Java !!!
A common problem in parsing computer languages and compiler implementations is determining if an input string is balanced. That is, a string can be considered balanced if for every opening element ( (, [, <, etc) there is a corresponding closing element ( ), ], >, etc).
Today, we’re interested in writing a method that will determine if a String is balanced. Write a method, isBalanced(String s) that returns true if every opening element is matched by a closing element of exactly the same type. Extra opening elements, or extra closing elements, result in an unbalanced string. For this problem, we are only interested in three sets of characters -- {, (, and [ (and their closing equivalents, }, ), and ]). Other characters, such as <, can be skipped. Extra characters (letters, numbers, other symbols) should all be skipped. Additionally, the ordering of each closing element must match the ordering of each opening element. This is illustrated by examples below.
The following examples illustrate the expected behaviour:
is Balanced ("{{mustache templates use double curly braces}}") should return true
is Balanced("{{but here we have our template wrong!}") should return false
is Balanced("{ ( ( some text ) ) }") should return true
is Balanced("{ ( ( some text ) } )") should return false (note that the ordering of the last two elements is wrong)
Write an implementation that uses one or more Stacks to solve this problem. As a client of the Stack class, you are not concerned with how it works directly, just that it does work.


Answer 1



import java.util.*;

public class BalancedBrackets {

// function to check if brackets are balanced

static boolean isBalanced(String expr)


Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<Character>();

for (int i = 0; i < expr.length(); i++)


char x = expr.charAt(i);

if (x == '(' || x == '[' || x == '{')


// Push the element in the stack




if (stack.isEmpty())

return false;

char check;

switch (x) {

case ')':

check = stack.pop();

if (check == '{' || check == '[')

return false;


case '}':

check = stack.pop();

if (check == '(' || check == '[')

return false;


case ']':

check = stack.pop();

if (check == '(' || check == '{')

return false;




// Check Empty Stack

return (stack.isEmpty());


public static void main(String[] args)


Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("\nEnter the expression to check is balanced or not !");

String expr = scan.nextLine();

boolean output;

output = isBalanced(expr);


if (output)

System.out.println("Balanced ");


System.out.println("Not Balanced ");




Related Questions

Switched Ethernet, similar to shared Ethernet, must incorporate CSMA/CD to handle data collisions. True False





The Carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) technology was used in pioneer Ethernet to allow for local area networking.  Carrier-sensing aids transmission while the collision detection feature recognizes interfering transmissions from other stations and signals a jam. This means that transmission of the frame must temporarily stop until the interfering signal is abated.

The advent of Ethernet Switches resulted in a displacement of the CSMA/CD functionality.

The message signal m(t) = 10cos(1000t) frequency modulates the carrier c(t) = 10cos(2fct). The modulation index is 10.
1) Write an expression for the modulated signal u(t).
2) What is the power of the modulated signal.
3) Find the bandwidth of the modulated signal.



1) 10cos ( 2πfct + 10sin 2πfmt )

2) 50 watts

3) 1000 Hz


m(t) = 10cos(1000πt)

c(t) = 10cos(2πfct )

modulation index (  = 10

1) expression for modulated signal ( u(t) )

u(t) = Ac(cos 2πfct ) + A (cos 2πfct m(t) ) Am cos2πf mt

      = 10cos 2πfct + 100 cos 2πfct  cos2π500t

      = 10cos ( 2πfct + 10sin 2πfmt )

2) power of modulated signal

power of modulated signal  μ^2 / 2 ]

           = 10^2/2 ]

           = 50 watts

3) Bandwidth

B = 2fm  = 2 * 500 = 1000 Hz

Program to calculate series 10+9+8+...+n" in java with output



import java.util.Scanner;

class Main {

 public static int calcSeries(int n) {

   int sum = 0;

   for(int i=10; i>=n; i--) {

     sum += i;


   return sum;


 public static void main(String[] args) {

   Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

   int n = 0;

   do {

     System.out.print("Enter n: ");

     n = reader.nextInt();

     if (n >= 10) {

       System.out.println("Please enter a value lower than 10.");


   } while (n >= 10);


   System.out.printf("sum: %d\n", calcSeries(n));



what is the answer to the question asked in the picture attached below ​



option - b


i think this is the right answer..

____________________ are designed according to a set of constraints that shape the service architecture to emulate the properties of the World Wide Web, resulting in service implementations that rely on the use of core Web technologies (described in the Web Technology section).


Answer: Web services


Web service refers to a piece of software which uses a XML messaging system that's standardized and makes itself available over the internet.

Web services provides standardized web protocols which are vital for communication and exchange of data messaging throughout the internet.

They are are designed according to a set of constraints which help in shaping the service architecture in order to emulate the properties of the World Wide Web.


The correct approach is "REST Services".


It merely offers accessibility to commodities as well as authorization to REST customers but also alters capabilities or sources.

With this technique, all communications are generally assumed to be stateless. It, therefore, indicates that the REST resource actually may keep nothing between runs, which makes it useful for cloud computing.

how to Write a simple Java socket programming that a client sends a text and server receives and print.



Java Socket programming is used for communication between the applications running on different JRE.

Java Socket programming can be connection-oriented or connection-less.

Socket and ServerSocket classes are used for connection-oriented socket programming and DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket classes are used for connection-less socket programming.

The client in socket programming must know two information:

IP Address of Server, and

Port number.

Here, we are going to make one-way client and server communication. In this application, client sends a message to the server, server reads the message and prints it. Here, two classes are being used: Socket and ServerSocket. The Socket class is used to communicate client and server. Through this class, we can read and write message. The ServerSocket class is used at server-side. The accept() method of ServerSocket class blocks the console until the client is connected. After the successful connection of client, it returns the instance of Socket at server-side.


Creating Client:



public class MyServer {

public static void main(String[] args){


ServerSocket ss=new ServerSocket(6666);

Socket s=ss.accept();//establishes connection.

DataInputStream dis=new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream());

Which of the following are issues in data integration? (which would actually cause conflicts) Question 4 options: Two different databases may have different column names for the same actual information (e.g. customer ID vs customer-id). Databases on related subjects that you want to integrate may have different numbers of columns or rows. An attribute named 'weight' may be in different units in different databases. There may be discrepancies between entries in two different databases for the same actual real-life entity (e.g. for an employee).



The observed issues in data integration include the following from the listed options:

Two different databases may have different column names for the same actual information (e.g. customer ID vs customer-id).

There may be discrepancies between entries in two different databases for the same actual real-life entity (e.g. for an employee).


Data integration aims at consolidating data from disparate sources into a single dataset provide users with consistent access to data that will meet their various needs.  However, the process of data integration faces many challenges.  One of the challenges is disparate data formats and sources.  There is also the velocity or speed at which data are gathered.  For successful data integration, the different datasets need to be cleaned and updated with quality data.

what its the difference between Arduinos and Assembler?



The Arduino boards can be programmed in assembly. All you need is an ICSP Cable (In Circuit Serial Programmer) and the AVR toolchain (free from ATMEL) to write to the board. You then get the advantage of on board debugging.

As you suggested, you can just slap an ATMEL chip on a breadboard and go to town.

Explanation: cause i said so

provides an automated method for discovering host systems on a network. Although it doesn't necessarily discover all weaknesses, it does determine which systems are active on the network and what services they offer or what ports are available



Network scan


Cyber security can be defined as preventive practice of protecting computers, software programs, electronic devices, networks, servers and data from potential theft, attack, damage, or unauthorized access by using a body of technology, frameworks, processes and network engineers.

Some examples of cyber attacks are phishing, zero-day exploits, denial of service, man in the middle, cryptojacking, malware, SQL injection, spoofing etc.

Generally, a security assessment is carried out by network security experts on a regular basis to determine potential loopholes or vulnerabilities in the information and technology (IT) infrastructure. One of the techniques or approach used in security assessment is a network scan.

A network scan is a security assessment technique used for the automatic detection of host systems on a network. Although a network scan isn't capable of discovering or detecting all the weaknesses on a network, it avails users information about the computer systems that are active on the network and what services the computer systems offer or what ports are available on them.

Given a 2D board containing 'X' and 'O', capture all regions surrounded by 'X'.
A region is captured by flipping all 'O's into 'X's in that surrounded region .
For example,
After running your function, the board should be:
public class Solution {
// This algorithm cannot solve the large test set
public void solve(char[][] board) {
// Start typing your Java solution below
// DO NOT write main() function
int rows = board.length;
if(rows == 0) return;
int cols = board[0].length;
for(int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
// check first row's O
if(board[0][i] == 'O') {
// change it to other symbol
board[0][i] = '#';
dfs(board, 0, i);
// check the last row
if(board[rows - 1][i] == 'O') {
board[rows - 1][i] = '#';
dfs(board, rows - 1, i);
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
// check first col
if(board[i][0] == 'O') {
board[i][0] = '#';
dfs(board, i, 0);
// check last col
if(board[i][cols - 1] == 'O') {
board[i][cols - 1] = '#';
dfs(board, i, cols - 1);
// change O to X
changeTo(board, 'O', 'X');
// change # to O
changeTo(board, '#', 'O');
public void dfs(char[][] board, int row, int col) {
// check up
if(row > 0) {
if(board[row - 1][col] == 'O') {
board[row - 1][col] = '#';
dfs(board, row - 1, col);
// check left
if(col > 0) {
if(board[row][col - 1] == 'O') {
board[row][col - 1] = '#';
dfs(board, row, col - 1);
// check right
if(row < board.length - 1) {
if(board[row + 1][col] == 'O') {
board[row+1][col] = '#';
dfs(board, row+1, col);
// check down
if(col < board[0].length - 1) {
if(board[row][col+1] == 'O'){
board[row][col+1] = '#';
dfs(board, row, col+1);
public void changeTo(char[][] board, char from, char to) {
for(int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < board[0].length; j++) {
if(board[i][j] == from) {
board[i][j] = to;


I believe the answer is DN

True or false, an implicitly unwrapped optional variable must have an exclamation mark affixed after it every time it is used. 答案选项组





Implicit unwrapped optional variables are those which are at option and they might be nil. It is not necessary that all implicit unwrapped optional variables should have an exclamation mark. Swift may eliminate the need for unwrapping.

While configuring a wireless access point device, a technician is presented with several security mode options. Which of the following options will provide the most secure access?



Bro this is my area the answer is WPA2 and AES  


its because AES is a more secure encryption protocol introduced with WPA2. AES isn't some creaky standard developed specifically for Wi-Fi networks, either. It's a serious worldwide encryption standard that's even been adopted by the US government.

There are many possible variations in wireless network design depending on the surroundings.

What is wireless network?

Even in a complicated single site, different wireless networks running on the same hardware as part of the broader wireless LAN environment can have different network configuration fundamentals needed for a successful deployment.

At the same time, a number of essential network configuration activities are part of any successful wireless project's typical chores. Let's look at the broad and specific procedures that wireless experts should take while setting up enterprise-grade Wi-Fi networks.

Therefore, There are many possible variations in wireless network design depending on the surroundings.

To learn more about wifi, refer to the link:


Please use thread to complete the following program: one process opens a file data.txt, then creates a thread my_thread. The job of the thread my_thread is to count how many lines exist in the file data.txt, and return the number of lines to the calling process. The process then prints this number to the screen.
Basically, you need to implement main_process.c and thread_function.c.
Basic structure of main_process.c:
int main ()
Open the file data.txt and obtain the file handler fh;
Create a thread my_thread using pthread_create; pass fh to my_thread;
Wait until my_thread terminates, using pthread_join;
Print out how many lines exist in data.txt.}
Basic structure of thread_function.c:
void *count_lines(void *arg)
Obtain fh from arg;
Count how many lines num_lines exist in fh;
Close fh;
Return num_lines



Here is the code:-

//include the required header files



// method protocol definition

void *count_lines(void *arg);

int main()


    // Create a thread handler

    pthread_t my_thread;

    // Create a file handler

    FILE *fh;

    // declare the variable

    int *linecnt;

    // open the data file


// Create a thread using pthread_create; pass fh to my_thread;

    pthread_create(&my_thread, NULL, count_lines, (void*)fh);

    //Use pthread_join to terminate the thread my_thread

    pthread_join( my_thread, (void**)&linecnt );

    // print the number of lines

printf("\nNumber of lines in the given file: %d \n\n", linecnt);

    return (0);


// Method to count the number of lines

void *count_lines(void *arg)


    // variable declaration and initialization

    int linecnt=-1;

    char TTline[1600];

    //code to count the number of lines






    pthread_exit((void *)linecnt);

    // close the file handler





This means that the surface area is composed of the base area (i.e., the area of bottom square) plus the side area (i.e., the sum of the areas of all four triangles). You are given the following incomplete code to calculate and print out the total surface area of a square pyramid: linclude > h: base azea- calcBasekrea (a) : cout << "Base auxface area of the squaze pyzamid is" << base area << "square feet."< endi: // add your funetion call to calculate the side ares and assign // the zesult to side area, and then print the result //hdd your function call to print the total surface area return 0F float calcBaseArea (float a) return pou (a, 2) /I add your function definicion for calcSideärea here // add your function definition tor prntSurfârea here This code prompts for, and reads in the side length of the base (a) and height of a square pyramid (h) in feet, and then calculates the surface area. The function prototype (i.e. function declaration), function definition, and function call to calculate and print the base area has already been completed for you. In the above program, a and h are declared in the main function and are local to main. Since a is a local variable, notice how the length a must be passed to calcBaseArea to make this calculation. One of your tasks is to add a new function called calesidearea that computes and returns the side area of the square pyramid. Given that the formula uses both the length a and height h of the square pyramid, you must pass these two local variables to this function. You will assign the returned value of this function to side area and then print the value to the terminal. Refer to what was done for calcBaseArea when adding your code. Your other task is to add a new function called prntsprfArea that accepts the base area and side area values (i.e, these are the parameters) and prints out the total surface area of the square pyramid inside this function. Since this function does not return a value to the calling function, the return type of this function should be void Now, modify the above program, referring to the comments included in the code. Complete the requested changes, and then save the file as Lab7A. opp, making sure it compiles and works as expected. Note that you will submit this file to Canvas




#include <iostream>


using namespace std;

float calcBaseArea(float a);

float calcSideArea(float s,float l);

void prntSprfArea(float base_area,float side_area);

int main()


float h;

float a;

float base_area

float side_area;

cout<<"Enter the side length of the base of the square pyramid in feet : ";


cout<<"Enter the height of the square pyramid in feet : ";




cout<<"Base surface area of the square pyramid is "<<base_area<<" square feet. "<<endl;

cout<<"Side area of the square pyramid is "<<side_area<<" square feet."<<endl;


return 0;


float calcBaseArea(float a)


return pow(a,2);


float calcSideArea(float s,float l)


float area=(s*l)/2;

return 4*area;


void prntSprfArea(float base_area,float side_area)


cout<<"Total surface area of the pyramid is "<<base_area+side_area<<" square feet.";


A retail department store is approximately square, 35 meters (100 feet) on each side. Each wall has two entrances equally spaced apart. Located at each entrance is a point-of-sale cash register. Suggest a local area network solution that interconnects all eight cash registers. Draw a diagram showing the room, the location of all cash registers, the wiring, the switches, and the server. What type of wiring would you suggest?



The use of twisted pair cable ( category 5e/6 ) to connect the computers on each register and also the use of switches to connect each register to the server


The local area network ( LAN ) solution  that will be used to interconnect all the POS  registers is ; The use of twisted pair cable ( category 5e/6 ) to connect the computers on each register and also the use of switches to connect each register to the server .  

This is because category 5e/6 twisted pair cable has a data rate transfer of up to 10 Mbps and it is best used for LAN connections

while The function of the three switches is to connect each cash register to the the central server been used .

attached below is a schematic representation

Data-mining agents work with a _____, detecting trends and discovering new information and relationships among data items that were not readily apparent.


Answer: data warehouse


Data-mining agents work with a Data warehouse which helps in detecting trends and discovering new information.

A data warehouse refers to the large collection of business data that is used by organizations to make decisions. It has to do with the collection and the management of data from different sources which are used in providing meaningful business insights.

my mom hid my laptop and now I can't find it​


Answer: did you look everywhere ask for it and be like mom i wont do (whatever you did) ever again so please give me a chance can i plsss!!!!!! have it back?


simple as that step by step

A small company with 100 computers has hired you to install a local area network. All of the users perform functions like email, browsing and Office software. In addition, 25 of them also do a large number of client/server requests into a database system. Which local area network operating system would you recommend?



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Windows 7 for 100 users and Windows 8.1 for 25 users are the best options since they both enable networking and active directory, and Windows 8.1 also offers Windows server capabilities.

Winxp would therefore work for $100, but it is unsupported and has no updates.

If you wish to go with open source, you can choose Ubuntu 16 or 18 or Linux.

Write a program in Cto define a structure Patient that has the following members




The answer should be 1.16 or 61.1

When computer users have trouble with their machines or software, Roland is the first person they call for help. Roland helps users with their problems, or refers them to a more-experienced IT employee. Roland holds the position of __________ in the organization. Support Analyst Systems Analyst Network Administrator Database Administator



The correct answer is A) Support Analyst


From the question, we can see that Roland is familiar with both machines and software. He is familiar with the operations of both parts of a computer to the end that he can attempt a fix. And if he can't he knows who to refer the end-users to. Usually, some IT personnel that is more experienced.

From the above points, we can safely say that Roland is an IT Support Analyst. He cannot be the Systems analyst because Systems Analysts are usually at the top of the Pyramid. They take on problems that are referred upwards to them from support analysts.


Show the result of inserting 10, 12, 1, 14, 6, 5, 8, 15, 3, 9, 7, 4, 11, 13, and 2, one at a time, into an initially empty binary heap. b. Show the result of using the linear-time algorithm to build a binary heap using the same input.
Show the result of performing three deleteMin operations in the heap of the previous exercise.





10 10 10 1 1

/ / \ --> / \ / \

12 12 1 12 10 12 10



1 1 1 1

/ \ / \ / \ / \

12 10 --> 6 10 6 10 --> 6 5

/ \ / \ / \ / / \ /

14 6 14 12 14 12 5 14 12 10

1 1 1 1

/ \ / \ / \ / \

6 5 6 5 6 5 --> 3 5

/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \

14 12 10 8 14 12 10 8 14 12 10 8 6 12 10 8

/ / \ / \

15 15 3 15 14

After inserting all 1

/ \

3 2

/ \ / \

6 7 5 4

/ \ / \ / \ / \

15 14 12 9 10 11 13 8


First level build : 10

/ \

12 1

/ \ / \

14 6 5 8

/ \ / \ / \ / \

15 3 9 7 4 11 13 2

Heap bottom level: 10

/ \

12 1

/ \ / \

3 6 4 2

/ \ / \ / \ / \

15 14 9 7 5 11 13 8

Heap next level up: 10

/ \

3 1

/ \ / \

12 6 4 2

/ \ / \ / \ / \

15 14 9 7 5 11 13 8

Final heap: 1

/ \

3 2

/ \ / \

12 6 4 8

/ \ / \ / \ / \

15 14 9 7 5 11 13 10


Duing the first time,

First, assume the last element, the 8, is at the root and bubble down.

Then, assume the last element, the 13, is at the root and bubble down.

Then, assume the last element, the 11, is at the root and bubble down.

Final heap:


/ \

6 5

/ \ / \

13 7 10 8

/ \ / \ /

15 14 12 9 11

In the next iteration,

First, assume the last element, the 10, is at the root and bubble down.

Then, assume the last element, the 13, is at the root and bubble down.

Then, asssume the last element, the 11, is at the root and bubble down.

So, after performing all operations, the heap looks like below:


/ \

6 5

/ \ / \

12 7 10 8

/ \ / \ /

15 14 9 13 11

A computer with a five-stage pipeline deals with conditional branches by stalling for the next three cycles after hitting one. How much does stalling hurt the performance if 20% of all instructions are conditional branches



The stalling hurt the performance by 60%.


This can be calculated as follows:

Value of CPI ideally taken by pipeline = 1

From the question, we are given:

Stall frequency = 20%,

Number of frequency = 3

Therefore, we have:

Cycles per instruction (CPI) of the architecture = Value of CPI ideally taken by pipeline + (Stall frequency * Number of frequency) = 1 + (20% * 3) = 1.60

Amount by which the stalling hurt the performance = Cycles per instruction (CPI) of the architecture Value of CPI ideally taken by pipeline = 1 - 0.60 = 0.60, or 60%

Therefore, the stalling hurt the performance by 60%.

Resize vector countDown to have newSize elements. Populate the vector with integers {newSize, newSize - 1, ..., 1}. Ex: If newSize = 3, then countDown = {3, 2, 1}, and the sample program outputs:
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector countDown(0);
int newSize = 0;
int i = 0;
newSize = 3;
for (i = 0; i < newSize; ++i) {
cout << << " ";
cout << "Go!" << endl;
return 0;



Following are the code to the given question:

#include <iostream>//defining header file

#include <vector>//defining header file

#include <numeric>//defining header file

using namespace std;

int main()//main method


vector<int> countDown(0);//defing an integer array variable countDown

int newSize = 0;//defing an integer variable newSize that holds a value 0

int i = 0;//defing an integer variable i that initialize with 0

newSize = 3;// //use newSize to hold a value

countDown.resize(newSize,0);// calling the resize method that accepts two parameters

for (i = 0; i < newSize; ++i)//defining a loop that reverse the integer value


countDown[i] = newSize -i;//reverse the value and store it into countDown array

cout << << " ";//print reverse array value


cout << "Go!" << endl;//print message

return 0;



3 2 1 Go!


In the given code inside the main method an integer array "countDown" and two integer variables "newSize and i" is declared that initializes a value that is 0.

In the next step, an array is used that calls the resize method that accepts two parameters, and define a for a loop.

In this loop, the array is used to reverse the value and print its value with the message.

Can you suggest a LinkedIn Helper (automation tool) alternative?



Have you tried LinkedCamp alternative to LinkedIn Helper?

Well, LinkedCamp is a super-efficient cloud-based LinkedIn Automation Tool that empowers businesses and sales industries to drive more LinkedIn connections, hundreds of leads, sales, and conversions automatically.

Some other LinkedIn automation tools are:

Meet Alfred Phantombuster WeConnect ZoptoExpandi

Hope you find it useful.

Good luck!

Given below are some facts and predicates for some knowledge base (KB). State if the unification for either variable x or y is possible or not. If the unification is possible then show the unified values for variables x and y.

a. American (Bob), American (y)
b. Enemy (Nono, America), Enemy(x,y)
c. Weapon (Missile), soldTo (Missile, y), Weapon (x), soldTo (x, Nono)
d. L(x, y), (L(y, x) ^ L(A, B))



Unification may be a process by which two logical individual atomic expressions, identical by replacing with a correct substitution. within the unification process, two literals are taken as input and made identical using the substitution process. There are some rules of substitution that has got to be kept in mind:

The predicate symbol must be an equivalent for substitution to require place.

The number of arguments that are present in both expressions must be equivalent.

Two similar variables can't be present within the same expression


a. American (Bob), American (y):-

In this scenario, Unification is feasible consistent with the principle. The substitution list is going to be [y/Bob].

b. Enemy (Nono, America), Enemy(x,y):-

In this scenario, the Unification is feasible consistent with the principles. The substitution list is going to be [x/Nono, y/America].

c. Weapon (Missile), soldTo (Missile, y), Weapon (x), soldTo (x, Nono):-

In this scenario, the Unification isn't possible because the predicate is different i.e. Weapon and soldTo.

d. L(x, y), (L(y, x) ^ L(A, B)):-

In this scenario, Unification isn't possible because the number of arguments is different within the given expression

the id selector uses the id attribute of an html element to select a specific element give Example ?​



The id selector selects a particular html element


The id selector is uses the id attribute to select a specific html element. For example, if we have a particular header which is an html element and we want to give it a particular background color, we use the id selector and give it an id attribute in the CSS file. An example of an html header with id = 'blue' is shown below. The style sheet is an internal style sheet.

!doctype html





#blue { background-color: blue;





<h1 id = 'blue'>Our holiday</h1>

<p>This is the weekend</p>



The purpose of the five-entity minimum, six-entity maximum is to establish a relatively small baseline for you to keep the scope of your database project constrained.

a. True
b. False


It would have to be false ^

Which statement is NOT a source of threats?

Poor management decisions, accidents and natural disasters.

Data recovery 

financial mistakes

loss of customers​





because data is phone business

The answer is B because it is recovering data so it’s not a threat financial mistakes is a problem and the other one to so the answer is B.

Hope this helps :)))))

3. Most widely used structure for recording database modifications is called
A. Scheduling
B. Buffering
C. Log
D. Blocking​



C. log


The log is a sequence of log records, recording all the update activities in the database

hope this helps


C. Log is the



a sequence of log records recording all update activity in database

In this technique, each attribute is associated with a specific feature of a face, and the attribute value is used to determinethe way a facial feature is expressed. This technique is called._______________



Chernoff faces.


Chernoff faces is a data visualization technique that was developed by a statistician named Herman Chernoff. He introduced this data visualization technique to the world in 1973 to represent multivariate or multidimensional data containing at least eighteen (18) variables.

In Chernoff faces, each attribute is associated with a specific feature of a face (nose, eyes, ears, hair, mouth, and eyebrows), and the attribute value with respect to size, shape, orientation, colour and placement is used to determine the way a facial feature is expressed.

The Chernoff face is a technique designed and developed to help detect similarities between different items and discern subtle changes in facial expressions from the perspective of an observer.

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