gospel genre.They also have the secular genre.

The differences in music of the Baroque music and today's music

The Baroque period did not have the same element like today's music in terms of:

TechnologyInstrumentsClothes and costumes used by musicians

Read more on music here: https://brainly.com/question/20410080

what is this squigly line before a measure in music? what is the name and what does it mean? this is in Clair De Lune by Debussy​



An arpeggiated chord


It means that you play the notes quickly in order and starting from the lowest note to the highest ( pitch wise) to create a sound almost like a harp.

I hope this helps!

Which type of poster does this image show?


where is the image lol?

Summarize the article in one sentence (your own words). What is the main idea?

Newspaper Coverage of the Invasion at Normandy

War News Summarized
June 6th 1944 | New York Times

The invasion of western Europe began this morning.

General Eisenhower, in his first communique from Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, issued at 3:30 am, said that “Allied naval forces supported by strong air forces began landing Allied armies this morning on the northern coast of France.”

The assault was made by British, American, and Canadian troops who, under command of Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, landed in Normandy. London gave no further details but earlier Berlin had broadcast that parachute troops had landed on the Normandy Peninsula near Cherbourg and that invasion forces were pouring from landing craft under cover of warships near Havre. Dunkerque and Calais were being heavily bombed, the Germans said.

Later announcements from Berlin said that there was fighting between Caen and Trouville and that shock troops had swung into action to halt the invasion.

General Eisenhower, in an order of the day to each member of the “great crusade” told his men the enemy would fight savagely: “We will accept nothing less than full victory! Good luck.” In a broadcast to the “Peoples of Western Europe,” he said the day would come when he would need their full help.
A special word to France added that Frenchmen would rule the country. Almost simultaneously it was announced that General de Gaulle had arrived in London.

The liberation of Rome in no way slowed the Allied pursuit of the tired and disorganized German armies in Italy yesterday. Armored and motorized units sped across the Tiber River to attack upon the retreating enemies' heels. Five hundred heavy bombers joined with lighter aircraft to smash rail and road routes leading to northern Italy and to add to the foe’s demoralization. The Eighth Army, despite heavy opposition, especially northeast of Valmontone, captured a number of strategic towns.

General Clark said that parts of the two German armies had been smashed. He doubted the ability of the Germans Fourteenth to put up effective opposition, and felt the Allied victory would come soon.

President Roosevelt warned the people of the United States in a radio talk last night not to overemphasize the military significance of the liberation of Rome. “Germany has not yet been driven to surrender,” he said. “Victory still lies some distance ahead… it will be tough and costly…”



You can use the website in the explanation bar to rewrite it for you and then use word hippo to change out any other words



Involves moving a tool across a dry surface to create marks on that surface.






It’s either painting or drawing. It’s not photography, and with sculpture, the clay needs to be moist, so that leaves you with painting or drawing, but it could be either of those.

Imagina y escribe una narración completando estas frases que están a continuación. Para realizarlo ten en cuenta lo que leímos sobre estructura dramática.

1° Había una vez…. (Se describe al personaje rasgos físicos y psíquicos)
2° Que…. (Que hace- acción, por ej. Viajó, encontró, cualquier verbo que me ayude a determinar la acción del personaje)
3° Cuando y donde…. (Entorno- lugar y tiempo)
4° Qué le pasó… (describir el suceso – conflicto)
5° Debido a eso… (escribir la consecuencia de lo que le paso)
6° Al final… (como termina todo)


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente. Desafortunadamente, no anexas ningún documento que nos ayude a saber qué fue lo que leíste sobre estructura dramática.

Eso no lo sabemos. Sólo lo sabes tú.

Sin embargo, con el deseo de ayudarte, podemos compartirte lo siguiente deseando que te sirva.

Había una vez un mítico personaje en las llanuras de la región que está cerca del Río Verde, al que la gente conocía como el Justiciero Vengador..

Nadie sabía su verdadero nombre. Sólo lo describían como un valiente hombre de "otros lares." Alto, como de 1.80, de figura esbelta y un bigote pronunciado, el Justiciero Vengador vestía de un traje campirano de color negro, pero un antifaz blanco que contrastaba con toda su vestimenta y sombrero negro.

Era un hombre que luchaba por la justicia de los campesinos oprimidos.

Este hombre era perseguido por la ley porque ayudaba a los pobres.

Cuando los enviados del gobierno llegaban a cobrar elevados impuestos, el Justiciero los enfrentaba, peleaba con ellos y les decía que se marcharan y no volvieran. La gente lo quería mucho y lo ayudaba a ocultarse.

Eran los viejos tiempos del 1800s en las llanuras de México. Un momento histórico entre la época de la Reforma y el inicio de la Revolución Mexicana. Una época de injusticias, desigualdad y pobreza.

Una tarde de otoño y bajo fuerte lluvia, un grupo de hombres armados pertenecientes al ejército llegaron con la idea de encontrar al Justiciero y matarlo. Llevaban bolsas de oro para sobornar a los campesinos. Pero estos no aceptaron. Desafortunadamente, uno sí lo hizo y traicionó al Justiciero. Ese hombre les dijo dónde estaba su escondite y hacia allá se dirigió la tropa.

Debido a eso, la gente enfureció y enfrentó a los soldados. Primero atrapó al traicionero y lo colgaron de un árbol. Acto seguido, empezaron a enfrentarse a los soldados. El ruido de los disparos hizo que el Justiciero apareciera. El Justiciero disparó para darse a notar. Los soldados dejaron de atacar a las personas y comenzaron a perseguir al Justiciero.  

Al final, nadie supo a ciencia cierta lo que pasó,

El Justiciero no regresó, pero al regresar la tropa, tampoco traía le cuerpo del Justiciero.

Unos dicen que desapareció para siempre en medio del bosque.

Lo único que queda de el es su leyenda que al día de hoy sigue escuchándose entre los habitantes de esa región.

how can we consider recreational and fun games as a form of fitness​



They are a form of fitness due to activity required to participate in them. They stop a person from becoming sedentary and get them to excersize.


For example, you're playing tag with your friends and that involves running around which is similar to track/cross country

Romantic artists emphasized a. logic and order. b. intense emotional expression. c. All possible answers. d. pomp and splendor.





The artists emphasized that sensation and emotions were equally vital ways to perceive and experience the world, in addition to reason and order. Hence Option B is correct.

What is romantic Art ?

term in use by the beginning of the nineteenth century to denote a movement in literature and art characterized by a renewed interest in human psychology, the expression of personal emotion, and a fascination with nature.

In contrast to Enlightenment ideas that emphasized logic and reason, Romantic painters emphasized subjectivity, emotion, and the irrationality of human nature. All genres of creativity in the 18th century—from literature to music to the visual arts to architecture—were infused with these Romantic elements.

In the same way that Baroque painters aimed to evoke an emotional response in viewers, Romantic artists sought to evoke passion as opposed to faith asMost of what their forebears had written aimed to arouse a sense of nostalgia for rural, pastoral existence, the stirrings of life's mysteries, and a sense of the power of language.

Learn more about Romantic Art here


# SPJ 2

What is a tumba?
A. A snare drum
B. A tom drum
C. A conga drum
D. A bass drum

Answer C



im pretty sure its C



C. a conga drum


not sure why you asked if you have the answer but ok

4. Your classmate Tamira is discussing Renaissance art sculpture and is discussing a sculptor from this period. Which artist is she MOST LIKELY discussing?
Jan van Eyck


Donatello because everyone else is a painter

6. Alin sasumusunod ang hindihalimbawa ng musical element?
a. tempo
shers c. musical texture
d. musical phrase priser
mong at ang may tinianamataas



B. dynamics.


this is the answer in your question.

What colors do you mix to make yellow



Mix red and green to make the color yellow


yellow is red and green


bro its the lighter color thing, and to make yellow you need at primary and a secondary so it just works with light and stuff.

Who created this piece of art?


Michelangelo created this

Arts Grade 9

Arrange the jumbled names of the characters correctly. Write your answers on the space provided.











Salamat po!!!



do you know the awnser beacsue i dont im so sorry this and that


but yeah

A song form in which the same melody is repeated for each stanza, often heard in popular music, is known as a. strophic form. b. modified strophic form. c. through-composed form. d. bar form.


Strophic Form

A song form in which the same melody is repeated for each stanza, often heard in popular music, is known as strophic form.

Common examples of the strophic form include hymns and folk songs

Hope it helps you! \(^ᴥ^)/

Did anyone else know that Ginny Weasley's real/full name is Ginevra Weasly?! Let me know if I am the only one.


Yes. In deathly hallows, her Aunt Muriel says that "Ronald" looked like "Ginerva", because of his long hair. Hahha.

While i don’t think it comes up in the movies at all it does show up in the books, so as a person just reading the books you’d know. But watching the movies you’d probably have no way of knowing

While in the theatre, the audience is always in the presence of the performers. Film allows the audience to be in the presence of Group of answer choices



an image.


An audience can be defined as a group of people who are collectively listening or watching a film, concert, television programme, radio show, book symposium, etc.

In a theatre where a play or drama is been acted, the audience (spectators) is always in the presence of the performers or actors.

On the other hand, a film allows the audience to be in the presence of an image because they don't get to see actors physically. Thus, a film limits the audience to only an image of the actors or characters that are featured therein.

a collection of images

A musical structure in which the same melody is repeated over and over again with different treatment and without intervening new materials is a





I know nothing about music theory but I looked it up and found the answer on Quizzlet. Hope this helps ^^

Complete the chart below by filling in the key name, number of sharps or number of flats.



1st: C major (or its relative minor, A minor, but I think its about major scales so just write C major)

2nd: 1 sharp

3rd: F major

5th: 4 flats

7th: B flat Major

8th: 3 flats

9th: B Major

10th: D flat Major


Which part of the plot reinforces the theme ?



The resolution


The part of the plot that reinforces the theme is the resolution, shows Iktomi's foolish lack of remorse for his actions. Thus, option first is correct.

What is the meaning of theme?

In the story, poem or novel, theme is defined as the central idea of the subject that the narrator or the writer wants to convey with its audience. The theme can be about the love, honesty, integrity, radical, tragedy etc. Thus, it is an underlying message of the story.

The story wit and wisdom is about failure and struggle, which states that it is necessary for a person to experience failure and struggle in order to become great.

Therefore, it can be concluded that The conclusion maintains the theme by demonstrating Iktomi's naive lack of regret for his deeds. Hence, option first is correct.

Learn more about theme here:



Name the art that is done on pieces of different coloured paper laid on top of each other cutting in the desired pattern in each layer of the paper to expose all the colours used to create the design.​



It's printmaking I think


i’m pretty sure it’s
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