_________ media must be downloaded in its entirety to the user's computer before it can be heard or seen


Answer 1




Cloud computing can be defined as a type of computing that requires shared computing resources such as cloud storage (data storage), servers, computer power, and software over the internet rather than local servers and hard drives.

Generally, cloud computing offers individuals and businesses a fast, effective and efficient way of providing services.

In Computer science, a downloadable media must first be downloaded in its entirety and saved to a user's computer before it can be played, heard or seen.

For example, for an end user to listen to a song hosted on a particular website, he or she must first of all download the song in its entirety and have saved on a computer system before it can be seen, played and listened to. Also, other downloadable media such as videos, animations, texts, etc., must be downloaded before they can be accessed or used by an end user.

Related Questions

MyProgramming Lab

It needs to be as simple as possible. Each question is slightly different.

1. An arithmetic progression is a sequence of numbers in which the distance (or difference) between any two successive numbers is the same. This in the sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, ..., the distance is 2 while in the sequence 6, 12, 18, 24, ..., the distance is 6.

Given the positive integer distance and the non-negative integer n, create a list consisting of the arithmetic progression between (and including) 1 and n with a distance of distance. For example, if distance is 2 and n is 8, the list would be [1, 3, 5, 7].

Associate the list with the variable arith_prog.


An arithmetic progression is a sequence of numbers in which the distance (or difference) between any two successive numbers if the same. This in the sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, ..., the distance is 2 while in the sequence 6, 12, 18, 24, ..., the distance is 6.

Given the positive integer distance and the integers m and n, create a list consisting of the arithmetic progression between (and including) m and n with a distance of distance (if m > n, the list should be empty.) For example, if distance is 2, m is 5, and n is 12, the list would be [5, 7, 9, 11].

Associate the list with the variable arith_prog.


A geometric progression is a sequence of numbers in which each value (after the first) is obtained by multiplying the previous value in the sequence by a fixed value called the common ratio. For example the sequence 3, 12, 48, 192, ... is a geometric progression in which the common ratio is 4.

Given the positive integer ratio greater than 1, and the non-negative integer n, create a list consisting of the geometric progression of numbers between (and including) 1 and n with a common ratio of ratio. For example, if ratio is 2 and n is 8, the list would be [1, 2, 4, 8].

Associate the list with the variable geom_prog.



The program in Python is as follows:


d = int(input("distance: "))

n = int(input("n: "))

arith_prog = []

for i in range(1,n+1,d):




d = int(input("distance: "))

m = int(input("m: "))

n = int(input("n: "))

arith_prog = []

for i in range(m,n+1,d):




r = int(input("ratio: "))

n = int(input("n: "))

geom_prog = []

m = 1

count = 0


   m = r**count





#Program 1 begins here

This gets input for distance

d = int(input("distance: "))

This gets input for n

n = int(input("n: "))

This initializes the list, arith_prog

arith_prog = []

This iterates from 1 to n (inclusive) with an increment of d

for i in range(1,n+1,d):

This appends the elements of the progression to the list


This prints the list


#Program 2 begins here

This gets input for distance

d = int(input("distance: "))

This gets input for m

m = int(input("m: "))

This gets input for n

n = int(input("n: "))

This initializes the list, arith_prog

arith_prog = []

This iterates from m to n (inclusive) with an increment of d

for i in range(m,n+1,d):

This appends the elements of the progression to the list


This prints the list


#Program 3 begins here

This gets input for ratio

r = int(input("ratio: "))

This gets input for n

n = int(input("n: "))

This initializes the list, geom_prog

geom_prog = []

This initializes the element of the progression to 1

m = 1

Initialize count to 0

count = 0

This is repeated until the progression element is n


Generate progression element

   m = r**count

Append element to list


Increase count by 1


This prints the list


You often travel away from the office. While traveling, you would like to use a modem on your laptop computer to connect directly to a server in your office and access files.You want the connection to be as secure as possible. Which type of connection will you need?



The answer is "Remote access "


The capacity to access another computer or network that you do not have. Remote computer access provides an employee with remote access to the desktop and file. This assists an employee, for example, who works at home efficiently.

Remote users access documents or other resources on any network-connected device or server, enhancing organizational efficiency and increase there are to cooperate more interact with peers nation.

On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your pain



There are many different kinds of pain scales, but a common one is a numerical scale from 0 to 10. Here, 0 means you have no pain; one to three means mild pain; four to seven is considered moderate pain; eight and above is severe pain.

a computer takes a lot of time to do complex calculation​



A computer takes a lot of time to do complex calculation.



Hope it helps you

what is microsoft speadsheet



Exel if I spelled it right

Explanation: It is very good


It's called Excel and it's in Office 365


It's very useful in my opinion to organize any graphs or information you would like to store online.

What is the correct order or a technological system?

A Input, Output, Process
B Output, Process, Input
C Input, Process, Output
D Process, Resources, Output

POV : the topic is fcm aka family consumer management i don't see any topic for that so i put a different one plz help





In a system you have to send on input data, then the application processes it and then it returns your output

give the difference between functional and functional tools in the middle of to the circle give importance​



hakkuna matata is the radious of a circle

explain the following terms


creative Commons:






Copyleft is the practice of granting the right to freely distribute and modify intellectual property with the requirement that the same rights be preserved in derivative works created from that property.

creative Commons:Creative Commons (CC) is an internationally active non-profit organisation that provides free licences for creators to use when making their work available to the public. These licences help the creator to give permission for others to use the work in advance under certain conditions. Every time a work is created, such as when a journal article is written or a photograph taken, that work is automatically protected by copyright. Copyright protection prevents others from using the work in certain ways, such as copying the work or putting the work online. CC licences allow the creator of the work to select how they want others to use the work. When a creator releases their work under a CC licence, members of the public know what they can and can’t do with the work. This means that they only need to seek the creator’s permission when they want to use the work in a way not permitted by the licence. The great thing is that all CC licences allow works to be used for educational purposes. As a result, teachers and students can freely copy, share and sometimes modify and remix a CC work without having to seek the permission of the creator3. GNU/GPL:​

GPL is the acronym for GNU's General Public License, and it's one of the most popular open source licenses. Richard Stallman created the GPL to protect the GNU software from being made proprietary. It is a specific implementation of his “copyleft” concept.

Software under the GPL may be run for all purposes, including commercial purposes and even as a tool for creating proprietary software, such as when using GPL-licensed compilers. Users or companies who distribute GPL-licensed works (e.g. software), may charge a fee for copies or give them free of charge.

If an element is present in an array of length n, how many element visits, on average, are necessary to find it using a linear search





A linear search starts at the beggining of the array at index 0 and searches for the specific element by analyzing one element at a time. Meaning that if it does not exist in index 0 it moves to index 1 and if its not there it moves to index 2 and so on. If the element is not present in the array it finishes the array and ends, otherwise if it finds the element the search automatically ends. This means that on average the search would end early half of the time. This would mean that on average a total of n/2 elements are visited using a linear search.

To add a picture file to a PowerPoint slide, a user should first go to the





go to power point presentation insert tab

what can be the maximum possible length of an identifier 3163 79 can be of any length​



79 characters


The programming language is not stated, but a little search online shows the question is about python programming language

Literally, identifiers are the names given to variables, arrays and functions.

In most programming languages (e.g. python), identifiers are case-sensitive.

i.e. Abc is a different identifier when compared to abc.

Having said that, python allows up to 79 characters to name an identifier.

Meaning that, the length of a variable name (or array, or function, etc.) can be up to 79 characters, and it cannot exceed 79 characters.

what is computer engineering



Computer Engineering is the discipline embodying science and technology in the design, building, implementing, and maintenance of modern computer systems and computer-controlled equipment software, and hardware components.


Computing engineering is an engineering branch that incorporates several computer sciences and engineering industries that are necessary for the development of computer equipment and software. In general, computer engineers are educated not only in software engineering or electronic engineering but also in software design and software integration. Computer engineers participate in numerous computer software and hardware aspects from the conception of different microcontrollers, micro-producers, personal computers, and supercomputers to the design of circuits.

Computer engineers are usually involved in the writing of software and firmware for embedded microcontrollers, the design of VLSI chips, analog sensors, the construction of mixed-signal systems, and the design of operating systems. The robotic research process is also suitable for the use of digital systems to control and monitor electrical systems, such as drives, communications, and sensors. Computer engineers are also suitable.

In many universities, informatics students are allowed to choose areas of in-depth study in their junior and senior levels, as the full size of knowledge used in computer design and use is beyond the scope of a bachelor's degree. Other institutions may require students to complete one or two years of general engineering before declaring the focus on computer technology

hubs hardware advantage's and disadvantages​



answer in picture

hope it's helpful

Just as SQL is the query language for relational databases, _________ is the query language for Mongo databases.



MongoDB Query Language (MQL)


A database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of software applications that typically enables computer users to effectively and efficiently create, store, modify, retrieve, centralize and manage data or informations in a database. Thus, it allows computer users to efficiently retrieve and manage their data with an appropriate level of security.

Generally, a database management system (DBMS) acts as an intermediary between the physical data files stored on a computer system and any software application or program.

A relational database can be defined as a type of database that is structured in a manner that there exists a relationship between its elements.

A structured query language (SQL) can be defined as a domain-specific language designed and developed for managing the various data saved in a relational or structured database.

Just as structured query language (SQL) is the query language for relational databases, MongoDB Query Language (MQL) is the query language for Mongo databases.

Some of the basic operations used in MongoDB are create, index, update, delete, and find record.

Who is the father of computer?​



The first automatic digital computer has been designed by the English mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage. Babbage developed the Analytical Engine Plans for the mid-1830s.


Babbage has developed the concept of a digital, programmable computer and was a mathematician, philosopher, inventor, and mechanical engineer. Some regard Babbage as a "computer father" The inventing of its first mechanical computer, the difference engine, is attributable to Babbage, which eventually resulted in more complex electronic designs, although Babbage's Analytical Engine is the main source of ideas for modern computers. He was described as the "prime" among the numerous polymaths of his century by his varied work in another field.

Write the steps of the following

i to change font name and size

ii to apply superscript

iii to change a paragraph into capital letter
quick thanks!



i) To change the font name and size

1) Select the text that has the font and size that are to be changed

2) In the Home tab, in the Font group, select the drop down button next to the displayed font and select the desired font, from the drop down list that appears

3) With the text still highlighted, within the Home tab, click on the dropdown button next to the displayed font size in the Font group and select the desired font size from the displayed drop down list and save the changes

ii) To apply superscript

To format a text as a superscript;

1) Select the text to be formatted as superscript

2) In the Home tab, in the Font group, click on the superscript button to change the selected text to superscript

A text can also be changed to superscript by selecting the text and pressing the Ctrl, Shift, and Plus sigh (+) simultaneously

iii) To change a paragraph into capital letter

1) Select the paragraph that is to be changed into capital letter

2) From within the Font group in the Home tab, click on the Change Case button, Aa, then select UPPERCASE from the drop down menu

3) Save the changes


Change the case of letter by​



writing it as a capital or lower case.


T - upper case

t - lower case

not sure if that is what you meant or not


Find the "Bloq Mayus" key at the left side of your keyboard and then type


Thats the only purpose of that key

Calcula l'energia (Kwh) consumida per una màquina de 30 CV que funciona durant 2 hores.



44,76 Kwh


1 cavall = 746 watts

Per tant, 30 cavalls es convertiran en:

30 * 746 = 22380 watts

Temps = 2 hores

La quantitat d'energia consumida s'obté mitjançant la relació:

Energia consumida = Potència * temps

Energia consumida = 22380 watts * 2 hores

Energia consumida = 44760 Wh

A quilowatts (Kwh)

44760 Kwh / 1000 = 44,76 Kwh

La historia de los productos tecnologicos



La tecnología es el conocimiento y el uso de herramientas, oficios, sistemas o métodos organizativos. La palabra tecnología también se usa como un término para el conocimiento técnico que existe en una sociedad.

La demarcación entre tecnología y ciencia no es del todo fácil de hacer. Muchos programas de ingeniería tienen un gran elemento de ciencias y matemáticas, y muchas universidades técnicas realizan investigaciones exhaustivas en materias puramente científicas. La mayor parte de la ciencia aplicada generalmente se puede incluir en la tecnología. Sin embargo, una diferencia fundamental importante es que la tecnología tiene como objetivo "ser útil" en lugar de, como la ciencia en su forma ideal, comprender el mundo que nos rodea por sí mismo. El hecho de que comprender la realidad que nos rodea (sobre todo en forma de leyes y principios universales) sea muy útil para fines técnicos, explica por qué la ciencia y la tecnología tienen grandes similitudes. Al mismo tiempo, existen áreas de conocimiento e investigación en tecnología e ingeniería donde las propias ciencias naturales puras han hecho contribuciones muy limitadas, como la tecnología de producción, la tecnología de la construcción, la ingeniería de sistemas y la informática. En estas y otras áreas de la tecnología, por otro lado, puede haber depósitos de matemáticas, economía, organización y diseño.

You connect your computer to a wireless network available at the local library. You find that you can access all of the websites you want on the internet except for two. What might be causing the problem?



There must be a  proxy server that is not allowing access to websites


A wireless network facility provided in colleges, institutions, or libraries is secured with a proxy server to filter websites so that users can use the network facility for a definite purpose. Thus, that proxy server is not allowing access to all of the websites to the user on the internet except for two.

What type of compression uses an algorithm that allows viewing the graphics file without losing any portion of the data


Answer: Lossless Compression


The type of compression that uses an algorithm which allows viewing the graphics file without losing any portion of the data is referred to as the lossless compression.

Lossless compression refers to a form of data compression algorithms which enables the reconstruction of the original data from the compressed data.

write a pseudocode that reads temperature for each day in a week, in degree celcius, converts the celcious into fahrenheit and then calculate the average weekly temperatures. the program should output the calculated average in degrees fahrenheit



total = 0

for i = 1 to 7

input temp

temp = temp * 1.8 + 32

total + = temp

average = total/7

print average


[Initialize total to 0]

total = 0

[Iterate from 1 to 7]

for i = 1 to 7

[Get input for temperature]

input temp

[Convert to degree Fahrenheit]

temp = temp * 1.8 + 32

[Calculate total]

total + = temp

[Calculate average]

average = total/7

[Print average]

print average

What is the output of this code?
if num > 3:
if num < 5:
if num --7:



The output is:





The code segment


The output

The given code segment has 3 independent if statements; meaning that, each of the if conditions will be tested and executed accordingly

This line initializes num to 7


This checks if  num is greater tha 3; If yes, "3" is printed

if num > 3:


The above condition is true; so, "3" will be printed

This checks if  num is less than 5; If yes, "5" is printed

if num < 5:


The above condition is false; so, "5" will not be printed

This checks if  num equals 5; If yes, "7" is printed

if num ==7:


The above condition is true; so, "7" will be printed

So, the output is:



the condition for meeting future enables you to apply formatting to the cells which satisfy a particular condition true or false​





Conditional formatting feature available in several spread sheet applications is a feature that allows users to apply the type of formatting they want to cells, such that the content of the formatted cells are displayed in a manner that meets a given specific criteria

what is the best college in texas for cyber security



Cybersecurity education in Texas There’s no doubt that cybersecurity education in Texas is in a league of its own. Out of all of the Lone Star State’s universities, the University of Texas at San Antonio is the number one choice for many budding cybersecurity professionals.

This sentence is an example of which type of narrative point of view? I did not know what the future held of marvel or surprise for me.​


Answer: First person


First-person narrative point of view is the mode of storytelling whereby the storyteller recounts the events that occured based on their own point of view. In this case, pronouns such as I, we, our, us and ourselves are used in telling the story.

In the sentence given " I did not know what the future held of marvel or surprise for me" shows that the person is recounting the event based on his or her own point of view. This is therefore, a first person narrative.

Discuss the entity integrity and referential integrity constraints. Why is each considered important



Referential integrity, is the condition with the rule that foreign key values are always valid, and it is founded on entity integrity. Entity integrity, makes certain, the condition that there is a unique non-null primary key for every entity. The parent key functions as the source of the unique identifier for a set of relationships of an entity in the referential constraint parent table, and defining the parent key is known as entity integrity


If you have a small Routing Information Protocol (RIP) network of 10 hops, how will RIP prevent routing loops



RIP prevents routing loops by limiting the number of hopes allowed in a path from source and destination.


Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a type of dynamic routing protocol which finds the best path between the source and the destination network through the use of hop count as a routing metric. The path with the lowest hop count from source to destination is considered as the best route. Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a distance-vector routing protocol.

RIP prevents routing loops by limiting the number of hopes allowed in a path from source and destination.

You have a Windows 2016 Server with DFS. During normal operation, you recently experience an Event 4208. What should you do first to address this issue


Answer: Increase your staging folder quota by 20%


The Distributed File System (DFS) allows the grouping of shares on multiple servers. Also, it allows the linking of shares into a single hierarchical namespace.

Since there's a Windows 2016 Server with DFS and during normal operation, an Event 4208 was experienced, the best thing to do in order to address the issue is to increase the staging folder quota by 20%.

The doubling of the power of microprocessor technology while the costs of its production decreases by half is called ______ Law.



The doubling of the power of microprocessor technology while the costs of its production decreases by half is called Moore's Law.


The Moore's Law was a law derived from a projection on historical trend of the number of transistors in integrated circuits rather than a statement based on laws of Physics. This law stated originally that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles whereas production costs halves due to gain in manufacturing and design experiences every two years. This empirical law was formulated in 1.965.

Microprocessors are IC-based.

The complete answer is: The doubling of the power of microprocessor technology while the costs of its production decreases by half is called Moore's Law.

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