Many lethal genetic disorders such as CF, Huntington’s, sickle cell anemia, Tay Sach’s, etc., persist in the human genome.

How have these genes survived so many millennia of evolution (why didn’t they die out)?


Answer 1

These genes survived so many millennia of evolution because most of the genetic disorders are caused due to mutation in genome.

What is Mutation?

This is referred to as an alteration in the nucleic acid sequence of the genome of an organism, virus, or extrachromosomal DNA by different factors.

The factors which cause mutation in individuals are exposure to mutagens or a viral infection which may be due to the high increase in the technology available in the environment in which they live and operate

These genes such as those which cause disorders such as Huntington’s, sickle cell anemia, Tay Sach’s, etc survived so many millennia of evolution because there is still the cause being present in our everyday world which is therefore the reason why it was chosen as the correct choice.

Read moire about Mutation here


Related Questions

Which of the following sets of biomes is placed in order from
most to least biologically diverse?
O Boreal forest, woodland/shrubland, tropical seasonal
O Tropical rain forest, temperate seasonal forest, tundra
O Subtropical desert, temperate seasonal forest, tropical rain
O Tundra, woodland/shrubland, subtropical desert


Biomes are areas with distinct climates and distinct ecosystems, characterized by certain plants and animals. The biological diversity of a biome is determined by the number and variety of organisms found there.

The following sets of biomes are placed in order from most to least biologically diverse:

Tropical Rainforest - This biome is characterized by a warm and wet climate, and is home to a wide variety of plants and animals. The dense forests and high humidity make this biome the most biologically diverse of the sets listed.

Temperate Seasonal Forest - These forests typically have four distinct seasons and are home to a wide variety of animals and plants, though not as varied as the tropical rainforest.

Woodland/Shrubland - This biome is characterized by shrubby vegetation and temperate climates. While there is a wide variety of plants and animals found in this biome, it is not as biologically diverse as the other biomes listed.

Subtropical Desert - This biome is characterized by hot, dry climates and sparse vegetation. There are a few species of plants and animals that can survive in this environment, but overall there is less biological diversity than in the other biomes.

Tundra - This biome is characterized by cold climates and low levels of vegetation. Few species of plants and animals can survive in this environment, and so it is the least biologically diverse of the sets listed.

Learn more about Biomes at :


ook at the branching tree diagram below.

A slanting, horizontal line is shown. On the extreme left, there is a label that says Common Ancestor. Along the slanting, horizontal line there are five dots labeled from left to right with the following traits Four limbs, Amniotic egg, Fur, Shearing teeth, and Retractable claws. There is one vertical line between each of the consecutive five dots. The lines are labeled from left to right as Amphibians, Reptiles, Marsupials, Dogs, Cats.

Which group of organisms evolved after dogs?

Only cats
Only marsupials
Both cats and marsupials
Both amphibians and reptiles


The amphibians are reptiles, marsupials, dogs, and cats.

What are the characteristics of amphibians?

Amphibians are four-limbed and ectothermic vertebrates of the class Amphibia. All living amphibians belong to the group Lissamphibia.

They inhabit a wide variety of habitats, with most species living within terrestrial, fossorial, arboreal or freshwater aquatic ecosystems. Amphibians are four-limbed and ectothermic vertebrates of the class Amphibia.

All living amphibians belong to the group Lissamphibia. They inhabit a wide variety of habitats, with most species living within terrestrial, fossorial, arboreal or freshwater aquatic ecosystems.

Learn more about amphibians:


Part J: Relate Human Activity and Biodiversity
Do you think building eco-friendly homes that reduce greenhouse gas emissions could have positive effects on biodiversity? Explain your reasoning.


Yes, eco-friendly homes can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and have positive effects on biodiversity.

How do eco-friendly homes affect biodiversity?

Biodiversity refers to the variety of living organisms, that are found in any ecosystem. During the development of the human lifestyle, there is a major loss of biodiversity is observed.

Nowadays, biodiversity is lost rapidly as a result of civilization, and different species of living organisms are becoming extinct because of pollution, habitat loss, invasive species, overuse, etc.

Therefore,  eco-friendly homes that reduce greenhouse gas, by using natural things could have positive effects on biodiversity.

Learn more about biodiversity, here:


Navigate to the website and complete the tutorial followed by the activity. Record your results in the data table below.


The cell cycle is an organized series of processes that take place in a cell before cell division.

What is Cell cycle?

The cell cycle is a four-stage procedure in which the cell enlarges (gap 1, or G1), copies its DNA (synthesis, or S), gets ready to divide (gap 2, or G2), and splits (gap 4, or S).

Interphase, which accounts for the time between cell divisions, is made up of the stages G1, S, and G2. A cell "decides" whether to enter the cell cycle and divide based on the stimulatory and inhibitory signals it receives.

Growth factors, growth factor receptors, signal transducers, and nuclear regulatory proteins are the four groups that can be used to categorize the proteins that are involved in promoting cell division.

Therefore, The cell cycle is an organized series of processes that take place in a cell before cell division.

To learn more about cell cycle, refer to the link:


What happens to a cell if it accumulates too much damage?


Each subsequent cell division produces daughter cells with more accumulated damage. Eventually, all checkpoints fail and rapidly regenerating cells crowd out normal cells, leading to tumor growth.

When a cell accumulates too many changes (when its DNA is damaged and the repair machinery cannot repair it), it either stops dividing or self-destructs. It may become cancerous.

If the damage is irreparable, cells may undergo apoptosis or programmed cell death. This self-destruct mechanism ensures that damaged DNA is not passed on to daughter cells and is important in cancer prevention.

For more information on cells , visit :


What can be known about Mendel's five part hypothesis it is an answer to a scientific?


Mendel established a set of five guiding principles to explain how features are passed down in pea plants, which he called his "five-part hypothesis." The following rules are there are specific "factors" that are transferred from parent to offspring and defining traits.

For each attribute, each parent gives their offspring one component. One factor will be dominant and the other will be recessive when the factors influencing a trait are distinct.

The phenotype will show the expression of the dominant factor but not the recessive factor. A child has a 50% chance of getting a particular trait from a parent.

Mendel's five-part hypothesis has been expanded upon and refined in the century and a half since his initial experiments, but the basic principles he discovered continue to form the foundation of modern genetics. Mendel's work helped establish the concept of the gene as the unit of inheritance and the idea that different versions of a gene (alleles) can result in different traits.

To learn more about Mendel


Which leukocyte might you expect to find in higher quantities in a person experiencing allergies?
a. neutrophil
lb. ymphocyte
c. basophil
d. eosinophil


You could expect to see more eosinophil granulocytes in someone with allergies.

What is a high basophil number?

An high basophil level is referred to medically as basophilic. It can be a sign of ongoing inflammation in your body. Or it can signal that your bone marrow is producing too many white blood cells due to a medical condition. Your doctor can assess your basophil levels using a blood test.

What causes high basophil levels?

If you experience basophilia or some other basophilic disorder, your body creates too many basophils. A virus or a more serious condition of leukemia or even an autoimmune illness may be implicated by an extremely high basophil count.

To know more about eosinophil  visit :


What are examples of environmental influences?


The examples of environmental influences

chemical pollutionair pollutionclimate changedisease-causing microbeslack of access to health carepoor infrastructureand poor water quality.

There is speculation that environmental factors can affect behavior both directly and indirectly. The indirect causal mechanism illustrates how cognitions that are specific to a behavior play a mediating role in the influence of the environment on behavior. A direct influence shows how the environment automatically and unconsciously affects behavior.

Certain behavioral and personal characteristics are hypothesized to modify the causal pathway (i.e., inducing either the automatic or the cognitively mediated environment – behavior relation). The EnRG framework also uses an energy balance approach, which encourages an integrated investigation of factors influencing nutrition and exercise.

To learn more about Environmental influences :


David is growing algae in a closed bottle for an experiment. The bottle is half full of water and half full of air. David floats the bottle in a pond for three weeks. At the end of the three weeks, David notices that lots of algae grew, but the bottle did not sink lower in the pond. Why didn't the bottle of algae grow heavier


The growth of the algae came from the air and water in the bottle. A typical summertime annoyance is the proliferation of algae. These little creatures enjoy attaching to cracks in used returnable bottles. Algae can grow rapidly in a bottle of water because of the sunlight and warmer temperatures.

The organisms are quite tough, even after the bottles have gone through the water cycle. The algae can then receive sunlight as a result. Clear plastic and glass containers are both suitable options. You may use something smaller, like a plastic water bottle, or something bigger, like a tiny aquarium, to cultivate algae for a science air project. Algae can also grow in environments that are highly wet but are not aquatic. For instance, the rocks next to a creek or river might be sufficiently moist to support a thick layer of algae.

To learn more about water, click here.


Procrastinators will usually ________. a. work on important tasks after valuable time has passed. b. work on tasks that are not priorities c. work on tasks in a haphazard way d. all of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D





What is the relationship between natural selection and genetics?


Gene guns, other direct gene introduction techniques, or specially built bacterial trucks are all used in genetic engineering to insert genetic material, a process that does not happen naturally.

Natural sexual and asexual reproductive methods are used in conventional breeding, which primarily relies on selection. Through a procedure called genetic engineering, crops can be produced more quickly than through selective breeding by directly changing an organism's DNA.

Any selection procedure that results from an organism's capacity for environmental adaptation is referred to as natural selection. Contrarily, artificial selection refers to selective breeding that is mandated by an external agent, typically humans, in order to increase the frequency of desirable traits.

Learn more about natural selection Visit:


A dwarf, red snapdragon is crossed with a plant homozygous for tallness and white flowers. What are the genotype and phenotype of the F1 individuals


The genotype of the F1 individuals in this cross is heterozygous, containing both the alleles for tallness and white flowers and the alleles for dwarfism and red flowers. The phenotype of the F1 individuals is tall plants with white flowers.

The dwarf, red snapdragon crossed with a plant homozygous for tallness and white flowers is an example of a monohybrid cross. A monohybrid cross is a type of genetic cross that only involves the inheritance of one trait, such as flower color and plant height. In this particular cross, the dwarf, red flower snapdragon is being crossed with a plant homozygous for tallness and white flowers.

The genotype of the F1 individuals in this cross will be heterozygous, meaning they will possess both the alleles for tallness and white flowers and the alleles for dwarfism and red flowers. The phenotype of the F1 individuals will be tall plants with white flowers. This is because the recessive alleles for dwarfism and red flowers will be masked by the dominant alleles for tallness and white flowers.

Learn more about monohybrid cross at :


Approximately 1.5 minutes of intense exercise will obtain ATP mostly from which process (think sprinting):
a. ATP
b. Anaerobic glycolysis
c. Phosphocreatine
d. Aerobic glycolysis


Approximately 1.5 minutes of intense exercise will obtain ATP mostly from the anaerobic glycolysis process.

Thus, the correct answer is B.

Аnаerobic glycolysis is the mаin metаbolic pаthwаy used in the setting of limited oxygen supply during exercise. It is used during high-intensity, sustаined, isometric muscle аctivity. It is inefficient from аn energetic stаndpoint аnd produces only two АTP molecules per glucose molecule, which is 19 times less thаn the full energy potentiаl of а glucose molecule. Despite its inefficiency, it is а rаpid process, аpproximаtely 100 times fаster thаn oxidаtive phosphorylаtion. The finаl step in the pаthwаy is the conversion of pyruvаte to lаctаte, which leаds to аccumulаtion of lаctic аcid.

For more information about anaerobic glycolysis refers to the link:


the movement of chloroplasts remind me of....


The chloroplasts are these. Maintain a close eye out for any movement in the chloroplasts. Cytoplasmic streaming is the term for movement within a cell.

In both low-light and high-light conditions, efficient photosynthesis depends on chloroplast mobility. The aforementioned claim is true since chloroplasts are an organelle that travel throughout cells through cytoplasm. Every type of cell is filled with a thick fluid called cytoplasm, in which organelles are both suspended and free to move. The cytoplasm is the home of all organelles, including the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplasts, and mitochondria. We may infer that chloroplast is an organelle that moves inside the cell with the help of cytoplasm since the section of the cytoplasm that does not contain organelles is known as cytosol.

Learn more about chloroplasts on

What is the main idea of Mendel's principle of independent assortment?


The inheritance of one character has no bearing on the inheritance of another, according to Mendel's principle of independent assortment. In other words, distinct qualities are inherited independently of one another by their various alleles.

Mendel experimented with cross-bred pea plants that were true-breeding for a variety of traits, such as seed color and seed shape, in order to find this principle.

He discovered that the alleles for seed color and shape did not share an inheritance pattern and that each allele was transmitted to progeny separately.

This principle can be explained by the fact that each gene is located on a different chromosome and during the formation of gametes, the chromosomes are separated randomly during meiosis, leading to the formation of different combinations of chromosomes in each gamete. As a result, the alleles of different genes are inherited independently of one another.

To learn more about Mendel's principle


Match the word to the correct definition.


Autotroph- b, heterotrophs- f, producers- A, consumer- k, foodweb- g, biomagnification I,  decomposer- h, biomass- D, tropic level- j,  energy- pyramid - e, food chain- c.

What are the terms used in ecosystems?

An autotroph organism makes its own food, heterotrophs obtain energy to eat another organism, and producers produce energy for other organisms and also for themselves.

Consumer organism which consumes any other organism, foodweb levels of organism shares relation with each other and to the primary source of energy.

Biomagnification is a concentration of a substance, a decomposer breaks down dead organic matter.

Biomass amount of organisms in a given area or volume, a tropic level diagram showing the interrelationship.

Therefore, an energy pyramid is a flow chart that shows the amount of energy transferred to different tropic levels, food chain shows the eating behavior.

Learn more about the ecosystem, here:


Why might the amount of current and voltage in a circuit need to be juggled?
Because too little current cannot travel far
To keep power constant
To avoid burning out wires
In order to get the most power possible from a given voltage

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



To get maximum power from a given voltage, the amount of current and voltage needed to juggle in a circuit. So, the correct option is (D).

What is Voltage?

Voltage is also called electric pressure, electric tension or potential difference which can be defined as the difference in electric potential between two points. In a static electric field, it describes the work required per unit charge to move a test charge between two points.

To maintain a certain amount of current passing through a circuit the voltage of a circuit is changed which is directly proportional to the current. Lowering the voltage will reduce the flow of current, when we assume that the resistance of the circuit remains the same depending on the demand the voltage changes and the current automatically changes.

Thus, to get maximum power from a given voltage, the amount of current and voltage needed to juggle in a circuit. So, the correct option is (D).

Learn more about Voltage, here:


An organism with a haploid number of 10 will produce ________ combinations of chromosomes at the end of meiosis.


An organism with a haploid number of 10 will produce 1024 combinations of chromosomes at the end of meiosis.

As a consequence, the number of haploid chromosomes is = 10/2= 5. The number of possible chromosomal pairings equals 2n, where n is the number of haploid chromosomes. So, with 10 diploid chromosomes, the number of chromosomal pairs is 25. As a consequence, '25' is the correct answer.

The number of chromosomes reduces from 46 (23 pairs) to 23 during meiosis. Because chromosomes are randomly divided into gametes during meiosis I, each gamete has a distinct set of chromosomes (and alleles).

Because of its 23 pairs of chromosomes, a human gamete has around 8 million potential chromosomal combinations (223).

Learn more about to chromosomes


Part B Match the cardiac components in the left column to the blanks near their functions on the right. View Available Hint(s)
Bundle branches AV bundle Internodal pathways Purkinje fibers AV node SA node 1. Electrical link(s) between atria and ventricles
2. Convey(s) the impulse down the interventricular septum 3. Set(s) the pace for the entire heart 4 Delay(s) occurs here while atria contract 5. Link(s) between the SA node and AV node 6. Convey(s) the impulse throughout the ventricular walls


Match the blanks next to the cardiac parts in the right column inside the left column with their functions. S, internodel routes, and bundle branches

What are Purkinje fibers and bundle branches?

A cardiac muscle involved in conductivity in the heart is called the bundle of His. The branched Purkinje fibers transport the electric pulse to the ventricular. It passes through the interventricular septum and divides into the heart's right and left bundles branches.

Where are the branches of a bundle?

The bundle branches, also known as Tawara branches, sprout from the bundles of His in the ventricle of the heart. By relaying cardiac nerve impulses from the bundles of His to the myocardium, they play a crucial part in the electric cardiac conduction system.

To know more about  bundle branches visit:


What causes populations to lose genetic diversity due to chance?


Stochastic sampling error (i.e., genetic drift) causes populations to lose genetic diversity due to chance.

Genetic drift is a result of sampling error because individuals are randomly chosen when a population is sampled. A random selection is one in which each member of the population has an equal chance of being chosen.

The random change in allele frequencies caused by stochastic sampling of alleles from the previous generation is known as genetic drift (independent of demographic stochasticity).

The variety of various inherited features within a species is referred to as genetic diversity. There would be many people with a wide range of diverse traits in a species with significant genetic diversity. For a population to adapt to changing surroundings, genetic variety is essential.

To learn more about Genetic diversity :


Which experiment would most likely contain experimental bias?

A student tests the attraction of bees to flowers by placing four different flowers in the same location and counting how many bees visit each.
A chemistry class performs an experiment in which each reaction has the same amount of starting material and begins at the same temperature.
A lab performs a test by giving bacterial colonies the same amount of different antibiotics and growing them under the same conditions.
A company that makes pain relief medication tests the effectiveness of their own medicine compared to that of three other brands.


The experiment which would most likely contain experimental bias is a company that makes pain relief medication tests the effectiveness of their own medicine compared to that of three other brands which is therefore denoted as option D.

What is an Experiment?

This is referred to as a procedure which is usually carried out in the laboratory and it is used to support or refute a hypothesis.

Experimental bias on the other hand is the tendency of a scientist or researcher to introduce bias into an experiment through unconsciously affecting the results, data etc. This is because they would want to get values which would show that their drugs are more effective and suitable for use so as to promote more sales and is the reason why some form of bias may be introduced into the findings which was why it was chosen as the correct choice.

Read more about Experimental bias here


What are the 3 types of point mutations and their effects?


The three types of point mutations are: addition, deletion and substitution. The effect of these mutations is that the gene sequence is altered that results in variation in gene expression.

Point mutations are the type of mutations where the change in the genetic sequence is due to alteration of a single nucleotide. This change can be the addition, deletion or substitution of the nucleotide. This can however change the entire sequence for the gene expression.

Gene expression is defined as the process by which the genetic information is converted into a functional form that can produce the results inside the body. These processes are transcription and translation.

To know more about point mutation, here


Substance Y is not present in the urine; however, it was originally filtered through the glomerulus. How is this possible


Substance Y is not present in the urine; however, it was originally filtered through the glomerulus it was reabsorbed in the proximal tubule.

As blood flows into every nephron, it enters a cluster of tiny blood vessel, the glomerulus. The skinny partitions of the glomerulus permit smaller molecules, wastes, and fluid—often water, into the tubule. Larger molecules, together with proteins and blood cells, live withinside the blood vessel. Under ordinary conditions, excessive molecular weight proteins withinside the plasma (e.g., albumin and globulin) can't skip via the filtration membrane because of the results of the scale barrier and rate barrier of the glomerular capillary filtration membrane. Proteins are not normal constituents of the glomerular filtrate.

To learn more glomerulus check the link below:


A population exceeding its carrying capacity will suffer a(n) ____________________ or ____________________, unless the excess individuals can switch to new resources or move to a new area.


A population exceeding its carrying capacity will suffer a(n) dieback; crash or crash; dieback, unless the excess individuals can switch to new resources or move to a new area.

A population is in overshoot while it exceeds to be had wearing ability. A populace in overshoot might also additionally completely impair the long-time period effective capacity of its habitat, lowering destiny wearing ability. It might also additionally continue to exist quickly however will finally crash because it depletes important herbal capital (useful resource) stocks. Carrying ability may be described as a species' common populace length in a specific habitat. The species populace length is confined through environmental elements like good enough food, shelter, water, and mates. If those wishes aren't met, the populace will lower till the useful resource rebounds.

To learn more about population check the link below:


Put the pieces of this summary of Melville’s novel Moby-Dickin order:

Captain Ahab reveals the purpose of this voyage, which is to hunt down a white whale that injured him. Before long, the whale is sighted and the battle begins.

The conflict has been resolved and order restored — at the expense of the Pequod, its crew, and its captain.

At the beginning of the story, we meet the narrator, who introduces us to Captain Ahab and the crew of his ship, the Pequod.

As he fights to capture the whale, Ahab is killed. All of Ahab’s men are also killed and the Pequod is destroyed!

At the end of the novel, the narrator explains how he lived to tell the tale.

What order does the summary lie upon from exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and conclusion.


1 3rd 2 2nd 3 5th 4th 1

What is a possible effect of leakage of inner ear fluid?



Sensitive hearing, Dizziness, Intolerance to motion. Rarely, patients who have perilymph fistula can develop sudden hearing loss or vertigo.


An egg with 22 chromosomes that is fertilized by a normal sperm will result in nondisjunction during subsequent mitosis. O a zygote with disomy. a zygote with monosomy. a zygote with normal chromosome number. a zygote with trisomy.


An egg with 22 chromosomes if fertilized by normal sperm will result in a zygote with monosomy. So the correct option is C

Here the X and Y chromosome has equal chances of getting combined with the one X chromosome of an egg.

Monosomy is a condition in which there is an absence of a specific chromosome in a gamete that combines with a normal gamete to form the zygote. Monosomy is an example of the aneuploidy which results in the imbalance of the chromosome number in a zygote.

When a haploid gamete does not receive a chromosome during meiosis as a result of nondisjunction, it combines with another gamete to form a monosomic zygote. This mainly happens in girls and imparts various physical changes.

To know more about chromosomes visit at:


How does cyanide cause cell injury?



It prevents the cells from using oxygen. And because of this cells die.




The blank words are real, intercept, m, -4 and b in the order.

What is a slope?

In mathematics, a line's slope, also known as its gradient, is a numerical representation of the line's steepness and direction


Slope m = 5

And point (-2, 7)

Slope-intercept form: y = mx + b

Where m is the slope and b is y-intercept.

If a line passes through a point (x₁ ,y₁) and have slope m

then the equation of line is

y - y₁ = m (x - x₁)

We have the equation,

y = -4x + 5

Comparing with the slope-intercept form,

m = -4 and b = 5

Therefore, slope is -4 and b = 5.

To learn more about the slope;


Determine which of the following sequences and structures represent part of mature eukaryotic mRNA.
- termination sequence
- 5'-UTR
- poly-A tail
- 3'-UTR
- start codon
- intron
- 5'-cap
- stop codon
- promoter


A portion of mature eukaryotic mRNA is represented by the sequences and structures of the stop codon poly-A tails 3'-UTR start codon 5'-UTR and AAUAAA.

What characterizes a eukaryotic?

Eukaryote refers to any species or organism that possesses a unique nucleus. A nuclear membrane encircles the nuclear of a multicellular organism, which is home to the distinct chromosomal structures that store the genetic material.

Do eukaryotes possess DNA?

In eukaryotic chromosomes, DNA is tightly wound around protein aggregates called histones. Genetic material is often far less abundant in prokaryotic cells than eukaryotic ones. Each human cell contains about 2m, or 3 million base pairs, of DNA, which must be compressed to fit on the inside of the nucleus. Eukaryotic cells include three distinct nuclear RNA polymerases, each of which transcribes a distinct class of genes.

To know more about eukaryotic visit:


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